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Research Article

Normal Bipolar Soft Subgroups



In this study, we introduce the concept of normal bipolar soft subgroup and investigate some properties of normal bipolar soft subgroups. We also define notions of bipolar soft left and right cosets of a bipolar soft group and the concept of conjugate bipolar soft subgroup, and obtain some of their properties.

1. Introduction

The concept of soft sets was defined by Molodtsov [Citation1] in 1999 as an important mathematical tool for dealing with problems involving uncertainty which researchers encounter in several areas such as operation research, game theory, analysis and many more. Set theoretical operations between soft sets were introduced by Maji et al. [Citation2]. Ali et al. [Citation3] defined some new operations on the soft sets, and Sezgin and Atagün [Citation4] studied on soft set operations as well. The concept of soft group, which is the first algebraic structure of soft sets, was defined by Aktaş and Çağman [Citation5] in 2007. The theory of soft sets has also some applications in algebra as in following studies: [Citation6–18].

The concept of bipolar soft sets and operations of bipolar soft sets were introduced by Shabir and Naz [Citation19]. Abdullah et al. [Citation20] defined notion of bipolar fuzzy soft sets by combining soft sets and bipolar fuzzy sets defined by Zhang [Citation21, Citation22], and presented set-theoretical operations of bipolar fuzzy soft sets. Naz and Shabir [Citation23] proposed the concept of fuzzy bipolar soft sets, and investigated algebraic structures on fuzzy bipolar soft sets. Karaaslan and Karataş [Citation24] redefined notions of bipolar soft sets to construct topological and algebraical structures of bipolar soft sets. Hayat and Mahmood [Citation25] introduced BS-h-sum and BS-h-product of BS-sets, and discussed bipolar soft intersectional h-ideals in the union of two isomorphic hemi-rings. Akram et al. [Citation26] defined the concept of bipolar fuzzy soft Γ-subsemigroup and bipolar fuzzy soft Γ-ideals in a Γ-semigroup. The concept of bipolar soft group was defined by Karaaslan et al. [Citation27] and some properties of bipolar soft groups were obtained.

In this study, we obtain some results related to bipolar soft groups, and define some new concepts on bipolar soft groups such as normal bipolar soft subgroup, conjugate bipolar soft subgroups based on the definition of bipolar soft group given in [Citation27]. We also define concepts of bipolar soft left(right) coset of bipolar soft groups. To be more understandable, we support these new concepts by relevant examples. Furthermore, we investigate some properties of normal bipolar soft subgroups and obtain some results.

2. Preliminaries

In this section, we recall some basic definitions related to bipolar soft sets (BS-sets) and bipolar soft groups (BS-groups) given in [Citation27].

Definition 2.1


Let E be a parameter set, SE and f:SE be an injective function. Then, Sf(S) is called extended parameter set of S and denoted by ES.

If S = E, then extended parameter set of S will be denoted by E.

Definition 2.2


Let E be a parameter set, SE and Sf(S)=ES such that f:SES be an injective function. If F:SP(U) and G:f(S)P(U) are two mappings such that F(e)G(f(e))=, then triple (F,G,E) is called bipolar soft set. We can represent a bipolar soft set (F,G,E) defined by a mapping as follows: fS:EP(U)×P(U) such that F(e)= and G(f(e))=U if eES and eEES.

Also we can write a bipolar soft set fS as a set of triples following form: fS=(F,G,E)={(e,F(e),G(f(e))t):eEandF(e)G(f(e))=}.

If F(e)= and G(f(e))=U for any eE, then (e,,U) will not be appeared in the bipolar soft set fS.

From now onward, we will denote the sets F(e) and G(f(e)) with fS+(e) and fS(e), respectively, and these sets will be called positive and negative soft sets of bipolar soft set fS, respectively. Set of all bipolar soft sets over U will be denoted by BS(U).

Note 2.1

Let fS=(fS+,fS,E) be a bipolar soft set over U. We will say that fS(e)=(fS+(e),fS(e)) is image of parameter eE.

Set theoretical operations of bipolar soft sets can be found in [Citation24] given as follow: Let fS and fTBS(U). Then,

  1. If fS+(e)= and fS(e)=U for all eE, fS is said to be a null bipolar soft set, denoted by Φb=(Φ,U^,E).

  2. If fS+(e)=U and fS(e)=Φ for all eE, fS is said to be absolute bipolar soft set, denoted by U^b=(U^,Φ,E).

  3. fS is bipolar soft subset of fT, denoted by fSfT, if fS+(e)fT+(e) and fS(e)fT(e) for all eE.

  4. fS=fT, if fSfT and fTfS.

  5. Bipolar soft union of fS and fT, denoted by fSfT, is a soft set over U and defined by (fS+~fT+):STP(U) such that (fS+~fT+)(e)=fS+(e)fT+(e) and (fS~fT):STP(U) such that (fS~fT)(e)=fS(e)fT(e) for all eE.

  6. Bipolar soft intersection of fS and fT, denoted by fSfT, is a soft set over U and defined by (fS+~fT+):STP(U) such that (fS+~fT+)(e)=fS+(e)fT+(e) and (fS~fT):STP(U) such that (fS~fT)(e)=fS(e)fT(e) for all eE.

  7. Bipolar soft complement of fS is denoted by fSc~ and defined by fSc^:EP(U)×P(U) such that fSc^(e)={(e,fS(e),fS+(e)):eE}.

Bipolar soft group structure over a group G is defined in [Citation27] as follows:

Definition 2.3


Let G be a group, f:GG be injective function. Then, fG=(fG+,fG,G)BS(U) is called a bipolar soft groupoid (BS-groupoid) over U if fG(ab)fG(a)fG(b) for all a,bG.

Here, fG(ab)fG(a)fG(b) means that fG+(ab)fG+(a)fG+(b) and fG(ab)fG(a)fG(b). Also G means that extended parameter set of group G.

Definition 2.4


Let fG be a BS-groupoid over U. If fG(a1)=fG(a) for all aG, then fG is called BS-group and denoted by fG.

From now on, set of all bipolar soft groups in G over U will be denoted by BSG(U).

Definition 2.5


Let G be a group and fG, gG be two BS-sets over U. Then, product of fG and gG is defined as follows: (fGgG)(a)={fG(b)gG(c):b,cGandbc=a} and inverse of fG is fG1(a)=fG(a1) for all aG.

Definition 2.6


Let fA be a BS-set over U. Then, (α,β)-level of BS-set fA, denoted by fA(α,β), is defined as follows: fA(α,β)={aA:fA+(a)αandfA(a)β}. Here, αβ=.

Note that if α= or β=U, then fA(,U)={aA:fA+(a)andfA(a)U} is called support of fA, and denoted by Supp(fA).

Now, we define the concept of bipolar soft point as a new concept in bipolar soft set theory.

Definition 2.7

Let fS be a BS-set over U. If for any eS, fS+(e) and fS(e)U such that fS+(e)fS(e)=, and fS+(e)= and fS(e)=U for all eS{e}, then BS-set fS is called bipolar soft point (BS-point).

Example 2.8

Let E={e1,e2,e3} and U={u1,u2,u3}. Then, BS-sets e1A={(e1,{u1},{u3})}, e2B={(e2,{u2},{u1})}, e2C={(e1,{u2},{u3})} and e3D={(e1,{u1},{u3})} are some BS-points.

Note that a BS-point is BS-set. For convenience, a BS-point {(e,fS+(e),fS(e))} will be denoted by (e,fS+(e),fS(e)). In particular, BS-point (e,U,) will be denoted by (Ue,e).

Definition 2.9

Let fSBS(U) and eG=(e,gS+(e),gS(e)) be a BS-point. If gS+(e)fS+(e) and gS(e)fS(e), then it is said that eG is belong to BS-set fS, and denoted by eG^fS.

Let us consider BS-set fS={(e1,{u1,u2},{u3}),(e2,{u2},{u1,u3}),(e3,{u1},{u3})}. Then, e1A1=(e1,{u2},{u3})^fS, e1A2=(e1,{u1},{u3})^fS, e1A1=(e1,{u3},{u1})^fS.

3. Normal Bipolar Soft Subgroups

Definition 3.1

Let fG be a BS-set over U. If fG+(ab)=fG+(ba) and fG(ab)=fG(ba) for all a,bG, then fG is called an Abelian BS-set over U.

Theorem 3.2

Let fG be a BS-set over U. Then, the following assertions are equivalent:


fG is an Abelian BS-set over U.


fG+(aba1)=fG+(b) and fG(aba1)=fG(b) for all a,bG.


fG+(aba1)fG+(b) and fG(aba1)fG(b) for all a,bG.


fG+(aba1)fG+(b) and fG(aba1)fG(b) for all a,bG.


fSfT=fTfS for all fS,fTBSG(U).


(1)(2): Let a,bG. Since fG is an Abelian BS-set over U, fG+(aba1)=fG+(a1ab)=fG+(b) and fG(aba1)=fG(a1ab)=fG(b).

(2)(3): The proof is clear.

(3)(4): fG+(aba1)fG+(a1aba1(a1)1)=fG+(b) and  fG(aba1)fG(a1aba1(a1)1)=fG(b) for all a,bG.

(4)(1): Let a,bG. Then, fG+(ab)=fG+(abaa1)=fG+(abaa1)fG+(ba)=fG+(babb1)=fG+(babb1)fG+(ab) and fG(ab)=fG(abaa1)=fG(abaa1)fG(ba)=fG(babb1)=fG(babb1)fG(ab). Therefore, fG+(ab)=fG+(ba) and fG(ab)=fG(ba).

(1)(5): Let aG. Then, (fS+fT+)(a)=bG{fS+(ab1)fS+(b)}=bG{fS+(b1a)fT+(b)}=bG{fT+(b)fS+(b1a)}=(fT+fS+)(a) and (fSfT)(a)=bG{fS(ab1)fS(b)}=bG{fS(b1a)fS(b)}=bG{fT(b)fS(b1a)}=(fTfS)(a). Thus, we have that fSfT=fTfS.

(5)(1): Now (U,)a1fG=fG(U,)a1 for all aG. Here, (U,)a1fG(b) means that (Ua1fG+)(b) and (a1fG)(b) for all a,bG. Then, (Ua1fG+)(b)={fG+(a1)fG+(ab)}=(UfG+(ab))=fG+(ab),(a1fG)(b)={fG(a1)fG(ab)}=(fG(ab))=fG(ab), and (fG+Ua1)(b)={fG+(ba)fG+(a1)}=(fG+(ba)U)=fG+(ba),(fGa1)(b)={fG(ba)fG(a1)}=(fG(ba))=fG(ba). Since (U,)a1fG=fG(U,)a1 for all aG. Hence, fG(ab)=fG(ba) for all b,aG.

Theorem 3.3

Let fGBS(U). Then, fG is a BS-group if and only if fG satisfies the following conditions:




fG1fG (or fGfG1 or fG1=fG ).


(1) For all gG, from Definition 2.5, we know that (fG+fG+)(g)={fG+(g1)fG+(g2):g1g2=g,g1,g2G},(fGfG)(g)={fG(g1)fG(g2):g1g2=g,g1,g2G}. Since fG+(g1)fG+(g2)fG+(g1g2)=fG+(g) and fG(g1)fG+(g2)fG(g1g2)=fG(g), (fG+fG+)(g)={fG+(g1)fG+(g2):g1g2=g,g1,g2G}fG+(g) and (fGfG)(g)={fG(g1)fG(g2):g1g2=g,g1,g2G}fG(g). Thus, (fGfG)fG.

(2) For all gG, we have (fG+)1(g)=fG+(g1),(fG)1(g)=fG(g1). Since fG is a BS-group, (fG+)1(g)fG+(g) and (fG)1(g)fG+(g). So fG1fG (or fGfG1 or fG1=fG).

Theorem 3.4

Let HG and fH be a BS-group. Then, fH is Abelian BS-group in G if and only if fH([g1,g2])=fH(e) for all g1,g2G, where [g1,g2]=g11g21g1g2 is commutator of g1 and g2.


Let fH+([g1,g2])=fH+(e) and fH([g1,g2])=fH(e) for all g1,g2G. Then, fH+(g1g2)=fH+((g2g1)(g2g1)1(g1g2))fH+(g2g1)fH+(g11g21g1g2)=fH+(g2g1)fH+(e)=fH+(g2g1),fH(g1g2)=fH((g2g1)(g2g1)1(g1g2))fH(g2g1)fH(g11g21g1g2)=fH(g2g1)fH(e)=fH(g2g1), and fH+(g2g1)=fH+((g1g2)(g1g2)1(g2g1))fH+(g1g2)fH+(g21g11g2g1)=fH+(g1g2)fH(e)=fH+(g1g2),fH(g2g1)=fH((g1g2)(g1g2)1(g2g1))fH(g1g2)fH(g21g11g2g1)=fH(g1g2)fH(e)=fH(g1g2). Since fH+(g1g2)=fH+(g2g1) and fH(g1g2)=fH(g2g1), fH(g1g2)=fH(g2g1).

Conversely, assume that fH, is an abelian BS-group in G. Then, for all g1,g2G, using Theorem 3.9 in [Citation27], we have fH(g11g21(g11)1)fH(g21)fH(g11g21g1)fH(g21)fH(g11g21g1g2g21)fH(g21)fH((g11g21g1g2)g21)fH(g21)fH([g1,g2]g21)fH(g21)fH([g1,g2])fH(e). Hence, the proof is followed.

Theorem 3.5

Let HG. Then, a BS-group fH is Abelian BS-set in G if and only if fH([g1,g2])fH(g1),forallg1,g2G.


Suppose that a BS-group fH is Abelian BS-set in G. Let g1,g2G. Then, fH+([g1,g2])=fH+(g11g21g1g2)fH+(g11)fH+(g21g1g2)=fH+(g1)fH+(g1)=fH+(g1) and fH([g1,g2])=fH(g11g21g1g2)fH(g11)fH(g21g1g2)=fH(g1)fH(g1)=fH(g1). Thus, we have fH([g1,g2])fH(g1).

Conversely, assume that fH([g1,g2])fH(g1), for all g1,g2G. Then, fH+(g11g2g1)=fH+(g2g21g11g2g1)fH+(g2)fH+([g2,g1])=fH+(g2),fH(g11g2g1)=fH(g2g21g11g2g1)fH(g2)fH([g2,g1])=fH(g2), by assumption and Theorem 3.2, fH is Abelian BS-set in G.

Definition 3.6

Let fG be a BS-group over U and fK be a BS-subgroup over U. If fK is Abelian bipolar soft subset of fG, then fK is called a normal bipolar soft subgroup (NBS-subgroup), and denoted by fK^fG.

From now on set of all NBS-subgroups in G over U will be denoted by NBSG(U).

Example 3.7

Assume that U={u1,u2,u3,u4,u5,u6,u7,u8,u9,u10} is a universal set and G={±1,±i,±j,±k}, quaternion group and K={j,1,j,1}, subgroup of G, be the subset of parameter set G. We define the BS-group fG by fG+(1)=U,fG+(1)=U,fG+(i)={u1,u2,u3,u4,u8},fG+(i)={u1,u2,u3,u4,u8},fG+(j)={u4,u5,u6,u7,u8},fG+(j)={u4,u5,u6,u7,u8},fG+(k)={u4,u8,u9,u10},fG+(k)={u4,u8,u9,u10},andfG(1)=,fG(1)=,fG(i)={u5,u6,u7,u9},fG(i)={u5,u6,u7,u9},fG(j)={u1,u2,u3,u9},fG(j)={u1,u2,u3,u9},fG(k)={u1,u2,u3,u5,u6,u7},fG(k)={u1,u2,u3,u5,u6,u7}, and we define a BS-set fK by fK+(1)=U,fK+(1)=U,fK+(j)={u4,u5,u6},fK+(j)={u4,u5,u6},fK(1)=,fK(1)=,fK(j)={u1,u2,u9},fK(j)={u1,u2,u9}. It is clear that fK is a NBS-subgroup of BS-group fG over U.

Corollary 3.8

If G is an Abelian group, then any BS-group over G is normal.

Corollary 3.9

If fG is BS-group and NG, then fG|N is an NBS-subgroup.

Definition 3.10

Let fG be a BS-group over U. Then, for all kG, the set N(fG)={gG:fG+(gk)=fG+(kg)andfG(gk)=fG(kg)} is called normaliser of fG in G.

Example 3.11

Let us consider BS-group fG given in Example 3.7. Then, N(fG)={1,1}.

Theorem 3.12

N(fG) is a subgroup of G and the restriction of fG to N(fG), fG|N(fG), is an NBS-subgroup of N(fG).


We know that eN(fG). Let g1,g2N(fG). For any gG, we see that fG+(g1g21g)=fG+(g1g21g)=fG+(g21gg1)=fG+(g11g1g2)=fG+(g2g11g1)=fG+(gg1g21) and fG(g1g21g)=fG(g1g21g)=fG(g21gg1)=fG(g11g1g2)=fG(g2g11g1)=fG(gg1g21). Hence, g1g21N(fG). Thus, N(fG) is a subgroup of G. By Corollary  3.9, it is clear that fG|N(fG) is NBS-subgroup and fG|N(fG)(g1g2)=fG|N(fG)(g2g1), g1,g2N(fG). Therefore, fG|N(fG) is a NBS-subgroup.

Theorem 3.13

Let NiG and {fNi:iI} be a family of NBS-subgroups in G. Then, iIfGi is a NBS-subgroup.


The proof is obvious from Definitions of intersection of BS-sets and NBS-subgroup.

Lemma 3.14

Let S,TG, fSNBSG(U) and fT be any BS-set over G. Then, fSfT=fSfT.


For all gG, we know that (fS+fT+)(g)={fS+(g1)fT+(g2):g1g2=g,g1,g2G},(fSfT)(g)={fS(g1)fT(g2):g1g2=g,g1,g2G}. Since fS be a normal bipolar soft subgroup and g1g2=g implies g1=gg21, then (fS+fT+)(g)={fS+(gg21)fT+(g2):(gg21g2)=g}={fT+(g2)fS+(g21g):g2(g21g)=g}=(fT+fS+)(g),(fSfT)(g)={fS(gg21)fT(g2):(gg21g2)=g}={fT(g2)fS(g21g):g2(g21g)=g}=(fTfS)(g). Thus, fSfT=fSfT.

Theorem 3.15

Let fSNBSG(U) and fTBSG(U). Then, fSfT is a BS-group.


Let show that conditions in the Theorem 3.3 is satisfied. Firstly, (fS+fT+)(fS+fT+)=fS+(fT+fS+)fT+=fS+(fS+fT+)fT+=(fS+fS+)(fT+fT+)(fS+fT+),(byTheorem3.3) and (fSfT)(fSfT)=fS(fTfS)fT=fS(fSfT)fT+=(fSfS)(fTfT)(fSfT).(byTheorem3.3). Thus, (fSfT)(fSfT)(fSfT).

Now, we will show that (fSfT)(g1)(fSfT)(g) (or (fSfT)(g1)(fSfT)(g) or (fSfT)(g1)=(fSfT)(g)) for all gG. (fS+fT+)(g1)={fS+(g1)fT+(g2):g1g2=g1,g1,g2G}={fS+((g11)1)fT+((g21)1):g21g11=g,g1,g2G}={fT+(g21)fS+(g11):g21g11=g,g1,g2G}(fT+fS+)(g)=(fS+fT+)(g),(byLemma3.14) and (fSfT)(g1)={fS(g1)fT(g2):g1g2=g1,g1,g2G}={fS((g11)1)fT((g21)1):g21g11=g,g1,g2G}={fT(g21)fS(g11):g21g11=g,g1,g2G}(fTfS)(g)=(fSfT)(g).(byLemma3.14). Thus, (fSfT)(g1)(fSfT)(g). By Theorem 3.3, fSfT is a BS-group.

Corollary 3.16

If fS,fTNBSG(U), then (fSfT)NBSG(U).

Lemma 3.17

Let G be a group with unit element e and fG BS-set over U. Then, fG is BS-group if and only if fG(α,β) is a subgroup of G (α,β)Im(fG){(α,β)P(U)×P(U):αfG+(e)andβfG(e)}.


Let fGBSG(U) and γ=(α,β)Im(fG). Since fG+(e)fG+(g1) and fG(e)fG(g1) for all g1G,efG(α,β). Therefore, fG(α,β). For g1,g2fG(α,β), fG+(g1)α, fG(g1)β, fG+(g2)α and fG(g2)β. Since fG is a BS-group, fG+(g1g21)fG+(g1)fG+(g2)αα=α and fG(g1g21)fG(g1)fG(g2)ββ=β. Hence, g1g21fG(α,β). Similarly, if αfG+(e) and βfG(e), then it can be shown that fG(α,β) is an subgroup of G.

Conversely, let fG(α,β) be an subgroup of G for all (α,β)Im(fG){(α,β)P(U)×P(U):αfG+(g1)andβfG(g1). Then, for all (α,β)Im(fG), we must have efG(α,β) and so fG+(e)α and fG(e)β. Suppose that g1,g2G and fG+(g1)=α, fG(g1)=β, fG+(g2)=α and fG(g2)=β. Let (α,β)=(αα,ββ). Then, g1,g2fG(α,β) and αGfG+(e), βfG(e). By hypothesis, fG(α,β) is subgroup of G and so g1g21fG(α,β). Thus, fG+(g1g21)α=(αα)=fG+(g1)fG+(g2) and fG(g1g21)β=(ββ)=fG(g1)fG(g2). Hence, fG is BS-group over G.

Theorem 3.18

Let G be a group with unit element e and let fG be a BS-set over U. Then, fG is an NBS-subgroup if and only if fG(α,β) is a normal subgroup of G (α,β)Im(fG){(α,β)P(U)×P(U):αfG+(e)andβfG(e)}.


:⇒ Let fG be an NBS-subgroup and let (α,β)Im(fG){(α,β)P(U)×P(U):αfG+(e)andβfG(e)}. Since fG is BS-group, fG(α,β) is a subgroup of G. If gG and kfG(α,β), from condition (2) of Theorem 3.2 fG+(gkg1)=fG+(k)α and fG(gkg1)=fG(k)β. Thus, fG(α,β) is a normal subgroup of G.

: Suppose that fG(α,β) is a normal subgroup of G (α,β)Im(fG){(α,β)P(U)×P(U):αfG+(e)andβfG(e)}. It follows from Lemma 3.17 that fG is a BS-group. Let g1,g2G and α=fG+(g2) and β=fG(g2). Then, g1fG(α,β) and so g1g2g11fG(α,β). Thus, fG+(g1g2g11)α=fG+(g2) and fG(g1g2g11)β=fG(g2). Then, fG satisfies condition (3) of Theorem 3.2. Therefore, fG is a normal BS-group.

Definition 3.19


Let fG BS-set over U. Then, eset of fG, denoted by efG, is defined as efG={gG:fG+(g)=fG+(e)andfG(g)=fG(e)}.

Theorem 3.20

Let fG be a BS-group. Then, eset of fG and Supp(fG) are normal subgroup of G.


The proof is obvious from Lemma 3.17 and Theorem 3.2.

Definition 3.21

Let fG,hGBSG(U). If there exists gG such that fG(a)=hG(gag1) for all aG, then fG and hG are called conjugate bipolar soft subgroup (w.r.t g) and we write, fG=hGg, where hGg(a)=fG(gag1) for all aG.

Example 3.22

Let G=S3 and U=Z. We define bipolar soft group fG by fG+((1))=ZfG+((12))={3,7,8,15}fG+((13))={3,7,8,15}fG+((23))={3,7,8,15}fG+((123))={3,7,8,15,20}fG+((132))={3,7,8,15,20}andfG((1))=fG((12))={0,2,5,11,16,19,21}fG((13))={0,2,5,11,16,19,21}fG((23))={0,2,5,11,16,19,21}fG((123))={0,2,5,11,19}fG((132))={0,2,5,11,19}. The conjugate bipolar soft subgroup is given by hG+(1)((1))=fG+((1))=ZhG+(1)((12))=fG+((12))={3,7,8,15}hG+(1)((13))=fG+((13))={3,7,8,15}hG+(1)((23))=fG+((23))={3,7,8,15}hG+(1)((123))=fG+((123))={3,7,8,15,20}hG+(1)((132))=fG+((132))={3,7,8,15,20}andhG(1)((1))=fG((1))=hG(1)((12))=fG((12))={0,2,5,11,16,19,21}hG(1)((13))=fG((13))={0,2,5,11,16,19,21}hG(1)((23))=fG((23))={0,2,5,11,16,19,21}hG(1)((123))=fG((123))={0,2,5,11,19}hG(1)((132))=fG((132))={0,2,5,11,19}hG+(12)((1))=fG+((1))=ZhG+(12)((12))=fG+((12))={3,7,8,15}hG+(12)((13))=fG+((23))={3,7,8,15}hG+(12)((23))=fG+((13))={3,7,8,15}hG+(12)((123))=fG+((132))={3,7,8,15,20}hG+(12)((132))=fG+((123))={3,7,8,15,20}andhG(12)((1))=fG((1))=hG(12)((12)=fG((12))={0,2,5,11,16,19,21}hG(12)((13))=fG((23))={0,2,5,11,16,19,21}hG(12)((23)=fG((13))={0,2,5,11,16,19,21}hG(12)((123))=fG((132))={0,2,5,11,19}hG(12)((132))=fG((123))={0,2,5,11,19}hG+(23)((1))=fG+((1))=ZhG+(23)((12))=fG+((13))={3,7,8,15}hG+(23)((13))=fG+((12))={3,7,8,15}hG+(23)((23))=yfG+((23))={3,7,8,15}hG+(23)((123))=fG+((132))={3,7,8,15,20}hG+(23)((132))=fG+((123))={3,7,8,15,20}andhG(23)((1))=fG((1))=hG(23)((12)=fG((13))={0,2,5,11,16,19,21}hG(23)((13))=fG((12))={0,2,5,11,16,19,21}hG(23)((23)=fG((23))={0,2,5,11,16,19,21}hG(23)((123))=fG((132))={0,2,5,11,19}hG(23)((132))=fG((123))={0,2,5,11,19}hG+(13)((1))=fG+((1))=ZhG+(13)((12))=fG+((23))={3,7,8,15}hG+(13)((13))=fG+((13))={3,7,8,15}hG+(13)((23))=fG+((12))={3,7,8,15}hG+(13)((123))=fG+((132))={3,7,8,15,20}hG+(13)((132))=fG+((123))={3,7,8,15,20}andhG(13)((1))=fG((1))=hG(13)((12)=fG((23))={0,2,5,11,16,19,21}hG(13)((13))=fG((13))={0,2,5,11,16,19,21}hG(13)((23)=fG((12))={0,2,5,11,16,19,21}hG(13)((123))=fG((132))={0,2,5,11,19}hG(13)((132))=fG((123))={0,2,5,11,19}hG+(123)((1))=fG+((1))=ZhG+(123)((12))=fG+((23))={3,7,8,15}hG+(123)((13))=fG+((12))={3,7,8,15}hG+(123)((23))=fG+((13))={3,7,8,15}hG+(123)((123))=fG+((123))={3,7,8,15,20}hG+(123)((132))=fG+((132))={3,7,8,15,20}andhG(123)((1))=fG((1))=hG(123)((12)=fG((23))={0,2,5,11,16,19,21}hG(123)((13))=fG((12))={0,2,5,11,16,19,21}hG(123)((23)=fG((13))={0,2,5,11,16,19,21}hG(123)((123))=fG((123))={0,2,5,11,19}hG(123)((132))=fG((132))={0,2,5,11,19}hG+(132)((1))=fG+((1))=ZhG+(132)((12))=fG+((13))={3,7,8,15}hG+(132)((13))=fG+((23))={3,7,8,15}hG+(132)((23))=fG+((12))={3,7,8,15}hG+(132)((123))=fG+((123))={3,7,8,15,19}hG+(132)((132))=fG+((132))={3,7,8,15,19}andhG(132)((1))=fG((1))=hG(132)((12)=fG((13))={0,2,5,11,16,19,21}hG(132)((13))=fG((23))={0,2,5,11,16,19,21}hG(132)((23)=fG((12))={0,2,5,11,16,19,21}hG(132)((123))=fG((123))={0,2,5,11,19}hG(132)((132))=fG((132))={0,2,5,11,19}.

Theorem 3.23

Let fG be a BS-group in G. Then, fG is a NBS-subgroup if and only if fG is constant on conjugacy classes of G.


Suppose that fG is NBS-subgroup over G. Then, fG+(g11g2g1)=fG+(g2g1g11)=fG+(g2) and fG(g11g2g1)=fG(g2g1g11)=fG(g2) g1,g2G. Conversely, suppose that fG is constant on each conjugacy class of G. Then, fG+(g1g2)=fG+(g1g2g1g11)=fG+(g1(g2g1)g11)=fG+(g2g1) and fG(g1g2)=fG(g1g2g1g11)=fG(g1(g2g1)g11)=fG(g2g1) g1,g2G. Thus, fG is normal.

4. Bipolar Soft Left(right) Coset of Bipolar Soft Groups

In this section, we define the concept of bipolar soft left(right) coset for BS-groups, and obtain some properties of them.

Definition 4.1

Let fGBSG(U) and gG. Bipolar soft set (Ug,g)fG is referred to as bipolar soft left coset of fG and denoted by gfG. Also gfG means that gfG(k)=fG(g1k)forallkG. Here, gfG means that (UgfG+,gfG).

Definition 4.2

Let fGBSG(U) and gG. BS-set fG(Ug,g) is referred to as bipolar soft right coset of fG and denoted by fGg. Also fGg means that fGg(k)=fG(kg1)forallkG. Here, fGg means that (fG+Ug,fGg).

Example 4.3

Let us consider BS-group given in Example 3.22. Then, the bipolar soft left cosets of fG is as follows: (1)fG={(1,Z,),((12),{3,7,8,15},{0,2,5,11,16,19,21}),((123),{3,7,8,15,20},{0,2,5,11,19}),((23),{3,7,8,15},{0,2,5,11,16,19,21}),((132),{3,7,8,15,20},{0,2,5,11,19}),((13),{3,7,8,15},{0,2,5,11,16,19,21})},(12)fG={(1,{3,7,8,15},{0,2,5,11,16,19,21}),((12),Z,),((123),{3,7,8,15},{0,2,5,11,16,19,21}),((23),{3,7,8,15,20},{0,2,5,11,19}),((132),{3,7,8,15},{0,2,5,11,16,19,21}),((13),{3,7,8,15,20},{0,2,5,11,19})},(13)fG={(1,{3,7,8,15},{0,2,5,11,16,19,21}),((12),{3,7,8,15,20},{0,2,5,11,19}),((123),{3,7,8,15},{0,2,5,11,16,19,21}),((23),{3,7,8,15,20},{0,2,5,11,19}),((132),{3,7,8,15},{0,2,5,11,16,19,21}),((13),Z,)},(23)fG={(1,{3,7,8,15},{0,2,5,11,16,19,21}),((12),{3,7,8,15,20},{0,2,5,11,19}),((123),{3,7,8,15},{0,2,5,11,16,19,21}),((23),Z,),((132),{3,7,8,15},{0,2,5,11,19}),((13),{3,7,8,15,20},{0,2,5,11,19})},(123)fG={(1,{3,7,8,15,20},{0,2,5,11,19}),((12),{3,7,8,15},{0,2,5,11,16,19,21}),((123),Z,),((23),{3,7,8,15},{0,2,5,11,16,19,21}),((132),{3,7,8,15,20},{0,2,5,11,19}),((13),{3,7,8,15},{0,2,5,11,16,19,21})},(132)fG={(1,{3,7,8,15,20},{0,2,5,11,19}),((12),{3,7,8,15},{0,2,5,11,16,19,21}),((123),{3,7,8,15,20},{0,2,5,11,19}),((23),{3,7,8,15},{0,2,5,11,16,19,21}),((132),Z,),((13),{3,7,8,15},{0,2,5,11,16,19,21})}. Bipolar soft right cosets of fG is as follows: fG(1)={(1,Z,),((12),{3,7,8,15},{0,2,5,11,16,19,21}),((123),{3,7,8,15,20},{0,2,5,11,19}),((23),{3,7,8,15},{0,2,5,11,16,19,21}),((132),{3,7,8,15,20},{0,2,5,11,19}),((13),{3,7,8,15},{0,2,5,11,16,19,21})},fG(12)={(1,{3,7,8,15},{0,2,5,11,16,19,21}),((12),Z,),((123),{3,7,8,15},{0,2,5,11,16,19,21}),((23),{3,7,8,15,20},{0,2,5,11,19}),((132),{3,7,8,15},{0,2,5,11,16,19,21}),((13),{3,7,8,15,20},{0,2,5,11,19})},fG(13)={(1,{3,7,8,15},{0,2,5,11,16,19,21}),((12),{3,7,8,15,20},{0,2,5,11,19}),((123),{3,7,8,15},{0,2,5,11,16,19,21}),((23),{3,7,8,15,20},{0,2,5,11,19}),((132),{3,7,8,15},{0,2,5,11,16,19,21}),((13),Z,)},fG(23)={(1,{3,7,8,15},{0,2,5,11,16,19,21}),((12),{3,7,8,15,20},{0,2,5,11,19}),((123),{3,7,8,15},{0,2,5,11,16,19,21}),((23),Z,),((132),{3,7,8,15},{0,2,5,11,16,19,21}),((13),{3,7,8,15,20},{0,2,5,11,19})},fG(123)={(1,{3,7,8,15,20},{0,2,5,11,19}),((12),{3,7,8,15},{0,2,5,11,16,19,21}),((123),Z,),((23),{3,7,8,15},{0,2,5,11,16,19,21}),((132),{3,7,8,15,20},{0,2,5,11,19}),((13),{3,7,8,15},{0,2,5,11,16,19,21})},fG(132)={(1,{3,7,8,15,20},{0,2,5,11,19}),((12),{3,7,8,15},{0,2,5,11,16,19,21}),((123),{3,7,8,15,20},{0,2,5,11,19}),((23),{3,7,8,15},{0,2,5,11,16,19,21}),((132),Z,),((13),{3,7,8,15},{0,2,5,11,16,19,21})}. Note that a left coset may not be a BS-group. Since in fG(132), fG+((132)(13))=fG+((12))={3,7,8,17,18,25}{3,7,8,15}=fG+((132))f+((13)), fG(132) is not a BS-group.

Theorem 4.4

Let fG be BS-group. Then, for all g1,g2G,






(1) Suppose that g1fG=g2fG. Then, g1fG(k)=g2fG(k) which means that fG+(g11k)=fG+(g21k) and fG(g11k)=fG(g21k) for all kG. If it is chosen as k=g2, then fG+(g11g2)=fG+(g21g2)=fG+(e) and fG(g11g2)=fG(g21g2)=fG(e). Hence, g11g2efG and so g1efG=g2efG.

Conversely, let g1efG=g2efG. Then, g11g2efG and g21g1efG. It follows that fG+(g11k)=fG+(g11g2g21k)fG+(g11g2)fG+(g21k)=fG+(e)fG+(g21k)=fG+(g21k) and fG(g11k)=fG(g11g2g21k)fG(g11g2)fG(g21k)=fG(e)fG(g21k)=fG(g21k). Then, (1) fG(g11k)fG(g21k)fG+(g21k)=fG+(g21g1g11k)fG+(g21g1)fG+(g11k)=fG+(e)fG+(g11k)=fG+(g11k)(1) and fG(g21k)=fG(g21g1g11k)fG(g21g1)fG(g11k)=fG(e)fG(g11k)=fG(g11k). Then, (2) fG(g21k)fG(g11k).(2) From Equations (Equation1) and (Equation2), for all kG, fG(g11k)=fG(g21k) which shows that g1fG=g2fG.

(2) The proof can be made by similar way to proof of item 1.

Theorem 4.5

Let fGNBSG(U) and g1,g2G. If g1fG=g2fG, then fG(g1)=fG(g2).


Suppose that g1fG=g2fG. By Theorem 4.4, g11g2efG and g21g1efG. Since fG is NBS-subgroup it follows that fG+(g1)=fG+(g21g1g2)fG+(g21g1)fG(g2)=fG(e)fG(g2)=fG(g2). Also fG(g1)=fG(g21g1g2)fG(g21g1)fG(g2)=fG(e)fG(g2)=fG(g2). Thus, fG(g1)fG(g2). Similarly fG(g2)fG(g1). Therefore, fG(g1)=fG(g2).

Theorem 4.6

Let fG be a NBS-subgroup and g1,g2G. Then, (g1fG)(g2fG)=(g1g2)fG,forallg1,g2G.


For all g1,g2G, we have (g1fG+)(g2fG+)=(Ug1fG+)(Ug2fG+)=Ug1(fG+Ug2)fG+=Ug1(fG+fG+)Ug2=Ug1fG+Ug2=Ug1(fG+Ug2)=Ug1(Ug2fG+)=(Ug1Ug2)fG+=(g1g2)fG+, and it can be shown that (g1fG)(g2fG)=(g1g2fG). Thus, (g1fG)(g2fG)=(g1g2)fG.

Theorem 4.7

Let fG be a NBS-subgroup and G/fG={gfG:gG}. Then, (G/fG,) is a group.


By Theorem 4.6, G/fG is closed under operation . Also satisfies the associative law. Since fG+(gfG+)=(efG+)(gfG+)=(eg)fG+=gfG+,gG,fG(gfG)=(efG)(gfG)=(eg)fG=gfG,gG. efG+=fG is unit element of (G/fG).

Since (g1fG+)(gfG+)=(gg1)fG+=efG+=fG+,gG,(g1fG)(gfG)=(gg1)fG=efG=fG,gG, inverse of gfG is g1fGfG. Thus, (G/fG,) is a group.

Theorem 4.8

Let fG be a BS-set over G/fG defined by fG(gfG)=fG(g) gG, where fGNBP(G). Then, fG is NBS-subgroup over G/fG.


From Theorem 4.5, g1fG=g2fG implies that fG(g1)=fG(g2). For all gfGG/fG fG+((gfG+)1)=fG+(g1fG+)=fG+(g1)=fG+(g)=fG+(gfG+),fG((gfG)1)=fG(g1fG)=fG(g1)=fG(g)=fG(gfG). For all g1fG,g2fG(G/fG) fG+((g1fG+)(g2fG+))=fG+(g1g2fG+)=fG+(g1g2)fG+(g1)fG+(g2)=fG+(g1fG+)fG+(g1fG+),fG((g1fG)(g2fG))=fG(g1g2fG)=fG(g1g2)fG(g1)fG(g2)=fG(g1fG)fG(g1fG). Then, fG is BS-group in G/fG. Moreover, for all g1,g2G, since fG+((g1fG+)(g2fG+))=fG+(g1g2fG+)=fG+(g1g2)=fG+(g2g1)=fG+(g2g1fG+)=fG+((g2fG+)(g1fG+)),fG((g1fG)(g2fG))=fG(g1g2fG)=fG(g1g2)=fG(g2g1)=fG(g2g1fG)=fG((g2fG)(g1fG)). We have that fGNBSG(U).

Definition 4.9

The group G/fG defined in Theorem 4.7 is called quotient group (or factor group) of G relative to the NBS-subgroup fG.

Theorem 4.10

Let fG be a BS-group and let N be a normal subgroup of G. Then, BS-set fS is BS-group over G/N and is defined as follows: fS(gN)={fG(k):kgN}gG.


Now, gNG/N; fS+((gN)1)=fS+(g1N)={fG+(k):kg1N}={fG+(t1):t1g1N}={fG+(t):tgN}=fS+(gN),fS((gN)1)=fS(g1N)={fG(k):kg1N}={fG(t1):t1g1N}={fG(t):tgN}=fS(gN) and g1N,g2NG/N; fS+(g1Ng2N)={fG+(k):kg1g2N}={fG+(qr):qg1N,rg2N}{fG+(q)fG+(r):qg1N,rg2N}=({fG+(q):qg1N})({fG+(r):rg2N})=fS+(g1N)fS+(g2N),fS(g1Ng2N)={fG(k):kg1g2N}={fG(qr):qg1N,rg2N}{fG(q)fG(r):qg1N,rg2N}=({fG(q):qg1N})({fG(r):rg2N})=fS(g1N)fS(g2N).

Since fS(g1Ng2N)fS(g1N)fS(g2N) and fS((gN)1)=fS(gN), BS-set fS is a NBS-subgroup over G/N.

Definition 4.11

BS-subgroup fS defined in Theorem 4.10 is called quotient BS-subgroup of BS-group fG of G relative to the normal subgroup N of G.

Example 4.12

Let us consider BS-group fG given in Example 3.22, and consider normal subgroup K={(1),(123),(132)} of G. We define BS-subgroup fS over G/K by fS+((1)K)=fS+((123)K)=fS+((132)K)=fG+((1))fG+((123))fG+((132))=Z,fS((1)K)=fS((123)K)=fS((132)K)=fG((1))fG((123))fG((132))=, and fS+((12)K)=fS+((13)K)=fS+((23)K)=fG+((12))fG+((13))fG+((23))={3,7,8,15,15},fS((12)K)=fS((13)K)=fS((23)K)=fG((12))fG((13))fG((23))={0,2,5,11,16,19,21}. BS-subgroup fS can be written as follows: fS={((1),Z,),((123),Z,),((132),Z,),((12),{3,7,8,15},{0,2,5,11,16,19,21}),((13),{3,7,8,15},{0,2,5,11,16,19,21}),((23),{3,7,8,15},{0,2,5,11,16,19,21})}.

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No potential conflict of interest was reported by the author(s).

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Notes on contributors

Faruk Karaaslan

Dr. Faruk Karaaslan graduated from the Department of Mathematics, Erciyes University, Kayseri, Turkey, in 2003 (BSc). He earned his MSc and PhD degrees from Gaziosmanpaşa University, Tokat, Turkey, in 2007 and 2013. Dr Karaaslan is currently an Associate Professor at Department of Mathematics, Faculty of Science, Çankırı Karatekin University. He has contributed more than 55 research papers in reputable journals and 4 book section in reputable publishers. His research interests include mathematical theories for modelling uncertainty, fuzzy sets, soft sets, rough sets, intuitionistic fuzzy sets, neutrosophic sets and bipolar fuzzy sets. He also studies on decision making, algebraic structures, and graphs structures of the mentioned set theories.

Aman Ullah

Dr. Aman Ullah graduated from the Department of Mathematics, University of Peshawar, Pakistan in 2001. He earned his MPhil and PhD degrees from University of Malakand, Pakistan in 2008 and 2016. Currently, Dr. Aman Ullah is serving as an Assistant Professor at Department of Mathematics, University of Malakand, Pakistan. He has contributed more than 40 research papers in reputable journals and 1 book section with a reputable publisher. His research interests include fuzzy algebra, noncommutative algebra, soft set theory, fractional differential equations, mathematical modelling and fuzzy fractional and integers order differential equation.

Imtiaz Ahmad

Dr. Imtiaz Ahmad graduated from Pakistani institutions. He earned PhD degrees from the Department of Mathematical Sciences, University of Essex, United Kingdom in 2010. Currently, Dr. Ahmad is serving as an Associate Professor at Department of Mathematics, University of Malakand, Pakistan, previously he served this department as Lecturer and Assistant Professor since February 2003. He published more than 50 research articles in various national and international research journals, writing general articles for newspapers, supervised several MPhil and PhDs, have completed different research projects, and authored several textbooks.


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