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Research Article

Characterization of Derived Nilpotent (Engel) Lie Ring of Fuzzy Hyperrings by Using Fuzzy Strongly Regular Relations

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Pages 407-424 | Received 31 Aug 2021, Accepted 14 Nov 2022, Published online: 21 Dec 2022


In this paper, we determined a new characterisation of the derived nilpotent (Engel) Lie ring of fuzzy hyperrings by fuzzy strongly regular relation ζn(νn,s). Moreover, we proved that for a fuzzy hyperring S, the quotient S/ζn(S/νn,s) was a nilpotent (Engel) Lie ring. Also, we introduced the notion of an ζ-role of a fuzzy hyperring and investigated its essential properties. Basically, we stated a necessary and sufficient condition for transitivity of ζ. Also, we studied the relationship between the strongly regular relation and ζ-role of a given fuzzy hyperring.

MSC (2010):

1. Introduction

The notion of nilpotency is the most critical concepts in the study of groups [Citation1]. Nilpotent groups arise in Galois theory, as well as in the classification of groups. By Galois theory, specific problems in field theory replace with problems in group theory, that is in some sense better understood. The certain generalisation of nilpotent groups is Engel groups [Citation2–4].

Hyperstructure theory introduced by Marty 1934, he defined hypergroups, investigated their properties, and applied them to groups and relational algebraic functions (see [Citation5]). In 1971, Rosenfeld used the concept of fuzzy sets to introduce fuzzy groups(see [Citation6]). Since then, many researchers extended the concepts of abstract algebra to the fuzzy sets (see [Citation6–14, Citation19–21]). The main tool in the definition of fuzzy hyperstructures is the ‘fuzzy hyperoperation’, where the non-empty set replaces the nonzero fuzzy set. Vougiouklis studied the fundamental relations on hyperrings [Citation15]. In [Citation16], Nozari and Fahimi introduced fundamental relation and commutative fundamental relation on fuzzy hyperrings.

In this paper, we define the ζ and ν(n,s) relations, which are defined in fuzzy hyperrings. These relations connect the fuzzy hyperrins with (Engel)nilpotent-Lie rings. Especially, we introduce the notion of an ζ-role of a fuzzy hyperring and investigate its basic properties. Moreover, we study the relationship between the strongly regular relation and ζ-role of a given fuzzy hyperring. Also, we obtain Engel Lie rings from fuzzy hyperrings, by a FSR.

2. Preliminaries

First we recall some definitions and theorems.

Definition 2.1

Let H be a non-empty set and F(H) be the set of all fuzzy subsets of H. Suppose F(H)=F(H){0}, where 0 is the zero fuzzy set. Then H equieped with a fuzzy hyperoperation :H×HF(H), is called a fuzzy semihypergroup if for any x,y,zH, (xy)z=x(yz), where for any αF(H), and rH, (xα)(r)={uH((xu)(r)α(u)),α00,α=0(αx)(r)={uH(α(u)(ux)(r)),α00,α=0

If A, B are non-empty subsets of H and xH, then for any uH we have (xA)(u)=aA(xa)(u),(Ax)(u)=aA(ax)(u)and(BA)(u)=aA,bB(ba)(u). If a fuzzy semihypergroup (H,) satisfies in the condition aH=Ha=χH, for any aH, where χH is the characteristic function of H, then the pair (H,) is called a fuzzy hypergroup.

Definition 2.2


A non-empty set (S,+,), where + and · are two fuzzy hyperoperations, is called a fuzzy hyperring (we write by FHR) if for any a,b,cS, the following axioms are valid:

  1. a(b+c)=(a+b)c,

  2. a+S=S+a=χS,

  3. a(bc)=(ab)c,

  4. a + b = b + a,

  5. a(b+c)=(ab)(ac) and (a+b)c=(ac)(bc),

where for fuzzy subsets α,ν of a fuzzy hypergroupoid (H,+) we have (xα)(r)={uH((x+u)(r)α(u)),α00;α=0(αx)(r)={uH(α(u)(u+x)(r)),α00;α=0(αν)(u)=p,qH(α(p)(p+q)(u)ν(q));(xα)(r)={uH((xu)(r)α(u)),α00;α=0(αx)(r)={uH(α(u)(ux)(r)),α00.α=0 The fuzzy hyperring (S,+,) is called commutative if for any a,bS, ab=ba. Also, SS is called a subfuzzy hyperring of S if for any s1,s2S and xS, the following axioms are valid:

  1. if (s1+s2)(x)>0, then xS,

  2. s1+S=S+s1=χS,

  3. if (s1s2)(x)>0, then xS.

Definition 2.3


Let ρ be an equivalence relation on a fuzzy semihypergroup (H,). For any α,ϑF(H), we define two relations ρ¯ and ρ¯¯ on F(H) as follows:

  1. αρ¯ν if for any aH, there exists bH such that aρb and if α(a)>0, then ν(b)>0 and if ν(a)>0, then α(b)>0.

  2. αρ¯¯ν if every element xH such that α(x)>0 is ρ equivalent to every yH such that ν(y)>0.

Definition 2.4


An equivalence relation ρ on a fuzzy semihypergroup (H,) is called a fuzzy (strongly) regular (we write by F(S)R) if aρb and aρb, then (aa)ρ¯(bb)((aa)ρ¯¯(bb)).

Definition 2.5


Consider (S,+,) be a FHR and φ be a F(S)R on both (S,+) and (S,). Then φ is called a F(S)R on S.

Let (S,+,) and (S,+,) be two FHR and g be a map from S to S. Then for any x,y,tS we have g(x+y)={g(t)|(x+y)(t)>0}andg(xy)={g(t)|(xy)(t)>0}.

Theorem 2.6


Let (S,+,) be a FHR and φ be an equivalence relation on S. If for every aφ,bφS/φ, aφbφ={cφ:(a+b)(c)>0,aφa,bφb},aφbφ={cφ:(ab)(c)>0,aφa,bφb}, then


the relation φ is a FR on (S,+,) iff (S/φ,,) is a hyperring,


the relation φ is a FSR on (S,+,) iff (S/φ,,) is a ring.

Definition 2.7


Let (S,+,) be a FHR. A (commutative) fundamental relation on S is the smallest equivalence relations such that the quotient structure (S/φ,,) is a (coommutative) ring.

Assume (S,+,) is a FHR and relation γ on S is defined as follows: aγbnN,k1,,knN,(zi1,,ziki)Ski,(i=1,,n) such that (i=1nj=1kizij)(a)>0and(i=1nj=1kizij)(b)>0. Then γ, the transitive closure of γ, is a fundamental relation on S (See [Citation16]).

We recall that for a set X, a one to one function from X onto X is called a permutation on X. We denote the set of all permutations of X by SX. If X={x1,x2,,xn}, then we write Sn instead of SX. SX forms a group. SX is the symmetric group on X (see [Citation1]).

Consider S be a FHR. Nozari and Fahimi in [Citation16], introduced the relation ϵ on S as follows: aϵbnN,(k1,,kn)Nn,ϱSnand×[(zi1,zi2,,ziki)Ski,ϱiSki,(i=1,,n)]such that(i=1nj=1kizij)(a)>0and(i=1nAϱ(i))(b)>0, where Ai=j=1kiziσi(j). The quotient S/ϵ, where ϵ is the transitive closure of ϵ, is a commutative ring (see [Citation14]).

Definition 2.8


Let (L,+,) be a vector space over a field F. Consider the operation [,]:L×LL defined by (x,y)[x,y]. Then L is called a Lie algebra if the following axioms are satisfied:

  1. [x,x]=0,

  2. [x+y,z]=[x,z]+[y,z],

  3. [[x,y],z]+[[y,z],x]+[[z,x],y]=0.

Also, ϕIL is called a Lie ideal if [x,r]I for any xI and rL.

Let (R,+,) be a ring. We can introduce the Lie structure on R by defining the Lie product [x,y]=xyyx for x,yR. This Lie structure, denoted by Rl, is called the associated Lie ring of R. Also, the Lie ring Rl is called nilpotent of class r if we have Rl=l1(Rl)l2(Rl)lr(Rl)lr+1(Rl)=0 where for k1, lk(Rl)=[lk1(Rl),Rl] is the Lie ideal of Rl generated by all elements of the form [x,y] with xlk1(Rl) and yRl. R is called nilpotent of lenth r if its Lie ring is nilpotent of lenth r. Clearly [lk(Rl),ln(Rl)]ln+k(Rl).

The n-th Lie centre of Rl is defined by Un(Rl)={rRl[r,x1,,xn]=0,xiRl,1in}, where commutator of weight n(nN) is defined by [x1,x2,,xn]=[[x1,x2,,xn1],xn] (see [Citation18]).

We can show that Un(Rl) is a (unitary) subring of Rl and {0}=U0(Rl)U1(Rl)U2(Rl)Un(Rl). If Um(Rl)=Rl for some integer m, then Rl is nilpotent. The smallest such integer is called the class of Rl (see [Citation18]).

Now, in this paper, we define two new relations ζn and νn,s on FHR S such that S/ζn and S/ϑn,s are nilpotent, and Engel Lie rings, respectively.

Note. From now one, let (S,+,) or S be a fuzzy hyperring (i.e. FHR), unless otherwise stated.

3. Nilpotent Fundamental Relation ζ

In this section, we present that combining a new FSR with the fuzzy hyperring is a nilpotent Lie ring.

Note. Let x,yS. For simplify, we use xy instead of xy and In instead of: (k1,,km)Nm,ϱSm,(xi1,xi2,,xiki)Ski,ϱiSki,(i=1,2,,m);ϱ(i)=iandϱϱ(i)(j)=j if xijLn(S). Also, we use i=1mj=1nxij instead of: {x11+x12,x11(x12x22),x11((x12x22)x32),(x11x21)(x12x22),×(x11x21)((x12x22)x32),}.

Definition 3.1

We consider L0(S)=S and for any k0, Lk+1(S)={tS|rS s.t. (xy)(r)>0, and (t(yx))(r)>0, for some xLk(S) and yS}

For any nN, we let ζ1,n={(x,x)|xS} and for any a,bS and n,mN, we define ζm,n as follows: aζm,nb(k1,,km)Nm,ϱSm,(xi1,xi2,,xiki)Ski,ϱiSki,(i=1,2,,m)ϱ(i)=i and ϱϱ(i)(j)=j if xijLn(S), such thataA1 and bA2. where A1={zS|(i=1mj=1kixij)(z)>0},A2={zS|(i=1mj=1kϱ(i)xϱ(i)ϱϱ(i)(j))(z)>0}. i.e. aζm,nbIn such thataA1andbA2. Now, suppose that ζn=m1ζm,n. If aζnb, then aζm,nb for some mN. Thus, (k1,,km)Nm,ϱSm,(xi1,xi2,,xiki)Ski,ϱiSki,(i=1,2,,m); (I) ϱ(i)=iandϱϱ(i)(j)=j if xijLn(S),(I) such that (i=1mj=1kixij)(a)>0,and(i=1mj=1kϱ(i)xϱ(i)ϱϱ(i)(j))(b)>0. Put I=ϱ(i) and J=ϱϱ(i)(j). So ϱ1(I)=i and (II) j=(ϱϱ(i))1(J)=(ϱϱ(ϱ1(I)))1(J).(II) Thus, by (I) and (II), for (k1,,km)Nm,ϱ1Sm, (xI1,xI2,,xIkI)SkI,ϱ1ISkI,(I=1,2,,m). If xIJLn(S),thenϱ1(I)=i=ϱ(i)=IandJ=ϱϱ(i)(j)=j=(ϱϱ(ϱ1(I)))1(J) and so (I=1mJ=1kϱ(I)xϱ1(I)ϱ1ϱ(ϱ1)(I)(J))(a)>0,(I=1mJ=1kIxIJ)(b)>0. Hence, bζna. Therefore, ζn is symmetric.

Define for any aS, a(a)=(χa)(a)=1. Then ζn is reflexive. Hence ζn, the transitive closure of ζn, is an equivalence relation.

Theorem 3.2


Let (R,,) be a ring. Then (R,+,), where +and are defined as follows is a fuzzy hyperring. Foranya,bR,a+b=χ{a,b}andab=χab.

Example 3.3

Let S=(Z2,,). By Theorem 3.2, (S,+,) is a FHR. Then, L0(S)=Z2, and L1(S)={tZ2|rZ2;(xy)(r)>0and(t(yx))(r)>0, for somex,yZ2}. Let r = 0, x = 0 and y=1. Then (xy)(r)=χ0(0)=1>0 and (t(yx))(r)=(tχ0)(0)=sZ2((t+s)(0))(χ0(s))=sZ2((χ{t,s})(0))(χ0(s))=(((χ{t,0})(0))(χ0(0)))(((χ{t,1})(0))(χ0(1)))=1>0. Thus, L1(S)=Z2.

Lemma 3.4

Let ϱ be a permutation of Sk, k=k+1 and ϱ(j)={ϱ(i),i{1,2,,k}k+1,i=k+1. Thus ϱ is a permutation of Sk


We show that ϱ is one to one. For this let r,s{1,2,,(k+1)} and ϱ(r)=ϱ(s). By the definition of ϱ for the case r{1,2,,k} and s = k + 1, we have ϱ(r)=k+1. Since ϱSk, we have ϱ(r)k and so k+1=ϱ(r)k which is a contradiction. For s{1,2,,k} and r = k + 1, we have k+1=ϱ(s)k, which is a contradiction. Finally, for r,s{1,2,,k}, we have ϱ(r)=ϱ(s), and so r = s. Therefore, ϱ is one to one. It is clear that, ϱ is onto. Therefore, ϱ is a permutation of Sk.

Theorem 3.5

For each x,y,zS if xζny, then:

  1. (xz)ζn¯¯(yz) and (zx)ζn¯¯(zy);

  2. (x+z)ζn¯¯(y+z) and (z+x)ζn¯¯(z+y).


(i) If xζny, then there exists mN such that xζm,ny. Then there exist (k1,,km)Nm,  ϱSm and there exists (xi1,xi2,,xiki)Ski,ϱiSki,(i=1,2,,m); (ϱ(i)=iandϱϱ(i)(j)=j if xijLn(S)), such that (i=1mj=1kixij)(x)>0and(i=1mj=1kϱ(i)xϱ(i)ϱϱ(i)(j))(y)>0. Let zS and r,sS such that (xz)(r)>0 and (yz)(s)>0. Then ((i=1mj=1kixij)z)(r)=pS{(i=1mj=1kixij)(p)(pz)(r)}. Let p = x, then (((i=1m)(j=1kixij)z))(r)>0. Also ((i=1mj=1kϱ(i)xϱ(i)ϱϱ(i)(j))z)(s)=qS{(i=1mj=1kϱ(i)xϱ(i)ϱϱ(i)(j))(q)(qz)(s)}. Let q = y, then (((i=1m)(j=1kϱ(i)xϱ(i)ϱϱ(i)(j))z))(s)>0.

We set ki=ki+1, and we define ϱi(j)={ϱi(j),j{1,2,,ki}ki+1,j=ki+1. By Lemma 3.4, ϱi is a permutation of Ski. Thus for z=xiki and any r,sS; (i=1mj=1kixij)(r)>0,and(i=1mj=1kϱ(i)xϱ(i)ϱϱ(i)(s))>0 such that ϱ(i)=i and ϱϱ(i)(j)=j if xijLn(S). Therefore, for any r,sS such that (xz)(r)>0 and (yz)(s)>0, we have rζm,ns. Thus (xz)ζn¯¯(yz). In the simillar way, we can show that (zx)ζn¯¯(zy).

Now, if xζny, then there exists kN and u0=x,u1,,uk=yS such that u0=xζnu1ζnu2ζnζnuk=y. By the above result we have (u0z)=(xz)ζn¯¯(u1z)ζn¯¯(u2z)ζn¯¯ζn¯¯(ukz)=(yz), and so (xz)ζn¯¯(yz). By the simillar way, (zx)ζn¯¯(zy).

(ii) By the same manipulation we can prove (x+z)ζn¯¯(y+z) and (z+x)ζn¯¯(z+y).

Corollary 3.6

For any nN, the relation ζn is a FSR.


Let a,b,a,bS and aζna, bζnb. Then by Theorem 3.5, we have (ab)ζn¯¯(ab) and (ab)ζn¯¯(ab). Then (ab)ζn¯¯(ab). Similarly, we have (a+b)ζn¯¯(a+b).

Proposition 3.7

For any nN, we have ζn+1ζn.


Let xζn+1y, then there exist kN, u0=x,u1,,uk=yS such that (u0=x)ζn+1u1ζn+1u2ζn+1ζn+1(uk=y). We show that for any z,tS, (I) ifzζn+1t, thenzζnt.(I) Since zζn+1t, there exists mN such that zζm,n+1t and so (k1,,km)Nm,ϱSm,(xi1,xi2,,xiki)Ski,ϱiSki,(i=1,2,,m);(ϱ(i)=iandϱϱ(i)(j)=j if xijLn+1(S)). Such that (i=1mj=1kixij)(z)>0,and(i=1mj=1kϱ(i)xϱ(i)ϱϱ(i)(j))(t)>0. Now, let ϱ=ϱ and xij=xij, ϱi=ϱi and xijLn(S). Since Ln+1(S)Ln(S), we have xijLn+1(S). Hence, for (k1,,km)Nm,ϱSm,(xi1,xi2,,xiki)Ski,ϱiSki,(i=1,2,,m);(ϱ(i)=iandϱϱ(i)(j)=j if xijLn(S)), such that (i=1mj=1kixij)(z)>0,and(i=1mj=1kϱ(i)xϱ(i)ϱϱ(i)(j))(t)>0. Therefore, zζnt.

Consequently, by (I) we have (u0=x)ζnu1ζnu2ζnζn(uk=y). Then xζny.

Corollary 3.8

If S is a commutative FHR, then ϵ=ζn.


It is clear that, ζnϵ. It is enough to show that if S is a commutative, then ϵζn. For this, let aϵb. Then for some mN, (k1,,km)Nm,ϱSm,(xi1,xi2,,xiki)Ski,ϱiSki,(i=1,2,,m), such that aA1 and bA2.

Since S is commutative, for any i,jN, each element xϱ(i)ϱϱ(i)(j) can commute with others, and so we can consider ϱ,ϱi such that ϱ(i)=iandϱϱ(i)(j)=j if xijLn(S), then bA2 which implies that aζnb and so ϵζn.

Example 3.9

Let S be FHR as Example 3.3. Then, by Corollary 3.8, we have ϵ=ζn and so S/ζn=S/ϵS.

Definition 3.10

Let Rl be a Lie ring. We define M0(Rl)=Rl and Mk+1(Rl)={[x,y]xMk(Rl),yRl}.

Remark 3.11

Let φ be a FSR on S. Then, by Theorem 2.6, without loss of generality, one can assume that (S/φ,,) is a Lie ring.

Theorem 3.12

S/ζn is a nilpotent Lie ring of class at most n + 1.


We show that for a FSR φ on S and any kN, (I) Mk+1(S/φ)={[tφ,sφ]|tLk(S),sS}.(I) The proof is based on induction on k. Put R=S/φ and x¯=xφ, for any xS. If k = 0, then M1(R)={[t¯,s¯]tL0(S),sS}. Now, put a¯=[t¯,s¯] where tLk+1(S) and sS, so there exists xLk(S), yS and rS such that (xy)(r)>0 and (t(yx))(r)>0. Then by Theorm 2.6, x¯y¯=r¯ and t¯(y¯x¯)=r¯. Therefore t¯=[x¯,y¯]. By induction hypotheses we have t¯Mk+1(R). Hence, a¯=[t¯,s¯]Mk+2(R).

Conversely, let a¯Mk+2(R). Then by Definition 3.10, a¯=[x¯,y¯], where x¯Mk+1(R) and y¯R. So induction hypotheses implies that x¯=[u¯,v¯], where uLk(S) and vS. Since uv,vuF(S), we have (uv)(c)>0 and (vu)(b)>0, for some c,bS. By Definition 2.2, for b,c, we have χS(c)=(S+b)(c), then there exists tS such that (t+b)(c)>0. Thus (t(vu))(c)=bS(t+b)(c)(vu)(b)>0, and so tLk+1(S). Hence, by (uv)(c)>0, (t(vu))(c)>0 and Theorem 2.6, we have c¯=t¯(v¯u¯)=u¯v¯. Thus, t¯=[u¯,v¯]=x¯, where tLk+1(S) and yS. Hence, a¯=[x¯,y¯]=[t¯,y¯]{[t¯,s¯]|Lk+1(S),sS}. Therefore Mk+1(S/φ))={[t¯,s¯]|tLk(S),sS}.

Now, let R=S/ζn and x¯=xφ, for any xS. By induction on i, we show that Mn+1i(R)Ui(R). Let i = 0, and t¯,s¯S/ζn,, tLn(S) and sS. For any r,sS such that (ts)(r)>0,(st)(p)>0. Assume that m=1,i=1,k1=2,ϱS1,x11=t,x12=s,ϱ1S2,ϱ1(1)=2,ϱ1(2)=1. Then 0<(ts)(r)=(x11x12)(r), and 0<(st)(p)=(x12x11)(p)=xϱ(1)ϱϱ(1)(1)xϱ(1)ϱϱ(1)(2). Then rζn,p. Therefore, r¯=p¯, and so by Theorem 2.6, t¯s¯=r¯=p¯=s¯t¯. Then (t¯s¯)(s¯t¯)=0¯. Thus, [t¯,s¯]=(t¯s¯)(s¯t¯)=0¯. Hence, Mn+1(R)={[t¯,s¯]|tLk(S),sS}={0}. Therefore, {0}=Mn+1(R)U0(R)={0}. Now let Mn+1i(R)Ui(R) and aMni(R). Then for any yR we have [a,y]Mn+1i(R)Ui(R). Hence for any yR, [[a,y],iy]=0, and so by definition of Ui+1(R), we get aUi+1(R). Therefore, Mn+1i(R)Ui(R).

Now, let i = n + 1. Then Mn+1(n+1)(R)Un+1(R), that is R=M0(R)=Un+1(R). Hence R is nilpotent of class at most n + 1.

The relation ζn which is defined in Definition 3.1, can also be introduced for rings.

Note that every ring is a FHR.

Here, we introduce the ζ relation, which is defined on a finite FHR. This relation connects the FHRs with nilpotent Lie rings.

Definition 3.13

Let S be a finite FHR. Then we define the relations ζ and ζ on S by ζ=n1ζnandζ=n1ζn.

Theorem 3.14

Consider S be a finite FHR. Then the relation ζ is a nilpotent fundamental relation.


We show that ζ is a FSR on S such that S/ζ is a nilpotent Lie ring, and if φ is a FSR on S such that S/φ is a nilpotent Lie ring (of class n + 1), then ζφ.

Since ζ=n1ζn, by Corollary 3.6, it is easy to see that ζ is a FSR on S. Since S is finite, by Proposition 3.7, there exists kN such that ζk+1=ζk. Thus ζ=ζm, for some mN and so by Theorem 3.12, S/ζ is a nilpotent Lie ring.

Suppose φ is a FSR on S such that K=S/φ is a nilpotent Lie ring of class n + 1. We show that for any nN,ζnφ. Let xζny. Then there exists mN such that xζm,ny. Then In such that (i=1mj=1kixij)(x)>0 and(i=1mj=1kϱ(i)xϱ(i)ϱϱ(i)(j))(y)>0. Hence, by Theorem 2.6, for x,yS, xφ=i=1mj=1kixijφandyφ=i=1mj=1kϱ(i)xϱ(i)ϱϱ(i)(j)φ. Since S/φ is a nilpotent Lie ring of class n + 1, by the proof of Theorem 3.12, we have 0φ=Mn+1(S/φ)={[tφ,sφ]|tLn(S),sS}, and so 0φ=[tφ,sφ]=(tφsφ)(sφtφ). Then tφsφ=sφtφ. Thus, for xijLn(S) and vS, we get xijφvφ=vφxijφ. Moreover, if xijLn(S), then xijφ commutes with others. Also, if xijLn(S) then ϱ(i)=iandϱϱ(i)(j)=j, and so xijφ=xϱ(i)ϱϱ(i)(j)φ. Consequently, xφ=yφ, which implies that xφy. Therefore, ζnφ.

Now, we can prove that ζφ. For this, let z,tS and zζt. Then for any nN, zζnt and so there exist z0,z1,,zkS (kN) such that (z=z0)ζnz1ζnζn(zk=t). Then we have (z=z0)φz1φφ(zk=t). Hence, ζφ.

4. ζ-Role of a Fuzzy Hyperring

In this section, we introduce the concept of ζ-role and we determine necessary and sufficient conditions such that the relation ζ be transitive.

Note. For simplify we use Ir1 instead of the following assumption: mN,kiN(i=1,2,,m),(xi1,,xiki)Ski andϱSm, ϱiSki;ϱ(i)=iandϱϱ(i)(j)=j, ifxijr1Lr(S).

Definition 4.1

Let ϕXS. Then we say that X is an ζ-role of S if the following implication holds: Ir1 if there exists xX such that xA1, then for any ySXwe haveyA2, where A1={zS|(i=1mj=1kixij)(z)>0}andA2={zS|(i=1mj=1kϱ(i)xϱ(i)ϱϱ(i)(j))(z)>0}.

Note that by Definition 4.1, there exists xX such that (i=1mj=1kixij)(x)>0, and for any yX, we have (i=1mj=1kϱ(i)xϱ(i)ϱϱ(i)(j))(y)=0.

Remark 4.2

Let φ be a FSR on S, zφ(z) be the class of z module φ. Then φ(z) is an ζ-role of S.


Let Ir1, there exists xφ(z) such that xA1. If for ySφ(z) we have yA2, then φ is a FSR implies that xφy. Thus, yφ(z), is a contradiction.

Theorem 4.3

Let ϕXS and xX. Then the following conditions are equivalent:


X is an ζ-role of S,


if xζy, then yX,


if xζy, then yX.


(iii) If (x,y) is a pair of S2, such that xX and xζy, then for any nN, In such that xA1 and yA2. If yX, then ySX and so by Definition 4.1, yA2, which is a contradiction. Thus yX.

(iiiii) Suppose that (x,y) is a pair of S2 such that xX and xζy. Then there exists (z1,,zk)Sk(kN) such that (x=z0)ζz1ζζ(zk=y). By (ii) (k-times) we obtain yX.

(iiii) Let xX and kiN(i=1,2,,m), (xi1,xi2,,xiki)Ski such that xA1. Then for any ϱSm and any ϱiSkisuch that (ϱ(i)=i,andϱϱ(i)(j)=j,ifxijr1Lr(S)) and any ySX such that yA2, we have xζy. Thus xζy and by (iii), we obtain yX, which is a contradiction. Therefore, X is an ζ-role of S.

Theorem 4.4

For any aS, ζ(a) is an ζ-role of S if and only if ζ is transitive.


() Suppose xζy. Then there exists (z1,,zk)Sk(kN) such that (x=z0)ζz1ζζ(zk=y). Since ζ(zi), for any 0ik, is an ζ-role, by Theorem 4.3, we have ziζ(zi1). Thus yζ(x) and so xζy. Hence ζ=ζ. Therefore, ζ is transitive.

() Suppose x,yS, zζ(x) and zζy. Since ζ is transitive, we conclude that yζ(x), and so by Theorem 4.3, ζ(x) is a ζ-role of S.

Remark 4.5

Let θ be a FSR on S and zS. Then θ(z) is an ζ-role of S.

Definition 4.6

Consider A be a non-empty subset of S. The intersection of any ζ-role of S, which contains A is called ζ-closure of A in S. We denote the ζ-closure of A by K(A).

Note. We use Ir1 instead of the following assumption:

(k1,,km)Nm,(xi1,,xiki)Ski(i=1,,m),andϱSm,ϱiSki; ϱ(i)=i,ϱϱ(i)(j)=j ifxijr1Lr(S).

Theorem 4.7

Let mN, ϕAS and




En+1(A)={xS|Ir1 such thatxA1 and for \ some aEn(A)we haveaA2};


E(A)=n1En(A). Then E(A)=K(A),


By Definition 4.6, it is enough to prove E(A) is an ζ-role of S. If AB and B is an ζ-role, then E(A)B. Suppose there exists aE(A) such that aA1, and ϱSm,ϱiSki such that ϱ(i)=i,ϱϱ(i)(j)=j, if xijr1Lr(S). Since E=n1En, there exists nN such that aEn(A) and aA1. Now, if there exists tSE(A) such that tA2, then tEn+1(A). Thus, tn1En(A)=E(A) which is a contradiction. Thus for any tSE(A), tA2 and so E(A) is an ζ-role of S. We prove the second role by induction on n. We have E1(A)=AB. Suppose En(A)B. We show that En+1(A)B. If zEn+1(A), then Ir1 such that zA1 and tA2, for some tEn(A). Since En(A)B we have tB and tA2. Moreover, B is an ζ-role of S, and zA1, then zB.

Theorem 4.8

If ϕAS, then K(A)=aAK(a).


It is easy to see that for any aA, K(a)K(A). By Theorem 4.7, we get K(A)=n1En(A) and E1(A)=A=aA{a}. Suppose En(A)=aAEn(a) holds for n and zEn+1(A), then Ir1 such that zA1 and aA2, for some aEn(A). By the hypotheses of induction, En(A)=bAEn(b) and so for aEn(A) we have abAEn(b), then aEn(b) for some bA. Thus, aA2 for some aEn(b). Hence, zEn+1(b), and so En+1(A)bAEn+1(b). Therefore, K(A)=aAK(a).

Lemma 4.9

For any n2 and x,y,zS we have




xEn(y) if and only if yEn(x).


(i) Let zS. Then by Theorem 4.7, we have E2(E2(z))={xS|Ir1such thatxA1and for some aE2(z),aA2}=E3(z). Now, we prove by induction on n. Suppose En(E2(z))=En+1(z). Then En+1(E2(z))={xS|Ir1such thatxA1 and \ for some aEn(E2(z))aA2}=En+2(z). (ii) We prove by induction on n. It is easy to see that xE2(y) if and only if yE2(x). Suppose xEn+1(y). Then Ir1 such that xA1 and for some aEn(y),we haveaA2. Clearly, xE1(x). Also, xA1 and aA2, then aE2(x). By hypotheses of induction, since aEn(y) we have yEn(a) and so by (i), yEn(E2(x))=En+1(x). Therefore, xEn(y) if and only if yEn(x).

Theorem 4.10

Let x,yS.Then xEy if and only if xE({y}) is an equivalence relation on S.


By Theorem 4.7, W{x}=K{x} and by Definition 4.6, we have xE{x}, thus xEx. Then E is reflexive. For transitivity, let x,y,zS such that xEy and yEz. Then by Theorem 4.7, xK(y) and yK(z). Thus, for any ζ-role P which contains z i.e. zP, we have K(z)P and since yK(z), we have yP. Then K(y)P and so xP. Thus for any ζ-role of S, we have xP, i.e. xK(z). Hence, by Theorem 4.7, xEz. Then E is transitive. The symmetrically of E follows directly from Lemma 4.9.

Theorem 4.11

For all a,bS, aEb if and only if aζb.


() Let aζb. Then for any nN, there exists mN, such that aζm,nb. Then In such that aA1,bA2, so aE2(b). Thus, by Lemma 4.9, bE2(a). Hence aEb and so ζE.

() If xEy, then xEn(y) for some nN. Then Ir1 such that xA1 and for some x1En1(y) we have x1A2. Thus, xζnx1. Hence continuing this method x2,,xn1S such that xiEni(y) and xi1ζnxi. Then (x=x0)ζnx1ζnζn(xn1=y). Therefore, Eζ.

Remark 4.12

By Theorem 2.6, if (S,+,) is a FHR, then (S/ζ,,) is a ring. We define ωS by ωS={xSψ(x)=0ζ}=ψ1(0S/ζ), where ψ:SS/ζ is the canonical projection.

Lemma 4.13

If M is an ζ-role of S, then ψ1(ψ(M))=M.


We know Mψ1(ψ(M)). If xψ1(ψ(M)), then there exists bM such that ψ(x)=ψ(b). For any yS, ψ(y)=yζ and so xζ=bζ. Thus, xζb. Since M is an ζ role of S, xζb and bM, then by Theorem 4.3, we have xM.

Theorem 4.14

ωS is a fuzzy subhyperring of S, which is also an ζ-role of S.


It is clear that, ωSS. Let x,yωS and for any rS, r¯=rζ and (x+y)(r)>0 ((xy)(r)>0). Then by Theorem 2.6, x¯y¯=r¯ (x¯y¯=r¯). Then r¯=0¯, and so rω. We show that for any yωS, ωS+y=χωS. Let x,yωS. Then, by S+y=χS, there exists uS such that (u+y)(x)>0. Therefore, by Theorem 2.6, uζyζ=xζ. Then uζ=0ζ. Thus uωS. Consequently, (I) ωS+y=χωS.(I) Hence, ωS is a fuzzy subhyperring of S. Now we prove that (II) xψ1(ψ({y}))(ωS+y)(x)>0.(II) For this let xS, tωS and (t+y)(x)>0. Then by Theorem 2.6, ψ(x)=ψ(t)ψ(y)=0S/ζψ(y)=ψ(y) and so xψ1(ψ({y})). Conversely, let xψ1(ψ({y})). Then ψ(x)=ψ(y). Since S+y=χS, there is aS such that (a+y)(x)>0 and so ψ(y)=ψ(x)=ψ(a)ψ(y) (since by Remark 2.6, S/ζ is a ring and ψ(y)S/ζ). Then ψ(a)=0S/ζ and so aψ1(0S/ζ)=ωS. Thus by (a+y)x>0, we have (ωS+y)(x)>0. Also, since zψ1(ψ({y}))ψ(z)=ψ(y)zζ=yζzζyzyζ=E({y})=K(y).(by Theorems 4.10,4.11,4.7,) we have K(y)=ψ1(ψ({y})) which by (I), (II) implies that K(y)=ωS, and so ωS is a ζ-role of S.

By Lemma 4.13 and Theorem 4.14, we have the following corollary.

Corollary 4.15


5. Engel Lie Rings Derived from Fuzzy Hyperrings

In this section, continuing our previous work, we define a FSR, on a FHR S such that the quotient is an Engel Lie ring. Let s be a fixed element of S, unless we notify.

Definition 5.1

We define L(0,s)(S)=S, and for k0, L(k+1,s)(S)={tSrSs.t(xs)(r)>0and(t(sx))(r)>0,forsomexL(k,s)(S)}.

Now, let nN and ν(1,n,s) be the diagonal relation on S. For every integer m>1, define ν(m,n,s) as follows: aν(m,n,s)bk1,,kmN(mN)andϱSm,(xi1,xi2,,xiki)Ski,ϱiSki;(ϱ(i)=i,ϱϱ(i)(j)=j if xijL(n,s)(S)) and aA1,bA2 i.e.

i=1mj=1ki(xij)(a)>0and(i=1mj=1kϱ(i)(xϱ(i)ϱϱ(i)(j))(b)>0 Consider ν(n,s)=m1ν(m,n,s). Then ν(n,s) is symmetric (Similar to Definition ζn). Define for any aS, a(a)=(χa)(a)=1, thus ν(n,s) is reflexive. Then ν(n,s), the transitive closure of ν(n,s), is an equivalence relation on S.

In the same way of the Corollary 3.6, we have the following theorem.

Theorem 5.2

For any nN the relation ν(n,s) is a FSR.

Corollary 5.3

For a fixed element sS we have ν(n,s)ζnϵ.


Let zν(n,s)t. Then there exists mN such that zν(m,n,s)t and so (k1,,km)Nm,ϱSm,(xi1,xi2,,xiki)Ski,ϱiSki,(i=1,2,,m);(ϱ(i)=iandϱϱ(i)(j)=j, if xijL(n,s)(S)). Then (i=1mj=1kixij)(z)>0,and(i=1mj=1kϱ(i)xϱ(i)ϱϱ(i)(j))(t)>0. Now, let ϱ=ϱ and xij=xij, ϱi=ϱi and xijLn(S). By L(n,s)(S)Ln(S), we have xijL(n,s)(S). Thus, for (k1,,km)Nm,ϱSm,(xi1,xi2,,xiki)Ski,ϱiSki,(i=1,2,,m),such \ that(ϱ(i)=iandϱϱ(i)(j)=j if xijLn(S)), such that (i=1mj=1kixij)(z)>0,and(i=1mj=1kϱ(i)xϱ(i)ϱϱ(i)(j))(t)>0. Hence, zζnt and so ν(n,s)ζn. By the similar way, ζnϵ.

Similar to the Corollary 3.8, we have:

Corollary 5.4

Let S be a commutative FHR. Then ν(n,s)=ζn=ϵ.

Proposition 5.5

For any nN we have ν(n+1,s)ν(n,s).


The proof is similar to Proposition 3.7.

Definition 5.6

Let Rl be a Lie ring and nN. Then, Rl is an n-Engel if for any x,yRl,[x,ny]=0. Also, for a fixed element sRl we define the n-th Lie centre of Rl as follows: U(0,s)(Rl)={0}andU(n,s)(Rl)={rRl;[r,s,,sntimes]=0}.

We can conclude that, Rl is an n-Engel if and only if for any sS,U(n,s)(Rl)=Rl.

Also, let M(0,s)(Rl)=Rl and M(k+1,s)(Rl)={[x,s]xM(k,s)(Rl)}. Now by Definition 5.6, we have the following theorem.

Theorem 5.7

Let nN and l(n,y)(Rl) be the Lie ideal generated by M(n,y)(Rl). Then Lie ring Rl is an n-Engel if and only if for any yRl, l(n,y)(Rl)={0}.


(⇒) Let y be a fixed element of n-Engel Lie ring Rl and zl(n,y)(Rl). Then z[x1,y] for some x1l(n1,y)(Rl), and so x1[x2,y] for some x2l(n2,y)(Rl). Then, z[x1,y][x2,y,y]. Continuing this we have z[xn,ny], for some xnRl. By hypotheses for any x,yRl, we have [xn,ny]=0. Hence, z = 0 and so l(n,y)(Rl)={0}.

() Let for any yRl, l(n,y)(Rl)={0} and x be arbitary elements of Rl. By [x,y]l(1,y)(Rl), we have [[x,y],y]l(2,y)(Rl). Continuing this we have [x,ny]l(n,y)(Rl)=0, and so [x,ny]=0, which implies that Rl is an n-Engel Lie ring.

Remark 5.8

Let φ be a FSR on S. Then by Theorem 2.6, without loss of generality, we can assume that (S/φ,,) is a Lie ring.

Theorem 5.9

If φ is a FSR on S, then for any kN, Mk+1,sφ(Sφ)={[tφ,sφ]|tLk,s(S)}.


Put R=S/φ and x¯=xφ, for all xS. If k = 0, then M1,s¯(R)={[t¯,s¯]tL(0,s)(S)}. Now, we show that Mk+2,s¯(R){[tφ,sφ]|tLk+1,s(S)}. Put a¯=[t¯,s¯], where tL(k+1,s)(S), so there exist xL(k,s)(S) and rS such that (xs)(r)>0 and (t(sx))(r)>0. Then by Theorem 2.6, x¯s¯=r¯ and t¯(s¯x¯)=r¯. Thus t¯=[x¯,s¯]. By induction hypotheses we have t¯M(k+1,s¯)(R). Hence a¯=[t¯,s¯]M(k+2,s¯)(R).

Conversely, let a¯Mk+2,s¯(R). Then a¯=[x¯,s¯], where x¯M(k+1,s¯)(R). So hypotheses of induction implies that x¯=[u¯,s¯], where uL(k,s)(S). Let b,cS, (us)(c)>0 and (su)(b)>0. For b,c we have, 1=χS(c)=(S+b)(c). Then there exists tS such that (t+b)(c)>0. Thus (tsu)(c)=bS(t+b)(c)(su)(b)>0, and so tL(k+1,s)(S). Hence, by Theorem 2.6, c¯=t¯(s¯u¯)=u¯s¯. Thus, t¯=[u¯,s¯]=x¯. Then, a¯=[x¯,s¯]=[t¯,s¯]{[t¯,s¯]|tL(k+1,s)(S),}. Therefore M(k+2,s¯)(S/φ)={[t¯,s¯]|tL(k+1,s)(S)}.

Theorem 5.10

S/ν(n,s) is an (n+1)-Engel Lie ring.


For any xS let R=S/ν(n,s) and x¯=xν(n,s). By induction on i, we show that M(n+1i,s¯)(R)U(i,s¯)(R). Let i = 0, then {0}=M(n+1,s¯)(R)U(0,s¯)(R)={0}. Let a¯M(ni,s¯)(R). Then [a¯,s¯]M(n+1i,s¯)(R). By hypotheses, we have M(n+1i,s¯)(R)Ui,s¯(R). Hence [[a¯,s¯],is¯]=0, and so a¯U(i+1,s¯)(R). Thus, M(ni,s¯)(R)U(i+1,s¯)(R). If i = n + 1, then M(n+1(n+1),s¯)(R)U(n+1,s¯)(R) and so R=M(0,s¯)(R)=U(n+1,s¯)(R). Therefore, R is an (n+1)-Engel Lie ring.

6. Conclusion

The fundamental relations on hyperrings were studied by Vougiouklis. Then, commutative fundamental relations on fuzzy hyperrings were introduced by Nozari and Fahimi. Now in this paper, first the smallest equivalence relation ζ on a FHR S, such that the set of equivalence classes was a nilpotent Lie ring, was introduced. Then, the relation ν(n,s) was defined, as the FSR, so that the quotient would be an Engel Lie ring. Finally, theses two different relations were compared.

List of Abbreviations

F(H), the set of all fuzzy subsets of H,

FHR, a fuzzy hyperoperations,

FR, a fuzzy regular,

FSR, a fuzzy strongly regular,

F(S)R, a fuzzy (strongly) regular.

Disclosure Statement

No potential conflict of interest was reported by the author(s).

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Notes on contributors

E. Mohammadzadeh

E. Mohammadzadeh is assistant professor at the Payame Noor University, Iran. She has published more than 20 papers in the international journals. Her main scientific interests are algebraic logic, algebraic hyperstructures and fuzzy algebras.

R. A. Borzooei

R. A. Borzooei is full professor at the Shahid Beheshti University, Tehran, Iran. He is currently, Editor In-Chief and founder of “Iranian Journal of Fuzzy Systems” and “Journal of Algebraic Hyperstructures and Logical”, editorial board of six international journals. He has published more than 330 papers in the international journals. His main scientific interests are algebraic logics, ordered algebraic structures, algebraic hyperstructures, fuzzy algebras and fuzzy graphs.

F. Mohammadzadeh

F. Mohammadzadeh is assistant professor at the Payame Noor University, Tehran, Iran. Her main scientific interests are algebraic hyperstructures and fuzzy algebras.

S. S. Ahn

S. S. Ahn is full professor at the Dongguk University, Korea. She works in the Department of Mathematics Education from 1993 to present. She has published more than 150 papers in the international journals. Her main scientific interests are logical algebras, ordered algebras, algebraic hyperstructures, fuzzy algebras and fuzzy graphs.


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