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The existence and uniqueness of integral solutions to some nonlinear reaction–diffusion system with nonlocal retarded initial conditions

Pages 569-578 | Received 09 Oct 2018, Accepted 23 Mar 2020, Published online: 16 Apr 2020


In this paper, a viability results for nonlinear retarded reaction–diffusion system with the non-local retarded initial condition are studied. The existence, uniqueness and global asymptotic stability of C0-solutions are investigated. Based on the compactness arguments, Tychonoff fixed point theorem and invariance technique, the proof of our main results is presented.

1. Introduction

Let A and B are the m-dissipative operators on real Banach spaces X and Y respectively. We assume the nonlinear retarded reaction–diffusion system with a nonlocalretarded initial condition in order to find (u,v)Cb([τ,+);D(A)¯)×Cb([τ,+);D(B)¯) satisfying the following equations: (1) u(t)Au(t)+f(t,u0(t),,un(t),v0(t),,vn(t)),tR+,v(t)Bv(t)+g(t,u0(t),,un(t),v0(t),,vn(t)),tR+,u(t)=p(u,v)(t),t[τ,0],v(t)=q(u,v)(t),t[τ,0].(1) Here, τ0=0τ1τ2τn=τ to be fixed, f:R+×C([τ,0],[D(A)¯]n+1) × C([τ,0],[D(B)¯]n+1)X, and g:R+×C([τ,0],[D(A)¯]n+1)×C([τ,0],[D(B)¯]n+1)Y are continuous functions, namely uk(t)=u(tτk) and vk(t)=v(tτk) for k=0,,n, knowing that, p:Cb([τ,+);D(A)¯)×Cb([τ,+);D(B)¯)C([τ,0];D(A)¯) and q:Cb([τ,+);X)×Cb([τ,+);D(B)¯)C([τ,0];D(B)¯) are non-expansive.

The system (Equation1) has been addressed by several authors, and they analyzed various cases, such as Alam and Alam [Citation1], Burlică [Citation2], Burlică and Roşu [Citation3–5], Diaz and Vrabie [Citation6], Meknani and Zhang [Citation7], Neucala and Vrabie [Citation8], Roşu [Citation9,Citation10] been studied by Burlică and Roşu [Citation11], Vrabie [Citation12–14] , Garcia and Reich [Citation15] and Paicu and Vrabie [Citation31]. Otherwise, the result for nonlinear evolution inclusions with nonlocal retarded initial conditions was investigated by Vrabie [Citation16] and references therein. All these studies were motivated by the applicability of this type of problem in mathematical modeling, it covers most of the nonlinear evolution equations with nonlocal  initial conditions appearing in physics, these examples were presented in Deng [Citation17] and Mc.Kibben [Citation18, Section 10.2, p. 394–398]. We emphasize that, our result is inspired by Vrabie [Citation16] and our main goal is to extend Theorem 3.1 in Burlică and Vrabie  [Citation19] under almost the same general assumptions, and our main result is adapted to the results for nonlinear reaction–diffusion system with nonlocal retarded initial conditions.

We draw our results depending on the compactness method presented in [Citation19,Citation20]. In this study, we prove the approximate problem (Equation6) has at least C0-solutions (uα,vα) converge in C~b([τ,+);X)×C~b([τ,+);Y) to (u,v)Cb([τ,+);X)×Cb([τ,+);Y) which is C0-solution of the system (Equation1) if and only if the C0-solutions set {(uα,vα),0α1} is compact and closed. To investigate that, we required to impose auxiliary systems (Equation8)–(Equation9) and more details are shown in Section 4.

The paper is divided into seven sections. In Section 2, we present some concepts and results referring to evolutions governed by m-dissipative operators, needed in the sequel. In Section 3, we state our main result, i.e. Theorem 3.2. Section 4 presents the outline of the proof. Section 5 is mainly devoted to some auxiliary results and in Section 6 we give the complete proof of Theorem 3.2. Finally, in Section 7, we analyze an example illustrating the effectiveness of the abstract theory.

2. Preliminaries

For further background and details pertaining to this section, we refer to the articles [Citation21–24]

Let X and Y are Banach spaces with norm .. If I is an interval, C(I,X)×C(I,Y) denotes the product space of all bounded and continuous functions from I, equipped with sup-norm (u,v)C(I,X)×C(I,Y)=max{u(t)C(I,X),v(t)C(I,Y),tI}, while C(I,D(A)¯)×C(I,D(B)¯) denotes the closed product subset in C(I,X)×C(I,Y) consisting of all elements (u,v)C(I,X)×C(I,Y) satisfying (u(t),v(t))D(A)¯×D(B)¯ for each tI. Further, C([a,b],X)×C([a,b],Y) represents the product space of all continuous functions from [a,b] to X×Y endowed with the sup-norm (u,v)C([a,b],X)×C([a,b],Y)=max{u(t)C([a,b],X),v(t)C([a,b],Y),t[a,b]}, and C([a,b],D(A)¯)×C([a,b],D(B)¯) denoted the closed product subset of C([a,b],X)×C([a,b],Y) containing all (u,v)C([a,b],X)×C([a,b],Y) with (u(t),v(t))D(A)¯×D(B)¯ for each t[a,b].

In addition, we assume Cb~([c,+);X)×Cb~([c,+);Y) as the product space Cb([c,+);X)×Cb([c,+);Y) equipped with the family of semi-norms {(,)k, kN, k>c, cR}, defined by (u,v)k=(u,v)Cb([c,k);X)×Cb([c,k);Y) k=1,2,, such spaces are separated locally convex space, endowed with a family of semi-norms mentioned above.

The operator A:D(A)XX is called dissipative if for each xiD(A) and yiAxi,i=1,2, we have that [x1x2,y1y2]+=0, where [x,y]t:=1t(x+tyx) and [x,y]+=limt0[x,y]t:=inf{ [x,y]t;t>0} x,yX. Obviously, we can show that |[x,y]+|y x,yX. If the operator A:D(A)XX is dissipative and the range of IλA satisfies R(IλA)=X for λ>0, then A is m-dissipative.

For every fL1(a,b;X), we say that the function u:[a,b]D(A)¯ is a C0-solution or integral solution on [a,b] of the following evolution equation: (2) u(t)Au(t)+f(t),(2) if uC([a,b],X) and satisfies the following inequality: u(t)xu(s)x+st[u(τ)x,f(τ)+y]+dτ, for each xD(A),yAx and astb.

Theorem 2.1

Let A:D(A)XX be an m-dissipative operator such that A+ωI is dissipative with ω>0. For each ξD(A)¯ and fL1(a,b;X), the evolution Equation (Equation2) on [a,b] has a unique C0-solution which satisfies u(a)=ξ. If u and v are two C0-solutions of (Equation2) corresponding to f and gL1(a,b,X), respectively, then (3) u(t)v(t)eω(ts)u(s)v(s)+steω(tθ)f(θ)g(θ)dθ.(3) In particular, if xD(A) and yAx, we have (4) u(t)xeω(ts)u(s)x+steω(tθ)f(θ)+ydθ,(4) for each astb.

( cf. Barbu [Citation21, Theorem 4.1, p.130]).

For ξD(A)¯, fL1(a,b;X) and τ[a,b). The problem (Equation2) has a unique C0-solution v:[τ,b)D(A)¯ satisfying the initial condition v(τ)=ξ denote by u(,τ,ξ,f). We denote {SA(t):D(A)¯D(A)¯, t0} the semigroup generated by A over D(A)¯ and defined by SA(t)ξ=u(t,0,ξ,0), for each ξD(A)¯ and t0. Moreover, if the operator (SA(t))t0 is a compact operator, then the semigroup generated by A is compact.

Definition 2.2

A subset FL1(a,b;X) is uniformly integrable, if for each ε>0, there exists δ(ε)>0, such that Ef(s)dsε, for each fF, and each measurable subset E[a,b] whose Lebesgue measure λ(E)<δ(ε).

Theorem 2.3

For each c(a,b), the C0-solutions set {u(,a,ξ,f);ξB, fF} is relatively compact in C([c,b];X) if, the m-dissipative operator A:D(A)XX generates a compact semigroup, BD(A)¯ be bounded, and F be uniformly integrable in L1(a,b;X). Furthermore, if B is relatively compact in X, then, the C0-solutions set is relatively compact even in C([a,b];X).

Return to [Citation24, Theorem 2.3.3, p.47].

Here, we point to the Tychonoff fixed point theorem, which is very useful in proving our main results.

Theorem 2.4

Let K be a non-empty, convex and closed subset in separated locally convex topological vector space X. Then, the mapping Λ:KK has at least one fixed point, i.e.  gKsuch that gΛ(g) provided that Λ is continuous function and Λ(K) is relatively compact.

See Edwards [Citation22, Theorem 3.6.1, p.161] and Tychonoff [Citation25].

3. Existence and uniqueness of integral solution

In this section, we deal with the existence and uniqueness of C0-solutions for the problem (Equation1) under the following assumptions:


A:D(A)XX is m-dissipative operator, 0D(A), 0A0 and there exists ω>0 such that A+ωI is dissipative.


The operator B:D(B)YY satisfies:


B is m-dissipative, 0D(B),0B0 and there exists γ>0 such that B+γI is dissipative.


B generates a compact semigroup.


The constants k>0, τk,(k=0,,n), ω>0 and γ>0 satisfy the non-resonance conditions:






The function f:R+×C([τ,0],[D(A)¯]n+1)×C([τ,0],[D(B)¯]n+1)X is continuous and satisfies:


There exists k>0,k=0,,n, such that f(t,u0,,un,v0,,vn)f(t,u~0,,u~n,v~0,,v~n)Xk=0nk[uku~kC([τ,0],X)+vkv~kC([τ,0],Y)],for each (u0,,un),(u~0,,u~n)C([τ,0];D(A)¯n+1), and for each (v0,,vn),(v~0,,v~n)C([τ,0];D(B)¯n+1), and each t0.


There exists m>0 such that f(t,0,,0)Xm,for each tR+.


The function g:R+×C([τ,0],[D(A)¯]n+1)×C([τ,0],[D(B)¯]n+1)Y is continuous and satisfies:


with k>0,k=0,,n, and m>0 is given by (f1) and (f2), we have g(t,u0,,un,v0,,vn)Yk=0nkukC([τ,0];X)+vkC([τ,0];Y)+m,for each (u0,,un)C([τ,0];D(A)¯n+1), and for each (v0,,vn)C([τ,0];D(B)¯n+1), and each t0;


g satisfies g(t,u0,,un,v0,,vn)g(t,u~0,,u~n,v~0,,v~n)Xk=0nkuku~kC([τ,0],X)+vkv~kC([τ,0],Y),for each (u0,,un),(u~0,,u~n)C([τ,0];D(A)¯n+1), and for each (v0,,vn),(v~0,,v~n)C([τ,0];D(B)¯n+1), and each t0;


p:Cb([τ,+);D(A)¯)×Cb([τ,+);D(B)¯)C([τ,0];D(A)¯) is continuous from C~b([τ,+);D(A)¯)×C~b([τ,+);D(B)¯) to the history space C([τ,0];D(A)¯) and satisfies:


for each uCb([τ,+);D(A)¯) and each vCb([τ,+);D(B)¯), we have p(u,v)C([τ,0];X)uCb([0,+);X),


there exists c>0 such that for each u,uˆCb([τ,+);D(A)¯) and each v,vˆCb([τ,+);D(B)¯), we have p(u,v)p(uˆ,vˆ)C([τ,0];X)maxuuˆCb([c,+);X),vvˆCb([c,+);Y),


q:Cb([τ,+);X)×Cb([τ,+);D(B)¯)C([τ,0];D(B)¯) is continuous from C~b([τ,+);D(A)¯)×C~b([τ,+);D(B)¯) to the history space C([τ,0];D(B)¯) and satisfies:


for each uCb([τ,+);X) and each vCb([τ,+);D(B)¯), we have q(u,v)C([τ,0];Y)vCb([0,+);Y),


with c>0 given in (p2) for each u,uˆCb([τ,+);X) and each v,vˆCb([τ,+);D(B)¯), we have q(u,v)q(uˆ,vˆ)C([τ,0];Y)maxuuˆCb([c,+);X),vvˆCb([c,+);Y).


For each bounded set E belong to Cb([τ,+);X), and for each bounded set E~ belong to Cb([τ,+);D(B)¯) which is relatively compact in C~b([σ,+);Y) for each σ(0,+), the set q(E,E~) is relatively compact in the space C([τ,0];Y).

Definition 3.1

We said that a C0-solution (u,v) of (Equation1) is globally asymptotically stable if for each (ρ,ϱ)C([τ,0];D(A)¯)×C([τ,0];D(B)¯) the unique C0-solution (w,w~)C([τ,+);D(A)¯)×C([τ,+);D(B)¯) of the problem w(t)Aw(t)+f(t,w0(t),,wn(t),w~0(t),,w~n(t)),tR+,w~(t)Bw~(t)+g(t,w0(t),,wn(t),w~0(t),,w~n(t)),tR+,w(t)=ρ(t),t[τ,0],w~(t)=ϱ(t),t[τ,0], satisfies (u(t),v(t))(w(t),w~(t))0,t+.

Now, the main result of this paper is presented as follows.

Theorem 3.2

Assume that (HA),(HB),(Hf),(Hg),(Hp),(Hq), and (Hc) hold, then the problem (Equation1) has a unique and globally asymptotically stable C0-solution, (u,v)Cb([τ,+);D(A)¯)×Cb([τ,+);D(B)¯), satisfying (5) uCb([τ,+);X)mω,vCb([τ,+);Y)mγ.(5)

4. Outline of proof

Here, the idea of the proof is briefly presented as follows.

First, we assume α(0,1) and we show the following approximate problem: (6) u(t)Au(t)+f(t,U(t),V(t)),tR+,v(t)Bv(t)+ψα(t)g(t,U(t),V(t)),tR+,u(t)=(1α)p(u,v)(t),t[τ,0],v(t)=(1α)q(u,v)(t),t[τ,0](6) has a unique C0-solution (uα,vα)C~b([τ,+),X)×C~b([τ,+),Y), where ψα:[0,+)[0,1] is defined by (7) ψα(t)=1,t[0,1/α],1+1/αt,t[1/α,1+1/α],0,t[1+1/α,+),(7) where, for α(0,1), we have ψα(t)1C~b([0,+),R)=0,α0. In order to prove that, we fix an arbitrary function (u,h)Cb([τ,+),X)×Cb([0,+),Y) and also we propose the two auxiliary system (8) vˆ(t)Bvˆ(t)+h(t),tR+,vˆ(t)=(1α)q(u,vˆ)(t),t[τ,0],(8) and (9) uˆ(t)Auˆ(t)+f(t,U~(t),V~(t)),tR+,uˆ(t)=(1α)p(uˆ,vˆ)(t),t[τ,0],(9) then we show that (10) Λα:Cb([τ,+);X)×Cb([0,+);Y)Cb([τ,+);X)×Cb([0,+);Y)(u,h)(t,s)Λα(u,h)(t,s)=(uˆ(t),gα(s,U~(s),V~(s))),(10) for each t[τ,+), and for each s[0,+), is maps a suitably defined in non-empty, closed and convex subset KαCb([τ,+);X)×Cb([0,+);Y) into itself, such that the operator Λα is continuous and Λα(Kα) is relatively compact. So, Λα has a fixed point (uˆ,h)Kα which equals (uˆ,vˆ) which is attained (Equation8)–(Equation9) is C0-solution of (Equation6).

Second, we show the C0-solution set of problem (Equation6), i.e. {(uα,vα), α(0,1)} is compact and closed in C~b([τ,+);X)×C~b([τ,+);Y).

Third, we prove there exists (u,v)Cb([τ,+);X)×Cb([τ,+);Y), such that, there is a sequence αp0 when p+ where limp(uαp,vαp)(u,v)C~b[τ,+);X×C~b[τ,+);Y=0, such that (u,v) is a C0-solution of (Equation1).

Finally, according to the conditions (c2), (g2), (p2), and (q2), we demonstrate that each integral solution of the problem (Equation1) is globally asymptotically stable.

Remark 4.1

More details were given in Lemma 4.5 in [Citation16] for the existence and uniqueness of problem (Equation8) as well as Theorem 3.1 which was presented by Burlică and Roşu [Citation11] for the existence and uniqueness of problem (Equation9).

5. Auxiliary results

For convenience and clarity, we will divide the proof of Theorem 3.2 into five steps and they are labelled as the following five lemmas.

Lemma 5.1


If (HA),(B1),(Hp) and (q1),(q2) are satisfied, then, for all (f,g)Cb([0,+);X)×Cb([0,+);Y) where α>0, the system (11) u(t)Au(t)+f(t),tR+,v(t)Bv(t)+g(t),tR+,u(t)=(1α)p(u,v)(t),t[τ,0],v(t)=(1α)q(u,v)(t),t[τ,0](11) has a unique C0-solution (u,v)Cb([τ,+);D(A)¯)×Cb([τ,+);D(B)¯). Furthermore, these inequalities (12) uCb([τ,+);X)mω,vCb([τ,+);Y)mγ(12) are guaranteed, if fCb([0,+);X)m and gCb([0,+);Y)m are satisfied.

Here, let us assume U~(t)=(uˆ0(t),,uˆn(t)) and V~(t)=(vˆ0(t),,vˆn(t)) is endowed with the following sup-norm: (13) U~=maxk=0,,nuˆkCb([τ,+);X),V~=maxk=0,,nvˆkCb([τ,+);Y).(13)

Lemma 5.2

If (HA),(HB),(Hf),(Hp),(Hq) and (c1) in (Hc) are satisfied. Then, for each (u,h)Cb([τ,+);X)×Cb([0,+);Y) satisfying (14) uCb([τ,+);X)dω,hCb([0,+);Y)d,(14) such that (15) d=mγωωγ(ω+γ),(15) the pair (uˆ,vˆ), where vˆ is the unique C0-solution of (Equation8) and uˆ is the unique C0-solution of (Equation9), satisfies: (16) uˆCb([τ,+);X)dω,vˆCb([τ,+);Y)dγ,(16) so, for each k=1,,n, we have (17) uˆkCb([τ,+);X)dω,vˆkCb([τ,+);Y)dγ,(17) therefore, (18) f(t,U~,V~)Xd t[0,+).(18)


First, we prove that, for each k=0,,n, we have vˆkCb([τ,+);Y)dγ. In fact, for k = 0, and from inequality (Equation4), we get vˆ(t)(1ε)eγtvˆCb([0,+);Y)+dγ(1eγt), for each t[0,+). By applying Lemma 5.1 in [Citation19], we obtain vˆCb([0,+);Y)dγ, on the other hand, from (q1), and for each t[τ,0], we have (19) vˆ(t)=q(uˆ,vˆ)(t)vˆCb([0,+);Y)dγ,(19) hence, for each k=1,,n, we obtain vˆk(t)Cb([τ,+);Y)max{vˆ(t)Cb([τ,0];Y),vˆ(t)Cb([0,+);Y)}dγ, therefore (20) V~dγ.(20) Next, we prove that uˆkdω, k=0,,n. Actually, for k = 0, from Lemma 5.1 in [Citation19], and Lemma 3.2 in [Citation7], we conclude that


due to the uˆkCb([τ,0];X)=uˆ(tτk)Cb([τ,0];X)=supθ[τ,0]uˆ(tτk+θ)uˆCb([0,+);X), so, by calling Lemma 5.1 in [Citation19], we get uˆCb([0,+);X)dω, otherwise, for k=1,,n, and for each t[τ,0], we observe that (21) uˆ(t)=p(uˆ,vˆ)(t)uˆCb([0,+);X)dω,(21) according to the above results, we obtain that uˆkCb([τ,+);X)dω k=0,,n, and then, (22) U~dω.(22) Finally, due to (Equation20), (Equation22) and (Hf), we deduce that (23) f(t,U~,V~)d t[0,+).(23) Hence, the proof is completed.

Lemma 5.3


Let {fp:R+×C([τ,0];D(A)¯n+1)X;pN} be a family of continuous functions satisfying:


there exists 0<<ω such that fp(t,x)fp(t,y)XxyC([τ,0];Xn+1), for each pN, each t[0,+) and x,yC([τ,0];D(A)¯n+1);


there exists m>0 such that fp(t,0,,0)Xm, for each pN, each t[0,+);


limpfp(t,x)f(t,x)X=0, for t[0,+) (for t in bounded intervals in [0,+)) and x in bounded subsets in C([τ,0];D(A)¯n+1).

Let {pp:C([τ,+];D(A)¯)C([τ,0];D(A)¯);pN} be a family of functions satisfying:


for each pN and uC([τ,+);D(A)¯), we have pp(u)C([τ,0];X)uC([0,+);X);


there exists c>0 such that for each pN and u,u~Cb([τ,+);D(A)¯), we have pp(u)pp(u~)C([τ,0];X)uu~C([c,+);X);


limppp(u)p(u)=0, for u in bounded subsets in Cb([τ,+);D(A)¯) (and p:Cb([τ,+);D(A)¯)Cb([τ,0];D(A)¯) is continuous).

Let us assume further that A satisfies (HA) and let (up)p be the sequence of C0-solutions of the problem (24) up(t)Aup(t)+F(t,Up(t)),tR+,up(t)=pp(up)(t),t[τ,0],(24) whose existence and uniqueness is satisfied by Theorem 3.1 which was presented by Burlică and Roşu [Citation11]. Then, we have limpupuCb([τ,+);X)=0, as far as limpupuC~b([τ,+);X)=0, where u is the unique C0-solution of the problem (25) u(t)Au(t)+F(t,U(t)),tR+,u(t)=p(u)(t),t[τ,0].(25)

Lemma 5.4

Let us take KρˆCb([τ,+);X) as the closed ball with a centre 0 and radius ρˆ=d/ω for each d0 which is given by (Equation15) and let KdCb([0,+);Y) as the closed ball with a centre 0 and radius d multiply by ψα, such that Kα=Kρˆ×Kd. If the hypotheses (HA),(HB),(Hf),(Hg),(Hp),(Hq) and (Hc) are satisfied. Then, the operator Λα:KαKα defined in (Equation10) is continuous with respect to the topology on Cb([τ,+);X)×Cb([0,+);Y) such that Kρˆ, Kd and R(Λα) is endowed with such topology.


To show that the function Λα is continuous, it is enough to prove: that for any arbitrary sequence (up,hp),(uˆp,hˆp)Kα with Λα(up,hp)=(uˆp,hˆp) for pN and limp(up,hp)(u,h)Cb([τ,+);X)×Cb([0,+);Y)=0, it implies that limpΛα(up,hp)Λα(u,h)Cb([τ,+);X)×Cb([0,+);Y)=0. The proof was shown in [Citation19]. So, we avoid rewrite it here.

Lemma 5.5


For each α(0,1), the set conv(Λα(Kα)) is relatively compact in the product space Cb([τ,+);X)×Cb([0,+);Y), if the assumptions (HA),(HB),(Hf),(Hg),(Hp),(Hq) and (Hc) are satisfied.

6. Proof of Theorem thm3.2

Firstly, for an arbitrarily fixed number α(0,1), we suppose that Kα=Conv(Λα(Kα))¯Cb([τ,+);X)×Cb([0,+);Y). Using Lemma 5.5, we conclude that the operator Λα:KαKα is attained the assumptions of Tychonoff fixed point theorem in [Citation25]. So, Λα has at least one fixed point (uα,hα) which equal that the approximate problem (Equation6) has at least one C0-solution (uα,vα).

Secondly, by using the same arguments in [Citation19,Citation20], we can show that: for each real number α(0,1), the set of the C0-solutions {(uα,vα), α(0,1)} is compact and closed in C~b([τ,+);X)×C~b([τ,+);Y). That is to say, if αp0 there is a subsequence (uαp,vαp) satisfy limp(uαp,vαp)(u,v)C~b([τ,+);X)×C~b([τ,+);Y)=0, such that (u,v) are C0-solutions of (Equation1). Thirdly, by virtue of [Citation11], we get that (26) p(u,v)C([τ,0];X)uC([c,+];X),(26) for each uCb([τ,+];X). Moreover, as 0A0, by calling the inequality (Equation4) in Theorem 2.1, (Hf) and (Equation26), we obtain that (27) u(t)eωtp(u)(t)C([τ,0];X)+0teω(ts)(f(s,u0,,un)f(s,0,,0)+f(s,0,,0))ds,eωtuC([c,+];X)+ω(1eωt)×uC([τ,+];X)+ω.(27) In addition, we call Lemma 4.2 in [Citation11] with the initial nonlocal condition (p2), immediately we obtain that uC([τ,+];X)mω. Similarly for the second inequality of (Equation5).

Finally, we prove that each C0-solution of problem (Equation1) is globally asymptotically stable. To show that, let uCb([τ,+);D(A)¯) be the unique C0-solution of (Equation1), ρC([τ,0];D(A)¯) be arbitrary but fixed, and wCb([τ,+);D(A)¯) be the unique C0-solution of the problem w(t)Bw(t)+g(t,w0(t),,wn(t)),tR+,w(t)=ρ(t),t[τ,0]. Returning back to (Equation3) in Theorem 2.1 and using (f1) in (Hf), we get that u(t)w(t)eωtu(0)w(0)+0teω(ts)×(f(s,u0,,un)f(s,w0,,wn))ds,eωtu(0)w(0)+0teω(ts)×(k=0nkukwkC([τ,0],X))ds t0, this implies that (28) eωtu(t)w(t)u(0)w(0)+0teωsk=0nkukwkC([τ,0],X)ds t0.(28) Furthermore, due to (p1), the second term in inequality (Equation28) is simplified as follows: 0teωsk=0nkukwkC([τ,0],X)ds=0τkeωsk=0nkukwkC([τ,0],X)ds+τkteωsk=0nkukwkC([τ,0],X)ds,1eωtωmω+ρC([τ,0],X)+0teωsuwC([τ,0],X)ds, we imposed that M=u(0)w(0)+1eωtωmω+ρC([τ,0],X). Using the Gronwall's lemma in Vrabie [Citation27, Lemma 1.5.2, p.44], we conclude that u(t)w(t)Me(aω)t t0, as aω<0 and going to the limit, we conclude that limtu(t)w(t)=0. Likewise for v. So, the proof is over.

7. Application

In this section, we present an application for the problem under consideration. So, we propose the following system: (29) ut(t,x)=φ(u(t,x))ωu(t,x)+f(t,x,U(t,x),V(t,x)),(t,x)R+×Ω,vt(t,x)=η(v(t,x))γv(t,x)+g(t,x,U(t,x),V(t,x)),(t,x)R+×Ω,φ(u(t,x))=η(v(t,x))=0,(t,x)R+×Υ,u(t,x)=c+h(c)Z(v(t+c,x))u(t+c,x)dμ(c),(t,x)[τ,0]×Ω,v(t,x)=v(t+T,x),(t,x)[τ,0]×Ω.(29) Here, we assume that Ω as a nonempty  bounded domain in Rs, s2, which has a C1- boundary Υ, τ=max{τ0,,τn}>0, ω>0, and Δ is defined as Laplace operator in the sense of distributions over Ω, knowing that, U(t,x)=(u0(t,x),,un(t,x)), V(t,x)=(v0(t,x),,vn(t,x)). Otherwise, the operators φ:D(φ)RR and η:D(η)RR are taken as maximal-monotone such that 0φ(0) and 0η(0), respectively. The functions f,g:R+×C([τ,0];[L1(Ω)]n+1)×C([τ,0];[L1(Ω)]n+1)R are continuous.

In the same context, we suppose μ as a positive σ-finite and complete measure on the class of Borel measurable sets in [c,+) for c>0, hL1(c,+;μ,R+) be a nonnegative function such that hL1(c,+;μ,R+)1.

We assume Z:C([τ,0];L1(Ω))R as a nonexpansive  with Z(0)=0. We denote that MΘ(u)=vL1(Ω);v(x)Θ(u(x)), a.e. for xΩ, where u:ΩD(Θ) such that Θ:D(Θ)RR is monotone with 0Θ(0).

In what follows, we present our main results.

Theorem 7.1

Given the assumptions described above, we conclude

  1. The operator ΔΘ:D(ΔΘ)L1(Ω)L1(Ω) is m-dissipative such that D(ΔΘ)={uL1(Ω), vMΘ(u)W01,1(Ω),ΔvL1(Ω)},ΔΘ(u)={Δv,vMΘ(u)W01,1(Ω)}L1(Ω) for uD(ΔΘ).

  2. The operator ΔΘ generates a compact semigroup, if there exist two constants C>0 and βˆ>0 if s2 with βˆ>(s2)/s and if s3 such that Θ(r)C|r|βˆ1 for each rR/{0} where Θ:RR is C0 on R and C1 on R/{0}.

These results have been already demonstrated in [Citation28,Citation29]. Indeed, the readers are directed to review Diaz and Vrabie [Citation30] for more details about the sufficient condition for the semigroup generated by ΔΘ to represent weakly compact maps in L1(Ω) in  compact sets in L1(Ω) for t>0.

Theorem 7.2

Let us consider Ω the nonempty bounded and open subset in Rs,s1 which has C1 boundary Υ. We impose that the operators φ:D(φ)RR and η:D(η)RR are maximal monotone such that 0D(φ),0D(η) and 0φ(0), 0η(0), respectively. Let f,g:R+×C([τ,0];[L1(Ω)]n+1)×C([τ,0];[L1(Ω)]n+1)R be continuous. We assume μ as a positive σ-finite and complete measure defined on the class of Borel measurable sets in [c,+), hL1(c,+;μ,R) is nonnegative Let Z:C([τ,0];L1(Ω))R+ to know that (Hc) is attained. Then, the problem (Equation29) has a unique C0- solution and globally asymptotically stable, if satisfy the following arguments:


there exist two constants C>0 and βˆ>0, if s2 and βˆ>(s2)/s, and if s3 we have η(r)C|r|βˆ1 for each rR/{0} such that η:RR is C0 on R and C1 on R/{0};


there exist k>0,k=0,,n and m>0 such that f(t,U,V)f(t,U~,V~)L1(Ω)k=0nkukuˆkC([τ,0],L1(Ω))+vkvˆkC([τ,0],L1(Ω)),g(t,U,V)L1(Ω)k=0nkukC([τ,0],L1(Ω))+vkC([τ,0],L1(Ω))+m,f(t,0,,0)L1(Ω)m,for each (t,U,V),(t,U~,V~)R+×C([τ,0];L1(Ω)n+1)×C([τ,0];L1(Ω)n+1).


μ is a Borel measure on [c,+) with limε0μ([c,c+α])=0;




Z:C([τ,0],L1(Ω))R+ is non-expansive with Z(0)=0.

8. Conclusion

In this paper, the nonlinear retarded reaction–diffusion system with nonlocal  retarded initial condition over tR+ is investigated. The compactness arguments and the Tychonoff fixed Point theorem are applied to solve (Equation1). Furthermore, the assumption (HA), (HB), (c1), (Hf), (g1), (p1), (q1) and(q3) guarantees the existence of C0- solutions of problem (Equation1), as well as (c2), (g2), (p2) and (q2) strengthen the presence of uniqueness and global uniform asymptotic stability of C0-solution. Moreover, some imposed auxiliary results with their proofs are introduced which facilitate us to show our main results Theorem (3.2). Besides, our theoretical study, we present an effective example which showing that the theoretical results are fully compatible with their practical results.


We would like to thank the anonymous referees for their constructive and helpful comments which improved the quality of the paper.

Disclosure statement

No potential conflict of interest was reported by the author(s).


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