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Existence results of solution for fractional Sturm–Liouville inclusion involving composition with multi-maps

Pages 721-733 | Received 09 Mar 2020, Accepted 12 May 2020, Published online: 28 May 2020


This paper is introduced as complementary studies based on fractional Sturm–Liouville problems in a Banach space. We explore the existence results for new considered problems which can be considered as mixture of equations and inclusions. For the sake of that, we use jointly continuous composed functions with multi-valued maps and denote this form by eq-inclusion problems. The form of the solutions is calculated by the rules of Caputo derivative and the corresponding integral. The concept “continuous image of multi-valued maps” is useful to show that the strong results will be under inclusion hypothesis. The argument and fit technicals used here consider both Lipschitz and non-Lipschitz cases with using nonlinear alternative Leray Schauder type and Covitiz and Nadler theorems.

1. Introduction

Most researchers in applied mathematics are using differential operators to describe a lot of kinds of modelling that have strong effects in various applied sciences. Many scholar teams are attracted to study partial differential operators having useful extents to present the physical equations. They use different methods to calculate their solutions, for instance, the obtained solutions in the shape of hyperbolic, trigonometric, elliptic functions including dark, bright, singular, combined, kink wave solitons, travelling wave, solitary wave and periodic wave. These kinds of solutions play vital role in mathematical physics, optical fiber, plasma physics and other various branches of applied sciences. There are some noteworthy results investigated by Seadawy et al. in [Citation1–11]. They studied by different mathematical methods the general form of solutions for modified and the nonlinear damped modified Kortewege–de Vries, (2+1)-dimensional nonlinear Nizhnik–Novikov–Vesselov, Kadomtsev–Petviashvili modified equal width, modify unstable nonlinear Schrodinger, Zakharov–Kuznetsov-modified equal width, and Kudryashov-Sinelshchikov dynamical equations, Camassa–Holm and the nonlinear longitudinal wave equations. They also [Citation12–14] studied some systems of equations like dynamical system of nonlinear wave propagation, three coupled system of nonlinear partial differential equations, and the system of dynamical equations.

As a mathematical analysis, fractional calculus studies some different possibilities to define real number powers or complex number powers of the differential operator D=d/dt and then some strong generalization by fractional number powers, see [Citation15]. For instance, Sturm–Liouville, Langevin, Evolution, Duffing, Navier–Stokes, and Hybrid operators are all of the most important and famous fractional differential operators [Citation16–20].

The importance of fractional powers attracted mathematical scientific teams to study different considerable results of fractional differential equations and inclusions that have gained substantial noteworthiness derived from their applications in various sciences. Not long ago, Zhou [Citation21] has investigated some results of the solvability for a Cauchy problem of Riemann–Liouville type fractional differential equations given by: RDαw(ι)=f(ι,w(ι)),ι(0,),(I1αw)(0)=w0, where α[0,1),RDαandI1α are respectively Riemann–Liouville derivative and integral of orders αand1α. After that, he in [Citation22] has improved the previous problem up to more general by the next Riemann–Liouville fractional differential evolution equations: RDαw(ι)=Aw(ι)+f(ι,w(ι)),ι(0,),(I1αw)(0)=w0, where α[0,1),RDαandI1α are respectively Riemann–Liouville derivative and integral of orders αand1α.

In [Citation23], he has initiated the attractively question of solutions for fractional evolution equations with almost sectorial operators. In fact, these equations have been studied first before more than 30 years ago.

There are cited results for fractional differential inclusions addressed by Ahmad et al. [Citation24]. For example, Hadmard boundary value problems given by [Citation24, (2.14)–(2.15) and (2.16)–(2.17)-p. 22] and presented, respectively, by: hDαw(ι)F(ι,w(ι)),ι[1,b],(I1αw)ι=1=0,w(ι)=ϑ(ι),ifι[1r,1], and hDα[w(ι)g(ι,w(ι))]F(ι,w(ι)),ι[1,b],(I1αw)ι=1=0,w(ι)=ϑ(ι),ifι[1r,1], where 0<α<1,andhDα denotes Hadmard derivative of order α. Kamenskii has amazing works and adopted results on fractional inclusion problems introduced in [Citation25–27]. See more in references therein.

The most interesting and the finest of our knowledge is recalling general forms of problems that are studying more cases at the same time (For example: equation and inclusion, ordinary and fractional operators). Here, we pick out one kind of nonlinear fractional problems that can be studied as equations and inclusions at one time. It is considered with a jointly continuous composed functions Ψ(ι,ω,K) with multi-valued maps K. This kind is not be presented before and new in inclusion field.

Consider the following problem: (1) cDα[p(ι)cDβω(ι)]Ψ(ι,ω(ι),K(ι,ω(ι))),ι[0,Υ],(1) (2) cDβω(0)=ω(Υ)=0,ω(i)(0)=0,i=0,2,,n1,nN,(2) where 0<α1,n1<βn,n>1,cDr is the symbol of the Caputo fractional derivative with respect to the order r, p(ι) is a positive function such that p(ι)C[0,Υ], K:[0,Υ]×R2R is a multi-valued map, and Ψ:[0,Υ]×R×2R2R. We say that ψ(ι)Ψ(ι,ω(ι),K(ι,ω(ι))) if and only if k(ι,ω(ι))K(ι,ω(ι)), in which that: (3) ψ(ι)=Ψ(ι,ω(ι),k(ι,ω(ι))).(3) Up to now, fractional Sturm–Liouville problems are the main problems of applied science. They become more advantageous than the classical models and has drawn interest so much. Furthermore, Sturm–Liouville operators and its properties have attractive huge applications in physics, applied mathematics, engineering filed and science, applications of wide in quantum, classical mechanics and wave phenomena. Gerald in (2009) [Citation28], has explored some mathematical methods in quantum mechanics under the vision of Sturm–Liouville operator. In the previous scientific studies and contributions we can see some related results in [Citation29] given in (2019) for the following problems: cDα[p(ι)Dω(ι)]+q(ι)ω(ι)=h(ι)f(ω(ι)),ι(0,Υ),k=0mξkω(ak)=νj=0nηjω(bj),ω(0)=0,ω(i)(0)=0, where 0<α1,cDα is Caputo fractional derivative, 0p(ι)C1[0,Υ],h(ι),q(ι) are both absolute continuous functions in [0,Υ], 0a1<a2<<am<c,db1<b2<<bnT,cd, and ξk,ηjandνR.

For the sake of finding new influential results and applications, we pick out the fractional inclusion given in (Equation1) associated with composite functions with multi-valued maps.

In fact, a continuous maps composite with a multi-valued maps maybe take a single-valued for every points in their domains as follows: (4) K(ι,ω)=±ω(ι),Ψ(ι,ω(ι),k(ι,ω(ι)))=[±ω(ι)]2=|ω(ι)|,ω(ι)0.(4) And absolutely on other times, they give multi-valued maps like: (5) K(ι,ω)=[4b2|ω|]b=1η=Qb(ω),bN,Ψ(ι,ω,K(ι,ω))=K(ι,ω)1+K(ι,ω)+b2=[4|ω|bb2+4|ω|b+b2]b=1η.(5) Basically, we are going to study the existence results under the inclusion arguments clarified as well as in [Citation30–34]. The results as in equation case will be easy and clearly. It should be mentioned the existence results for the higher ordinary case in sense that: (6) [p(ι)ω(n)(ι)]Ψ(ι,ω(ι),K(ι,ω(ι))),ι[0,Υ],[p(ι)ω(n)(ι)]n>1,nN(6) under same conditions in (Equation2) can be included in the provided results.

This paper is organized to start with some needed preliminaries in the next section. After that, we will illustrate the main results by section three. It should be add a section to gived some related examples for the adopted results. That will be in section four. Finally, in section five we try to conclude all studied points and mention to new open problem.

2. Prefatory Facts

As necessary for the contemporary paper, we will introduce some definitions, basic facts, and some useful rules.

First, let (Σ,.) be denoted as a normed space. It is worth to note some needed symbols coming in the next table: [Citation24]

Given C,EPcl(Σ), then h(C,E)=Hd(C,E)=dH(C,E)=max{supcCd(c,E),supeEd(C,e)} absorbs the Pompeiu-Housdorff distance of C,E [Citation35].

A multi-valued map K:[0,Υ]Pcl(Σ) is selected to be measurable if for every νΣ, the function ιd(ν,K(ι))=inf{d(ν,y):yK(ι)} is L measurable function [Citation33].

A multi-valued K:ΣPcl(Σ) is known as convex (closed) if for every νΣ,K(ν) is convex (closed) [Citation24, Citation36]. It is completely continuous if K(Ω) is relatively compact for every ΩPb(Σ).

The map K assimilates to be upper semi-continuous if WPcl(Σ);K1(W)Pcl(Σ). By the other word, K is said to be upper semi-continuous if the set {νΣ:K(ν)O} is open for all open subsets OΣ. The condition: for each open subset ZΣ;K1(Z) is open subset of Σ, is comprehending K as a lower semi-continuous map. Equivalently, K is a lower semi-continuous if the set {νΣ:K(ν)O} is open for all open subsets OΣ.

If we adopt K as a completely continuous function with non-empty compact values, then it is upper semi-continuous if and only if its graph is closed [Citation37] (i.e.), if νnν,yny, then ynK(νn) implies that yK(ν).

For any ER, the characteristic function of E is defined as follows [Citation38]: χE(x)={0,xEc1,xE. The function χE is measurable if and only if E is measurable. A set A[0,b]×R is conformed as a decomposable set [Citation24] if a1,a2A and I[0,b] is Lmeasurable, then a1χI+a2χIIA,I=[0,b].

Definition 2.1

Jointly Continuity [Citation39]

Suppose A1,A2,.,An,C are all topological spaces and the map f:A1×A2××AnC. Then, the sentences come after are all equivalent:

  • f is jointly continuous,

  • f is continuous mapping in A1×A2××An equipped with the product topology.

  • there exists vi:ΩAi continuous maps represented with the function f(ω)=f(v1(ω),v2(ω),,vn(ω)) is continuous, where Ω is topological space.

Definition 2.2

L1-Caratheodory Function [Citation33, Citation40]

A map Ψ:[0,Υ]×R×2RP(R) is coming as a Caratheodory multi-valued map if:

  1. z,wR;ιΨ(ι,z,w) satisfies the measurability condition.

  2. for a.e ι[0,Υ];(z,w)Ψ(ι,z,w) is upper semi-continuous.

And ergo it is L1-Caratheodory if in addition of (1) and (2) it satisfies for each R>0,ϕR(ι)L1([0,Υ],R+) whereas that: Ψ(ι,z,w)=supι{|ψ|:ψ(ι)Ψ(ι,z,w)}ϕR(ι),z,wR,ι[0,Υ].

Definition 2.3

Lipschitz Condition [Citation24]

Take (Σ,.) as a normed space, and d be the metric map conformed from the norm. Then, a multi-valued map Ψ:ΣPcl(Σ) is adopted as:

  1. γ-Libschitz if there exists γ>0 such that: h(Ψ(z),Ψ(w))γd(z,w),z,wΣ.

  2. a contraction if the first statement is hold with γ<1.

Lemma 2.1

[Citation38, Citation41]

We introduce the following

  1. Let (Z,μ) be measurable space. Then, if k:ZR is measurable and g:RR is Borel measurable, then g(z,k(z)):ZR is measurable.

  2. Every continuous function is Borel measurable.

  3. Suppose k:[a,b]R is Lebesgue integrable and g:RR is continuous. Then, g(z,k(z)) is Lebesgue integrable if |k(z)|<a+b|z|,a,b+ve constant.

  4. Suppose that k:ΣR is continuous and g:RR is continuous, then g(x,k(x)):ZR is so is.

Definition 2.4

Riemann–Liouville Fractional Integral [Citation24]

The fractional integral of order α>0 of Riemann–Liouville vision is given by the relation: Iαg(ι)=1Γ(α)0ι(ιs)α1g(s)ds,

in case that the integral exists.

Definition 2.5

Caputo Derivative [Citation24]

Caputo formula for fractional derivative of order α for n-times absolutely continuous map g is defined as: cDαg(ι)=1Γ(nα)0ι(ιs)nα1×g(n)(s)ds,n1<αn.

Lemma 2.2

[Citation15, Citation24]

Let ω(ι)L1[0,Υ] and α,β>0 reals. Then,

  1. IαIβω(ι)=I(α+β)ω(ι),

  2. cDαIαω(ι)=ω(ι),

  3. For ω(ι)ACn[0,Υ] IαcDαω(ι)=ω(ι)i=0n1ciιi,n=[α]+1orα=nNwhere ci=ω(i)(0)/i! and ACn[a,b] be class of all absolutely continuous functions up to n−1 order derivative.

See more details in the books [Citation15, Citation37, Citation42–44].

Definition 2.6

Let ι[0,Υ],ω(ι)C[0,Υ], and consider that K:[0,Υ]×C[0,Υ]R be a multi-valued map. Let Ψ:[0,Υ]×R×2RR is jointly continuous function such that: ψ(ι)Ψ(ι,ω(ι),K(ι,ω(ι)))k(ι,ω(ι))K(ι,ω(ι))ψ(ι)=Ψ(ι,ω(ι),k(ι,ω(ι))). Then, Ψ has non-empty values if

  1. SK,

  2. SKdom(Ψ),

where SK={k|k(ι)K(ι,ω(ι))}.

Now, Lemma 2.2 allows us to present the next Lemma.

Lemma 2.3

Let α and β be positive reals and p(ι)C[0,Υ] such that p(ι)>0. Then, the differential equation cDα[p(ι)cDβω(ι)]=0 has the solution ω(ι)=Iβ[1p(ι)i=0m1aiιi]+j=0n1bjιj, where m=[α]+1,n=[β]+1.


Let ω(ι)ACn[0,Υ],n=[α]+1 and p(ι)cDβω(ι)ACm[0,Υ],m=[β]+1. Operating Iα on both sides with using Lemma 2.2(3) implies that p(ι)cDβω(ι)=i=0m1aiιi, and then cDαω(ι)=1p(ι)i=0m1aiιi. Again by using the third item of Lemma 2.2, we get the desired result.

Lemma 2.4

Let ι[0,Υ] and ω(ι)Cn[0,Υ]. Then, for each ψ(ι)C([0,Υ],R)L1([0,Υ],R), and [(1/p(ι))Iαψ(ι)]AC[0,Υ], the unique solution based on separation boundary value problem (7) cDα[p(ι)cDβω(ι)]=ψ(ι),ι[0,Υ],(7) (8) cDβω(0)=ω(Υ)=0,ω(i)(0)=0,(8) where i=0,2,,n1,0<α1,n1<βn,n>1,nN, is taken in the form: (9) ω(ι)=0ι(ιs)β1Γ(β)×[1p(s)0s(sm)α1Γ(α)ψ(m)dm]dsι0Υ(Υs)β2Γ(β1)×[1p(s)0s(sm)α1Γ(α)ψ(m)dm]ds.(9)


The general solution for 0<α<1 associated with the problem (Equation7)–(Equation8) can be formed as: p(ι)cDβω(ι)=a+0ι(ιm)α1Γ(α)ψ(m)dm, where a = 0 according to the condition cDβω(0)=0. This shows that the solution based on n1<β<n,n>1 and based on the conditions ω(i)(0)=0,i=0,2,,n1 is taking the formula: ω(ι)=bι+0ι(ιs)β1Γ(β)×[1p(s)0s(sm)α1Γ(α)ψ(m)dm]ds. It is clear from the condition ω(Υ)=0 that b can be computed by: b=0Υ(Υs)β2Γ(β1)×[1p(s)0s(sm)α1Γ(α)ψ(m)dm]ds. Now we are going to prove that ω(ι) has n-derivatives. For n>1, we have:

For 0in1 Diω(ι)=Iβi(1p(s)0s(sm)α1Γ(α)ψ(m)dm)(ι)DiιIβ1(1p(s)0s(sm)α1Γ(α)ψ(m)dm)(Υ), and then

  1. If i=1 we can see: (10) Dω(ι)=Iβ1(1p(s)0s(sm)α1Γ(α)ψ(m)dm)(ι)Iβ1(1p(s)0s(sm)α1Γ(α)ψ(m)dm)(Υ).(10)

  2. If 1<in1 implies that: (11) Diω(ι)=Iβi(1p(s)0s(sm)α1Γ(α)ψ(m)dm)(ι).(11)

For i=n we get: (12) Dnω(ι)=Dn0ι(ιs)β1Γ(β)×[1p(s)0s(sm)α1Γ(α)ψ(m)dm]ds=DnIβf(ι),(12) where f(ι)=(1/p(ι))Iαψ(ι) which is continuous on [0,Υ] and satisfying f(0)=0. So, according to the following relation RDαω(ι)=cDαω(ι)+k=0m1ιkαΓ(kα+1)ω(k)(0) we can calculate DnIβf(ι) as follows: (13) DnIβf(ι)=RDnβf(ι)=cDnβf(ι)+ιβnΓ(βn+1)f(0)=cDnβf(ι),(13) where 0<nβ1. So, due to (Equation10)–(Equation13) and Definition 2.5, i=0,,n;ω(i)(ι) are all well-defined if f(.)AC[0,Υ] and then ω(ι) has nth derivatives.

Finally, it remains to prove that ω(ι) is satisfying (Equation7)–(Equation8). Apply the integral operator Inβ to both sides of the Equation (Equation12) and using Definition 2.5. By the second item of Lemma 2.2 and Equation (Equation13), we can see that (14) cDβω(ι)=InβcDnβ[1p(ι)0ι(ιm)α1Γ(α)ψ(m)dm]=cDβIβ[1p(ι)0ι(ιm)α1Γ(α)ψ(m)dm]=1p(ι)0ι(ιm)α1Γ(α)ψ(m)dm.(14) Thus, we have p(ι)cDβω(ι)=0ι(sm)α1Γ(α)ψ(m)dm. By the second item of Lemma 2.2, we find that cDα[p(ι)cDβω(ι)]=ψ(ι), which is the Equation (Equation7). For 0in1, we have Diω(ι)=Iβi(1p(s)0s(sm)α1Γ(α)ψ(m)dm)(ι)DiιIβ1(1p(s)0s(sm)α1Γ(α)ψ(m)dm)(Υ). If i=0,Diω(ι)=ω(ι) and thus ω(0)=0. From (Equation10), if i=1 we can make sure that ω(Υ)=0. According to (Equation11), and using 1<in1, implies that: Diω(0)=0. Finally, Equation (Equation14) explains that cDβω(0)=0. In conclusion, ω(ι) satisfies all conditions given in (Equation8) which completes the proof.

Remark 2.1

Since p(ι)>0andp(ι)C[0,Υ], then infιJp(ι)p(ι)supιJp(ι),J=[0,Υ]. Thus, (15) 1infιJp(ι)1p(ι)1supιJp(ι),J=[0,Υ].(15)

Let Σ=Cn([0,Υ],R)={ω(ι)|ω(i)(ι)C[0,Υ],i=0,,n} be the n-Continuity functions's space defined on [0,Υ] equipped with the norm ωC=maxιJ|ω(ι)|. This space is a Banach space.

Finally, we provide needed Lemma and two fixed point Theorems using in existence results.

Lemma 2.5

[Citation45, p. 781–786]

Let Σ be a Banach space, Ψ:[0,Υ]×ΣPcp,cv(Σ) be a L1-Caratheodory multi-valued map and P be a continuous and linear map from L1([0,Υ],Σ) to C([0,Υ],Σ). Then, the operator: PSΨ:C([0,Υ],Σ)Pcp,cv(C([0,Υ],Σ)), such that: y(PSΨ)(y)=P(SΨ,y) is an operator with closed graph in C([0,Υ],Σ)×C([0,Υ],Σ).

Here, SΨ,y={ψL1([0,Υ],R):ψ(ι)Ψ(ι,y(ι))}.

Theorem 2.1

Leray–Schauder Nonlinear Alternative Type [Citation46,p. 169, Citation47,p. 188]

Assuming that Σ be Banach space, E be a convex closed subset of Σ, and Ω be an open subset of E with 0Ω. If Ψ:Ω¯Pcp,cv(E) is upper semi-continuous multi- compact map, then either

  1. there exists ωΩ,ρ(0.1) such that ωρΨ(ω), or

  2. there exists a fixed point ωΩ¯.

Theorem 2.2

Covitz and Nadler [Citation48, p. 9]

Define (Σ,d) to be complete metric space. Then, K has a fixed point if K:ΣPcl(Σ) is a contraction.

3. Discussion and Results

It is so interesting for some scientific teams to describe so many models by using the fractional (ordinary) differential operators. See for examples related details given in [Citation49, Citation50]. In this field, the general form of exact solutions created under the vision of derivatives and corresponding integrals with their rules and arguments. For example, Riemann–Liouville, Caputo, Caputo-Fabrizio, Hadmard, and the ordinary derivatives.

In the previous literature, the researchers used different fixed point theorems to study separately the attractivity of types of solutions for differential equations and inclusions and systems of equations and inclusions in different spaces. See [Citation16, Citation19, Citation20, Citation23, Citation26, Citation27, Citation29] and the references there in.

By the actual work, we suggest to use composite functions with multi-valued maps to explore the solvability of some equation and inclusion problems at one time. We will start by the results associated with Sturm–Liouville operator and hope other researchers to work with different operators. Our results essentially reveal the characteristics of solutions with Caputo derivative. So, we are going to create some portability results of solving the problem (Equation1)–(Equation2).

Backing to Definition 2.6, we define Φ(ω)=SK,ω={k(ι)|k(ι)L1([0,Υ],R)K(ι,ω)}, and SΨ,ω={ψ(ι)|ψ(ι)L1([0,Υ],R)ψ(ι)=Ψ(ι,ω,k(ι,ω)),k(ι,ω)Φ(ω)}. Then, in view of Lemma 2.4 consider Π:ΣP(Σ) as: (16) Π(ω)={vΣ:v(ι)=(Sψ)(ι),ψ(ι)SΨ,ω¯},(16) with: (17) (Sψ)(ι)=0ι(ιs)β1Γ(β)×[1p(s)0s(sm)α1Γ(α)ψ(m)dm]dsι0Υ(Υs)β2Γ(β1)×[1p(s)0s(sm)α1Γ(α)ψ(m)dm]ds.(17) At this time, we are ready to survey the main results.

3.1. Convex Case

The result here is followed by assuming that both maps Ψ and K are convex and overviewed by applying (Leray–Schauder Theorem 2.1).

Theorem 3.1

Assuming the below statements:

  • (H1) Ψ(ι,ω,w):[0,Υ]××R×2RPcp,cv(R) is L1-Caratheodory with θi(ι)L([0,Υ],R+),i=1,2 and non-decreasing function h1(ι):[0,)(0,) with: Ψ(ι,ω,w)=supιJ{|ψ|:ψ(ι)Ψ(ι,ω,w)}h1(ι)(θ1(ω)+θ2(w))for ω,wR and a.e ιJ=[0,Υ].

  • (H2) K(ι,ω):[0,Υ]×RPcp,cv(R) is L1-Caratheodory and lower semi-continuous with θ3(ι)L([0,Υ],R+) and non-decreasing function h2(ι):[0,)(0,) such that: K(ι,ω)=supιJ{|k|:k(ι)K(ι,ω)}h2(ι)θ3(ω),for ωR and a.e ιJ=[0,Υ].

  • (H3) For all r>0 with ω<r take R=max{r,h2θ3(r)}. It implies that there exists a constant M>0 such that: μ(β1)Γ(α+β)M(βΥα+β)(h1(θ1(M)+θ2(M))>1,μ=infιJp(ι).

Then, the problem (Equation1)–(Equation2) tends to be solvable on [0,Υ].


The fit technical to prove this argument is going through five steps. These steps together will show that Π defined by (Equation16) and (Equation17), satisfies all arguments of (Leray-Schauder Theorem 2.1).

Step 1:_ By this step, Π(ω) will be convex valued. According to convexity of Ψ, the set SΨ,ω so does. Let λ[0,1],v1,v2Π(ω), which means that ψi(ι)SΨ,ω,i=1,2vi(ι)=S(ψi)(ι), where (Sψi)(ι)=0ι(ιs)β1Γ(β)×[1p(s)0s(sm)α1Γ(α)ψi(m)dm]dsι0Υ(Υs)β2Γ(β1)×[1p(s)0s(sm)α1Γ(α)ψi(m)dm]ds. Thus, (λv1+(1λ)v2)(ι)=0ι(ιs)β1Γ(β)[1p(s)0s(sm)α1Γ(α)×(λψ1+(1λ)ψ2)(m)dm1p(s)0s]dsι0Υ(Υs)β2Γ(β1)[1p(s)0s(sm)α1Γ(α)×(λψ1+(1λ)ψ2)(m)dm]ds. It is easy to see by using convexity of SΨ,ω that: (λv1+(1λ)v2)(t)Π(ω), which leads to Π(ω) is convex.

Step 2:_ Through this step, we prove that Π(ω) is bounded on a bounded set. In order to see that, consider the open ball BR={ω:ω<R} and vΠ(ω), then we get: (18) v(ι)=(Sψ)(ι),ψ(ι)SΨ,ω,ι[0,Υ].(18) Through few simple calculations and by the inequality (Equation15), we can see that: |v(ι)|0Υ((Υs)β1Γ(β)+Υ(Υs)β2Γ(β1))×[1infsJp(s)0s(sm)α1Γ(α)|ψ(m)|dm]ds. Hence, by taking μ=infιJp(ι) we have: |v(ι)|h1(θ1(R)+θ2(R))μ(β1)0Υ(Υs)β2Γ(β1)×(βΥs)0s(sm)α1Γ(α)dmds, which implies that: (19) vh1(θ1(R)+θ2(R))μ(β1)[βΥα+βΓ(α+β)]R.(19) In fact, (Equation19) will be true if and only if (H3) be hold for the value R.

Step 3:_ By this step, Π(BR) will be equicontinuous. Take 0<ι1<ι2<Υ,ι2ι10,ωBR. For vΠ(ω)ψ(ι)SΨ,ω satisfies (Equation17) and (Equation18), we find that: |v(ι2)v(ι1)|=|0ι2((ι2s)β1Γ(β))×[1p(s)0s(sm)α1Γ(α)ψ(m)dm]ds0ι1((ι1s)β1Γ(β))×[1p(s)0s(sm)α1Γ(α)ψ(m)dm]ds|=|0ι1((ι2s)β1Γ(β))×[1p(s)0s(sm)α1Γ(α)ψ(m)dm]ds+ι1ι2((ι2s)β1Γ(β))×[1p(s)0s(sm)α1Γ(α)ψ(m)dm]ds0ι1((ι1s)β1Γ(β))×[1p(s)0s(sm)α1Γ(α)ψ(m)dm]ds|. By (Equation15) we get |v(ι2)v(ι1)|0ι1((ι2s)β1Γ(β)(ι1s)β1Γ(β))×[1infsp(s)0s(sm)α1Γ(α)|ψ(m)|dm]ds+ι1ι2((ι2s)β1Γ(β)[1infsp(s)×0s(sm)α1Γ(α)|ψ(m)|dm]ds+(ι2ι1)0Υ(Υs)β2Γ(β1)[1infsp(s)×0s(sm)α1Γ(α)|ψ(m)|dm]ds. Independently of being ωBR,vΠ(ω) we get: |v(ι2)v(ι1)|0,asι2ι10.

Step 4:_ By this step, the graph of Π will be closed and then Π is upper semi-continuous. Let ωnω,vnΠ(ωn) with vnv. vnΠ(ωn) means: ψn(ι)SΨ,ωnvn(ι)=Sψn(ι). Existence of ψn(ι) is depending on the existence of a suitable sequence of the functions kn(t)SK,ωn where: ψn(ι)=Ψ(ι,ωn,kn),a.e.ιJ. Now, let Φ:L1([0,Υ],R)C([0,Υ],R) is so as: ΦSΨ:C([0,Υ],R)Pcp,cv(C[0,Υ],R) with ΦSΨ(ω)=Φ(SΨ,ω). That is: ψΦ(ψ)(ι), where Φ(ψ)(ι)=0ι(ιs)β1Γ(β)×[1p(s)0s(sm)α1Γ(α)ψ(m)dm]dsι0Υ(Υs)β2Γ(β1)×[1p(s)0s(sm)α1Γ(α)ψ(m)dm]ds. Hence, Φ(ψn)(ι)=0ι(ιs)β1Γ(β)×[1p(s)0s(sm)α1Γ(α)ψn(m)dm]dsι0Υ(Υs)β2Γ(β1)×[1p(s)0s(sm)α1Γ(α)ψn(m)dm]ds. Under the vision of Lemma 2.5, the operator ΦSΨ has a closed graph which implies the existence of k and then ψ with ψ(ι)=Ψ(ι,ω,k). That follows v(ι)=Φ(ψ)(ι),ψ(ι)SΨ,ω. Then, we conclude that vΠ(ω) which completes the proof. The previous steps can explain that there exists fixed point of the map Π. It remains to make sure about the priori bounds on the solutions and that will be in the next step.

Step 5:_ Let ωBR,vλΠ(ω),λ(0,1). Hence, there exists ψ(ι)SΨ,ωv(ι)=λ(Sψ)(ι),ι[0,Υ]. In view of step 2, we have: R=vh1(θ1(R)+θ2(R))μ(β1)[βΥα+βΓ(α+β)], which contradicts with (H3). Take (20) R=(βΥα+β)(h1(θ1(M)+θ2(M))μ(β1)Γ(α+β)+1(20) and set (21) BR={ωΣ:ω<R}.(21) Since BR is an open subset of Σ and due to first four steps (step 1–step 4) with Arzela Ascoli theorem, we conclude that: Π:BR¯Pcp,cv(Σ). Backing to choice of BR (Equation20Equation21), we have no vBRvλΠ(ω) for some λ(0,1). Hence, it can be deduced by nonlinear alternative Theorem 2.1 that there is a fixed point ωBR¯ of the operator Π. Therefore, there is a solution at least for the problem (Equation1)–(Equation2).

3.2. Lower Semi-Continuous Case

While this case is similar to the convex case in some conditions and arguments, but we are here going through non-convex hypothesis.

Theorem 3.2

Consider in addition of (H1) and (H2) that the following condition is hold:

  • (H4) Ψ(ι,ω,w):[0,Υ]×R×RPcp(R) such as:

    1. (ι,ω,w)Ψ(ι,ω,w) is LJ×BR×BR measurable.

    2. (ω,w)Ψ(ι,ω,w) is lower semi-continuous.

Then, the problem (Equation1)–(Equation2) is able to has solutions at least one.


Define the operator Ξ(ω):C([0,Υ],R)P(L1([0,Υ],R)) such that Ξ(ω)={ψ(ι)L1([0,Υ],R):ψ(ι)Ψ(ι,ω,K(ι,ω)),quada.e.ι[0,Υ]}. The operator Ξ(ω) is called Nemytskii's operator associated with Ψ (see Definitions 1.2 and 1.3 in [Citation24]) where Ψ is lower semi-continuous if Ξ is lower semi-continuous and has closed and decomposable values, see Lemma 4.4 of [Citation51]. Note that Ξ(ω)=SΨ,ω. This drives us to see clearly that there exists a continuous selection [Citation52] ψ:C([0,Υ],R)L1([0,Υ],R), for all ω(ι)Cn[0,Υ]ψ(ω)(ι)=Ψ(k(ω))(ι),k(ι)K(ω)(ι),a.e.ι[0,Υ]. Now, consider the problem cDα[p(ι)cDβω(ι)]=ψ(ω)(ι)=Ψ(k(ω))(ι). Define the operator Π¯:Cn([0,Υ],R)C([0,Υ],R) as Π¯(ω)(ι)=(Sψ(ω))(ι). We need to show that Π¯ is continuous and equicontinuous. The other steps to apply alternative theorem is will be similarly in convex case.

First: Claim that Π¯ is continuous. Since ω,k,Ψ are all continuous, then for ϵ>0 be given there is δ,σ>0 such that for ω1(ι),ω2(ι)Cn[0,Υ] with |ω1(ι)ω2(ι)|δ implies that |k(ω1)(ι)k(ω2)(ι)|σ. Thus, |Ψ(k(ω1))(ι)Ψ(k(ω2))(ι)|ϵ. Moreover, we can see that |Π¯(ω1)(ι)Π¯(ω2)(ι)|=|S(ψ(ω1))(ι)S(ψ(ω2))(ι)|ϵβΥα+βμ(β1)Γ(α+β).

Second: Our aim is showing that Π¯ is equicontinuous. Let ι1,ι2[0,Υ]ι2ι10. Then, similarly to step 2 in convex case we will see that the limit is independently of ω,ψ(ω)a.e.ι[0,Υ] will turn to 0. (i.e.): |Π¯(ω)(ι2)Π¯(ω)(ι1)|0,asι2ι10. In fact, Π¯ satisfies all hypotheses of Leray Schauder alternative for single-values which proves the existence of solutions.

3.3. Lipschitz Case

In the way to dispute the result of existence under Lipschitz condition, we will follow Covitz and Nadler Theorem 2.2.

Theorem 3.3

Consider the two adopted assumptions hereinafter

  • (H5) Let Ψ(ι,ω,w):[0,Υ]×R×2RPcp(R) under the ensuing cases

    1. The map ιΨ(ι,ω,w) is L-measurable ω,wR.

    2. m(ι)L1([0,Υ]×R+)a.e.ι[0,Υ] and ω1,ω2R we have: Hd(Ψ(ι,ω1,K(ι,ω1)),Ψ(ι,ω2,K(ι,ω2)))m(ι)(|ω1ω2|+|K(ι,ω1)K(ι,ω2)|).

    3. K(ι,ω):[0,Υ]×RPcp(R)n(ι)L1([0,Υ]×R+) such that a.e ι[0,Υ] and for all ω1,ω2R we have: |K(ι,ω1)K(ι,ω2)|n(ι)(|ω1ω2|).

  • (H6) Assume that 2m(1+n)μ(β1)Γ(α+β)Υα+β<1.Then, the given problem as in (Equation1)–(Equation2) has one solution or more.


Let Π be espoused as in convex case. Since ιΨ(ι,ω,w) is measurable and has closed values, then there exists at least one measurable selection and then the set SΨ,ω.

Let for each ω(ι)Cn[0,Υ] that Π(ω)Pcl(Cn[0,Υ]) and vnΠ(ω) such that vnv in C[0,Υ]. Then, if vΠ(ω) implies that there exists ψn(ι)SΨ,ω such that vn(ι)=S(ψn)(ι) and ψn(ι)=Ψ(ι,ω,kn(ι,ω)),kn(ι)SK,ω. By the assumption (H5),vn is integrable bounded. Because Ψ and K have compact values, vnv in L1([0,Υ],R), which implies that knkSK,ωv(ι)SΨ,ω. Thus, ι[0,Υ];vnv(ι)=S(ψ)(ι), where ψ(ι)=Ψ(ι,ω,k(ι,ω)),k(ι)SK,ω, which follows that vΠ(ω) and Π is closed.

Now, we are in a position to prove that there exists λ(0,1) such that (22) Hd(Π(ω1),Π(ω2))λω1ω2.(22) For that, take ω1(ι),ω2(ι)Cn[0,Υ],v1Π(ω2), which means that: ψ1(ι)SΨ,ωv1(ι)=S(ψ1)(ι),ι[0,Υ]. From (H5), we get: Hd(Ψ(ι,ω1,K(ι,ω1)),Ψ(ι,ω2,K(ι,ω2)))m(ι)(1+n(ι))(|ω1(ι)ω2(ι)|). Define W(ι)={ψR:|ψ1(ι)ψ|m(ι)(1+n(ι))(|ω1(ι)ω2(ι)|)}. Since the functions ψ1(ι) and ρ(ι)=m(ι)(1+n(ι))(|ω1(ι)ω2(ι)|) are measurables, then Theorem III.41 in [Citation36] and the assumption (H5) show that W(ι) is measurable. Hence, ιW(ι)Ψ(ι,ω,K(ι,ω) is measurable with non-empty closed values. According to the previous result and Proposition 2.1.43 in [Citation44], we can find that ψ2(ι)Ψ(ι,ω,K(ι,ω) and |ψ1(ι)ψ2(ι)|m(ι)(1+n(ι))(|ω1(ι)ω2(ι)|),a.eι[0,Υ]. Let v2(ι)=(Sψ2(ι)) (i.e.) v2Π(ω1). Then, |v1(ι)v2(ι)|=|(Sψ1)(ι)(Sψ2)(ι)|0Υ((Υs)β2Γ(β1)×(βΥs)β1×(0s(sm)α1Γ(α)|ψ1(ι)ψ2(ι)|dm)ds. Using (H6), we get: |v1(ι)v2(ι)|2m(1+n)μ(β1)Γ(α+β)Υα+βω1ω2. Take λ=2m(1+n)μ(β1)Γ(α+β)Υα+β. Hence, (Equation22) is hold. To see that, use an akin relation obtained by exchanging the roles of ω1,ω2. In view of (Covitz and Nadler Theorem 2.2), the operator Π has a fixed point. Therefore, the problem (Equation1)–(Equation2) has one or more solutions.

Remark 3.1

Note that the sufficient conditions of Continuity in these results can be applicable to explore finite time stability conditions for the differential equations (inclusions). For instance, compare to the active stability conditions in the papers [Citation53–55] and more stability results related to Continuity, Lipschitz continuity, non-lipschitz continuity and Holder continuity of the settling-time functions.

4. Related Examples

Over the current section, we will work to present examples related to the stated upshots.

Example 4.1

Let us have the problem below: (23) cD1/2[p(ι)cD3/2ω(ι)]Ψ(ι,ω(ι),K(ι,ω(ι))),ι[0,Υ](23) (24) cD3/2ω(0)=ω(Υ)=0,ω(i)(0)=0.i=0,2,(24) where K(ι,ω)=[4b2|ω|b]b=1η=gb(ω),bN and Ψ(ι,ω,K(ι,ω))=K(ι,ω)1+K(ι,ω)+b2=[4|ω|bb2+4|ω|b+b2]b=1η. For any k(ι)K(ι,ω), we have: |k(ι)|4max1bη{ωb}, which implies from (H2) that h2(ι)=4 and θ3(ω)=max1bη{ωb}. Backing to (H1), we have for any ψ(ι)Ψ(ι) that |ψ(ι)|1+b21+η2. It follows that we can take: h1(ι)=1,θ1(ι)=1,θ2(ι)=η2. Let p(ι)=ι2+32infιJp(ι)=μ=32. Thus, ωrR=max{r,4max1bηrb}, and M>32Υ2(1+η2)32(2)Γ(2)=2(1+η2)Υ2 due to (H3). Under the convex result (Theorem 3.1), it is clearly that we can find one solution or more for the problem (Equation23)–(Equation24).

Example 4.2

Given the problem (Equation23)–(Equation24) with K(ω)(ι)=[π|ω|b1+π|ω|b]b=1η and Ψ(K(ω))(ι)=sin(|K(ω)|)(ι). It is known that n-variable function G over convex set is a concave function if and only if G is convex in the same set. That is why K(ω) is concave. And because the sinν is concave on the interval [0,π] and 0<|K|<π, that makes Ψ(K(ω)) is concave function.

Applying the lower semi-continuous case(Theorem 3.2), we have:

In view of (H4) since ω,K,Ψ are all continuous, then the composite Ψ(K(ω)) is also continuous. It means that the points in (H4) are all hold.

The property 0<|K|<π helps us to see that: h2(ι)=π,θ3(ι)=1,which drives the ability of satisfying (H2).

Using the fact |sinν||ν| implies that: |Ψ(K(ω))(ι)|π.It leads to take h1(ι)=π,θ1(ι)=θ2(ι)=12.There for, (H1) is hold.

All of these points show the probability to solve the problem (Equation23)–(Equation24).

Example 4.3

Suggesting the problem (Equation23)–(Equation24) with: K(ι,ω)=[4b2|ω|]b=1η=Qb(ω),bN, and Ψ(ι,ω,K(ι,ω))=[K(ι,ω)1+K(ι,ω)][1(ι+2)2sinω+b2],=[4|ω|b2+4|ω|]b=1η[1(ι+2)2sinω+b2]. Then, due to (H5) we can see that |K(ι,ω)K(ι,v)|=|Qb(ω)Qb(v)|=4b2||ω||v||4ωvn(ι)=4, and H(Ψ(ι,ω,K(ι,ω)),Ψ(ι,v,K(ι,v)))1(ι+2)2|ωv|+|Qb(ω)Qb(v)|. That is H(Ψ(ι,ω,K(ι,ω)),Ψ(ι,v,K(ι,v)))5(1+1(ι+2)2)ωv, where m(ι)=1+1(ι+2)2. Finally, (H6) shows us that 5(54)2Υ234<125(2)3Υ2<1Υ2<325(2)Υ(0,352). By Lipschitz case (Theorem 3.3), the problem (Equation23)–(Equation24) takes at least one solution.

5. Conclusion

Based on composed functions with multi-valued maps, we discuss one of the strong suggestions to create new kind (Equation1)–(Equation2) of nonlinear fractional differential boundary value problems. We prove by some examples (Equation4)–(Equation5) that this form of problems is able to be a generalization of equations and inclusions problems related to this form. That is why we call this form by eq-inclusion problems. In inclusion field, we particularized per chances to solve this problem involving Sturm–Liouville operators on a bounded domain. The obtained solutions for this problem are subjected to Caputo derivative. The chosen argument surveyed the advanced results into convexity and non-convexity cases. And the suitable theorems used here are (Leray-Schauder nonlinear alternative type ) and (Covitz and Nadler). As necessary, we applied all provided results in some related examples. What is more, we mentioned how to connect these results with some applications in stability field. It is worth to invoke the new concept in the next work that will be about the positive solutions at resonance of nonlinear fractional differential inclusions in the half real line. Besides, we expect that our results would make improvements for the previous studies into new extents.

Authors' contributions

All authors contributed equally to this work. All authors read and approved the final manuscript.


This project was funded by the Deanship of Scientific Research (DSR), King Abdulaziz University, Jeddah, under grant No. (G: 19-130-1441). The authors, therefore, gratefully acknowledge DSR technical and financial support.

Availability of data and materials

Not applicable.

Disclosure statement

No potential conflict of interest was reported by the authors.

Additional information


This project was funded by the Deanship of Scientific Research (DSR), King Abdulaziz University, Jeddah, [grant number G: 19-130-1441]. The authors, therefore, gratefully acknowledge DSR technical and financial support.


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