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Bayesian and non-Bayesian reliability estimation of multicomponent stress–strength model for unit Weibull distribution

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Pages 1164-1181 | Received 08 Apr 2020, Accepted 03 Aug 2020, Published online: 16 Aug 2020


Mazucheli et al. introduced a new transformed model referred as the unit-Weibull (UW) distribution with uni- and anti-unimodal, decreasing and increasing shaped density along with bathtub shaped, constant and non-decreasing hazard rates. Here we consider inference upon stress and strength reliability using different statistical procedures. Under the framework that stress–strength components follow UW distributions with a known shape, we first estimate multicomponent system reliability by using four different frequentist methods. Besides, asymptotic confidence intervals (CIs) and two bootstrap CIs are obtained. Inference results for the reliability are further derived from Bayesian context when shape parameter is known or unknown. Unbiased estimation has also been considered when common shape is known. Numerical comparisons are presented using Monte Carlo simulations and in consequence, an illustrative discussion is provided. Two numerical examples are also presented in support of this study.

Significant conclusion: We have investigated inference upon a stress–strength parameter for UW distribution. The four frequentist methods of estimation along with Bayesian procedures have been used to estimate the system reliability with common parameter being known or unknown.

1. Introduction

Many physical phenomena from different disciplines are often modelled using some known probability models which include, among others, Burr family of distributions, lognormal, gamma, exponential, Weibull distributions. These probability distributions can model a variety of data exhibiting significant variability. One particular probability model of specific significance is the well-known Weibull distribution. Over the last five decades or so, several new modifications of this particular model have been proposed and studied by many researchers, such as exponentiated Weibull [Citation1–3], extended Weibull [Citation4,Citation5], modified Weibull [Citation6–8], odd Weibull [Citation9], Weibull-X class [Citation10], Weibull-G model [Citation11], extended Weibull-G family [Citation12] and so on. These distributions are generally derived by adding some additional parameters to the original probability distribution under consideration. Besides, most of these generalizations share one interesting characteristic that they are based on the support over positive part of the real line. Such inferential trend often leads to insufficient number of distributions with finite support. But at the same time, probability distributions with support on finite range are also of importance in many studies. Physical characteristics of many life test experiments quite often lead to data which may lie in some finite range. Data on fractions, percentages, per capita income growth, fuel efficiency of vehicles, height and weight of individuals, survival times from a deadly disease etc. are likely to lie in some bounded positive intervals. Kumaraswamy [Citation13] studied a two-parameter distribution with support on finite interval and investigated many useful applications of this distribution in meteorological inference. Mazucheli et al. [Citation14,Citation15] derived some useful classical estimates for unknown parameters of a unit-gamma distribution and also introduced unit Birnbaum–Saunders distribution, besides, different estimation methods are used to estimate the model parameters. Further, Mazucheli et al. [Citation16] developed and studied properties of a unit Gompertz distribution and derived inferences for its unknown parameters. Mazucheli et al. [Citation17] initially studied various characteristics of a unit Weibull distribution. Through several applications they showed that this particular model can be treated as an useful alternative to the Kumaraswamy and beta distributions in life test studies. We, here, consider multicomponent reliability estimation under unit Weibull probability distribution. This distribution can assume different shapes – monotonic, unimodal, anti-unimodal based on model parameters and such flexibility makes it quite suitable for fitting various data arising in reliability analysis and industrial experiments.

Traditionally, a system consisting more than one component is referred to as multicomponent system, see [Citation18,Citation19]. Under this framework, a system with k independent strength components X1,X2,,Xk properly functions if at least soutofk (sk) strength variables exceed the stress Y. Such a system is often called as (“soutofk:G”) system. Physical aspects of many investigations may lead to multi-component systems and many such examples abound in practice. Such structures are extensively utilized in industrial experiments, military radio networks, bridge construction, building communication networks, etc. In recent past, many scholars have studied multicomponent stress–strength models largely owing to the growing interest on this topic, see for instance, works of [Citation20–23], Dey and Moala [Citation24] and many others. Seadawy et al. [Citation25], Seadawy et al. [Citation26], Ahmad et al. [Citation27], Riaz et al. [Citation28], Abbasi et al. [Citation29] have also studied some complex structures.

The probability distribution of a unit Weibull distribution, with range in the interval (0,1), is given by (1) fX(x,α,β)=αβ(lnx)β1x1eα(lnx)β,α>0,β>0(1) and (2) FX(x)=eα(lnx)β,α>0,β>0,(2) where α,β govern shape of UW distribution. We write this distribution as UW(α,β).

Various frequentist procedures are discussed to estimate the unknown multicomponent reliability function. We further estimate this unknown parametric function using Bayes procedure against proper and improper prior distributions under a well-known loss function. Next, we have constructed asymptotic, two bootstrap and HPD intervals. Further, UMVUE of the multicomponent reliability is discussed as well under the case that common shape is known. To the our knowledge, this estimation problem based on unit Weibull distribution is not discussed before using the aforementioned methods of estimation.

Contribution of this work is many fold as UW distribution has not been discussed much in the literature. We derive inference for Rs,k under various classical methods like maximum likelihood estimator (MLE), least square estimator (LSE) and weighted LSE (WLSE) and maximum product of spacing (MPS) estimators. These estimators are evaluated against estimated risks and average bias values computed using various sample sizes. We further estimate Rs,k by Bayesian method based on proper and improper priors. Interval estimation is taken care as well. We have constructed asymptotic interval, bootstrap intervals and highest posterior density (HPD) interval. We compare these estimates using their length and coverage probabilities. The uniformly minimum variance unbiased estimator (UMVUE) of Rs,k, with known common scale, is derived as well. Our aim is to provide a guideline for selecting the better inference procedure among different classical and Bayesian methods. This would be of deep interest to reliability engineers.

The reliability of system is briefly illustrated in Section 2. In the same section, we describe four classical estimation methods, namely, MLE, LSE, WLSE and MPS to estimate multicomponent reliability and construct asymptotic and two bootstrap (boott and bootp) CIs of multicomponent reliability when all parameters of the system are unknown. Further Bayes estimator is discussed when the prior distributions of β, α1 and α2 are gamma variables and also independent. In sequel, the HPD interval of multicomponent reliability is also constructed. Subsequently in Section 3, frequentist and Bayesian inference of multicomponent reliability are derived under the assumption that β is known. Simulations results are evaluated in Section 4 to examine numerical performance of proposed procedures. Two real-life examples are studied in Section 5. Finally, paper is concluded in Section 6.

2. Inference for Rs,k with unknown β

Suppose X1,X2,,Xk denote strength components with cdf as given in (Equation2). Likewise variable Y denotes associated stress acting on the system with distribution function GY(y;α2,β). Then we have (see Rao et al. [Citation19]) (3) Rs,k=i=skki(1F(α2,β,y))i×(F(α2,β,y))kidG(y).(3) We next derive some useful inference of this parametric function using different procedures when common shape is unknown or known.

2.1. MLE of Rs,k

Suppose that X1,X2,,Xk are taken from UW(α1,β) distribution and Y follows a UW(α2,β) distribution where parameters α1,α2 and β are assumed as unknown. Under this framework, we get that Rs,k=α1 βi=skki01eα1(lny)βi×eα1(lny)βki×α2β(lny)β1y1eα2(lny)βdy. After some simplification, we have (4) Rs,k=i=skj=0i(1)jijα2ki[α1(j+ki)+α2]1.(4) We proceed by assuming that n structures are subjected to a test. The likelihood, based on observed data xi1,xi2,,xik and yi, of (α1,α2,β) is Lα1,α2,β;x,y=i=1nj=1kα1β(lnxij)β1xij1eα1(lnxij)β×α2β(lnyi)β1yi1eα2(lnyi)β. The log-likelihood turns out to be (5) lα1,α2,β;x,y=(logα1)(nk)+i=1nj=1klog(1/xij)+(β1)i=1nj=1klog(logxij)α1i=1nj=1k(logxij)β+i=1nlog(1/yi)+(β1)i=1nlog(logyi)+(logβ)(n(k+1))α2i=1n(logyi)β+(logα2)n.(5) Partially differentiating the loglikelihood, respectively, w.r.t α1, α2 and β and equating to zero yield following results.

The MLE αˆ1 of α1 is (6) αˆ1=nki=1nj=1k(logxij)β.(6) Similarly, from lα2=nα2i=1n(logyi)β=0, we get the MLE αˆ2 of α2 as (7) αˆ2=ni=1n(logyi)β.(7) Finally, l/β=0 is solved for β to obtain its MLE βˆ satisfying (8) (nk+n)βˆ+i=1nj=1klog(logxij)+i=1nlog(logyi)αˆ1i=1nj=1klog(logxij)(logxij)βαˆ2i=1nlog(logyi)(logyi)β=0.(8) The above likelihood equation is nonlinear and can be solved numerically using some iterative technique. Plugging MLE of β in Equations (Equation6) and (Equation7), we can obtain α1ˆ and α2ˆ, respectively. Now MLE Rˆs,k of Rs,k turns out to be Rs,k=i=skj=0i(1)jαˆ2ijki[αˆ1(j+ki)+αˆ2]1.

2.2. Asymptotic interval

Here a confidence interval of the multicomponent reliability is given using MLE. The Fisher information of θ=(α1,α2,β) is I(θ)=I11I12I13I21I22I23I31I32I33. The elements of I(θ) are I11=E2lα12=nkα12,I22=E2lα22=nα22,I12=I21=E2l1α1α2=0,I13=I31=E2lα1β=nk01log(logxij)(logxij)βα1×β(lnxij)β1xij1eα1(lnxij)βdxij. After some simplification, we get I13=I31=nkα1β0ueulog(u/α1)du. Similarly, we have I23=I32=nα2β0ueulog(u/α2)du and I33=n(k+1)β2nkβ20ueu(log(u/α1))2dunβ20ueu(log(u/α2))2du. From the large sample theory, the MLE of reliability is normal with average given by Rs,k. The associated variance is computed as σRs,k2=Rs,kα12I111+Rs,kα22I221+2Rs,kα1Rs,kα2I121, where we have Rs,kα1=i=skj=0i(j+ki)kiij(1)j+1α2×α1(j+ki)+α22 and similarly Rs,k/α2 is evaluated. Thus 100(1η)% CI of the parametric function is given by (Rˆs,k±qη/2σˆRs,k), where qη/2 is associated percentile of normal N(0,1) variable and σˆRs,k is computed at respective MLEs.

2.3. Bootstrapping

We develop boot-p and boot-t intervals for RS,k (see Efron [Citation30] and Hall [Citation31] for further details).

2.3.1. Boot-p

  1. Obtain samples (y1,,yn) of size n and also simulate (xi1,,xik) of size nk where i is a positive integer ranging from 1 to n. Based on it, a sample estimate of reliability is computed as Rˆs,k.

  2. Iterate above stage, say nboot times.

  3. Now if F(x)=P(Rˆs,kx) denote cdf of Rˆs,k and assume that Rˆs,kbp(x)=F1(x) for a given x. Then 100(1η)% boot-p interval is computed as (Rˆs,kbp(η/2), Rˆs,kbp(1(η/2))).

2.3.2. Boot-t

  1. Simulate bootstrap samples (y1,,yn) of size n and also generate (xi1,,xik) of size nk where i is a positive integer ranging from 1 to n. Based on it, a sample estimate of reliability is computed as Rˆs,k.

  2. Evaluate T=(V(Rˆs,k) )1(Rˆs,kRˆs,k).

  3. Iterate above two stages sufficient number of times.

  4. Suppose HT(x) is cdf of variable as defined in Step 2 and define Rˆs,kbt(x)=Rˆs,k(x)+[HT1(x)][V(Rˆs,k)]. Then 100(1η)% boot-t interval is computed as (Rˆs,kbt(η/2),Rˆs,kbt(1(η/2))).

2.4. Least square and weighted least square estimates

The LSE method is initially discussed by Swain et al. [Citation32]. Here we obtain this estimator for the multicomponent reliability Rs,k. Note that LSE α1ˆL of α1 can be computed by minimizing i=1nk[FX(xi)(i/(nk+1))]2, that is, i=1nk[eα1(lnxi)β(i/(nk+1))]2. So LSE αˆ1l is the solution of the following equation: i=1nk[eαˆ1l(lnxi)β(i/(nk+1))]×eαˆ1l(lnxi)β(lnxi)β=0, where X1,X2,,Xnk follow UW(α1,β) distribution. The LSE α2ˆL of α2 is computed similarly by solving the following equation: i=1n[eαˆ2l(lnyi)β(i/(nk+1))]×eαˆ2l(lnyi)β(lnyi)β=0, where Y1,Y2,,Yn follow UW(α2,β) distribution. Thus LSE of Rs,k turns out to be Rˆs,kl=i=skαˆ2lj=0ikiij[αˆ1l(j+ki)+αˆ2l]1(1)j. Next, weighted least square estimates (WLSE) αˆ1w of α1 is computed by minimizing the following function: i=1nk(nk+1)2(nk+2)i(nki+1)[eα1(lnxi)β(i/(nk+1))]2 and thus the required estimate is determined from the following equation: i=1nk(nk+1)2(nk+2)i(nki+1)[eαˆ1w(lnxi)β(i/(nk+1))]×eαˆ1w(lnxi)β(lnxi)β=0. The WLSE estimate αˆ2w of α2 is similarly computed from the equation presented below: i=1n(n+1)2(n+2)i(ni+1)[eαˆ2w(lnyi)β(i/(nk+1))]×eαˆ2w(lnyi)β(lnyi)β=0. So WLSE of Rs,k is given by Rˆs,kw=i=skj=0ikiij(1)jαˆ2wαˆ1w(j+ki)+αˆ2w.

2.5. Maximum product of spacing (MPS) estimates

Here we obtain another estimator called MPS estimates of the multicomponent reliability as discussed in [Citation33]. Here spacing of a random sample of size nk is defined as Di(α1)=FX(xi)FX(xi1),i=1,2,,nk, also FX(x0)=0 and FX(xnk+1)=1. The desired estimate αˆ1m of α1 is computed by maximizing the geometric mean (i=1nk+1Di(α1))1/(nk+1) of spacing. Alternatively we maximize (1/(nk+1))i=1nk+1lnDi(α1) and compute the desired estimate of α1 from the following equation: (1/(nk+1))i=1nk+11Di(αˆ1m)[eαˆ1m(lnxi)β(lnxi)β+eαˆ1m(lnxi1)β(lnxi)β]=0. Next using a sample of size n from the Y variable, define Di(α2)=FY(yi)FY(yi1),i=1,2,,n, also FY(y0)=0 and FY(yn+1)=1. The MPS estimate αˆ2m of α2 is determined from equation presented as (1/(n+1))i=1n+11Di(αˆ2m)[eαˆ2m(lnyi)β(lnyi)β+eαˆ2m(lnyi1)β(lnyi)β]=0. Thus the MPS estimate of Rs,k can be obtained as Rˆs,km=i=skj=0ikiij(1)jαˆ2mαˆ1m(j+ki)+αˆ2m.

2.6. Bayesian inference

We discuss Bayesian inference of the parametric reliability function. Parameters (α1,α2,β) are a priori assumed to be independently distributed as gamma variables with hyperparameters (pi,qi), where pi and qi, respectively, are shape and reverse of scale, index i takes values as 1, 2 and 3. The corresponding pdf is g(x)=qipiΓ(pi)xpi1exqi, x,pi, qi>0. After some simplification, the joint posterior distribution is derived to be (9) π(α1,α2,β|x,y)α1nk+p11α2n+p21βn(k+1)+p31×eα1q1+i=1nj=1k(logxij)β×eα2(q2+i=1n(logyi)β)×eβq3i=1nj=1k(logxij)i=1n(logyi).(9) The normalizing constant can easily be computed. The required estimator is (10) R~s,kB=000Rs,k π(α1,α2,β|x,y)dα1dα2dβ.(10) The above integral is relatively difficult to be solved analytically. However, the corresponding posterior expectation can be approximated numerically. We now use [Citation34] procedure and MH algorithm [Citation35,Citation36] to compute Rs,k.

2.6.1. Lindley's method

Here Bayes estimator of the multicomponent reliability is obtained by Lindley's approximation method. This method is based on asymptotic expansion useful for evaluating Bayes procedures. The expectation of u(θ), θ=(α1,α2,β), with respect to the given posterior distribution is (11) E(u(θ)|x,y)=u(θ)el(θ)+ρ(θ)dθel(θ)+ρ(θ)dθ(11) where l(θ) and ρ(θ) denote the log-likelihood function and logarithm of the associated prior, respectively. From this method, the approximate Bayes estimator is given by (12) R~s,k=u(θ)+(u1a1+u2a2+u3a3+a4+a5)+0.5[(σ11l111+2σ12l121+2σ13l131+2σ23l231+σ22l221+σ33l331)(u1σ11+u2σ12+u3σ13)+(σ11l112+2σ12l122+2σ13l132+2σ23l232+σ22l222+σ33l332)(u1σ21+u2σ22+u3σ23)+(σ11l113+2σ12l123+2σ13l133+2σ23l233+σ22l223+σ33l333)(u1σ31+u2σ32+u3σ33)],(12) where ai=ρ1σi1+ρ2σi2+ρ3σi3,i=1,2,3,a4=u12σ12+u13σ13+u23σ23,a5=0.5(u11σ11+u22σ22+u33σ33). Furthermore, ρ1=p11α1q1,ρ2=p21α2q2,ρ3=p31βq3. Further σik is component [lik]1, i,k=1,2,3. Next we take the quantity u(θ) as Rs,k and respective MLEs are utilized for evaluation purposes. Expressions of Equation (Equation12) are computed below: l1=nkα1i=1nj=1k(logxij)β,l11=nkα12,l111=2nkα13l2=nα2i=1n(logyi)β,l22=nα22,l222=2nα23,l3=n(k+1)β+i=1nj=1klog(logxij)+i=1nlog(logyi)α1i=1nj=1klog(logxij)(logxij)βα2i=1nlog(logyi)(logyi)β,l33=n(k+1)β2α1i=1nj=1k(log(logxij))2(logxij)βα2i=1n(log(logyi))2(logyi)β,l333=2n(k+1)β3α1i=1nj=1k(log(logxij))3(logxij)βα2i=1n(log(logyi))3(logyi)β,l13=i=1nj=1klog(logxij)(logxij)β,l23=i=1nlog(logyi)(logyi)β,l113=l131=l132=l122=l223=l232=0,l123=l231=l221=l12=l21=l112=l121=0,l332=l323=l233=i=1nlog(logyi)2(logyi)β,l331=l133=i=1nj=1klog(logxij)2(logxij)β. In a likewise manner, we also evaluate u1=Rs,k/α1, u2=Rs,k/α2, u11=2Rs,k/α12, u22=2Rs,k/α22 and also notice that u3=Rs,k/β=0, u33=u13=u23=0, u12=u21=2Rs,k/α1α2.

2.6.2. MH algorithm

This iterative procedure is widely used for evaluating Bayes estimates of different parametric functions such as Rs,k, among others. The posterior of (α1,α2,β) given observations is derived in previous section. Thus the marginal posteriors of α1 and α2 are seen to be gamma distributed, respectively. While marginal posterior of other parameter β is not evaluated in known form. We simulate samples for β using normal proposal distribution. Accordingly, Bayes estimate R~s,kMH of Rs,k can be obtained from the following procedure.


1: Select an adequate guess (α10,α20,β0) of (α1,α2,β).

2: In ith iteration obtain sample β utilizing a normal distribution with mean βi1 and variance σ2.

3: Obtain a sample α1 from the gamma G(a,b) variable where a=(nk+p1) and b=q1+i=1nj=1k(logxij)β.

4: Obtain a sample α2 from the gamma G(a,b) variable where a=(n+p2) and b=q2+i=1n(logyi)β.

5: Set m=min{1,a0} where a0=π(α1,α2,β|samples)[π(α1i1,α2i1,βi1|samples)]1.

6: Simulate a number u from a random variable U which follows a uniform model on (0,1).

7: We take the sample as α1iα1, α2iα2, βiβ provided the inequality um holds.

8: Based on the above sample, we compute Rs,ki at (α1i,α2i,βi).

9: Now iterate stages 2 to 7 to obtain posterior estimates Rs,ki, i=1,2,,M.

Now the required Bayes estimate R~s,kMH is given by R~s,kMH=1MM0i=M0+1MRs,ki, where M0 is burn-in samples. The HPD interval of Rs,k is constructed from the posterior samples (see Chen and Shao [Citation37]).

3. Inference for Rs,k with known β

We now proceed to derive some more frequentist and Bayesian inference of unknown parametric function under assumption that β=β0 where β0 is a known constant. We mention that the expression of the reliability is identically same as considered in previous sections since it does not depend on β0.

3.1. MLE

Suppose that (x1,x2,,xk) denotes an observed value generated from the model as listed in Equation (Equation2) where α1 being unknown shape and β0 being known shape. Similarly sample y is drawn when α2 is unknown. The likelihood is then given by Lα1,α2,β0;x,y=i=1nj=1kα1β0(lnxij)β01xij1eα1(lnxij)β0×α2β0(lnyi)β01yi1eα2(lnyi)β0. The log-likelihood function can be obtained as (13) lα1,α2,β0;x,y=nklogα1+nlogα2α1i=1nj=1k(logxij)β0α2i=1n(logyi)β0.(13) We partially differentiate the above function with respect to unknown parameters α1 and α2, respectively. Then solving these likelihood equations, respective MLEs of α1 and α2 are obtained as (14) αˆ1=nki=1nj=1k(logxij)β0(14) and (15) αˆ2=ni=1n(logyi)β0.(15) Thus the estimate Rˆs,k of Rs,k is evaluated using the invariance property. From large sample theory, we know that this MLE is normally distributed. The associated mean is given by Rs,k. Similarly variance is σRs,k2=Rs,kα12α12nk+Rs,kα22α22n. The 100(1p)% confidence interval of the reliability Rs,k is (Rˆs,k±qp/2σˆRs,k) where qp/2 is the corresponding percentile of the normal N(0,1) distribution. It is also noted that σˆRs,k is the estimated value of σRs,k.

3.2. UMVUE of Rs,k

Here UMVUE Rˆs,kU of the reliability Rs,k is derived. It is enough to find the UMVUE of ξ(α1,α2)=α2/(α1(j+ki)+α2) as UMVUEs satisfy linearity property. We see that (Y,Z) is a complete sufficient statistic for (α1,α2). Further with Y has a G(nk,λ1) pdf and Z also has a G(n,λ2) pdf where (Y,Z)=(i=1nj=1k(logxij)β0,i=1n(logyi)β0). Now let φ(Y,Z)=1, Y>(j+ki)Z and φ(Y,Z)=0, elsewhere, where Y=(logx11)β0,Z=(logy1)β0. We verify that this is unbiased for estimating ξ(α1,α2).

Now UMVUE ξˆu(α1,α2) of ξ(α1,α2) is derived using the Lehmann–Scheffe theorem as follows: (16) ξˆu(α1,α2)=E(φ(Y,Z)|Y=y, Z=z)=P(Y>(j+ki)Z|Y=y, Z=z)=A0fY|Y=y(y|y) fZ|Z=z(z|z)dydz(16) where A0={(y,z):0<y<y, 0<z<z, y>(j+ki)z}. The conditional distributions involved in the previous equation is derived using [Citation38]. We evaluate following cases: (i) z<y(j+ki)1, (ii) z>y(j+ki)1 and (iii) z=y(j+ki)1.

Case (i): ξˆu(α1,α2)=(1n)(1nk)0zz(j+ki)y[zy]1×1zz(2n)1yy(2nk)dzdy=l=0nk11lz(j+ki)ylnk1ln+l1l Case (ii) ξˆu(α1,α2)=0y0y/(j+ki)(n1)(nk1)zy×1zzn21yynk2dzdy=1l=0n1(1)lyz(j+ki)ln1lnk+l1l Case (iii) ξˆu(α1,α2)=(1n)(1nk)0zz(j+ki)y[zy]1×1zz(2n)1yy(2nk)dzdy=n1nk+n2. The desired UMVUE is now obtained as (17) Rˆs,kU=i=sk[kiξˆu(α1,α2)]j=0iij(1)j.(17)

3.3. Bayesian inference

Bayesian inference for the reliability is discussed here when β is known. It is assumed that α1 and α2 are independently distributed as gamma G(p1,q1) and G(p2,q2), respectively. The corresponding joint posterior distribution is given by (18) π(α1,α2|β0,x,y)=(q1+y)nk+p1(q2+z)n+p2Γ(nk+p1)Γ(n+p2)α1nk+p11×α2n+p21eα1(q1+y)α2(q2+z)(18) The Bayes estimator has the following form: (19) Rˆs,kB=i=skj=0ikiij(1)j00×α2α1(j+ki)+α2π(α1,α2|β0,x,y)dα1dα2.(19) Next we try to evaluate the above expression. We take u1=α2/(α1(j+ki)+α2). Also assume that u2=α1(j+ki)+α2. We observe that u1(0,1), u2(0,). The inverse transformations are α1=u2(1u1)/(j+ki) and α2=u1u2 with J(u1,u2)=u2/(j+ki). The above double integral is given by (q1+y)nk+p1(q2+z)n+p2Γ(nk+p1)Γ(n+p2)(j+ki)nk+p1×010u1n+p2(1u1)nk+p11u2p01exp×u2(1u1)(q1+y)+u1(q2+z)(j+ki)j+kidu1du2=(1η)n+p2B(nk+p1,n+p2)01u1n+p2×(1u1)nk+p11(1u1η)p0du1 where η=1(q2+z)(j+ki)/(q1+y)  and  p0=nk+n+p1+p2. Using hypergeometric series representation the above integral is expressed as 2F1(a,b,c,η)=1B(b,cb)01tb1(1t)cb1(1tη)adt, when |η|<1, Re(c)>0 and Re(b)>0, also |η|<1 is the convergence region. We now have Rˆs,kB=i=skj=0i(1)j(1η)n+p2(n+p2)ijp0ki2F1(p0,n+p2+1,p0+1,η),if |η|<1,i=skj=0ikiij(1)j(n+p2)p0(1η)nk+p12F1(p0,nk+p1,p0+1,ηη1),η<1,1,η=1. In this particular case, Bayes estimate appears in closed-form expression. Such estimates may also be computed from Lindley and MH methods as well. So for comparison purposes, Bayesian inference of the multicomponent reliability is derived from the latter two methods as well.

3.3.1. Bayes from Lindley technique

Bayesian inference of U(θ1,θ2) from this particular technique turns out as uˆL(x,y)=u(θ1,θ2)+0.5[b0+γ30ξ12+γ21c12+γ12c21+γ03ξ21] where b0=i=12j=12uijτij. We also have γij=qi+j/iθ1jθ2 for positive integer indices i and j taking values as 1, 2, 3, with their sum i + j being three. Also with i and j taking values as 1 and 2, we have uij=2u/θiθj. Also ξij=(uiτii+ujτij)τii, cij=3uiτiiτij+uj(τiiτij+2τij2)τij,ij. It should be noted that τij denotes ith row and jth column entry of inverse of matrix u=(uij); uij=u2/θiθj where u=∝[lnα1](p11+nk)+[lnα2](p21+n)(q1+y)[α1](q2+z)[α2]. The corresponding mode (α1~,α2~)=((nk+p11)/(q1+y),(n+p21)/(q2+z)) of the posterior distribution is used to compute the desired estimates and also (θ1,θ2) is assigned as (α1,α2) for our problem. Let τ11 be equal to (nk+p11)1[α12], τ22 be equal to (nk+p11)1[α22]. We also have τ12=τ21=γ12=γ21=0,γ30=2(nk+p11)/α13,γ03=2(n+p21)/α23,ξ12=u1τ112,ξ21=u2τ222,b0=u11τ11+u22τ22. Thus we have (20) Rˆs,kL=Rs,k+0.5[(α12u11+2α1u1)/(nk+p11)+(α22u22+2α2u2)/(n+p21)].(20)

3.3.2. M–H algorithm

Note that marginal posteriors of α1 and α2 are gamma G(nk+p1,q1+y) and G(n+p2,q2+z), respectively. We generate samples using the following algorithm and then apply it to compute the Bayes procedure.


1: Select the adequate choice (α10,α20) of (α1,α2).

2: Obtain a sample α1 using G(a,b) variable where a=nk+p1 and b=q1+y.

3: Obtain a sample α2 using G(a1,b1) variable where a1=nk+p2 and b1=q2+z.

4: Evaluate m=min{1,a0} where a0=(π(α1,α2|samples))[π(α1i1,α2i1|samples)]1.

5: Simulate a number u from a random variable U which follows a uniform model on (0,1).

6: We take the sample as α1iα1α2iα2 provided the inequality um holds.

7: Compute Rs,ki at (λ1i,λ2i,β1).

8: Now iterate stages 2 to 7 to obtain posterior estimates Rs,ki, i=1,2,,M.

Considering M0 as discarded samples, the estimated value of the parameter R~s,kMH turns out to be R~s,kMH=1/(MM0)i=M0+1MRs,ki.

The credible intervals are evaluated similarly as computed for unknown β case.

4. Numerical experiments

  1. Here simulation experiments are performed to compare the performance of various methods proposed for estimating the reliability function. This study is performed against various sample sizes by assuming different values of β,α1,α2 and prior distribution parameters.

  2. Evaluation of estimators is done under mean square error (MSE) and average biases (ABs).

  3. The performance of asymptotic, boot-t, boot-p and HPD intervals is evaluated using interval length and coverage probabilities criteria.

  4. All estimates are computed when n is assigned as 10,15,20,,50.

  5. Both the cases, β known or unknown, are taken into consideration for estimating the reliability.

  6. First consider unknown β case. In this situation, strength–stress components are observed assuming (α1,α2,β) as (1.5,2,2) and (2,2.5,1.5) respectively. The exact values of Rs,k, when (s,k) being (1,4) and (2,5), are 0.7500 and 0.59211 for the first set of parameters, and 0.7619 and 0.60952 for the second set of parameters, respectively. The sample size n is assigned as 10,15,20,,50 for both unknown and known β cases. For considered sets of parameters, hyper-parameters (a1,a2,a3,b1,b2,b3) are assigned as (3, 2, 4, 2, 1, 2) and (2, 5, 3, 1, 2, 3), respectively.

  7. In Tables  and , for a given n, three values are listed columnwise for each estimate. Among these, the first value denotes the estimated value of Rs,k, immediate lower value denotes the MSE and last value is the AB of that estimator.

  8. In Tables , estimation results for Rs,k are presented based on classical methods which are obtained by ML (Rˆs,k), least square (LS, Rs,kLS), weighted least square (WLS, Rs,kWLS), maximum product spacing (MPS, Rs,kMPS) and Bayesian methods. Recall that Bayesian inference is evaluated from Lindley (Rs,kL) and M–H (Rs,kMH) methods when true value of the reliability is (Rs,kT). In a similar way, interval widths and associate probabilities of 95% asymptotic, boot-t, boot-p and Bayes intervals are given. All these estimation results are evaluated by considering 3000 replications.

  9. We mention that in Tables  and , for a given n, two values are listed columnwise for each estimate. Among these, the first value denotes average length (AL) of interval of Rs,k, immediate lower value denotes the coverage probability (CP) of that estimator.

  10. In Tables  and , we have tabulated AL and coverage probabilities of various intervals. From these tables, it is observed that the average lengths of the intervals decrease with the increase in sample size, as expected. The average interval length of HPD interval is smaller than their counter parts.

  11. Next β known case is presented. Tables  and contain estimation results of reliability under frequentist and Bayes techniques when β0 is 2 and 3, respectively.

  12. The strength and stress characteristics are observed for (θ1,θ2)=(1.5,2) and (2,2.5). The corresponding true values of Rs,k, with the given combinations (s,k)=(1,4) and (2,5), are 0.88918 and 0.78688 when (θ1,θ2)=(1.5,2), also these estimates are 0.68442 and 0.53591 when (θ1,θ2)=(2,2.5), respectively. In Bayesian case, the following pairs of hyper-parameters a1=3,b1=2,a2=2,b2=1 and a1=2,b1=1,a2=5,b2=2 are used for (θ1,θ2)=(1.5,2) and (2,2.5), respectively.

  13. Moreover, in Tables  and , we provide widths and associated probabilities of 95% intervals. From Tables  and , we observe that the MSE and ABs for the estimates of Rs,k based on all methods of estimation decreases as the sample size increases in all cases, as expected.

  14. Note that maximum likelihood and unbiased estimators show good performance in comparison with Bayes counterparts, however, Bayes estimates have an advantage over these two estimates in terms of bias and MSE values. Tabulated values also indicate that MLEs show good behaviour than UMVU estimates.

  15. We further notice that Lindley and M–H inferences slightly vary when compared with corresponding exact Bayes inference and for large sample sizes their MSE and ABs tend to become close to each other. The Bayes estimates of Rs,k under the SE loss function have smaller MSE and ABs than their counterparts for all cases. It is observed that in general, average length of HPD intervals are smaller than asymptotic intervals. We also observe that the length of both intervals tends to become smaller with large sample sizes. Also coverage probabilities of these intervals exhibit satisfactory behaviour.

Table 1. Estimation results for Rs,k with unknown β.

Table 2. Estimation results for Rs,k with unknown β.

Table 3. Interval estimation results for Rs,k with unknown β.

Table 4. Interval estimation results for Rs,k with unknown β.

Table 5. Estimation results for Rs,k with known β(=2).

Table 6. Estimation results for Rs,k with known β(=3).

Table 7. Interval estimation results for Rs,k with known β(=2).

Table 8. Interval estimation results for Rs,k with known β(=3).

5. Data analysis

Data Set I: We present a real-life numerical example in support of estimation procedures considered for evaluating the system reliability based on UW distribution. The data represent breaking strength of Jute fibre [Citation39]. We have considered 15mm gauge length data for analysis. The diameters of jute fibres are measured with an XSP-8CA digital biological microscope. Consider s = 1 and k=5, then we observe that Y1 becomes identical with the sixth observation of considered data. Thus we see that observations X1k are from first to fifth observations. Similarly Y2 is the 12th observation and also X2k are from 7 to 11th data points. Here k is a positive integer ranging from 1 to 5. Data processing for total 30 observations gives n as 5. Observation (X,Y) is given below: X=594.40202.75168.37574.86225.65156.67127.81813.87562.39468.4772.24497.94355.56569.07640.48550.42748.75489.66678.06457.71716.3042.6680.40339.2270.09andY=76.38135.09200.76106.73193.42. We also update observations X and Y by Xij/(max(X)+1), Yi/(max(Y)+1), respectively and then checked using goodness test whether the considered data sets can be fitted to the UW model. The MLEs of respective unknown parameters of all the competing distributions are evaluated numerically. The KS ( Kolmogorov–Smirnov) test statistic is taken into consideration for model evaluation. Table  contains associated probability values for all the competing models. It is seen that UW distribution can be considered a good representative model given data. We have also plotted P–P and Q–Q plot (Figure ) of the given data sets and observe that data fitted satisfactorily. In Figure , we plotted curve of the profile likelihood function. This is concave in nature, i.e. unimodal function and maximum at β=1.0001 for strength data as well as β=0.7001 for stress data set. In Table , estimation results for the unknown reliability are evaluated for the complete data case. In fact all intervals are also computed. Bayesian inference is performed against improper prior distributions. Z=0.729441510.248812690.206621920.192263800.156847100.998772810.088652180.611066800.436339540.675469710.918858220.600905670.879035920.052351910.098666040.70546220.276915340.69015920.574901520.69835680.785990400.83210820.561696960.41628730.08601372andT=0.37856860.66955790.99504360.52899480.9586638.

Figure 1. PP–QQ plots of the unit Weibull distribution for Data I.

Figure 1. PP–QQ plots of the unit Weibull distribution for Data I.

Figure 2. Plotting of profile likelihood of Unit Weibull distribution for Data I.

Figure 2. Plotting of profile likelihood of Unit Weibull distribution for Data I.

Table 9. Test of goodness results for Data I.

Table 10. Estimation results for Data I.

  1. Further equivalence testing between UW stress and strength parameters β1 and β2 is performed. The likelihood ratio test is applied to derive the inference.

  2. H0:β1=β2 versus H1:β1β2. The test statistic is Δ=2(log0log1) which is χ2(1).

  3. The estimates of corresponding log likelihoods under data I with H0:β1=β2 and alternative hypotheses H1:β1β2 are log0=1.607646 and log1=1.979536, respectively. Here, we obtain Δ=0.7437795 with probability value 0.388478.

  4. We see that null hypothesis β1=β2 indicates favourable result under 5% significance. Thus we conclude that β1 and β2 may be equal for the considered numerical example.

Data Set II:

The second data set defines 12 core samples from petroleum reservoirs that were sampled by 4 cross-sections. There are a total of 48 observations in this study. Core samples are measured for permeability and each cross-section defined using following components: total area of pores, total perimeter of pores and shape. The data set is available in R language [Citation40], especially on data.frame named rock. Table  contains associated estimates for all competing models. We see that UW distribution is a good representative model for the given data. We have also plotted P–P and Q–Q plots (Figure ) of the data. We observe that data fitted satisfactorily by the UW model. In Figure , we plotted curve of the profile likelihood function. This is concave in nature, i.e. unimodal function with maximum at β=5 for strength data and β=9 for stress data. Following [Citation41], we further explore histogram plot of bootstrap samples for the logit of Rs,k based on 3000 replications, see Figure . The histogram resembles of a normal distribution with approximate mean 1.727348 and standard deviation 0.5171634. Further associated K–S estimate (0.029392) and P-value (0.06314) also indicate normality of bootstrap samples for the logit of Rs,k. In Table , estimates for the unknown reliability are evaluated for the complete data case. Associated intervals are also computed. We mention that Bayesian computations are performed against improper prior distribution.

Figure 3. PP–QQ plots of the unit Weibull distribution for Data II.

Figure 3. PP–QQ plots of the unit Weibull distribution for Data II.

Figure 4. Plotting of profile likelihood of Unit Weibull distribution for Data II.

Figure 4. Plotting of profile likelihood of Unit Weibull distribution for Data II.

Figure 5. Plotting of logit Rs,k of Unit Weibull distribution for Data II.

Figure 5. Plotting of logit Rs,k of Unit Weibull distribution for Data II.

Table 11. Goodness of fit for Data II.

Table 12. Estimation results for Data II.

We consider s = 1 and k=7 which is like 1-out-of-7: G system. Let Y1 denote the 8th breaking stress and X1k, k=1,2,,7, be the failure times of observations numbered 1 to 7. Further let Y2 denote the 16th observation and X2k be the failure times from 9 to 15. We carry on this data processing up to 48th failure, then we get n = 6 data for Y. The obtained data (X,Y) are as follows: X=0.0900.1490.1830.1170.1220.2040.1620.1510.1480.2290.2040.2630.2000.1450.1140.2810.1790.1920.1330.2250.1980.3270.1540.2760.1770.3290.2300.4640.4200.2010.1670.1900.2320.1730.2910.2400.3410.3120.4390.1640.2630.182andY=0.1640.1530.1620.2760.2540.200.

  1. Further equivalence testing between UW stress and strength parameters β1 and β2 is performed for the data set II. The likelihood ratio test is applied to derive the inference.

  2. The estimates of corresponding log likelihoods under data II with H0:β1=β2 and alternative hypotheses H1:β1β2 are, log0=58.38494 and, log1=59.55056, respectively. Here, we obtain Δ=2.331241 with a probability value 0.126804.

  3. We see that null hypothesis β1=β2 indicates favourable result under 5% significance. Thus we conclude that β1 and β2 may be equal for the considered numerical example.

6. Conclusion

We have investigated inference upon a stress–strength parameter for UW distribution. The four frequentist methods of estimation have been used to obtain the system reliability with known and unknown β. Besides, asymptotic and two bootstrap CIs are obtained. Further Bayes inferences of Rs,k are studied against different approximation techniques. The Bayes credible interval is discussed utilizing posterior samples generated from an MCMC method. Besides, unbiased estimation of reliability is also evaluated for known β case. Our numerical results suggest that Bayes procedure yields better inference compared to MLE and UMVUE. It is also seen that asymptotic, bootstrap and Bayesian intervals exhibit relatively good CP behaviour. However, width of Bayes intervals remains narrower than the corresponding asymptotic and bootstrap CIs. We present two numerical examples to demonstrate and observe the reliability for one system configuration. We found that WLSE provides marginally better results than the corresponding LSE estimates. Further inference obtained from the MPS method shows good behaviour than the WLSE method. We further note that MLE also improves LSE and WLSE. However, MLE and MPS methods are incomparable as in some case MLE performs better than MPS and in other case opposite behaviour is observed. We observe that if proper prior is available then Bayesian procedures have an advantage over the other methods. Overall, better inference of this particular parametric function can be derived under known β case. Although inference is studied when stress–strength components have the UW distributions, however, such studies can be conducted under assumption stress–strength components have different distributions. Moreover, estimation for the multicomponent stress–strength reliability for system with dependent components seems also of interest and importance in practice, which will be studied in the future. In near future, we also try to study such problems under some censoring schemes.


Authors thank the reviewer and Editor for their useful comments to improve our manuscript. This work was funded by Deanship of Scientific Research at Princess Nourah bint Abdulrahman University, through the Program of Research Project(Grant No. 41-PRFA-P-14).

Disclosure statement

No potential conflict of interest was reported by the authors.

Additional information


This work was supported by Deanship of Scientific Research at Princess Nourah bint Abdulrahman University [41-PRFA-P-14].


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