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Dynamical properties of dust-ion-acoustic wave solutions in a nonextensive collisional dusty plasma

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Pages 710-720 | Received 31 Dec 2020, Accepted 29 Sep 2021, Published online: 10 Nov 2021


Dynamical properties of dust-ion-acoustic waves (DIAWs) are analysed in a collisional nonextensive dusty plasma composing of mobile ions, q-nonextensive electrons and stationary dust grains with slight collisions between dusts and ions. Reductive perturbation technique (RPT) is practiced to acquire the damped Korteweg-de Vries (DKdV) equation. In absence of collision between dusts and ions, the damping term vanishes and the DKdV equation reduces to the KdV equation. Bifurcation analysis of the dynamical system obtained from the KdV equation is carried out. Analytical solitary wave solution and numerical periodic wave solution of the KdV equation are presented. Approximate analytical DIAW solutions for the DKdV equation are furnished using the novel (G/G)-expansion technique. As an outcome, novel approximate analytical solutions of DIAWs are obtained for the DKdV equation. The application of our work is significant to explore nonextensive plasma environment, such as, ionosphere of Earth.

1. Introduction

The interpretation of DIAWs in dusty plasmas has been a rapidly growing research area for last few decades [Citation1, Citation2]. Some interesting works have been reported in various areas of plasma environments, namely, ring of planets, plasma or gas tails, interplanetary state, interstellar clouds, and the Earth's ionosphere [Citation3, Citation4]. The presence of dust particles in dusty plasmas initiates new novel eigenmodes, for example, dust-acoustic wave, DIAW, dust lattice mode, etc. It is important to note that dust particles are negatively charged and taken as immobile because of their weighty concentration [Citation5]. With rise in electron population, the DIAW phase velocity diminishes [Citation6, Citation7]. Recently, DIAWs were examined in both cases theoretically and practically. DIAW was also examined in collisionless [Citation8] plasma as a limiting situation, but it is not well framed in some real situations [Citation9]. Ghosh et al. [Citation10] reported influence of damping on DIAWs. Losseva et al. [Citation11] investigated evolution of weakly dissipative hybrid DIA solitary wave in a collisional plasma. The work [Citation12] reported the impacts of fluctuation of dust charge on soliton of the modified KdV-Burger equation in dusty plasmas. Popel et al. [Citation13] examined experimentally that wave speed is much greater than the wave speed of theoretical situation. Losseva et al. [Citation14] examined arbitrary amplitude DIAWs in dusty plasma. Kruskal [Citation15] reported that gravity wave in inviscid fluid can be modelled the KdV equation asymptotically. Some researchers theoretically and experimentally studied solitary and shock DIAWs [Citation16–19] in dusty plasmas. Ashraf et al. [Citation20] reported behaviours of obliquely travelling DIAWs in a nonextensive dusty plasma. Bacha et al. [Citation21] reported DIAW solitons in non-Maxwellian dusty plasmas. Tribeche and Zerguini [Citation22] investigated DIAWs with effects of undulations of dust charge and instability in a collisional dusty plasma. Later, it was reported that the plasma system having Gaussian distributed dust grains supports DIAW soliton feature in presence of collisional effect [Citation23]. Similarly, works [Citation24–27] reported the solution of the damped KdV equation in different plasma systems through the classical approach.

The (G/G)-expansion technique was discovered by Wang et al. [Citation28]. The technique was reported to be a influential technique for achieving the exact solutions of different nonlinear evolution equation (NEE) types. This expansion extended the range of applicability of solution for the NEEs. The (G/G)-expansion was generalized and later, its improved version was implemented in order to achieve the wave solutions [Citation29, Citation30]. This technique has an advantage over the existing techniques. It directly corresponds to new exact solutions accompanied by new variables. It is known that the exact solutions reveal the inner dynamics and solutions of NEEs in the physical phenomena. With the help of this method, the researcher solve their numerical results and compare its correctness and analyse the stability of their result [Citation31]. The implementation of the (G/G)-expansion and its improved version was imitated to examine the exact solution for the mKdV equation by Sahoo and Ray [Citation32]. In plasmas, there exist few works reported on the direct utilization of the (G/G)-expansion. The works in plasmas include the exact solution of the KdV-Burger equations in non-Maxwellian plasmas [Citation33] and the KdV equation in Thomas-Fermi plasmas [Citation34] using the (G/G)-expansion. However, there is no study reported regarding the solution for the DKdV equation using the (G/G)-expansion technique in plasma systems.

The q-nonextensive distribution introduced by Tsallis [Citation35] describes the charge of particles with higher inter-collision range. This distribution generalizes the Boltzmann–Gibbs (BG) entropy [Citation36, Citation37]. The high range inter-collisions are well described by the non-Maxwellian distributions, such as nonextensive, superthermal, nonthermal, etc. The works [Citation38, Citation39] support that the non-Maxwellian particles can be well characterized by the nonextensive distribution. The parameter q represents the potential or strength of nonextensive distribution with wide ranges from 1<q<1 and q>1. The classical Maxwellian limit is achieved for q1. The physical importance of q was discussed elaborately in the work [Citation40]. The author obtained the expression kBTe+(1q)Qϕ=0, for a system which describes the relation between q, temperature gradient Te and the potential energy. The above expression clearly depicts that q1 [Citation40]. Furthermore, the temperature gradient determines that q1 for Te0 and q = 1 for Te=0. This implies that plasma becomes isothermal when q1 and it describes the BG statistics while, for q1 describes the Tsallis statistics. Therefore, it is concluded that the Tsallis generalization can be applied to explore non-isothermal feature in plasmas [Citation40, Citation41]. The nonextensive distribution is extensively used for the plasma particles and its applications are observed in nonlinear gravitational model [Citation42], plasma dynamics [Citation38, Citation43], astrophysical and cosmological scenarios [Citation44], and Hamiltonian systems [Citation45] with long-range interaction. The effects of nonextensive plasma particles on different travelling waves are reported in works [Citation46–49]. The detailed deduction of nonextensive distribution for electrons can be referred from the work [Citation50]. Using bifurcation analysis, Samanta et al. [Citation51] initiated the investigation of DIAW under magnetic effects in dusty plasmas. Later many researchers [Citation52–55] started using the same analysis to examine nonlinear waves in plasmas. Recently, Tamang et al. [Citation56] examined solitary DIAW solutions under the DKdV and DmKdV equations in collisional nonextensive dusty plasmas employing bifurcation theory of dynamical systems [Citation57]. Very recently, Seadawy et al. [Citation58] reported the shock solution of DmKdV equation in collisional nonextensive dusty plasma using two different extended mapping techniques. Here, we aim to achieve approximate analytical solutions for the DKdV equation for which we consider the (G/G)-expansion technique as this technique is sought to bestow extensive and various solutions which are not reported earlier in collisional nonextensive dusty plasmas.

The orientation of the work is given as: in Section 2, we consider model equations for a collisional dusty plasma. In Section 3, we obtain the DKdV equation using RPT. The condition is discussed where the DKdV equation is reduced into the KdV equation. Bifurcation analysis of the KdV equation is done and its analytical and numerical solutions are presented. Section 4 contains analytical solution of the DKdV equation and its analysis. Finally, Section 5 presents the concluding remark.

2. Model equations

An unmagnetized dusty plasma is considered which is composed of mobile ions, q-nonextensive electrons and stationary dust grain with sight of collision between the dust and ion particles. Here, the number density of N dust species is denoted by ndj having charge Qdj(=eZdj) with the number of charge (Zdj) occupying on j dust grain, where j=1,2,3..N. The motions of DIAWs are given by [Citation23] (1) nt+x(nu)=0,(1) (2) nut+uux=Pxvidnunϕx,(2) (3) Pt+uPx+3Pux=0,(3) (4) 2ϕx2=δ1+δ2{1+(q1)ϕβ}1q1+12n.(4) At equilibrium, the charge neutrality state holds n0=j=1NZdj0ndjo+ne0 resulting into δ1=1δ2, where  δ1=(j=1NZdj0ndjo)n0 and δ2=ne0n0. Here, β=Ti/Te, where Ti,e is temperature of ions and electrons. Here n0 and ne0 are number densities of ions and electrons at equilibrium. The normalization of physical quantities are given by: the quantities ni0, Ci and KTie normalize number density of ions (n), velocity of ions (u), and electronic potential ϕ, respectively, where Ci=(KTimi)12. The quantities ωp1 and λD=(KTi4πe2ni0)12 normalize time t and space coordinate x, respectively, where ωp=(4πe2ni0mi)12. Here Ti is the temperatures of ions and νid is collisional frequency between ions and dusts.

3. Derivation of the DKdV equation

We consider the following stretching coordinates: (5) ξ=ϵ12(xMt),andτ=ϵ32t,(5) with ϵ as measure of the weak dispersion while, the wave phase velocity is denoted by M. Expansions of n, u, ϕ, P and vid are given by: (6) n=1+ϵn1+ϵ2n2+,u=0+ϵu1+ϵ2u2+,ϕ=0+ϵϕ1+ϵ2ϕ2+,P=1+ϵP1+ϵ2P2+,vidϵ32vid0.(6) Substituting Equations (Equation5)–(Equation6) in Equation (Equation1), we get (7) ϵ52n1τMϵ32n1ξMϵ52n2ξ+ϵ32u1ξ+ϵ52u2ξ+ϵ52ξ(n1u1)=0.(7) We obtain the following by comparing the terms ϵ32 and ϵ52, (8) ϵ32:n1=1Mu1,(8) (9) ϵ52:n1τMn2ξ+u2ξ+ξ(n1u1)=0.(9) Substituting Equations (Equation5)–(Equation6) in Equation (Equation2), we get (10) ϵ52(u1τMu2ξ)ϵ32(Mu1ξ)=ϵ32(P1ξ+ϕ1ξ)ϵ52(P2ξ+vidou1+ϕ2ξ+n1ϕ1ξ)(10) We obtain the following by comparing the terms ϵ32 and ϵ52, (11) ϵ32:Mu1ξ=P1ξ+ϕ1ξ,(11) (12) ϵ52:u1τMu2ξ=P2ξvidou1ϕ2ξn1ϕ1ξ.(12) Substituting Equations (Equation5)–(Equation6) in Equation (Equation3), we get (13) ϵ52(P1τMP2ξ+u1P1ξ+3u2ξ+3P1u1ξ)+ϵ32(3u1ξMP1ξ)=0.(13)

We obtain the following by comparing the terms ϵ32 and ϵ52, (14) ϵ32:P1=3Mu1,(14) (15) ϵ52:P1τMP2ξ+u1P1ξ+3u2ξ+3P1u1ξ=0.(15) Substituting Equations (Equation5)–(Equation6) in Equation (Equation4), we get (16) ϵ22ϕ1ξ2=ϵ(aδ2βϕ1n1)+ϵ2(aδ2βϕ2+(3q)4(aδ2β2ϕ12)n2),(16) where a = q+12.

We obtain the following by comparing the terms ϵ32 and ϵ52, (17) ϵ:n1=aδ2βϕ1,(17) (18) ϵ2:2ϕ1ξ2=aδ2βϕ2+(3q)4aδ2β2ϕ12n2.(18)

From Equations (Equation8), (Equation11), (Equation14) and (Equation17), we obtain (19) M2=3+1aβδ2.(19) From Equations (Equation7)–(Equation19), we obtain the damped KdV (DKdV) equation as (20) ψτ+Aψψξ+B3ψξ3+Cψ=0,(20) here we put ϕ1=ψ, A=B(12(M23)3+3(M23)2(3q)2aδ2β2), where B=(M23)22M and C=vid02.

It is important to note that in absence of dust-ion collision, the collisional parameter νid0 becomes 0, then the above damped KdV (DKdV) Equation (Equation20) reduces to the KdV equation given by (21) ψτ+Aψψξ+B3ψξ3=0.(21) Now, we use new variable η=ξvτ as wave transformation, where v is speed of wave. Using the transformation η into the KdV Equation (Equation21), one can obtain (22) d2ψdη2=1B(vψA2ψ2),(22) which further can be written as the following dynamical system (DS) (23) dψdη=y,dydη=1BvA2ψψ.(23) Now, we examine phase portrait of the DS (Equation23) which corresponds to the KdV Equation (Equation21). The DS (Equation23) has two singular points S0 and S1 at (0,0) and (2vA,0), respectively. Determinant of the Jacobian matrix J=1B(vAψ) is less than 0 for singular point S0, and greater than 0 at S1. Therefore, the theory of planar dynamical systems [Citation57] suggests that the singular point at which det J<0 is a saddle and det J>0 is a centre.

Figure  shows two phase portraits of the DS (Equation23) for cases in 1<q<0 and 0<q<1. However, the subextensive range of q is valid for q>1, but in this case, the DS (Equation23) shows same feature as shown in range 0<q<1. The singular point S0 of the dynamical system is a saddle and S1 is a centre in both the cases. A closed loop forming around the centre at singular point S1 is called a periodic orbit (PO1,0) and it has zero separatrix. An orbit that begins at S0, forms a loop enclosing S1 and ends at S0 is defined as homoclinic orbit (HO1,0). Here, the subscript “1, 0 ” denotes one singular point and zero separatrix. The PO1,0 shown in phase portrait Figure is related to periodic wave solution (PWS) and HO1,0 is related to solitary solution. Since, the corresponding solutions exist in two opposite region of the phase portrait. Therefore, we have rarefactive solitary wave (RSW) solution for 1<q<0 of DIAW and compressive solitary wave (CSW) solution in 0<q<1.

Figure 1. Phase portrait of the DS (Equation23) for (a) q = −0.1, v = 0.1 (b) q = 0.4 v = 0.03 with νid0=0, β=0.4 and δ=0.5.

Figure 1. Phase portrait of the DS (Equation23(23) dψdη=y,dydη=1Bv−A2ψψ.(23) ) for (a) q = −0.1, v = 0.1 (b) q = 0.4 v = 0.03 with νid0=0, β=0.4 and δ=0.5.

Equation (Equation22) can be expressed as (24) d2ψdη2+dVdψ=0,(24) where V is the potential energy function corresponding to the DS (Equation23) and it is given by (25) V(ψ)=12Bvψ2+A6Bψ3.(25) Therefore, the Hamiltonian function (H(ψ,y)) corresponding to the DS (Equation23) is given by (26) H(ψ,y)=y22v2Bψ2+A6Bψ3.(26)

Considering fixed values of parameters q,v,β,δ as Figure , we present potential energy function V(ψ) with respect to ψ in Figure . It is clearly observed from Figures (a,b) that the curves contain one local maximum and minimum points. Figure (a,b) also provides the information of existence of rarefactive and compressive solitary wave solutions shown by two regions traced by the potential curve.

Figure 2. Potential energy function curve of the KdV equation (Equation21) with same data values as Figure (a) and (b), respectively.

Figure 2. Potential energy function curve of the KdV equation (Equation21(21) ∂ψ∂τ+Aψ∂ψ∂ξ+B∂3ψ∂ξ3=0.(21) ) with same data values as Figure 1 (a) and (b), respectively.

In phase plane analysis, we show nonlinear homoclinic and periodic orbits which correspond to solitary and periodic DIAW solutions, respectively. Thus, we derive analytical form of solitary wave solution of the KdV equation (Equation21) as (27) ψ=3vAsech2v4Bη.(27) It is clear that height (3vA) and width (4Bv) of the solitary wave are influenced by system parameters q, v and β. For A<0, we get rarefactive solitary DIAW, and for A>0, we get compressive solitary DIAW solution. Therefore, in Figure , we show impacts of q, v and β on RSW and CSW solutions of the KdV equation (Equation21) while other values are fixed as Figure (a,b), respectively. Height of RSW and CSW solutions diminishes as q increases, while, it extends when speed of the wave (v) is increased. We also observe that for higher temperature of ions as compared to electrons, only width of RSW diminishes and there is no significant change in its height. Whereas, both width and height of CSW diminish as temperature of ions rises through the parameter β.

Figure 3. RSW and CSW solutions of the KdV equation (Equation21) with same data values as Figure (a,b), respectively.

Figure 3. RSW and CSW solutions of the KdV equation (Equation21(21) ∂ψ∂τ+Aψ∂ψ∂ξ+B∂3ψ∂ξ3=0.(21) ) with same data values as Figure 1(a,b), respectively.

In Figures  and , the impacts of q, v and β on PWS are presented numerically in ranges 1<q<0 and 0<q<1, respectively. It is seen that the height of PWS decreases significantly as q increases, while it declines as value of speed of wave (v) is increased. However, with rise in temperature of ions than that of electrons, the height of PWS gradually rises while, its width shrinks as shown in Figure (c). Whereas, under the range 0<q<1 as shown in Figure (c), both height and width of PWS diminish with rise in temperature ratio (β).

Figure 4. Periodic solution of the KdV equation (Equation21) with same data values as Figure (a).

Figure 4. Periodic solution of the KdV equation (Equation21(21) ∂ψ∂τ+Aψ∂ψ∂ξ+B∂3ψ∂ξ3=0.(21) ) with same data values as Figure 1(a).

Figure 5. Periodic solution the KdV equation (Equation21) with same data values as Figure (b).

Figure 5. Periodic solution the KdV equation (Equation21(21) ∂ψ∂τ+Aψ∂ψ∂ξ+B∂3ψ∂ξ3=0.(21) ) with same data values as Figure 1(b).

4. Approximate analytical solutions

We can inspect a general nonlinear partial differential equation for (28) Fψ,ψτ,ψξ,2ψτ2,2ξξ2,2ψτξ,=0,(28) where ψ=ψ(ξ,τ) is to be determined and F is a polynomial consisting of different order partial derivatives of ψ.

The above equation is reduced to a nonlinear ordinary differential equation (ODE) (29) F(q,q,q,q,)=0,(29) by applying the following transformation (30) ψ(ξ,τ)=ψ(η),η=ξvτ,(30) with v being the travelling wave velocity. It is to be mentioned that derivative with respect to η is denoted by . Then, Equation (Equation29) is to be integrated.

The solution to nonlinear ODE is acquired directly by (G/G)-expansion technique. Some important steps are mentioned below.

4.1. The (G/G)-expansion technique

The following steps are mentioned of the (G/G)-expansion technique [Citation28]:

Step I: Consider the solution of Equation (Equation29) in terms of a polynomial in (G/G) as (31) ψ(η)=i=1nai(G/G)i,an0,(31) where ai are unknown constants, i=0,1,2,,n. Here, the linear ODE is (32) G+λG+μG=0,(32) which is called auxiliary equation having constants λ and µ.

Step II: Equation (Equation29) shows n positive integer obtained by the homogeneous balance between the nonlinear term and the highest order derivative.

Step III: We substitute Equation (Equation31) into the nonlinear ODE (Equation29), where G(η) holds Equation (Equation32). Then, collect the terms having like powers of (G/G)i of the polynomial, where i=0,1,2,. Finally, we equate each term of the polynomial and a set of equations in ai to zero, where v, μ and λ are to be calculated.

Step IV: Using solutions of Equation (Equation32) into (Equation31), we obtain the approximate solutions of (Equation28) after calculating ai, v, μ, λ, i=0,1,2,n.

4.2. Implementation of (G/G)-expansion technique on DKdV equation

In the current section, the (G/G)-expansion technique is implemented on the DKdV equation (Equation20) to extract approximate analytical solutions. The transformation (Equation30) is considered which reduces Equation (Equation20) to (33) vdψdη+Aψdψdη+Bd3ψdη3+Cψ=0.(33) The homogeneous balance between d3ψdη3 and ψdψdη is taken under Equation (Equation33) and obtain the value of the positive integer n as (34) 3+n=n+(1+n)n=2.(34) Hence the solution of Equation (Equation33) is assumed in (G/G) polynomial as (35) ψ(η)=a0+a1(G/G)+a2(G/G)2,a20,(35) here G=G(η) holds the auxiliary equation of order 2 (36) G+λG+μG=0.(36) Finally, we substitute the solution ansatz (Equation35) in (Equation33) considering the auxiliary Equation (Equation36) which yields a (G/G) polynomial equation. Collecting all the terms of (G/G)i,i=0,1,,5 and comparing each of them to zero, we get (37) (G/G)0:a0a1Aμa1Bλ2μ6a2Bλμ22a1Bμ2+a1vμ+Ca0=0(G/G)1:a0a1Aλa12Aμ2a0a2Aμa1Bλ314a2Bλ2μ8a1Bλμ16a2Bμ2+a1vλ+2a2vμ+Ca1=0(G/G)2:a12Aλ2a0a2Aλ3a1a2Aμa0a1A8a2Bλ37a1Bλ252a2Bλμ8a1Bμ+2a2vλ+a1v+Ca2=0(G/G)3:3a1a2Aλ2a22Aμa12A2a0a2A38a2Bλ212a1Bλ40a2Bμ+2a2v=0(G/G)4:2a22Aλ3a1a2A54a2Bλ6a1B=0(G/G)5:2a22A24a2B=0.(37) We simplify the set of algebraic Equation (Equation37) and the following (38) a0=4μBA,a1=12λBA,a2=12BA,v=3λ3B+12λμBC3λ,(38) where λ,μ are constants.

We import the solution in the expression (Equation35) and find the general solution as (39) ψ(η)=4μBA12λBA(G/G)12BA(G/G)2,(39) where η=ξ3λ3B+12λμBC3λτ.

Finally, the general solution of Equation (Equation36) is substituted in the general solution (Equation39) and following travelling wave solutions of Equation (Equation20) are acquired as follows:

The hyperbolic function travelling wave solution for λ24μ>0 is given by (40) ψ1(η)=4μBA6λλ24μBAC1sinh12λ24μη+C2cosh12λ24μηC1cosh12λ24μη+C2sinh12λ24μη3(λ24μ)BAC1sinh12λ24μη+C2cosh12λ24μηC1cosh12λ24μη+C2sinh12λ24μη2,(40) with C1 and C2 being arbitrary constants.

The trigonometric function travelling wave solution for λ24μ<0 is given by (41) ψ2(η)=4μBA6λ4μλ2BAC3sin124μλ2η+C4cos124μλ2ηC3cos124μλ2η+C4sin124μλ2η3(4μλ2)BAC3sin124μλ2η+C4cos124μλ2ηC3cos124μλ2η+C4sin124μλ2η2,(41) where C3 and C4 are arbitrary constants.

The rational function solution for λ24μ=0 is given by (42) ψ3(η)=4μBA12λBAC6C5+C6η12BAC6C5+C6η2,(42) where C5 and C6 are arbitrary constants.

5. Graphical illustrations

Graphs of the approximate solutions (Equation40), (Equation41) and (Equation42) obtained for the DKdV equation are presented by considering different sets of physical parameters q, β, δ2, λ, µ and νid using the Wolfram Mathematica 11.

Figure  represents solution (Equation40) of the DKdV equation for DIAWs. Here, Figure (a) shows anti 1-soliton solitary wave solution [Citation31] of the DKdV equation with parametric set of q=7.4, β=0.6,  δ2=0.7,  λ=2.001,  μ=1 and νid0=0.09. Figure (b) represents solitary wave solutions of kink type with parametric set of q=150, β=0.58,  δ2=0.3, λ=30.2,  μ=19, νid0=0.09. Figure (c) shows rarefactive solitons with parametric set of q=160, β=0.6, δ2=0.7, λ=9,  μ=1.9, νid0=0.09.

Figure 6. 3D graph of Equation (Equation40) with (a) q=7.4, β=0.6, δ2=0.7, λ=2.001,  μ=1, νid0=0.09. (b) q=150, β=0.58, δ2=0.3, λ=30.2,  μ=19, νid0=0.09. (c) q=160, β=0.6, δ2=0.7, λ=9,  μ=1.9, νid0=0.09.

Figure 6. 3D graph of Equation (Equation40(40) ψ1(η)=−4μBA−6λλ2−4μBAC1sinh⁡12λ2−4μη+C2cosh⁡12λ2−4μηC1cosh⁡12λ2−4μη+C2sinh⁡12λ2−4μη−3(λ2−4μ)BAC1sinh⁡12λ2−4μη+C2cosh⁡12λ2−4μηC1cosh⁡12λ2−4μη+C2sinh⁡12λ2−4μη2,(40) ) with (a) q=7.4, β=0.6, δ2=0.7, λ=2.001,  μ=1, νid0=0.09. (b) q=150, β=0.58, δ2=0.3, λ=30.2,  μ=19, νid0=0.09. (c) q=160, β=0.6, δ2=0.7, λ=9,  μ=1.9, νid0=0.09.

Figure  represents the approximate solution (Equation41) of the DKdV equation for DIAWs. Here, we clearly observe that Figure (a ,b) represent anti-kink type of solitary wave solution for two different sets of parameters. From Figure (c), it is visible that the solution (Equation41) corresponds to rarefactive periodic solution of the DKdV equation for q=160, β=0.3, δ2=0.6, λ=0.2,  μ=2, νid0=0.01.

Figure 7. 3D graph of Equation (Equation41) with (a) q=0.98, β=0.7, δ2=0.6, λ=0.65,  μ=0.1, νid0=0.01. (b) q=86, β=0.6, δ2=0.7, λ=80,  μ=30, νid0=0.01. (c) q=160, β=0.3, δ2=0.6, λ=0.2,  μ=2, νid0=0.01.

Figure 7. 3D graph of Equation (Equation41(41) ψ2(η)=−4μBA−6λ4μ−λ2BA−C3sin⁡124μ−λ2η+C4cos⁡124μ−λ2ηC3cos⁡124μ−λ2η+C4sin⁡124μ−λ2η−3(4μ−λ2)BA−C3sin⁡124μ−λ2η+C4cos⁡124μ−λ2ηC3cos⁡124μ−λ2η+C4sin⁡124μ−λ2η2,(41) ) with (a) q=0.98, β=0.7, δ2=0.6, λ=0.65,  μ=0.1, νid0=0.01. (b) q=86, β=0.6, δ2=0.7, λ=80,  μ=30, νid0=0.01. (c) q=160, β=0.3, δ2=0.6, λ=0.2,  μ=2, νid0=0.01.

Figure  represents the approximate solution (Equation42) of the damped KdV equation for DIAWs. It is observed that Figure (a ,b) depict singular kink travelling wave solutions for the DIAWs in 1<q<0 and 0<q<1 ranges, respectively. For range q>1 with q=120, β=0.6,  δ2=0.7, λ=1.2,  μ=0.25, νid0=0.001, the solution (Equation42) corresponds to rarefactive solitary wave solution which is clearly observed in Figure (c).

Figure 8. 3D graph of Equation (Equation42) with (a) q=0.704, β=0.6, δ2=0.7, λ=9.1,  μ=0.01, νid0=0.001. (b) q=0.98, β=0.6, δ2=0.7, λ=15,  μ=0.25, νid0=0.001. (c) q=120, β=0.6, δ2=0.7, λ=1.2,  μ=0.25, νid0=0.001.

Figure 8. 3D graph of Equation (Equation42(42) ψ3(η)=−4μBA−12λBAC6C5+C6η−12BAC6C5+C6η2,(42) ) with (a) q=−0.704, β=0.6, δ2=0.7, λ=9.1,  μ=0.01, νid0=0.001. (b) q=0.98, β=0.6, δ2=0.7, λ=15,  μ=0.25, νid0=0.001. (c) q=120, β=0.6, δ2=0.7, λ=1.2,  μ=0.25, νid0=0.001.

6. Conclusions

The DIAWs in a nonextensive dusty plasma have been analysed under the damped Korteweg–de Vries (DKdV) equation alongside collision between ions and dusts. The DKdV equation has been acquired using the RPT. In the absence of collision between dusts and ions, the damping coefficient has been vanished. In that case, the reduction of the DKdV equation into the KdV equation has been shown. The DS of the KdV equation has been formed to show bifurcation analysis through phase portraits. In this case, the nonextensive parameter q has been the controlling parameter. Potential energy function has been shown for which the dynamical system of the KdV equation shows regions of periodic and solitary wave solutions. For cases 1<q<0 and 0<q<1, analytical solitary wave solution and numerical periodic wave solution of the KdV equation for DIAW have been obtained. It has been observed that nonextensive parameter (q), speed of the wave (v) and temperature ratio of ions to electrons (β) effect the solitary and periodic DIAW solutions. Furthermore, in presence of collisional effect, approximate analytical wave solutions of the DKdV equation have been achieved employing the (G/G)-expansion technique. The novel approximate analytical solutions of the DKdV equation have been associated to three different classes, such as, the hyperbolic, trigonometric and rational functions of the travelling wave solutions. It has been perceived that the hyperbolic function solution of DIAW corresponds to anti 1-soliton solitary wave solution, solitary wave solutions of kink type and rarefactive solitary wave solution for different values of q. The trigonometric function solution of DIAW corresponds to anti-kink type of solitary wave with lesser values of q and rarefactive periodic wave for relatively greater values of q. However, the rational function of travelling DIAW solution corresponds to singular kink travelling waves with lesser numbers of q and rarefactive solitary wave with greater numbers of q. The study was carried out considering nonextensive parameter q in the range (1<q<0, 0<q<1, q>1), the number density ratio of electrons and ions (δ2=ne0n0<1) as defined by the relation δ1+δ2=1, and collisional frequency of ions and dusts (νid0<1) because of weak collision between dusts and ions, while, other parameters are constants. Generally, collisional effects between particles are delicate, hence, most of the studies neglect all collisional effects on dust-ion-acoustic waves. While, in some cases, collision effects are strong and cannot be avoided. Normally, the collisional frequency between ions and dust grains is larger, while, the collisional frequencies between dusts and electrons, ions and electrons are weak. Therefore, our study can be applicable to many plasma systems, in which electrons and ions have higher mean free paths than the range of the experimental device or pressure of neutral gas is small so that the collisions between neutral atoms and other particles are neglected. The only effective collision occurs between ions and dust grains. Therefore, we neglect the collisions between dusts and electrons, ions and electrons. We only consider the collision effect between ions and dust grains but, assume that the collisional effect is much weak. All the approximate analytical small-amplitude DIAW solutions obtained for the DKdV equation in collisional nonextensive dusty plasmas have not been reported earlier. Therefore, we can conclude that the approximate analytical solutions of the DKdV equation obtained, applying the (G/G)-expansion technique, have furnished new and significant solutions which can be of great interest for many researchers in Earth's ionosphere [Citation41, Citation43–46, Citation59].

Disclosure statement

No potential conflict of interest was reported by the author(s).


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