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Regularized collocation Trefftz method for void detection in two-dimensional steady-state heat conduction problems

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Pages 395-418 | Received 15 Nov 2012, Accepted 18 Mar 2013, Published online: 24 Apr 2013


We propose the use of the collocation Trefftz method for the solution of inverse geometric problems and, in particular, the determination of the boundary of a void. As was the case in the solution of such problems using the method of fundamental solutions, the algorithm for imaging the interior of the medium also makes use of radial polar parametrization of the unknown void shape in two dimensions. The centre of this radial polar parametrization is considered to be unknown. The feasibility of this new method is illustrated by several numerical examples highlighting its advantages and shortcomings.

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Numerous practical problems in engineering and sciences are characterized by the fact that one or more of the following conditions are partially or entirely unknown: the geometry of the domain of interest, the complete boundary and initial conditions, the material properties and the external sources acting in the solution domain. These problems are known as inverse problems and they are, in general, ill posed,[Citation1] in the sense that the existence, uniqueness and stability of their solutions are not always guaranteed, and hence more difficult to solve. An important class of inverse problems is represented by the so-called inverse geometric problems whose main feature is the lack of knowledge of part of the boundary. In particular, we focus herein on the numerical reconstruction of an internal boundary (i.e. cavity or rigid inclusion) in steady-state isotropic heat conduction (Laplace’s equation) from the knowledge of the temperature and normal heat flux (i.e. Cauchy data) on the outer boundary.

The uniqueness of solution of the inverse geometric steady-state heat conduction problem related to the determination of rigid inclusions or cavities from Cauchy data prescribed on the outer boundary of the solution domain for media with constant conductivity was proved in [Citation2, Citation3], respectively. The numerical reconstruction of voids in heat conduction problems has been tackled by numerous authors and various approaches have been proposed for the solution of this inverse geometric problem, see e.g. [Citation4Citation16]. Das and Mitra [Citation6] developed an iterative algorithm to determine the location and shape of a flaw in steady-state heat conduction (i.e. Laplace’s equation). Kassab and Pollard [Citation10, Citation11] proposed a linear boundary element method (BEM), an anchored grid pattern method and a Newton–Raphson method with a Broyden update for the numerical reconstruction of an unknown cavity for the same inverse geometric heat conduction problem. The conjugate gradient method (CGM) for the numerical solution of inverse design problems in estimating the optimal locations and shapes of the internal cooling passages for turbine blades based on the desired outer surface temperature distribution was considered in [Citation17]. Gallego and Suarez [Citation7] proposed an approach based on a boundary integral equation for the variation of the potential and flux to retrieve numerically an assumed flaw in the case of a two-dimensional isotropic solid subject to thermal loads. An iterative algorithm based on a real-coded genetic algorithm (GA) and the BEM for detecting cavities in problems governed by the two-dimensional Laplace equation was developed in [Citation14], while [Citation5] proposed a simplification of the CGM for the reconstruction of voids in two-dimensional steady-state isotropic heat conduction which consists of prescribing the values of the step size for the optimal searches to be constant values depending upon the resolution of the identification. An iterative algorithm using thermographic techniques based on the superposition of clusters of sources/sinks with the BEM [Citation12] was employed for the detection of subsurface cavities and flaws. Mera [Citation15] used kriging approximation models to speed-up the optimization process via GAs for detecting the size and location of subsurface cavities associated with the two-dimensional Laplace’s equation, whilst Tan et al. [Citation18] solved a geometry identification problem in two-dimensional isotropic heat conduction by employing the least-squares collocation meshless method and CGM. Kazemzadeh-Parsi and Daneshmand [Citation13] approached the cavity detection problem for the two-dimensional Laplace equation via the smoothed fixed grid finite element method in conjunction with the CGM. Yan and Ma [Citation16] considered the reconstruction of a cavity in the case of the Laplace equation from the knowledge of the measurements on the exterior boundary and employed the domain derivative of the associated operator and a regularized Newton method for the solution of the corresponding ill-posed and nonlinear problem. Recently, Karageorghis and Lesnic [Citation8] proposed a method of fundamental solution (MFS)-based reconstruction of a cavity for the two-dimensional stationary heat conduction equation in isotropic media, whereas Borman et al. [Citation4] and Karageorghis and Lesnic [Citation9] employed the same approach for the detection of inclusions.

Trefftz methods [Citation19] have been used extensively for the solution of elliptic boundary value problems, see, for example [Citation20Citation22], and also [Citation23]. Surveys on Trefftz and related methods may be found in [Citation23Citation26]. In this work, we investigate the performance of the collocation Trefftz method (CTM) for the solution of inverse geometric problems, in particular for void detection problems. The CTM is a boundary meshless method and such methods have, in recent years, become increasingly popular for the solution of inverse problems in general because of the ease with which they can be implemented for boundary value problems in complex geometries and in three dimensions. The MFS in particular has been used extensively for the solution of inverse problems.[Citation27] Trefftz methods have been used for the solution of inverse Cauchy linear problems.[Citation28Citation34] In the case of inverse geometric problems, the CTM has been recently used by Fan and his co-workers.[Citation35Citation37] In particular, [Citation37] deals entirely with boundary identification problems for Laplace’s equation, while in [Citation35] an internal void problem is solved in the case of the Helmholtz equation. The ideas developed in this work are close to the ones developed in [Citation36], see also [Citation38], where two internal void detection problems are solved in the case of the Laplace equation. However, our proposed algorithm differs from the one in [Citation36] as follows:

  1. In contrast to the algorithm of [Citation36] for void detection inverse problems, we consider problems in which the centre(s) of the void(s) to be reconstructed is (are) unknown. The coordinates of the centre(s) are merely taken as additional unknowns in the algorithm.

  2. By changing and augmenting the Trefftz basis, the algorithm is capable of locating multiple inclusion with unknown centres.

  3. Instead of using a scalar homotopy algorithm, we use the state-of-the-art MATLAB optimization toolbox routine lsqnonlin. This routine allows for the imposition of simple bounds on the variable which, to a great extent, eliminates physically unrealistic solutions.

  4. The stability of the proposed algorithm is achieved using two regularization parameters which can be determined by the use of the L-curve criterion. The method is shown to accurately reconstruct smooth or piecewise smooth, convex or concave, single or multiple cavities and rigid inclusions.

  5. We are not using the so-called modified CTM of [Citation39, Citation40] which takes into account the characteristic shapes of the domains involved. This is because the size of at least one of the domains in unknown and needs to be determined as part of the solution. Efforts to normalize one set of unknowns produced little or no difference to our results.

In comparison to the MFS, the CTM does not require selecting a fictitious boundary curve on which source points need to be positioned. However, a disadvantage of the CTM with respect to the MFS is the poor conditioning of the discretization matrices [Citation40, Citation41] and we aim to also address this issue in the application of the CTM to void detection problems. In fact, the connection between the CTM and the MFS has recently been pointed out in [Citation42] where it is shown that for the Laplace equation in a bounded, simply-connected domain the CTM is retrieved as a degenerate situation of the MFS with the source points placed at infinity. The corresponding result in annular and exterior domains may be found in [Citation43, Citation44], respectively.

Mathematical formulation

In this section, we formulate the direct and inverse problems related to a void such as a rigid inclusion or a cavity in the case of steady-state heat conduction (Laplace’s equation). The direct problem given by the Laplace equation(2.1) Δu=0inΩ,(2.1) subject to the Dirichlet boundary condition(2.2) u=fonΩ2,(2.2) and the homogeneous boundary condition(2.3) αu+(1α)nu=0onΩ1,whereα{0,1},(2.3) has a unique weak solution uH1(Ω) if fH1/2(Ω2), and a unique classical solution uC2(Ω)C(Ω¯), provided f is sufficiently smooth. In the above, Ω=Ω2Ω1, where Ω¯1Ω2, is a bounded annular domain with boundary Ω=Ω1Ω2 and we assume that Ω is connected. Equation (2.1c), covers both Dirichlet (α=1), i.e. a rigid inclusion, and Neumann (α=0), i.e. a cavity, boundary conditions on Ω1.

The inverse problem we are concerned with consists of determining not only the function u, but also the void Ω1 so that u satisfies the Laplace equation (2.1a), given the Dirichlet data fconstant in (2.1b), the homogeneous boundary condition (2.1c) and the Neumann current flux measurement(2.4) g:=nuonΩ2.(2.4) In (2.1c) and (2.1d), the vector n denotes the outward unit normal to the annular domain Ω. When α=0, for (2.1a), (2.1c) and (2.1d) to be consistent, we require(2.5) Ω2g(s)ds=0.(2.5) In contrast to the direct (forward) boundary value problem (2.1a)–(2.1c), the inverse problem (2.1a)–(2.1d) is non-linear and ill posed. Although the solution is unique, [Citation2], it is unstable with respect to small errors in the input Cauchy data (2.1b) and (2.1d).

Collocation Trefftz method

In the CTM for the doubly-connected two-dimensional annular domain Ω, we seek an approximation to the solution of Laplace’s equation (2.1a) as a linear combination of T-complete functions in the form [Citation40, Citation45, Citation46].(3.1) uN(α,β,γ,δ;x)=α0+γ0log|z|+k=1NαkR{zk}+k=1NβkI{zk}+k=1NγkR{zk}+k=1NδkI{zk},x=(x,y)Ω¯,(3.1) where the T-complete system is given by(3.2) {1,log|z|,R(zn),I(zk),R(zk),I(zk);z=x+iy,kN},(3.2) where R and I denote the real and imaginary part of a complex number, respectively. In (Equation3.1), there are 4N+2 unknowns, namely the coefficients α=[α0,α1,,αN]T, β=[β1,β2,,βN]T, γ=[γ0,γ1,,γN]T, δ=[δ1,δ2,,δN]T. We point out that the use of complex variable notation in (Equation3.1) is only for convenience and brevity and does not pose a restriction to two-dimensions only. Once could easily use the T-complete system (Equation3.2) expressed in polar coordinates as [Citation47](3.3) {1,log(r),rkcos(kθ),rksin(kθ),rkcos(kθ),rksin(kθ);x=rcos(θ),y=rsin(θ),kN},(3.3) Then, the extension to three-dimensions requires the use of spherical coordinates and Legendre polynomials, as described in [Citation20, p.32].

Without loss of generality, we shall assume that the (known) fixed exterior boundary Ω2 is a circle of radius R. As a result, the outer boundary collocation points are chosen as(3.4) xM1+=R(cosϑ,sinϑ),=1,M2¯,(3.4) where ϑ=2π(1)M2,=1,M2¯.

We further assume that the unknown boundary Ω1 is a smooth, star-like curve with respect to the centre which has unknown coordinates (X,Y). This means that its equation in polar coordinates can be written as(3.5) x=X+r(ϑ)cosϑ,y=Y+r(ϑ)sinϑ,ϑ[0,2π),(3.5) where r is a smooth 2πperiodic function. The constraint that Ω1Ω2 then recasts as(3.6) (X+r(ϑ)cosϑ)2+(Y+r(ϑ)sinϑ)2<R2,ϑ[0,2π).(3.6) The discretized form of (Equation3.5) for Ω1 becomes(3.7) rk=r(ϑk),k=1,M1¯(3.7) and we choose the inner boundary collocation points as(3.8) xk=(X,Y)+rk(cosϑk,sinϑk),(3.8) where ϑk=2π(k1)M1,k=1,M1¯.

Since the centre is not known and therefore not necessarily the origin, the basis (Equation3.2) needs to be modified to(3.9) {1,log|zz0|,R(zn),I(zn),R((zz0)n),I((zz0)n);z=x+iy,nN},(3.9) where z0=X+iY. For example, this is suggested by function theoretic results concerning the expansion of functions that are analytic in multiply-connected domains [Citation48, p.244], see also [Citation49]. Therefore, the CTM approximation becomes(3.10) uN(α,β,γ,δ;x)=α0+γ0log|zz0|+k=1NαkR{zk}+k=1NβkI{zk}+k=1NγkR{(zz0)k}+k=1NδkI{(zz0)k},x=(x,y)Ω¯.(3.10) In the cases where R>1, we tried to scale the terms in the first and second series in (Equation3.10) through division with Rk as suggested by Liu [Citation39, Citation40]. This produced little or no improvement to our results. This may be because the corresponding multiplication of each of the terms in the third and fourth series in (Equation3.10) by Rck, where Rc is the characteristic length of Ω1, as suggested in [Citation40] is not possible as its size is unknown.

Implementational details

The current flux data (2.1d) come from practical measurements which are inherently contaminated with errors due to noise, and we therefore replace g by the noisy data gε defined as(4.1) gε(xj)=(1+ρjp)g(xj),j=M1+1,M1+M2¯,(4.1) where p represents the percentage of noise and ρj is a pseudo-random noisy variable drawn from a uniform distribution in [1,1] using the MATLAB command -1+2*rand(1,M2). It is also reported that in our numerical experiments we observed that the effect of noise added to the Dirichlet boundary data (2.1b) was similar to that of perturbing the Neumann data. As a result in the numerical results section, we only present results for the noisy Neumann data (Equation4.1).

The coefficients (ak)k=0,N¯,(bk)k=0,N¯,(ck)k=1,N¯ and (dk)k=1,N¯ in (Equation3.1), the radii (rk)k=1,M1¯ in (Equation3.7), and the coordinates of the centre C=(X,Y) are determined by imposing the boundary conditions (2.1b), (2.1c) and (2.1d) in a least-squares sense. This leads to the minimization of the functional(4.2) S(α,β,γ,δ,r,C):=j=M1+1M1+M2[uN(α,β,γ,δ;xj)f(xj)]2+j=M1+1M1+M2[nuN(α,β,γ,δ;xj)gε(xj)]2+j=1M1[αuN(α,β,γ,δ;xj)+(1α)nuN(α,β,γ,δ;xj)]2+λ1(|α|2+|β|2+|γ|2+|δ|2)+λ2=2M1(rr1)2,(4.2) where λ1,λ20 are regularization parameters to be prescribed. The term multiplying λ1 regularizes the ill-conditioning of the CTM, whilst the term multiplying λ2 regularizes the ill-posedness of the inverse shape problem. The last term in (Equation4.2) imposes that the void has a smooth C1-boundary, as required by the theory establishing the uniqueness of solution. If a non-smooth geometry, such as a square for example, is present then, the corners of the square can be slightly smoothed giving rise to a rounded square shape.[Citation50, Citation51] Alternatively, one could replace the discretized L2-norm of r given in the last term of (4.2), by the discretized L1-norm of r.

In (Equation4.2), the outward normal vector n is defined as follows:(4.3) n={cosϑi+sinϑj,ifxΩ2,1r2(ϑ)+r2(ϑ)[(r(ϑ)sinϑ+r(ϑ)cosϑ)i+(r(ϑ)cosϑr(ϑ)sinϑ)j],ifxΩ1,(4.3) where i=(1,0) and j=(0,1). As a result, from (Equation3.10) the normal derivative nuN is evaluated as(4.4) nuN=n·uN=n·(γ0R{zz0}|zz0|2+k=1NαkR{kzk1}+k=1NβkI{kzk1}+k=1NγkR{k(zz0)k1}+k=1NδkI{k(zz0)k1},γ0I{zz0}|zz0|2+k=1NαkR{ikzk1}+k=1NβkI{ikzk1}+k=1NγkR{ki(zz0)k1}+k=1NδkI{ki(zz0)k1}).(4.4) In (Equation4.3), we use the central finite-difference approximation(4.5) r(ϑi)ri+1ri14π/M1,i=1,M1¯,(4.5) with the convention that rN+1=r1,r0=rM1.

Since the total number of unknowns is 4N+2+M1+2 and the number of boundary condition collocation equations is M1+2M2 we need to take M22N+2.

Non-linear minimization

The minimization of functional (Equation4.2) is carried out using the MATLAB optimization toolbox routine lsqnonlin which solves non-linear least squares problems. This routine by default uses the so-called trust-region-reflective algorithm based on the interior-reflective Newton method.[Citation52, Citation53] In addition, lsqnonlin does not require the user to provide the gradient and, in addition, it offers the option of imposing lower and upper bounds on the elements of the vector of unknowns. Further details regarding the application of lsqnonlin to inverse geometric problems may be found in [Citation27].

Numerical examples

In Examples 1–5 for a single void we take the initial guess r0=0.3, α0=β0=γ0=δ0=0. Other reasonable initial guesses for the radial function of the void produced similar numerical results showing that the nonlinear optimization routine is robust. Further, in Examples 1–3 the centre C is known and fixed at the origin 0, whilst in Examples 4 and 5 the centre is unknown and we take the initial guess C0=0.

All numerical simulations were performed on a Hewlett-Packard Compaq 8200 Elite PC (Intel Core i5-2400, [email protected], 4GB RAM, 32 bit).

Example 1

We first consider an example from the literature for which the exact solution is known.[Citation4] Here we examine the case of a circular rigid inclusion where α=1. In particular, we consider(5.1) Ω1={(x,y)R2:x2+y2<R02<1},Ω2={(x,y)R2:x2+y2<R2=1}(5.1) and(5.2) u(x,y)=logx2+y2R0.(5.2) For any 0<R0<1, the function u satisfies problem (2.1a)–(2.1d), with(5.3) f(x,y)=logR0,g(x,y)=1,(x,y)Ω2.(5.3) In the inverse problem of Example 1, we consider retrieving a circle of radius R0=0.5.

Fig. 1 Example 1: Results after 20 iterations for various numbers of degrees of freedom, no noise and no regularization.

Fig. 1 Example 1: Results after 20 iterations for various numbers of degrees of freedom, no noise and no regularization.

Fig. 2 Example 1: Residual norm vs. iterations number with M1=M2=48, N=16, for noise p=10%.

Fig. 2 Example 1: Residual norm vs. iterations number with M1=M2=48, N=16, for noise p=10%.

In Figure , we present the reconstructed curves for various numbers of degrees of freedom obtained in 20 iterations, no noise and no regularization. From this figure, it can be seen that very accurate and convergent numerical results are obtained. Although not illustrated, it is reported that the unregularized objective function (Equation4.2) with λ1=λ2=0 decreased rapidly to a very low value of O(1015). We do however present in Figure the evolution of this residual norm contained in the first three terms of (Equation4.2), as a function of the number of iterations, for p=10% noise and M1=M2=48, N=16. The required CPU time for 1000 iterations was 388 seconds. From this figure, it can be seen that the residual norm rapidly reaches in about 10 iterations a stationary plateau which maintains horizontally, as the number of iterations increases (up to 1000). In Figure we present the corresponding reconstructed curves for various numbers of iterations. From this figure, it can be seen that as the number of iterations increases instabilities start to manifest if no regularization is included.

In Figure , we present the reconstructed curves with p=10%, after 1000 iterations and various regularization parameters λ1 with λ2=0. The corresponding curves for various regularization parameters λ2 with λ1=0 are presented in Figure . In some instances, in this and subsequent examples, the use of regularization leads the iterative process to converge in fewer than the prescribed maximum number of iterations. Overall from Figures and , it can be seen that regularization with either λ1=120 or λ2=1, respectively, does smooth out the slight oscillations recorded in the results of Figure obtained after 1000 iterations with no regularization.

Fig. 3 Example 1: Results for noise p=10%, no regularization and various numbers of iterations.

Fig. 3 Example 1: Results for noise p=10%, no regularization and various numbers of iterations.

Fig. 4 Example 1: Results after 1000 iterations for noise p=10% and regularization with λ1.

Fig. 4 Example 1: Results after 1000 iterations for noise p=10% and regularization with λ1.

Fig. 5 Example 1: Results after 1000 iterations for noise p=10% and regularization with λ2.

Fig. 5 Example 1: Results after 1000 iterations for noise p=10% and regularization with λ2.


Example 2

In this example, we consider a more complicated peanut-shaped rigid inclusion whose boundary Ω1 is described by the radial parametrization(5.4) r(ϑ)=34cos2(ϑ)+0.25sin2(ϑ),ϑ[0,2π),(5.4) in the case of α=1, which was considered in [Citation54]. The Dirichlet data (2.1b) on Ω2 are taken as [Citation54](5.5) u(1,ϑ)=f(ϑ)=ecos2(ϑ),ϑ[0,2π).(5.5) Since in this case no analytical solution is available, the Neumann data (2.1d) is simulated by solving the direct well-posed problem (2.1a), (2.1c) and (Equation5.5), when Ω1 is given by (Equation5.4), using the direct CTM with M1=M2=100,N=30. In order to avoid committing an inverse crime, the inverse solver is applied using M1=M2=64,N=6.

In Figure , we present typical examples of reconstructed curves with noise p=10% with no regularization for different numbers of iterations. In Figures and , we present the corresponding reconstructed curves after 1000 iterations and various regularization parameters λ1 with λ2=0, and λ2 with λ1=0, respectively. The L-curves [Citation55, Citation56] obtained with regularization in λ1 or λ2 for noise p=10% and 1000 iterations are presented in Figures , respectively. From Figure , it can be seen that the numerically retrieved shapes are stable and in reasonable agreement with the exact shape (Equation5.4). This is somewhat surprising since no regularization has been imposed, but it may be that oscillations will start to appear only after a larger number of iterations than 1000. Furthermore, Figure shows that regularization with λ1 produces almost no improvement and, in fact, Figure illustrates that an L-curve could not be obtained in this case. On the other hand, Figure  shows that regularization with λ2 between 102 to 1 does produce smoother and more stable and accurate solutions with the choice of the regularization parameter given by the corner of the L-curve illustrated in Figure .

Fig. 6 Example 2: Results for noise p=10%, no regularization and various numbers of iterations.

Fig. 6 Example 2: Results for noise p=10%, no regularization and various numbers of iterations.

Fig. 7 Example 2: Results after 1000 iterations for noise p=10% and regularization with λ1.

Fig. 7 Example 2: Results after 1000 iterations for noise p=10% and regularization with λ1.

Fig. 8 Example 2: Results after 1000 iterations for noise p=10% and regularization with λ1.

Fig. 8 Example 2: Results after 1000 iterations for noise p=10% and regularization with λ1.

Fig. 9 Example 2: L-curves obtained with regularization in (a) λ1 and (b) λ2 for noise p=10%.

Fig. 9 Example 2: L-curves obtained with regularization in (a) λ1 and (b) λ2 for noise p=10%.


Example 3

In this example, we again consider the peanut-shaped cavity whose boundary Ω1 is described by the radial parametrization (Equation5.4), this time in the case of α=0, which was studied in [Citation54, Citation57]. As in Example 2, the Dirichlet data (2.1b) on Ω2 are given by (Equation5.5). The Neumann data (2.1d) are simulated by solving the direct problem using the direct CTM with, M1=M2=100,N=28. In order to avoid committing an inverse crime, the inverse solver is applied using M1=M2=64,N=5.

In Figure , we present typical examples of reconstructed curves with noise level of p=5% with no regularization for different numbers of iterations. In Figures and , we present the corresponding reconstructed curves after 500 iterations and various regularization parameters λ1 with λ2=0, and λ2 with λ1=0, respectively. When λ20, it was observed that in some cases the iterative process converged in fewer than the prescribed 500 iterations. From Figures , the same conclusions as those drawn from Figures are obtained, although the reconstructions of the cavity in Example 3 are slightly less accurate than the reconstructions of the rigid inclusion in Example 2.

Fig. 10 Example 3: Results for noise p=5% and no regularization.

Fig. 10 Example 3: Results for noise p=5% and no regularization.

Fig. 11 Example 3: Results for noise p=5% and regularization with λ1.

Fig. 11 Example 3: Results for noise p=5% and regularization with λ1.

Fig. 12 Example 3: Results for noise p=5% and regularization with λ2.

Fig. 12 Example 3: Results for noise p=5% and regularization with λ2.


Example 4

We consider a rigid inclusion Ω1, i.e. α=1, described by X=0.5,Y=1, R=3.5 and the radial parametrization(5.6) r(ϑ)=1.520.24sin(3ϑ),ϑ[0,2π).(5.6) This example, which was considered in [Citation58] for the Stokes equations in slow viscous flow and in [Citation27], is more difficult than the previous examples because of the fact that we now consider the centre of the cavity as unknown. The Neumann data (2.1d) are simulated by solving the direct problem using the MFS with 400 sources and 400 collocation points. The inverse CTM solver is applied using M1=M2=64,N=6. The starting position of the centre in the iterative process was taken to be the origin.

In Figure , we present typical examples of reconstructed curves with noise level of p=5% with no regularization for different numbers of iterations. In Figures and , we present the corresponding reconstructed curves after 1000 iterations and various regularization parameters λ1 with λ2=0, and λ2 with λ1=0, respectively. From Figures , the same conclusions as those drawn from Figures for Example 2 and Figures for Example 3 are obtained. This shows that the reconstruction method also performs well when the centre of the star-shaped void is unknown.

Fig. 13 Example 4: Results for noise p=5%, no regularization and various numbers of iterations.

Fig. 13 Example 4: Results for noise p=5%, no regularization and various numbers of iterations.

Fig. 14 Example 4: Results after 1000 iterations for noise p=5% and regularization with λ1.

Fig. 14 Example 4: Results after 1000 iterations for noise p=5% and regularization with λ1.

Fig. 15 Example 4: Results after 1000 iterations for noise p=5% and regularization with λ2.

Fig. 15 Example 4: Results after 1000 iterations for noise p=5% and regularization with λ2.


Example 5

We finally consider the same obstacle as in Example 4, given by (Equation5.6) but in the case of α=0, i.e. Ω1 is a cavity. The numerical details are the same as in Example 4.

In Figure , we present the results obtained for different numbers of iterations, with p=5% noise and no regularization. In Figures and , we present the corresponding reconstructed curves after 500 iterations and various regularization parameters λ1 with λ2=0, and λ2 with λ1=0, respectively. From Figures and , it can be seen that the numerically obtained shapes with λ1=λ2=0, or λ2=0, λ1>0, are unstable, whilst from Figure it can be observed that regularization with λ2 between 104 and 102 produces smoother stable reconstructions.

We close this section by some discussion on the number of basis functions used in the CTM compared to that used in the MFS. The number of basis functions in (Equation3.2) is 4NCTM+2, whilst in an MFS implementation [Citation4, Citation8] the corresponding number of non-singular fundamental solutions is 2NMFS. Compared to the the NMFS, due to the higher ill-conditioning NCTM cannot be increased too much and there is also a trade-off between the number of basis functions, the number of iterations and the amount of noise. Both meshless CTM and MFS follow the uncertainty principle/relation, e.g. for exact data, the higher ill-conditioning the better the accuracy [Citation59]. However, this issue becomes not so important and somewhat computationally irrelevant for noisy data which, for ill-posed problems, will be amplified and thus produce unstable unrealistic solutions if no regularization is employed.

Fig. 16 Example 5: Results for noise p=5%, no regularization and various numbers of iterations.

Fig. 16 Example 5: Results for noise p=5%, no regularization and various numbers of iterations.

Fig. 17 Example 5: Results after 500 iterations for noise p=5% and regularization with λ1.

Fig. 17 Example 5: Results after 500 iterations for noise p=5% and regularization with λ1.

Fig. 18 Example 5: Results after 500 iterations for noise p=5% and regularization with λ2.

Fig. 18 Example 5: Results after 500 iterations for noise p=5% and regularization with λ2.


Extension to multiple voids

The CTM analysis performed so far showed the successful implementation of this method for the identification of a single void. In this section, we extend the analysis to multiple voids which may contain both cavities and rigid inclusions. For the sake of clarity, we describe the formulation for the case of two voids. Therefore, we consider the inverse problem(6.1) Δu=0inΩ,(6.1) subject to the boundary conditions(6.2) u=fandnu=gonΩ2,(6.2) and the homogeneous boundary conditions(6.3) α1u+(1α1)nu=0onΩ1a,whereα1{0,1},(6.3) and(6.4) α2u+(1α2)nu=0onΩ1b,whereα2{0,1}.(6.4) Here Ω1a and Ω1b are two disjoint voids, such that Ω1aΩ1b=Ω1 and Ω1a¯Ω1b¯=. The outer boundary collocation points are chosen as(6.5) xM1+M2+=R(cosϑ,sinϑ),=1,M3¯,(6.5) where ϑ=2π(1)M3,=1,M3¯.

We further assume that the unknown boundaries Ω1a and Ω1b are a smooth, star-like curves with respect to their centres which have unknown coordinates (Xa,Ya) and (Xb,Yb), respectively. This means that their equations in polar coordinates can be written as(6.6) x=Xa+ra(ϑ)cosϑ,y=Ya+ra(ϑ)sinϑ,x=Xb+rb(ϑ)cosϑ,y=Yb+rb(ϑ)sinϑ,ϑ[0,2π),(6.6) where ra and rb are smooth 2πperiodic functions.

The discretized forms of (Equation6.3) and (Equation6.4) for Ω1a and Ω1b become(6.7) rka=ra(ϑk),k=1,M1¯andrb=rb(ϑ)=1,M2¯.(6.7) We choose the inner boundary collocation points as(6.8) xk=(Xa,Ya)+rka(cosϑk,sinϑk),k=1,M1¯,xk=(Xb,Ya)+rkb(cosϑk,sinϑk),k=M1+1,M1+M2¯.(6.8) Since we have more than one void and their centres are not at the origin, the basis (Equation3.2) needs to be modified as in the doubly-connected domain, to (see [Citation48])(6.9) {1,log|zza|,log|zzb|,R(zn),I(zn),R((zza)n),I((zza)n),R((zzb)n),I((zzb)n);z=x+iy,nN},(6.9) where za=Xa+iYa,zb=Xb+iYb and therefore the TCM approximation becomes(6.10) uN(α,β,γa,γb,δa,δb;x)=α0+γ0alog|zza|+γ0blog|zzb|+k=1NαkR{zk}+k=1NβkI{zk}+k=1NγkaR{(zza)k}+k=1NδkaI{(zza)k}+k=1NγkbR{(zzb)k}+k=1NδkbI{(zzb)k},(6.10) for x=(x,y)Ω¯.

The coefficients (αk)k=0,N¯,(βk)k=1,N¯,(γk)k=0,N¯,=a,b,(δk)k=1,N¯,=a,b in (Equation6.9), the radii (rka)k=1,M1¯,(rkb)k=1,M2¯ in (Equation6.5), and the coordinates of the centres (Xa,Ya),(Xb,Yb) can be determined by imposing the boundary conditions in a least-squares sense. This leads to the minimization of the functional(6.11) S(α,β,γa,γb,δa,δb,ra,rb,C):=j=M1+M2+1M1+M2+M3[uN(α,β,γa,γb,δa,δb;xj)f(xj)]2+j=M1+M2+1M1+M2+M3[nuN(α,β,γa,γb,δa,δb;xj)gε(xj)]2+j=1M1[α1uN(α,β,γa,γb,δa,δb;xj)+(1α1)nuN(α,β,γa,γb,δa,δb;xj)]2+j=M1+1M1+M2[α2uN(α,β,γa,γb,δa,δb;xj)+(1α2)nuN(α,β,γa,γb,δa,δb;xj)]2+λ1(|α|2+|β|2+|γa|2+|γb|2+|δa|2+|δb|2)+λ2a=2M1(rar1a)2+λ2b=2M2(rbr1b)2,(6.11) where λ1,λ2a,λ2b0 are regularization parameters to be prescribed, ra=[r1a,r2a,,rNa]T, rb=[r1b,r2b,,rNb]T, and C=[Xa,Ya,Xb,Yb]T. The number of unknowns is 6N+3+M1+M2+4 and the number of boundary collocation equations M1+M2+2M3, and thus we need to take 2M36N+7.

Fig. 19 Example 6: Results for noise p=5%, no regularization and various numbers of iterations.

Fig. 19 Example 6: Results for noise p=5%, no regularization and various numbers of iterations.

Fig. 20 Example 6: Results after 500 iterations for noise p=5% and regularization with λ1.

Fig. 20 Example 6: Results after 500 iterations for noise p=5% and regularization with λ1.

Fig. 21 Example 6: Results after 500 iterations for noise p=5% and regularization with λ2.

Fig. 21 Example 6: Results after 500 iterations for noise p=5% and regularization with λ2.


Example 6

We consider the case when two rigid inclusions (α1=α2=1) Ω1a and Ω1b are present. The domain Ω1a is a disk of radius 1, with centre Ca=(Xa,Ya)=(1,1), while the domain Ω1b is described by the radial parametrization(6.12) r(ϑ)=1+0.8cos(ϑ)+0.2sin(2ϑ)1+0.7cos(ϑ),ϑ[0,2π),(6.12) and has centre Cb=(Xb,Yb)=(1,1). In this example which was also examined in [Citation57] we take R=3.5. The Neumann data (2.1d) are simulated by solving the direct problem using the MFS with 600 singularities and 600 collocation points. The inverse TCM solver is applied using M1=M2=32,M3=64,N=6. We also take the initial guesses (ra)0=(rb)0=0.3, α0=β0=(γa)0=(γb)0=(δa)0=(δb)0=0, (Ca)0=(0.5,0.5) and (Cb)0=(0.5,0.5).

In Figure , we present the results obtained for different numbers of iterations, no regularization, and p=5% noise. In Figures and , we present the corresponding reconstructed curves after 500 iterations, and various levels of regularization λ1 with λ2=λ2a=λ2b=0, and λ1=0 with λ2=λ2a=λ2b, respectively. Overall, Figures illustrate that the CTM can successfully retrieve voids having two connected components.


We have applied the CTM combined with a non-linear least-squares minimization for the solution of several inverse geometric problems including the detection of voids such as rigid inclusions and cavities. The centre of the assumed star-shaped void may or may not be known. For several test examples involving various shapes, the method performed well, producing accurate and stable reconstructions with relatively few terms in the approximating expansion of the solution. In some of the cases where cavities were considered ill-conditioning was observed. This is due to the inherent ill-conditioning of the CTM. Regularization appears to alleviate to a great extent the ill-posedness of this problem. The reconstruction of multiple voids is also possible with the proposed method.

Extensions of the present approach could include applications to inverse geometric problems governed by the Helmholtz and biharmonic equations, as well as applications to three-dimensional inverse geometric problems by using the appropriate bases listed in [Citation20, p.32–33].


The authors wish to thank Professor Nick Papamichael for many enlightening discussions and are also grateful to the University of Cyprus for supporting this research. L. Marin also acknowledges the financial support received from the Romanian National Authority for Scientific Research, CNCS–UEFISCDI, project number PN–II–ID–PCE–2011–3–0521.


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