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Traces of Sturm-Liouville operators with discontinuities

Pages 803-813 | Received 07 Oct 2012, Accepted 18 Jul 2013, Published online: 02 Sep 2013


This paper deals with the eigenvalue problems for the second-order differential operators with discontinuities inside a finite interval. We will obtain some formulas for the regularized traces of the second-order differential operators with discontinuities.

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The operator under consideration is defined by the differential expression on the interval (0,1/2)(1/2,1),(1) l(y):=y(x)+q(x)y(x)=λ2y(x),(1) subject to the general boundary conditions(2) y(0)h1y(0)=0,y(1)+h2y(1)=0(2) and the interface condition(3) y(1/2+0)=a1y(1/20),y(1/2+0)=a11y(1/20)+a2y(1/20).(3) Here, the real-valued function qW11((0,1/2)(1/2,1)), λ2 is the spectral parameter, h1,h2,a1 and a2 are real parameters, and a1>0. Moreover, h1 and/or h2 are allowed to be , and then the corresponding boundary condition is interpreted as a Dirichlet one, so that all possible separated boundary conditions are considered. We denote the boundary value problem (Equation1), (Equation2) and (Equation3) by B=B(q,h1,h2,a1,a2). In all cases, the corresponding operator B is self-adjoint, and possesses a real and simple discrete spectrum.

Boundary value problems with a discontinuity condition inside the interval frequently arise in mathematics, mechanics, radio electronics, geophysics and other fields of science and technology. As a rule, such problems are related to discontinuous and non-smooth properties of a medium (e.g. see [Citation1, Citation3, Citation4, Citation14, Citation20, Citation23, Citation24]). Most of these are motivated by geophysical models for oscillations of the Earth.

The presence of discontinuous conditions makes the analysis quite different. Some aspects of direct and inverse problems for differential operators with discontinuous conditions were considered. In particular, it was shown in [Citation24] that if q(x) is a priori known for x(0,1/2), then the function q(x) on the interval (1/2,1) is uniquely determined by the spectrum. The case of a half-line was considered in [Citation20]. In [Citation7, Citation9], the author proved that for recovering q(x) on the whole interval, it is necessary to specify two spectra of boundary value problems with different boundary conditions. In [Citation10], authors studied some inverse problems of recovering B from its spectral characteristics: Weyl function, eigenvalues and norming constants, and two spectra, respectively. In [Citation23], authors assumed the coefficients a1 and a2 from (Equation3) to be known a priori and fixed, and obtained some results on inverse nodal and inverse spectral problems, and established connections between them.

Gelfand and Levitan [Citation11], assuming the continuous differentiability of the function q(x), obtained the following remarkable formula for the regularized trace:(4) n=1(λn2n2π2)=q(0)+q(1)4.(4) Here, the λn2 are eigenvalues of the operatory+q(x)y=λ2y,y(0)=0=y(1),and it is assumed that the mean value of the potential q(x) is zero on the interval [0,1]. This work was continued by many authors. Here, we refer e.g. to the papers [Citation2, Citation5, Citation6, Citation11Citation13, Citation15Citation19, Citation21]. The trace formulas for the scalar differential operators have been found by Gelfand and Levitan [Citation11], Dikii [Citation8], Halberg and Kramer [Citation22] and many other works. The list of the works on this subject is given in [Citation17Citation19]. The trace identity of a differential operator deeply reveals spectral structure of the differential operator and has important applications in the numerical calculation of eigenvalues, inverse problem, theory of solitons, and theory of integrable system.[Citation25]

The trace problems attract our attention in connection with the study of the second-order differential operator with discontinuity inside a finite interval. Although the interface conditions of the above form were suggested by Hald as back as in 1984, the problems considered in this paper have not been discussed before. The paper extends aspects of the spectral theory for Sturm-Liouville operators on a finite interval to the case where special interface conditions at the midpoint are imposed. Namely, we treat one forward problem for the eigenvalue problem and the results may produce some results for the inverse eigenvalue problem; then, we establishes the trace formula for such operators and thus generalize the classical result of Gelfand and Levitan of 1953. Since such interface conditions arise in several physical problems, the results of the paper are related to some classical geophysical problem; peculiar asymptotic behaviour, called solo-tone effect (see e.g. [Citation14]) of eigenvalues of the Sturm-Liouville problem with elastic coefficient possessing one discontinuity point, which is a classical model of the Earth’s crust.

Gelfand-Levitan’s trace

The trace formulas depend on the boundary conditions. Namely, there are four cases: (I) RR-type: h1,h2R; (II) DD-type: h1=h2=; (III) RD-type: h1R,h2=; (IV) DR-type: h2R,h1=.

Denote the eigenvalues of the problem B by λn2, then the following holds.

Theorem 2.1

The spectrum {λn2} of the problem B has the following asymptotic distribution: for sufficiently large nλn={μn+(1)na+bμn+O(1n2)badhboxbadhbox,μn+bμn+O(1n2)badhboxbadhbox,whereμn={nπbadhboxbadhbox,(n+12)π+(1)n1arcsina0badhboxbadhbox(n+12)π+(1)narcsina0badhboxforDR-type,a0=a11a1a1+a11,anda={a2a1+a11+a1a11a1+a11(12121q(t)dt+h212012q(t)dth1)badhboxforRR-type,a2a1+a11a1a11a1+a11(12121q(t)dt12012q(t)dt)badhboxforDD-type,b={a2a1+a11+1201q(t)dt+h1+h2badhboxforRR-type,a2a1+a11+1201q(t)dtbadhboxforDD-type,a2a1+a11+1201q(t)dt+h1badhboxforRD-type,a2a1+a11+1201q(t)dt+h2badhboxforDR-type.

Now we can present formulas for the sums of eigenvalues λn2, nA, which are so-called regularized traces. HereA={{±0,±1,±2,}badhboxforRR-type,{±1,±2,}badhboxforDD-type,{0,±1,±2,}badhboxforbadhbox.

Theorem 2.2

We have the following formulas of the regularized trace for the problem B.

  1. For RR-typenA[λn2μn2(1)n2a2b]=4a2a1+a11a1a11a1+a11(121q(t)dt+2h2012q(t)dt2h1)a22(a1+a11)2+q(0)+q(1)201q(t)dt2(h1+h2)(h12+h22).

  2. For DD-typenA[λn2μn2(1)n+12a2b]=a1a11a1+a11(121q(t)dt012q(t)dt)a22(a1+a11)2q(0)+q(1)2+01q(t)dt.

  3. For RD-typenA(λn2μn22b)=4(a0c2c1)a0a01a22(a1+a11)2+q(0)q(1)2h12.

  4. For DR-typenA(λn2μn22b)=4(a0c2+c1)a0a0+1a22(a1+a11)2+q(1)q(0)2h22.

Remark 2.3

In particular, from the formula (2) with a1=1 and a2=0, we can obtain Gelfand and Levitan’s trace formula (Equation4).

Proofs of Theorems 2.1 and 2.2    We only give the proofs for RR-type in Theorems 2.1 and 2.2. Analogously, we can also prove the other cases in Theorems 2.1 and 2.2.

Step 1 To establish the characteristic functionΔ(λ)

If we lety1(x)=y(x),y2(x)=y(1x),q1(x)=q(x),q2(x)=q(1x)for 0x1/2, then the problem B can be transformed toy+(λ2I2Q(x))y=0,0<x<1/2,with boundary conditionsy(0)Hy(0)=0,A1y(1/2)+B1y(1/2)=0,where y(x)=(y1(x)y2(x)), H=diag(h1,h2), andQ(x)=(q1(x)00q2(x)),A1=(00a111),B1=(a11a20).Let φi(x,λ) denote the solutions of y+(λ2qi(x))y=0,0<x<1/2 with φi(0,λ)=1 and φi(0,λ)=hi for i=1,2 andY(x,λ)=(φ1(x,λ)00φ2(x,λ)).Then, the characteristic function Δ(λ) for the problem B is(5) Δ(λ)=det[A1Y(1/2,λ)+B1Y(1/2,λ)]=|a1φ1(1/2,λ)φ2(1/2,λ)a11φ1(1/2,λ)a2φ2(1/2,λ)+φ2(1/2,λ)|=φ1(1/2,λ)[a2φ2(1/2,λ)+a1φ2(1/2,λ)]+a11φ1(1/2,λ)φ2(1/2,λ).(5) From asymptotic expressions of solutions in [Citation7] and [Citation9], it yieldsφi(x,λ)=cos(λx)+ωi,1(x)sin(λx)λ+ωi,2(x)cos(λx)λ2+o(eτxλ2)andφi(x,λ)=λsin(λx)+ωi,1(x)cos(λx)+ωi,3(x)sin(λx)λ+o(eτxλ),where τ=Iλ, and ωi,1(x)=hi+120xqi(t)dt,ωi,2(x)=qi(x)qi(0)418(0xqi(t)dt)2hi20xqi(t)dtandωi,3(x)=qi(x)+qi(0)4+18(0xqi(t)dt)2+hi20xqi(t)dt.Substituting the expressions φi(x,λ) and φi(x,λ) into (Equation5), we obtain(6) (λ)=φ1(12,λ)[a2φ2(12,λ)+a1φ2(12,λ)]+a11φ1(12,λ)φ2(12,λ)=a2[cosλ2+ω1,1(12)sinλ2λ+ω1,2(12)cosλ2λ2+o(eτ2λ2)]×[cosλ2+ω2,1(12)sinλ2λ+ω2,2(12)cosλ2λ2+o(eτ2λ2)]+a1[cosλ2+ω1,1(12)sinλ2λ+ω1,2(12)cosλ2λ2+o(eτ2λ2)]×[λsinλ2+ω2,1(12)cosλ2+ω2,3(12)sinλ2λ+o(eτ2λ)]+a11[λsinλ2+ω1,1(12)cosλ2+ω1,3(12)sinλ2λ+o(eτ2λ)]×[cosλ2+ω2,1(12)sinλ2λ+ω2,2(12)cosλ2λ2+o(eτ2λ2)]=a1+a112λsinλ+12[a2+(a1a11)(12121q(t)dt+h212012q(t)dth1)]+[a2+(a1+a11)(1201q(t)dt+h1+h2)]×cosλ2+[a2(1201q(t)dt+h1+h2)+(a1+a11)(q(0)+q(1)4+18(01q(t)dt)2+h1+h2201q(t)dt+h1h2)]sinλ2λ+o(eτλ).(6) Step 2    Asymptotics of spectrum of the problem B

Define0(λ)=a1+a112λsinλ,and denote by μn,nA, zeros of the function 0(λ), thenμn=nπ,nA={±0,±1,±2,}.DefineAN0={±0,±1,,±N0}.Denote by Cn, the circle of radius ε,0<ε<12, centered at the origin μn, nA and let ΓN0 be the counterclockwise square contour ABCD as in Figure , integer N0=0,1,2,, withA=(N0+12)π(1i),B=(N0+12)π(1+i),C=(N0+12)π(1+i),D=(N0+12)π(1i).

Fig. 1 contour ΓN0 in λ-complex plane.

Fig. 1 contour ΓN0 in λ-complex plane.

To obtain trace formulas, we need the following lemma.

Lemma 2.4

For N0 large enough, on the contour ΓN0, there holds(7) |exp(|Iλ|)sinλ|4.(7)


For λ on the side AB, let λ=(N0+12)π+iτ,(N0+12)πτ(N0+12)π. We have,|exp(|Iλ|)sinλ|=|exp(|Iλ|)sin((N0+12)π+iτ)|=|2exp(|Iλ|)eτ+i(N0+12)πeτi(N0+12)π|2exp(|Iλ|)exp(|Iλ|)+exp(|Iλ|)2<4.As λ locates on the side BC, let λ=σ+i(N0+12)π,(N0+12)πσ(N0+12)π. We have,|exp(|Iλ|)sinλ|=|exp(|Iλ|)sin(σ+i(N0+12)π)|=|2exp(|Iλ|)e(N0+12)π+iσe(N0+12)πiσ|2exp(|Iλ|)e(N0+12)πe(N0+12)π=21e(2N0+1)π4.The last inequality follows from the fact that limN0e(2N0+1)π=0, and for N0 large enough there holds e(2N0+1)π<12.

For λ on the side CD and the side DA, the same conclusions are true. Thus, for N0 that is large enough, on the contour ΓN0, we obtain |exp(|Iλ|)sinλ|4.

Using Lemma 2.4, combining (Equation6) and arranging the terms on the right-hand side in decreasing order of powers of λ gives for the contour ΓN0(8) (λ)0(λ)=1aλsinλbλcotλcλ2+o(1λ2),(8) wherec=a2a1+a11(1201q(t)dt+h1+h2)+q(0)+q(1)4+18(01q(t)dt)2+h1+h2201q(t)dt+h1h2.Expanding ln(λ)0(λ) by the Maclaurin formula, we find that on ΓN0ln(λ)0(λ)=aλsinλbλcotλcλ2a22λ2sin2λb2cot2λ2λ2abcosλλ2sin2λ+o(1λ2).Using the residue theorem we haveλnμn=12πiCnln(λ)0(λ)dλ=12πiCn[aλsinλ+bλcotλ+cλ2+a22λ2sin2λ+b22λ2cot2λ+abλ2sin2λcosλ+o(1λ2)]dλ=12πiCn[aλsinλ+bλcotλ]dλ+O(1n2)=(1)na+bnπ+O(1n2),thus,λn=nπ+(1)na+bnπ+O(1n2).

Step 3    Trace of the problem B

Asymptotic formula of λn implies that for all sufficiently large N0, the numbers λn which are the zeros of the function (λ), with nN0, are inside ΓN0 and the number λn, with n>N0, are outside ΓN0.

Obviously, μn=nπ, which are the zeros of the function 0(λ), do not lie on the contour ΓN0.

It follows that(9) nAN0(λn2μn2)=12πiΓN02λln(λ)0(λ)dλ=12πiΓN0[2asinλ+2bcotλ+2cλ+a2λsin2λ+b2λcot2λ+2abλsin2λcosλ+o(1λ)]dλ.(9) Standard residue calculations show that12πiΓN01sinλdλ=1+nAN0(1)n,12πiΓN0cotλdλ=2N0+1,12πiΓN01λsin2λdλ=O(1N0),12πiΓN0cot2λλdλ=1+O(1N0),and12πiΓN0cosλλsin2λdλ=12πiΓN01λd(1sinλ)=12πiΓN01λ2sinλdλ=O(1N0).Substituting these expressions into (Equation9) we havenAN0(λn2μn2)=2anAN0(1)n2a+2b(2N0+1)+2cb2+o(1)=2anAN0(1)n+2bnAN012a2b+2cb2+o(1),which implies thatnAN0[λn2μn2(1)n2a2b]=2a2b+2cb2+o(1).Passing to the limit as N0 in the above equation, we find thatnA[λn2μn2(1)n2a2b]=2a2b+2cb2,where, by a direct calculation,2a2b+2cb2=4a2a1+a11a1a11a1+a11(121q(t)dt+2h2012q(t)dt2h1)a22(a1+a11)2+q(0)+q(1)201q(t)dt2(h1+h2)(h12+h22).Then, the proof of the theorem is finished.


The author acknowledges helpful comments from the referees. The author is indebted to Professor G. Dulikravich for reading this paper. The author is very grateful to Professor V. N. Pivovarchik and Professor V. A. Yurko for many useful discussions related to some topics of spectral analysis of differential operators. This work was supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (11171152), Natural Science Foundation of Jiangsu Province of China (BK 2010489) and the Outstanding Plan-Zijin Star Foundation of NUST (AB 41366).


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