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A nonlinear integral equation method for the inverse scattering problem by sound-soft rough surfaces

Pages 557-577 | Received 16 Nov 2013, Accepted 26 Mar 2014, Published online: 29 May 2014


In this paper, we consider the two-dimensional (2D) inverse acoustic scattering by a sound-soft, infinite rough surface. Our approach to this problem is based on the nonlinear integral equation method which was developed by Kress and Rundell for bounded obstacles. By using multiple frequency data, we derive a stable and accurate reconstruction method to image the profile of the rough surface. Numerical experiments are presented to illustrate the effectiveness of the inversion method.

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1 Introduction

In this paper, we study the 2D Dirichlet boundary value problem for the Helmholtz equation u+k2u=0 in a nonlocally perturbed half-plane. The Dirichlet boundary problem models time-harmonic acoustic scattering by a sound-soft, infinite rough surface as well as electromagnetic wave propagation over outdoor ground, sea surfaces or optical grating.

Figure 1. Geometrical setting of the scattering problem.

Figure 1. Geometrical setting of the scattering problem.

As in Figure , let the scattering surface Γ be the graph of some function f, i.e.Γ:={x=(x1,x2)R2:x2=f(x1)},and let the space above Γ be denoted by D, i.e.D:={x=(x1,x2)R2:x2>f(x1)}.Whenever we wish to express the dependence of Γ and D on the boundary function f, we write Γf for Γ and Df for D. Let ui be the incident field and us be the scattered field. The total field u:=ui+us satisfies the Helmholtz equation in D, and vanishes on Γ for a sound-soft surface. In order to ensure the uniqueness of the solution, we assume that us satisfies some radiation condition along with the following growth condition in the x2-direction: for some aR1.1 supxDx2a|us(x)|<+.1.1 In this paper, us is required to satisfy the upward propagating radiation condition (UPRC) [Citation1]: for some h>f+:=supx1Rf(x1)andϕL(Γh)1.2 us(x)=2ΓhΦ(x,y)y2ϕ(y)ds(y),xUh,1.2 where Γh:={x=(x1,x2)R2|x2=h} and Uh:={x=(x1,x2)R2|x2>h}. The properties of UPRC are shown in Theorem 2.9 of [Citation1].

Here, we need a function space BC(V):={φ(x):φ(x)is bounded and continuous on V} for VRn(n=1,2), which is a Banach space under the norm ||φ||,V:=supxV|φ(x)|. The above problem of scattering by an infinite sound-soft rough surface can now be formulated as the following Dirichlet boundary value problem (DP) for the scattered field us: given g=-uiBC(Γ), determine usC2(D)C(D¯) such that:


us is a solution of the Helmholtz equation us+k2us=0inD;




us satisfies (Equation1.1);


us satisfies the UPRC (Equation1.2).

Many authors have studied the well-posedness of (DP) via integral equation methods, see Refs. [Citation2Citation6]. For example in [Citation6], the authors represented the scattered field us in the form of a combined double- and single-layer potential with a parameter, then reduced the problem (DP) to a boundary integral equation in R, by the generalized Fredholm theory established by Chandler-Wilde and Zhang in [Citation7, Citation8], and further obtained the well-posedness of the boundary integral equation in BC(R) under some assumption with respect to the parameter in the potential. The unique solvability of the boundary integral equation in BC(R) has been extended to the Lp spaces for 1p, for details see [Citation9]. For the numerical solution of the boundary integral equation, we use the Nyström method established by Meier et al. [Citation10] where the stability and convergence of the method is also established.

The inverse scattering problem we are concerned with is: given the incident field ui and the near-field us on some open subset SD, determine the scattering surface Γ which causes such a near-field on S.

Chandler-Wilde and Ross studied the inverse problem for scattering by infinite surfaces in a lossy medium (Ik>0) in [Citation2] where they imposed the following growth condition on us: |us(x)|Cexp(θ|x|) for some C>0 and θ<Ik. Under the growth condition, they proved that the inverse problem has at most one solution.

For numerical investigation of the inverse problem, many authors obtained the accurate reconstructions by a variety of methods. For global rough surface, Burkard and Potthast studied the inverse problem in R3 via the Kirsch-Kress scheme [Citation11] and developed a time-domain probe method for rough surface reconstruction in R3,[Citation12] and Lines used Point Source Method to reconstruct perfectly conducting unbounded rough surfaces when the incident field is a time-harmonic point source in [Citation13]. An extension of the Point Source Method is also given in [Citation13] when the incident field is not necessarily time-harmonic. For local rough surface, Bao and Lin [Citation14] developed a stable and convergent reconstruction algorithm by multiple frequency measurements of near-field, and Zhang and Zhang [Citation15] proposed a novel integral equation formulation defined on a bounded curve and obtained an accurate reconstruction of the profile from multiple frequency far-field data. The main ideas of employing multiple frequency data include overcoming the ill-posedness of the inverse problem and increasing resolution limited by Rayleigh’s criteria. For more related work on multiple frequency data, we refer the readers to [Citation16Citation18] and the references therein. In this paper, our attention is restricted to the reconstruction of a global sound-soft rough surface by multiple frequency near-field data, corresponding to incident plane waves and point sources.

For solving the inverse scattering problem, there are many iterative methods, for example Newton-type iterations. The derivatives occurring in the iterative process can be obtained through associated boundary value problems.[Citation19] For simplicity, in [Citation20] Kress and Rundell developed an iterative method named nonlinear integral equations in which the derivatives can be explicitly expressed in terms of integral operators rather than boundary value problems. This reduces the computational costs. Recently, nonlinear integral equation method is very popular. Ivanyshyn and Johansson used it to reconstruct the shape of a planar acoustically sound-soft obstacle in [Citation21]. By the same method, Ivanyshyn and Kress reconstructed the surface impedance function of a three-dimensional acoustic scatterer with a known shape in [Citation22]. Furthermore, in [Citation23] they studied the inverse boundary value problems for inclusions and cracks via the method. For the 2D inverse electrical impedance problem in the case of piecewise constant conductivities, Eckel and Kress reconstructed the shape and conductivities accurately with a finite number of Cauchy pairs in [Citation24]. To the best of our knowledge, there is no paper to study the method for rough surface scattering. Therefore, the main purpose of this paper is to extend the nonlinear integral equation method to rough surface scattering.

The paper is organized as follows. In Section 2, we focus on the well-posedness of the direct scattering problem. This is followed by the study of the Nyström method in Section 3. After describing the nonlinear integral equation method for the inverse scattering problem in Section 4, we conclude with several numerical experiments in Section 5.

2 An integral equation formulation of the direct problem

In this section, we propose an integral equation formulation developed in [Citation6], and establish the corresponding unique solvability in BC(Γ). For detailed discussions, we refer to [Citation6].

For two positive constants c1, c2, we define B byB=B(c1,c2):={fC2(R)|f(s)c1,sRandfC2(R)c2}.Let the rough surface function fB with f-:=infx1Rf(x1)>0. We consider two different kinds of incoming waves in this paper. One is an time-harmonic acoustic plane wave ui(x)=eikx·d, where k is the wave number satisfying  Rk>0 and Ik0, and d is the incident direction given by d=(-cosθ,-sinθ) with the incident angle 0θπ. The other is a sum of several point sources ui(x)=j=-nnΦ(x,zj), where zj(j=-n,,n) is the location of the point source, and for x,zR2,xz, Φ(x,z):=i4H0(1)(k|x-z|) is the free-space Green’s function for Helmholtz equation while H0(1)(y) is the Hankel function of the first kind of order zero for yR2.

When ui(x)=eikx·d, from [Citation6] we can look for the solution to the problem (DP) in the form of a combined double- and single-layer potential2.1 us(x)=Γ[G(x,y)ν(y)+iηG(x,y)]ψ(y)ds(y),xD,2.1 for some ψBC(Γ), where G(x,y):=Φ(x,y)-Φ(x,y) is the Dirichlet Green’s function for +k2 in the upper half-plane U0, y=(y1,y2),y=(y1,-y2), η0 is an arbitrary complex number to be fixed later and ν(y) denotes the normal vector at yΓ pointing out of D.

When ui(x)=j=-nnΦ(x,zj), instead of (Equation2.3) we will find a solution in the following form [Citation25]:2.2 us(x)=-j=-nnΦ(x,zj)+Γ[G(x,y)ν(y)+iηG(x,y)]ψ(y)ds(y),xD,2.2 where z=(z1,z2),z=(z1,λ-z2), and λ=2πk denotes the wave length. We represent the solution us in the form of (Equation2.3), then we can obtain the following theorem (Theorem 3.2 in [Citation6]):

Theorem 2.1

The combined double- and single-layer potential (Equation2.3) satisfies the problem (DP) with a=-12, provided ψBC(Γ) satisfies the boundary integral equation2.3 ψ(x)=2Γ[G(x,y)ν(y)+iηG(x,y)]ψ(y)ds(y)-2g(x),xΓ.2.3

Remark 2.2

It is easy to see that g(x)=-eikx·d,xΓ in the case of (Equation2.3). Similarly, for the case of (Equation2.4), we can get (Equation2.5) with g(x)=j=-nn[Φ(x,zj)-Φ(x,zj)], a sum of Dirichlet Green functions. This implies that ψ(x)=O(|x|-32) as |x| for xΓ, which is the advantage of the new form (Equation2.4). We may choose suitable point source positions zj to let zj below Γ. Then the form (Equation2.4) satisfies the condition (3) of the problem (DP) with a=-12.

For x,yΓ, we denote x=(s,f(s)),y=(t,f(t)). Then we can represent the boundary integral Equation (Equation2.5) in BC(R) by definingψ~(s):=ψ(s,f(s))BC(R),g~(s):=g(s,f(s))BC(R),sR,and the integral kernel κ:2.4 κ(s,t):=2[G(x,y)ν(y)+iηG(x,y)]1+[f(t)]2s,tR,st.2.4 With the kernel, we can rewrite the integral operator in (Equation2.5) in the simple form:2.5 (Kψ~)(s):=Rκ(s,t)ψ~(t)dt,sR.2.5 We will denote K by Kf to express the dependence of the rough surface f. Then (Equation2.5) becomes:2.6 (I-Kf)ψ~=-2g~2.6 where I is the identity operator. For the solvability of (Equation2.8) in BC(R), we have the following theorem (Theorem 3.4 in [Citation6]):

Theorem 2.3

Let R(k¯η)>0. Then for all fB the integral operator I-Kf:BC(R)BC(R) is bijective (and so boundedly invertible) withsupfB(I-Kf)-1<+Thus, the integral Equations (Equation2.5) and (Equation2.8) have exactly one solution for every fB and gBC(Γ), withψ,Γ=ψ~Cg~=Cg,Γfor some constant C>0 depending only on B and k.

3 The Nyström method for the direct problem

For the numerical solution of the boundary integral Equation (Equation2.8), we use the Nyström method based on appropriately weighted numerical quadratures on an equidistant mesh. Colton and Kress used it to obtain the numerical solution of the scattering problem for bounded obstacles in [Citation26]. Meier et al. developed a Nyström method for the scattering problem by rough surfaces and diffraction gratings in [Citation10], where they established stability and convergence of this method and proved that the convergence rates depend on the smoothness of components of the integral kernel. For details of some results in this section, we refer to [Citation10].

In order to introduce the Nyström method, we define some function spaces and integral operators. We denote by BCn(Rm) the Banach space of all functions whose derivatives up to order n are bounded and continuous on Rm. Furthermore, we defineC0,πn(R2):={aBCn(R2):a(s,t)=0,|s-t|π},which is a closed subspace of BCn(R2). In addition, letBCpn(R):={ψBCn(R):ψBCpn(R):=supm=0,1,,nwpψ(m)<}with the weight wp(t):=(1+|t|)p andBCpn(R2):={aBCn(R2):aBCpn(R2):=supj,k=0,,n,j+knw~p1j2ka<}with the weight w~p(s,t):=wp(s-t).

Next, we define the improper integral operator Q:BC(R)BC(R) by(Qμ)(s):=12π02πln(4sin2s-t2)μ(t)dt,sR.In numerical quadrature formula, we replace μ by μN which is the unique trigonometric polynomial with the interpolation property μN(tj)=μ(tj):=μj,tj=jπN,j=0,1,,2N-1. μN can be explicitly expressed by:μN(t)=α02+k=1N-1(αkcos(kt)+βksin(kt))+αN2cos(Nt),where the coefficients are given byαk=1Nj=02N-1μjcos(ktj),k=0,1,,N,βk=1Nj=02N-1μjsin(ktj),k=1,2,,N-1.Then from [Citation27], we approximate Qμ by QNμ which is defined by3.1 QNμ(s):=QμN(s)=j=02N-1Rj(N)(s)μ(tj),3.1 whereRj(N)(s)=-1Nm=1N-11mcosm(s-tj)+12NcosN(s-tj),for j=0,,2N-1. In order to calculate the integral in (Equation2.8), we introduce the next integral:Iω:=-+ω(t)dtwhere ωBCpn(R), for some p>1 and nN0:=N{0}. By the trapezium rule, we approximate the integral by3.2 Ihω:=hjZω(jh).3.2 From [Citation10], we know that this approximation converges rapidly as h0.

In the Nyström method, the kernel κ(s,t) in (Equation2.7) is required to be the following form:3.3 κ(s,t)=12πA(s,t)ln(4sin2s-t2)+B(s,t),s,tR,st.3.3 Here A(s,t)C0,πn(R2) and B(s,t)BCpn(R2) for some p>1. Then we can approximate (Equation2.7) by using (Equation3.9) and (Equation3.10).

Note thatr:=r(s,t)=|x-y|=(s-t)2+(f(s)-f(t))2,r:=r(s,t)=|x-y|=(s-t)2+(f(s)+f(t))2.With H0(1)=-H1(1), we haveκ(s,t)=2[G(x,y)ν(y)+iηG(x,y)]1+[f(t)]2=ikH1(1)(kr)2r[(s-t)f(t)+f(t)-f(s)]-ikH1(1)(kr)2r[(s-t)f(t)+f(t)+f(s)]+iη[i2H0(1)(kr)-i2H0(1)(kr)]1+[f(t)]2:=iηM(s,t)+L(s,t)+S(s,t),whereM(s,t):=i2H0(1)(kr)1+[f(t)]2,L(s,t):=ikH1(1)(kr)2r[(s-t)f(t)+f(t)-f(s)],S(s,t):=-ikH1(1)(kr)2r[(s-t)f(t)+f(t)+f(s)]+η2H0(1)(kr)1+[f(t)]2.Here M(s,t) and L(s,t) have logarithmic singularity at s=t, and S(s,t) is continuous at s=t. We split the kernels M(s,t) and L(s,t) intoM(s,t):=M1(s,t)ln|s-t|+M2(s,t),L(s,t):=L1(s,t)ln|s-t|+L2(s,t),whereM1(s,t):=-1πJ0(kr)1+[f(t)]2,M2(s,t):=M(s,t)-M1(s,t)ln|s-t|,L1(s,t):=-kJ1(kr)πr[f(t)(s-t)+f(t)-f(s)],L2(s,t):=L(s,t)-L1(s,t)ln|s-t|.In particular, using limz0J0(z)=1 and limz0(H0(1)(z)-2iπJ0(z)lnz)=2iπ(C-ln2)+1 where C denotes Euler’s constant, we can deduce the diagonal termsM1(s,s)=-1π1+[f(s)]2,M2(s,s)={i2-Cπ-12πlnk2{1+[f(s)]2}4}1+[f(s)]2.Using limz0J1(z)z=12 and Hν(1,2)(x)i(2x)νΓ(ν)π,x0,ν>0 (see (5.16.3) in [Citation28]), where Γ(ν) denotes the gamma function, we can obtain the diagonal termsL1(s,s)=0,L2(s,s)=L(s,s)=-f(s)2π{1+[f(s)]2},S(s,s)=-ik2H1(1)(2kf(s))+η2H0(1)(2kf(s))1+[f(s)]2.Split off the logarithmic singularity, the kernels M1(s,t), M2(s,t), L1(s,t) and L2(s,t) turn out to be analytic. Seta(s,t):=iηM1(s,t)+L1(s,t),b(s,t):=iηM2(s,t)+L2(s,t)+S(s,t)for any nN, then3.4 κ(s,t)=a(s,t)ln|s-t|+b(s,t).3.4 Now we have written κ(s,t) in the form (Equation3.12). In order to obtain (Equation3.11), our approach is to express A(s,t), B(s,t) by a(s,t), b(s,t) using Theorem 2.1 in [Citation10]. Above all, we introduce a cut-off function χ(s)C0(R) satisfying that (1) 0χ(s)1,sR; (2) χ(s)=0,|s|π; (3) χ(s)=1,|s|1; (4) χ(-s)=χ(s),sR. In calculation, we letχ(s)=1,|s|1,1+exp1π-|s|+11-|s|-1,1<|s|<π,0,π|s|.With χ(s) and (2.6), (2.7) in [Citation10], A(s,t) and B(s,t) are given by:A(s,t):=πa(s,t)χ(s-t),st,B(s,t):=a(s,t)[ln|s-t|(1-χ(s-t))-χ(s-t)lnsin(s-t2)s-t2]+b(s,t),st,with the diagonal termsA(s,s)=π[iηM1(s,s)+L1(s,s)]χ(0)=-iη1+[f(s)]2,B(s,s)=b(s,s)=iηM2(s,s)+L2(s,s)+S(s,s)=iη{i2-Cπ-12πlnk2{1+[f(s)]2}4}1+[f(s)]2-f(s)2π[1+[f(s)]2]+η2H0(1)(2kf(s))1+[f(s)]2-ik2H1(1)(2kf(s)).By Theorem 4.3 and Theorem 2.1 in [Citation10], we can deduce that when the rough surface function fB, A(s,t)C0,π0(R2) and B(s,t)BC320(R2). Therefore, the integral operator K can be divided into two parts as:Kψ~(s)=KAψ~(s)+KBψ~(s),whereKAψ~(s):=12πRln(4sin2s-t2)A(s,t)ψ~(t)dt,KBψ~(s):=RB(s,t)ψ~(t)dt.For sR, define the period extension operator Es:BC(R)L(R) byEsϕ(t)=ϕ(t),s-πt<s+π,Esϕ(t+2π)=Esϕ(t),tR.Due to the facts that A(s,t)C0,π0(R2) and ln(4sin2(s-t2))Es(A(s,·)ψ~)(t) is 2π period function with respect to t, it can be obtained thatKAψ~(s)=12πRln4sin2s-t2A(s,t)ψ~(t)dt=12πs-πs+πln4sin2s-t2A(s,t)ψ~(t)dt=12πs-πs+πln4sin2s-t2Es(A(s,·)ψ~)(t)dt=12π02πln4sin2s-t2Es(A(s,·)ψ~)(t)dt.By (Equation3.9) and (Equation3.10), we define KNA and KNB asKNAψ~(s)=j=02N-1Rj(N)(s)(Es(A(s,·)ψ~))(tj)=jZRj(N)(s)A(s,tj)ψ~(tj),KNBψ~(s)=IπN(B(s,·)ψ~)=πNjZB(s,tj)ψ~(tj).In the Nystro¨m method, we approximate K=KA+KB by KN:=KNA+KNB. Clearly,KNψ~(s)=jZαj(N)(s)ψ~(tj),sR,where αj(N)(s):=Rj(N)(s)A(s,tj)+πNB(s,tj). Then the integral Equation (Equation2.8) is replaced by the approximating equation:3.5 ψ~(s)-jZαj(N)(s)ψ~(tj)=-2g~(s),sR.3.5

Remark 3.1

In [Citation10], the authors established the stability analysis of the Nyström method. It depends crucially on the error estimates in Theorem 3.3 which establish the convergence of KNϕ to Kϕ. Besides, the convergence of the method is also proved. Here we omit the detailed results.

The multiple frequency data used in all examples in Section 5 are obtained by solving (Equation3.13) through the collocation method. Here we define parameters used in all examples in Section 5. Let the incident direction d=(0,-1) when the incident wave is the plane wave. While the point sources as the incident wave we set zj=(-20+0.5j,2) in (Equation2.4), j=0,1,,80, a total of 81 point sources, and zj is the symmetry point of zj with respect to the plane x2=-5. Furthermore, let η=k in (Equation2.3) to guarantee that the condition R(k¯η)>0 holds in Theorem 2.3. When solving (Equation3.13), we set the truncated interval as (-16π,16π) and put 10 equidistant nodes in each wave length λ=2πk, and then the step length htol=λ10=πN with N=5k. Let sj=-cuttol+j·htol replace s in (Equation3.13), j=0,1,2,3,,2cuttol/htol. After obtaining the density ψ from (Equation3.13), we use the trapezoidal quadrature formula to calculate the scattered field us on the receiving plane by (Equation2.3) for incident plane waves and (Equation2.4) for incident point sources. We put the receiving points on the plane x2=b from -cutb=-8π to cutb=8π with step length hb=0.05π, a total of Nb=321 equidistant nodes. Unless otherwise stated we let b=1.65.

4 Nonlinear integral equations for the inverse problem

The inverse scattering problem we are considering consists of reconstructing the rough surface Γf from the measured data ub(x):=us(x)|Γb, b>f+, corresponding to the incident field ui(x)=eikx·d or ui(x)=j=-nnΦ(x,zj). In this paper, we will solve the inverse scattering problem via the nonlinear integral equation method. The main idea of the method is to prove the equivalence between the inverse scattering problem and an integral scheme. Firstly, we derive the integral scheme: from Section 2, we know that the density ψ in (Equation2.3) or (Equation2.4) can be solved from4.1 ψ(x)=2Γf[G(x,y)ν(y)+iηG(x,y)]ψ(y)ds(y)-2g(x),xΓf.4.1 Then the scattered field us on Γb can be reformulated with the known density ψ as4.2 ub(x)=γ(x)+Γf[G(x,y)ν(y)+iηG(x,y)]ψ(y)ds(y),xΓb.4.2 Here g(x)=-eikx·d,γ(x)=0 when ui(x)=eikx·d and g(x)=j=-nn(Φ(x,zj)-Φ(x,zj)),γ(x)=-j=-nnΦ(x,zj) when ui(x)=j=-nnΦ(x,zj). With the integral schemes (Equation4.14) and (Equation4.15), we can immediately state the following equivalence theorem.

Theorem 4.1

Assume the rough surface Γf can be uniquely determined by the near-field us|Γb. Then for a given near-field ub(x):=us(x)|Γb, the boundary Γf is a solution of the inverse scattering problem if and only if the pair (Γf,ψ) solves the integral scheme (Equation4.14) and (Equation4.15).


If the pair (Γf,ψ) solves the integral scheme (Equation4.14) and (Equation4.15), we define:us(x)=γ(x)+Γf[G(x,y)ν(y)+iηG(x,y)]ψ(y)ds(y),xDf.In view of (Equation4.14), it leads to us(x)=g(x) on Γf. Then us(x) is the solution to the problem (DP). Because of (Equation4.15) and the assumption we can deduce that the boundary Γf is a solution to the inverse scattering problem.

Conversely, for a given near-field ub(x), we assume that Γf is a solution to the inverse scattering problem. Then the solution to the problem (DP) isus(x)=γ(x)+Γf[G(x,y)ν(y)+iηG(x,y)]ψ(y)ds(y),xDf,where ψ solves (Equation4.14). From the uniqueness of the problem (DP), it can be obtained that (Equation4.15) holds. Therefore, the theorem is completed.

With the equivalence Theorem 4.1, our treatment of the inverse scattering problem is to solve the integral schemes (Equation4.14) and (Equation4.15). We denote the right-hand side of (Equation4.15) as F[f,ψ](x). It is easy to see that F[f,ψ](x) is nonlinear with respect to f. For a fixed ψ, finding f from (Equation4.15) requires a linearization of (Equation4.15). We assume that the linearization of (Equation4.15) at f with respect to the direction h reads4.3 F[f,ψ](x)+(F[f,ψ]h)(x)=ub(x),xΓb.4.3 The formulations of F[f,ψ](x) and (F[f,ψ]h)(x) will be given in the Appendix 1.

Further analysis of the linearized Equation (Equation4.16) requires us to choose parameterizations for functions in B defined in Section 2. Since the cubic B-spline function Ω3(t) is twice continuously differentiable and compactly supported, we express the rough surface function fB and the updated function hB as a linear combination of cubic B-spline functions, i.e.4.4 f(t)=d+pΩ3tq+n=1N1anΩ3t-n·lq+bnΩ3t+n·lq,4.4 4.5 h(t)=dh+phΩ3tq+n=1N1anhΩ3t-n·lq+bnhΩ3t+n·lq4.5 for some positive constants q and l. Here Ω3(t) is a piecewise function given by:Ω3(t)=12|t|3-t2+23,|t|1,-16|t|3+t2-2|t|+43,1<|t|<2,0,|t|2.The graph of Ω3(t) is shown in Figure .

Figure 2. CubicB-splinefunction.

Figure 2. CubicB-splinefunction.

Define dp=(d,p,a1,,am,b1,,bm)T, dph=(dh,ph,a1h,,amh,b1h,,bmh)T and denote the receiving points on Γb by x=x(i):=(-cutb+i·hb,b),i=1,2,,Nb. With given f in the form (Equation4.17), by substituting x=x(i) and (Equation4.17), (Equation4.18) into (Equation4.16), (Equation4.16) reduces to the finite linear system:4.6 Jdph=r,4.6 where r is a column vector with elements ri:=ub(x(i))-F[f,ψ](x(i)),i=1,,Nb, and J=(Jij)Nb×(2N1+2) is a matrix with elements Jij:=F[f,ψ]hj(x(i)),i=1,,Nb,j=1,,2N1+2 withhj(t)=1,j=1,Ω3(tq),j=2,Ω3t-(j-2)·lq,3jN1+2,Ω3t+(j-N1-2)·lq,N1+3j2N1+2.The kernel of the integral operator in (Equation4.15) is smooth, and therefore the inversion is severely ill-posed. The linearized Equation (Equation4.16) inherits the ill-posedness. In order to deal with this difficulty, we use the Tikhonov regularization to solve (Equation4.16) with the corresponding regularization parameter α. With regularization, the Equation (Equation4.19) leads to:4.7 (JJ+αI)dph=Jr.4.7

Remark 4.2

In (Equation4.20), J is a complex matrix and r is a complex vector. We use [RJ;IJ] and [Rr;Ir] instead of J and r in order to obtain a real vector dp in (Equation4.20).

Before introducing the iterative algorithm based on the nonlinear integral equation, we define the relative error ε(k,fr). Let fr denote the reconstructed rough surface. For a fixed wave number k and the measured data ukb(x)=uks(x)|Γb corresponding to the exact rough surface fe, we denote the corresponding scattered field on the receiving points by uk,frb(x) and define the relative error ε(k,fr) for the reconstructed rough surface fr byε(k,fr):=||uk,frb(x)-ukb(x)||2||ukb(x)||2.For a fixed wave number k, the iterative algorithm to solve the integral schemes (Equation4.14) and (Equation4.15) is as follows. Assume that using Algorithm 4.1 we can obtain the reconstruction of the rough surface fk for the fixed k and the corresponding relative error ε(k,fk). With the iterative algorithm for a fixed wave number, we can give the iterative algorithm for multiple frequency near-field data as follows. Given the tolerance ε0(0,1), the initial guess f0 (in this paper let f0 be a constant function) and the constant ρ(0,1), we propose the nonlinear integral equation iteration algorithm:

5 Numerical examples

In the final section, we present some numerical experiments to exhibit the effectiveness of the nonlinear integral equation method described in Section 4.

In all examples, we set the regularization parameter αm(kj)=ufm(kj)b-ub(kj)214 in (Equation4.20). For the relative noise level δ, the perturbed data are constructed in the following wayuδb(kj)=ub(kj)+δub(kj)2λ2λ,forj=1,2,,n,where λ=λ1+iλ2 with λ1,λ2N(0,1) normally distributed. In all figures, we denote the exact rough surface by solid (blue) lines, the initial guess by dash-dot (black) lines and the reconstructed rough surface by dashed (red) lines.

Example 1

For the first example, we consider the reconstruction of a rough surface which is approximately local and parameterized by5.1 f(t)=0.6+0.2exp(-0.16t2)-0.4exp(-0.25(t+8)2)+0.5exp(-0.49(t-10)2)5.1 with different width and different amplitude. We set q=0.5, l=0.5 and N1=80 in (Equation4.17) and (Equation4.18). We implement the experiments with k=1,3,5,7,9,11,13,15 for incident plane waves and k=1,3,5,7 for incident point sources. Due to the limitation of space, for plane wave incidence, we only show the reconstructions results from exact data and from 10% noisy data when k=1,9,15 in Figures and , while for incident point sources we only show the results for k=1,3,7 in Figures and . We can see the reconstructions for incident plane waves and point sources are both very accurate even with 10% noise added.

Figure 3. Reconstruction of (Equation5.21) from exact data for incident plane wave with ε=0.10, ρ=0.90 and k=1,9,15.

Figure 3. Reconstruction of (Equation5.215.1 f(t)=0.6+0.2exp(-0.16t2)-0.4exp(-0.25(t+8)2)+0.5exp(-0.49(t-10)2)5.1 ) from exact data for incident plane wave with ε=0.10, ρ=0.90 and k=1,9,15.

Figure 4. Reconstruction of (Equation5.21) from 10% noisy data for incident plane wave with ε=0.15, ρ=0.90 and k=1,9,15.

Figure 4. Reconstruction of (Equation5.215.1 f(t)=0.6+0.2exp(-0.16t2)-0.4exp(-0.25(t+8)2)+0.5exp(-0.49(t-10)2)5.1 ) from 10% noisy data for incident plane wave with ε=0.15, ρ=0.90 and k=1,9,15.

Figure 5. Reconstructions of (Equation5.21) from exact data for incident point sources with ε=0.15, ρ=0.90 and k=1,3,7.

Figure 5. Reconstructions of (Equation5.215.1 f(t)=0.6+0.2exp(-0.16t2)-0.4exp(-0.25(t+8)2)+0.5exp(-0.49(t-10)2)5.1 ) from exact data for incident point sources with ε=0.15, ρ=0.90 and k=1,3,7.

Figure 6. Reconstruction of (Equation5.21) from 10% noisy data for incident point sources with ε=0.20, ρ=0.90 and k=1,3,7.

Figure 6. Reconstruction of (Equation5.215.1 f(t)=0.6+0.2exp(-0.16t2)-0.4exp(-0.25(t+8)2)+0.5exp(-0.49(t-10)2)5.1 ) from 10% noisy data for incident point sources with ε=0.20, ρ=0.90 and k=1,3,7.

Figure 7. Reconstruction of (Equation5.22) from exact data for incident plane wave with ε=0.40, ρ=0.90 and k=3,5,11.

Figure 7. Reconstruction of (Equation5.225.2 f(t)=0.6+0.2sin(2t)+0.3sin(6t).5.2 ) from exact data for incident plane wave with ε=0.40, ρ=0.90 and k=3,5,11.

Figure 8. Reconstruction of (Equation5.22) from 10% noisy data for incident plane wave with ε=0.40, ρ=0.95 and k=3,5,11.

Figure 8. Reconstruction of (Equation5.225.2 f(t)=0.6+0.2sin(2t)+0.3sin(6t).5.2 ) from 10% noisy data for incident plane wave with ε=0.40, ρ=0.95 and k=3,5,11.

Figure 9. Reconstruction of (Equation5.22) from exact data for incident point sources with ε=0.20, ρ=0.95 and k=3,7,11.

Figure 9. Reconstruction of (Equation5.225.2 f(t)=0.6+0.2sin(2t)+0.3sin(6t).5.2 ) from exact data for incident point sources with ε=0.20, ρ=0.95 and k=3,7,11.

Figure 10. Reconstruction of (Equation5.22) from 10% noisy data for incident point sources with ε=0.20, ρ=0.95 and k=3,7,11.

Figure 10. Reconstruction of (Equation5.225.2 f(t)=0.6+0.2sin(2t)+0.3sin(6t).5.2 ) from 10% noisy data for incident point sources with ε=0.20, ρ=0.95 and k=3,7,11.

Figure 11. Reconstruction of (Equation5.23) from exact data for incident plane wave with ε=0.60, ρ=0.90 and k=3,7,11.

Figure 11. Reconstruction of (Equation5.235.3 f(t)=1-0.2cos(0.01t2)exp(-sin(t)).5.3 ) from exact data for incident plane wave with ε=0.60, ρ=0.90 and k=3,7,11.

Figure 12. Reconstruction of (Equation5.23) from exact data for incident plane wave with ε=0.60, ρ=0.90 and k=3,7,11 when the measurements were taken at x2=2.50.

Figure 12. Reconstruction of (Equation5.235.3 f(t)=1-0.2cos(0.01t2)exp(-sin(t)).5.3 ) from exact data for incident plane wave with ε=0.60, ρ=0.90 and k=3,7,11 when the measurements were taken at x2=2.50.

Figure 13. Reconstruction of (Equation5.23) from exact data for incident plane wave with ε=0.60, ρ=0.90 and k=3,7,11 when the measurements were taken at x2=3.50.

Figure 13. Reconstruction of (Equation5.235.3 f(t)=1-0.2cos(0.01t2)exp(-sin(t)).5.3 ) from exact data for incident plane wave with ε=0.60, ρ=0.90 and k=3,7,11 when the measurements were taken at x2=3.50.

Figure 14. Reconstruction of (Equation5.23) from 10% noisy data for incident plane wave with ε=0.60, ρ=0.90 and k=3,7,11.

Figure 14. Reconstruction of (Equation5.235.3 f(t)=1-0.2cos(0.01t2)exp(-sin(t)).5.3 ) from 10% noisy data for incident plane wave with ε=0.60, ρ=0.90 and k=3,7,11.

Figure 15. Reconstruction of (Equation5.23) from exact data for incident point sources with ε=0.30, ρ=0.90 and k=3,7,11.

Figure 15. Reconstruction of (Equation5.235.3 f(t)=1-0.2cos(0.01t2)exp(-sin(t)).5.3 ) from exact data for incident point sources with ε=0.30, ρ=0.90 and k=3,7,11.

Figure 16. Reconstruction of (Equation5.23) from exact data for incident point sources with ε=0.30, ρ=0.90 and k=3,7,11 when the measurements were taken at x2=2.50.

Figure 16. Reconstruction of (Equation5.235.3 f(t)=1-0.2cos(0.01t2)exp(-sin(t)).5.3 ) from exact data for incident point sources with ε=0.30, ρ=0.90 and k=3,7,11 when the measurements were taken at x2=2.50.

Figure 17. Reconstruction of (Equation5.23) from exact data for incident point sources with ε=0.30, ρ=0.90 and k=3,7,11 when the measurements were taken at x2=3.50.

Figure 17. Reconstruction of (Equation5.235.3 f(t)=1-0.2cos(0.01t2)exp(-sin(t)).5.3 ) from exact data for incident point sources with ε=0.30, ρ=0.90 and k=3,7,11 when the measurements were taken at x2=3.50.

Figure 18. Reconstruction of (Equation5.23) from 10% noisy data for incident point sources with ε=0.30, ρ=0.90 and k=3,7,11.

Figure 18. Reconstruction of (Equation5.235.3 f(t)=1-0.2cos(0.01t2)exp(-sin(t)).5.3 ) from 10% noisy data for incident point sources with ε=0.30, ρ=0.90 and k=3,7,11.

Example 2

In the second example, we attempt to reconstruct a nonlocally rough surface which is periodic with the parameterization5.2 f(t)=0.6+0.2sin(2t)+0.3sin(6t).5.2 We let q=0.25, l=0.25 and N1=160 in (Equation4.17) and (Equation4.18). We implement the experiments at k=3,5,7,9,11. Because of the limited space, we only present the results from exact data and from 10% noisy data for incident plane waves for k=3,5,11 in Figures and . The reconstruction results for point sources are presented in Figures and when k=3,7,11. From the figures in this example, it can be seen that the algorithm works well for nonlocally rough surfaces when the incoming wave is a plane wave, but the reconstruction is not good enough when the incoming wave is point sources. We attempt to increase the wave numbers in Figures and , but the reconstruction is not improved very much.

Example 3

In the last example, we test our algorithm on a rough surface which is nonlocal and nonperiodic, and formulated by5.3 f(t)=1-0.2cos(0.01t2)exp(-sin(t)).5.3 We let q=0.5, l=0.5 and N1=80 in (Equation4.17) and (Equation4.18) and implement the experiments with k=3,5,7,9,11. Due to the limitation of space, we only show a part of results. For plane wave incidence, we show the reconstruction results from the exact measurement data and from 10% noisy data at k=3,7,11 and x2=1.65 in Figures and . In order to see the effect of our algorithm at different measurement heights, we also present the reconstruction results by using the exact scattering data measured at different heights x2=2.5 and x2=3.5 in Figures and . For incident point sources, the results from the exact data and from 10% noisy data with k=3,7,11 and x2=1.65 are presented in Figures and . The reconstruction results from the exact data at the heights x2=2.5 and x2=3.5 are given in Figures and . As we can see from the figures, the reconstructions are very accurate, especially when k=11. Even 10% noise is added to the measurements, the reconstructed surfaces still agree well with the exact one. Furthermore, when the measurement height is within a reasonable range, smaller measurement heights (that is, the measurement place is closer to the exact surface) give better results in both cases of incident plane waves and point sources with a single wave number. However, the effect of measurement height is weak when using multiple frequency data.

Through the examples in this section we can see that the nonlinear integral equation method works well for the problem of inverse scattering by sound-soft rough surfaces. For locally rough surface and gently rough surface, we obtain satisfactory results whether the incident field is plane waves or point sources. However, for the nonlocally rough surfaces with considerable oscillations, the reconstruction results for incident plane waves are better than that for incident point sources.


The authors would like to thank Prof. Bo Zhang, Dr. Jiaqing Yang and Dr. Haiwen Zhang for the valuable discussions. The authors also thank the referees for their constructive comments and suggestions which helped improve the paper.

Additional information


This work was partly supported by the NNSF of China [grant number 11071244], [grant number 61379093]. Guanying Sun was also supported by the Starting Research Fund from North China University of Technology.


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Appendix 1.

In this appendix, we give the formulations of F[f,ψ](x) and (F[f,ψ]h)(x) in (Equation4.16).F[f,ψ](x)=γ(x)+Γf[G(x,y)ν(y)+iηG(x,y)]ψ(y)ds(y)=γ(x)+R{ik24H1(1)(k|x-y|)k|x-y|[(x1-y1)f(y1)+f(y1)-x2]-ik24H1(1)(k|x-y|)k|x-y|[(x1-y1)f(y1)+f(y1)+x2]-14η[H0(1)(k|x-y|)-H0(1)(k|x-y|)]1+[f(y1)]2}ψ(y)dy1,xΓb.The Fréchet derivative of F[f,ψ](x) at f with respect to the direction h can be obtained by differentiating the kernel with respect to f (see [Citation29]). Therefore, the derivative is given by:F[f,ψ]h(x)=Y1+Y2+Y3+Y4forhB,whereY1=k2i4R{H1(1)(k|x-y|)k|x-y|-H1(1)(k|x-y|)k|x-y|-H2(1)(k|x-y|)|x-y|2(f(y1)-x2)[(x1-y1)f(y1)+f(y1)-x2]+H2(1)(k|x-y|)|x-y|2(f(y1)+x2)[(x1-y1)f(y1)+f(y1)+x2]}ψ(y1)h(y1)dy1,Y2=kη4R[H1(1)(k|x-y|)|x-y|(f(y1)-x2)-H1(1)(k|x-y|)|x-y|(f(y1)+x2)]1+[f(y1)]2ψ(y1)h(y1)dy1,Y3=η4R[-H0(1)(k|x-y|)+H0(1)(k|x-y|)]f(y1)ψ(y1)1+[f(y1)]2h(y1)dy1,Y4=k2i4R[H1(1)(k|x-y|)k|x-y|-H1(1)(k|x-y|)k|x-y|](x1-y1)ψ(y1)h(y1)dy1.

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