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Reconstruction of the complex refractive index in nonlinear phase contrast tomography

Pages 901-912 | Received 29 Jan 2014, Accepted 19 Jul 2014, Published online: 21 Aug 2014


A new nonlinear method to reconstruct the complex refractive index distribution with in-line phase tomography measurements is presented. The inverse problem is regularized with the Tikhonov smoothing L2 norm of the index. The original nonlinear iterative approach is based on the Fréchet derivative of the intensity recorded at a single propagation distance and on a Simultaneous Algebraic Reconstruction technique. The reconstruction method requires no a priori knowledge about the materials. The algorithm is successfully applied to some simulated data with noise.

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1 Introduction

X-ray microtomography is a very useful imaging technique in material science [Citation1] and medical imaging.[Citation2Citation6] Yet, its sensitivity is now largely improved for soft tissues within dense materials with phase contrast imaging obtained with third-generation synchrotrons. X-ray in-line phase tomography is based on a coupling of tomography and phase retrieval to reconstruct the real part of the refractive index.[Citation7, Citation8] For coherent X-rays, phase contrast can be achieved by letting the beam propagate in the free space after interaction with the object and by recording the intensity for one or several propagation distances and for several projection angles (Figure ). The relationship between the phase shift induced by a sample and the intensity recorded at a given sample-to-detector distance relies on the Fresnel diffraction theory.[Citation9Citation12] Several linear algorithms have been proposed for the phase retrieval from the Fresnel diffraction patterns [Citation1, Citation10, Citation13Citation18] valid under some restrictive assumptions. More recently, some nonlinear approaches have been developed [Citation12, Citation19, Citation20] that improve the reconstruction results.

Figure 1. Experimental set-up in propagation-based phase contrast tomography from a single propagation-based phase contrast image per projection showing the coordinate system.

Figure 1. Experimental set-up in propagation-based phase contrast tomography from a single propagation-based phase contrast image per projection showing the coordinate system.

In order to reconstruct the refractive index in phase contrast tomography, the prior that the ratio of the imaginary to the real part of the complex refractive index is piecewise constant can be included.[Citation8, Citation11, Citation21] If the attenuation image can be measured, it is possible to use a scaled version of this image to construct an a prior knowledge of the phase for multimaterial objects.[Citation8, Citation11] A linear algorithm has also been proposed for multimaterial objects to recover the distance travelled in each material and the real and complex part of the refractive index.[Citation21, Citation22]

All these schemes rely on restrictive assumptions and formulate the phase contrast tomography as a linear inverse problem. The reconstruction images obtained need improvements. The simultaneous nonlinear reconstruction of the real and of the imaginary part of the index from noisy intensity measurements for different projection angles in in-line phase tomography has not been theoretically investigated. The coupling of phase retrieval with tomography sets an ill-posed nonlinear inverse problem. Several regularization methods can be investigated. In this work, we investigate the functional properties of the direct operator and we present new reconstruction results obtained for a single propagation distance with a nonlinear Tikhonov regularization scheme coupled with Simultaneous Algebraic Reconstruction technique.

An extensive comparison with the linear state of the art algorithms in the literature on experimental data is beyond the scope of this study. The new nonlinear reconstruction method is tested on a simulated multi-material object, with an object of a given material embedded in a matrix of a second material. In this case, the complex refractive index takes two distinct values.

We first study the direct problem of the image formation. Then we investigate the functional properties of the direct intensity operator and detail the nonlinear Tikhonov regularization method used. The numerical results obtained with a coupling of a modified Landweber method with Simultaneous Algebraic Reconstruction techniques (ART) on noisy simulated multimaterial data are presented and discussed before concluding remarks.

2 The direct problem of the image formation

In the following, we will consider a monochromatic, coherent, parallel X-ray beam. The real and imaginary parts of the complex refractive index to be reconstructed, denoted as δ and β are defined on a 3D bounded domain (Σ) with spatial coordinates (x,y,z). For the sake of simplicity, we assume that Σ is the cartesian product Σx×Σy×Σz of bounded intervals on the coordinate axes. We denote (xθ,yθ,z) be the rotated spatial coordinate system for an angle θ around the z axis (Figure ).

2.1 The Fresnel intensity

The optical properties of an object interacting with coherent X-rays of wavelength λ are related to its complex refractive index given by:1 n(x,y,z)=1-δ(x,y,z)+iβ(x,y,z)1 where δ is the refractive index decrement and β is the absorption index for the spatial coordinates (x,y,z) in the object domain.[Citation23] For a fixed projection angle θ, thin objects and straight line propagation of the beam along the yθ direction, this interaction can be described by a transmittance function T of the coordinates Xθ=(xθ,z):2 Tθ[δ,β](Xθ)=exp(-Bθ[β](Xθ)+iφθ[δ](Xθ))=aθ(Xθ)exp(iφθ[δ](Xθ)),2 where aθ[β](Xθ) is the absorption and φθ[δ](X) the phase shift induced by the object for the projection angle θ.[Citation8] The phase and the negative logarithm of the absorption, Bθ[β](X)=-log(aθ[β](X)), are the projections of the absorption index and refraction index, respectively:3 Bθ[β](Xθ)=2πλβ(yθ,Xθ)dyθ3 4 φθ[δ](Xθ)=2πλ(1-δ(yθ,Xθ))dyθ4 where yθ is the propagation direction of the X-rays. In the framework of the Fresnel diffraction theory, the intensity detected at a distance D after the sample is given by the squared modulus of the 2D convolution between the transmittance Tθ and the Fresnel propagator PD for a distance D downstream of the object [Citation8, Citation11, Citation24]:5 ID,θ[δ,β]=|Tθ[δ,β]×PD|25 where6 PD(Xθ)=1iλDexpiπλD|Xθ|2.6 The intensity ID operator can thus be considered as a nonlinear function of δ and β.

2.2 The coupling with Radon projection operator

The direct intensity operator can be rewritten with the Radon projection operator. We first summarize some properties of this projection operator.[Citation25] Let ΩR2 be a bounded open domain, the mathematical model for 2D tomography is the Radon transform R which maps a function fL1(Ω) to its line integrals.

Definition 2.1

Let L(θ,xθ) the line defined by L(θ,xθ)={yθθ¯+xθθ¯:yθR}, with θ¯=(cos(θ),sin(θ)) and θ¯=(-sin(θ),cos(θ)), Ra the range of the Radon transform and Z=[0,π]×Ra, the Radon transform for fL1(Ω) is defined by:7 Rf(θ,xθ)=Rθf(xθ)=tL(θ,xθ)Ωf(t)dt7

Proposition 2.2

Let gL1([0,π]×R) and U¯=(x,y), the adjoint R of R is given by:8 Rg(U¯)=0πg(θ,U¯.θ¯)dθ8


The proof can be found in [Citation25].

For parallel beam projection, with a beam parallel to the X=(x,y) plane, fL1(Σ) and L(θ,xθ,z) the L(θ,xθ) line for the coordinate z.9 Rf(θ,xθ,z)=Rθf(xθ)=tL(θ,xθ,z)Σf(t)dt9

Definition 2.3

Let gL1([0,π]×R), and the one-dimensional Fourier Fp(g)(θ,τ) defined by Fp(g)(θ,τ)=12πRexp-iτpg(θ,p)dp. Let sR, the Sobolev space on [0,π]×R denoted as H0,s([0,π]×R), is the set of all distributions g on ([0,π]×R) such that the Fourier transform Fp(g) is a function and such that the Sobolev norm of g, gH0,s(Z)2, is finite.[Citation25] The norm gH0,s(Z)2 is defined as:10 gH0,s(Z)=0πR(1+|τ|2)s|Fp(g)(θ,τ)|2dτdθ10

The Radon operator is a smoothing operator as detailed in the following proposition.

Proposition 2.4

Let f be a distribution with a compact support, then the following bound holds for s0:11 R(f)H0,s+1/2(Z)CfHs(R2)11 where the constant C depend on the size of the support, and Hs(R2) is the classical Sobolev space of order s of functions such that all partial derivatives of f of order up to s are square integrable.


The proof of this proposition can be found in  [Citation25].

It is now possible to use the mapping properties of the Radon transform in the context of phase contrast tomography and in an Hilbert spaces framework.

Proposition 2.5

Let Raz be range of the Radon operator for the height z, the operators B=R[β]:L2(Σ)L2([0,π]×Σz×Raz) is continuous. The same result is true for the operator φ=R[δ].


For s>0, H0s(R2) is continuously embedded in L2(R2) and thus for compactly supported functions, there is a positive constant C1 such that:12 fHs(R2)C1fL2(R2)12 Using Equation Equation11, there exists a positive constant C such that:13 R(f)H0,0(Z)R(f)H0,1/2(Z)CfL2(R2)13 In an Hilbert spaces context, the Radon transform is thus a linear continuous operator from L2(R2) to L2(Z). For parallel beam projection, let Raz be range of the Radon operator for the height z. For each value of z, the Radon operator is continuous from L2(Σx×Σy) to L2([0,π]×Raz). By integration on the variable z, the operator B=R[β]:L2(Σ)L2([0,π]×Σz×Raz) is continuous. The same result is holds for the operator φ=R[δ].

With the Radon projection operator, Equations Equation3 and Equation4 can be rewritten:14 Bθ[β](Xθ)=2πλR[β](θ,Xθ)14 15 φθ[δ](Xθ)=2πλR[1-δ](θ,Xθ)15 Let M the multiplication operator, FD the convolution with PD and ψ:L2(Σz×Raz)×L2(Σz×Raz)L2(Σz×Raz) defined by ψ(B,ϕ)=exp(-B)exp(iϕ). With the above-defined operators and Equations Equation2, Equation5, Equation13 and Equation14, we obtain:

Proposition 2.6

The nonlinear intensity operator ID:L2(Σ)×L2(Σ)L2([0,π]×R2) admits the following decomposition, for (θ,Xθ)[0,π]×R2:16 ID[δ,β](θ,Xθ)=ID,θ[δ,β](Xθ)MYAMP]=M(FDψ,FDψ¯)2πλRθ[β](Xθ),2πλRθ[1-δ](Xθ)16

3 The Fréchet derivative of the Fresnel intensity operator and its adjoint

The minimization of the regularization functional can be performed with iterative methods and it is useful to calculate the Fréchet derivative of the intensity operator and its adjoint.

Proposition 3.1

Let Tθ[βk,δk]=exp(-Bθ[βk]-iφθ[δk]), the Fréchet derivative of the operator ID[βk,δk] at the point (βk,δk) is the operator ID[βk,δk]:L2(Σ)×L2(Σ)L2([0,π]×R2) defined by:17 ID,θ[βk,δk](ϵ1,ϵ2)=4πλReal{[((-Rθ[ϵ1]-iRθ[ϵ2])Tθ[βk,δk])PD][Tθ[βk,δk]¯PD¯]}17


The Fréchet derivative can be calculated with the decomposition given Equation Equation13 and follows from the chain rule. The operators Rθ and FD are linear and continuous operators and they are identical to their Fréchet derivatives. The Fréchet derivative of the operator ID,θ at the point (βk,δk) is given for (ϵ1,ϵ2)L2(Σ)×L2(Σ) by:18 ID,θ[βk,δk](ϵ1,ϵ2)=M(A,FDψ(Bθ[βk],ϕθ[βk])¯)+conjugate terms18 with A=FD(-2πλψ(Bθ[βk],ϕθ[δk])Rθ[ϵ1])+FD(-i2πλψ(Bθ[βk],ϕθ[δk])Rθ[ϵ2]).

Proposition 3.2

The adjoint ID[βk,δk]:L2([0,π]×R2)L2(Σ)×L2(Σ) is thus defined by ID[βk,δk](w)=4πλReal(v1,v2) with:19a v1[w](Xθ)=Rθ{[-w(Tθ[βk,δk]PD)]PD¯}(Xθ){Tθ[βk,δk](Xθ)¯}19a 19b v2[w](Xθ)=Rθ{[(w(Tθ[βk,δk]PD)]PD¯}(Xθ){iTθ[βk,δk](Xθ)¯}19b


This proposition follows from the definition of the Hilbert space adjoint of the Fresnel diffraction intensity Fréchet derivative defined for all wL2([0,π]×R2), and for all ϵ1,ϵ2L2(Σ)2 by:20 w,ID[β,δ](ϵ1,ϵ2)L2=ID[β,δ]w,(ϵ1,ϵ2)L2×L220

4 Nonlinear Tikhonov regularization for phase contrast tomography

4.1 Nonlinear Tikhonov regularization

Our aim is thus to estimate the two components (β,δ), from the noisy intensity Iδn measurements such that21 I-IδnL2δn21 where I is the noise free intensity data, and δn the noise level.

The Radon operator and the convolution by the Fresnel operator are compact operators. Our inverse problem is ill-posed and must be regularized. In order to obtain stable solutions, we have used a nonlinear Tikhonov regularization, which is a widely used approach for solving nonlinear inverse problems in a stable way. The aim of the nonlinear Tikhonov regularization is to minimize the functional Jα,Iδn of the two components (δ,β):22 Jα[δ,β]=12ID,θ[δ,β]-IδnL22+α2δL22+α2βL2222 where α>0 is a regularization parameter. In the following, we will make use of the stability and convergence result of Engl et al. [Citation26Citation28] for regularization methods in Hilbert spaces. We first detail the functional properties of the forward intensity operator for phase tomography.

Proposition 4.1

The Fresnel intensity operator ID:L2(Σ)×L2(Σ)L2([0,π]×R2) is continuous, weakly sequentially closed and Fréchet differentiable with a Lipschitz continuous Fréchet derivative on its domain.


In [Citation20], it was shown that the operator ID(B,φ) is continuous, weakly sequentially closed and Fréchet differentiable with a Lipschitz continuous Fréchet derivative on its domain. In Section 2, it was shown that the Radon operator R is linear and continuous between well-defined Hilbert spaces and thus the former properties are satisfied for ID[β,δ]:L2(Σ)×L2(Σ)L2([0,π]×R2).

Assume that a minimum norm solution u+ exists with ID(u+)=I, then the following convergence and stability results hold:

Theorem 4.2

Assume IkIδ, and ukargmin(Jα,Ik) for all k. Then (uk) has a convergent subsequence. Every convergent subsequence converges to a minimizer of Jα,Iδ.

Theorem 4.3

Assume that α satisfies α(δ)0 and δ2α(δ)0 as δ0. Let (δk) be a sequence of positive numbers converging to 0 such that the data satisfy I-Ikδk. Let ukargmin(Jα(δk),Ik). Then (uk) has a convergent subsequence. The limit is a u-minimal norm solution .


The operator ID is continuous and weakly sequentially closed and the result follows from the classical Tikhonov regularization in Hilbert spaces.[Citation27, Citation28]

Some convergence rate can also be derived under suitable source conditions.[Citation27, Citation28]

4.2 Implementation of the nonlinear regularization method

In order to minimize the Tikhonov regularization functional, many iterative methods have been investigated based on Landweber or Gauss–Newton approaches.[Citation27, Citation28] In the field of discrete ART for tomography, several schemes have been studied which are some variants of the Landweber methods.[Citation25, Citation29, Citation30] In this work, we use a variant of the Landweber method and of the Simultaneous Algebraic Reconstruction Technique where the update is performed per projection angle.

The first order optimality condition for the minimization of the regularization functional can be written:23 ID[β,δ](ID[β,δ]-Iδn)+α(β,δ)=023

Table 1. Values of the δ and μ values for the materials in the object, for 24 keV X-rays, from http://henke.lbl.gov/optical_constants.

Figure 2. Horizontal section of the true β and δ maps.

Figure 2. Horizontal section of the true β and δ maps.

Figure 3. Horizontal section of the initial blurred β and δ maps.

Figure 3. Horizontal section of the initial blurred β and δ maps.

Figure 4. Section of the reconstructed β and δ maps for a PPSNR of 24 dB.

Figure 4. Section of the reconstructed β and δ maps for a PPSNR of 24 dB.

Figure 5. Diagonal profiles of the β map:intial map (blue), true map (red), reconstructed map (Black) (PPSNR = 24 dB).

Figure 5. Diagonal profiles of the β map:intial map (blue), true map (red), reconstructed map (Black) (PPSNR = 24 dB).

Figure 6. Diagonal profiles of the δ map:intial map (blue), true map (red), reconstructed map (black) (PPSNR = 24 dB).

Figure 6. Diagonal profiles of the δ map:intial map (blue), true map (red), reconstructed map (black) (PPSNR = 24 dB).

Figure 7. Evolution of the partial data term corresponding to the selected projection angle as a function of the iterations number without noise (full line) and with noise (dotted line) for a PPSNR=24 dB.

Figure 7. Evolution of the partial data term corresponding to the selected projection angle as a function of the iterations number without noise (full line) and with noise (dotted line) for a PPSNR=24 dB.

Figure 8. Evolution of the normalized mean square error on δ as a function of the iterations number without noise (full line) and with noise (dotted line) for a PPSNR = 24 dB.

Figure 8. Evolution of the normalized mean square error on δ as a function of the iterations number without noise (full line) and with noise (dotted line) for a PPSNR = 24 dB.

Figure 9. Evolution of the normalized mean square error on β as a function of the iterations number without noise (full line) and with noise (dotted line) for a PPSNR = 24 dB.

Figure 9. Evolution of the normalized mean square error on β as a function of the iterations number without noise (full line) and with noise (dotted line) for a PPSNR = 24 dB.

The update formula in our Landweber type method becomes:24 (βk+1,δk+1)=(βk,δk)-τk(ID[βk,δk](ID[βk,δk]-Iδn)+α(βk,δk))24 In our implementation, to avoid large data storage, one projection angle is first iteratively chosen at random for the calculation of the adjoint of the Radon projection operator. The step length parameter τk is chosen with a backtracking strategy in order to obtain the best decrease of the Tikhonov’s functional along the descent direction dk, with dk=(ID[βk,δk](ID[βk,δk]-Iδn)+α(βk,δk)). This type of method has been used for linear ill-posed problems.[Citation31] It corresponds to a modification of the standard Landweber method where the step length is constant. In the nonlinear case, the convergence results are established for a small constant step length.[Citation32] Yet, in our simulations the best numerical results were achieved with an optimized descent parameter. The choice of the regularization parameter α and the stopping index of the iterations k are based on the Morozov’s discrepancy principle.[Citation27] The regularization parameter is chosen such that the discrepancy term satisfy the condition:25 ID[β,δ]-Iδn2cδn25 for a constant c1.

5 Results and discussion

5.1 Simulation details

The nonlinear regularization method used for the recovery of the real and imaginary part of the refraction index has been tested on simulated data with an homogeneous material embedded in another one. The simulated object consists of an Al cylinder of 20μm in diameter and 110μm in height embedded in another Poly(methyl-methacrylate (C5H8O2) cylinder with diameter 30μm. Let μ=4πβλ, the δ and μ values for the materials in the object, for 24 keV X-rays, are listed in Table . The β and δ values were discretized on a regular grid with a pixel size of 1.5μm. The cylinders are included in a rectangular volume of size N1×N1×N2 with N1=74 and N2=109 used for the simulations. Horizontal sections of the original δ and β maps to be retrieved are displayed in Figure .

The discrete approximation of the Radon transform is the projection operator implemented in the Mablab Toolbox. The nonlinear algorithm was implemented with 400 projections angles. The Fresnel diffraction image was simulated with a hard X-ray beam of wavelength λ=0.5166Å (24 keV) at one sample-to-detector distances D=100mm. An initialization index map was obtained by smoothing the true index map. Horizontal sections of the initial δ and β functions are displayed in Figure . The intensity data were corrupted with additive Gaussian white noise with a peak-to-peak signal-to-noise ratio (PPSNR) between 0 and 24 dB.

5.2 Results

Figure displays the horizontal section of the real and imaginary part of the reconstructed index map for a PPSNR of 24 dB. The diagonal profiles for this section for δ and β are compared in Figures and . The reconstruction errors have been significantly reduced. Similar results are obtained for the other sections. The evolution of the partial data term ID,θ-Iδn,θ corresponding to the selected projection angle θ is displayed as a function of the number of iterations in Figure without noise and for a PPSNR of 24 dB. Let δ and β be the real and imaginary parts of the complex refractive index to be retrieved. In order to have a more quantitative information about the convergence of the method, the evolution of the normalized least square error using the L2(Σ) norm δ-δ2/δ2 and β-β2/β2 is displayed as a function of the number of iterations without noise on the projections and for a PPSNR of 24 dB on Figures and . The normalized mean square errors on the two components of the refractive index are much decreased. It should be noted that the method developed does not require any a priori knowledge about the complex refractive index of the material and a priori about the total projected thickness of the sample for each orientation contrary to the other approaches found in the literature.[Citation8, Citation11, Citation21, Citation22] Others regularization schemes and prior information may be introduced in the object domain.

6 Conclusion

In this work, we have investigated the new nonlinear inverse problem associated to the reconstruction of the real and complex part of the refractive index in phase contrast tomography. The functional properties of the direct operator are investigated. The regularization scheme investigated is a classical nonlinear Tikhonov scheme. Our iterative algorithm to minimize the regularization functional is based on the use of the adjoint of the Fréchet derivative of the intensity operator, a modified Landweber method and the Simultaneous Algebraic Reconstruction technique. The proposed regularization method is tested on a multimaterial phantom. The reconstruction errors are much decreased. The proposed nonlinear method will be compared with other algorithms in future studies. This method opens promising perspectives to process experimental data in various applications.


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