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Inverse problems for discontinuous Sturm-Liouville operators with mixed spectral data

Pages 1180-1198 | Received 03 Dec 2013, Accepted 24 Oct 2014, Published online: 27 Nov 2014


In this paper, we discuss the inverse spectral problem for Sturm–Liouville operators with boundary conditions linearly dependent on the spectral parameter and a finite number of interior discontinuities and show that if q is given a priori on the interval [0,α0] for some α0[0,1), then the potential q on the whole interval [0,1] can be uniquely determined either by parts of a finite number of spectra, or by a finite number of subsets of pairs of eigenvalues and the norming constants of the corresponding eigenvalues. We still establish several uniqueness theorems for Sturm–Liouville operators with Robin boundary conditions and interior discontinuous conditions from the above two spectral data.

1 Introduction

Consider the following Sturm–Liouville operator L:=L(q,hl,Hl,dm) defined by(1.1) Lu=-u+q(x)u=λu,x(0,1)(1.1) with boundary conditions(1.2) U0(u):=(λ-h1)u(0,λ)+(h2λ-h3)u(0,λ)=0,(1.2) (1.3) U1(u):=(λ-H1)u(1,λ)-(H2λ-H3)u(1,λ)=0,(1.3) and interior discontinuities(1.4) V1m(u):=u(dm+,λ)-amu(dm-,λ)=0,V2m(u):=u(dm+,λ)-am-1u(dm-,λ)-bmu(dm-,λ)=0,(1.4) where hl,Hl,am,bm,dmR, am>0,0<dm<dm+1<1,l=1,3¯,m=1,m0¯,m0N, such thatr0=h3-h1h2>0andr1=H1H2-H3>0,λ is the spectral parameter, q(x) is a real-valued function and qL2[0,1].

For (Equation1.1)–(Equation1.4), Yao and Sun [Citation1] showed that all eigenvalues are real and simple and all eigenfunctions of the Sturm–Liouville operator completes in L2[0,1]. Later, Wang [Citation2] discussed two inverse problems for (Equation1.1)–(Equation1.4) either from partial information on the potential and parts of one spectrum, or from a set of values of eigenfunctions at some interior point and parts of two spectra. More related results for Sturm–Liouville operators with boundary conditions dependent on the spectral parameter were studied by many authors (see [Citation1Citation14]). In particular, Freiling and Yurko [Citation7] further explored three inverse problems for Sturm–Liouville operators with boundary conditions polynomially dependent on the spectral parameter either from Weyl function, or from discrete spectral data, or from two spectra and provided procedures for reconstructing this differential operator from the above spectral data. Mclaughlin and Polyakov [Citation8] addressed the inverse problem for Sturm–Liouville operators with Dirichlet boundary condition at x=0 and the boundary condition having transcendental functions on the spectral parameter at x=1 and established an interesting uniqueness theorem on the potential q, which is a generalization of Hochstadt–Lieberman theorem.[Citation15] Hald [Citation16] first discussed the half-inverse problem for the Sturm–Liouville operator with one discontinuous condition. More results or generalizations for differential operators with interior discontinuities were studied by many authors (see [Citation1, Citation2, Citation9, Citation10, Citation13, Citation14, Citation16Citation24]).

Borg [Citation25], or Levinson [Citation26], or Levitan [Citation27], respectively, considered the inverse problem for Equation (Equation1.1) with Robin boundary conditions and showed that the specification of two spectra can uniquely determine the potential q and coefficients h0,h1 of the boundary conditions. Hochstadt and Lieberman [Citation15] first addressed the half-inverse problem for Equation (Equation1.1) with Robin boundary conditions and proved that if q is prescribed on [0,1/2] and coefficients h0,h1 of the boundary condition is given a priori, then the potential q on the interval [0,1] can be uniquely determined by one spectrum. Castillo [Citation28], or Suzuki [Citation29] independently showed that the fixed boundary condition at x=0 is necessary for Hochstadt–Lieberman theorem by an example. Hochstadt–Lieberman type theorem for differential operators was established by many authors (see [Citation2, Citation8, Citation10, Citation11, Citation15Citation17, Citation23, Citation28Citation36]). Marchenko [Citation37] first adopted an alternative approach to the inverse spectral problem and showed that the Weyl function of Sturm–Liouville operators uniquely determined the potential q and coefficients h0,h1 of the boundary conditions. Numerous authors discussed the inverse spectral problems for differential operators by the Weyl function of this operator (see [Citation2, Citation5, Citation7, Citation9, Citation11, Citation19Citation21, Citation30, Citation31, Citation35Citation41]). Gesztesy and Simon [Citation31] (see [Citation31, Theorem 1.3]) used the Weyl function to study the inverse spectral problem for Equation (Equation1.1) with Robin boundary conditions and showed that if potential q on the interval 0,1+α2 for some 0α<1 is given a priori, then parts of one spectrum is sufficient to determine the potential q on the whole interval. Suzuki [Citation29] showed that if q is prescribed on 0,12-ε for 0<ε<12, then one spectrum cannot uniquely determine the potential q by a counterexample. Later, using the Weyl function and methods developed in [Citation31], Wei and Xu [Citation36] proved that if q is given a priori on the interval [0,α] for some 0α<1, then parts of pairs of eigenvalues and the norming constants of the corresponding eigenvalues is sufficient to determine the potential q on the whole interval [0,1]. Hence, the following inverse problem is of interest:

Inverse Problem-1: For (Equation1.1)–(Equation1.4), if q is prescribed on [0,α0] for some α0[0,1) and coefficients hl,l=1,3¯ of the boundary condition are given a priori, what extra conditions can ensure the unique determination of the potential q on the interval [0,1]?

The purpose of this article is to solve Inverse Problem-1 given by (Equation1.1)–(Equation1.4). At first, we discuss two inverse problems for (Equation1.1)–(Equation1.4) either from partial information on the potential and parts of a finite number of spectra, or from partial information on the potential and parts of a finite number of subsets of pairs of eigenvalues and the norming constants of the corresponding eigenvalues. Then we establish several uniqueness theorems for Sturm–Liouville operators with Robin boundary conditions and arbitrary finite number of interior discontinuous conditions from the above two spectral data. The techniques used here are based on the Weyl function and methods developed in [Citation7, Citation31, Citation36]. Borg type theorem, or Gesztesy–Simon theorem, or Hochstadt–Lieberman type theorem for (Equation1.1)–(Equation1.4) is one of Theorem 3.1 under special cases (see below).

This article is organized as follows. In Section 2, we present preliminaries. In Section 3, we discuss the inverse spectral problems for (Equation1.1)–(Equation1.4) from the above two spectral data. In Section 4, we establish several uniqueness theorems for Equation (Equation1.1) with Robin boundary conditions and interior discontinuous conditions with the above spectral data.

2 Preliminaries

Let S1(x,λ),S2(x,λ),u-(x,λ) and u+(x,λ) be solutions of Equation (Equation1.1) under the initial conditions(2.1) S1(0,λ)=S2(0,λ)=0,S1(0,λ)=S2(0,λ)=1u-(0,λ)=λ-h1,u-(0,λ)=h3-h2λ,u+(1,λ)=λ-H1,u+(1,λ)=H2λ-H3.(2.1) and satisfying the jump conditions (Equation1.4), respectively.

Denote Δk(λ)=U1(Sk). Clearly, U0(u-)=U1(u+)=0, and(2.2) u-(x,λ)=(λ-h1)S2(x,λ)+(h3-h2λ)S1(x,λ),(2.2) (2.3) u+(x,λ)=(λ-H1)S2(1-x,λ)-(H2λ-H3)S1(1-x,λ)=Δ1(λ)S2(x,λ)-Δ2(λ)S1(x,λ).(2.3) The following formula is called as the Green’s formula:(2.4) 01(yL(z)-zL(y))=[y,z](1)-[y,z](0),(2.4) where [y,z](x):=y(x)z(x)-y(x)z(x) is called the Wronskian of y and z.

Let(2.5) Δ(λ):=[u+,u-](x,λ).(2.5) By calculation, we have(2.6) [u+,u-](x+,λ)=[u+,u-](x-,λ),x[0,1].(2.6) Therefore, Δ(λ) does not depend on x and(2.7) Δ(λ)=(λ-h1)Δ2(λ)+(h3-h2λ)Δ1(λ)=U1(u-)=-U0(u+),(2.7) which is called the characteristic function of L.

Let σ(L):={λn}n=0 be the set of all eigenvalues of (Equation1.1)–(Equation1.4). From [Citation1], we see that all zeros λn of Δ(λ) are real and simple. Suppose that u-(x,λn) and u+(x,λn) are eigenfunctions of the corresponding eigenvalue λn, then there exists κn such thatu+(x,λn)=κnu-(x,λn),where κn is called the norming constant of the corresponding eigenvalue λn. Consequently,(2.8) u+(0,λn)=κn(λn-h1),(2.8) and κn0,.

Denote λ=ρ2 and τ=|Imρ|. Analogous to [Citation13, Citation14, Citation20], we have the following asymptotic formulae of u-(x,λ) and u+(x,λ)(2.9) u-(ν)(x,λ)=O|ρ|ν+2eτx0x1,ν=0,1,(2.9) (2.10) u+(ν)(x,λ)=O|ρ|ν+2eτ(1-x),0x1,ν=0,1.(2.10) Therefore, for sufficiently large |ρ|, we have the asymptotic formula of Δ(λ)(2.11) Δ(λ)=Δ0(λ)+Oρ4eτ,(2.11) where(2.12) Δ0(λ)=ρ5α1α2αm0sinρ+k=1m0α1α2αkαm0sin(ρ-2dk)+1k<jm0α1αkαjαm0sin(ρ+2dk-2dj)++α1α2αm0sinρ+2k=1m0(-1)m0-kdk,(2.12) where αk=ak+bk2 and αk=ak-bk2.

Let λn0=(ρn0)2 be zeros of Δ0(λ). Denote Gδ:={ρ||ρ-ρn0|>δ,nZ}, where δ sufficiently small, then there exists a constant Cδ (see [Citation20, Citation40]), such that for sufficiently large |λ|(2.13) |Δ(λ)|Cδ|ρ|5eτ,ρGδ.(2.13) Hence, λn satisfy(2.14) λ0<λ1<λ2<+(2.14) and(2.15) λn=λn0+o(1),(2.15) where λn0=n2π2+O(1).

Let Φ(x,λ) be the solution of Equation (Equation1.1) under the conditions U1(Φ)=1, U0(Φ)=0 and the jump conditions (Equation1.4). Then(2.16) Φ(x,λ)=-u+(x,λ)Δ(λ)=S1(x,λ)+M(λ)u-(x,λ),(2.16) where(2.17) M(λ):=-u+(0,λ)Δ(λ),(2.17) which is called the Weyl function of (Equation1.1)–(Equation1.4).

The following two lemmas are important for proofs of our main results.

Lemma 2.1

([Citation7, Citation14]) Let M(λ) be the Weyl function of (Equation1.1)–(Equation1.4) and coefficients hl,l=1,3¯, of the boundary condition be given a priori. Then M(λ) uniquely determines the coefficients Hl,l=1,3¯, of the boundary condition and am,bm,dm,m=1,m0¯, of the jump conditions as well as q(x) (a.e.) on the interval [0,1].

Lemma 2.2

([Citation31, Proposition B.6]) Let f(z) be an entire function such that


sup|z|=Rk|f(z)|C1exp(C2Rkα) for some 0<α<1, some sequence Rk as k and C1,C2>0.


lim|x||f(ix)|=0,xR. Then f0.

3 Inverse spectral problems

In this section, we discuss two inverse problems for (Equation1.1)–(Equation1.4) and show that if the potential q is prescribed on the interval [0,α0] for some α0[0,1), then the potential q on the whole interval [0,1] can be uniquely determined by parts of a finite number of spectra or by parts of a finite number of subsets of pairs of eigenvalues and the norming constants of the corresponding eigenvalues.

We agree that together with L we consider in this section a boundary value problem Lkj=L(qk,hlj,Hlk,dkm),k=1,2,l=1,3¯,j=1,j0¯,m=1,m0¯,j0,m0N, of the same form but with other coefficients. That is, we use (qk,hlj,Hlk,dkm) instead of (q,hl,Hl,dm) of the operator L, respectively, such thath2j1λ-h3j1λ-h1j1h2j2λ-h3j2λ-h1j2,λC.for all j1j2,j1,j2{1,2,,j0}.

Let σ(Lkj)={λkjn}n=0,k=1,2,j=1,j0¯, be the spectrum of (Equation1.1)–(Equation1.4) for (qk,hl,Hlk,dkm). Since h2j1λ-h3j1λ-h1j1h2j2λ-h3j2λ-h1j2,λC. It is easy to prove σ(Lkj1)σ(Lkj2)= for fixed k=1 or 2.

For any S={λn}n=0,λnR, we denoteNS={nN0:λnt}for all sufficiently large tR+.

We establish the following uniqueness theorem.

Theorem 3.1

Let σ(Lkj) be as that defined above, Sj={λ1jn}nΛjσ(L1j)σ(L2j), ΛjN0, for each j=1,j0¯ and coefficients hlj,l=1,3¯, of the boundary conditions be given a priori. If


q1=q2on[0,α0] for some α0[0,1).


2j=1j0αj-α0=j0-2, j=1j0βj=5j0-4, and j=1j0εj>0 for some αj0,12, βjN0 and εj0.


For each j=1,j0¯, the inequality(3.1) NSj(1-2αj)Nσ(L1j)+10αj-βj+2εj4(3.1) holds for all sufficiently large tR+.


Let j0=2,α0=α1=α2=0,β1=2ε1=2ε2=1,β2=5, we have the Borg type theorem except for one eigenvalue.

Theorem 3.2

Let σ(Lkj),k,j=1,2, be as that defined above and coefficients hlj,l=1,3¯, of the boundary condition be given a priori. If one of the following conditions hold






If j0=1,α0=1+α2,α1=α2,β1=1,ε1>0, Theorem 3.1 leads to the Gesztesy–Simon type theorem for (Equation1.1)–(Equation1.4). i.e.:

Theorem 3.3

Let σ(Lk)={λkn}n=0 be the spectrum of  (Equation1.1)–(Equation1.4) for (qk,hl,Hlk,dkm), S={λ1n}nΛjσ(L1)σ(L2),ΛjN0, and coefficients hl,l=1,3¯, of the boundary condition be given a priori. For some α[0,1), ε sufficiently small positive number, if q1=q2 on the interval 0,1+α2 and(3.2) NS(1-α)Nσ(L1)+5α-1+2ε4(3.2) is satisfied for all sufficiently large tR+, thenq1=q2a.e.on[0,1],Hl1=Hl2,l=1,3¯,a1m=a2m,b1m=b2mandd1m=d2m,m=1,m0¯.

In particular, let α=0 and ε=12 in Theorem 3.3, we have the Hochstadt–Lieberman type theorem for the problem (Equation1.1)–(Equation1.4). i.e.

Theorem 3.4

Let q be prescribed on the interval 0,12 and coefficients hl,l=1,3¯, of the boundary condition be given a priori. Then one spectrum is sufficient to determine the potential q on the whole interval [0,1] and coefficients Hl,l=1,3¯, of the boundary condition and coefficients am, bm and dm,m=1,m0¯, of the jump conditions.

Let j0=3,α0=0, αj=16,j=1,3¯, β1=β2=4,β3=3, ε1=ε2=73,ε3=43, we get the following uniqueness theorem for the problem (Equation1.1)–(Equation1.4) for (qk,hlj,Hlk,dkm) from two-thirds of three spectra. i.e.

Theorem 3.5

Let σ(Lkj), k=1,2,j=1,3¯, be as that defined above, Sj={λ1jn}nΛjσ(L1j)σ(L2j) and coefficients hlj,l,j=1,3¯, of the boundary condition be given a priori. If(3.3) NSj=23Nσ(L1j),j=1,3¯,(3.3) thenq1=q2a.e.on[0,1],Hl1=Hl2,l=1,3¯,a1m=a2m,b1m=b2mandd1m=d2m,m=1,m0¯.

Next, we present the proof of Theorem 3.1.

Proof of Theorem 3.1

Let uk+(x,λ),k=1,2, be the solution of Equation (Equation1.1) for qk under the terminal conditions uk+(1,λ)=λ-H1k and uk+(1,λ)=H2kλ-H3k and the interior discontinuities (1.4) for dkm. By the Green’s formula, we have(3.4) 01Q(x)u1+(x,λ)u2+(x,λ)dx=[u1+,u2+](1,λ)-[u1+,u2+](0,λ)=F1(1,λ)-F1(0,λ),(3.4) where Q(x)=q2(x)-q1(x) and(3.5) F1(x,λ)=[u1+,u2+](x,λ).(3.5) From Q(x)=0 on [0,α0] together with the terminal conditions uk+(1,λ) and uk+(1,λ), we get(3.6) F1(0,λ)=F1(α0,λ)=F1(1,λ)-α01Q(x)u1+(x,λ)u2+(x,λ)dx.(3.6) In addition, for each j=1,j0¯, we obtain(3.7) F1(0,λ)=u1+(0,λ)u2+(0,λ)-u1+(0,λ)u2+(0,λ)=1λ-h1j[u1+(0,λ)U0j(u2+)-u2+(0,λ)U0j(u1+)].(3.7) This implies(3.8) F1(0,λ1jn)=0,λ1jnSjσ(L1j)σ(L2j),j=1,j0¯.(3.8) Therefore(3.9) F1(α0,λ1jn)=0,λ1jnSjσ(L1j)σ(L2j),j=1,j0¯.(3.9) Denote(3.10) ωkj(λ):=(λ-h1j)uk+(0,λ)+(h2jλ-h3j)uk+(0,λ),k=1,2,j=1,j0¯.(3.10) Without loss of generality, let’s assume all eigenvalues λ1jn>1,nN0,j=1,j0¯, of (Equation1.1)–(Equation1.4) for q1,hlj,Hl1,d1m. By virtue of [Citation1], we get(3.11) ω1j(λ)=c1jnN01-λλ1jn,j=1,j0¯,(3.11) where c1j is constant.

By virtue of (Equation3.6) and (Equation2.10) together with Schwarz inequality, this yields(3.12) |F1(0,λ)|=|F1(α0,λ)||F1(1,λ)|+|α01Q(x)u1+(x,λ)u2+(x,λ)dx||F1(1,λ)|+||Q||2α01|u1+(x,λ)u2+(x,λ)|2dx12c1|ρ|4+c2|ρ|4||Q||21-α0e2τ(1-α0)=Oρ4e2τ(1-α0),(3.12) where c1,c2 are constant.

From (Equation2.10), we have(3.13) |ω1j(λ)|=Oρ5eτ,j=1,j0¯.(3.13) Define the functions G1j(λ),j=1,j0¯, and K1(λ) by(3.14) G1j(λ)=λ1jnSj1-λλ1jn(3.14) and(3.15) K1(λ)=F1(α0,λ)j=1j0G1j(λ).(3.15) Then, K1(λ) is an entire function in λ.

By virtue of (Equation3.1), this yields(3.16) NG1j(t)(1-2αj)Nω1j(t)+10αj-βj+2εj4.(3.16) Since ω1j(λ) is an entire function in λ of order 12, there exists a positive constant C such that(3.17) NG1j(t)Nω1j(t)Ct12.(3.17) Therefore, NG1j(1)=Nω1j(1)=0. For fixed yR, and |y| sufficiently large, we have(3.18) ln|G1j(iy)|=12lnG1j(iy)G1j(iy)¯=12λ1jnS1jln1+y2(λ1jn)2=121ln1+y2t2dNG1j(t)=12ln1+y2t2NG1j(t)|1-121NG1j(t)dln1+y2t2.(3.18) For sufficiently large t, sinceln1+y2t2=O1t2,thenlimtln1+y2t2NG1j(t)=0andlimtln1+y2t2Nω1j(t)=0.By the assumption (Equation3.3) on G1j of Theorem 3.1, there exist constants tj1 and C1j such thatNG1j=NG1j(t)(1-2αj)Nω1j(t)+10αj-βj+2εj4,ttj,NG1j(t)(1-2αj)Nω1j(t)-C1j,t<tj.By virtue of (Equation3.18) together with the following relationy2t3+ty2=-ddt12ln1+y2t2,we have(3.19) ln|G1j(iy)|=1y2t3+ty2NG1j(t)dt=1tjy2t3+ty2NG1j(t)dt+tjy2t3+ty2NG1j(t)dt(1-2αj)1y2t3+ty2Nω1j(t)dt+10αj-βj+2εj41y2t3+ty2dt-10αj-βj+2εj4+C1j1tjy2t3+ty2dt=(1-2αj)ln|ω1j(iy)|+10αj-βj+2εj4ln(1+y2)MYAMP]+10αj-βj+2εj+2C1j4ln1+y2tj2+y2+10αj-βj+2εj+2C1j4lntj.(3.19) This implies(3.20) |Gj(iy)|C0j|ω1j(iy)|1-2αj|y|10αj-βj+2εj2,yR,j=1,j0¯,(3.20) where C0j is constant.

By virtue of the assumption of Theorem 3.1 together with (Equation3.20), we get(3.21) j=1j0G1j(iy)j=1j0C1j|y|2+j=1j0εje2Imi(1-α0)|y|12(3.21) By virtue of (Equation3.12), (Equation3.15) and (Equation3.21), for |y| sufficiently large, we obtain(3.22) |K1(iy)|=F1(α0,iy)j=1j0G1j(iy)=O1|y|j=1j0εj.(3.22) From Lemma 2.2 together with (Equation3.22), we haveK1(λ)=0,λC.Hence,(3.23) F1(α0,λ)=0,λC.(3.23) By virtue of (Equation3.6) and (Equation3.23), this yieldsu1+(0,λ)u2+(0,λ)-u1+(0,λ)u2+(0,λ)=0,λC.This impliesu1+(0,λ)(h21λ-h31)u1+(0,λ)-(λ-h11)u1+(0,λ)=u2+(0,λ)(h21λ-h31)u2+(0,λ)-(λ-h11)u2+(0,λ).Consequently,(3.24) M1(λ)=M2(λ),λC.(3.24) By virtue of Lemma 2.1 together with (Equation3.24), we obtainq1=q2a.e.on[0,1],Hl1=Hl2,l=1,3¯,a1m=a2m,b1m=b2mandd1m=d2m,m=1,m0¯.This completes the proof of Theorem 3.1.

Instead of partial information on the potential and parts of a finite number of spectra, one can use partial information on the potential and a finite number of subsets of pairs of eigenvalues and the norming constants of the corresponding eigenvalues to establish the following uniqueness theorem for (Equation1.1)–(Equation1.4). The techniques used here are based on the methods in [Citation20, Citation36].

Theorem 3.6

Let σ(Lkj) be as that defined above, Sj={λ1jn}nΛjσ(L1j)σ(L2j), ΛjN0, for j=1,j0¯, and coefficients hlj,l=1,3¯, of the boundary conditions be given a priori. If


q1=q2on[0,α0] for some α0[0,1).


j=1j0αj-α0=j0-1, j=1j0βj=5j0-2 and j=1j0εj>0 for some αj[0,1], βjN0 and εj0.




For each j=1,j0¯, the inequality(3.25) NSj(1-αj)Nσ(L1j)+5αj-βj+2εj4,j=1,j0¯,(3.25) holds for all sufficiently large tR+.


Clearly, Theorem 3.6 leads to the following Corollary 3.7, which is a generalization of Theorem 4.1 in [Citation36].

Corollary 3.7

Let σ(Lk)={λkn}n=0(k=1,2) be the spectrum of (Equation1.1)–(Equation1.4) for (qk,hl,Hlk,dkm), l=1,3¯ and coefficients hl of the boundary condition be given a priori. Denote the subset S={λ1n}nΛ1σ(L1)σ(L2). If


q1=q2 a.e. on [0,α] for some α[0,1).




The subset S satisfies(3.26) NS(1-α)Nσ(L1)+5α-3+2ε4(3.26) for all sufficiently large tR+ and ε>0.


Let α=12 and ε=14, we have the following corollary.

Corollary 3.8

Let σ(L)={λn}n=0 be the spectrum of (Equation1.1)–(Equation1.4) and coefficients hl,l=1,3¯, of the boundary condition be given a priori. If q is prescribed on the interval [0,12], then the even spectral data {(λ2n,κ2n)}j=0, or the odd spectral data {(λ2n-1,κ2n-1)}n=1 is sufficient to determine the potential q on the whole interval [0,1] and coefficients Hl,l=1,3¯, of the boundary condition and coefficients am,bm and dm,m=1,m0¯,m0N, of the jump conditions.

In the rest parts of this section, we prove Theorem 3.6.

Proof of Theorem 3.6

We use the same symbols as these in Theorem 3.1. Let v2(x,λ) be the solution of Equation (Equation1.1) for q2.

Denote(3.27) Fv(x,λ):=[u1+-u2+,v2](x,λ)(3.27) By virtue of (Equation3.27), for each j=1,j0¯, we have(3.28) Fv(0,λ)=(u1+(1,λ)-u2+(1,λ))v2(1,λ)-01(q1-q2)u1+v2dx=[u1+-u2+,v2](0,λ)=1λ-h1ju1+(0,λ)-u2+(0,λ)v2(0,λ)ω2j(λ)-ω1j(λ)(λ-h1j)v2(0,λ)+(h3j-h2jλ)v2(0,λ).(3.28) Without loss of generality, we assume that λ1jn-h1j0 for all λ1jnSj. This implies(3.29) ω2j(λ1jn)-ω1j(λ1jn)=0andu1+(0,λ1jn)=u2+(0,λ1jn),λ1jnSj.(3.29) From (Equation3.28) and (Equation3.29), we get(3.30) Fv(0,λ1jn)=0,λ1jnSj.(3.30) By virtue of the assumption q1=q2 on [0,α0] of Theorem 3.6 together with the Green’s formula, we obtain(3.31) Fv(0,λ)=(u1+(1,λ)-u2+(1,λ))v2(1,λ)-01(q1-q2)u1+v2dx=(u1+(1,λ)-u2+(1,λ))v2(1,λ)-α01(q1-q2)u1+v2dx=[u1+-u2+,v2](α0,λ).(3.31) Next, we will prove that(3.32) u1+(α0,λ)=u2+(α0,λ)andu1+(α0,λ)=u2+(α0,λ),λC.(3.32) First, we show that u1+(α0,λ)=u2+(α0,λ),λC, holds.

Let v2(x,λ)=:vD(x,λ) be the solution of Equation (Equation1.1) for q2 with the initial conditions vD(α0,λ)=0 and vD(α0,λ)=1. Consequently,(3.33) FvD(0,λ)=u1+(α0,λ)-u2+(α0,λ).(3.33) Define the entire functions GSj(λ) and HD(λ) by(3.34) GSj(λ)=λ1jnSj1-λλ1jnandHD(λ)=FvD(0,λ)j=1j0GSj(λ).(3.34) By virtue of (Equation2.10), for sufficiently large yR, this yields(3.35) |u1+(α0,iy)-u2+(α0,iy)|=O|y|e(1-α0)|y|12.(3.35) Similar to (Equation3.21), by calculation, we have(3.36) |GSj(iy)|CSj|ω1j(iy)|1-αj|y|5αj-βj+2εj2CSj|y|5αj-βj+2εj2ei(1-αj)|y|12(3.36) for each j=1,j0¯, where CSj is a positive constant.

From (Equation3.36) together with the assumption of Theorem 3.6, we get(3.37) j=1j0GSj(iy)j=1j0CSj|y|1+j=1j0εjeImi(1-α0)|y|12(3.37) By virtue of (Equation3.34), (Equation3.35) and (Equation3.37), this yields(3.38) |HD(iy)|=O1|y|j=1j0εj,yR.(3.38) By Lemma 2.2 together with (Equation3.38), we obtain(3.39) HD(λ)=0,λC.(3.39) Therefore,(3.40) u1+(α0,λ)-u2+(α0,λ)=0,λC.(3.40) Second, we prove u1+(α0,λ)-u2+(α0,λ)=0,λC.

Let v2(x,λ)=:vN(x,λ) be the solution of Equation (Equation1.1) for q2 with the initial conditions vN(α0,λ)=1 and vN(α0,λ)=0. Therefore,(3.41) FvN(0,λ)=u2+(α0,λ)-u1+(α0,λ).(3.41) Define the entire function HN(λ) by(3.42) HN(λ)=FvN(0,λ)j=1j0GSj(λ).(3.42) Since u1+(α0,λ)=u2+(α0,λ), we get(3.43) F1(α0,λ)=u1+(α0,λ)u2+(α0,λ)-u1+(α0,λ)u2+(α0,λ)=(u2+(α0,λ)-u1+(α0,λ))u1+(α0,λ).(3.43) From (Equation2.10), (Equation3.12) and (Equation3.43), we obtain the following asymptotic formula(3.44) |u2+(α0,λ)-u1+(α0,λ)|=O(ρ2eτ(1-α0)).(3.44) This implies(3.45) |FvN(0,iy)|=|u2+(α0,iy)-u1+(α0,iy)|=O(|y|e(1-α0)|y|12)(3.45) for sufficiently large yR.

From (Equation3.37), (Equation3.42) and (Equation3.45), we have(3.46) |HN(iy)|=O1|y|j=1j0εj,yR.(3.46) By Lemma 2.2 together with (Equation3.46), we get(3.47) HN(λ)=0,λC.(3.47) Therefore,(3.48) u2+(α0,λ)-u1+(α0,λ)=0,λC.(3.48) From (Equation3.40) and (Equation3.48), we get(3.49) [u1+,u2+](α0,λ)=0.(3.49) In virtue of q1=q2 on [0,α0] and (Equation3.49), this yields(3.50) u1+(0,λ)u2+(0,λ)-u1+(0,λ)u2+(0,λ)=0,λC.(3.50) Consequently,(3.51) M1(λ)=M2(λ),λC.(3.51) From Lemma 2.1 together with (Equation3.51), we obtainq1=q2a.e.on[0,1],Hl1=Hl2,l=1,3¯,a1m=a2m,b1m=b2mandd1m=d2m,m=1,m0¯.By now, the proof of Theorem 3.6 is completed.

4 Uniqueness theorems

In this section, we present several uniqueness theorems for Sturm–Liouville operators with Robin boundary conditions and interior discontinuities from partial information on the potential and parts of a finite number of spectra or from partial information on the potential and a finite number of subsets of pairs of eigenvalues and the norming constants of the corresponding eigenvalues.

Denote the Sturm–Liouville operators lkj:=l(qk,h0kj,h1k,dkm), k=1,2,j=1,j0¯,j0N, of the form(4.1) luk=-uk+qk(x)uk=λuk,x(0,1)(4.1) with boundary conditions(4.2) U0kj(uk):=uk(0,λ)-h0kjuk(0,λ)=0,(4.2) (4.3) U1k(uk):=uk(1,λ)-h1kuk(1,λ)=0,(4.3) and interior discontinuities (Equation1.4), where h0kj,h1kR, h0kj1h0kj2,j1j2{1,2,,j0}, and qk(x) are real-valued functions and qkL2[0,1].

Let σ(lkj)={λkjn}n=0,k=1,2,j=1,j0¯, be the spectrum of (Equation4.1)–(Equation4.3) and (Equation1.4) for (qk,h0kj,h1k,dkm). Since h0kj1h0kj2,j1j2{1,2,,j0}, it is easy to prove that σ(lkj1)σ(lkj2)= for fixed k=1 or 2.

We obtain the following uniqueness theorem for the discontinuities Sturm–Liouville operator.

Theorem 4.1

Let σ(lkj) be as that defined above, Sj={λ1jn}nΛjσ(l1j)σ(l2j), ΛjN0, for each j=1,j0¯ and coefficients h01j=h02j=h0j, of the boundary condition be given a priori. If


q1=q2on[0,α0] for some α0[0,1).


2j=1j0αj-α0=j0-2, j=1j0βj=j0 and j=1j0εj>0 for some αj[0,12], βjN0 and εj0.


For each j=1,j0¯, the inequalityNSj(1-2αj)Nσ(L1j)+2αj-βj+εj4 holds for all sufficiently large tR+.



Applying the same arguments as that in the proof of Theorem 3.1, we can prove Theorem 4.1 and omit the proof of Theorem 4.1 here.

Remark 1



Let j0=2,α0=αj=0,β1+β2=2,εj=βj(j=1,2),akm=1,bkm=0,m=1,m0¯, then Theorem 4.1 leads to the Borg theorem.[Citation25]


If j0=1,α0=1+α2,α1=α2,β1=1,ε1=1-α, akm=1,bkm=0,m=1,m0¯, then Theorem 4.1 leads to the Gesztesy–Simon theorem.[Citation31]


Let j0=1,α0=12,α1=0,β1=ε1=1,akm=1,bkm=0,m=1,m0¯, then Theorem 4.1 leads to the Hochstadt–Lieberman theorem.[Citation15]


Let j0=3,α0=0,αj=16,βj=1,εj=43,akm=1,bkm=0,m=1,m0¯, then Theorem 4.1 leads to Theorem 4.1 in [Citation30].

Remark 2

If 0αj<12 for each j=1,j0¯, then Sj={λ1jn}nΛjσ(l1j)σ(l2j), ΛjN0, for each j in Theorem 4.1 is an infinite set. Using the condition ‘coefficient h01j1=h02j1=h0j1,j1{1,2,,j0}, of the boundary condition is given a priori’ instead of ‘coefficients h01j=h02j=h0j, for each j=1,j0¯ of the boundary conditions are given a priori’ in Theorem 4.1 and other conditions remain unchanged, we can also prove h01j=h02j for each jj1. Therefore, Theorem 4.1 still holds.

Using partial information on the potential and a finite number of subsets of pairs of eigenvalues and the norming constants of the corresponding eigenvalues as the spectral data, we obtain the following uniqueness theorem for (Equation4.1)–(Equation4.3) and (Equation1.4).

Theorem 4.2

Let σ(lkj) be as that defined above, Sj={λ1jn}nΛjσ(l1j)σ(l2j), ΛjN0, for each j=1,j0¯ and coefficients h01j=h02j=h0j, of the boundary conditions be given a priori. Suppose that the following conditions hold:


q1=q2 a.e. on [0,α0] for some α0[0,1).


j=1j0αj-α0=j0-1, j=1j0βj=j0 and j=1j0εj>0 for some αj[0,1], βjN0 and εj0.




For each j=1,j0¯ the inequalityNSj(1-αj)Nσ(L1j)+αj-βj+εj4 holds for all sufficiently large tR+.



The proof is analogous to that of Theorem 3.6 in Section 3.

Remark 3

Clearly, if j0=1,akm=1,bkm=0,m=1,m0¯, Theorem 4.2 leads to Theorem 4.1 in [Citation36].

Let j0=1, α0=α1=ε1=12,β1=1, we then have the following corollary.

Corollary 4.3

Let σ(lk)={λk,n}n=0 be the spectrum of (Equation4.1)–(Equation4.3) and (Equation1.4) for (qk,h0k1,h1k,dkm) and coefficient h011=h021=h0 of the boundary condition be given a priori. Suppose that the following conditions hold.


q1=q2 a.e. on the interval [0,12].


The even spectral data {(λ1,2n,κ1,2n)}n=0={(λ2,2n,κ2,2n)}n=0, or the odd spectral data {(λ1,2n-1,κ1,2n-1)}n=1={(λ2,2n-1,κ2,2n-1)}n=1.


Finally, we present an example for Theorem 4.1 for the case α0=0,d1=12, which is given in data [Citation14, Citation20]. Denote γn=01φ2(x,λn)dx, where φ(x,λn) is the eigenfunction of the eigenvalue λn. It is well known that the spectral data {(λn,κn)}n=0 is equivalent to the spectral {(λn,γn)}n=0 in the inverse spectral problem. Therefore, we reconstruct the potential q and coefficients by the spectral data {(λn,γn)}n=0. Since some symbols are undefined in this paper, the reader might check out these in [Citation14, Citation20].


[Citation14, Citation20] Take l~ such that q~(x)=0, h~0=0, h~1=0 and b~1=0. Let {(λ~n,γ~n)}n=0 be the spectral data of l~. Clearlyλ~0=0,γ~0=12(1+a1),φ~00(x)=1,0<x<12,φ~00(x)=a1,12<x<1.Let λn=λ~n,n0, and γn=γ~n,n1, and γ0γ~0 be an arbitrary positive number. Denote A=1γ0-1γ~0. By virtue of (73) and (77) in [Citation14, Citation20], this yieldsφ~00(x)=φ00(x)1+A0xφ~002(t)dt,ε0(x)=Aφ~00(x)φ00(x).Thereforeφ00(x)=(1+Ax)-1,0<x<12,a1(B+Aa12x)-1,12<x<1,ε0(x)=A(1+Ax)-1,0<x<12,Aa12(B+Aa12x)-1,12<x<1,where B=1+12A(1-a12). Using (78)–(80) in [Citation14, Citation20], we calculateq(x)=2A2(1+Ax)-2,0<x<12,2A2a14(B+Aa12x)-2,12<x<1,h0=-A,h1=Aa12(B+Aa12)-1andb1=(a1-1-a13)A(1+Aa1)-1.


The author would like to express his gratitude to anonymous referees, editors and Professor D. Lesnic, Department of Applied Mathematics, University of Leeds, UK., for careful examination and valuable suggestions.


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