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Inverse nodal problems for Sturm–Liouville equation with eigenparameter-dependent boundary and jump conditions

Pages 1306-1312 | Received 01 Jul 2014, Accepted 21 Nov 2014, Published online: 15 Dec 2014


In this work, the Sturm–Liouville problem with boundary and jump conditions dependent on the spectral parameter linearly is studied. We show that all coefficients of the problem can be uniquely determined by nodal points. Moreover, we give an algorithm for reconstruction of the potential function and the coefficient in the jump conditions.

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1 Introduction

We consider the boundary value problem L=Lq,H0,H1,H2,α generated by the Sturm–Liouville equation(1) y:=-y+q(x)y=λy,xΩ=(0,1)(1) subject to the boundary conditions(2) U(y):=y(0)=0(2) (3) V(y):=λ(y(1)+H0y(1))-H1y(1)-H2y(1)=0(3) and the jump conditions(4) y12+0=αy12-0y12+0=α-1y(12-0)-λ+βy12-0,(4) where q(x) is a real-valued function in L2(0,1);α, β and Hi, i=0,1,2, are real numbers; α>0,H0H1-H2>0 and λ is the spectral parameter. We assume that 01q(x)dx=0. Otherwise, the term q(x)-01q(x)dx is determined uniquely, instead of q(x).

The inverse nodal Sturm–Liouville problem was solved firstly by McLaughlin [Citation1] in 1988. She showed that the potential of the Sturm–Liouville problem can be determined by a given dense subset of nodal points of the eigenfunctions. In 1989, Hald and McLaughlin generalized this result to more general boundary conditions and gave some numerical schemes for the reconstruction of the potential [Citation2]. Inverse nodal problems for Sturm–Liouville operators with the classical boundary conditions have been studied in the several papers.[Citation2Citation10] The first result on inverse nodal problems for the Sturm–Liouville operators with a discontinuity condition was obtained in [Citation11]. Inverse nodal problem for Sturm–Liouville operator with boundary conditions linearly dependent on the spectral parameter was investigated firstly by Browne and Sleeman [Citation12]. C-F. Yang generalized their result to a Sturm–Liouville problem with nonlinear boundary conditions.[Citation13] Additionally, the studies [Citation14, Citation15] include inverse nodal problem for differential pencils.

Inverse problems according to the classical spectral data for various differential equations with the eigenparameter-dependent jump conditions, like (Equation4), were studied in [Citation16Citation18].

In the present paper, we consider the boundary value problem (Equation1)–(Equation4) and solve inverse nodal problem to reconstruct the coefficients.

2 Preliminaries

Let a function φ(x,λ) be the solution of (Equation1) under the initial conditions(5) φ(0,λ)=0,φ(0,λ)=1(5) and the jump conditions (Equation4). It can be calculated that φ(x,λ) satisfies the following integral equations:

for x<12(6) φ(x,λ)=sinλxλ+1λ0xsinλ(x-t)q(t)φ(t,λ)dt,(6) for x>12(7) φ(x,λ)=λ+β2λcosλx-cosλ(1-x)+α+sinλxλ+α-sinλ(1-x)λ+λ+β2λ01/2cosλx-t-cosλ(1-x-t)q(t)φ(t,λ)dt+1λ01/2α+sinλx-t+α-sinλ(1-x-t)q(t)φ(t,λ)dt+1λ1/2xsinλx-tq(t)φ(t,λ)dt(7) where α±=12α±1α. Using above integral equations, we can obtain the following asymptotic relations for λ.

For x<12(8) φ(x,λ)=sinλxλ-cosλx2λ0xq(t)dt+o1λexpτx,(8) for x>12(9) φ(x,λ)=12cosλx-cosλ(1-x)+I1(x)sinλxλ+I2(x)sinλ1-xλ+o1λexpτx(9) whereI1(x)=α++140xq(t)dt,I2(x)=α--1201/2q(t)dt+140xq(t)dtand τ=Imλ.

Let λnn0 be the set of eigenvalues of (Equation1)–(Equation4) and φ(x,λn) be the eigenfunction corresponding to the eigenvalue λn. It is given in [Citation16] that the numbers λn are real and simple. Moreover, it can be proven using classical methods that the sequence λnn0 satisfies the following asymptotic relation for n:(10) λn=(n-1)π+A(n-1)π+o1n(10) (11) 1λn=1(n-1)π-A(n-1)2π21(n-1)π+o1n3(11) where A=(w1+(-1)n-1w2) and w1=2I1(1)+H0, w2=2I2(1)+H0.

3 Main results

Let X=xnj:n=2m,mN be the set of nodal points with even indexes of the eigenfunctions and X0 be a dense subset of X in 0,1. In this section, we prove that the coefficients of the problem (Equation1)–(Equation4) can be uniquely determined by X0.

Lemma 1

The elements of X0 satisfy the following asymptotic formulae for sufficiently large n, for xnj0,12(12) xnj=jn-1-w1-w2n-12π2jn-1+0xnjq(t)dt2n-12π2+o1n2,(12) and for xnj12,1(13) xnj=j+1/2n-1-w1-w2n-12π2j+1/2n-1+w1-w2+2I1(xnj)+2I2(xnj)2n-12π2+o1n2.(13)


Let xnj12,1. Use the asymptotic formula (9) to get0=φ(xnj,λn)=12cosλnxnj-cosλn1-xnj+I1(xnj)sinλnxnjλn+I2(xnj)sinλn1-xnjλn+o1λnexpτxnjfor xnj>12. Therefore, it is calculated thattanπ2-λnxnj=(-1)n-1(w1-w2)-2I1(xnj)n-1π-2I2(xnj)n-1π+o1n2-2I2(xnj)n-1π(w1-w2)+o1n+o1nThis yieldsxnj=j+1/2n-1-w1-w2n-12π2j+1/2n-1+(w1-w2)+2I1(xnj)+2I2(xnj)2n-12π2+o1n2We complete the proof of (Equation13). The proof of (Equation12) is similar.

For each fixed x in 0,1, there exists a sequence xnj(n) which converges to x. Therefore, we can show from Lemma 1 that the following limits exist and are finite:(14) limnn-12π2xnj(n)-j(n)n-1=-(w1-w2)x+120xq(t)dt,x0,12(14) (15) limnn-12π2xnj(n)-j(n)+12n-1=-(w1-w2)x+(w1-w2)2+I1(x)+I2(x)=-(w1-w2)x+(w1-w2)2+α++α-+1212xq(t)dt,x12,1(15) Denote,(16) F(x)=f-(x),x<12f+(x),x>12(16) where f-(x)=-(w1-w2)x+120xq(t)dt,f+(x)=-(w1-w2)x+(w1-w2)2+α++α-+1212xq(t)dt.

Consider the problem L~=Lq~,H~0,H~1,H~2,α~ under the same assumptions with L. It is assumed in what follows that if a certain symbol s denotes an object related to the problem L, then s~ denotes the corresponding object related to the problem L~.

Theorem 1

If X0=X~0 then q(x)=q~(x) a.e. in 0,1, H0=H~0,H1=H~1,H2=H~2 and α=α~. Thus, the potential q(x), a.e. in 0,1, the coefficients H0,H1,H2 and α are uniquely determined by the subset X0. Moreover, q(x) and α can be reconstructed by the following formulae:q(x)=2F(x)+F12+0-F12-0-F(1)α=F12+0.


Direct calculations in (Equation14)–(Equation16) yieldα=F12+0,A=w1-w2=F12+0-F12-0-F(1)q(x)=2A+2F(x).Since X0=X~0, then F(x)=F~(x),A=A~ and so, q(x)=q~(x), α=α~.

Let the function ψ(x,λ) be the solution of (Equation1) under the initial conditionsψ(1,λ)=H1-λ,ψ(1,λ)=λH0-H2and the jump conditions (Equation4). It is clear that ψ(x,λn)=χnφ(x,λn), where χn=ψ(0,λn).

To complete the proof, consider a sequence xnjX0 that converges to 1 and write Equation (Equation1) for ψ(x,λn) and ψ~(x,λ~n) as follows-ψ~x,λ~n+q(x)ψ~x,λ~n=λ~nψ~x,λ~n,-ψx,λn+q(x)ψx,λn=λnψx,λn.If these equations are (i): multiplied by ψx,λn and ψ~x,λ~n, respectively; (ii): subtracted from each other and (iii): integrated over the interval xnj,1, the equalityψ1,λnψ~1,λ~n-ψ~1,λ~nψ1,λn=λ~n-λnxnj1ψ~x,λ~nψx,λndxis obtained. Using (Equation10), we get the following estimate for sufficiently large nn-14π4H~0-H01+o1n+n-12π2H0H~1-H~2-H~0H1+H21+o1n2+H1H~2-H~1H2=o(1).The last equality yields H0=H~0,H~0H~1-H~2H2-H~2=0and H2H~1=H~2H1. Since H~0H~1-H~2>0, H2=H~2 and so H1=H~1. This completes the proof.

Example 1

Consider the BVPL:y:=-y+q(x)y=λy,x0,1212,1y(0)=0λ(y(π)+H0y(π))-H1y(π)-H2y(π)=0y12+0=αy12-0y12+0=α-1y12-0-λ+βy12-0where q(x)L2(0,1) and α are unknown coefficients that confirm to the assumptions of the problem (Equation1)–(Equation4). Let X0=xnj:n=2m be the given subset of nodal points which satisfy the following asymptoticsxnj=jn-1-4n-12π2jn-1+12n-12π2jn-11-jn-1+o1n2,x<12j+1/2n-1-4n-12π2j+1/2n-1+3142n-12π2j+1/2n-11-j+1/2n-1+o1n2,x>12.One can calculate thatF(x)=f-(x),x<12f+(x),x>12f-(x)=-4x+12x(1-x),f+(x)=-4x+318+12x(1-x)According to Theorem 1, we findα=F12+0=2,A=F12+0-F12-0-F(1)=4F(x)=-A+12q(x)=-4+12q(x)q(x)=2F(x)+F12+0-F12-0-F(1)=1-2x.


The authors would like to thank the referees for their valuable comments which helped to improve the manuscript.


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