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Determination of a time-dependent convolution kernel in a non-linear hyperbolic equation

Pages 1011-1029 | Received 29 Jan 2015, Accepted 26 Sep 2015, Published online: 26 Oct 2015


A non-linear wave equation with an unknown time-convolution kernel is considered. The missing kernel is recovered from an additional (space) integral measurement. The global in time existence, uniqueness as well as the regularity of a solution is addressed. A new numerical algorithm based on Rothe’s method is designed and error estimates are derived.

AMS Subject Classifications:

1. Introduction

We consider a bounded domain ΩRN,N1 with sufficiently smooth boundary Γ. The symbol ν stands for the outer normal vector associated with Γ. In this paper, we are interested in determining of an unknown couple (u,K) obeying the following non-linear hyperbolic problem of second order(1) ttu(x,t)-Δu(x,t)+(Ku(x))(t)=f(x,t,u(x,t),tu(x,t)),inΩ×(0,T),-u(x,t)·ν=g(x,t),onΓ×(0,T),tu(x,0)=v0(x),inΩ,u(x,0)=u0(x),inΩ,(1)

where T>0 and f,g,u0,v0 are given real functions. By Ku we denote the usual convolution in time, namely (Ku(x))(t)=0tK(t-s)u(x,s)ds . The missing time-convolution kernel K=K(t) will be recovered from the following integral-type measurement(2) Ωu(x,t)dx=m(t),t[0,T].(2)

The integral-type over-determination in inverse problems (IPs) combined with evolutionary partial differential equations (PDEs) has been studied in several papers, e.g. [Citation1Citation3] and the references therein.

A well-known example of (a homogeneous version of) the general wave equation is the telegraph equation. It describes the voltage u(x,t) inside a piece of telegraph/transmission wire, whose electrical properties per unit length are: resistance R, inductance L, capacitance C and conductance of leakage current G:utt+γut+ku-a2uxx=0.

where a2=1LC,γ=GC+RL, and k=GRCL. When considering transport for long distances, the memory effects can be modelled by a additional convolution term.

Identification of missing memory kernels in evolutionary PDEs represents an interesting topic in IPs. Intensive study of such problems was implemented in 1990’s cf. [Citation4Citation16]. The paper [Citation12] deals with a linear hyperbolic equation without a damping term. Here, the time convolution operator is applied to the Laplacian of solution. The missing data are recovered from a point measurement. There is no constructive algorithm for finding a solution for this IP. The manuscript [Citation11] studies identification of convolution kernels in abstract linear hyperbolic integro-differential problems. The author shows local in time solvability of this IP. No constructive algorithm for recovery of missing convolution kernel is present. The study performed in [Citation14] is devoted to a one-dimensional linear hyperbolic integro-differential problem. The author uses finite differences for numerical scheme with dependent time and space mesh-steps. The error estimates are derived under high regularity of solution. Bukhgeĭm and Dyatlov [Citation4] presents a nice study of properties of Dirichlet-to-Neumann maps for memory reconstruction for linear settings. The paper [Citation16] studies IPs for identifying memory kernels in linear heat conduction and viscoelasticity by the method of least squares with Tikhonov regularization. In [Citation8] a global in time existence and uniqueness result for an IP arising in the theory of heat conduction for materials with memory has been studied. The Ref. [Citation6] derives some local and global in time existence results for the recovery of memory kernels, but there is no description of constructive algorithms how to find a solution. The papers [Citation9,Citation10] deals with the identification of missing memory kernel in a parabolic problem.

The ultimate highlight of this paper is to design a constructive algorithm for finding the solution and to recover the unknown kernel in non-linear hyperbolic problems. This is not achieved by minimization of a cost functional (which is typical for IPs [Citation17Citation19]), but on the time discretization based on method of lines.[Citation20,Citation21] This technique was already applied for parabolic settings in [Citation9]. First, we start with derivation of a suitable variational formulation. Section 2 is devoted to a time discretization, where (based on backward Euler scheme) the continuous problem is approximated by a sequence of steady state settings at each point of a time partitioning. Section 3 deals with existence and uniqueness of a solution. Stability analysis of approximates is performed in appropriate function spaces and convergence (based on compactness argument) is established in Theorem 3.1. Uniqueness is addressed in Theorem 3.2. Theorem 3.3 shows the error estimates for time discretization.

Denote by ·,· the standard inner product of L2(Ω) and · its induced norm. When working at the boundary Γ we use a similar notation, namely ·,·Γ, L2(Γ) and ·Γ. By C[0,T],X we denote the set of abstract functions w:[0,T]X equipped with the usual norm maxt[0,T]·X and Lp(0,T),X is furnished with the norm 0T·Xpdt1p with p>1, cf. [Citation22]. The symbol X stands for the dual space to X. The symbols C,ε and Cε will denote generic positive constants (they may change from line to line) depending only on a priori known quantities, where ε is small and Cε=Cε-1 is large. Further, we setV=φH1(Ω);Δφ<.

Denoting the primitive function of K by ΦK(t):=0tK(s)ds we may rewrite the convolution kernel by integration by parts formula in an another way as follows(Ku)(t)=ΦK(t)u0+ΦKtu(t).

Hence the governing PDE takes the form(3) ttu(x,t)-Δu(x,t)+ΦK(t)u0(x)+(ΦKtu(x))(t)=f(x,t,u(x,t),tu(x,t))(3)

in Ω×(0,T). We take a test function φH1(Ω), and derive after integration over Ω and making use of the Green’s first identity(P) ttu,φ+u,φ+g,φΓ+ΦKu0,φ+ΦKtu,φ=f(u,tu),φ.(P)

Setting φ=1 in (EquationP) we obtain together with the measurement (u(t),1)=m(t) that(MP) m+(g,1)Γ+ΦKm(0)+ΦKm=f(u,tu),1.(MP)

The relations (EquationP) and (EquationMP) represent the variational formulation of (Equation1) and (Equation2).

2. Time discretization

Rothe’s method [Citation20,Citation21] represents a constructive method suitable for solving evolution problems. Using a simple discretization in time, a time-dependent problem is approximated by a sequence of elliptic problems which have to be solved successively with increasing time step. This standard technique is in our case complicated by the unknown convolution kernel K. There exists a simple way to overcome this difficulty.

For ease of explanation we consider an equidistant time partitioning of the time frame [0,T] with a step τ=T/n, for any nN. We use the notation ti=iτ and for any function z we writezi=z(ti),δzi=zi-zi-1τ,δ2zi=δ(δzi).

Further, we set Φi:=(ΦK)i to omit double indices. We will consider a decoupled system with unknowns (ui,Φi) for i=1,,n. At time ti we infer from (Equation3) the backward Euler scheme(4) δ2ui-Δui+Φiu0+k=1iΦkδui-kτ=fi-1,(4)

where fi=f(ui,δui). Like (EquationP) and (EquationMP) one obtains for φH1(Ω) that(DPi) δ2ui,φ+ui,φ+gi,φΓ+Φiu0,φ+k=1iΦkδui-kτ,φ=fi-1,φ(DPi)

along with δu0:=v0 and(DMPi) mi+(gi,1)Γ+Φim0+k=1iΦkmi-kτ=(fi-1,1).(DMPi)

Note that for a given i{1,,n} we solve first (EquationDMPi) and then (EquationDPi). Further, we increase i to i+1.

Lemma 2.1:

Let f:RN+3R be bounded, i.e. |f|C. Moreover assume that mC2([0,T]), m(0)0, gC[0,T],L2(Γ), u0,v0L2(Ω). Then there exist C>0 and τ0>0 such that for any τ<τ0 and each i{1,,n} we have


there exist ΦiR and uiV obeying (EquationDMPi) and (EquationDPi)




(i) Set τ0=min1,m02m0. Then for any τ<τ0 we may write by triangle inequality that0<m0-m0τ0m0-m0τm0+m0τ.

We apply the following recursive deduction for i=1,,n.


Let ui-1,δui-1L2(Ω) and Φ1,,Φi-1 be given. Then (EquationDMPi) implies the existence of ΦiR such that(5) Φim0+m0τ=fi-1,1-mi-gi,1Γ-k=1i-1Φkmi-kτ.(5)


The existence and uniqueness of uiH1(Ω) follows from (EquationDPi) by the Lax-Milgram lemma.

Inspecting the relation (EquationDPi) we may write for any φH1(Ω) that-Δui,φ=ui,φ+gi,φΓ=fi-1,φ-δ2ui,φ-Φiu0,φ-k=1iΦkδui-kτ,φ. The term -Δui has to be understood in the sense of duality, as a functional on H1(Ω). The right-hand side can be estimated by Ci(τ)φ. Thus there exists an extension of -Δui to L2(Ω) according to Hahn-Banach theorem, cf. [Citation23, p.173]. This extension will have the same norm as the functional on H1(Ω) and-Δui=fi-1-δ2ui-Φiu0-k=1iΦkδui-kτL2(Ω).(ii) The relation (Equation5) yieldsΦiC1+k=1i-1Φkτ,

which is valid for any i=1,,n. An application of the discrete Grönwall lemma [Citation24] gives the uniform bound of Φi.

Lemma 2.2:

Let the conditions of Lemma 2.1 be satisfied. Moreover assume that u0H1(Ω). Then there exists C>0 such that for any τ<τ0max1jnδuj2+max1jnui2+i=1nδui-δui-12+i=1nui-ui-12C.


If we set φ=δuiτ in (EquationDPi) and sum up for i=1,,j we obtaini=1jδ2ui,δuiτ+i=1jui,δuiτ+i=1jgi,δuiΓτ+i=1jΦiu0,δuiτ(6) +i=1jk=1iΦkδui-kτ,δuiτ=i=1jfi-1,δuiτ.(6)

Let {ai} be any sequence of real numbers, then the following obvious identity holds truei=1jai(ai-ai-1)=12aj2-a02+i=1j(ai-ai-1)2.


andi=1jδui,uiτ=i=1j(ui-ui-1,ui)=12uj2-u02+i=1jui-ui-12. For any real sequences {zi}i=1 and {wi}i=1 the following (summation by parts) identity takes place(7) i=1jzi(wi-wi-1)=zjwj-z0w0-i=1j(zi-zi-1)wi-1.(7)

For the third term of (Equation6) we get by (Equation7)i=1j(gi,δui)Γτ=gj,ujΓ-g0,u0Γ-i=1jδgi,ui-1ΓτgjΓujΓ+g0Γu0Γ+i=1jδgiΓui-1ΓτεujΓ2+Cε+Cεi=1jui-1Γ2τεujH1(Ω)2+Cε+Cεi=1jui-1H1(Ω)2τεuj2+Cε1+i=1jui2τ+i=1jδui2τ.

by Cauchy’s inequality, the trace theorem and Young’s inequality. The fourth guy in (Equation6) is easily bounded byi=1jΦi(u0,δui)τC1+i=1jδui2τ,

as Φi is bounded, see Lemma 2.1. The last term in the left-hand side of (Equation6) isi=1jk=1i(Φkδui-k,δui)τ2Ci=1jk=1iδui-kδui)τ2C1+i=1jδui2τ

again as Φi is bounded, see Lemma 2.1. The right-hand side of (Equation6) can be estimated as followsi=1j(fi-1,δui)τi=1jfi-1δuiτC1+i=1jδui2τ.

Collecting the estimates together and fixing a sufficiently small ε>0 we obtainδuj2+uj2+i=1kδui-δui-12+i=1kui-ui-12C1+i=1jui2τ+i=1jδui2τ.

Applying the discrete Grönwall lemma we conclude the proof.

Lemma 2.3:

Let f:RN+3R be bounded, i.e. |f|C, and globally Lipschitz continuous. Suppose that (EquationMP) is valid at the time t=0 (compatibility condition). Moreover assume that mC3([0,T]), m(0)0, ttgL2(0,T),L2(Γ), v0H1(Ω) and u0V. Then there exists C>0 such that








(i) Multiplying (Equation4) by -Δδuiτ and summing up for i=1,,j we geti=1jδ2ui,-Δδuiτ+i=1jΔui,Δδuiτ+i=1jΦiu0,-Δδuiτ+i=1jk=1iΦkδui-kτ,-Δδuiτ=i=1jfi-1,-Δδuiτ.

We apply the Green’s theorem to find outi=1jδ2ui,δuiτ+i=1jΔui,Δδuiτ+i=1jΦiu0,δuiτ+i=1jk=1iΦkδui-kτ,δuiτ=i=1jfi-1,δuiτ-i=1jδ2ui,δgiΓτ-i=1jΦiu0,δgiΓτ-i=1jk=1iΦkδui-kτ,δgiΓτ+i=1jfi-1,δgiΓτ. It holdsi=1jδ2ui,δuiτ=12δuj2-δu02+i=1jδui-δui-12


Employing the Cauchy and Young inequalities we easily see thati=1jΦiu0,δuiτi=1jΦiu0δuiτC1+i=1jδui2τ,i=1jk=1iΦkδui-kτ,δuiτi=1jk=1iΦkδui-kδuiτ2C1+i=1jδui2τ,i=1jfi-1,δuiτi=1jfi-1δuiτCi=1jui-1+δui-1δuiτC1+i=1jδui2τ,i=1jΦiu0,δgiΓτi=1jΦiu0ΓδgiΓτC,i=1jfi-1,δgiΓτi=1jfi-1ΓδgiΓτC,i=1jk=1iΦkδui-kτ,δgiΓτi=1jk=1iΦkδui-kΓδgiΓτ2C1+i=1jδuiΓ2τC1+i=1jδui2τ. We recall the Nečas inequality [Citation25](8) zΓ2εz2+Cεz2,zH1(Ω),0<ε<ε0.(8)

Summation by parts formula, Cauchy and Young inequalities, trace theorem together with (Equation8) allow us to deduce thati=1jδ2ui,δgiΓτ=δuj,δgjΓ-δu0,δg0Γ-i=1jδui-1,δ2giΓτδujΓδgjΓ+δu0Γδg0Γ+i=1jδui-1Γδ2giΓτCδujΓ2+1+i=1jδui-1Γ2τεδujΓ2+Cε1+i=1jδui2τ.

Summarizing all estimates and fixing a suitable small ε>0 we arrive atδuj2+Δuj2+i=1jδui-δui-12+i=1jΔui-Δui-12C1+i=1jδui2τ. Employing Grönwall’s lemma we conclude the proof.

(ii) The assertion follows from (i) and (Equation4) as followsδ2uiΔui+Φiu0+k=1iΦkδui-kτ+fi-1C.(iii) Subtract (EquationMP) at the time t=0 from (EquationDMPi) for i=1 to observe(9) δm1+δg1,1Γ+K1m0+Φ1m0τ=0K1C.(9)

Applying the δ-operator to (EquationDMPi) we get for i2(10) δmi+δgi,1Γ+Kim0+Φim0+k=1iΦkmi-kτ=δfi-1,1(10)

Taking into account Lemmas 2.1, 2.2 and Lipschitz continuity of f we easily see thatKim(0)δfi-1,1+δmi+δgi,1Γ+Φim0+k=1iΦkmi-kτC1+δui-1+δ2ui-1C.

3. Existence of a solution, uniqueness and error estimates

Now, let us introduce the following piecewise linear functions in timeun:[0,T]L2(Ω):tu0t=0ui-1+(t-ti-1)δuit(ti-1,ti],1in,vn:[0,T]L2(Ω):tv0t=0δui-1+(t-ti-1)δ2uit(ti-1,ti],1in,

and step functionsu¯n:[0,T]L2(Ω):tu0t=0uit(ti-1,ti],1in,v¯n:[0,T]L2(Ω):tv0t=0δuit(ti-1,ti],1in.

Similarly we define Φn, Φ¯n, g¯n, m¯n, m¯n and m¯n. These prolongations are also called Rothe’s (piecewise linear and continuous, or piecewise constant) functions. Now, we can rewrite (EquationDPi) and (EquationDMPi) on the whole time frame asFootnote1tvn,φ+u¯n,φ+g¯n,φΓ+Φ¯nu0,φ+k=1tτΦ¯n(tk)v¯n(t-tk)τ,φ(DP) =f(u¯n(t-τ),v¯n(t-τ)),φ.(DP)

and(DMP) m¯n+(g¯n,1)Γ+Φ¯nm0+k=1tτΦ¯n(tk)m¯n(t-tk)τ=f(u¯n(t-τ),v¯n(t-τ)),1.(DMP)

Now, we are in a position to prove the existence of a weak solution to (EquationP) and (EquationMP).

Theorem 3.1:

Suppose the conditions of Lemma 2.3 are fulfilled. Then there exists a solution (u,K) to (EquationP) and (EquationMP), where uC[0,T],L2(Ω)L(0,T),V with tuC[0,T],L2(Ω)L(0,T),H1(Ω), uttL(0,T),L2(Ω) and ΦKC([0,T]) with KL(0,T).


The functions Φn and tΦn are uniformly bounded in [0,T]. By Arzelà Ascoli theorem we get for a subsequence of Φn (which we denote by the same symbol again to skip double indices) that ΦnΦ in C([0,T]) andΦ(t)-Φ(t)=limnΦn(t)-Φn(t)=limntttΦnlimntttΦnCt-t. Hence, K=tΦ is a.e. in [0,T] bounded. Moreover we have(11) Φn(t)-Φ¯n(t)Cτ.(11)

A priori estimates say that u¯nV+tunC. Due to the compact embedding VL2(Ω) we may invoke [Citation20, Lemma 1.3.13] to claim the existence of uC[0,T],L2(Ω)L(0,T),V with utL(0,T),L2(Ω) and a subsequence of un (denoted by the same symbol again) such thatunu,inC[0,T],L2(Ω)un(t)u(t),inV,t[0,T]u¯n(t)u(t),inV,t[0,T]tuntu,inL2(0,T),L2(Ω).

The limit function u:[0,T]L2(Ω) is moreover Lipschitz continuous, which follows fromun(t)-un(t)=tttunCt-t

when passing to the limit for n. Similarly we have(12) un(t)-u¯n(t)+u¯n(t)-u¯n(t-τ)Cτ.(12)

The stability result v¯nH1(Ω)+tvnC and the compact embedding H1(Ω)L2(Ω) give (by [Citation20, Lemma 1.3.13]) the existence of vC[0,T],L2(Ω)L(0,T),H1(Ω) with vtL(0,T),L2(Ω) and a subsequence of vn (denoted by the same symbol again) such thatvnv,inC[0,T],L2(Ω)vn(t)v(t),inH1(Ω),t[0,T]v¯n(t)v(t),inH1(Ω),t[0,T]tvntv,inL2(0,T),L2(Ω).

The limit function v:[0,T]L2(Ω) is again Lipschitz continuous, which follows fromvn(t)-vn(t)=tttvnCt-t

when passing to the limit for n. Analogously, we get(13) vn(t)-v¯n(t)+v¯n(t)-v¯n(t-τ)Cτ.(13)

Moreover, taking into account un(t)-u0=0ttun=0tv¯n, letting n go to infinity and differentiating the result with respect to the time variable we see that v=tu.

Finally, the regularity of g, m together with the convergences above allow us to pass to the limit for n in (EquationDP) and (EquationDMP) to arrive at (EquationP) and (EquationMP). Thus the couple (u,Φ) is a solution to (EquationP) and (EquationMP).

Now, we are in a position to state unicity of solution. Suppose (u1,K1) and (u2,K2) solve (EquationP)–(EquationMP). We set K:=K1-K2 and u:=u1-u2. Then by subtracting the corresponding variational formulations from each other we obtain

Theorem 3.2:

Let f:RN+3R be bounded, i.e. |f|C, and globally Lipschitz continuous. Moreover assume that mC2([0,T]), m(0)0, tgL2(0,T),L2(Γ), v0L2(Ω) and u0H1(Ω). Then the problem (EquationP)–(EquationMP) has at most one solution satisfying uC[0,T],L2(Ω)L(0,T),V with tuC[0,T],L2(Ω)L(0,T),H1(Ω), uttL(0,T),L2(Ω) and ΦKC([0,T]) with KL(0,T).


The Lipschitz continuity of f and (14b) implyΦK(t)Cu(t)+tu(t)+0tΦK(s)ds,

which by Grönwall’s lemma givesΦK(t)Cu(t)+tu(t)+0tu(s)+tu(s)ds(15) Ctu(t)+0ttu(s)ds(15)

We put φ=tu in (14a) and integrate in time12tu(t)2+12u(t)2+0tΦKu0,tu+0tΦKtu2,tu+0tΦK1tu,tu=0tf(u1,tu1)-f(u2,tu2),tu. Using Cauchy’s inequality, we obtain successively the bounds0tf(u1,tu1)-f(u2,tu2),tu0tf(u1,tu1)-f(u2,tu2)tu0tu+tutuC0tu2+tu2C0ttu2

as f is Lipschitz,0tΦK1tu,tu0tΦK1tutuC0tΦK1tu2+tu2C0ttu2

using ΦK1(t)C. Taking into account tu2(t)C and (Equation15)0tΦKtu2,tu0tΦKtu2tuC0tΦKtu22+tu2C0tΦK2+tu2C0ttu2.

Finally, we deduce that by (Equation15)0tΦKu0,tuC0tΦKtuC0tΦK2+tu2C0ttu2.

Grouping all estimates together we see thattu(t)2+u(t)2C0ttu2t[0,T].

Grönwall’s lemma implies that u(t)=0 and from (Equation15) we conclude ΦK(t)=0. By differentiation we have K(t)=0.

The convergences of Rothe’s functions towards the weak solution (EquationP)–(EquationMP) (as stated in the proof of Theorem 3.1) have been shown for a subsequence. Note, that taking into account Theorem 3.2 we see that the whole Rothe’s functions converge against the solution. Error estimates are addressed in the next theorem.

Theorem 3.3:

Suppose the conditions of Lemma 2.3 are fulfilled. Thenmaxt[0,T]ΦK(t)-Φn(t)2+maxt[0,T]tu(t)-vn(t)2+maxt[0,T]u(t)-un(t)H1(Ω)2Cτ.


Subtract (EquationMP) from (EquationDMP) to getΦn-ΦKm0=ΦK-Φnm+Φnm-k=1tτΦ¯n(tk)m¯n(t-tk)τ+f(u¯n(t-τ),v¯n(t-τ))-f(u(t),tu(t)),1(16) +m-m¯n-(g¯n-g,1)Γ-Φ¯n-Φnm0.(16)


by the mean value theorem, mC3([0,T]) and ttgL2(0,T),L2(Γ). Triangle inequality, (Equation12), (Equation13), Lipschitz continuity of f implyf(u¯n(t-τ),v¯n(t-τ))-f(u(t),tu(t)),1Cun(t)-u(t)+vn(t)-tu(t)+Oτ. Using mC3([0,T]) and (Equation11) we easily getΦnm-k=1tτΦ¯n(tk)m¯n(t-tk)τ+Φ¯n-Φnm0=Oτ.

This together with (Equation16) and (Equation13) sayΦn(t)-ΦK(t)Cτ+un(t)-u(t)+vn(t)-tu(t)+0tΦn(s)-ΦK(s)ds. Hence, by Grönwall’s argument we obtainΦn(t)-ΦK(t)Cτ+un(t)-u(t)+vn(t)-tu(t)(17) +C0tun(t)-u(t)+vn-tuds.(17)

Now, subtract (EquationDP) from (EquationP) to getttu-tvn,φ+u-u¯n,φ+g-g¯n,φΓ+ΦK-Φ¯nu0,φ+ΦKtu-k=1tτΦ¯n(tk)v¯n(t-tk)τ,φ=f(u,tu)-f(u¯n(t-τ),v¯n(t-τ)),φ.

Based on the triangle inequality, (Equation11)–(Equation13) andun(t)-u¯n(t)H1(Ω)+u¯n(t)-u¯n(t-τ)H1(Ω)Cτ

we are allowed to writettu-tvn,φ+u-un,φ+ΦK-Φnu0,φ+ΦK-Φntu,φ(18) +Φntu-vn,φ=f(u,tu)-f(un,vn),φ+OτφH1(Ω).(18)

Now, we set φ=t(u-un) and integrate in time0tttu-tvn,t(u-un)+12u(t)-un(t)2+0tΦK-Φnu0,t(u-un)+0tΦK-Φntu,t(u-un)+0tΦntu-vn,t(u-un)(19) =0tf(u,tu)-f(un,vn),t(u-un)+Oτ0tt(u-un)H1(Ω).(19)

The following estimate is the classical bottleneck for hyperbolic problems, i.e. the Oτ bound0tttu-tvn,t(u-un)=0tttu-tvn,tu-vn+0tttu-tvn,vn-tun12tu(t)-vn(t)2-Cτ.

A simple deduction yields0tΦK-Φnu0,t(u-un)0tΦK-Φnu0t(u-un)C0tΦK-Φn2+0tt(u-un)2(13)Cτ2+0tΦK-Φn2+0ttu-vn)2(17)Cτ2+0tu-un)2+0ttu-vn)2(13)Cτ2+0ttu-vn)2.

Similarly we deduce0tΦK-Φntu,t(u-un)Cτ2+0ttu-vn)2

as tuC. Further0tΦntu-vn,t(u-un)C0tΦntu-vnt(u-un)C0tΦntu-vn2+0tt(u-un)2(13)Cτ2+0tΦntu-vn2+0ttu-vn)2Cτ2+0ttu-vn)2 as |Φn(t)|C. Using the Lipschitz continuity of f we derive in a standard way0tf(u,tu)-f(un,vn),t(u-un)0tf(u,tu)-f(un,vn)t(u-un)C0tu-un+tun-vnt(u-un)(13)C0tu-un+tun-vnτ+tu-vn)Cτ2+0ttun-vn2. Summarizing all estimates we arrive attu(t)-vn(t)2+u(t)-un(t)2Cτ+0ttun-vn2

which holds true in [0,T]. By Grönwall’s argument we concludemaxt[0,T]tu(t)-vn(t)2+maxt[0,T]u(t)-un(t)2Cτ.


and by (Equation17) we concludeΦK(t)-Φn(t)Cτ.

4. Numerical experiment

In this section, we support theoretical results from previous sections on a concrete example, testing convergence of the computational scheme and error estimates from Theorem 3.3. Let’s take xR,x[0,π] and T=π/2. Further we setg(x,t)=(1+2t-t2)cosx,u0(x)=sinx,v0(x)=2sinx,f(x,t,u(x,t),tu(x,t))=(et+2t-2)sinx,m(t)=2+4t-t2.

Figure 1. Convergence rate on logarithmic scale.

Figure 1. Convergence rate on logarithmic scale.

Figure 2. Absolute error |Ki-K(ti)| for different τ.

Figure 2. Absolute error |Ki-K(ti)| for different τ.

One can easily check that the exact solution to (Equation1) and (Equation2) is u(x,t)=(1+2t-t2)sinx and K=et. We divide the space interval in 200 equidistant subintervals. We choose the time step as τ=2jπ/100, where j=0,-1,-2,-3. We denote the left-hand side of inequality from Theorem 3.3 as E:E=maxt[0,T]ΦK(t)-Φn(t)2+maxt[0,T]tu(t)-vn(t)2+maxt[0,T]u(t)-un(t)H1(Ω)2.

The errors for mentioned τ are depicted in Figure , where the errors log2E are plotted as a function of log2τ. The linear regression line through all the data points is given by log2E=1.9502log2τ+5.2155, which indicates the convergence rate Oτ. This error estimate is better that the theoretical result Oτ from Theorem 3.3. The absolute error for K,i.e. |Ki-K(ti)|, is shown for τ=2jπ/50,j=-1,-2,-3 in Figure .

5. Conclusion

A semilinear hyperbolic integro-differential problem of second order with an unknown convolution kernel is considered. The well-posedness of a weak solution for the IBVP is proved. The missing integral kernel is recovered from an additional space-integral measurement. A numerical algorithm based on Rothe’s method is established, convergence of approximations towards the exact solution is demonstrated and the error estimates are derived. The IP was reformulated to a direct system of two equations. Please note that the suggested algorithm involves time derivatives of measurements, thus the IP is moderately ill-posed. There arises a natural question how to deal with noisy data? In such a case we suggest to regularize the measurements first and then to apply the suggested scheme.

Additional information


The research was supported by the IAP P7/02-project of the Belgian Science Policy.


No potential conflict of interest was reported by the authors.

1 tτ=i when t(ti-1,ti].


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