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On a final value problem for the time-fractional diffusion equation with inhomogeneous source

, , &
Pages 1367-1395 | Received 16 Aug 2015, Accepted 05 Nov 2016, Published online: 30 Nov 2016


In this paper, we consider an inverse problem for the time-fractional diffusion equation with inhomogeneous source to determine an initial data from the observation data provided at a later time. In general, this problem is ill-posed, therefore we construct a regularizing solution using the quasi-boundary value method. We also proposed both parameter choice rule methods, the a-priori and the a-posteriori methods, to estimate the convergence rate of the regularized methods. In addition, the proposed regularized methods have been verified by numerical experiments, and a comparison of the convergence rate between the a-priori and the a-posteriori choice rule methods is also given.

AMS Subject Classifications:

1. Introduction

The aim of this paper is to design the methods to recover the initial data from a final value problem for an inhomogeneous time-fractional diffusion equation. Diffusive transport is one of the most important transport mechanisms found in nature. At a microscopic level, the diffusion is the result of the random motion of individual particles, and the use of the Laplacian operator to model this motion relies on the key assumption that this random motion is a stochastic Gaussian process. However, a growing number of studies on diffusive phenomena have shown the prevalence of anomalous diffusion, in which the mean square variance grows faster (in the case of superdiffusion) or slower (in the case of subdiffusion) than in a Gaussian diffusion process. Nowadays, anomalous diffusion becomes ’normal’ in spatially disordered systems, porous media, fractal media,[Citation1Citation14] turbulent fluids and plasmas [Citation15,Citation16], biological media with traps, binding sites or macro-molecular crowding,[Citation17,Citation18] stock price movements.[Citation19,Citation20] As we know, the study on the inverse problems for fractional-order systems are still not well-covered. Since the fractional derivative is nonlocal, the backward problems for such models become much more difficult due to the following two reasons: The first reason, the backward problems for diffusion processes are ill posed, corresponding to the irreversibility of time; the second reason, the strong smoothing effect of the forward diffusion process makes it very difficult to reconstruct the possible discontinuities arising in the initial status.

In this work, we consider the problem of recovering the distribution u(x, 0) from a final value problem for the following inhomogeneous time-fractional diffusion equation:(1.1) tαu(x,t)=Au(x,t)+F(x,t),(x,t)Ω×(0,T),u(x,t)=0,(x,t)Ω×(0,T),u(x,T)=g(x),xΩ·(1.1)

where Ω is a bounded domain in Rd with sufficient smooth boundary Ω, and T>0 is a given number; the source function FL(0,T;L2(Ω)) and the final data gL2(Ω) are given. Here α(0,1) is the fractional order of αutα referred to the Caputo fractional derivative with respect to t of the order α defined bytαu=αutα:=1Γ(1-α)0t(t-s)-αu(s)ds,

and Γ(x) denotes the standard Gamma function. The operator A is a symmetric uniformly elliptic operator. Note that if the fractional order α tends to unity, the fractional derivative tαu becomes the first-order derivative tu, and thus problem (Equation1.1) reproduces the standard parabolic equation. The objective of this study is to obtain the initial status of a physical field from its measurement data at the present time. Therefore, our backward problem (Equation1.1) is to find the approximate solution u(xt) for t[0,T) corresponding to (gF) from the noisy data (gϵ,Fϵ) such that(1.2) gϵ-gL2(Ω)ϵ;Fϵ-FL(0,T;L2(Ω))ϵ,(1.2)

for some known error level ϵ>0 .

As it is well known, that the problem (Equation1.1) is ill-posed, i.e. the solutions do not always exist, and in the case of existence, the solutions do not depend continuously on the given data. In fact, from small noise of physical measurement data, the corresponding solutions may have the large errors. It makes difficult to a numerical calculation. Hence, a regularization method is required.

When α=1, the problem (Equation1.1) is a classical problem and has been particularly active in the past 30 years using many regularization methods, for example, see [Citation8] and the references therein. However, there are not many studies on the fractional backward problem (Equation1.1) for α(0,1). For the homogeneous case of backward problem, i.e. F=0 in (Equation1.1), there are very few works. For example, Sakamoto and Yamamoto [Citation6] have proved that there exists a unique weak solution for this backward problem; Liu et al. [Citation21] used a quasi-reversibility method to solve the homogeneous backward problem in one-dimensional case for special coefficients; and very recently, it has been considered by some other authors, such as [Citation10Citation12,Citation22Citation24].

Up-to-date, to the best of our knowledge, we could not find any result on backward problem for inhomogeneous time-fractional diffusion equation. Motivated by this reason, in this paper, we mainly propose a priori and an a posteriori regularization parameter choice rule using the quasi boundary value method. The quasi boundary value method, also called non-local boundary value problem method, is a regularization technique by replacing the final condition by a new approximate condition in such a way that the new problem is well-posed. In comparison with previous studies [Citation3,Citation11,Citation21,Citation22] on solving a time-fractional backward diffusion problem, our method shows an improvement in dealing with the time-fractional inverse diffusion problems with inhomogeneous source.

The manuscript is organized as follows. In Section 2, we introduce some well-known results on a forward problem. The conditional stability are described in Section 3. In Section 4, we propose a quasi-boundary value (QBV) method and provide two convergence estimates under an a priori assumption for the exact solution, and two regularization parameter choice rules. Eventually, two numerical examples are verified in Section 5.

2. The forward time-fractional diffusion problem

In order to solve the backward problem, we first recall in this section some well-known results from the forward problem for inhomogeneous time-fractional diffusion. The forward problem reads as: Given u0 and F, find u satisfying(2.1) tαu=Au(x,t)+F(x,t),(x,t)Ω×(0,T),u(x,t)=0,(x,t)Ω×(0,T),u(x,0)=u0(x),xΩ.(2.1)

Here, A is a symmetric uniformly elliptic operator defined byAv(x)=i=1dxij=1dAij(x)xjv(x)+C(x)v(x),xΩ,

where the coefficient functions AijC1(Ω¯) (for i,j=1,,d) and CC(Ω¯) satisfyAij=Aji,νi=1dξi2i=1dj=1dAij(x)ξiξjandC(x)0,xΩ¯,ξRd.

Here, ν is a positive constant independent of x and ξ.

Since A is a linear densely defined self-adjoint and positive definite elliptic operator on the connected bounded domain Ω with zero Dirichlet boundary condition, the eigenvalues of A satisfy0<λ1λ2λ3λn

with λn as n; see [Citation25]. The corresponding eigenfunctions are denoted, respectively, by φnH01(Ω). Thus the eigenpair (λn,φn), n=1,2,..., satisfiesAφn(x)=-λnφn(x),xΩφn(x)=0,xΩ.

The functions φn are normalized so that {φn}n=1 is an orthonormal basis of L2(Ω).


where ·,· is the inner product in L2(Ω), then Hk(Ω) is a Hilbert space equipped with normvHk(Ω)=n=1λn2k|v,φn|21/2.

The exact solution u of (Equation2.1) can be represented by its Fourier series as follows (see [Citation26])(2.2) u(x,t)=n=1Eα,1(-λntα)u0,n+0tGn(α,t-τ)Fn(τ)dτφn(x).(2.2)

where Eα,β the Mittag–Leffler function which plays an important role in time-fractional PDEs and is defined, for α>0 and βR, byEα,β(z)=k=0zkΓ(αk+β),zC.


An existence and uniqueness result for the forward problem (Equation2.1) has been obtained in Sakamoto and Yamamoto [Citation6]. Numerical methods for this problem have been studied; see for example Jin et al. [Citation27], McLean [Citation28], Mustapha and McLean [Citation29]. We finish this section by recalling some asymptotic results for the Mittag–Leffler function which can be found in [Citation21] or in [Citation2, Chapter 1]. More general results can be found in [Citation2].

Lemma 2.1:

Let 0<α0<α1<1. Then there exists positive constants C1-, C1+, C2-, and C2+ such that for all α[α0,α1] there holdC1-αex1/αEα,1(x)C1+αex1/αx0,C2-Γ(1-α)11-xEα,1(x)C2+Γ(1-α)11-xx0.

Lemma 2.2:

Assume that α(0,1). Then the Mittag–Leffler function have the asymptoticEα,1(x)=1αex1/α-1xΓ(1-α)+O1x2,x+,Eα,1(x)=-1xΓ(1-α)+O1x2,x-,Eα,0(x)=1αx1/αex1/α-1xΓ(-α)+O1x2,x+,Eα,0(x)=-1xΓ(-α)+O1x2,x-.

In next section, we consider a backward problem for inhomogeneous time fractional diffusion equation by using regularization methods.

3. The backward time-fractional diffusion problem

3.1. The existence and regularity of solutions

Before proceeding to derive the existence and regularity of the solution of the problem (Equation1.1), we introduce a useful lemma.

Lemma 3.1:



Let FL(0,T;L2(Ω)). If 0<d<4 then there exists a positive constant M1 such that(3.1) I1:=n=1|0tGn(α,t-τ)Fn(τ)dτ|2M1FL(0,T;L2(Ω))2.(3.1) If d>0 and γ>d4-1, then there exists a positive constant M2 such thatI2:=n=11λn2γ|0tGn(α,t-τ)Fn(τ)dτ|2M2FL(0,T;L2(Ω))2.


Suppose further that FL(0,T;H2(Ω)). Then for 0<d<4 there holdsI3:=n=1λn2|0tGn(α,t-τ)Fn(τ)dτ|2M1FL(0,T;H2(Ω))2· where M1 is the constant in (Equation3.1).

Part (a): First, we note that for 0tT there holds(3.2) |Fn(t)|2k=1|F(·,t),φk|2FL(0,T;L2(Ω))2.(3.2)

Moreover, it follows from [Citation6, Lemma 3.2] that ddtEα,1(-λntα)=-λnGn(α,t),t>0, which together with Eα,1(0)=1 implies0tGn(α,τ)dτ=1λn(1-Eα,1(-λntα)).

On the other hand, [Citation6, Lemma 3.3] gives Eα,1(-λntα)0 so that Gn(α,t)0 for all t0. Hence(3.3) 00tGn(α,τ)dτ1λn,t0.(3.3)

Combining (Equation3.2) and (Equation3.3) yieldsI1=n=1|0tGn(α,t-τ)Fn(τ)dτ|2FL(0,T;L2(Ω))2n=10tGn(α,t-τ)dτ2FL(0,T;L2(Ω))2n=11λn2.

It is known that λnCn2/d for nN, where C is a positive constant independent of n; see e.g. Courant and Hilbert [Citation30]. Hence for 0<d<4 by letting M1:=1C2n=11n4/d, we prove (Equation3.1). Similarly, we haveI2FL(0,T;L2(Ω))2n=11λn2γ+2.

If d>0 and γ>d4-1 (implying 4(γ+1)/d>1), then by lettingM2:=1C2γ+2n=11n4(γ+1)/d,

we complete the proof Part (a).

Part (b): For 0tT, we haveλn2|Fn(t)|2k=1λk2|F(·,t),φk|2FL(0,T;H2(Ω))2,

and the boundedness of I3 follows as that of I1.

The following theorem gives the necessary and sufficient conditions for the existence of the solution of (Equation1.1).

Theorem 3.2:

Assume that gL2(Ω) and FL(0,T;L2(Ω)).


If the problem (Equation1.1) has a unique solution, then(3.4) gn=Eα,1(-λnTα)un(0)+0TGn(α,T-τ)Fn(τ)dτ·(3.4) where we recall that gn=g,φn and Fn(τ)=F(·,τ),φn. Moreover,(3.5) u(·,t)L2(Ω)3C2+TαC2-tαgL2(Ω)+M1FL(0,T;L2(Ω))+3M1FL(0,T;L2(Ω))·(3.5) where C2+, C2-, and M1 are the constants given in Lemmas 2.1 and 3.1.


The problem (Equation1.1) has a unique solution u if and only if(3.6) n=1gn-0TGn(α,T-τ)Fn(τ)dτEα,1(-λnTα)2<·(3.6)


If gF satisfies gH2(Ω) and FL(0,T;H2(Ω)) then the condition (Equation3.6) holds when d<4.

Part (a): Suppose Problem (Equation1.1) has a unique solution u. Then u is the solution of the forward problem (Equation2.1) with u0(x)=n=1un(0)φn(x). It follows from (Equation2.2) thatg(x)=u(x,T)=n=1Eα,1(-λnTα)un(0)+0TGn(α,T-τ)Fn(τ)dτφn(x),

which implies (Equation3.4). Solving (Equation3.4) for un(0) we obtain(3.7) un(0)=gn-0TGn(α,T-τ)Fn(τ)dτEα,1(-λnTα)·(3.7)

Therefore(3.8) u(·,t)L2(Ω)2=n=1Eα,1(-λntα)Eα,1(-λnTα)gn-0TGn(α,T-τ)Fn(τ)dτ+0tGn(α,t-τ)Fn(τ)dτ2·(3.8)

Lemma 2.1 gives0Eα,1(-λntα)Eα,1(-λnTα)C2+1+λntα1+λnTαC2-=C2+Tα(λn+1/Tα)C2-tα(λn+1/tα)C2+TαC2-tα·

Using the inequality (a+b+c)23(a2+b2+c2) and Lemma 3.1 we deduceu(·,t)L2(Ω)23n=1Eα,1(-λntα)Eα,1(-λnTα)2((gn)2+|0TGn(α,T-τ)Fn(τ)dτ|2)+3n=1|0tGn(α,t-τ)Fn(τ)dτ|23C2+TαC2-tα2gL2(Ω)2+M1FL(0,T;L2(Ω))2+3M1FL(0,T;L2(Ω))2·

Thus (Equation3.5) is followed.

Part (b): Now assume that (Equation1.1) has a unique solution. Then (Equation3.7) givesn=1gn-0TGn(α,T-τ)Fn(τ)dτEα,1(-λnTα)2=n=1un(0)2=u(·,0)L2(Ω)2<·

Conversely, if (Equation3.6) holds, then if u0 is defined by(3.9) u0(x)=n=1gn-0TGn(α,T-τ)Fn(τ)dτEα,1(-λnTα)φn(x),(3.9)

then clearly u0L2(Ω). Now, we consider the problem of finding u satisfying the forward time-fractional diffusion problemtαu(x,t)=Au(x,t)+F(x,t),(x,t)Ω×(0,T),u(x,t)=0,(x,t)Ω×(0,T),u(x,0)=u0(x),xΩ·

Since u0L2(Ω) and FL(0,T;L2(Ω)), the above problem has a unique solution u given by (Equation2.2). Combining (Equation2.2) and (Equation3.9), we obtain u(x,T)=n=1gnφn(x)=g(x), so that u is a solution of the backward problem (Equation1.1).

Part (c): Finally, we prove that if g and F satisfy gH2(Ω) and FL(0,T;H2(Ω)) then the condition (Equation3.6) holds. In fact, we have(3.10) n=1gn-0TGn(α,T-τ)Fn(τ)dτEα,1(-λnTα)22n=1|gn|2|Eα,1(-λnTα)|2+2n=1|0TGn(α,T-τ)Fn(τ)dτ,φn|2|Eα,1(-λnTα)|2·(3.10)

Using the inequality (see Lemma 2.1) 1Eα,1(-λnTα)1+λnTαC2-Tα+1/λ1C2-λn, we obtain(3.11) n=1|gn|2|Eα,1(-λnTα)|2n=1Tα+1/λ1C2-2λn2|gn|2=Tα+1/λ1C2-2gH2(Ω)2(3.11)

and(3.12) n=1|0TGn(α,T-τ)Fn(τ)dτ,φn|2|Eα,1(-λnTα)|2Tα+1/λ1C2-2n=1λn2|0TGn(α,T-τ)Fn(τ)dτ|2M1Tα+1/λ1C2-2FL(0,T;H2(Ω))2,(3.12)

where in the last step we used Lemma 3.1(b). Combining (Equation3.10)–(Equation3.12), we complete the proof of Part (c).

Theorem 3.3:

Assume that (Equation1.1) has a solution u which satisfies u(·,0)Hk(Ω) for some k>0. Let M be a positive constant which satisfies(3.13) u(·,0)Hk(Ω)M·(3.13)

Then we have(3.14) u(·,0)L2(Ω)P(k,g,F)M1k+1·(3.14)


where M1 is the constant given by Lemma 3.1.

It follows from (Equation3.8) that(3.15) u(·,0)L2(Ω)2=n=1gn-0TGn(α,T-τ)Fn(τ)dτ2|Eα,1(-λnTα)|2=n=1gn-0TGn(α,T-τ)Fn(τ)dτ2k+1gn-0TGn(α,T-τ)Fn(τ)dτ2kk+1|Eα,1(-λnTα)|2A11k+1A2kk+1,(3.15)


The term A1 can be estimated by using Lemma 2.1 and (Equation3.7) as follows(3.16) A1=n=11|Eα,1(-λnTα)|2kgn-0TGn(α,T-τ)Fn(τ)dτ2|Eα,1(-λnTα)|2n=1λn2k(C2-)2k|un(0)|2=1(C2-)2ku(·,0)Hk(Ω)2·(3.16)

The term A2 can be easily estimated by using Lemma 3.1(3.17) A22n=1(gn)2+2n=1|0TGn(α,T-τ)Fn(τ)dτ|22gL2(Ω)2+M1FL(0,T;L2(Ω))2·(3.17)

Combining (Equation3.15)–(Equation3.17), we complete the proof of the Theorem.

4. QBV regularization method and error estimate

In this section, we shall regularize the problem (Equation1.1) with pertubed given data Fϵ and gϵ satisfying (Equation1.2). The regularized problem reads as: Find uβϵ satisfying(4.1) αuβϵtα(x,t)=Auβϵ(x,t)+Fϵ(x,t)(x,t)Ω×(0,T),uβϵ(x,t)=0(x,t)Ω×(0,T),uβϵ(x,T)+βuβϵ(x,0)=gϵ(x)xΩ,(4.1)

where β is a regularizing parameter. The basic idea of the above regularization, which was initially developed for parabolic final value problems,[Citation31,Citation32] is to add an appropriate ‘corrector’, βuβϵ, into the final value condition. This regularization is called the QBV method which is applied for some other ill-posed problem, for example [Citation4,Citation9,Citation33,Citation35].

The condition uβϵ(x,T)+βuβϵ(x,0)=gϵ(x) gives(4.2) uβϵ(x,0),φn(x)=gnϵ-0TGn(α,T-τ)Fnϵ(τ)dτβ(ϵ)+Eα,1(-λnTα)·(4.2)

Therefore, (Equation4.1) can be rewritten as(4.3) αtαuβϵ(x,t)=Auβϵ(x,t)+Fϵ(x,t)(x,t)Ω×(0,T),uβϵ(x,t)=0(x,t)Ω×(0,T),uβϵ(x,0)=hϵ(x)xΩ,(4.3)

where(4.4) hϵ(x)=n=11β(ϵ)+Eα,1(-λnTα)gnϵ-0TGn(α,T-τ)Fnϵ(τ)dτφn(x).(4.4)  

4.1. The existence, uniqueness of a solution of the problem (Equation4.1)

In the next theorem, we shall study the existence, uniqueness and stability of (weak) solution of the problem (Equation4.1).

Theorem 4.1:

The problem (Equation4.1) has uniquely a solution uβϵL([0,T];L2(Ω))-pagination satisfying(4.5) uβϵ(x,t)=n=1Eα,1(-λntα)β(ϵ)+Eα,1(-λnTα)gnϵ-0TGn(α,T-τ)Fnϵ(τ)dτφn(x)+n=10tGn(α,t-τ)Fnϵ(τ)dτφn(x).(4.5)

Moreover, the solution depends continuously on gL2(Ω).

According the results of the forward problem, it is easy to show that the solution of Problem (Equation4.3) satisfies (Equation4.5). We omit it here. In the following section, we will provide two convergence estimates for uβϵ(x,0)-u(x,0)L2(Ω) by using an a priori and posteriori choice rules for the regularization parameter. To do so, we introduce the function vβ as follows:(4.6) vβ(x,t)=n=1Eα,1(-λntα)β(ϵ)+Eα,1(-λnTα)gn-0TGn(α,T-τ)Fn(τ)dτφn(x)+n=10tGn(α,t-τ)Fn(τ)dτφn(x).(4.6)

We show the smoothness of the regularization uβϵ. Indeed, using the inequality Eα,1(-λntα)β(ϵ)+Eα,1(-λnTα)1β(ϵ) and Lemma 3.1, part a, we get for all t[0,T](4.7) uβϵ(.,t)L2(Ω)2=n=1[Eα,1(-λntα)β(ϵ)+Eα,1(-λnTα)(gnϵ-0TGn(α,T-τ)Fnϵ(τ)dτ)+0tGn(α,t-τ)Fnϵ(τ)dτ]23[β(ϵ)]2n=1((gnϵ)2+|0TGn(α,T-τ)Fn(τ)dτ|2)+3n=1|0tGn(α,t-τ)Fn(τ)dτ|23[β(ϵ)]2[gϵL2(Ω)2+M1FϵL(0,T;L2(Ω))2]+3M1FϵL(0,T;L2(Ω))2.(4.7)

This implies that uβϵL([0,T];L2(Ω)).

4.2. Convergence estimate under an a priori regularization parameter choice rule

In the following, even though we will choose β depending on ϵ, we still clearly show the dependence of the solution of (4.1) on β, namely we will still denote the solution by uβϵ, because the different choices of β give rise to different error estimates. We first introduce the following elementary lemma.

Lemma 4.2:

Let k,μ,λ1 be positive constant. Let G be a function defined by(4.8) G(z)=μz1-kμz+C2-,z>0,(4.8)

where C2- is defined in Lemma 2.1. Then(4.9) G(z)B~1(k,C2-)μkif0<k<1B~2(k,C2-,λ1)μ,ifk1,zλ1.(4.9)

where(4.10) B~1(k,C2-)=kC2-k[(1-k)]1-k,B~2(k,C2-,λ1)=1C2-λ1k-1·(4.10)  


If k1, then from zλ1, we have(4.11) G(z)=μz1-kμz+C2-=μ(μz+C2-)zk-1μC2-zk-1μC2-λ1k-1·(4.11)


If 0<k<1, then it is easy to see that limz0G(z)=limz+G(z)=0· By taking the derivative of G with respect to z, we have(4.12) G(z)=μz-k[(1-k)C2--μkz](μz+C2-)2·(4.12)

G(z) attains maximum value at z=z0 which satisfies G(z)=0. Solving G(z0)=0, we get z0=(1-k)C2-kμ.

Hence,(4.13) G(z)G(z0)=G((1-k)C2-kμ)=kC2-k[(1-k)]1-kμk·(4.13)

We are now ready to prove the main result with a priori choices of the regularization parameter β.

Theorem 4.3:

Let us choose the regularizing parameter β=β(ϵ) satisfying(4.14) limϵ0β(ϵ)=limϵ0ϵβ(ϵ)=0·(4.14) (1) Assuming that (Equation1.1) has a solution u satisfying u(.,0)L2(Ω). Then for t(0,T], the following estimate holds(4.15) uβϵ(.,t)-u(.,t)L2(Ω)6(M1+1)ϵβ(ϵ)+β(ϵ)C2+C2-Ttαu(.,0)L2(Ω)·(4.15) (2) Suppose the a priori condition (Equation3.13) holds for some k>0 and M>0. Then we have(4.16) uβϵ(x,0)-u(x,0)L2(Ω)6(M1+1)ϵβ(ϵ)+B~1(k,C2-)M|β(ϵ)|kif0<k<1B~2(k,C2-,λ1)Mβ(ϵ),ifk1(4.16)

Here M1 and C2- are recalled from Lemmas 3.1 and 2.1, respectively

Remark 4.4:


Let us choose β(ϵ)=ϵk,0<k<1, then(4.17) uβϵ(.,t)-u(.,t)L2(Ω)6(M1+1)ϵ1-k+ϵkC2+C2-(Tt)αu(.,0)L2(Ω).(4.17)


(a) If 0<k<1 then by choosing β(ϵ)=ϵM1k+1, the convergence estimate uβϵ(.,0)-u(.,0)L2(Ω) is of order ϵkk+1. (b) If k1 then by choosing β(ϵ)=ϵM12, the convergence estimate uβϵ(.,0)-u(.,0)L2(Ω) is of order ϵ12.

By the triangle inequality, we know(4.18) uβϵ(.,t)-u(.,t)L2(Ω)uβϵ(.,t)-vβ(.,t)L2(Ω)+vβ(.,t)-u(.,t)L2(Ω).(4.18) Proof Part 1: For t>0, we first give an estimate for the first term. In fact, from (Equation4.5), (Equation4.6), and using the inequality (a+b+c)23(a2+b2+c2) , we obtain(4.19) uβϵ(.,t)-vβ(.,t)L2(Ω)23n=1[Eα,1(-λntα)β(ϵ)+Eα,1(-λnTα)]2(gnϵ-gn)2+3n=1[Eα,1(-λntα)β(ϵ)+Eα,1(-λnTα)]2|0TGn(α,T-τ)(Fnϵ(τ)-Fn(τ))dτ|2+3n=1[0tGn(α,t-τ)(Fnϵ(τ)-Fn(τ))dτ]23[β(ϵ)]2(gϵ-gL2(Ω)2+M1Fϵ-FL(0,T;L2(Ω))2)+3M1Fϵ-FL(0,T;L2(Ω))23ϵ2[M1+M1+1[β(ϵ)]2]6(M1+1)ϵ2[β(ϵ)]2·(4.19)

where we used that M1+1M1+1β(ϵ). Next, we continue to estimate the second term as follows:(4.20) vβ(x,t)-u(x,t)L2(Ω)=n=1[Eα,1(-λntα)β(ϵ)+Eα,1(-λnTα)-Eα,1(-λntα)Eα,1(-λnTα)][gn-0TGn(α,T-τ)Fn(τ)dτ]φn(x)L2(Ω)=n=1[β(ϵ)Eα,1(-λntα)β(ϵ)+Eα,1(-λnTα)gn-0TGn(α,T-τ)Fn(τ)dτEα,1(-λnTα)]φn(x)L2(Ω)=n=1β(ϵ)Eα,1(-λntα)β(ϵ)+Eα,1(-λnTα)<u(x,0),φn(x)>φn(x)L2(Ω)β(ϵ)supnNEα,1(-λntα)β(ϵ)+Eα,1(-λnTα)n=1|<u(.,0),φn(x)>φn(x)|2β(ϵ)C2+C2-(Tt)αu(.,0)L2(Ω)·(4.20) Combining (Equation4.17) and (Equation4.18), we obtain (Equation4.14).

Proof Part 2:

Now, we return to the proof of Part 2. We have the following estimate:(4.21) vβ(.,0)-u(.,0)L2(Ω)=n=1β(ϵ)β(ϵ)+Eα,1(-λnTα)2|<u(x,0),φn(x)>|2n=1β(ϵ)λn-kβ(ϵ)+Eα,1(-λnTα)2λn2k|<u(x,0),φn(x)>|2supnN[β(ϵ)λn-kβ(ϵ)+Eα,1(-λnTα)]u(.,0)Hk(Ω).(4.21)

On other hand, using the inequality Eα,1(-λnTα)C2-λn and Lemma 4.1, we have(4.22) β(ϵ)λn-kβ(ϵ)+C2-λn=β(ϵ)G(λn)B~1(k,C2-)|β(ϵ)|kif0<k<1B~2(k,C2-,λ1)β(ϵ),ifk1·(4.22)

Combining (Equation4.17), (Equation4.19), (Equation4.20), we obtain(4.23) uβϵ(x,0)-u(x,0)L2(Ω)uβϵ(x,0)-vβ(x,0)L2(Ω)+vβ(x,0)-u(x,0)L2(Ω)2(M1+1)ϵβ(ϵ)+B~1(k,C2-)M|β(ϵ)|kif0<k<1B~2(k,C2-,λ1)Mβ(ϵ),ifk1·(4.23)

The proof is completed.

4.3. Convergence estimate under an a posteriori regularization parameter choice rule

First, we recall uβϵ(x,0) as in (Equation4.5) as follows(4.24) uβϵ(x,0)=n=11β(ϵ)+Eα,1(-λnTα)[gnϵ-0TGn(α,T-τ)Fnϵ(τ)dτ]φn(x),uβ(x,0)=n=11β(ϵ)+Eα,1(-λnTα)[gn-0TGn(α,T-τ)Fn(τ)dτ]φn(x)·(4.24)

Denoting(4.25) hϵ(x)=n=1[gnϵ-0TGn(α,T-τ)Fnϵ(τ)dτ]φn(x),h(x)=n=1[gn-0TGn(α,T-τ)Fn(τ)dτ]φn(x)·(4.25)

In this section, we introduce the convergence estimate for uβϵ(x,0)-u(x,0)L2(Ω) by using an a posteriori choice rule for the regularization parameter.

To find u(x, 0), we just need to solve the following integral equation(4.26) Ku(x,0)=Ωk(x,ξ)u(ξ,0)dξ·(4.26)

where the kernel is(4.27) k(x,ξ)=n=1Eα,1(-λnTα)φn(x)φn(ξ)·(4.27)

Next, we know that {φn}n=1 is an orthogonal basic in L2(Ω) and (Equation4.24), we know that the singular values {υn}n=1 for the linear self-adjoint compact operator K are(4.28) υn=Eα,1(-λnTα)·(4.28)

and corresponding eigenvectors is φn.

Motivated by the remarks at the end of Section 4.4 in [Citation3], we apply a modified discrepancy principle in the following form(4.29) β(β+K)-1(Kuβϵ(x,0)-hϵ(x))L2(Ω)=mϵ·(4.29)

where m>1 is a constant. According to the following lemma, there exists a unique solution for (Equation4.27) if hϵL2(Ω)>mϵ>0.

Lemma 4.5:

Set P(β)=β(β+K)-1(Kuβϵ(x,0)-hϵ(x))L2(Ω). If hϵL2(Ω)>ϵ>0 then the following results are obtained:


ρ(β) is a continuous function.


limβ0ρ(β) = 0.




ρ(β) is a strictly increasing function over (0,+).

The proofs of (a), (b), (c) and (d) are straightforward results by the expression of(4.30) P(β)=n=1(ββ+Eα,1(-λnTα))4|hϵ(x),φn(x)|2·(4.30)

Theorem 4.6:

Suppose that the a priori condition u(.,0)Hk(Ω)M, k>0 and assumption (Equation4.28) holds. Let m>B such that hϵL2(Ω)>mϵ>0 with B defined in Lemma 4.3. The regularization parameter β(ϵ) is chosen by the modified discrepancy principle (Equation4.27). Then we obtain:

(1) If 0<k<1, we have a convergence estimate(4.31) uβϵ(.,0)-u(.,0)L2(Ω)ϵkk+1M1k+1[H(m,k)+Q(m,k,λn)]·(4.31)

whereby(4.32) H(m,k)=(m+BC2-)kk+1,Q(m,k)=B(k+1)C2-[C2+(1-k)(1-k)4(m-B)]11+k·(4.32) (2) If k1, we have a convergence estimate(4.33) uβϵ(.,0)-uβ(.,0)L2(Ω)ϵ12M12[R(m,k)+S(m,k)]·(4.33)

whereby(4.34) R(m,k)=a(B+m)C2-12,S(m,k)=B4C2-λ1k-12(m-B)·(4.34)

Before proving Theorem 4.3, we introduce the following Lemma.

Lemma 4.7:

For constants k>0,μ>0,sλ1>0, we have:(4.35) H(z)=μz1-k2μz+C2-B~3(k,C2-)μ1+k2,0<k<1,B~4(k,C2-,λ1)μ,k1.(4.35)

where B~3(k,C2-)=(1-k1+k)1-k212(C2-)k+12 and B~4(k,C2-,λ1)=1C2-λ1k-12·




If k1, then for zλ1, we have.(4.36) H(z)μμz+C2-1zk-12μC2-1λ1k-12=1C2-λ1k-12μ·(4.36)


If 0<k<1, then we have limz0H(z)=limzH(z)=0, thus we know.(4.37) H(z)supz(0,+)H(z)H(z0)(4.37) where z0(0,+) such that H(z0)=0. Notice that z0=(1-k)C2-(1+k)μ>0, then we have:(4.38) H(z)H(z0)=H(1-k)C2-(1+k)μ=1-k1+k1-k212(C2-)k+12μ1+k2·(4.38)

From (Equation4.27), we obtain(4.39) mϵ=n=1(β(ϵ)β(ϵ)+Eα,1(-λnTα))2hnϵφn(x)L2(Ω)n=1(β(ϵ)β(ϵ)+Eα,1(-λnTα))2(hnϵ-hn)φn(x)L2(Ω)+n=1(β(ϵ)β(ϵ)+Eα,1(-λnTα))2hnφn(x)L2(Ω).(4.39)

Using the inequality β(ϵ)β(ϵ)+Eα,1(-λnTα)<1, we get(4.40) n=1β(ϵ)β(ϵ)+Eα,1(-λnTα)2hnϵ-hnφn(x)L2(Ω)hϵ-hL2(ω)Bϵ.(4.40)

Since hn=Eα,1(-λnTα)un(0), we have the following estimate(4.41) n=1β(ϵ)β(ϵ)+Eα,1(-λnTα)2hnφn(x)L2(Ω)=n=1β(ϵ)β(ϵ)+Eα,1(-λnTα)2Eα,1(-λnTα)λnkλn-kun(0)φn(x)L2(Ω)supnN[β(ϵ)β(ϵ)+Eα,1(-λnTα)2Eα,1(-λnTα)λn-k]u(.,0)Hk(Ω)C2+supnN(β(ϵ)λn1-k2C2-+λnβ(ϵ))2MMC2+|B~3(k,C2-)|2|β(ϵ)|1+k,0<k<1,MC2+|B~4(k,C2-,λ1)|2|β(ϵ)|2,k1.(4.41)

Therefore(4.42) mϵBϵ+MC2+|B~3(k,C2-)|2|β(ϵ)|1+k,0<k<1,Bϵ+MC2+|B~4(k,C2-,λ1)|2|β(ϵ)|2,k1.(4.42)

Now we begin to prove Theorem 4.3.

Proof part 1:  For(0<k<1), by the triangle inequality, we have(4.43) uβϵ(.,0)-u(.,0)L2(Ω)uβϵ(.,0)-uβ(.,0)L2(Ω)+uβ(.,0)-u(.,0)L2(Ω)·(4.43) Step 1: We first estimate the first term on the right-hand side of (Equation4.36), uβϵ(.,0)-uβ(.,0)L2(Ω).(4.44) uβϵ(.,0)-uβ(.,0)L2(Ω)=n=1(1β(ϵ)+Eα,1(-λnTα))2|<hϵ(x)-h(x),φn(x)>|21[β(ϵ)]n=1|<hϵ(x)-h(x),φn(x)>|21[β(ϵ)]hϵ-hL2(Ω)Bϵ[β(ϵ)].(4.44) Step 2: Continuing to estimate the second term on the right-hand side of (Equation4.36), uβ(.,0)-u(.,0)L2(Ω). From (Equation4.22) and (Equation4.23), and the a priori bounded condition of u(x, 0), we have:(4.45) uβ(.,0)-u(.,0)L2(Ω)=n=1-β(ϵ)β(ϵ)+Eα,1(-λnTα)un(0)φn(x)L2(Ω)=n=1(β(ϵ)Eα,1(-λnTα)β(ϵ)+Eα,1(-λnTα))k(β(ϵ)β(ϵ)+Eα,1(-λnTα))1-kun(0)|Eα,1(-λnTα)|kφn(x)L2(Ω).(4.45)

Using the Hölder’s inequality, we obtain(4.46) uβ(.,0)-u(.,0)L2(Ω)J1kk+1J21k+1.(4.46)

where(4.47) J1=n=1(β(ϵ)Eα,1(-λnTα)β(ϵ)+Eα,1(-λnTα))k+1(β(ϵ)Eα,1(-λnTα)+β(ϵ))1-kun(0)[Eα,1(-λnTα)]kφn(x)L2(Ω)(4.47) (4.48) J2=n=1(β(ϵ)β(ϵ)+Eα,1(-λnTα))1-kun(0)[Eα,1(-λnTα)]kφn(x)L2(Ω).(4.48)

The first term J1 is estimated as follows(4.49) J1=n=1(β(ϵ)β(ϵ)+Eα,1(-λnTα))2Eα,1(-λnTα)un(0)φn(x)L2(Ω)n=1(β(ϵ)β(ϵ)+Eα,1(-λnTα))2<h(x)-hϵ(x),φn(x)>φn(x)L2(Ω)+n=1(β(ϵ)β(ϵ)+Eα,1(-λnTα))2<hϵ(x),φn(x)>φn(x)L2(Ω)Bϵ+n=1(β(ϵ)β(ϵ)+Eα,1(-λnTα))2<hϵ(x),φn(x)>φn(x)L2(Ω)=(B+m)ϵ.(4.49)

The second term J2 can be estimated(4.50) J2n=1<u(.,0),φn(x)>[Eα,1(-λnTα)]kφn(x)L2(Ω)n=11[C2-]kλnk<u(.,0),φn(x)>φn(x)L2(Ω)1[C2-]kn=1λnk<u(.,0),φn(x)>φn(x)L2(Ω)1[C2-]ku(.,0)Hk(Ω)M[C2-]k·(4.50)

Combining (Equation4.42) and (Equation4.43) into (Equation4.39), we obtain:(4.51) uβϵ(.,0)-u(.,0)L2(Ω)Bϵβ(ϵ)+(m+B)kk+1M1k+1[C2-]kk+1ϵkk+1ϵkk+1M1k+1[H(m,k)+Q(m,k)]·(4.51)

where we used (Equation4.35).

Proof part 2: For k1, The proof in this case is similar to above proof in part 1.

First, we have(4.52) uβ(.,0)-u(.,0)L2(Ω)2=n=1β(ϵ)β(ϵ)+Eα,1(-λnTα)un(0)φn(x)L2(Ω)2·(4.52)

Using the Hölder inequality, we obtain that(4.53) uβ(.,0)-u(.,0)L2(Ω)J112J212·(4.53)

where J1 and J2 are defined in (Equation4.40) and (Equation4.41). Now we need to estimate J2. Since k1, there exists a positive number a such that u(.,0)H1(Ω)au(.,0)Hk(Ω)aM. This leads to(4.54) J21C2-n=1λn<u(.,0),φn(x)>φn(x)L2(Ω)1C2-u(.,0)H1(Ω)aMC2-·(4.54)

Combining (Equation4.42), (Equation4.46), (Equation4.47) gives(4.55) uβ(.,0)-u(.,0)L2(Ω)M12a(B+m)C2-12ϵ12.(4.55)

Using the inequality and noting (Equation4.35) for k1, we conclude that(4.56) uβϵ(.,0)-u(.,0)L2(Ω)uβϵ(.,0)-uβ(.,0)L2(Ω)+uβ(.,0)-u(.,0)L2(Ω)Bϵβ(ϵ)+M12a(B+m)C2-12ϵ12M12[R(m,k)+S(m,k)]ϵ12·(4.56)

5. Numerical experiments

To verify our proposal methods, we carry out numerical experiments for above regularization methods. Two different numerical examples corresponding to T=1, and α=0.2 and 0.6 are described in this section. In order to illustrated the sensitivity of the computational accuracy to the noise of the measurement data, we use the random function to generate the noisy data. The perturbation was defined as ϵ rand(size()), where rand(size()) is a random number, and ϵ plays as an amplitude of the errors. For computing the Mittag-Leffler function, we applied an algorithm in [Citation3].

In this example, we consider a two-dimensional case of Problem (1.1) as follows:(5.1) αu(x,y,t)tα=uxx(x,y,t)+uyy(x,y,t)+F(x,y,t),(x,y)(0,π)×(0,π),t(0,1]u(x,y,t)=0,(x,y)(0,π)×(0,π),t(0,1]u(x,y,T)=g(x,y),(x,y)(0,π)×(0,π)·(5.1)

whereby: Au(x,t)=uxx(x,y,t)+uyy(x,y,t)·(5.2) F(x,y,t)=10-1t1-αΓ(2-α)et[e(x+y)α-1]sin(x(π-x))sin(y(π-y))-(10-1[et+1]sin(x(π-x))sin(y(π-y))(2α(α-1)(x+y)α-2e(x+y)α+[α(x+y)α-1]2e(x+y)α-(e(x+y)α-1)(π-2x)2-(e(x+y)α-1)(π-2y)2)+5-1[et+1]cos(x(π-x))sin(y(π-y))(α(x+y)α-1e(x+y)α(π-2x)+(e(x+y)α-1))+5-1[et+1]sin(x(π-x))cos(y(π-y))(α(x+y)α-1e(x+y)α(π-2y)+(e(x+y)α-1))),g(x,y)=5-1e1[e(x+y)α-1]sin(x(π-x))sin(y(π-y))·(5.2)

By choosing λp,q=p2+q2, and from (Equation3.7) and (Equation4.22) we can deduce the exact and its regularized solutions as follows:(5.3) u(x,y,0)=p=1Iq=1J1Eα,1(-(p2+q2))×(gp,q(x,y)-01Gp,q(α,1-τ)Fpq(τ)dτ)φpq(x,y),uβϵ(x,y,0)=p=1Iq=1J1β(ϵ)+Eα,1(-(p2+q2))×(gp,qϵ(x,y)-01Gp,q(α,1-τ)Fpqϵ(τ)dτ)φpq(x,y)·(5.3)

The whole numerical procedure is proceeded in the following steps:

Step 1. Choosing I,J and L to generate spatial and temporal discretizations as follows:(5.4) xi=iΔx,Δx=πI,i=0,I¯,yj=jΔy,Δy=πJ,j=0,J¯,tl=lΔt,Δt=1L,l=0,L¯·(5.4)

Of course, the higher value of I, J and L will provide more stable and accurate numerical calculation, however in the following examples I=J=L=101 are satisfied.

Step 2. We choose couple (gϵ,Fϵ) as observed data-set including the noise in such a way that:(5.5) gϵ=g(.,.)+ϵrand(size(g(.,.))),Fϵ=F(.,.,.)+ϵ(rand(size(F(.,.,.))))·(5.5) Step 3. We put u(.,.,0)β(ϵ)ϵxi,yj=u(.,.,0)β(ϵ),i,jϵ and u(.,.,0)xi,yj=ui,j, constructing two matrices contained all discrete values of u(.,.,0)βϵ and u(., ., 0) denoted by Λβϵ and Ψ, respectively.(5.6) Λβ(ϵ)ϵ=u(0,0,0)β(ϵ),ϵu(0,0,1)β(ϵ),ϵ...u(0,0,I-1)β(ϵ),ϵu(0,0,I)β(ϵ),ϵu(0,1,0)β(ϵ),ϵu(0,1,1)β(ϵ),ϵ...u(0,1,I-1)β(ϵ),ϵu(0,1,I)β(ϵ),ϵu(0,2,0)β(ϵ),ϵu(0,2,1)β(ϵ),ϵ...u(0,2,I-1)β(ϵ),ϵu(0,2,I)β(ϵ),ϵ............u(0,J,0)β(ϵ),ϵu(0,J,1)β(ϵ),ϵ...u(0,J,I-1)β(ϵ),ϵu(0,J,I)β(ϵ),ϵRI+1×RJ+1,Ψ=u(0,0,0)u(0,0,1)...u(0,0,I-1)u(0,0,I)u(0,1,0)u(0,1,1)...u(0,1,I-1)u(0,1,I)u(0,2,0)u(0,2,1)...u(0,2,I-1)u(0,2,I)............u(0,J,0)u(0,J,1)...u(0,J,I-1)u(0,J,I)RI+1×RJ+1·(5.6) Step 4. The error estimation is followed by

Relative error estimation:(5.7) E1=i=0Ij=0J|uβϵ(xi,yj,0)-u(xi,yj,0)|L2(0,π)×L2(0,π)2i=0Jj=0I|u(xi,yj,0)|L2(0,π)2·(5.7)

Absolute error estimation:(5.8) E2=1(I+1)(J+1)i=0Jj=0I|uβϵ(xi,yj,0)-u(xi,yj,0)|L2(0,π)×L2(0,π)2·(5.8)

For the a priori choice rule method we choose βpri=(ϵM)12, then from the exact solution we have u(.,0)H2(Ω)M with M=1168 in the case of α=0.2; and with M=1685 in the case of α=0.6. For the a posteriori parameter choice rule method, we choose βpos=ϵ12Mm,α based on m=3.6, with Mm,α=113546 at α=0.2, and Mm,α=171653 at α=0.6, respectively.

Table 1. Error estimation between the exact and its regularized solutions for both, the a priori and the a posteriori parameter choice rule methods in Example 2 with α=0.2.

Table 2. Error estimation between the exact and its regularized solutions for both, the a priori and the a posteriori parameter choice rule methods in Example 2 with α=0.6.

Figure 1. A comparison between the exact and its regularized solutions for the a priori parameter choice rule in Example with α=0.2.

Figure 1. A comparison between the exact and its regularized solutions for the a priori parameter choice rule in Example with α=0.2.

Figure 2. A comparison between the exact and its regularized solutions for the a posteriori parameter choice rule in Example with α=0.2.

Figure 2. A comparison between the exact and its regularized solutions for the a posteriori parameter choice rule in Example with α=0.2.

Figure 3. A comparison between the exact and its regularized solutions for the a priori parameter choice rule in Example with α=0.6.

Figure 3. A comparison between the exact and its regularized solutions for the a priori parameter choice rule in Example with α=0.6.

Figure 4. A comparison between the exact and its regularized solutions for the a posteriori parameter choice rule in Example with α=0.6.

Figure 4. A comparison between the exact and its regularized solutions for the a posteriori parameter choice rule in Example with α=0.6.

Figures and show a comparison between the exact and its regularized solutions for both parameter choice rule methods, the a priori and the a posteriori, with α=0.2. Figures and show a comparison between the exact and its regularized solutions for both parameter choice rule methods, the a priori and the a posteriori, with α=0.6. Tables and show the relative and absolute error estimates between the exact and its regularized solutions for both, the a priori and the a posteriori parameter choice rule methods with α=0.2 and α=0.6, respectively. It shows in the Figures that when ϵ10-1 in comparison with the posteriori parameter choice rule method, the numerical solution of the priori parameter choice rule method is more oscillated around the exact solution. However once ϵ tends to zero, both methods have been converged to the exact solution very well. The numerical results obtained from α=0.2 and α=0.6 show the same tendency. At the beginning of the calculation, when the error estimation between the exact and its regularized solutions is still large (about 10-1-10-2), the solutions obtained from the a priori parameter choice rule are oscillated around the exact solution more than the results obtained the a posteriori parameter choice rule. As shown in Tables and , in general the a posteriori choice rule method is converged to the exact solution faster than the a priori parameter choice rule method by about one order of 10-1.

6. Conclusion

In this paper, we investigate the backward problem for the time-fractional diffusion equation with inhomogeneous source. We applied the QBV method to regularize the problem. In the theoretical results, we obtain the error estimate for both proposed methods, the a priori and the a posteriori parameter choice rule methods, based on the priori stability condition. From numerical results, we try to test with very complicated source term functions, it shows that our proposed regularization methods are converged very well to the exact solutions. Furthermore, it also shows that the posteriori choice rule method is converged to the exact solution better than the priori choice rule method. Since the time-fractional diffusion is more focused on the subdiffusion phenomena, which are characterized by a heavy-tailed waiting time distribution in diverging temporal moments and a non-Markovian dynamics, in the future work, we plan to study on a backward problem for space-time fractional diffusion problems, which can deal with both subdiffusive and superdiffusive problems appeared in a wide range of practical problems in surface and subsurface hydrology, biology and epidemiology. Furthermore, in the problem (Equation1.1) we still have not taken in account the convection term, if the diffusion process is also driven by a hydrodynamic problem, it absolutely needs to add this term into the problem (Equation1.1), the backward problem would be more challenging, and it is on demand in a future work as well.


The authors would like to thank the anonymous referees for their valuable suggestions and comments leading to the improvement of our manuscript.

Additional information


This work is supported by Vietnam National University-Ho Chi Minh City (VNU-HCM) under Grant named ‘Some ill-posed problems for partial differential equation’.


No potential conflict of interest was reported by the authors.


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