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The inverse discrete transmission eigenvalue problem for absorbing media

Pages 83-99 | Received 26 Jun 2016, Accepted 17 Mar 2017, Published online: 06 Apr 2017


The inverse problem for the discrete analogue of the transmission eigenvalue problem for absorbing media with a spherically symmetric index of refraction ϱ is considered. Some uniqueness results are provided which imply that ϱ can be recovered uniquely if only the all transmission eigenvalues (counting with their multiples) are given together with partial information on the entries of ϱ.

AMS Subject Classifications:

1. Introduction

Transmission eigenvalue problems have received widespread attention and have become an important area of research in inverse scattering theory, especially in the case of acoustic waves and the electromagnetic waves (see [Citation1Citation8] and the references therein). The main interest is motivated by the fact that transmission eigenvalues carry information about the material properties of the scattering object and that these eigenvalues can in principle be determined from the scattering data (cf. [Citation3,Citation9]).

The interior transmission problem is a non-selfadjoint boundary-value problem for a pair of fields ϵ(x) and ϱ(x) in a bounded and simply connected domain Ω of Rn with the sufficiently smooth boundary Ω. Let Ω=Ωb be a ball of radius b in R3 and ϱ(x)=ρ^(x)+iρ(x)λ be a spherically symmetric function corresponding to the square of the refractive index of the medium and ϵ(x)=γ^(x)+iγ(x)λ be another spherically symmetric function i.e. the medium with support Ωb and index of refraction ϱ(x) is embedded in a background with index of refraction ϵ(x) at location x in the electromagnetic case of the reciprocal or the sound speed v(x) in the acoustic case [Citation7].

It is straightforward to see that the corresponding boundary value problem is [Citation10]:(1.1) ω+λ2ρ^(x)ω+iλρ(x)ω=0,0<x<a,υ+λ2γ^(x)υ+iλγ(x)υ=0,0<x<a,ω(0)=υ(0)=0,ω(a)=υ(a)andω(a)=υ(a).(1.1)

Here ρ^(x)>0,ρ(x)0 and γ^(x)>0,γ(x)0 for 0<x<a. When ρ(x)=0 and γ(x)=0, absorption is not present in either the background or inhomogeneity.

This paper is concerned with the inverse discrete transmission eigenvalue problem for absorbing media, which is defined as follows. Let ω(n) be a complex-valued function of the discrete variable n and AK be the discrete version of the operator -d2/dx2, defined by(1.2) (AKω)(n)=:-ω(n+1)-ω(n-1)+2ω(n),(1.2)

where n=1,2,,K. The discrete transmission eigenvalue problem for absorbing media can be formulated as(1.3) (ANω)(n)=iλρ(n)ω(n)+λ2ρ^(n)ω(n),(AMυ)(n)=iλγ(n)υ(n)+λ2γ^(n)υ(n),ω(0)=υ(0)=0,(1.3)

with the transmission conditions(1.4) ω(N)=υ(M)andω(N+1)=υ(M+1).(1.4)

Here both the natural numbers MN are given, ω(n),υ(n) denote the wave-function ω(λ,n),υ(λ,n),ρ(n)=:ρn0, ρ^(n)=:ρ^n>0 for all n=1,2,,N, and γ(n)=:γn0, γ^(n)=:γ^n>0 for all n=1,2,,M, denote the potential at n, are the discrete indexes of refractions [Citation11]. The λC in (Equation1.3) is the spectral parameter as usual. Those λ-values for which there exists a nontrivial solution pair (ω,υ) to (Equation1.3)–(Equation1.4) are called the transmissions eigenvalues. It will be shown in Section 2 below that the number of the transmission eigenvalues (repeated eigenvalues are allowed) is at most (2M+2N-2). The eigenvalue problem (Equation1.3)–(Equation1.4) can be viewed as the discrete version of the transmission eigenvalue problem (Equation1.1) with N difference nodes for the first equation and M difference nodes for the second equation.

Let us mention that, for problem (Equation1.3)–(Equation1.4), if M and N become large enough, then the difference operators AM and AN defined by (Equation1.2) converges to the differential operator -d2/dx2. Together with the accurate description of Borcea et al. (for details, see [Citation12,Citation13]) for the connection between the discrete problems and the continuous boundary problems, one knows that the transmission eigenvalues of the discrete problem (Equation1.3)–(Equation1.4) converge to the eigenvalues of (Equation1.1).

In recent years, all of the research on transmission eigenvalue and its inverse problem concentrates mainly on considering the case that ρ(x)0 and γ(x)0, i.e. without absorbing media(see [Citation1,Citation4,Citation8,Citation11,Citation14,Citation17] and the references therein). For (Equation1.1), Aktosun et al. [Citation1] and Wei and Xu [Citation17] gave the conditions to determine uniquely ρ^(x) from the transmission eigenvalues; On the other hand, for the inverse discrete transmission eigenvalue problem (Equation1.3)–(Equation1.4), Papanicolaou and Doumas [Citation11] and the author [Citation16] provided the uniqueness theorem in the situation that M=N and all γ^(n)1.

The transmission eigenvalue problem for absorbing media was studied by [Citation5,Citation18Citation20], Particularly, Cakoni et al. [Citation5] showed that the transmission eigenvalues of (Equation1.1) exist and form at most a discrete set. Though nowadays there are only a rather limited number results on the inverse transmission eigenvalue problem for absorbing media in our knowledge (see [Citation10]).

The main purpose of this paper is, for the cases MN and M<N in Problem (Equation1.3)–(Equation1.4), to study the problem whether ρn,ρ^n (n=1,,N) can be recovered by all of the transmission eigenvalues provided that γn,γ^n (n=1,,M) are known a priori. More precisely, we proved that, when M>N, ρ1,,ρN and ρ^1,,ρ^N are uniquely determined by all transmission eigenvalues; When M=N, ρ1,,ρN and ρ^1,,ρ^N are uniquely determined by all transmission eigenvalues as well as one of ρn, ρ^n or constant δ known a priori; And when M<N, all transmission eigenvalues together with some partial information on the entries of ρn and ρ^n can uniquely determine all of ρ1,,ρN and ρ^1,,ρ^N

The technique we use to prove our uniqueness theorems is the extended Euclidean algorithm for polynomial. We should like to express our thanks to the anonymous referee for his/her suggestion to use this technique, which have improved the manuscript better than those originally submitted. In fact, the process to prove our results provides a reconstruction procedure of functions ρn and ρ^n.

Our paper proceeds as follows. In the next section, we provide some preparatory material, which contains some polynomials and their properties associated with our inverse problem. In Sections 3 and 4, we establish our main results.

2. Preliminaries

In this section, we provide some polynomials and their properties associated with Problem (Equation1.3)–(Equation1.4), which will be used later to prove our main results.

We begin by defining polynomials of a complex variable λ, say {U(n,λ)}n=0N+1, which is the unique solution of equation(2.1) (ANω)(n,λ)=iλρ(n)ω(n)+λ2ρ^(n)ω(n)(2.1)

with initial conditions(2.2) U(0,λ)=0,U(1,λ)=1.(2.2)

By straightforward induction, U(n,λ) is of degree 2n-2 and formulated as(2.3) U(n,λ)=(-1)n-1j=1n-1ρ^jλ2n-2+i(-1)n-1j=1n-1ρ^jj=1n-1ρjρ^jλ2n-3++n(2.3)

for n=2,,N+1. Here, i2=-1 and the coefficients can be obtained inductively by using the following recursive formula(2.4) U(n+1,λ)=(2-iλρn-λ2ρ^n)U(n,λ)-U(n-1,λ).(2.4)

Thus U(n,λ) has the form(2.5) U(n,λ)=j=02n-2c2n-1-j(n)λj,n=2,,N+1.(2.5)

It should be noted that the coefficients of the first and second terms of U(n,λ) are(2.6) (-1)n-1ρ^1ρ^2ρ^n-1(2.6)

and(2.7) i(-1)n-1ρ^1ρ^2ρ^n-1j=1n-1ρjρ^j,(2.7)

respectively. Similarly, for the second equation of (Equation1.3), we will refer Pn(λ) is the solution of(2.8) -Pn+1(λ)-Pn-1(λ)+2Pn(λ)=(iλγn+λ2γ^n)Pn(λ),(2.8)

with the initial conditions(2.9) P0(λ)=0,P1(λ)=1.(2.9)

Thus(2.10) Pn(λ)=(-1)n-1j=1n-1γ^jλ2n-2+i(-1)n-1j=1n-1γ^jj=1n-1γjγ^jλ2n-3++n(2.10)

for n=2,,M+1.

Lemma 2.1:

The polynomials (in λ) U(N,λ) and U(N+1,λ) (PM(λ) and PM+1(λ)) are relatively prime.

Proof If we suppose U(N,λ) and U(N+1,λ) are not relatively prime, that is, there exists λ0C satisfying U(N,λ0)=U(N+1,λ0)=0, in virtue of (Equation2.4), then U(N-1,λ0)=0, it follows that U(n,λ0)=0 for all n, which contradicts U(1,λ)=1 in (Equation2.2). Similarly, we can prove the polynomials PM(λ) and PM+1(λ) are relatively prime.

Let us consider the transmission eigenvalues of Problem (Equation1.3)–(Equation1.4). If (ω,υ) is a nontrivial solution, then (Equation1.3) implies thatω(n)=cU(n,λ),υ(n)=cPn(λ),

where c,c are nonzero constants. Thus (Equation1.4) can be written asU(N+1,λ)PM+1(λ)=U(N,λ)PM(λ),

which is equivalent to(2.11) PM(λ)U(N+1,λ)-PM+1(λ)U(N,λ)=0.(2.11)

If we set(2.12) ΔM,N(λ)=PM(λ)U(N,λ)PM+1(λ)U(N+1,λ),(2.12)

then the transmission eigenvalues of (Equation1.3)–(Equation1.4) and the zeros of the polynomial ΔM,N(λ) all coincide. It should be noted that the multiplicity of some zeros of ΔM,N(λ) may be greater than 1. We refer to the multiplicity of a zero λj of ΔM,N(λ) also as the multiplicity of the transmission eigenvalue λj and call ΔM,N(λ) the characteristic polynomial of (Equation1.3)–(Equation1.4).

Substituting (Equation2.3) and (Equation2.10) into (Equation2.12), we get(2.13) ΔM,N(λ)=(-1)M+N-1(ρ^N-γ^M)j=1M-1γ^jj=1N-1ρ^jλ2M+2N-2+i(-1)M+N-1(ρ^N-γ^M)j=1N-1ρjρ^j+j=1M-1γjγ^j+(ρN-γM)×j=1M-1γ^jj=1N-1ρ^jλ2M+2N-3++(M-N).(2.13)

It is clear that the degree of ΔM,N(λ) is at most 2M+2N-2, and if ρ^N=γ^M, then the leading coefficient of ΔM,N(λ) vanishes. When in addition ρN=γM, together with (Equation2.4) and (Equation2.8), we infer that ΔM,N(λ)=ΔM-1,N-1(λ). Moreover, if M=N, (Equation2.13) implies that ΔN,N(0)=0, which yields that 0 is always a transmission eigenvalue in the case M=N.

Assume ρ^Nγ^M,ρNγM, and let λ1,,λ2M+2N-2 be the zeros of ΔM,N(λ) (repeated roots are allowed), we have(2.14) ΔM,N(λ)=δj=12M+2N-2(λ-λj)=:δΔ(λ),(2.14)

where(2.15) δ=(-1)M+N-1(ρ^N-γ^M)j=1M-1γ^jj=1N-1ρ^j.(2.15)

In particular, when MN, we also have from (Equation2.13) and (Equation2.14)(2.16) δ=M-Nj=12M+2N-2λj.(2.16)

3. The case MN

In this section, we will consider the following inverse problem for MN : Given all transmission eigenvalues, reconstruct ρ1,,ρN and ρ^1,,ρ^N.

Note that if γn,γ^n (n=1,,M) are known a priori, then PM(λ) and PM+1(λ) are known. The first result in this section is presented as the following.

Theorem 3.1:

Let M=N. If γn,γ^n (n=1,,M) and all transmission eigenvalues of the problem defined by (Equation1.3)–(Equation1.4) are known a priori, as well as ρN or ρ^N is known, then ρ1,,ρN and ρ^1,,ρ^N are uniquely determined.

Proof From (Equation2.12) and (Equation2.14), we have(3.1) PN(λ)U(N,λ)PN+1(λ)U(N+1,λ)=δΔ(λ).(3.1)

Firstly we prove U(N,λ) and U(N+1,λ) are known and are determined uniquely by using the Euclidean algorithm for polynomial.

Note that PM(λ) and PM+1(λ) are relatively prime, there exist polynomials A(λ),B(λ)C(X), such that(3.2) A(λ)PM(λ)-B(λ)PM+1(λ)=1,(3.2)

and A(λ),B(λ) can be computed by the extended Euclidean algorithm for polynomial. Then doing the Euclidean division of polynomial A(λ)Δ(λ) by PM+1(λ), we have(3.3) A(λ)Δ(λ)=Q(λ)PM+1(λ)+A~(λ),(3.3)

where degA~(λ)<2M. Multiply (Equation3.2) by Δ(λ) and multiply (Equation3.3) by PM(λ), respectively, and add the two results up, we obtain that(3.4) A~(λ)PM(λ)-B~(λ)PM+1(λ)=Δ(λ).(3.4)

Here B~(λ)=B(λ)Δ(λ)-Q(λ)PM(λ). Since degA~(λ)<2M,degPM(λ)=2M-2,degPM+1(λ)=2M and degΔ(λ)=2M+2N-24M-2 one knows that degB~(λ)2M-2, we then have δA~(λ)PM(λ)-δB~(λ)PM+1(λ)=ΔM,N(λ). Which together with (Equation2.12), yields(3.5) (U(N+1,λ)-δA~(λ))PM(λ)=(U(N,λ)-δB~(λ))PM+1(λ).(3.5)

Since PM(λ) and PM+1(λ) are relatively prime, it implies that PM(λ)|U(N,λ)-δB~(λ) and PM+1(λ)|U(N+1,λ)-δB~(λ). In addition deg(U(N+1,λ)-δA~(λ))2M and deg(U(N,λ)-δB~(λ))2M-2, if M=N, one hasU(N+1,λ)-δA~(λ)=aPN+1(λ)andU(N,λ)-δB~(λ)=bPN(λ),a,bC.

The values at 0 of the polynomials givea=1-δA~(0)N+1andb=1-δB~(0)N.

Which imply that U(N,λ),U(N+1,λ) are known and are determined uniquely by(3.6) U(N,λ)=PN(λ)+δΦN(λ)(3.6)

and(3.7) U(N+1,λ)=PN+1(λ)+δΦN+1(λ),(3.7)

respectively, where polynomials(3.8) ΦN(λ)=B~(λ)-B~(0)NPN(λ)=k=12N-2a2N-1-k(N)λk(3.8)

and(3.9) ΦN+1(λ)=A~(λ)-A~(0)N+1PN+1(λ)=k=12Na2N+1-k(N+1)λk(3.9)

are known a priori since A~(λ),B~(λ) are computed by the above process. Note that degΦN(λ)=2N-2, degΦN+1(λ)=2N and ΦN(0)=0=ΦN+1(0). Now, both sides of (Equation3.6) are polynomials of degree 2N-2. Equating the coefficients of the powers λ2N-2 and λ2N-3, we obtain(3.10) (-1)N-1j=1N-1ρ^j=(-1)N-1j=1N-1γ^j+δa1(N)(3.10)

and(3.11) i(-1)N-1j=1N-1ρ^jj=1N-1ρjρ^j=i(-1)N-1j=1N-1γ^jj=1N-1γjγ^j+δa2(N).(3.11)

Similarly, equating the coefficients of the powers λ2N and λ2N-1 in (Equation3.7), we have(3.12) (-1)Nj=1Nρ^j=(-1)Nj=1Nγ^j+δa1(N+1)(3.12)

and(3.13) i(-1)Nj=1Nρ^jj=1Nρjρ^j=i(-1)Nj=1Nγ^jj=1Nγjγ^j+δa2(N+1).(3.13)

For notational convenience, we set(3.14) x=ρ^1ρ^2ρ^N-1,(3.14)

and(3.15) y=j=1N-1ρjρ^j.(3.15)

Furthermore, we denoteγ^1γ^2γ^N-1=d1,j=1N-1γjγ^j=d2.

Thus the unknown δ can be expressed as(3.16) δ=-x(ρ^N-γ^N)d1.(3.16)

Using the new notation, (Equation3.10)–(Equation3.13) can be rewritten as(3.17) (-1)N-1x=(-1)N-1d1-x(ρ^N-γ^N)d1a1(N),(3.17) (3.18) i(-1)N-1xy=i(-1)N-1d1d2-x(ρ^N-γ^N)d1a2(N),(3.18) (3.19) (-1)Nxρ^N=(-1)Nd1γ^N-x(ρ^N-γ^N)d1a1(N+1),(3.19) (3.20) i(-1)Nx(ρ^Ny+ρN)=i(-1)Nd1(γ^Nd2+γN)-x(ρ^N-γ^N)d1a2(N+1).(3.20)

Multiplying (Equation3.17) by γ^N and adding up (Equation3.19), we obtain(3.21) (-1)N-1=(γ^Na1(N)+a1(N+1))d1.(3.21)

The fact that (Equation3.21) is always true implies that equations (Equation3.17) and (Equation3.19) are not independent. In the following we discard (Equation3.19) and work with (Equation3.17).

From (Equation3.17), we obtain(3.22) x=d11+(-1)N-1(ρ^N-γ^N)d1a1(N).(3.22)

Next we multiply (Equation3.17) by iρN, (Equation3.18) by ρ^N. Adding up the two results gives(3.23) i(-1)N-1x(ρ^Ny+ρN)=i(-1)N-1d1(d2ρ^N+ρN)-xd1(ρ^N-γ^N)(ρ^Na2(N)+iρNa1(N)).(3.23)

Adding up (Equation3.23) and (Equation3.20) yields(3.24) x=(-1)N-1[ρN-γN+d2(ρ^N-γ^N)](ρ^N-γ^N)[ρNa1(N)-i(ρ^Na2(N)+a2(N+1))].(3.24)

From (Equation3.22) and (Equation3.24) we obtain(3.25) (-1)N-1d1(ρ^N-γ^N)1+(-1)N-1(ρ^N-γ^N)d1a1(N)=ρN-γN+d2(ρ^N-γ^N)ρNa1(N)-i(ρ^Na2(N)+a2(N+1)).(3.25)

If ρ^N or ρN is known a priori, then we can use (Equation3.25) to compute the other. It follows that x is known from (Equation3.22), and δ is also known from (Equation3.16). Now (Equation3.6) and (Equation3.7) imply U(N,λ) and U(N+1,λ) are completely known. We continue by observing that (Equation2.4) can be written as(3.26) U(n-1,λ)=(2-iλρn-λ2ρ^n)U(n,λ)-U(n+1,λ).(3.26)

From the above discussion it follows that U(N-1,λ) is completely known. We have from (Equation2.6) and (Equation2.7),(3.27) ρ^N-1=-c1(N)c1(N-1),ρN-1=ic2(N)c1(N-1)-c2(N-1)c1(N)c12(N-1)(3.27)

are also known. So U(N-2,λ) is completely known, continuing in the same way, ρ^N-2,ρN-2 are known, and so on. Thus, eventually, all ρ^k,ρk,k=1,2,,N, are determined.

Moreover, if δ and the transmission eigenvalues λ1,,λ4N-2 are known, in virtue of (Equation3.6) and (Equation3.7), U(N,λ),U(N+1,λ) are also known. By a similar argument as Theorem 3.1, we have:

Theorem 3.2:

Let M=N. If γn,γ^n (n=1,,M) and all transmission eigenvalues of the problem defined by (Equation1.3)–(Equation1.4) are known a priori, as well as δ is known, then ρ1,,ρN and ρ^1,,ρ^N are uniquely determined.

In the following, we consider the case M>N. It should be noted that, in this case, degPM(λ)>degU(N,λ) and degPM+1(λ)>degU(N+1,λ). In virtue of (Equation3.5), one has(3.28) PM+1(λ)=a(λ)(U(N+1,λ)-δA~(λ)),a(λ)C(X),PM(λ)=b(λ)(U(N,λ)-δB~(λ)),b(λ)C(X).(3.28)

Which together with (Equation3.5) yields a(λ)=b(λ). Since PM(λ) and PM+1(λ) are relatively prime, we getU(N+1,λ)=δA~(λ)


Thus U(N,λ) and U(N+1,λ) are completely known, then we have

Corollary 3.3:

Let M>N. If γn,γ^n (n=1,,M) and all transmission eigenvalues of the problem defined by (Equation1.3)–(Equation1.4) are known a priori, then ρ1,,ρN and ρ^1,,ρ^N are uniquely determined.

4. The case M<N

In this section, we consider the case M<N. On the condition that we set QM(λ)=PM(λ), we begin by defining polynomials QM+m(λ) for m=1,2,,N as(4.1) QM+1(λ)=-PM+1(λ)+(2-iλρN-λ2ρ^N)QM(λ),(4.1) (4.2) QM+k(λ)=-QM+k-2(λ)+(2-iλρN-(k-1)-λ2ρ^N-(k-1))QM+k-1(λ)(4.2)

for k=2,3,,N. It is not hard to see that QM+k is of degree 2(M+k-1).

Lemma 4.1:

For 1m<N, the polynomials QM+m(λ) and QM+m-1(λ) are relatively prime.

Proof This can be justified as follows. If the polynomials QM+m(λ) and QM+m-1(λ) are not relatively prime, then there exists λ0 such that QM+m(λ0)=0=QM+m-1(λ0), it follows from (Equation4.1) and (Equation4.2) that PM(λ0)=0=PM+1(λ0), which contradicts Lemma 2.1.

By proceeding inductively, in terms of (Equation2.12), (Equation4.1) and (Equation4.2), it is easy to see that

Lemma 4.2:

If 1m<N, then(4.3) ΔM,N(λ)=QM+m(λ)U(N-m,λ)QM+m-1(λ)U(N-m+1,λ).(4.3)

Theorem 4.3:

Let M<N. If γn,γ^n (n=1,,M) and all transmission eigenvalues of the problem defined by (Equation1.3)–(Equation1.4) are known, as well as ρN-θ,,ρN and ρ^N-θ,,ρ^N are known, where θ=12(N-M-1) for M+N is odd and θ=12(N-M) for M+N is even, then ρ1,,ρN and ρ^1,,ρ^N are uniquely determined.

Proof From Lemma 4.2, we obtain(4.4) ΔM,N(λ)=δΔ(λ)=QM+θ+1(λ)U(N-θ-1,λ)QM+θ(λ)U(N-θ,λ).(4.4)

Here the polynomials QM+θ+1(λ) and QM+θ(λ) are known if ρN-θ,,ρN and ρ^N-θ,,ρ^N are known a priori.

Note that QM+θ+1(λ) and QM+θ(λ) are relatively prime, there exist polynomials G(λ),H(λ)C(X), such that(4.5) G(λ)QM+θ+1(λ)-H(λ)QM+θ(λ)=1,(4.5)

where G(λ),H(λ) can be computed by the extended Euclidean algorithm for polynomial. Notice that δ is known from (Equation2.16), that is ΔM,N(λ) is known. Then doing the Euclidean division of polynomial H(λ)ΔM,N(λ) by QM+θ+1(λ), we have(4.6) H(λ)ΔM,N(λ)=R(λ)QM+θ+1(λ)+H~(λ),(4.6)

where degH~(λ)<2(M+θ). Multiply (Equation4.5) by ΔM,N(λ) and multiply (Equation4.6) by QM+θ(λ), respectively, and add the two results up, we have(4.7) G~(λ)QM+θ+1(λ)-H~(λ)QM+θ(λ)=ΔM,N(λ).(4.7)

Here G~(λ)=G(λ)ΔM,N(λ)-R(λ)QM+θ(λ), and degG~(λ)2(N-θ-1). In virtue of (Equation4.3), thus we have(4.8) (U(N-θ,λ)-G~(λ))QM+θ+1(λ)=(U(N-θ-1,λ)-H~(λ))QM+θ(λ).(4.8)

Since QM+θ+1(λ) and QM+θ(λ) are relatively prime, together with degU(N-θ-1,λ)-H~(λ)<degQM+θ+1(λ) and degU(N-θ,λ)-G~(λ)<degQM+θ(λ), it implies that QM+θ(λ)|U(N-θ,λ)-G~(λ) and QM+θ+1(λ)|U(N-θ-1,λ)-H~(λ). Set(4.9) QM+θ(λ)=c(λ)(U(N-θ,λ)-G~(λ)),c(λ)C(X),QM+θ+1(λ)=d(λ)(U(N-θ-1,λ)-H~(λ)),d(λ)C(X).(4.9)

Which together with (Equation4.8) yields c(λ)=d(λ). Since QM+θ+1(λ) and QM+θ(λ) are relatively prime, we getU(N-θ,λ)=G~(λ)


Thus U(N-θ,λ) and U(N-θ-1,λ) are completely known, and can be written as(4.10) U(N-θ-1,λ)=j=02(N-θ)-4c2(N-θ)-3-j(N-θ-1)λj,(4.10)

and(4.11) U(N-θ,λ)=j=02(N-θ)-2b2(N-θ)-1-j(N-θ)λj,(4.11)

where the coefficients c2(N-θ)-3-j,s and b2(N-θ)-1-j,s are known. Denote(4.12) x=ρ^1ρ^2ρ^N-θ-2,(4.12)

and(4.13) y=j=1N-θ-2ρjρ^j.(4.13)

Together with (Equation4.10), equating the coefficients of the powers λ2(N-θ)-4 and λ2(N-θ)-5 of U(N-θ-1,λ) , we obtain(4.14) (-1)N-θ-2x=c1(N-θ-1)(4.14)

and(4.15) i(-1)N-θ-2xy=c2(N-θ-1).(4.15)

Similarly, equating the coefficients of the powers λ2(N-θ)-2 and λ2(N-θ)-3 of U(N-θ,λ) and by using (Equation4.11), one has(4.16) (-1)N-θ-1xρ^N-θ-1=b1(N-θ)(4.16)

and(4.17) i(-1)N-θ-1xρ^N-θ-1y+ρN-θ-1ρ^N-θ-1=b2(N-θ).(4.17)

From (Equation4.14) and (Equation4.16), we have(4.18) ρ^N-θ-1=-b1(N-θ)c1(N-θ-1).(4.18)

Furthermore, (Equation4.14) and (Equation4.15) yield(4.19) y=-ic2(N-θ-1)c1(N-θ-1).(4.19)

In virtue of (Equation4.16) and (Equation4.17), one hasy+ρN-θ-1ρ^N-θ-1=-ib2(N-θ)b1(N-θ),

which impliesρN-θ-1=ib2(N-θ)c1(N-θ-1)-b1(N-θ)c2(N-θ-1)c12(N-θ-1).

By using (Equation3.28), U(N-θ-2,λ) is completely known. Continuing in the same way as in the proof of Theorem 3.1, all ρ^k,ρk,k=1,2,,N, can be determined.

We proceed to denote the transmission eigenvalues of the problem (Equation1.3) with the transmission conditions(4.20) ω(N)=υ(M),ω(N+1)=υ(M+1)+a0υ(M),(4.20)

by λ^1,,λ^2M+2N-2 (repeated roots are allowed, of course). which coincide with the zeros of the polynomial(4.21) Δ^M,N(λ)=PM(λ)U(N,λ)PM+1(λ)+a0PM(λ)U(N+1,λ).(4.21)

In virtue of (Equation2.12), we have(4.22) Δ^M,N(λ)=δΔ(λ)-a0PM(λ)U(N,λ).(4.22)

If PM(λ^j)0, (Equation4.22) yields thatU(N,λ^j)=δΔ(λ^j)a0PM(λ^j)=:δH0(N,λ^j).

Furthermore, if the multiplicity of the root λ^j is rj , that is Δ^M,N(k)(λ^j)=0 for j=0,1,,rj-1, thenU(N,λ^j)=δΔ(λ^j)PM(λ^j)-δΔ(λ^j)PM(λ^j)a0PM2(λ^j)=:δH1(N,λ^j).

Proceeding by induction by differentiating (Equation4.22) for k times, we obtain(4.23) U(k)(N,λ^j)=:δHk(N,λ^j)(4.23)

for k=1,2,,rj-1, and Hk(N,λ^j) is known. We give the following result:

Theorem 4.4:

Let M<N. Suppose PM(λ^j)0 for j=1,2,,m. If γn,γ^n (n=1,,M) and all transmission eigenvalues of the problem defined by (Equation1.3)–(Equation1.4) are known, as well as m different zeros of Δ^M,N(λ), denoted by λ^1,,λ^m, and their corresponding multiplicities r1,,rm, ,satisfying r1++rm=2N-2M, are known a priori, then ρ1,,ρN and ρ^1,,ρ^N are uniquely determined.

Proof Let(4.24) D(λ)=j=12N-2M(λ-λ^j).(4.24)

It should be noted that D(k)(λ^j)=0 for j=1,2,,r,k=1,2,,rj-1. Repeating the proof of Theorem 3.1, we can prove that (Equation3.2)–(Equation3.5) can be obtained again. We set(4.25) U(N+1,λ)-δA~(λ)=M1(λ)D(λ)+V1(λ),(4.25)

and(4.26) U(N,λ)-δB~(λ)=M0(λ)D(λ)+V0(λ),(4.26)

where degM1(λ)=2M,degV1(λ)2N-2M-1 and degM0(λ)=2M-2,degV0(λ)2N-2M-1. Thus, together with (Equation3.5), we have(4.27) V1(λ)=PM+1(λ)(U(N,λ)-δB~(λ))PM(λ)-M1(λ)D(λ),(4.27)

following one has(4.28) V1(λ^j)=PM+1(λ^j)(U(N,λ^j)-δB~(λ^j))PM(λ^j)=:δG0(λ^j),j=1,2,,m.(4.28)

Furthermore, proceeding by induction by differentiating (Equation4.27) for k times and by using (Equation4.23), we obtain(4.29) V1(k)(λ^j)=:δGk(λ^j),j=1,2,,m(4.29)

for k=1,2,rj-1, and Gk(λ^j) is known. Thus, Hermite interpolation yields the polynomial V1(λ) is known.

Moreover, (Equation3.5) together with (Equation4.25) and (Equation4.26) yields(4.30) PM+1(λ)(M0(λ)D(λ)+V0(λ))=PM(λ)(M1(λ)D(λ)+V1(λ)),(4.30)

then we have(4.31) V0(λ^j)=PM(λ^j)V1(λ^j)PM+1(λ^j)=:δF0(λ^j),j=1,2,,m.(4.31)

Proceeding by induction by differentiating (Equation4.30) for k times, one yields(4.32) V0(k)(λ^j)=:δFk(λ^j),j=1,2,,m(4.32)

for k=1,2,rj-1, and Fk(λ^j) is known. Thus, Hermite interpolation yields the polynomial V0(λ) is known. We proceed by using (Equation4.30), obtain(4.33) PM+1(λ)M0(λ)-PM(λ)M1(λ)=S(λ),(4.33)

where S(λ)=(PM(λ)V1(λ)-PM+1(λ)V0(λ))/D(λ) and S(λ) is known. Then doing the Euclidean division of polynomial A(λ)S(λ) by PM+1(λ), we have(4.34) A(λ)S(λ)=PM+1(λ)c(λ)+d(λ).(4.34)

Which together with (Equation3.2), yields(4.35) (M1(λ)+d(λ))PM(λ)=(M0(λ)+d~(λ))PM+1(λ),(4.35)

where d~(λ)=B(λ)S(λ)-c(λ)PM(λ).

Since PM(λ) and PM+1(λ) are coprime, similarly to the proof of Theorem 3.2, (Equation4.35) implies thatM0(λ)=PM(λ)-d~(λ),M1(λ)=PM+1(λ)-d(λ),

that is(4.36) U(N,λ)=(PM(λ)-d~(λ))D(λ)+V0(λ)+δB~(λ)=:k=12N-2c2N-1-k(N)λk,(4.36)

and(4.37) U(N+1,λ)=(PM+1(λ)-d~(λ))D(λ)+V1(λ)+δA~(λ)=:k=12Nc2N+1-k(N+1)λk.(4.37)

Here cj(N),s and cj(N+1),s are known. Thus the polynomial U(N,λ) and U(N+1,λ) are completely known.

Similarly to the proof of Theorem 3.1, by equating the coefficients of the first and second terms of U(N,λ) and U(N+1,λ), we obtainρ^N=-c1(N+1)c1(N),ρN=ic2(N+1)c1(N)-c2(N)c1(N+1)c12(N).

It follows that U(N-1,λ) is completely known, continuing in the same way, ρ^N-1,ρN-1 are known, and so on. Thus, eventually, all ρ^k,ρk,k=1,2,,N, are determined.

5. One example

The mathematical treatment of the scattering of a time harmonic electromagnetic plane wave by an inhomogeneous infinite cylinder with cross section D such that the electric field E is polarized parallel to the axis of the cylinder leads to an interior transmission eigenvalue problem, that is a boundary value problem for electromagnetic waves (see [Citation6] for details). In this section, we consider the discrete version of the corresponding problem for the case M=N.

If we take M=N=3,γ^3=γ^2=γ^1=1,γ3=γ2=γ1=2, and set the transmission eigenvalues are known a priori, which satisfy(5.1) Δ(λ)=λ10-2iλ9-9.25λ8-11.75iλ7+8.25λ6-iλ5+10.5λ4+12.5iλ3-7λ2-3.25iλ.(5.1)

From the relations (Equation2.8) and (Equation2.9), we have(5.2) P2(λ)=-λ2-2iλ+2,P3(λ)=λ4+4iλ3-8λ2-8iλ+3,(5.2)

and(5.3) P4(λ)=-λ6-6iλ5+18λ4+32iλ3-34λ2-20iλ+4.(5.3)

Since P3(λ) and P4(λ) are coprime, we have(5.4) P3(λ)A(λ)-P4(λ)B(λ)=1,(5.4)

by using the extended Euclidean algorithm for polynomial, we obtain(5.5) A(λ)=λ4+4iλ3-8λ2-8iλ+3,B(λ)=-λ2-2iλ+2.(5.5)

Then doing the Euclidean division of polynomial A(λ)Δ(λ) by P4(λ), we have(5.6) A(λ)Δ(λ)=Q(λ)P4(λ)+A~(λ),(5.6)



Thus(5.7) B~(λ)=B(λ)Δ(λ)-Q(λ)P3(λ)=λ4+7.00iλ3-13.75λ2-15.00iλ+5.25,(5.7)

following we have,(5.8) Φ3(λ)=B~(λ)-B~(0)3P3(λ)=-0.75λ4+0.25λ2-iλ=:k=14a5-k(3)λk,(5.8)

and(5.9) Φ4(λ)=A~(λ)-A~(0)4P4(λ)=1.75λ6+1.50iλ5-3.00λ4+1.75iλ3-2.00λ2-2.50iλ=:k=16a7-k(4)λk,(5.9)

Note that γ^3=γ^2=γ^1=1,γ3=γ2=γ1=2, we know that d1=γ^1γ^2=1,d2=γ1/γ^1+γ2/γ^2=4. If ρ^3=2 is known also, then from the relation (Equation3.25), one hasd1(ρ^3-γ^3)1+(ρ^3-γ^3)a1(3)=ρ3-γ3+d2(ρ^3-γ^3)ρ3a1(3)-i(ρ^3a2(3)+a2(4)),

which yieldsρ3=1.00.

In virtue of (Equation3.22), one obtainsx=d11+(ρ^3-γ^3)d1a1(3)=4.00,


Then one has(5.10) U(3,λ)=P3(λ)+δΦ3(λ)=4.00λ4+4.00iλ3-9.00λ2-4.00iλ+3.00(5.10)

and(5.11) U(4,λ)=P4(λ)+δΦ4(λ)=-8.00λ6-12.00iλ5+30.00λ4+25.00iλ3-26.00λ2-10.00iλ+4.00.(5.11)

By using (Equation3.26), we obtain(5.12) U(2,λ)=(2-iλ-2λ2)U(3,λ)-U(4,λ)=-2λ2-iλ+2.(5.12)

That is ρ^1=2,ρ1=1. In virtue of (Equation3.27),then we have ρ^2=2,ρ2=1.


The authors would like to thank the referees for their helpful comments and suggestions. Special thanks to the referee who advices us using the extended Euclidean algorithm which led to a much improved manuscript.

Additional information


The research was supported in part by the National Natural Science Foundation of China [grant number 11571212]; Youth Innovation Team Fund of Xi’an Shiyou University [grant number 2015QNKYCXTD03]; Youth Innovation Fund of Xi’an Shiyou University [grant number Z15135].


No potential conflict of interest was reported by the authors.


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