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Robin–Dirichlet algorithms for the Cauchy problem for the Helmholtz equation

, , &
Pages 1062-1078 | Received 06 Dec 2014, Accepted 04 Sep 2017, Published online: 24 Sep 2017


The Cauchy problem for the Helmholtz equation is considered. It was demonstrated in a previous paper by the authors that the alternating algorithm suggested by V.A. Kozlov and V.G. Maz’ya does not converge for large wavenumbers k in the Helmholtz equation. Here, we present some simple modifications of the algorithm which may restore the convergence. They consist of the replacement of the Neumann–Dirichlet iterations by the Robin–Dirichlet ones which repairs the convergence for k2 less than the first Dirichlet–Laplacian eigenvalue. In order to treat large wavenumbers, we present an algorithm based on iterative solution of Robin–Dirichlet boundary value problems in a sufficiently narrow border strip. Numerical implementations obtained using the finite difference method are presented. The numerical results illustrate that the algorithms suggested in this paper, produce convergent iterative sequences.

AMS Subject Classifications:

1. Introduction

Let Ω be a bounded domain in Rd with a Lipschitz boundary Γ and let ν be the exterior unit normal to Γ. Let Γ also be divided into two disjoint parts Γ0 and Γ1 such that Γ¯0Γ¯1 is Lipschitz; see illustration in Figure on the left. We consider the Cauchy problem of finding a real-valued solution u to the problem(1) Δu+k2u=0inΩ,u=fonΓ0,νu=gonΓ0,(1)

where k>0 is the wavenumber, ν denote the outward normal derivative and f and g are specified Cauchy data. This problem plays an important role in the study of problems related to acoustic and electromagnetic wave propagation, for example, the determination of a radiation field surrounding a source of radiation [Citation1], the detection of the source of acoustical noise [Citation2], the detection of surface vibrations from interior acoustical pressure [Citation3], etc.

This problem is ill-posed in the sense of Hadamard. The classical numerical methods are thus inappropriate for solving the problem. Different regularization methods such as the potential function method [Citation4], the modified Tikhonov regularization method [Citation5,Citation6], the truncation method [Citation7], the method of approximate solutions [Citation1], the wavelet moment method [Citation8], the method of fundamental solutions [Citation9], the conjugate gradient methods with the boundary element method [Citation10,Citation11], an alternating algorithm [Citation12,Citation13] and the accelerated alternating method [Citation14] have been considered for solving the Cauchy problem for the Helmholtz equation.

Figure 1. Description of the domain considered here and the description of the domain with the interior boundary.

Figure 1. Description of the domain considered here and the description of the domain with the interior boundary.

If k=0 then one can apply the alternating algorithm suggested in [Citation15,Citation16] which consists of iterative solution of the Neumann–Dirichlet problems. It has been shown in [Citation13, Section 1.3] that this alternating procedure does not always converge for large values of k2 in the Helmholtz equation. We therefore proposed in [Citation13] a modification of the alternating algorithm that we used to solve problem (Equation1), based on an introduction of an auxiliary boundary and a positive parameter, which are chosen to guarantee positivity of a certain quadratic form associated with the Helmholtz operator, our auxiliary boundary and parameter. It was proved in [Citation13] that the modified algorithm is convergent but the convergence of this modified algorithm is slow. However, since the quadratic form associated with the problem is positive, we can introduce a scalar product that gives us a natural framework that can be used to implement more sophisticated regularization methods. This was done in [Citation14,Citation17] where we showed that the conjugate gradient method can be used for solving the Cauchy problem for the Helmholtz equation efficiently. Since the conjugate gradient iterations have regularizing effect, see [Citation18], we could also solve the problem with noisy data.

In [Citation13,Citation14] it became clear that the main reason of the improved convergence is played by the replacement of the Neumann–Dirichlet iterations by the Robin–Dirichlet ones. In this paper, we present some simple modifications of the algorithm which may restore the convergence of the alternative algorithm from [Citation15,Citation16]. They consist of the replacement of the Neumann–Dirichlet iterations by the Robin–Dirichlet ones on Γ0 or Γ1 or on both Γ0 and Γ1 which repairs the convergence for k2 less than the first Dirichlet–Laplacian eigenvalue. In order to treat large wavenumbers, we present an algorithm based on iterative solution of Robin–Dirichlet boundary value problems in a sufficiently narrow border strip.

An important advantage of the proposed algorithms is that they can be readily applied to more general problems. First, we can treat more general second-order elliptic equations in divergence form with variable coefficients, i.e.·(A(x)u(x))+k(x)u(x)=0,inΩ,


where A is a bounded matrix function with variable coefficients and k is a bounded measurable function. Secondly, we can reconstruct elastic oscillations, with a fixed frequency, in non-homogeneous and non-isotropic media by boundary measurements, i.e.j=13xjσij(u)+ρ(x)k2ui=0,inΩ,i=1,2,3,


where σ is the stress tensor,σij=12k,=13Aijk(x)ukx+uxk,Aijk and ρ are space dependent functions, and u=(u1,u2,u3) is the displacement vector.

2. Description of the algorithms

In this section, we describe several iterative methods for solving the problem (Equation1). The methods are based on solving two well-posed boundary value problems for the original Helmholtz equation. In each iteration, we fix one of the known Cauchy data and choose the other one in an appropriate way so that the resulting boundary value problem is well posed. We also discuss the choice of the interior boundary γ and the positive constant μ which ensures the validity of inequality (Equation6) in Section 2.2. For solving problem with mixed boundary conditions involved in each iterative method described below, we refer to [Citation19Citation22] and to [Citation23] with superconvergence.

Before proceeding we recall the following definition:

Definition 2.1:

A function uH1(Ω) is called a weak solution to the Helmholtz equation in Ω ifΩu·vdx-k2Ωuvdx=0

for all vH1(Ω) such that v=0 on Γ.

2.1. The Robin–Dirichlet algorithm

In the first iterative algorithm, we alternate the Robin–Dirichlet boundary conditions on Γ1. The Dirichlet–Neumann boundary conditions are also alternated on Γ0. In order to formulate the methods, let us first assume that one can choose a positive constant μ so that(2) Ω|u|2-k2u2dx+μΓ1u2dS>0,(2)

for all uH1(Ω)\{0}.

As it was shown in [Citation13, Lemma 2.1], the inequality (Equation2) is valid for sufficiently large μ if and only if the first integral in (Equation2) is positive on non-zero functions from H1(Ω) vanishing on Γ1. We note that the correct formulation of [Citation13, Theorem 2.2] may be found in [Citation24]. Consider now the following boundary value problems:(3) Δu+k2u=0inΩ,u=fonΓ0,νu+μu=ηonΓ1,(3)

and(4) Δu+k2u=0inΩ,νu=gonΓ0,u=ϕonΓ1.(4)

Here, fH1/2(Γ0) and gH-1/2(Γ0) are the data in (Equation1). For ηH-1/2(Γ1) and ϕH1/2(Γ1), problems (Equation3) and (Equation4) are well posed and their weak solutions are defined below. Let us mention that in the following, H-1/2(Γ0) and H-1/2(Γ1) denote the dual spaces to H1/2(Γ0) and H1/2(Γ1), respectively.

Definition 2.2:

Let fH1/2(Γ0) and ηH-1/2(Γ1). We call uH1(Ω) a weak solution to problem (Equation3) if u satisfiesΩ(u·v-k2uv)dx+μΓ1uvdS=Γ1ηvdS

for every function vH1(Ω) such that v=0 on Γ0 and u=f on Γ0.

In a similar way, we give the definition of a weak solution to (Equation4).

Definition 2.3:

Let gH-1/2(Γ0) and ϕH1/2(Γ1). We call uH1(Ω) a weak solution to problem (Equation4) if it satisfiesΩ(u·v-k2uv)dx=Γ0gvdS

for every function vH1(Ω) such that v=0 on Γ1 and u=ϕ on Γ1.

The algorithm for solving (Equation1) is then described as follows:


The first approximation u0 is obtained by solving (Equation3), where η is an arbitrary initial approximation of the Robin condition on Γ1.


Having constructed u2n, we find u2n+1 by solving (Equation4) with ϕ=u2n on Γ1.


We then obtain u2n+2 by solving (Equation3) with η=νu2n+1+μu2n+1 on Γ1.

We now state the theorem about the convergence of this algorithm which can be proved in the same manner as in [Citation13, Theorem 3.1].

Theorem 2.4:

Suppose that μ is a positive constant chosen so that the positivity of the quadratic form (Equation2) is fulfilled. Let fH1/2(Γ0) and gH-1/2(Γ0), and let uH1(Ω) be the solution to problem (Equation1). Then, for every ηH-1/2(Γ1), the sequence (un)n=0, obtained using the algorithm described above, converges to u in H1(Ω).

One can also consider the following two alternatives for the algorithm presented above:


Assume that there exists a positive constant σ so that (5a) Ω(|u2|-k2u2)dx+σΓ0u2dS>0(5a) for all uH1(Ω)\{0}. From [Citation13, Lemma 2.1] it follows that the validity of the last condition for sufficiently large σ is equivalent to positivity of the first integral in (Equation5a) on functions from H1(Ω) vanishing on Γ0. One can describe, in the same way as above, an alternating algorithm through the following auxiliary problems: Δu+k2u=0inΩ,νu+σu=g+σfonΓ0,u=ϕonΓ1, and Δu+k2u=0inΩ,u=fonΓ0,νu=ηonΓ1.


Another alternative algorithm requires the existence of two positive constants σ and μ such that (5b) Ω(|u2|-k2u2)dx+σΓ0u2dS+μΓ1u2dS>0(5b) for all uH1(Ω)\{0}. Again by [Citation13, Lemma 2.1] the validity of this condition for sufficiently large σ and μ is equivalent to positivity of the first integral in (Equation5b) on functions from H1(Ω) vanishing on γ. In that case, the algorithm considered in this section, can similarly be described through boundary value problems: Δu+k2u=0inΩ,νu+σu=g+σfonΓ0,u=ϕonΓ1, and Δu+k2u=0inΩ,u=fonΓ0,νu+μu=ηonΓ1.

Similar to Theorem 2.4, one can prove the convergence of the above algorithms (I) and (II) in H1(Ω) provided condition (Equation5a) (or (Equation5b) in the case (II)) is fulfilled.

2.2. The Robin–Dirichlet algorithm with interior boundary

The algorithm proposed in the previous section may also diverge for large values of k2 in the Helmholtz equation. We shall therefore consider a variation of this method. The new method consists of introducing an artificial interior boundary γ inside Ω and a positive constant μ. We now solve the Helmholtz equation in a narrow border strip between γ and Γ with the Dirichlet–Neumann boundary conditions on Γ0 and Γ1 and the Robin–Dirichlet boundary conditions on γ.

Assume that Ω1 is a subdomain of Ω with a Lipschitz boundary γ. Define Ω2=Ω\Ω1¯; see Figure on the right. Assume also that μ is a positive constant chosen so that(6) Ω2|u|2-k2u2dx+μγu2dS>0,(6)

for all uH1(Ω2), u0. Again, using [Citation13, Lemma 2.1] one can show that the validity of (Equation2), for large μ, is equivalent to positivity of the first integral in (Equation2) for non-zero uH1(Ω2) vanishing on γ. The new alternating procedure involves the following boundary value problems:(7) Δu+k2u=0inΩ2,u=fonΓ0,νu=ηonΓ1,νu+μu=ξonγ,(7)

and(8) Δu+k2u=0inΩ2,νu=gonΓ0,u=ϕonΓ1,u=ψonγ.(8)

The algorithm thus consists of solving in an alternating way two well-posed boundary value problems (Equation7) and (Equation8). We define their weak solutions.

Definition 2.5:

Let fH1/2(Γ0), ηH-1/2(Γ1) and ξH-1/2(γ). We call a function uH1(Ω2) a weak solution to problem (Equation7) if it satisfiesΩ2(u·v-k2uv)dx+μγuvdS=Γ1ηvdS+γξvdS

for every function vH1(Ω2) such that v=0 on Γ0 and u=f on Γ0.

In a similar way, we define a weak solution to (Equation8).

Definition 2.6:

Let gH-1/2(Γ0), ϕH1/2(Γ1) and ψH1/2(γ). We call a function uH1(Ω2) a weak solution to problem (Equation8) if it satisfiesΩ2(u·v-k2uv)dx=Γ0gvdS

for every function vH1(Ω2) such that v=0 on Γ1 and on γ, u=ϕ on Γ1 and u=ψ on γ.

The algorithm for solving (Equation1) is described as follows:


The first approximation u0 is obtained by solving (Equation7), where η is an arbitrary approximation of the Neumann boundary condition on Γ1 and ξ is an arbitrary initial approximation of the Robin condition on γ.


Having constructed u2n, we find u2n+1 by solving (Equation8) with ϕ=u2n on Γ1 and ψ=u2n on γ.


We then obtain u2n+2 by solving the problem (Equation7) with η=νu2n+1 on Γ1 and ξ=νu2n+1+μu2n+1 on γ.

Theorem 2.7:

Suppose that assumptions on the choice of the interior boundary and the constant μ in Section 2.3 are fulfilled and the positivity condition (Equation6) holds. Let fH1/2(Γ0) and gH-1/2(Γ0), and let uH1(Ω) be the solution to problem (Equation1). Then, for every ηH-1/2(Γ1) and every ξH-1/2(γ), the sequence (un)n=0, obtained using the alternating algorithm described in Section 2.2, converges to u in H1(Ω).

The proof of this theorem can be carried out in a similar way as in [Citation13, Section 3].

2.3. Sufficient condition for aμ to be positive definite

In this section, we discuss the choice of the interior boundary γ and the positive constant μ which ensures the validity of (Equation6). We consider the two-dimensional case.

Let l(Γ) denote the length of the boundary Γ. Assume that the curve Γ is parametrized in terms of the arc length s with 0sl(Γ) and introduce the parametrization r(s)=(x(s),y(s)), counterclockwise. In that case, the unit tangent and the unit normal are given by T(s)=(x˙(s),y˙(s)) and N(s)=(-y˙(s),x˙(s)), respectively. At any point t; 0th, inside Ω, we thus have the following parametrization:(x(t),y(t))=(x(s),y(s))+t(-y˙(s),x˙(s)).

Let us define(9) aμ(u,u)=Ω(|u|2-k2u2)dx+μγu2dS(9)

Using the parametrization described above, we can rewrite (Equation9) as(10) aμ(u,u)=0l(Γ)0h(ut2+1(1-ρ(s)t)2us2-k2u2)(1-ρ(s)t)dtds+μ0l(Γ)u2(h)(1-ρ(s)h)ds0l(Γ)0h(ut2-k2u2)(1-ρ(s)t)dt+μu2(h)(1-ρ(s)h)ds(10)

where ρ(s)=y¨x˙-x¨y˙ is the curvature of Γ at the point r(s). In order for relation (Equation6) to hold, we shall determine h and μ so that aμ(u,u)>0. From (Equation10), it is sufficient to determine h and μ so that(11) 0h(ut2-k2u2)(1-ρ(s)t)dt+μu2(h)(1-ρ(s)h)t>0(11)

holds for all non-zero uH1(0,h). Then (Equation11) follows from0hut2-k21-ρ-1-ρ+u2dt+μu2(h)>0


We assume that h is sufficiently small. Consider the spectral problem(12) -u(t)=Λu(t)fort(0,h),u(0)=0,u(h)+μu(h)=0.(12)

Consider the case when 0<μ< and put β2=Λ. Solving problem (Equation12), we find that(13) βtan(βh)=μ.(13)

Therefore the first positive root of (Equation13) lies in the interval(14) 0<k2<β2<(π/2h)2.(14)

We see that the positivity condition holds and conclude that the value of h must be so that (Equation12) is satisfied. Denote by Λ1 the least eigenvalue. Then ifΛ1>k21-ρ-1-ρ+

the inequality (Equation11) is satisfied.

3. Numerical experiments

In this section, we present some numerical results that illustrate the algorithms developed in Section 2. We only investigate the case of exact data. For our tests, we start by finding the value of the wavenumber k2 in the Helmholtz equation for which the iterative procedure studied in [Citation15] does not converge. This algorithm is described as the algorithm in Section 2.1 where the Robin boundary condition in problem (Equation3) is replaced by the Neumann boundary condition instead. We then apply the iterative methods presented in Sections 2.1 and 2.2.

For the numerical implementation of these methods, we solve problem (Equation1) in a circular domain Ω={(r,θ):0r<R1and0θ<2π}, where R1 is the radius of the circle. The boundaries Γ0 and Γ1 are given byΓ0={(R1,θ):0θ<θ1}andΓ1={(R1,θ):θ1θ<2π},

respectively. We should mention here that various choices of θ1 have been considered in order to investigate the ill-posedness of the Cauchy problem with respect to the lengths of the known and unknown parts of the boundary Γ0 and Γ1, respectively. The interior boundary described in Section 2.2 is given by γ={(R0,θ):0θ<2π}, where R0 is the radius for the inner circle.

The auxiliary problems involved in the description of each method are solved by a finite difference method. For all the boundary value problems, we discretize the Helmholtz equation(15) 2u2r+1rur+1r22uθ2+k2u=0,0<r<R,0<θ<2π(15)

together with the periodicity condition(16) u(r,0)=u(r,2π),0<r<R1,(16)

to ensure the continuity at the end points. Depending on the algorithm, we also need to discretize the boundary conditions for the inner and outer circles corresponding to r=R0 and r=R1, respectively. These boundary conditions are the Dirichlet boundary condition:(17) u(r,θ)=f(θ),0θ<2π,(17)

the Neumann boundary condition:(18) ur(r,θ)=g(θ),0θ<2π,(18)

and the Robin boundary condition:(19) ur(r,θ)+μu(r,θ)=η(θ),0θ<2π.(19)

3.1. Finite difference approximation

We discretize the problem in polar coordinates. We consider the grid points as (ri,θj), where i=0,,M and j=0,,N. The grid size in the r and θ coordinates will be given by Δr=R1/M and Δθ=2π/N, respectively. Let ui,j denote the discrete approximation to u(ri,θj). We approximate the first- and second-order derivatives of the function u with respect to r by the centred differencesru=(ui+1,j-ui-1,j)(2Δr)-1andr2u=(ui+1,j-2ui,j+ui-1,j)(Δr2)-1

respectively. Similarly, the second-order derivative of the function u with respect to θ can be defined. As a result, the finite difference approximation of the Helmholtz equation (Equation15) at each interior grid point corresponding to (ij), i=1,,M-1 and j=1,N-1 thus simplifies to-aiui,j+biui-1,j+ciui+1,j+diui,j-1+diui,j+1=0.


The periodicity condition (Equation16) givesui,N=ui,0,i=1,,M-1.

Since there is only one point at the origin denoted by u0=u0,j, j=0,N, the discretization at that point is given by:(1-k2Δr2)u0=1Nj=0Nu1j.

For the Dirichlet boundary conditions (Equation17), we get the discretization of the formui,j=fj,i=i0ori=M,andj=1,,N,

where i0 corresponds to the index for r=R0. The discretizations of the Neumann boundary condition (Equation18) obtained using the forward difference on r=R0 and backward difference on r=R1 are given by(3ui,j-4ui+1,j+ui+2,j)(2Δr)-1=gj,i=i0andj=1,,N


respectively. This particular choice means that we approximate the Neumann boundary condition with accuracy O(Δr2). The discretization of the Robin boundary conditions is obtained as a combination of the Neumann and Dirichlet discretizations.

Since for each of the iterative methods considered here, we only solve two boundary value problems, the discretization of each method leads to two different types of linear systems Aiu=bi, i=1,2, where each Ai is a large sparse matrix of size MN×MN, and each bi is a vector that contains the boundary data values. Each system of equations is solved using the LU factorization. The advantage of these methods is that since the matrix Ai, i=1,2 does not depend on the boundary data, we can save the matrix Ai, i=1,2 and its sparse LU factorization between iterations. This significantly improves the computational speed.

3.2. The test problem

For the numerical computations, we choose the radius of the circle R1=0.2 and the computational grid N=300 and M=80, in the θ- and r-coordinates, respectively. The exact solution ue(x,y) is computed numerically by solving the Helmholtz equation with the Dirichlet boundary condition on r=R1 given byf(x,y)=sin(x+1)cosh(1-k2(y+2));

where x=R1cos(θ) and y=R1sin(θ). The exact Neumann boundary data g(xy) is evaluated numerically from the exact solution ue(x,y). We observe that as k2 increases the shape of the function f(xy) above changes as well as the exact solution (see Figure ) so that the problem becomes difficult to solve. It is therefore difficult to compare the quality of the computed solutions. But we can investigate the convergence or divergence of the algorithms presented in Sections 2.1 and 2.2 with respect to the wavenumber k2.

Figure 2. Exact numerical solution ue(x,y) obtained by solving the direct problem with the Dirichlet boundary conditions f(xy) with different wavenumbers k2. On the left, k2=15 and on the right k2=40.

Figure 2. Exact numerical solution ue(x,y) obtained by solving the direct problem with the Dirichlet boundary conditions f(x, y) with different wavenumbers k2. On the left, k2=15 and on the right k2=40.

In order to start the iterative algorithms, we also need to choose initial approximations described in each method. For this, we solve the direct problem for the Helmholtz equation with Dirichlet boundary condition f0 on r=R1. The function f0 is selected by interpolation of the function f using a cubic spline. This function is created so that f=f0 on Γ0 but with different values on Γ1. The reason to do this is to avoid the discontinuity in the function f0 at the end points of the boundary Γ0 and Γ1 that may lead to the Gibbs phenomena. The solution to this direct problem is thus the initial approximation u0 from which we evaluate initial approximations required by any of the algorithms. It should be noted here that with the choice of f0=0 so that u0=0, all the methods considered here produce an iterative sequence that converges to the exact solution. The initial guess f0 chosen here is not far from the exact solution on Γ1.

Figure 3. Results from the original algorithm when k2=14. In the left the convergence history is presented when ε=0%. The exact and numerical solutions are presented in the right where the vertical dotted line separates the known and unknown part of the boundary. Here the solid line (–), the dash starred line (––), the dashed triangulated line (––), the dash squared line (––) and the dashed circular line (––) correspond the the noise level ε=0%, ε=1%, ε=3% and ε=5%, respectively.

Figure 3. Results from the original algorithm when k2=14. In the left the convergence history is presented when ε=0%. The exact and numerical solutions are presented in the right where the vertical dotted line separates the known and unknown part of the boundary. Here the solid line (–), the dash starred line (–⋆–), the dashed triangulated line (–△–), the dash squared line (–□–) and the dashed circular line (–∘–) correspond the the noise level ε=0%, ε=1%, ε=3% and ε=5%, respectively.

Figure 4. The value of the wavenumber k2=15. We alternate the Dirichlet–Neumann conditions on Γ0 and the Robin–Dirichlet conditions on Γ1 with μ=6.5. The values of the exact and numerical Dirichlet boundary data are presented on the right and the convergence history is shown on the left. The vertical dotted line separates the known and unknown part of the boundary. For both figures, the solid line (–), the dash starred line (––), the dashed triangulated line (––), the dash squared line (––) and the dashed circular line (––) correspond the the noise level ε=0%, ε=1%, ε=3% and ε=5%, respectively.

Figure 4. The value of the wavenumber k2=15. We alternate the Dirichlet–Neumann conditions on Γ0 and the Robin–Dirichlet conditions on Γ1 with μ=6.5. The values of the exact and numerical Dirichlet boundary data are presented on the right and the convergence history is shown on the left. The vertical dotted line separates the known and unknown part of the boundary. For both figures, the solid line (–), the dash starred line (–⋆–), the dashed triangulated line (–△–), the dash squared line (–□–) and the dashed circular line (–∘–) correspond the the noise level ε=0%, ε=1%, ε=3% and ε=5%, respectively.

Figure 5. Divergence histories. On the left, the algorithm for which the Neumann–Dirichlet boundary conditions are alternated on Γ0 and on Γ1 diverges for k2=15. On the right, the Dirichlet–Neumann boundary conditions are alternated on Γ0 and the Robin–Dirichlet boundary conditions on Γ1. The iterative sequence diverges for k2=40.

Figure 5. Divergence histories. On the left, the algorithm for which the Neumann–Dirichlet boundary conditions are alternated on Γ0 and on Γ1 diverges for k2=15. On the right, the Dirichlet–Neumann boundary conditions are alternated on Γ0 and the Robin–Dirichlet boundary conditions on Γ1. The iterative sequence diverges for k2=40.

Figure 6. The value of the wavenumber k2=15. We alternate the Robin–Dirichlet conditions on Γ0 with σ=2.5 and the Dirichlet–Neumann conditions on Γ1. The values of the exact and numerical Dirichlet boundary data are presented on the right and the convergence history is shown on the left. The vertical dotted line separates the known and unknown part of the boundary. The exact and numerical solutions are presented in the right where the vertical dotted line separates the known and unknown part of the boundary. Here the solid line (–), the dash starred line (––), the dashed triangulated line (––), the dash squared line (––) and the dashed circular line (––) correspond the the noise level ε=0%, ε=1%, ε=3% and ε=5%, respectively.

Figure 6. The value of the wavenumber k2=15. We alternate the Robin–Dirichlet conditions on Γ0 with σ=2.5 and the Dirichlet–Neumann conditions on Γ1. The values of the exact and numerical Dirichlet boundary data are presented on the right and the convergence history is shown on the left. The vertical dotted line separates the known and unknown part of the boundary. The exact and numerical solutions are presented in the right where the vertical dotted line separates the known and unknown part of the boundary. Here the solid line (–), the dash starred line (–⋆–), the dashed triangulated line (–△–), the dash squared line (–□–) and the dashed circular line (–∘–) correspond the the noise level ε=0%, ε=1%, ε=3% and ε=5%, respectively.

Figure 7. The value of the wavenumber k2=15. We alternate the Robin–Dirichlet conditions on Γ0 and on Γ1 with parameters σ=1 and μ=1. The values of the exact and numerical Dirichlet boundary data are presented on the right and the convergence history is shown on the left. The vertical dotted line separates the known and unknown part of the boundary. The exact and numerical solutions are presented in the right where the vertical dotted line separates the known and unknown part of the boundary. The solid line (–), the dash starred line (––), the dashed triangulated line (––), the dash squared line (––) and the dashed circular line (––) correspond the the noise level ε=0%, ε=1%, ε=3% and ε=5%, respectively.

Figure 7. The value of the wavenumber k2=15. We alternate the Robin–Dirichlet conditions on Γ0 and on Γ1 with parameters σ=1 and μ=1. The values of the exact and numerical Dirichlet boundary data are presented on the right and the convergence history is shown on the left. The vertical dotted line separates the known and unknown part of the boundary. The exact and numerical solutions are presented in the right where the vertical dotted line separates the known and unknown part of the boundary. The solid line (–), the dash starred line (–⋆–), the dashed triangulated line (–△–), the dash squared line (–□–) and the dashed circular line (–∘–) correspond the the noise level ε=0%, ε=1%, ε=3% and ε=5%, respectively.

Figure 8. In this figure the value of the wavenumber k2=15. We solve the problem in a narrow strip for k2=15 and the constant μ=15 in the Robin boundary condition. The values of the exact and numerical solutions are presented on the right and the convergence history is shown on the left. The vertical dotted line separates the known and unknown part of the boundary. The exact and numerical solutions are presented in the right where the vertical dotted line separates the known and unknown part of the boundary. Here the solid line (–), the dash starred line (––), the dashed triangulated line (––), the dash squared line (––) and the dashed circular line (––) correspond the noise level ε=0%, ε=1%, ε=3% and ε=5%, respectively.

Figure 8. In this figure the value of the wavenumber k2=15. We solve the problem in a narrow strip for k2=15 and the constant μ=15 in the Robin boundary condition. The values of the exact and numerical solutions are presented on the right and the convergence history is shown on the left. The vertical dotted line separates the known and unknown part of the boundary. The exact and numerical solutions are presented in the right where the vertical dotted line separates the known and unknown part of the boundary. Here the solid line (–), the dash starred line (–⋆–), the dashed triangulated line (–△–), the dash squared line (–□–) and the dashed circular line (–∘–) correspond the noise level ε=0%, ε=1%, ε=3% and ε=5%, respectively.

For our numerical tests, we only present the numerical reconstruction of u on Γ1 since the reconstruction of ru on Γ1 is more ill-conditioned. This instability may due to the fact that the numerical differentiation in itself is ill-posed; see [Citation18].

3.3. Results and discussion

In the following, we investigate the convergence of the methods presented in Sections 2 with respect to the wavenumber k2. We consider the case of exact Cauchy data as well as noisy data. The noisy data are obtained by adding a normally distributed random noise of variance ε on the data f (xy) and g(xy), respectively. We only describe the numerical results obtained when θ1=π.

In order to apply our algorithms, we first find the value of the wavenumber k2 for which the alternating algorithm in [Citation15] does not converge. We observe that this method produces a convergent numerical solution when k2<15; see Figure and diverges for k215; see Figure on the left. We have noticed that as k2 increases, the error un(r,θ)-ue(r,θ) oscillates at the beginning of iterations before it becomes stable and decreases slowly; see Figure on the left. We only present the results for exact data, i.e. ε=0%. But similar behaviour is observed for noisy data. Therefore, we apply the algorithms described in Sections 2.1 and 2.2 for k215. The results for all the four algorithms are summarized in Table .

Table 1. This table presents the convergence and/or divergence of the algorithms presented in this paper with respect to the wavenumber and the choice of the parameters μ and/or σ in the Robin boundary conditions involved for a given method.

We now apply the algorithms developed in Section 2.1 for k2=15. The numerical results are presented in Figures , respectively. These results depend on appropriate choices of the parameters μ and/or σ in the Robin boundary conditions involved in each method as presented in Table . We observe that replacing the Neumann boundary conditions by the Robin boundary conditions, we improve the convergence of the method for the wavenumber for which the first algorithm fails. We also observe that as k2 increases, the constant μ and/or σ in the Robin boundary conditions increases also. For k2>30, the error un(r,θ)-ue(r,θ) is unstable at the first iterations. The algorithm becomes increasingly unstable as k2 increases and diverges for k2=40, see Figure on the right.

Figure 9. In this figure, we solve the problem in a narrow strip for k2=50 and the constant μ=200 in the Robin boundary condition. The values of the exact (- - -) and numerical (—) solutions are presented on the right and the convergence history is shown on the left. The vertical dotted line separates the known and unknown part of the boundary.

Figure 9. In this figure, we solve the problem in a narrow strip for k2=50 and the constant μ=200 in the Robin boundary condition. The values of the exact (- - -) and numerical (—) solutions are presented on the right and the convergence history is shown on the left. The vertical dotted line separates the known and unknown part of the boundary.

We finally investigate the algorithm presented in Section 2.2 as it is shown in Figures , and Table . Compared to the previous methods, this method is accurate as the wavenumber k2 increases. From the results in Table , we also observe that the constant μ in the Robin boundary condition also increases very much as the wavenumber increases.

For all the results presented here, we observe that as the noise level increases, the reconstruction of the numerical solutions becomes difficult. It is thus important to study the regularization effect in the future.

4. Conclusions

It was proved in [Citation13] that the alternating algorithm suggested by V.A. Kozlov and V.G. Maz’ya in [Citation15] does not converge for large values of the wave number in the Helmholtz equation. In this paper, we have considered iterative methods based on replacing Neumann–Dirichlet iterations by the Robin–Dirichlet ones. We observed that the algorithms presented in Section 2.1 may be used to improve the convergence of the algorithms in [Citation15] for solving the Cauchy problem for the Helmholtz equation. As we expected, these algorithms fail to produce a convergent sequence for some large values of the wavenumber k2. It becomes thus important to consider the algorithm in Section 2.2 based on solving the Cauchy problem for the Helmholtz equation in a narrow strip. The results reported above show that with this new method, the Cauchy problem for the Helmholtz equation is solved for large values in the wavenumber k2.

It should be noted here that accurate results were obtained for the case of exact Cauchy data. Thus, we have demonstrated that the proposed methods are all related to positive quadratic forms. This means that we get a scalar product that is natural for the problem. By reformulating the Cauchy problem (Equation1) as a linear operator equation, we thus have a natural setting with a scalar product that allows us to compute the adjoint operator by solving a similar boundary value problem. This can be used to implement faster methods, see [Citation14,Citation17], based on the conjugate gradient algorithm. For the same geometry, one can also compare the algorithm in Section 2.2 with our previous algorithm developed in [Citation13].

In our future work, we will investigate the stability of these methods and improve our results in the case of inexact Cauchy data. We will also work to add regularization to the iterative methods. Also we remark that in our iterative methods we need to solve well-posed boundary value for the Helmholtz equation. If an application involves a complicated domain the finite element method may be more suitable to use. This is also something we intend to demonstrate in future papers.

Additional information


The work of Lydie Mpinganzima was supported by the Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency (Sida) and the University of Rwanda (UR) [Sida Contribution No: 51160027–02, 51160059–02].


No potential conflict of interest was reported by the authors.


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