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Reconstruction for Sturm–Liouville equations with a constant delay with twin-dense nodal subsets

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Pages 608-617 | Received 27 Oct 2017, Accepted 02 Jun 2018, Published online: 27 Jun 2018


Inverse nodal problems for Sturm–Liouville equations with a constant delay are studied. The authors show that the potential up to its mean value on the whole interval can be uniquely determined by two twin-dense nodal subsets and present a constructive procedure for the solution of the above inverse nodal problem. Besides, an example shows that one twin-dense nodal subset can also reconstruct the potential up to its mean value on the whole interval for some cases, and a numerical example is presented.


1. Introduction

The following Sturm–Liouville equation with a constant delay is defined as follows: (1) u(x)+q(x)u(xa)=λu(x),0<x<π,(1) where q(x) is a real-valued function and qL2[0,π] and q(x)=a.e.0 on [0,a],0<a<π. The presence of a delay in the mathematical model causes phenomena that essentially influence the entire process. Technological and constructive improvements for such models require taking into account such phenomena even in the classical areas of engineering (see [Citation1] and references therein). Direct and inverse problems for differential operators with a constant delay were found in [Citation2–6], some results on inverse problems for integro-differential operators (operators with integral delay) can be found in [Citation7].

We shall denote the operator Lξ(q,a) with Equation (Equation1) and boundary conditions (2) u(0)=0,u(ξ)(π)=0,for ξ=0,1.(2)

The inverse spectral problem consists in recovering the operator from its spectral characteristics. Inverse spectral problems for the Sturm–Liouville operator have been studied fairly completely(see [Citation8–12] and the references therein). Although there seems to be only a little difference between the Sturm–Liouville operator and the operator Lξ(q,a), some of the features are unlike (see [Citation1,Citation2,Citation8]). For instance, the main methods in the inverse problem theory for the Sturm–Liouville operator (transformation operator method, method of spectral mappings, and others) do not give reliable results for differential operators with a constant delay.

The inverse nodal problem is to reconstruct this operator from the given nodal points (zeros) of its eigenfunctions. In 1988, McLaughlin [Citation13] showed that a dense subset of nodal points of its eigenfunctions for the classical Sturm–Liouville operator is sufficient to determine the potential q up to its mean value and coefficients h,H of boundary conditions. After then, a number of researchers studied the inverse nodal problems for differential pencils, discontinuous Sturm–Liouville problems, the p-Laplacian, the transmission eigenvalue problem, Sturm–Liouville equations on graphs and so on (see [Citation7,Citation12,Citation14–29] and references therein). In particular, X.F. Yang [Citation28] showed that an s-dense nodal set on the interval [0,b0] for the classical Sturm–Liouville operator, 12<b01, is sufficient to determine the potential q up to its mean value by applying Gesztesy–Simon theorem [Citation9]. Then, Cheng, Law and Tsay [Citation15] improved the Yang's results by the twin-dense subset on [0,b0] (see below, Definition 3.2, or [Citation15] and other works) instead of s-dense nodal set. Later, Guo and Wei [Citation17] showed that the potential q(x) up to its mean value can be uniquely determined by the twin-dense subset on [a0,b0] for the case a0<12<b0. A counterexample in [Citation27] illustrates that two Sturm–Liouville operators have the same spectrum and in the subinterval [0,((1α)/2)][((1+α)/2),1] for any α,0<α<1, their nodal points are the same, but q(x)q~(x) on the interval ((1α)/2,(1+α)/2). Later, Wang and Yurko [Citation26] studied the inverse nodal problem for discontinuous Sturm–Liouville problems by the twin-dense subset on [a0,b0]. Inverse problems are more difficult for investigation of Equation (Equation1) –Equation (Equation2) with the spectral data, and nowadays in this direction there are only a number of results (see [Citation2–4] and other works) which do not constitute a general picture. The aims of this paper are to study the inverse nodal problems for the Sturm–Liouville operator with a constant delay.

This article is organized as follows. In Section 2, we present preliminaries. The inverse nodal problems for Sturm–Liouville equations with a constant delay are studied in Section 3.

2. Preliminaries

Let S(x,ρ) be the solution of the Equation (Equation1) associated with initial conditions S(0,ρ)=0 and S(0,ρ)=1. Denote λ=ρ2 and τ=|Imρ|. Then S(x,ρ) and S(x,ρ) satisfy (see [Citation3]): (3) S(x,ρ)=sin(ρx)ρ+axsinρ(xt)ρq(t)S(ta,λ)dt=sin(ρx)ρcosρ(xa)2ρ2axq(t)dt+12ρ2axq(t)cos(x2t+a)dt+Oeτxρ3,(3) (4) S(x,ρ)=cos(ρx)+sin(ρ(xa))2ρaxq(t)dt+12ρaxq(t)sin(ρ(x2t+a))dt+Oeτxρ2(4) for sufficiently large λ, uniformly in x[a,π]. Each eigenvalue of Lξ is real and simple, and the spectral set of Lξ coincides with the set of zero of its characteristic function (5) Δξ(λ):=S(ξ)(π,λ).(5) Denote λn,ξ=ρn,ξ2,n1. Then the eigenvalues λn,ξ satisfy the following asymptotic formula (see [Citation2,Citation3]): (6) ρn,ξ=nξ2+ωcosnξ2anπ+κn,ξn,(6) where ω=12aπq(t)dt, {κn,ξ}l2.

3. Inverse nodal problems

From now on, we denote L~ξ=Lξ(q~,a) which is of the same form as L but with different coefficients. If a certain symbol γ denotes an object related to Lξ, then the corresponding symbol γ~ denotes the analogous object related to L~ξ, and γˆ=γγ~. In this section, we shall show our main results of inverse nodal problems for the Sturm–Liouville equation with a constant delay. Since q(x)=a.e.0 on [0,a], we shall only concern with the nodal subset on [a,π]. We have the following nodal formulae in [a,π] for Lξ(q,a).

Lemma 3.1

For ξ=0,1, the zero xn,ξj of the eigenfunction S(x,λn,ξ) of Lξ(q,a) satisfy the following formula: (7) xn,ξj=jπnξ2+cosnξ2a0xn,ξjq(t)dt2nξ22jωnξ23+o1n2.(7)


By virtue of Equation (Equation3), S(x,λn,ξ)=sin(ρn,ξx)ρn,ξcosρn,ξ(xa)2ρn,ξ2axq(t)dt+o1n2. Since S(xn,ξj,λn,ξ)=0, we have sinρn,ξxn,ξjcosρn,ξxn,ξjcosρn,ξa+sinρn,ξxn,ξjsinρn,ξa2ρn,ξaxn,ξjq(t)dt+o1n=0. This implies (8) tanρn,ξxn,ξj=cosnξ2a2ρn,ξaxn,ξjq(t)dt+o1n.(8) By using Taylor's expansions, then Equation (Equation8) shows ρn,ξxn,ξj=jπ+cosnξ2a2ρn,ξ0xn,jjq(t)dt+o1n, as n. This implies (9) xn,ξj=jπρn,ξ+cosnξ2a2ρn,ξ20xn,ξjq(t)dt+o1n2.(9) By virtue of Equation (Equation6), we have the following asymptotic formulae (10) 1ρn,ξ=1nξ2ωcosnξ2anξ23π+o1n3,(10) (11) 1ρn,ξ2=1nξ22+o1n2.(11) Substituting Equations (Equation10) and (Equation11) into Equation (Equation9), we obtain Equation (Equation7). Therefore, the proof of Lemma 3.1 is completed.

Denote ln,ξj:=xn,ξj+1xn,ξj, one can derive ln,ξj=πnξ2+O1n2 from Lemma 3.1. Let Xξ:={xn,ξj}n,jN[a,π] be the set of nodal points of Lξ(q,a). Clearly Xξ is the dense set on [a,π]. Define the function jn,ξ(x) on (a,π) by jn,ξ(x):=max{j:xn,ξjx},ξ=0,1. Therefore, for fixed n,x, then there exists a jn,ξ(x)=j such that x[xn,ξj,xn,ξj+1).

Definition 3.2

Let B:={nk|nkN}k=1 be a strictly increasing sequence of natural numbers. For each ξ=0,1 We call WB,ξ([a0,b0])[a0,b0],aa0<b0π, be a twin-dense nodal subset on [a0,b0] of Xξ, if

  1. WB,ξ([a0,b0])Xξ[a0,b0].

  2. For all nkB, there exists jk such that both xnk,ξjk,xnk,ξjk+1WB,ξ([a0,b0]).

  3. The set WB,ξ([a0,b0]) is dense on [a0,b0], i.e. WB,ξ([a0,b0])¯=[a0,b0].

In this paper, we say WB,ξ([a0,b0])=W~B~,ξ([a0,b0]) if xnk,ξjk+j=x~n~k,ξj~k+j for all jN, where xnk,ξjk+jWB,ξ([a0,b0]) and x~n~k,ξj~k+jW~B~,ξ([a0,b0]). The following inverse nodal problem is what we concern:

Inverse Problem: Given two twin-dense nodal subsets WB,ξ([a0,b0]), ξ=0,1, on the interval [a0,b0], we reconstruct the potential q(x).

The following results can solve the Inverse Problem completely.

Theorem 3.3

The potential q(x) on [a,π] up to its mean value can be uniquely determined by the given twin-dense nodal subsets WB,ξ([a,π]) for ξ=0,1.


For each fixed x[a,π], we choose xnk,ξjnk and  xnk,ξjnk+1WB,ξ([a,π]) such that limkxnk,ξjnk=x. From Equation (Equation7), we have limkjnkπnξ2=x,ξ=0,1. Therefore, (12) f(x):=limk2sin(nka)(nk12)2xnk,1jnk(nk12)jnkπsin((nk12)a)nk2xnk,0jnknkjnkπ=limksina2axnk,ξjnkq(t)dt2jnkωnk+o(1)=sina20xq(t)dtxπaπq(t)dt,a>0.(12) By taking derivatives for Equation (Equation12), we have (13) q(x)1πaπq(t)dt=a.e.1sina2f(x),x[a,π],a>0.(13) Thus, the proof of Theorem 3.3 is completed.

The proof of Theorem 3.3 is constructive. Therefore, a constructive procedure for the solution of the Inverse Problem is presented as follows.

Algorithm: Given the twin-dense nodal subsets WB,ξ([a,π]), ξ=0,1, reconstruct q(x).

  1. For each fixed x[a,π], we choose a sequence {xnk,ξjnk}WB,ξ([a,π]) such that limkxnk,ξjnk=x;

  2. We calculate f(x) by Equation (Equation12).

  3. By taking derivatives for Equation (Equation12), we find the potential q(x) satisfying q(x)1πaπq(t)dt=a.e.1sina2f(x),x[a,π].

Remark 3.4

  1. Since the limit limkcosnkξ2a,ξ=0,1 may not exist, or 0, we may not reconstruct the potential q(x) on [a,π] by only one twin-dense nodal subset. In fact the condition ‘existence of the above limit’, or cos((nk(ξ/2))a)0, is so crucial that Theorem 3.3 for one twin-dense nodal subset may be invalid for any a and B. However, only one twin-dense nodal subset can also reconstruct the potential q(x) on [a,π] for some a and B (see below, Example 3.6).

  2. Clearly Equation (Equation13) is violated for a=0. If a=0, then the Equation (Equation1) becomes the classical Sturm–Liouville equation. Therefore one can only reconstruct q(x) from one twin-dense nodal subset (see [Citation13] and other works).

By virtue of the above algorithm, we obtain the uniqueness theorem:

Theorem 3.5

If WB,ξ([a,π])=W~B~,ξ([a,π]) for ξ=0,1, then (14) q(x)1πaπq(t)dt=a.e.q~(x)1πaπq~(t)dton[a,π].(14)


For each fixed x[a,π], we choose xnk,ξjnk andxnk,ξjnk+1WB,ξ([a,π]) such that limkxnk,ξjnk=x. By virtue of (Equation13), we reconstruct q(x) by q(x)1πaπq(t)dt=a.e.1sina2f(x),x[a,π],a>0. By virtue of the assumption WB,ξ([a,π])=W~B~,ξ([a,π]) of Theorem 3.5 together with the function f(x) defined by Equation (Equation12), this yields f(x)=f~(x),x[a,π], hence f(x)=a.e.f~(x) on[a,π]. This yields Equation (Equation14), i.e. q(x)q~(x)=a.e.2ωˆπ on[a,π]. This completes the proof of Theorem 3.5.

In the remaining of this section, we shall present an example for reconstructing the potential q from one twin-dense nodal subset, which shows that only one twin-dense nodal subset on [a,π] can reconstruct the potential q(x) for a=π/4 and B={nk:n=8k+1,kN} and a numerical solution of the inverse nodal problem.

Example 3.6

Let WB,0([(π/4),π]){xn,0j}[(π/4),π],nB,j=[n/4],,n, be the twin-dense nodal subset of the operator Lξ(q,(π/4)), where (15) xnk,0j=jπ8k+1127jπ221536(8k+1)3+(jπ)3212(8k+1)5+o1k2,nkB,(15) reconstruct q(x) on [(π/4),π].

For each fixed x((π/4),π), we choose xnk,0jnk and xnk,0jnk+1WB,0([(π/4),π]) such that limkxnk,0jnk=x, i.e. limkjπ8k+1=xandcos(nka)=22. By Equation (Equation7) together with Equation (Equation15), we have (16) f0(x):=limk2nk2xnk,0jnk2nkjnkπ=22limk(jπ)33(8k+1)3127jπ2384(8k+1)+o(1)=22x33127π2384x,xπ4,π.(16) By taking derivatives for Equation (Equation16) again, this yields (17) q(x)1πaπq(t)dt=a.e.x2127π2384,xπ4,π.(17) If q((π/4)+0)=π2/16, then (18) 1ππ4πq(t)dt=127π2384.(18) Therefore, Equations (Equation17) and (Equation18) imply q(x)=a.e.x2onπ4,π.

By Example 3.6, we see that q(x)=a.e.x2 together with q((π/4)+0)=π2/16 is a solution for Sturm–Liouville equation with a constant delay with the twin-dense nodal subset WB,0([(π/4),π]){xn,0j:nB,j=[n/4],,n}[π/4,π].

Finally, we present a numerical solution of the above inverse nodal problem. We choose a subset of WB,0([π/4,π]) such that xN0,0j satisfy Equation (Equation15), where N0 sufficiently large. Let xk=π/4+kh, where h>0 is called a step length, k=1,2,,[3π/4h]. For each xk, we find a number j(xk,N0),1j(xk,N0)N0, such that j(xk,N0):=minN0/4jN0xkxN0,0j. Thus, the corresponding approximate solution qest is defined by (19) qest(xk):=xN0,0j(xk,N0)2forallk=1,2,3π4h.(19) By virtue of Equations (Equation15) and (Equation19), we show that the following inequality |q(xk)qest(xk)|=xk2xN0,0j(xk,N0)2=xkxN0,0j(xk,N0)xk+xN0,0j(xk,N0)2πxkxN0,0j(xk,N0)2πmaxxN0,0j(xk,N0)+1xN0,0j(xk,N0),xN0,0j(xk,N0)xN0,0j(xk,N0)110N0 holds for all k=1,,[3π/4h]. Therefore, the difference of q(x) and qest(x) is : |q(x)qest(x)|10N0. Thus, 10N0 is a error for the accurate solution q(x) and the corresponding approximate solution qest. Figure  is a comparison of the accurate solution q(x) and the corresponding approximate solution qest with the error 0.005.

Figure 1. Comparison of the accurate solution q(x) and the corresponding approximate solution qest for h=0.1 and N0=2000 with the nodal subset {xN0,0j}j=5002000.

Figure 1. Comparison of the accurate solution q(x) and the corresponding approximate solution qest for h=0.1 and N0=2000 with the nodal subset {xN0,0j}j=5002000.

Figure  is a comparison of the accurate solution q(x) and the corresponding approximate solution qest with the error 0.001.

Figure 2. Comparison of the accurate solution q(x) and the corresponding approximate solution qest for h=0.005 and N0=10000 with the nodal subset {xN0,0j}j=250010000.

Figure 2. Comparison of the accurate solution q(x) and the corresponding approximate solution qest for h=0.005 and N0=10000 with the nodal subset {xN0,0j}j=250010000.


The authors would like to thank the anonymous referees for valuable suggestions, which helped to improve the readability and quality of the paper.

Disclosure statement

No potential conflict of interest was reported by the authors.


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