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Generalized inverse spectral problem for pseudo-Jacobi matrices with mixed eigendata

, &
Pages 773-789 | Received 04 Dec 2017, Accepted 28 Jun 2018, Published online: 18 Jul 2018


In this paper, we investigate a generalized inverse eigenproblem for pseudo-Jacobi matrices with mixed eigendata. These matrices appear in non-Hermitian Quantum Mechanics and extend the well-known concept of Jacobi matrices. It is shown that a unique pseudo-Jacobi matrix may be recovered from certain prescribed mixed eigendata, i.e. its leading principal submatrix, two distinct real eigenvalues, and part of the corresponding eigenvectors. An algorithm is provided for the reconstruction of such a matrix, and illustrative numerical experiments are presented to test the algorithm. The recurrence relation involving leading principal minors is crucial for the problem solution.


1. Introduction

In this paper, we shall be concerned with the set of real tridiagonal matrices T=α1β1γ1βr1γr1αrβrγrαr+1βr+1γr+1αr+2βr+2γr+2βn1γn1αn with βi, i=1,,n1 positive and satisfying γr=βr, γi=βi, ir and 0<r<n. This set is denoted by J(n,r,β), and its elements are known as pseudo-Jacobi matrices (see the definition in [Citation1]). If the values of γi and βi, i=1,2,,n1 in the above matrix T are equal and positive respectively, then T is changed into a Jacobi matrix. These matrices attracted the attention of scientists as they appear in different areas of science, such as mechanics and theoretical physics (e.g. see [Citation1–4] and the references therein). In particular, the literature on inverse eigenvalue problems for Jacobi matrices is very rich. Much of the basic theory on existence and uniqueness of solution of these problems is due to Hochstadt [Citation5] and Hald [Citation6], and numerical algorithms for reconstructing Jacobi matrices from prescribed spectral data were proposed by Boley and Golub [Citation7], Ferguson [Citation8], etc. For other results, we refer the readers to [Citation9–15]. Inverse eigenproblems have many applications in vibrating systems [Citation12], classical moment problems [Citation2], etc. The study of inverse eigenproblem for pseudo-Jacobi matrices also deserves attention since these matrices arise in connection with the discretization and truncation of the Schrödinger equation in non-Hermitian quantum mechanics [Citation1] (see also [Citation3,Citation16,Citation17]). In addition, generalized inverse eigenproblems on the reconstruction of a Jacobi matrix and a symmetric tridiagonal matrix from its leading principal submatrix, two distinct real eigenvalues, and part of the corresponding eigenvectors, were presented, respectively in [Citation18,Citation19]. In this article, we will consider the generalized inverse eigenproblem with mixed eigendata in the pseudo-Jacobi case.

Consider the eigenvalue problem JnX=λCnX,0XRn, with JnJ(n,r,β) and Cn being the non-Hermitian matrix (1) Cn=a1b1b1br1br1arbrbrar+1br+1br+1bn1bn1an,(1) where the pair (λ,X) is said to be an eigenpair of (Jn,Cn). The goal of this work is to solve the generalized inverse eigenproblem stated below, denoted by the acronym of generalized inverse eigenproblem for pseudo-Jacobi matrices (GIEPPJ), consisting in reconstructing a matrix in J(n,r,β) from the knowledge of partial spectral data.

The GIEPPJ statement is as follows.

GIEPPJ: Given Cn as in (Equation1), an r×r Jacobi matrix Jr, real distinct numbers λ and μ, real vectors X2=(xr+1,xr+2,,xn)T, Y2=(yr+1,yr+2,,yn)T, where 0<r<n, find nonzero real vectors X1=(x1,x2,,xr)T, Y1=(y1,y2,,yr)T and a pseudo-Jacobi matrix JnJ(n,r,β) such that Jr is its r×r leading principal submatrix, and (λ,X) and (μ,Y) are eigenpairs of (Jn,Cn), i.e. JnX=λCnX and JnY=μCnY, where X=(X1T,X2T)T and Y=(Y1T,Y2T)T.

The rest of this paper is organized as follows. In Section 2, the eigenvectors X and Y of the matrix pair (Jn,Cn) are characterized. In Section 3, a necessary and sufficient condition for the existence of a unique solution for the GIEPPJ is presented. In Section 4, an algorithm is proposed to reconstruct the pseudo-Jacobi matrix in J(n,r,β), and examples are given to illustrate the algorithm. Finally, in Section 5 some conclusions are presented.

2. Eigenvectors of the matrix pair (Jn,Cn)

Throughout this paper, let σ(Jn,Cn) denote the set of eigenvalues of the matrix pair (Jn,Cn), and the determination of these pairs is the direct generalized spectral problem. Let fi(λ)=det(JiλCi) be the ith leading principal minor of JnλCn, where Ji and Ci are, respectively, the i×i leading principal submatrix of matrices Jn and Cn for i=1,2,,n. Assume that f1(λ)=0 and f0(λ)=1. Let us define: (2) φi(λ,μ):=detfi1(λ)fi(λ)fi1(μ)fi(μ),i=1,2,,r,(2) (3) tj:=detxj+1yj+1xjyj,j=r+1,r+2,,n1,(3) (4) di:=j=i+1najxjyj,i=r+1,r+2,,n1,(4) (5) gi:=j=i+1n1bj(xjyj+1+xj+1yj),i=r+1,r+2,,n2withgn1=0,(5) where λ, μ, X2=(xr+1,xr+2,,xn)T and Y2=(yr+1,yr+2,,yn)T are as in the GIEPPJ.

The following three-term recurrence relation holds: (6) fj(λ)=(αjλaj)fj1(λ)(βj1+λbj1)2fj2(λ),j=1,,r,fr+1(λ)=(αr+1λar+1)fr(λ)+(βr+λbr)2fr1(λ),fk(λ)=(αkλak)fk1(λ)(βk1+λbk1)2fk2(λ),k=r+2,,n.(6)

Before stating our main result we present preliminary lemmas.

Lemma 2.1

Let (λ,X) be an eigenpair of the matrix pair (Jn,Cn), where X=(x1,x2, ,xn)T. If βi+λbi0 for i=1,2,,n1, then

  1. x1xn0;

  2. two consecutive components of X cannot simultaneously vanish;

  3. x=((1)1x1f1(λ))/(i=11(βi+λbi)), =2,,n.


(a), (b) Assume that (λ,X) is an eigenpair of (Jn,Cn), (JnλCn)X=0,X0, and write this matrix equation as the system: (7) (βj1+λbj1)xj1+(αjλaj)xj+(βj+λbj)xj+1=0,j=1,,r,(βr+λbr)xr+(αr+1λar+1)xr+1+(βr+1+λbr+1)xr+2=0,(βk1+λbk1)xk1+(αkλak)xk+(βk+λbk)xk+1=0,k=r+2,,n,(7) where x0 and xn+1 are interpreted as zero.

If βi+λbi0 for i=1,2,,n1, then by the first equation in (Equation7) we conclude that x1=0 implies x2=0. By the second equation, taking x1=x2=0 implies x3=0, and successively, considering the jth equation (Equation7), we find that xj1=xj=0 implies xj+1=0. So, up to the (n1)th equation in (Equation7), xn2=xn1=0 implies that xn=0. Conversely, xn=0 implies xn1==x2=x1=0, and all the components of X must vanish, contradicting that X0. Then (a) and (b) hold.

(c) Writing χ1=x1,χ=(1)1xi=11(βi+λbi),=2,,n+1, and multiplying the first, second and third equations in (Equation7), respectively, by (1)j1i=1j1(βi+λbi),1jr,(1)ri=1r(βi+λbi)and(1)k1i=1k1(βi+λbi),r+2kn, we obtain (8) χj+1=(αjλaj)χj(βj1+λbj1)2χj1,j=1,,r,χr+2=(αr+1λar+1)χr+1+(βr+λbr)2χr,χk+1=(αkλak)χk(βk1+λbk1)2χk1,k=r+2,,n,(8) where χ0=χn+1=0.

Comparing (Equation8) with (Equation6), we conclude that χ=Kf1(λ), =1,2,,n+1, where K is a nonzero constant. If =1, then K=x1. Thus, we get (1)1xi=11(βi+λbi)=x1f1(λ),

Therefore, if βi+λbi0 for any i=1,2,,1, x=(1)1x1f1(λ)i=11(βi+λbi) for any =2,,n.

An immediate consequence of Lemma 2.1 is the following.

Lemma 2.2

Let (λ,X) be an eigenpair of (Jn,Cn). Assume that X1=(x1,x2,,xr)T (0<r<n) is a nonzero vector. If βi+λbi0 for i=1,2,,r1, then x10 and xj=(1)j1x1fj1(λ)i=1j1(βi+λbi),j=2,,r.

Lemma 2.3

Under the assumptions in the GIEPPJ and Lemma 2.2, and assuming that βr+λbr0, we have:

  1. If λσ(Jr,Cr), then xr+10 and X1=(1)r(βr+λbr)xr+1fr(λ)i=1r1(βi+λbi),f1(λ)i=2r1(βi+λbi),,(1)jfj(λ)×i=j+1r1(βi+λbi),,(1)r2fr2(λ)(βr1+λbr1),(1)r1fr1(λ)T;

  2. If λσ(Jr,Cr), then xr+1=0 and X1=x1i=1r1(βi+λbi)i=1r1(βi+λbi),f1(λ)i=2r1(βi+λbi),,(1)jfj(λ)×i=j+1r1(βi+λbi),,(1)r2fr2(λ)(βr1+λbr1),(1)r1fr1(λ)T, where x1 is an arbitrary nonzero real number.


(1) Since λσ(Jr,Cr), then fr(λ)0. By Lemma 2.2 we have x10. If βi+λbi0 for i=1,2,,r, from the proof of Lemma 2.1 we conclude that xr+1=((1)rx1fr(λ))/i=1r(βi+λbi). Therefore, xr+10 and x1=(1)rxr+1fr(λ)i=1r(βi+λbi).

From the first equation (α1λa1)x1+(β1+λb1)x2=0 in (Equation7), as β1+λb10, we obtain by using the value of x1 x2=α1λa1β1+λb1x1=(1)r+1xr+1f1(λ)fr(λ)i=2r(βi+λbi).

The proof proceeds by induction. We assume xj=(1)r+j1xr+1fj1(λ)fr(λ)i=jr(βi+λbi),j=2,,l1, lr, and we show that xl=(1)r+l1xr+1fl1(λ)fr(λ)i=lr(βi+λbi),lr.

Using the recurrence relation (βl2+λbl2)xl2+(αl1λal1)xl1+(βl1+λbl1)xl=0 in (Equation7), as βl1+λbl10, we obtain xl=βl2+λbl2βl1+λbl1xl2αl1λal1βl1+λbl1xl1=(1)r+l1xr+1fr(λ)fl3(βl2+λbl2)2+(αl1λal1)fl2(λ)i=lr(βi+λbi)=(1)r+l1xr+1fl1(λ)fr(λ)i=lr(βi+λbi).

Hence (1) holds.

(2) If λσ(Jr,Cr), then fr(λ)=0. If βi+λbi0 for i=1,2,,r, from the proof of Lemma 2.1 we get xr+1=((1)rx1fr(λ))/i=1r(βi+λbi)=0, and we easily obtain xl=(1)l1x1fl1(λ)i=1r1(βi+λbi)i=lr1(βi+λbi),lr.

Since x10, by Lemma 2.2, we may consider x1 as an arbitrary nonzero real number, and the result follows.

Lemma 2.4

Under the hypothesis of Lemma 2.3, we have: i=1r1(βi+λbi),f1(λ)i=2r1(βi+λbi),,(1)r2fr2(λ)×i=2r1(βr1+λbr1),(1)r1fr1(λ)Cri=1r1(βi+μbi),f1(μ)i=2r1(βi+μbi),,(1)r2fr2(μ)×i=2r1(βr1+μbr1),(1)r1fr1(μ)T=φr(λ,μ)λμ.


For r=1, the statement is trivial. For r=2, we get β1+λb1,f1(λ)C2β1+μb1,f1(μ)T=a1β12+2b1α1β1+α1b12(λ+μ)λμa1b12+a2f1(λ)f1(μ)=β12(f1(μ)f1(λ))+2β1b1(λf1(μ)μf1(λ))+b12(λ2f1(μ)μ2f1(λ))λμ+f1(μ)f1(λ)[α2μa2(α2λa2)]λμ=f1(μ)[(β1+λb1)2(α2λa2)f1(λ)]f1(λ)[(β1+μb1)2(α2μa2)f1(μ)]λμ=f1(μ)f2(λ)+f1(λ)f2(μ)λμ=φ2(λ,μ)λμ.

The proof follows by induction. We assume the validity of the statement for r=p, 2pn2, i.e. i=1p1(βi+λbi),f1(λ)i=2p1(βi+λbi),,(1)p2fp2(λ)×i=2p1(βp1+λbp1),(1)p1fp1(λ)Cpi=1p1(βi+μbi),f1(μ)i=2p1(βi+μbi),,(1)p2fp2(μ)×i=2p1(βp1+μbp1),(1)p1fp1(μ)T=φp(λ,μ)λμ.

By considering the partition Cp+1=CpbpepbpepTap+1, where ep=(0,0,,0,1)TRp, we obtain i=1p(βi+λbi),f1(λ)i=2p(βi+λbi),,(1)p1fp1(λ)(βp+λbp),(1)pfp(λ)Cp+1i=1p(βi+μbi),f1(μ)i=2p(βi+μbi),,(1)p1fp1(μ)(βp+μbp),(1)pfp(μ)T=(βp+λbp)(βp+μbp)φp(λ,μ)λμ+bpfp(λ)fp1(μ)(βp+μbp)+bpfp1(λ)fp(μ)(βp+λbp)+ap+1fp(λ)fp(μ)=1λμ(βp+λbp)(βp+μbp)(fp1(λ)fp(μ)fp(λ)fp1(μ))+bp(λμ)fp(λ)fp1(μ)(βp+μbp)+bp(λμ)fp1(λ)fp(μ)(βp+λbp)+ap+1(λμ)fp(λ)fp(μ)=1λμfp1(λ)fp(μ)(βp+λbp)2fp(λ)fp1(μ)(βp+μbp)2+ap+1(λμ)fp(λ)fp(μ)=1λμfp(λ)(αp+1μap+1)fp(μ)(βp+μbp)2fp1(μ)fp(μ)(αp+1λap+1)fp(λ)(βp+λbp)2fp1(λ)=fp(λ)fp+1(μ)fp(μ)fp+1(λ)λμ=φp+1(λ,μ)λμ.

This shows the validity of the statement for r = p+1, and so the statement is true for 1rn1.

Lemma 2.5

Under the hypothesis of Lemma 2.3, the following holds:

  1. If λ,μσ(Jr,Cr), then X1TCrY1=xr+1yr+1(βr+λbr)(βr+μbr)φr(λ,μ)(λμ)fr(λ)fr(μ);

  2. If λσ(Jr,Cr) and μσ(Jr,Cr), then X1TCrY1=(1)rx1yr+1(βr+μbr)fr1(λ)(λμ)i=1r1(βi+λbi);

  3. If λσ(Jr,Cr) and μσ(Jr,Cr), then X1TCrY1=(1)r+1y1xr+1(βr+λbr)fr1(μ)(λμ)i=1r1(βi+μbi);

  4. If λ,μσ(Jr,Cr), then X1TCrY1=0,

where x1 and y1 are arbitrary nonzero real numbers.


(1) If λ,μσ(Jr,Cr), then fr(λ)0 and fr(μ)0. By Lemmas 2.3 and 2.4, we obtain X1TCrY1=xr+1yr+1(βr+λbr)(βr+μbr)φr(λ,μ)(λμ)fr(λ)fr(μ).

(2) If λσ(Jr,Cr) and μσ(Jr,Cr), then fr(λ)=0 and fr(μ)0. Thus φr(λ,μ)=fr1(λ)fr(μ). By Lemmas 2.3 and 2.4, we have X1TCrY1=(1)rx1yr+1(βr+μbr)fr1(λ)(λμ)i=1r1(βi+λbi), where x1 is an arbitrary nonzero real number.

(3) If λσ(Jr,Cr) and μσ(Jr,Cr), then fr(λ)0, fr(μ)=0 and φr(λ,μ)=fr(λ)fr1(μ). Thus, by Lemmas 2.3 and 2.4 we get X1TCrY1=(1)r+1y1xr+1(βr+λbr)fr1(μ)(λμ)i=1r1(βi+μbi), where y1 is an arbitrary nonzero real number.

(4) If λ,μσ(Jr,Cr), then fr(λ)=fr(μ)=0 and φr(λ,μ)=0. Therefore, by Lemmas 2.3 and 2.4 we find, X1TCrY1=0, and the proof is complete.

3. Solution of the GIEPPJ

Assume that (λ,X) and (μ,Y) are eigenpairs of (Jn,Cn). Thus, (9) (JnλCn)X=0,(JnμCn)Y=0,YT(JnλCn)X=0,XT(JnμCn)Y=0.(9) Let (Jr+1,n, Cr+1,n) be the (nr)×(nr) trailing principal submatrix of (Jn, Cn) in lines r+1,,n, and consider the partition JnλCn=JrλCr(βr+λbr)erδ1T(βr+λbr)δ1erTJr+1,nλCr+1,n, where er=(0,0,,0,1)TRr and δ1=(1,0,,0)TRnr. The system of matrix equations (Equation9) can be equivalently expressed as follows: (10) (JrλCr)X1=(βr+λbr)xr+1er,(10) (11) (Jr+1,nλCr+1,n)X2=(βr+λbr)xrδ1,(11) (12) (JrμCr)Y1=(βr+μbr)yr+1er,(12) (13) (Jr+1,nμCr+1,n)Y2=(βr+μbr)yrδ1,(13) (14) Y1T(JrλCr)X1+Y2T(Jr+1,nλCr+1,n)X2+(βr+λbr)(yrxr+1yr+1xr)=0,(14) (15) X1T(JrμCr)Y1+X2T(Jr+1,nμCr+1,n)Y2+(βr+μbr)(xryr+1xr+1yr)=0.(15)

We intend to find a necessary and sufficient condition for the existence of a unique solution of the GIEPPJ. The solution of the GIEPPJ is unique if and only if there exists a unique positive number βr, unique nonzero real vectors X1=(x1,x2,,xr)T, Y1=(y1,y2,,yr)T with x1y10, and a unique Jacobi matrix Jr+1,n satisfying Equations (Equation10)–(Equation15).

Theorem 3.1

There exists a unique triplet (X1,Y1,Jn), with JnJ(n,r,β), solving the GIEPPJ if and only if the following conditions are satisfied:

  1. βi+λbi0 and βi+μbi0 for any i=1,2,,r1;

  2. λ,μσ(Jr,Cr);

  3. One of the following holds: Δ=0,A<0,B>0,(A+λbr)(A+μbr)0;Δ>0,B<0,A+12Δ+λbrA+12Δ+μbr0;Δ>0,A<0,B=0,(2A+λbr)(2A+μbr)0; where Δ=4(λμ)fr(λ)fr(μ)(λμ)fr1(λ)fr1(μ)br2xr+1yr+1+X2TCr+1,nY2φr(λ,μ)xr+1yr+1φr2(λ,μ),A=λfr1(λ)fr(μ)μfr1(μ)fr(λ)φr(λ,μ)br,B=λ2fr1(λ)fr(μ)μ2fr1(μ)fr(λ)φr(λ,μ)br2(λμ)fr(λ)fr(μ)X2TCr+1,nY2xr+1yr+1φr(λ,μ);

  4. for any i=r+1,r+2,,n1, biti(λxiyi+1μxi+1yi)+λμti(gidi)>0, where the parameters ti, di and gi are defined in (Equation3)–(Equation5).


Firstly, we prove the sufficiency. Under the condition (1), the results in Lemmas 2.2–2.5 hold. Under the condition (2), then fr(λ)0 and fr(μ)0, and this imply that Equations (Equation10) and (Equation12) have unique solutions X1 and Y1. From the first part of Lemma 2.3, we obtain the unique expressions of X1 and Y1. Meanwhile, xr+10 and yr+10.

As Y1TJrX1=X1TJrY1,Y1TCrX1=X1TCrY1,Y2TJr+1,nX2=X2TJr+1,nY2 and Y2TCr+1,nX2=X2TCr+1,nY2, subtracting (Equation15) from (Equation14) yields (λμ)(X1TCrY1+X2TCr+1,nY2)[(λ+μ)br+2βr](xr+1yrxryr+1)=0.

Since the condition (3) holds, then φr(λ,μ)0. By substituting in the above equation the unique values of xr and yr provided by the first part of Lemma 2.3, and the unique value of X1TCrY1 in the first part of Lemma 2.5, we obtain the following quadratic equation (16) βr2+2Aβr+B=0(16) in the unknown βr, where A and B are given in the condition (3). Let Δ be the discriminant of Equation (Equation16).

If Δ=0, A<0, B>0, then Equation (Equation16) has a double positive root. In this case, βr=A.

If Δ>0, B<0, then Equation (Equation16) has a positive and a negative root, and we consider the positive root βr=A+12Δ.

If Δ>0, A<0, B=0, then Equation (Equation16) has a positive and a zero root, and we take the positive root βr=2A.

Therefore, the condition (3) ensures that Equation (Equation16) has a unique positive root. Since βr+λbr0 and βr+μbr0, the solutions of Equations (Equation10) and (Equation12) are both nonzero, that is X10 and Y10 in the first part of Lemma 2.3.

Now, by Equation (Equation11) we obtain (17) αr+1xr+1+(βr+1+λbr+1)xr+2=λar+1xr+1+(βr+λbr)xr,(17) (18) αjxj+(βj+λbj)xj+1=λajxj(βj1+λbj1)xj1,j=r+2,,n1,(18) (19) αnxn=λanxn(βn1+λbn1)xn1.(19) Similarly, by Equation (Equation13) we find (20) αr+1yr+1+(βr+1+μbr+1)yr+2=μar+1yr+1+(βr+μbr)yr,(20) (21) αjyj+(βj+μbj)yj+1=μajyj(βj1+μbj1)yj1,j=r+2,,n1,(21) (22) αnyn=μanyn(βn1+μbn1)yn1.(22) Eliminating αj from Equations (Equation18) and (Equation21) yields (23) βjtj+bj(λxj+1yjμxjyj+1)=(λμ)ajxjyj+βj1tj1bj1(λxj1yjμxjyj1)(23) for j=r+2,,n1. Next, by eliminating αn from Equations (Equation19) and (Equation22), we find (24) βn1tn1+bn1(λxn1ynμxnyn1)=(λμ)anxnyn.(24) Hence summing Equation (Equation23) over j=i+1,i+2,,n1 (r+1in2), we get (25) βn1tn1+bi(λxiyi+1μxi+1yi)+bn1(λxnyn1μxn1yn)+(λμ)j=i+1n2bj(xjyj+1+xj+1yj)=(λμ)j=i+1n1ajxjyj+βiti.(25) Further, summing Equations (Equation24) and (Equation25) yields (26) βiti=bi(λxiyi+1μxi+1yi)+(λμ)(gidi),i=r+1,r+2,,n1.(26) Equation (Equation26) and the condition (4) imply that βi>0 exists uniquely and can be expressed as (27) βi=biti(λxiyi+1μxi+1yi)+λμti(gidi),i=r+1,r+2,,n1.(27) Since xr+10 and yr+10, from Equations (Equation17) and (Equation20) we have (28) αr+1=λar+1+(βr+λbr)xr(βr+1+λbr+1)xr+2xr+1,αr+1=μar+1+(βr+μbr)yr(βr+1+μbr+1)yr+2yr+1.(28) The above values of αr+1 are equal, and αr+1 are uniquely determined. As tj0 (j=r+1,r+2,,n1), then xj and yj (j=r+2,,n) cannot be simultaneously zero. This implies that αj is unique for j=r+2,,n. Thus, from Equations (Equation18) and (Equation21) we get (29) αj=λaj(βj1+λbj1)xj1+(βj+λbj)xj+1xj,xj0,μaj(βj1+μbj1)yj1+(βj+μbj)yj+1yj,yj0.(29) From Equations (Equation19) and (Equation22), αn can be expressed as (30) αn=λan(βn1+λbn1)xn1xn,xn0,μan(βn1+μbn1)yn1yn,yn0.(30) In addition, if xjyj0 (j=r+2,,n), then the above two values of αj are equal, and all the αj are unique. Thus, the positive number βr and the truncated matrix Jr+1,n are unique.

Now we prove the necessity. Assume the GIEPPJ has a unique solution for the triplet (X1,Y1,Jn), where JnJ(n,r,β), i.e. Equations (Equation10)–(Equation15) have unique solutions. Because Equations (Equation10) and (Equation12) have unique solutions, then fr(λ)0 and fr(μ)0, i.e. λ,μσ(Jr,Cr). Since X10 and Y10, then (βr+λbr)xr+10 and (βr+μbr)yr+10, otherwise, from Equations (Equation10) and (Equation12) we would obtain X1=Y1=0, a contradiction. Moreover, xr+1yr+10 implies that x1y10, because xr+1=(1)rx1fr(λ)i=1r(βi+λbi)andyr+1=(1)ry1fr(μ)i=1r(βi+μbi) from the first part of Lemma 2.3. Hence there exist βi+λbi0 and βi+μbi0 for i=1,2,,r. Since βr>0 exists uniquely and Equation (Equation16) can be obtained from Equations (Equation14) and (Equation15), and the first part of Lemmas 2.3 and 2.5, then the condition (3) holds. Finally, the condition (4) is satisfied because Equation (Equation26) holds for all i=r+1,r+2,,n1 and βi>0 exists uniquely for any i=r+1,r+2,,n1.

4. Numerical algorithm and experiments

Based on Theorem 3.1 we present the following algorithm to solve the GIEPPJ.

By using MATLAB R2013a with a machine precision of around 1016, we give the following example to illustrate Algorithm 1.

Example 4.1

Let λ=8.0276, μ=1.9579, C7=3.00000.8571000000.85712.71433.8571000003.85712.42866.8571000006.85712.14299.8571000009.85711.857112.85710000012.85711.571415.85710000015.85713.0000,J5=5.57144.57140004.57145.42865.14290005.14295.28575.71430005.71435.14296.28570006.28575.0000,X2=0.14170.5644,Y2=0.00100.3075.

By using Algorithm 1, the four conditions in Theorem 3.1 hold. Then we get X1=[0.0744,0.9550,1.0000,0.0025,0.6765]T,Y1=[1.0000,0.0484,0.4927,0.0184,0.3693]T and J7=5.57144.5714000004.57145.42865.1429000005.14295.28575.7143000005.71435.14296.2857000006.28575.00006.8571000006.85714.85717.4286000007.42866.0000.

Moreover, let X=(X1T,X2T)T and Y=(Y1T,Y2T)T. We can reconfirm that det(J7λC7)=1.1822×104, det(J7μC7)=6.6448×109, J7XλC7X2=1.5441×1014 and J7YμC7Y2=1.7334×1014. That is to say (λ,X) and (μ,Y) are the eigenpairs of (J7,C7).

In the following, we present an example to test Algorithm 1 in a different way.

Example 4.2

Given the matrix Cn as in (Equation1) with entries bi=0,ai=3+22in,i=1,2,,n1,an=3.

Let Jr be the rth leading principal matrix of J~nJ(n,r,β~) with entries β~i=4+4in,α~i=61n(i+2),i=1,2,,n1,α~n=6.

Assume λ and μ are the first two real and distinct generalized eigenvalues of the matrix pair (J~n,Cn), X~ and Y~ are their corresponding generalized eigenvectors. Take the partition X~=(X~1T,X2T)TandY~=(Y~1T,Y2T)T, where X~1,Y~1Rr. By using Algorithm 1, we obtain the pseudo-Jacobi matrix JnJ(n,r,β) and real eigenvectors X1 and Y1. Let X=(X1T,X2T)T and Y=(Y1T,Y2T)T. In Table , we show that (λ,X) and (μ,Y) are eigenpairs of (Jn,Cn). On the other hand, X1 and Y1 are the unique nonzero real vectors that can be obtained as well as Jn is the unique recovered pseudo-Jacobi matrix within the machine precision. Furthermore, if the value of r is larger, the error JnJ~nF will be smaller. In addition, the larger the value of n is, the larger the error JnJ~nF will be. Thus, Algorithm 1 is feasible and effective to solve the GIEPPJ for a modest order n.

Table 1. Numerical results of Example 4.2.

5. Conclusions

In this paper, we have considered the generalized inverse eigenvalue problem for the class of pseudo-Jacobi matrices J(n,r,β). The three-term recurrence relation of the leading principal minors of the matrix pencil JnλCn is central in obtaining the solution. We analysed the properties of the eigenvectors of the matrix pair (Jn,Cn), and we obtained a necessary and sufficient condition for the solvability of the GIEPPJ. The given conditions ensure that the GIEPPJ has a unique solution. The obtained pseudo-Jacobi matrix in J(n,r,β) was reconstructed from the prescribed mixed spectral data, namely, the given matrices Cn, Jr, two distinct real eigenvalues and their corresponding partial eigenvectors. Finally, a numerical algorithm to solve the GIEPPJ was provided. Some illustrative examples were also given to test the efficiency of the algorithm. The results in this paper extend the previous results obtained by Ghanbari and Parvizpour [Citation18], and Sen and Sharma [Citation19] into the non-self-adjoint case. For the class of pseudo-Jacobi matrices in J(n,r,β) with γr=βr, γr+1=βr+1, γi=βi, ir,r+1 and 0<r<n−1, the GIEPPJ is an open problem under investigation.


The authors are very grateful to the anonymous referees for careful reading of the manuscript and valuable comments and suggestions which helped to improve the presentation of this paper.

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No potential conflict of interest was reported by the authors.

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This work was supported by National Natural Science Foundation of China [No. 11471122], and in part by Science and Technology Commission of Shanghai Municipality [No. 18dz2271000]. The first author was also partially supported by Natural Science Foundation of Shandong Province [No. ZR2017MA050]. The second author acknowledges financial support from the Centre for Mathematics of University of Coimbra (funded by the Portuguese Government through FCT/MEC and by European RDF through Partnership Agreement PT2020).


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