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Alternating method based on framelet l0-norm and TV regularization for image restoration

, &
Pages 790-807 | Received 28 Oct 2017, Accepted 04 Jun 2018, Published online: 30 Jul 2018


This paper presents an efficient alternating method for image deblurring and denoising, it is based on our new model with TV norm to denoise the deblurred image which is penalized by l0 norm of the framelet transform. Our combinational algorithm performs deblurring and denoising alternately. We apply the proximity algorithm to solve the TV regularization for denoising part, and the mean doubly augmented Lagrangian (MDAL) method is used to solve l0 minimization in the analysis-based sparsity for the deblurring part. Experimental results show that the proposed alternating minimization method is robust for a different type of blur and noise. We also do some comparisons with related existing methods to demonstrate that our method has a more significant effect.


1. Introduction

Digital image restoration is an important problem in image processing which is widely applied to medical and astronomical imaging, film restoration, image and video coding [Citation1–8] and so on. The image restoration task can be formulated as a linear inverse problem: (1) f=Au+ϵ,(1) where fRN2 is the observed degraded image, ARN2×N2 represents a spatial-invariant blur matrix which is constructed by the blur kernel, uRN2 is the original image to be restored, ϵRN2 denotes an additive Gaussian white noise with some kind of deviation σ.

To obtain a reasonable approximated solution u of this problem, various regularization-based methods have been proposed in the past decades. One of the most popular is the Rudin–Osher–Fatemi (ROF) model with total variation (TV) regularization, proposed by Rudin, Osher and Fatemi [Citation9]. A discrete version of the unconstrained TV regularization is given by (2) minu12Auf22+αuTV,(2) where 2 denotes the Euclidean norm, α is a positive regularization parameter which measures the trade-off between a good fit and a regularized solution, and TV is the TV regularization term. When A is an identity matrix, the ROF model produces the denoising case. The model is initially solved by the partial differential equation, which has high computational complexity.

Difficulty in minimizing the functional appearing in (Equation2) lies in the nondifferentiability of the total variation semi-norm and the large dimension of the underlying images. A number of numerical methods have been proposed to address these issues. The most popular is direct optimization [Citation9–11] by solving the associated Euler-Lagrangian equations [Citation12–16]. Other methods including subgradient descents, second-order cone programming, interior point methods, graph-based approaches, Nesterov's first-order explicit schemes [Citation17–21], the split Bregman iteration methods and its variations [Citation22–25], which introduces an intermediate variable to make the ROF model separable so that the minimization of the resulting functional is easier to solve.

Micchelli, Shen and Xu [Citation26] proposed the proximity algorithm to solve the ROF model for image denosing which is simple and efficient. The total-variation can be viewed as the composition of a convex function (the l1 norm for the anisotropic total-variation or the l2 norm for the isotropic total-variation) with a linear transformation, then use the fixed-point algorithm for computing the proximity operator of the composition of the convex function with a linear transformation.

A fast TV minimization method is proposed by Huang, Ng and Wen [Citation27] for image restoration. They modified the above unconstrained TV problem (Equation2) as follow: (3) minu,v12Auf22+α1uv22+α2vTV=minvminu{Auf22+α1uv22}+α2vTV,(3) where α1, α2 are positive regularization parameters. In (Equation3), we can interpret the TV minimization scheme to denoise the deblurred image u. The TV norm for the image restoration process is able to preserve edges very well.

In [Citation28], Dong and Zhang proposed a framelet-based method which the image term u had a sparse representation in some redundant transform domain, and penalized by l0 norm which is widely researched in [Citation29–33]. Synthesis-based sparsity and analysis-based sparsity priors are two famous sparse approximations. Because analysis-based approach has a smoother solution than that of synthesis-based approach, the focus of the paper is the analysis-based approach, the detail information about the two sparse representation can be referred to [Citation34,Citation35].

It has been proved in [Citation27] that it is a good idea to bring in auxiliary variable v to denoise and deblur image alternately and use the TV minimization scheme in denoising step. Since the l0 regularization based on the framelet transform has the outstanding performance on image deblurring, we apply the analysis-based approach for the deblurring step. Motivated by the mentality of [Citation27] and the excellent effect of [Citation28], we propose a new optimization model: (4) minu,vJ(u,v)minu,v12Auf22+λWu0+α2uv22+λ1vTV,(4) where W is a matrix based on framelet transform, this framelet form tight wavelet frame, detail description can be found in [Citation36], λ,α,λ1 are positive regularization parameters, α measures the trade-off between a deblurred image u and a denoised image v, λ and λ1 measure the amount of regularization to a deblurring image u and a denoising image v, respectively.

The first advantage of this paper is the new model which alternates deblurring and denoising, our new model bases on TV norm and l0 norm in framelet transform is superior than relative models. The second advantage is designing a combinational algorithm which consists of the mean doubly augmented Lagrangian (MDAL) method and the proximity algorithm. The MDAL method is to solve the l0-norm in framelet transform model (Equation4). Because the iterative sequence (uk,dk,bk) obtained by augmented Lagrangian (AL) method can not guarantee the convergence of (uk,dk), and the doubly augmented Lagrangian (DAL) method may converge slowly and unsteadily, this motivated to consider the mean values of u¯k=1/(k+1)j=0kuk and d¯k=1/(k+1)j=0kdk as the outputs of the deblurring step. The proposed algorithm is more effective for image restoration, since it can improve the deblurring and denoising quality, respectively.

The paper is organized as following. In Section 2, we show the detailed implementation of our combinational algorithm based on the MDAL method and proximity algorithm for solving model (Equation4), Convergence analysis is given in Section 3, Experimental results are exhibited in Section 4, A brief summary is given in Section 5.

2. Alternating minimization method for deblurring and denoising

In this section, we propose an efficient alternating method for our new model (Equation4). Deblurring alternates with Denoising. We use MDAL to solve l0 regularization based on the framelet transform for deblurring and employ proximity algorithm based on total variation minimization to denoise the deblurred images, that is deblurring alternates with denoising.

In (Equation4), there are two unknown variables, one is the deblurred image u, and the other is the denoised image v. Starting from an initial guess v(0), we can get a series of u(n), v(n): u(1),v(1),u(2),v(2),,u(i),v(i), such that (5) u(i)=argminu12Auf22+α2uv(i1)22+λWu0,(5) (6) v(i)=argminvα2vu(i)22+λ1vTV,(6) with i=1,2,n.

2.1. Deblurring step

The first step of the alternating method is deblurring process which solves the l0-norm-based minimization of (Equation5): (7) minu12Auf22+α2uv(i1)22+λWu0.(7) Here we take the effective replacement Wu=d, rewrite minimization (Equation7) as a constrained optimization problem: (8) minu,d12Auf22+α2uv(i1)22+λd0 s.t. d=Wu.(8) The alternating direction method of multipliers (ADMM) [Citation37] is applied to the augmented Lagrangian (AL) [Citation38] of (Equation7): (9) minu,dS(u,d,b)=minu,d12Auf22+α2uv(i1)22+λd0+b,Wud+μ2Wud22,(9) where μ>0 controls the weight of the penalty term.

The AL method solving (Equation7) can be formulated as iterative steps: (10) (uk+1,dk+1)=argminu,dS(u,d,bk),bk+1=bk+(Wuk+1dk+1).(10) The AL method can only guarantee the convergence of the dual variable bk but not the primal variables (uk,dk), so the doubly augmented Lagrangian (DAL) is introduced for (Equation7), that is we rewrite the minimizing problem as: (11) S~(u,d,b,u~,d~)=S(u,d,b)+γ2uu~22+γ2dd~22.(11) where S(u,d,b) is the functional in (Equation9), the iterative scheme of the DAL method for (Equation11) consists of the following three subproblems: (12) u(k+1,i)=argminu12Auf22+α2uv(i1)22+μ2Wud(k,i)+b(k,i)22+γ2uu(k,i)22,(12) (13) d(k+1,i)=argmindλd0+μ2d(Wu(k+1,i)+b(k,i))22+γ2dd(k,i)22,(13) (14) b(k+1,i)=b(k,i)+(Wu(k+1,i)d(k+1,i)).(14) As the subproblem of solving u is differentiable, we solve the following positive definite linear system: (15) (ATA+α+μ+γ)u=ATf+αv(i1)+μ1WT(d(k,i)b(k,i))+γu(k,i),(15) where AT is the conjugate transpose of A.

Then we use fast fourier transform (FFT) to perform the main computation: u(k+1,i)=FFT1FFT(ATf+αv(i1)+μWT(d(k,i)b(k,i))+γu(k,i))FFT(ATA+α+μ+γ), here A is usually a matrix of block circulant with circulant blocks when periodic boundary conditions.

The solution of d subproblem can be described as follows: (16) d(k+1,i)=Hλ,μ,γ(Wu(k+1,i)+b(k,i),d(k,i)),(16) where the operator H is a generalized hard-thresholding operator defined componentwisely as (17) (Hλ,μ,γ(x,y))i=0,if |μxi+γyiμ+γ|<2λiμ+γ,μxi+γyiμ+γ,otherwise.(17) However, the DAL method may converge slowly and unsteadily, so we use the mean values as the outputs of deblurring, instead the sequence (u(k,i),d(k,i)) as (u¯(k,i),d¯(k,i)), where u¯k,i=1/(k+1)j=0ku(k,i) and d¯k,i=1/(k+1)j=0kd(k,i). The new sequence (u¯(k,i),d¯(k,i)) does well converge and satisfies the constraint Wu=d asymptotically, this is the mean doubly augmented Lagrangian method.

2.2. Denoising step

The second step is to denoise the image u generated by the previous deblurring step, this is the minimizer of the optimization problem (Equation6): (18) minvα2vu(i)22+λ1vTV.(18) Here we employ the proximity algorithm in this denoising step. Total variation can be viewed as the composition of a convex functional,the l1 norm for the anisotropic total-variation or the l2 norm for the isotropic total-variation. We use fixed-point algorithm for computing the proximity operator, this method is mathematically sound simple and efficient for solving (Equation19).

So we consider the following isotropic total-variation problem: (19) minvα2vu(i)22+ϕB(v),(19) where we denote ϕ=λ12. The vector that achieves the minimum in (Equation20), denoted by proxϕBu(i), exists and is unique. for convenience we introduce the affine transformation T : RmRm defined, for all yRm by Ty:=Bx+(Iμ1BBt)y, and the operator H : RmRm given, for a fixed xRd by H:=(Iprox1/(μ1)ϕ)T, where μ1>0 satisfies specified condition.

Micchelli, Shen and Xu [Citation26] have proved that the solution of the minimization problem (Equation20) is just a fixed point of the operator H which involves the proximity operator of the convex function 1/μ1ϕ and the linear transformation B. Based on the above analysis, we focus on finding the fix-points of the operator H.

Now we consider the Picard iterates of H. For a given initial point v0Rm, the Picard sequence of H is defined by vn+1:=H(vn), nN. The k-averaged operator Hk of H with k(0,1) is defined as following: (20) Hk:=kI+(1k)H.(20) To speed up convergence of the iteration, we can also use Gaussian-Seidel variation of the fixed-point algorithm based on the proximity operator for model (Equation20).

Let D denote the N×N matrix defined by the following: D:=01111, and choose B to be a 2N2×N2 matrix given by (21) B:=INDDIN,(21) where IN is the N×N identity matrix and the notation ⊗ denotes the Kronecker product.

To present a Gauss-Seidel variation of the fixed-point algorithm, we specialize the above linear transformation T to our current setting. T: R2N2R2N2 for a given u(i)RN2 is defined by Tv=Bu(i)+(Iμ1BBt)v,vR2N2.

By (Equation22), we have (22) Tv=(ID)u(i)+vuμ1((IDDt)vu+(DtD)vl)(DI)u(i)+vlμ1((DDt)vu+(DDtI)vl).(22) With this notations, we have the following iteration scheme: (23) VUn+1=kVUn+(1k)(Iproxλ1/(αμ1)2)(p),VLn+1=kVLn+(1k)(Iproxλ1/(αμ1)2)(q),(23) where (24) p=DU(i)+VUnμ1(DDtVUn+DVLnD),q=U(i)Dt+VLnμ1(DtVUnDt+VLnDDt).(24) are two components of (Equation23).

In the end, we obtain the minimization of (Equation19): (25) proxϕBU(i)=U(i)μ1(DtVU+VLD).(25) Similar Gaussian–Seidel variation of the fixed-point algorithm for can be found in [Citation26].

2.3. Summary of the alternating algorithm Fl0pro

The alternating algorithm based on l0 norm in framelet transform for deblurring and proximity algorithm for denoising is named as Fl0pro.

The algorithm is summarized as follows.

3. Convergence analysis

Convergence of iteration for problem (Equation4) can be decomposed into two parts, denoising and deblurring, we focus on the existence of optimal solutions to problem (Equation5), the convergence of the fixed-point algorithm for (Equation6) is obvious.

The penalty problem (Equation5) can be in general formulated as: (26) minu{λWu0+φ1(Auf2)+αφ2(uv2)},(26) where the functions φ1, φ2: R+R+ are nondecreasing continuous functions.

For any positive integer k, denote Nk:=1,2,,k andNk0:=0,1,2,,k. Given φ1, φ2 satisfying the above conditions, the integer L, the sets {si1,si2,siN:iNL0}, {ρi1,ρi20:iNL0}, {Ωi1,Ωi2,ΩiRn:iNL0} are defined by the following iteration ρi+11=min{φ1(Auf2), Wu0si1, uRn},ρi+12=min{φ2(uv2), Wu0si1, uRn},si+11=min{Wu0: φ1(Auf2)=ρi+11, uRn},si+12=min{Wu0: φ2(uv2)=ρi+12, uRn},si+1=min{si+11,si+12},Ωi+11=argmin{Wu0: φ1(Auf2)=ρi+11, uRn},Ωi+12=argmin{Wu0: φ2(uv2)=ρi+12, uRn},Ωi+1=Ωi+11Ωi+12 with initial values ρ01=min{φ1(Auf2): uRn},ρ02=min{φ2(uv2): uRn},s01=min{Wu0: φ1(Auf2)=ρ01, uRn},s027=min{Wu0: φ2(uv2)=ρ02, uRn},s0=min{s01,s02},Ω01=argmin{Wu0: φ1(Auf2)=ρ01, uRn},Ω02=argmin{Wu0: φ2(uv2)=ρ02, uRn}Ω0=Ω01Ω02. It is well defined and there the following properties are straight forward.

  1. s0>s1>>sL=0.

  2. 0ρ01<ρ11<ρL1=φ1(f2).

  3. 0ρ02<ρ12<ρL2=φ2(v2).

  4. ΩL={00n}, Ωi and ΩiΩj=, for ij,i,jNL0.

  5. Ωi={u:Wu0=si, φ1(Auf2)=ρi1, φ2(uv2)=ρi2, uRn} for iNL0.

where 00n denotes the n-dimensional vector with 0 as its components.

In this way, we can see that in order to establish the existence of optimal solutions to problem (Equation27), it suffices to prove the existence of optimal solutions to problem: minu{λWu0+φ1(Auf2)+αφ2(uv2):Wu0s0,uRn},minu{λWu0+φ1(Auf2)+αφ2(uv2):si+1Wu0si1,uRn} for all iNL10.

Similarly as [Citation32], we can prove the following results.

Theorem 1

Given φ1,φ2 satisfying the above conditions, let L,si1,si2,si and ρi1,ρi2,Ωi1,Ωi2,Ωi for iNL0 be defined by the above. Then, the optimal solution set of problem (Equation27) is nonempty for any λ,α>0. Moreover, we have the following statements:

  1. The optimal value of problem (Equation27) is min{bi(λ,α):iNL0},

  2. iΩi is the optimal solution set of problem (Equation27), where :=argmin{bi(λ,α):iNL0} and bi(λ,α)=λsi+ρi1+αρi2.

Details are omitted here.

We present the convergence error of DAL method and MDAL method for the image ‘Barbara’ and ‘Kitten’ in Figure , it shows that our MDAL has better performance than DAL.

Figure 1. Relatively errors for the DAL method (dash line) and the MDAL method (solid line).

Figure 1. Relatively errors for the DAL method (dash line) and the MDAL method (solid line).

4. Numerical experiments

In this section, we test four different images which are ‘Barbara’ of size 200×200, ‘Kitten’ and ‘Bridge’ of size 256×256, ‘Mandrill’ of size 512×512 shown in Figure  to show the effectiveness of our proposed method and algorithm for image restoration problems. In addition, we show some blur kernels of our tests added in the figures in Figure . In the following examples, Signal-to-noise ratio (SNR), peak signal-to-noise ratio (PSNR), and structural similarity (SSIM) are used to measure the quality of the restored images, and blurred signal to noise ratio (BSNR) for indicating the noise size of the observed images. They are defined as follows: SNR(u~,u)=10log10u2u~u2,PSNR(u~,u)=10log102552pu~u2,BSNR(f,u)=10log10f2ϵ2, where u, f, ϵ, u~ denote the original image, the observed image, the noise vector added in the test, and the restored image, p is the size of the image, respectively. Mainly, we have the larger SNR, PSNR, SSIM values mean better restored image, and the smaller BSNR value means bigger noise added to the image.

Figure 2. Original images for ‘Barbara’,‘Kitten’,‘Bridge’ and ‘Mandrill’, respectively.

Figure 2. Original images for ‘Barbara’,‘Kitten’,‘Bridge’ and ‘Mandrill’, respectively.

Figure 3. Blur kernels: GB(9,2), AB(9,9), MB(20,0), respectively.

Figure 3. Blur kernels: GB(9,2), AB(9,9), MB(20,0), respectively.

We compare the proposed method which based on l0 norm in framelet transform for deblurring and proximity algorithm for denoising (Fl0pro) with the fast TV method (Fast-TV) in (Equation3), and the MDAL method for l0 minimization (Fl0) [Citation28]. In all experiments, the stop criterion uk+1uk2/uk2<5e04 is used to terminate iteration. Moreover, we set the maximum iterative number as 100. All the experiments are performed under Windows 7 and MATLAB R2014a running on a desktop (Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-4790 CPU @ 3.60  GHz).

4.1. Parameters selection

In this part, we will mainly discuss some basic guidelines on how to choose the parameters appeared in our algorithms. We determine the best values of parameters from their tested values such that the SNR, PSNR, SSIM values are the relative maximum.

For our proposed model (Equation4), we need to consider the parameters (α,λ,μ,γ,μ1,λ1). Here α measures the trade-off between the deblurred image u and the denoised image v, we find for all tested cases that α can be set to be candidate values, i.e. {1e4,2e4,3e4,1e3,5e3}. λ,μ,γ are related to the MDAL method. We choose smaller or larger λ when BSNR is equal to 40 or 30 dB. If the parameter λ is too big, it may result in the restored image over-smooth. If λ is too small, it may induce incompleteness of denoising. μ is only related to the convergence rate of the augmented Lagrangian, setting different values of μ does not change the outcome. The parameter γ controls the regularity of the sequence ((u(k),d(k)), here it has two candidate values {1e5,2e5}. According to the computational results, the choose of μ1 should satisfy the condition of μ1<1/(4sin2/(N1)π(2N)), here we choose μ1=14,18,116. For λ1, we select λ1=1e2,1e1. From our trials, we know that too large λ1 leads to too smooth of denoised image, and too small λ1 may cause noise residue.

4.2. Numerical results

In this part, we present numerical results for three kinds of cases, the noise is the same Gaussian,and the blur is three kinds of different types.

Case 1. Gaussian blur and Gaussian noise

In this section, we demonstrate the efficiency of our proposed method for different images with Gaussian blur and Gaussian noise. We do the comparison of the three algorithms by the SNR, PSNR, SSIM values, number of iterations and CPU running time when the maximum iterative number is the same. Here the Gaussian blur is 3×3,5×5, 7×7, 9×9 pixels with standard deviation σ2=2 and the additive Gaussian noise is 40 or 30 dB.

In Table , the ‘Blur/ BSNR’ means that the degraded images have the type and level of blur and the size of noise, the SNR values of the degraded image are showed in the column of ‘Blur/ BSNR’. According to the values we see that the SNR, PSNR, SSIM values of the restored images by the proposed method (Fl0pro) is almost bigger than those by the fast TV method (Fast-TV) in (Equation3), and the MDAL method based on l0 minimization (Fl0). The proposed Fl0pro method is generally much better than Fl0 in computation efficiency, but consumes more running time in seconds and number of iterations than Fast-TV in general.

Table 1. SNR, PSNR(dB), SSIM values, iteration numbers, and CPU time of different methods for the different images corrupted by Gaussian blur and Gaussian noise.

Here we show the image of ‘Barbara’ for GB(5,2)/40, the ‘Kitten’ and ‘Bridge’ for GB(7,2)/40, and the ‘Mandrill’ for GB(9,2)/30, the others have the similar effect. From Figure , the visual quality of restored images by using our proposed method (Fl0pro) are quite competitive with those restored by using the other two existent methods. We can find the images restored by the fast TV method appearing stair-casing, especially obvious for higher blur and noise level. Also, the MDAL method based on l0 minimization cannot wipe off the noise completely, the images restored by the Fl0 still exist noise.

Figure 4. (a1), (b1), (c1), (d1) blurred images degraded by GB(5)/40, GB(7)/40, GB(7)/40, GB(9)/30, respectively; (a2), (b2), (c2), (d2) corresponding restored images by Fast-TV; (a3), (b3), (c3), (d3) corresponding restored images by Fl0; (a4), (b4), (c4), (d4) corresponding restored images by Fl0pro.

Figure 4. (a1), (b1), (c1), (d1) blurred images degraded by GB(5)/40, GB(7)/40, GB(7)/40, GB(9)/30, respectively; (a2), (b2), (c2), (d2) corresponding restored images by Fast-TV; (a3), (b3), (c3), (d3) corresponding restored images by Fl0; (a4), (b4), (c4), (d4) corresponding restored images by Fl0pro.

Case 2. Average blur and Gaussian noise Here we act on different images with Average blur and Gaussian noise to demonstrate the efficiency of our proposed methods. We also do the comparison of the three algorithms by the SNR, PSNR, SSIM values, number of iterations and CPU running time. Here the Average blur is 5×5, 7×7, 9×9 pixels and the additive Gaussian noise is 40 or 30 dB.

From Table , we see that the SNR, PSNR, SSIM values of the restored images by our proposed method (Fl0pro) are bigger than those by the fast TV method (Fast-TV) in (Equation3) and the MDAL method based on l0 minimization (Flo). However, the proposed Fl0pro method needs more running time in seconds and number of iterations than Fast-TV in general.

Table 2. SNR, PSNR(dB), SSIM values, iteration numbers, and CPU time(second) of different methods for the different images corrupted by average blur and Gaussian noise.

Here we show the experimental results about the image of ‘Barbara’ for AB(5)/40, the ‘Kitten’ and ‘Bridge’ for AB(7)/40, and the ‘Mandrill’ for AB(9)/30, the other different images with different blur and different noise have the similar effect which do not show exhaustively. From Figure , We can find the images restored by the fast TV method appearing stair-casing. Also, the MDAL method based on l0 minimization cannot wipe off the noise completely. From the experiments we conducted, we obtain that the validity and effectiveness of our method and algorithm.

Figure 5. (a1), (b1), (c1), (d1) blurred images degraded by AB(5)/40, AB(7)/40, AB(7)/40, AB(9)/30, respectively; (a2), (b2), (c2), (d2) corresponding restored images by Fast-TV; (a3), (b3), (c3), (d3) corresponding restored images by Fl0; (a4), (b4), (c4), (d4) corresponding restored images by Fl0pro.

Figure 5. (a1), (b1), (c1), (d1) blurred images degraded by AB(5)/40, AB(7)/40, AB(7)/40, AB(9)/30, respectively; (a2), (b2), (c2), (d2) corresponding restored images by Fast-TV; (a3), (b3), (c3), (d3) corresponding restored images by Fl0; (a4), (b4), (c4), (d4) corresponding restored images by Fl0pro.

Case 3. Motion blur and Gaussian noise Here we do experiments to show the efficiency of our proposed methods for different images with Motion blur and Gaussian noise. We do the comparison of the three algorithms by the SNR, PSNR, SSIM values, number of iterations and CPU running time. Here the Motion blur is the length of len=9,20 with an angle θ=0 in a counterclockwise direction and the additive Gaussian noise is 40 or 30 dB.

In Table , we see that the SNR, PSNR, SSIM values of the restored images by the proposed method Fl0pro are better than those by the fast TV method (Fast-TV) in (Equation3), and MDAL method based on l0 minimization (Flo). The computational efficiency of our proposed method is lower than Fast-TV method.

Table 3. SNR, PSNR(dB), SSIM values, iteration numbers, and CPU time(second) of different methods for the different images corrupted by motion blur and Gaussian noise.

Here we show the image of ‘Barbara’ and ‘Kitten’ for MB(9,0)/40, and ‘Bridge’, ‘Mandrill’ for MB(20,0)/30, the others have the similar effect. From Figure , the visual quality of restored images by using our proposed method (Fl0pro) are quite competitive with those restored by using the other two existent methods. We can find the images restored by the fast TV method and the MDAL method based on l0 minimization do have the disadvantages as the above two blur cases, which our proposed method (Fl0pro) can avoid in an excellent way. Then we can say that our proposed method and algorithm are valid and effective.

Figure 6. (a1), (b1), (c1), (d1) blurred images degraded by MB(9)/40, MB(9)/40, MB(20)/30, MB(20)/30, respectively; (a2), (b2), (c2), (d2) corresponding restored images by Fast-TV; (a3), (b3), (c3), (d3) corresponding restored images by Fl0; (a4), (b4), (c4), (d4)corresponding restored images by Fl0pro.

Figure 6. (a1), (b1), (c1), (d1) blurred images degraded by MB(9)/40, MB(9)/40, MB(20)/30, MB(20)/30, respectively; (a2), (b2), (c2), (d2) corresponding restored images by Fast-TV; (a3), (b3), (c3), (d3) corresponding restored images by Fl0; (a4), (b4), (c4), (d4)corresponding restored images by Fl0pro.

5. Conclusion

In this paper, we introduce fast alternating minimization methods for image deblurring and denoising. Motivated by the mentality of [Citation27], the excellent effect of [Citation28], and the simple and valid proximity algorithm proposed in [Citation26], we obtain an alternating method which bases TV norm to denoise the deblurred image using analysis-based approach. We use MDAL method to solve l0 minimization based on framelet transform for the deblurring part and use proximity algorithm to solve isotropic total variation for the denoising part. The experimental outcomes show that the proposed alternating minimization method is robust for additive noise and different blur kernels comparing with relative method existence.

Disclosure statement

No potential conflict of interest was reported by the authors.

Additional information


The authors are partially supported by Science Challenge project TZ2016002, NSFC [No. 11171154,11671050,11771055] and 3D numerical simulation platform TB14-1 of China Academy of Engineering Physics.


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