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Fourier truncation method for the non-homogeneous time fractional backward heat conduction problem

Pages 402-426 | Received 21 Aug 2018, Accepted 02 Feb 2019, Published online: 19 Feb 2019


This paper is devoted to the problem of determining the initial data for the backward non-homogeneous time fractional heat conduction problem by the Fourier truncation method. The exact solution for the forward and backward fractional heat problems is expressed in terms of eigen function expansion and Mittag–Leffler function. Due to the instability of determining initial data, a regularized truncated solution is considered. Further, the stability estimate for the exact solution and the convergence estimates for the regularized solution using an á-priori choice rule and an á-posteriori choice rule are derived.


1. Introduction

Currently, a lot of research activities on the time fractional diffusion equations has been taking place due to its importance in several areas of science and engineering such as for describing the memory as well as hereditary properties for super diffusion and subdiffusion phenomena in the theory of plasma turbulence [Citation1,Citation2], random walks [Citation3,Citation4], viscoelastic material, biological systems [Citation5] and in various other physical models [Citation6]. Not only in physics and biological sciences, fractional heat equation has rich mathematical treatments on numerical simulation and regularity results (see, e.g. [Citation7–13]). For heat conduction problems with time fractional partial derivative, one may be interested in the inverse problem determining boundary or initial data, or diffusion coefficients, or source term using certain measurements. Such problems are ill-posed, in the sense that small perturbations in the data can lead to large deviations in the solutions (see, e.g. [Citation14,Citation15]).

Throughout the paper, we take Ω:=(0,π) and Iτ:=[0,τ] for some τ>0. We consider the non-homogeneous time fractional heat equation (1) utα(x,t)uxx(x,t)=f(x,t),(x,t)Ω×(0,τ](1) along with the following conditions: (2) u(0,t)=0,u(π,t)=0,tIτ,(2) for 0<α<1. Here, utα(x,t) is the α-order time fractional partial derivative of u with respect to t, that is, utα(x,t)=1Γ(1α)0tus(x,s)(ts)αds,(x,t)Ω×(0,τ]. For a known source function f(,), the time fractional backward heat conduction problem (TFBHCP) that we consider is the following inverse problem.

Given fL(Iτ,L2(Ω)) and ηL2(Ω), find u(x,t) satisfying (Equation1) and (Equation2), and the final value requirement u(x,τ)=η(x),xΩ.

Thus the problem is to solve Equation (Equation1) satisfying (Equation2) and the requirement (3) u(x,τ)=η(x),xΩ.(3) We shall see that the above problem of determining u(x,t) for t>0 is well-posed, whereas determining u(x,0) is ill-posed, in the sense that small perturbations in the data η can result in large deviation in the solution.

For a function f:Ω×IτR and t[0,τ], by abusing the notation, we shall denote the function xf(x,t) from Ω to R by f(t). Thus f(t)(x):=f(x,t),(x,t)Ω×Iτ. Thus fL(Iτ,L2(Ω)) if and only if the function tf(t) is an L2(Ω)-valued measurable function such that suptIτf(t)L2(Ω)<. It is known that L(Iτ,L2(Ω)) is a Banach space with norm fL(Iτ,L2(Ω)):=suptIτf(t)L2(Ω). We are concerned with the problem of determining the initial temperature u(,0) from the measured final temperature η~u(,τ) and the measured source term f~f with some noise level δ>0. As this problem is known to be ill-posed, some regularization method is required for obtaining stable approximations for a sought solution. For detailed study on regularization of partial differential equation and for regularization of linear ill-posed operator equations, one may refer Isakov [Citation16] and Nair [Citation17], respectively.

In the literature, we can find a few papers on recovering initial data for homogeneous TFBHCP, that is for f=0, by some regularization methods, such as quasi reversibility [Citation18] in 2010, data regularization [Citation19] and boundary condition regularization [Citation20] in 2013, Tikhonov scheme [Citation21] in 2013, modified quasi boundary value method [Citation22] in 2014 and generalized Tikhonov scheme [Citation23] in 2017. Very recently, Tuan et al. in [Citation24] and [Citation25] considered non-homogeneous TFBHCP of determining initial data from final data and source term by using a quasi boundary value method and Tikhonov method respectively.

It is clear that the research work related to the problem of determining initial data from final and source data for TFBHCP is still in the initial stage. Motivated by this fact, this work is devoted to the problem of determining the initial data for the non-homogeneous TFBHCP by the measured final data and the measured source term with some noise level, by using the standard easy-to-comprehend procedure of the Fourier Truncation method.

This paper is organized as follows: In Section 2, basic results from fractional calculus are stated. After that, the solution for the forward and backward time fractional heat conduction problems is derived. We also show that problem of determining u(x,t) for t>0 is well-posed, whereas determining u(x,0) is ill-posed, in the sense that small perturbations in the data η can result in large deviation in the solution. In Section 3, instability of initial data and its conditional stability under the priori bound are analysed. In Sections 4 and 5, a regularized solution is formulated by cutting off the high frequencies on Fourier coefficients and choosing the number of Fourier coefficients (regularization parameter) depending on the error level in the noisy data. Further, we obtain error estimates for the regularized solution by choosing the regularization parameter, namely the level of truncation, by an á-priori as well as an á-posteriori rules.

2. Preliminaries

2.1. Some basic results from fractional calculus

Let us recall the definition and some results associated with Riemann–Liouville fractional integral, Caputo fractional derivative and Mittag–Leffler function as given in [Citation26,Citation27].

In this paper, we shall be concerned only with left Riemann–Liouville fractional integral and left Caputo fractional derivative, and we denote them by Iα and Dα, respectively, and we denote (Dαf)(t) by fα(t). Thus (Iαf)(t):=1Γ(α)0t(ts)α1f(s)ds,t(0,τ],fα(t):=Dαf(t):=1Γ(1α)0t(ts)αf(s)ds,t(0,τ]. We may recall that Riemann–Liouville fractional integral and Caputo fractional derivative can be defined for any α>0 and for t[0,) for appropriate functions (see [Citation26]). However, we restrict these definitions to the case of 0<α<1 and t[0,τ].

Recall also that (see [Citation27]), for α>0 and β>0, the Mittag–Leffler function Eα,β is defined by Eα,β(z):=k=0zkΓ(αk+β),zC. We shall denote Eα,1(z) by Eα(z), that is, Eα(z):=k=0zkΓ(αk+1),zC. We may observe that the above function is a generalization of the exponential function ez, in the sense that E1,1(z)=ez. Further, we also have E1,2(z)=ez1z,E2,1(z2)=cosh(z),E2,2(z2)=sinhzz. Associated with Eα,β, we quote a few results, which we shall use in the due course.

Lemma 2.1

(cf. [Citation13], Lemma (3.2) and (3.3)) For 0<α<1 and μ>0, the following are true.

  1. The function tEα(μtα) is continuous on Iτ and for each jN, djdtjEα(μtα)=n=0djdtj(μtα)nΓ(αn+1)=μtαjEα,αj+1(μtα),t>0. In particular, ddtEα(μtα)=μtα1Eα,α(μtα),t>0.

  2. The function ttα1Eα,α(μtα) belongs to L1(Iτ) and 0τ|tα1Eα,α(μtα)|dt1μ.

Lemma 2.2

(cf. [Citation18]) Let 0<α0<α1<1. Then there exists positive constants C+ and C, depending on α0,α1, such that (4) CΓ(1α)(1x)Eα(x)C+Γ(1α)(1x),(4) for all x0 and for all α[α0,α1].

Corollary 2.3

(cf. [Citation21]) Let 0<α0<α1<1 and μ0>0. Then there exist positive constants C1, C2, depending on α0,α1,τ,μ0 such that (5) C2μEα(μτα)C1μ(5) for all μμ0 and for all α[α0,α1].

2.2. Solution for the forward fractional heat conduction problem

For fL(Iτ,L2(Ω)) and ψL2(Ω), consider the non-homogeneous forward time fractional heat conduction problem, (6) utα(x,t)uxx(x,t)=f(x,t),x,t)Ω×(0,τ](6) along with the boundary conditions (7) u(0,t)=0,u(π,t)=0,t[0,τ],(7) and the initial condition (8) u(x,0)=ψ(x),xΩ.(8) It can be shown that utαut as α1. Hence, in the limiting case, the heat equation (Equation6) is reduced to the standard heat equation. We shall also see that ( see Theorem 2.6) if uα(,) is a solution of (Equation6), (Equation7), (Equation8), and if u(x,t)=limα1uα(x,t) for (x,t)Ω×(0,τ], then u(,) satisfies the standard heat equation (9) ut(x,t)uxx(x,t)=f(x,t),(x,t)Ω×(0,τ](9) along with the conditions in (Equation7) and (Equation8).

With the help of the following lemmas, we shall represent the solution of the forward fractional heat conduction problem (Equation6)–(Equation8).

Throughout the paper, we use the notation λn:=n2and ϕn(x):=2πsin(nx) for xΩ and nN. Note that {ϕk:kN} is an orthonormal basis of L2(Ω). Also, for gL2[0,π], we denote the L2-inner product of g with ϕk, namely, g,ϕk by gk, that is, gk:=g,ϕk,kN and for a function f:IτL2(Ω) and sIτ, we denote f(s),ϕk by fk(s), that is, fk(s):=f(s),ϕk,kN. For gL2(Ω) and hL(Iτ,L2(Ω)), we shall denote g:=gL2(Ω),h:=hL(Iτ,L2(Ω)).

Lemma 2.4

(cf. [Citation28], Lemma 2.9) For 0<α<1,μ>0, qL(Iτ), and φ0R, the function φC(Iτ) defined by (10) φ(t)=Eα(μtα)φ0+0t(ts)α1Eα,α(μ(ts)α)q(s)ds(10) satisfies the fractional initial value problem (11) dαφdtα+μφ(t)=q(t),t(0,τ]φ(0)=φ0.(11) The following result on forward fractional heat conduction problem (Equation6)–(Equation8) is well known [12].

Theorem 2.5

Let 0<α<1. For ψL2(Ω) and fL(Iτ;L2(Ω)), the function uα(,) defined by (12) uα(x,t)=k=1Eα(λktα)ψk+0t(ts)α1Eα,α(λk(ts)α)fk(s)dsϕk(x)(12) is the solution of the forward fractional heat conduction problem (Equation6)–(Equation8).

Hereafter, for 0<α<1 and f:IτL2(Ω), tIτ, and kN, we shall also use the notation (13) Fα,k(t):=0t(ts)α1Eα,α(λk(ts)α)fk(s)ds.(13) The next theorem shows how the solution of the standard heat equation (Equation9) along with the boundary condition (Equation7) and the initial condition (Equation8) is the limit of uα(x,t) as α1. This result is known and is stated in the literature. As the form of the solution is used throughout the paper, we include its proof also.

Theorem 2.6

For 0<α<1, let uα(x,t) be the solution of the forward fractional heat conduction problem (Equation6)–(Equation8), uα(x,t)=k=1Eα(λktα)ψk+Fα,k(t)xdsϕk(x), where Fα,k is as in (Equation13). Then limα1uα(x,t) exists, and it is the solution of the standard heat equation (Equation9) along with the boundary condition (Equation7) and the initial condition by (8).


Let 0<α<1. For nN, let uα,n(x,t):=k=1nEα(λktα)ψk+Fα,k(t)ϕk(x), where Fα,k is as in (Equation13). Recall from Corollary 2.3 and Lemma 2.1 (ii) that |Eα(μtα)|Cμand 0t|tα1Eα,α(μtα)|dt1μ for any μ>0. Also, |ψk|ψ,|ϕk(x)|2π and |fk(s)|f(s)L2(Ω)f:=fL(Iτ,L2(Ω)). Thus, for kN, using Lemma (2.1) (ii), we have (14) |Fα,k(t)|0t(ts)α1Eα,α(λk(ts)α)|fk(s)|ds1λkf(14) and hence |[Eα(λktα)ψk+Fα,k(t)]ϕk(x)|1λk2π(Cψ+f). Since k=11λk converges, it then follows that uα,n(x,t)uα(x,t) uniformly n.

On the other hand, using the facts that limα1Eα(λktα)=eλktand limα1tα1Eα,α(λktα)=eλkt for all kN, we have limα1Eα(λktα)ψk+Fα,k(t)ϕk(x)=eλktψk+0teλk(ts)fk(s)dsϕk(x). Thus for each (x,t)Ω×Iτ, uα,n(x,t)uα(x,t) uniformly for α(0,1] as n, and limα1uα,n(x,t)=u1,n(x,t):=k=1neλktψk+0teλk(ts)fk(s)dsϕk(x) for every nN.

Hence, by a standard theorem in analysis (see Theorem 7.11 in Rudin [Citation29]), limα1uα(x,t)=limnlimα1uα,n(x,t). Note that limnlimα1uα,n(x,t)=k=1eλktψk+0teλk(ts)fk(s)dsϕk(x) and it is the solution of the standard heat equation (Equation9) along with the boundary condition (Equation7) and the initial condition (Equation8).

3. Existence of solution for TFBHCP

The following theorem, proved in [Citation24], gives conditions on the functions η and f in (Equation3) and (Equation1), respectively, so that the TFBHCP (Equation1)–(Equation3) with 0<α<1 has a unique solution.

Theorem 3.1

For ηL2(Ω) and fL(Iτ;L2(Ω)), the TFBHCP (Equation1)–(Equation3) has a unique solution if and only if (15) k=1ηkFα,k(τ)Eα(λkτα)2<,(15) and it is given by (16) uα(x,t)=k=1Eα(λktα)Eα(λkτα)ηkFα,k(τ)+Fα,k(t)ϕk(x)(16) for xΩ and 0tτ.

3.1. Solution under noisy data

Let us denote by uα(x,t;η,f) the solution uα(x,t) defined as in (Equation16) corresponding to the data (η,f)L2(Ω)×L(Iτ;L2(Ω)). Then the following theorem shows that uα(x,t,η,f) depends continuously on the data (η,f) whenever 0<t<τ.

Theorem 3.2

Let η,η~L2(Ω) and f,f~L(Iτ,L2(Ω)). Then, for t(0,τ), uα(,t;η,f)uα(,t;η~,f~)23Cα,tηη~2+3ζ0(Ct,α+1)ff~2, where Cα,t:=(C+/C)2((1+τα)/tα)2 and ζ0:=n=11/n4.


Let t(0,τ) and let F~α,k be as in (Equation13) with f replaced by f~. Then uα(x,t;η,f)=k=1Eα(λktα)Eα(λkτα)ηkFα,k(τ)+Fα,k(t)ϕk(x)uα(x,t;η~,f~)=k=1Eα(λktα)Eα(λkτα)η~kF~α,k(τ)+F~α,k(t)ϕk(x) for xΩ so that uα(,t;η,f)uα(,t;η~,f~)2=k=1|βα,k(t)|2, where βα,k(t):=Eα(λktα)Eα(λkτα)(ηkη~k)(Fα,k(τ)F~α,k(τ))+(Fα,k(t)F~α,k(t)). By Lemma 2.2, we have (17) 1C(1+λkτα)(1+λktα)Eα(λktα)Eα(λkτα)C(1+λkτα)(1+λktα)C1+ταtα,(17) where C:=C+/C. Therefore, |βα,k(t)||Eα(λktα)Eα(λkτα)|(|ηkη~k|+|Fα,k(τ)F~α,k(τ)|)+|Fα,k(t)F~α,k(t))|C1+ταtα|ηkη~k|+|Fα,k(τ)F~α,k(τ)|+|Fα,k(t)F~α,k(t))|. Using the relation (a+b+c)23(a2+b2+c2), we have |βα,k(t)|23(ak2+bk2+ck2), where ak:=C1+ταtα|ηkη~k|,bk:=C1+ταtα|Fα,k(τ)F~α,k(τ)|,ck:=|Fα,k(t)F~α,k(t))|. Thus uα(,t;η,f)uα(,t;η~,f~)2=k=1|βk(t)|23k=1(ak2+bk2+ck2). We observe that k=1ak2C1+ταtα2k=1|ηkη~k|2=Ct,αηη~2. Using Lemma 2.1(ii), we have |Fα,k(t)F~α,k(t)||0t(ts)α1Eα,α(λk(ts)α)[fk(s)f~k(s)]ds|ff~0t|(ts)α1Eα,α(λk(ts)α)|ds1λkff~ for all t(0,τ]. Hence, using the fact that λk=k2, we obtain k=1bk2C21+ταtα2k=1|Fα,k(τ)F~α,k(τ)|2ζ0Cα,tff~2,k=1ck2k=1|Fα,k(t)F~α,k(t)|2ζ0ff~2, where ζ0:=n=11λk2=n=11k4 and Cα,t:=C2((1+τα)/tα)2. Thus, for t(0,τ), uα(,t;η,f)uα(,t;η~,f~)23Ct,αηη~2+3ζ0(Ct,α+1)ff~2. This completes the proof.

Remark 3.3

Although the above theorem shows that u(x,t,η,f) depends continuously on the data (η,f) whenever 0<t<τ, the same is not guaranteed when t=0. To see this consider the error uα(,t;η,f)uα(,t;η~,f~) when t=0. In this case, we have uα(,0;η,f)uα(,0;η~,f~)2=k=1|βα,k|2, where βα,k:=1Eα(λkτα)[(ηkη~k)(Fα,k(τ)F~α,k(τ))]. Hence, using the estimate in (Equation17), we have uα(,0;η,f)uα(,0;η~,f~)21C2k=1(1+λkτα)2|(ηkη~k)(Fα,k(τ)F~α,k(τ))|2. In particular, with f~=f we have uα(,0;η,f)uα(,0;η~,f)21C2k=1(1+λkτα)2|ηkη~k|2. Since λk:=k2, the above inequality shows that small error in the data can lead to large deviations in the solution. In other words, the problem of determining solution at t=0 is ill-posed. This issue is further investigated in the following sections.

3.2. Ill-posedness of determining initial data and stability estimates

Recall from (Equation16) that the solution uα(x,t) of the TFBHCP (Equation1)–(Equation3) for 0<α<1 is given by uα(x,t)=k=1Eα(λktα)Eα(λkτα)ηkFα,k(τ)+Fα,k(t)ϕk(x), where Fα,k(t) is defined as in (Equation13). For t=0, we have (18) ψ(x):=uα(x,0)=k=1hkEα(λkτα)ϕk(x),hk:=ηkFα,k(τ).(18) Thus the problem of determining initial data ψ(x):=uα(x,0) from final data η(x):=uα(x,τ) and source term f(x,t) can be written as an operator equation, (19) Kψ=h,(19) where K is the integral operator from L2(Ω) into itself defined by (20) (Kψ)(x):=k=1Eα(λkτα)ψ,ϕkϕk=Ωκ(x,ξ)ψ(ξ)dξ(20) with kernel κ(,) defined by κ(x,ξ):=k=1Eα(λkτα)ϕk(ξ)ϕk(x), and (21) h(x):=k=1hkϕk(x)with hk:=ηkFα,k(τ).(21) At this point, we observe that hL2(Ω), as the following lemma shows.

Lemma 3.4

Let ηL2(Ω) and fL(Iτ,L2(Ω). Then h is defined as in (Equation21) belongs to L2(Ω) and h22ηL2(Ω)2+ζ0fL(Iτ,L2(Ω)2, where ζ0:=n=11n4.


Note that, for each kN, |hk|2=|ηkFα,k(τ)|22(|ηk|2+|Fα,k(τ)|2 Hence, by (Equation14), |hk|22(|ηk|2+f2λk2). Therefore, k=1|hk|22k=1|ηk|2+fk=11k4=2ηL2(Ω)2+ζ0fL(Iτ,L2(Ω)2. This completes the proof.

It can be shown that κ(,)L2(Ω×Ω). Therefore, K:L2(Ω)L2(Ω) is compact operator of infinite rank. Hence K does not have continuous inverse [Citation17].

Thus the problem of determining the initial data ψ:=uα(,0) from the data (η,f), where η:=uα(,τ), need not have a solution, and if a solution exists, it does not depend continuously on the data. Thus the problem of solving (Equation19) is ill-posed.

For 1p<, define the space Hp(Ω):={gL2(Ω):k=1(1+k2)p|g,ϕk|2<}. It can be shown that Hp(Ω) is a Hilbert space with the inner product ,p and the corresponding norm Hp(Ω) given by g1,g2Hp:=k=1(1+k2)p/2g1,ϕkϕk,g2, and gHp:=k=1(1+k2)p|g,ϕk|21/2, respectively (see [Citation30], p.142–144). Note that gL2(Ω)gHp for every gHp(Ω).

In this paper, we assume that the final data η and the source term f are such that Equation (Equation19) has a unique solution ψ. For a given ρ>0, consider the source set. (22) Mp,ρ:={gHp(Ω):gHpρ}.(22) Now, we have one of the main theorems of this paper giving stability estimates associated with the ill-posed problem of determining the initial condition from the knowledge of the final value and the source term.

Theorem 3.5

Let ψ:=uα(,0) be as in (Equation18). If ψHp(Ω) for some 1p<, then (23) ψ()L2(Ω)C2p/p+2ψHp(Ω)2/(p+2)KψL2(Ω)p/(p+2),(23) where C2 is as in (Equation5).

Further, if ψMp,ρ for some ρ>0 and (η2+ζ0f2)1/2δ for some δ>0, then (24) ψ()L2(Ω)C2p/p+2ρ2/(p+2)δp/(p+2).(24)


From the representation (Equation18) for ψ and using Hölder's inequality, we have (25) ψ()L2(Ω)2=k=1hk2(Eα(λkτα))2k=1hk2(Eα(λkτα))p+22/(p+2)k=1hk2p/(p+2)(25) (26) ψ()L2(Ω)E11/(p+2)E2p/(2(p+2)),(26) where E1:=k=1hk2(Eα(λkτα))p+2and E2:=k=1hk2. Recall from (Equation18) that ψk:=ψ,ϕk=hk/(Eα(λkτα)), kN. Hence, using the estimate (Equation5), (27) E1=k=1hk2(Eα(λkτα))p+2k=1ψk2(λkC2)p1C2pk=1(1+k2)pψk2=1C2pψHp2.(27) Note also that E2:=k=1hk2=KψL2(Ω)2. Thus  (Equation26) implies (Equation23). Also, by Lemma 3.4, E2:=k=1|hk|2ηL2(Ω)2+ζ0fL(Iτ,L2(Ω)2, so that (Equation24) also follows.

4. Fourier truncation method and convergence estimates

Let us assume that the data (η,f) are available only with some noise, and let the noisy data be (η~,f~) with some known noise level, say (28) ηη~δ1,ff~δ2(28) for some δ1,δ2>0. For the sake of simplicity of presentation of the analysis that follows, we assume that (29) 2(ηη~2+ζ0ff~2)δ2(29) for some δ>0. In fact, (Equation28) implies (Equation29) with δ:=[2(δ12+ζ0δ2)]1/2. If we write h~:=k=1h~kϕkwith h~k:=η~kF~α,k(τ). Then, by Lemma 3.4 together with (Equation29), we obtain (30) hh~δ.(30) Corresponding to the data (η,f) and (η~,f~), let uα(x,t) and u~α(x,t), respectively, be the solution of the TFBHCP (Equation1)–(Equation3), that is, (Equation16), uα(x,t)=k=1Eα(λktα)Eα(λkτα)ηkFα,k(τ)+Fα,k(t)ϕk(x),u~α(x,t)=k=1Eα(λktα)Eα(λkτα)η~kF~α,k(τ)+F~α,k(t)ϕk(x), where Fα,k is as in (Equation13) and F~α,k is obtained from (Equation13) by replacing f by f~. Let us denote the nth truncation of the series corresponding to the exact data (η,f) and noisy data (η~,f~) by uα,n(x,t) and u~α,n(x,t), respectively, that is, (31) uα,n(x,t):=k=1nEα(λktα)Eα(λkτα)ηkFα,k(τ)+Fα,k(t)ϕk(x),(31) (32) u~α,n(x,t):=k=1nEα(λktα)Eα(λkτα)η~kF~α,k(τ)+F~α,k(t)ϕk(x).(32) Thus the nth truncated approximations of ψ:=uα(,0) and ψ~:=u~α(,0) are given by (33) ψn(x):=k=1nηkFα,k(τ)Eα(λkτα)ϕk(x)(33) and (34) ψ~n(x):=k=1nη~kF~α,k(τ)Eα(λkτα)ϕk(x),(34) respectively.

4.1. Convergence estimate under à-priori parameter choice

Our goal is to choose a regularization parameter N:=NδN such that ψψ~Nδ0 as δ0, and also to obtain estimates for the error ψψ~Nδ.

Theorem 4.1

Let ψ, ψn and ψ~n be as in (Equation18), (Equation33) and (Equation34) respectively. Let C2 be as in (Equation5). Assume that ψ belongs to the source set Mp,ρ in (Equation22) and (η~,f~) satisfies (Equation29). Then (35) ψψ~nρ(1+n)p+1C2n2δ.(35) If Nδ:=[(ρδ)1/(p+2)], then (36) ψψ~Nδ1+1C2ρNδp.(36)


First let us obtain an estimate for ψψn. Note that ψψn2=k=N+1(1+λk)p(1+λk)pψk2ψp2(1+λn+1)pρ2(1+λn+1)p. Next, we obtain a bound for ψnψ~n. For this, first we note from (Equation33) and (Equation34) that ψnψ~n2k=1nhkh~kEα(λkτα)2, where hk:=ηkFα,k(τ) and h~k:=η~kF~α,k(τ). Now, by the relation  (Equation5) and Lemma 3.4, we obtain ψnψ~n2k=1nλk2|hkh~k|2C22λn2C22k=1n|hkh~k|2δ2λn2C22. Thus ψψ~nψψn+ψnψ~nρ(1+λn+1)p/2+δλnC2. Since λn=n2 for all nN, we obtain the estimate (Equation35).

Next, note that n2δρnpnρδ1/(p+2). Hence, taking Nδ:=[(ρ/δ)1/(p+2)], the largest positive integer less than or equal to (ρ/δ)1/(p+2), from (Equation35), we obtain the inequality (Equation36).

4.2. Convergence estimate under á-posteriori parameter choice

In the last section, we obtained an error estimate (Equation36) corresponding to the regularized solution ψ~N by choosing N á priorily, as this N depends on ρ and δ appearing in the source set Mp,ρ. Now, following some of the standard procedures (see, e.g. [Citation31] and the references therein), we choose the regularization parameter N a posteriori and obtain the same order for the error estimate.

First, let us recall from Section 3 that the problem of determining initial data ψ:=u(,0) from final data η:=u(,τ) and source term f is same as solving the operator equation (Equation19), that is, (37) Kψ=h,(37) where K is the integral operator on L2(Ω) defined by (Equation20) and h:=k=1hkϕk, where hk are given by (Equation18), that is, hk=ηkFα,k(τ). Throughout, we assume that h0.

Now, corresponding to the noisy data (η~,f~), let h~:=k=1h~kϕkwith h~k:=η~kF~α,k(τ). We assume that (η,f) and (η~,f~) satisfy the relation (Equation29) for some δ>0, so that (Equation30) is satisfied, that is hh~δ. Let h(n) and h~(n) be the nth truncation of h and h~, respectively, that is h(n):=k=1nhkϕkand h~(n):=k=1nh~kϕk. Since h(n) and h~(n) are the Fourier coefficients of h and h~, respectively, we have the convergence hh(n)0and h~h~(n)0as n. Let us denote (38) g(n):=h~h~(n),nN.(38) Since g(n)0 as n and h0, for any fixed μ>0 and for every δ>0 small enough, say 0<δδ0 for some δ0>0, there exists NN such that h~h~(N)μδ<h~h~(N1). Let N=Nδ be the first N satisfying the above inequality. That is, (39) Nδ:=min{NN:h~h~(N)μδ<h~h~(N1)}.(39) Choosing μ>1, the following lemma gives a bound for Nδ in terms of δ and μ.

Lemma 4.2

Let μ>1 and Nδ be defined as in (Equation39). Assume that ψMp,ρ. Then (40) Nδρδ1/(p+2)C1(μ1)1/(p+2).(40)


Let N:=Nδ be as in (Equation39). Note that for hL2(Ω), hh(N1)=k=1hkϕk(x)k=1N1hkϕk(x)=k=Nhkϕk(x). Recall from (Equation18) that ψk=hk/(Eα(λkτα)), kN. Hence, using the inequalities in (Equation5) and the fact that ψMρ, we have hh(N1)2=k=Nhk2(Eα(λkτα))2(Eα(λkτα))2=k=Nψk2(1+k2)p(Eα(λkτα))2(1+k2)pC12ψp2λN2(1+N2)p. Thus, since λN=N2, we have (41) hh(N1)C1ρNp+2.(41) On the other hand, using the estimates h~h~(N1)μδ and (hh~)(h(N1)h~(N1))2=k=N|hkh~k|2hh~2δ2, we have (42) hh(N1)=(h~h~(N1))+[(hh~)(h(N1)h~(N1))]h~h~(N1)(hh~)(h(N1)h~(N1))μδδ=(μ1)δ.(42) From (Equation41) and (Equation42), we obtain (μ1)δhh(N1)C1ρNp+2 from which the inequality (Equation40) for N:=Nδ follows.

Theorem 4.3

Let ψ and ψ~n be as in (Equation18) and (Equation34), respectively, and let Mρ be as in (Equation22). Assume that ψMρ and (η~,f~) satisfies (Equation29), and N:=Nδ is as in (Equation39) with μ>1. Then (43) ψψ~NC5ρ2/(p+2)δp/(p+2),(43) where C5:=[((μ+1)/C2)p/(p+2)+2/C2(C1/(μ1))2/(p+2)] with C1 and C2 are as in (Equation5).


Let nN. From (Equation33) and (Equation34), using the relation C2μEα(μτα)C1μ in (Equation5) and the inequality (Equation30), we have (44) ψnψ~n2=k=1nλk2|hkhkδ|2C22λn2C22k=1n|hkhkδ|2δ2n4C22.(44) Next, we obtain a bound for ψψN. Using the relations as in (Equation25) and (Equation27), we have ψψN2=k=N+1hk2(Eα(λkτα))2k=N+1hk2(Eα(λkτα))p+22/(p+2)(k=N+1hk2)p/(p+2)ρ2C2p2/(p+2)k=N+1hk2p/(p+2). Since h~h~(N)μδ and (hh~)(h(N)h~(N))2=k=N+1(hkh~k)2hh~2δ2, h~(N)h(N)h~hδ, we have k=N+1hk2=hh(N)2=(h~h~(N))+[(hh~)(h(N)h~(N))][(μ+1)δ]2. Hence, (45) ψψNρ2/(p+2)(μ+1)δC2p/(p+2).(45) Now, triangle inequality and the estimates (Equation44) and (Equation45) give ψψ~Nψ()ψN()L2(Ω)+ψN()ψ~N()L2(Ω)ρ2/(p+2)(μ+1)δC2p/(p+2)+δN2C2. Hence, using the estimate for N=Nδ from Lemma 4.2, we obtain ψψ~Nμ+1C2p/(p+2)+2C2C1μ12/(p+2)ρ2/(p+2)δp/(p+2). This completes the proof.

5. Numerical results

In this section, a numerical illustration is presented to show the efficiency of the regularization method that we considered in this paper. Our acknowledgements are due to Mathworks for the MATLAB R2017a and to Igor Podlubny for the computation of Mittag–Leffler function given in the mlf.m file.

For x(0,π), t[0,1], consider the time fractional heat conduction problem (Equation6)–(Equation8) with the source function. f(x,t)=(πx)sin(6πx)/100.

5.1. Numerical procedure

For the purpose of numerical illustration, we take the sought for initial temperature as ψ(x)=x(πx)ex and then find the final value η(x):=u(x,1) using (Equation12), and then determine regularized approximations of ψ by the Fourier truncation method.

The approximations on the initial function from the noisy final temperature and the noisy source term will be done along the following steps for different α's such as α{0.05,0.2,0.4,0.6,0.8,0.95}.

  1. Final value η(x) is obtained by solving the direct problem with ψ(x)=x(πx)ex,f(x)=(πx)sin(6πx)/100 and u(x,1)k=0100(2/π)ψkEα(k2)+01(1s)α1Eα,α(k2(1s)α)fk(s)dssin(kx).

  2. We take p=2. Then N=Nδ:=[ρδ]1/4, where ρ is taken as a bound for ψH2.

  3. Noisy data and regularized solution: The noisy data (η~,f~) are obtained in such a way that η~()=η()(1+δηL2 rand(size(η));f~()=f()(1+δfL2 rand(size(f)), where rand() is a Matlab function which gives single uniformly distributed random number in the interval (0,1). Hence the approximation on the initial function is evaluated by ψ~N(x)k=1N(2/π)(η~k01(1s)α1Eα,α(k2(1s)α)f~k(s)ds)sin(kx)Eα(k2)

  4. Discretization process: To approximate the integrals, we make use of the trapezoidal rule. For that consider the equidistant grid for the space and the time variables (x,t) such as 0=x0<x1<<xH=πand 0=t0<t1<<tR=1, where xi=ih with h=πH and tj=jr with r=1R. For the computation purpose, we assign H=R=101.

  5. Error estimates: The absolute error estimate (AEE) and the relative error estimate (REE) between the exact and the regularized solution are obtained by the following formula: AEE=1101i=0101(ψ(xi)ψ~N(xi))21/2,REE=1101i=0101(ψ(xi)ψ~N(xi))21/21101i=0101(ψ(xi))21/2.

5.2. Results and discussion

For p=2, using ψH2(Ω)ρ we take ρ=5 which helps to find Npriori and Nposteriori for various noise level δ and α along with μ=1.1.

In the figures, ψ denotes the exact solution and ψN,δ denotes the regularized solution ψ~N corresponding to the noise level δ. According to the a-priori and a-posteriori choice rule, the exact solution ψ and its approximations are plotted in Figures and Figures , respectively for various α{0.05,0.2,0.4,0.6,0.8,0.95}. Further, Tables and and Tables and give the estimates for the error between the exact solution and the truncation solution corresponding to the priori and posteriori parameter choices, respectively.

Figure 1. Exact and truncated solution for different δ with α=0.05.

Figure 1. Exact and truncated solution for different δ with α=0.05.

Figure 2. Exact and truncated solution for different δ with α=0.2.

Figure 2. Exact and truncated solution for different δ with α=0.2.

Figure 3. Exact and truncated solution for different δ with α=0.4.

Figure 3. Exact and truncated solution for different δ with α=0.4.

Figure 4. Exact and truncated solution for different δ with α=0.6.

Figure 4. Exact and truncated solution for different δ with α=0.6.

Figure 5. Exact and truncated solution for different δ with α=0.8.

Figure 5. Exact and truncated solution for different δ with α=0.8.

Figure 6. Exact and truncated solution for different δ with α=0.95.

Figure 6. Exact and truncated solution for different δ with α=0.95.

Figure 7. Exact and truncated solution for different δ with α=0.05.

Figure 7. Exact and truncated solution for different δ with α=0.05.

Figure 8. Exact and truncated solution for different δ with α=0.2.

Figure 8. Exact and truncated solution for different δ with α=0.2.

Figure 9. Exact and truncated solution for different δ with α=0.4.

Figure 9. Exact and truncated solution for different δ with α=0.4.

Figure 10. Exact and truncated solution for different δ with α=0.6.

Figure 10. Exact and truncated solution for different δ with α=0.6.

Figure 11. Exact and truncated solution for different δ with α=0.8.

Figure 11. Exact and truncated solution for different δ with α=0.8.

Figure 12. Exact and truncated solution for different δ with α=0.95.

Figure 12. Exact and truncated solution for different δ with α=0.95.

Table 1. Relative and absolute error estimates for different δ and α values.

It can be seen from the figures that larger values of N result in stable solution and smaller values of N result with better approximations. From Tables , one can easily find that smaller values of α give better regularized solutions.

Table 2. Relative and absolute error estimates for different δ and α values.

Table 3. Relative and absolute error estimates for different δ and α values.

Table 4. Relative and absolute error estimates for different δ and α values.


The first author would like to acknowledge the support received from Indian Institute of Technology Madras and also the excellent facilities provided by the Department of Mathematics at Indian Institute of Technology Madras. Further, the authors thank the referees for their comments and suggestions which made the revised version better in many respects.

Disclosure statement

No potential conflict of interest was reported by the authors.

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This work was supported by the Indian Institute of Technology Madras through the Institute Woman Post-Doctoral Fellowship and also supported by the National Board for Higher Mathematics (Department of Atomic Energy, India) through the Post-Doctoral Fellowship [Grant No: 0204/15/2017/R&D-II/10380].


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