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Inverse source problems for a space–time fractional differential equation

, &
Pages 47-68 | Received 04 Sep 2017, Accepted 13 Mar 2019, Published online: 25 Mar 2019


We considered two inverse source problems for a space–time fractional differential equation. Firstly recovery of a space dependent source term is studied, secondly determination of a time dependent source term is considered. A bi-orthogonal system of functions consisting of Mittag–Leffler type functions, obtained from fractional order spectral and its adjoint problem, is used to construct the solutions of the inverse source problems. Existence, uniqueness and stability results are presented for inverse problem of recovery of a space dependent source term while for time dependent source term existence and uniqueness results are proved. Some special cases for these inverse source problems are discussed.


1. Introduction

In the domain Π:=(0,1)×(0,T), we are concerned with the following space–time fractional differential equation: (1) cD0+,tγu(x,t)=cD0+,xαu(x,t)+F(x,t),(x,t)Π,(1) subject to the boundary conditions (2) u(0,t)=0=u(1,t),t(0,T),(2) and the initial condition (3) u(x,0)=φ(x),x(0,1),(3) where cD0+,tγ(),0<γ<1 and cD0+,xα(),1<α<2 represent Caputo time and space fractional derivatives, respectively.

We will discuss two inverse source problems (ISPs) related to boundary value problem (Equation1)–(Equation3).

Inverse Problem-I (IP-I): The first inverse problem addresses the recovery of a space dependent source term, i.e. F(x,t)=f(x) along with solution u(x,t) for the system (Equation1)–(Equation3), given an over-specified condition (4) u(x,T)=ψ(x),x(0,1).(4) Let us define a regular solution of the IP-I, a pair of functions {u(x,t),f(x)} is said to be a regular solution of the IP-I which satisfies the system (Equation1)–(Equation3) with over-specified condition (Equation4) such that u(x,t)C(Π¯);Π¯=[0,1]×[0,T], cD0+,xαu(,t)C[0,1], cD0+,tγu(x,)C[0,T] and f(x)C[0,1]. We proved (see Section 3) that under certain assumptions on the given data IP-I has a unique regular solution.

Inverse Problem-II (IP-II): The second inverse problem we are interested in, is the recovery of time dependent source term a(t) and u(x,t) for the system (Equation1)–(Equation3), with the source term of the form F(x,t)=a(t)f(x,t). The structure of such a source term arise in microwave heating process, in which the external energy is supplied to a target at a controlled level, represented by a(t) and f(x,t) is the local conversion rate of the microwave energy. The inverse problem of recovering a time dependent source term was considered by many, for example see [Citation1–3]. This inverse problem is not uniquely solvable and an over-specified condition of integral type (5) 01u(x,t)dx=E(t)(5) is considered for unique solvability of the IP-II. In Section 4, we proved that under certain assumptions IP-II has a regular solution, that is, there exists a pair of functions {u(x,t),a(t)} such that u(x,t)C(Π¯), cD0+,xαu(,t)C[0,1], cD0+,tγu(x,)C[0,T] and a(t)C[0,T].

Let us dwell on the importance of considering fractional derivatives in diffusion or transport models. A number of studies exhibit evidence of non-standard behaviour in diffusion/transport phenomena and reported by many for example [Citation4–7]. The average displacement of the particles (incase of standard diffusion/transport process) follows the following <|s(t)|2> is t as t, i.e. average or mean square displacement (MSD) is linear, for the non-standard diffusion/transport process MSD is proportional to tβ, as t, β1, i.e. |s(t)|2 is tβ as t [Citation8]. For sub-diffusive process the value of β is 0<β<1, β=1 for normal diffusion and for super-diffusive process we have 1<β<2. The random displacement of the particles is represented by an β-stable Lévy process in the probabilistic framework [Citation9], where the mean displacement of the particles s(t) is distributed with some t-dependent probability density function.

There are many techniques available in the literature to explain this non-standard behaviour usually known as anomalous diffusion/transport, some are non-chaotic slicer map [Citation10], continuous time random walks (CTRW) (see [Citation11] and references therein), stochastic process [Citation12,Citation13], etc. In [Citation14] Metzler et al. considered the physical systems with anomalies. They discussed models explaining these anomalies, where CTRW technique is used to explain the anomalies at the micro level and the models with fractional operators are used at the macro level. A number of deterministic models based on non-local integro-differential operators are used to explain anomalous diffusion/transport [Citation15,Citation16]. Indeed, the non-local generalization of Fourier's law in case of heat conduction and Fick's law in case of diffusion [Citation17] leads to the time fractional PDEs. The time fractional PDEs are used to explain the physical phenomena which have the memory effect and space fractional PDEs deal with the long range interactions of the particles. A part from explaining anomalies in diffusion/transport processes, there are many applications of time or space or space–time PDEs in many fields just to mention a few are in biology [Citation18,Citation19], physics [Citation20,Citation21], finance [Citation22], viscoelasticity processes [Citation23,Citation24], prediction of extreme events like earthquake [Citation25].

Inverse problems for fractional order differential equations (FODEs) become an important tool in modelling many real-life problems. Without providing literature survey on the direct problems for FODEs, we dwell upon some works related to inverse problems for FODEs. ISPs of recovering a space dependent source term for time fractional diffusion equation (TFDE) are considered in [Citation26–31]. Inverse problems of determining a time dependent source term for time fractional telegraph equation are considered in [Citation32], for time fractional wave equation are considered in [Citation33] and for TFDEs are considered in [Citation1,Citation2]. Sara and Malik [Citation34] considered ISPs for fourth-order parabolic equation involving fractional derivative in time. For a nonlinear TFDE an inverse coefficient problem was considered in [Citation35]. Feng and Karimov [Citation36] using eigenfunction expansion method proved several uniqueness results (with different cases) for an ISP of time fractional mixed parabolic-hyperbolic type equation. A multiple-scale radial basis function method is applied to solve direct and inverse Cauchy problem by Liu et al. [Citation37]. For a TFDE recovery of the initial condition whenever over-specified data are obtained from interior of the spatial domain is considered by Jamal in [Citation38] and when over-specified data given at some later time are considered by Tuan et al. in [Citation39]. Inverse problems of determination of order of fractional derivative in TFDEs are considered in [Citation40–42]. Li et al. [Citation43] proved a uniqueness result for inverse problem of determining orders of fractional derivatives and spatially varying coefficients for multi-term TFDE and the recovery of orders of fractional derivatives from boundary measurements for the multi-term TFDE with constant coefficients is discussed in [Citation44]. In [Citation45], a weak unique continuation property for time fractional diffusion–advection equation is presented and used to prove the unique determination of a spatial component of the source term. Uniqueness for the ISP by using strong maximum principle is discussed in [Citation46]. For a space–time fractional diffusion equation (STFDE) inverse problems of recovering order of fractional time and space derivatives are considered in [Citation47]. Jia et al. [Citation48] proved a uniqueness result for the determination of time dependent source term for a STFDE. For the STFDE inverse problem of determining a temporal component in the source term from the total energy of the system is considered in [Citation49] and recovering a space dependent source term from final data has been discussed in [Citation50].

In the next section, we provide preliminaries and construct a bi-orthogonal system of functions from spectral problem and its adjoint problem. IP-I is considered in Section 3, we proved that the inverse problem is well-posed in the sense of Hadamard. In Section 4, IP-II is considered and existence, uniqueness results are presented. Some special cases of the IP-I and IP-II are discussed in Section 5 and in the last section some particular examples are provided.

2. Preliminaries and bi-orthogonal system

In this section, we will define some basic definitions to make the article self contained.

Definition 2.1

[Citation51] Let hLloc1[0,1] be a locally integrable real-valued function. The left and right sided Riemann–Liouville integrals of order η are defined as J0+,zηh(z):=1Γ(η)0z(zτ)η1h(τ)dτ,η>0 and J1,zηh(z):=1Γ(η)z1(τz)η1h(τ)dτ,η>0, respectively.

For nN, we denote ACn[0,1], the space of real-valued functions h(t) which have continuous derivatives up to order n−1 on [0,1] such that h(n1)(t) belongs to the space of absolutely continuous functions AC[0,1]: ACn[0,1]=h:[0,1]R:dn1dxn1h(x)AC[0,1].

Definition 2.2

[Citation51] Let hACn[0,1] and n=η, then the left and right sided Caputo fractional derivatives of order η are defined as cD0+,zηh(z):=J0+,znηdndznh(z)=1Γ(nη)0zh(n)(τ)(zτ)ηn+1dτ,z>0 and cD1,zηh(z):=(1)nJ1,znηdndznh(z)=(1)nΓ(nη)z1h(n)(τ)(τz)ηn+1dτ,z<1, respectively.

Definition 2.3

[Citation51] Let hLloc1[0,1] and n=η, then the left and right sided Riemann–Liouville fractional derivatives of order η are defined as RLD0+,zηh(z):=dndznJ0+,znηh(z)=1Γ(nη)dndzn0zh(τ)(zτ)ηn+1dτ,z>0 and RLD1,zηh(z):=(1)ndndznJ1,znηh(z)=(1)nΓ(nη)dndznz1h(τ)(τz)ηn+1dτ,z<1, respectively.

Lemma 2.4

[Citation49] Assume that 0<ξ<1,h1AC[a,b] and h2Lp[a,b], 1p. Then the following formulae of integration by parts hold: (6) abh1(z)RLDa+,zηh2(z)dz=abh2(z)CDb,zηh1(z)dz+h1(z)Ja+,z1ηh2(z)z=az=b,abh1(z)RLDb,zηh2(z)dz=abh2(z)CDa+,zηh1(z)dzh1(z)Jb,z1ηh2(z)z=az=b.(6)

Lemma 2.5

[Citation49] For h1,h2C1[a,b], the following relation holds: ddzh1(z)h2(z)=h1(z)h2(a)+h1(z)ddzh2(z)=h2(z)h1(a)+h2(z)ddzh1(z), where ` represents integral convolution given by h1(z)h2(z)=azh1(τ)h2(zτ)dτ,aτz.

Definition 2.6

[Citation52] The two parameter Mittag–Leffler function is defined as Eη,ξ(z):=k=0zkΓ(ηk+ξ),Re(η)>0,ξC.

For ξ=1,Eη,ξ(z) reduces to the Mittag–Leffler function of single parameter, i.e. Eη,1(z)=Eη(z)=k=0zkΓ(ηk+1).

Lemma 2.7

see [Citation53] Theorem 1.6, p. 35

If η<2,ξ is an arbitrary real number, μ is such that πη/2<μ<min{π,πη}, zC such that |z|0,μ|arg(z)|π and C1 is a real constant, then |Eη,ξ(z)|C11+|z|.

Lemma 2.8

see [Citation54] Lemma 15.2, p. 278

Let the fractional derivative cD0+,xηgn(x) exists for all nN and for every ϵ>0 the series n=1gn(x), n=1cD0+,xηgn(x) are uniformly convergent on the subinterval [ϵ,b]. Then cD0+,xηn=1gn(x)=n=1cD0+,xηgn(x),η>0,0<x<1.

Lemma 2.9

For λ,η,τ>0, the Mittag–Leffler type functions have the following properties:

  • cD0+,τη(τη1Eη,η(λτη))=λτη1Eη,η(λτη),η1,

  • τηEη,η+1(λτη)=1τη1Eη,η(λτη)=(1/λ)(Eη,1(λτη)1),

  • cD0+,τ1η(Eη,1(λτη))=τη1{Eη,η(λτη)1/Γ(η)},

  • cD0+,τη(τηEη,η+1(λτη))=Eη,1(λτη)=λτηEη,η+1(λτη)+1.


Using the series expansion of τη1Eη,η(λτη), we get cD0+,τητη1Eη,η(λτη)=cD0+,τητη1n=1λτηkΓ(ηk+η). Since η1, and by using Lemma 2.8, term by term Caputo derivative leads to cD0+,τητη1Eη,η(λτη)=λτη1Eη,η(λτη). The remaining parts can be proved in a similar way.

Lemma 2.10

For gC1[0,T] and λR, the following relation holds: |g(τ)(τη1Eη,η(λτη)|C1λgC[0,T],λ0, where C1 is a constant and gC[0,T]:=max0τT|g(τ)|.


It is easy to see that ddτEη,1(λτη)=λτη1Eη,η(λτη). Consider g(τ)(τη1Eη,η(λτη)=g(τ)1λddτEη,1(λτη)=1λg(τ)ddτEη,1(λτη). Due to Lemma 2.5, we get g(τ)(τη1Eη,η(λτη)=1λEη,1(λτη)g(0)+Eη,1(λτη)ddτg(τ)g(τ). From Lemma 2.7, we have Eη,1(λτη)C11+|λtη|C1. Hence, g(τ)(τη1Eη,η(λτη)C1λgC[0,T].

2.1. Bi-orthogonal system

The spectral problem corresponding to (Equation1)–(Equation2) is (7) cD0+,xαX(x)=λX(x),X(0)=0=X(1).(7) The spectral problem was considered in [Citation55] and the eigenfunctions of the spectral problem are (8) {Xn(x)}n=1={xα1Eα,α(λnxα)}n=1,(8) corresponding to the eigenvalues λn which are the zeros of the function Eα,α(λ) with Im(λn)>0.

The set {Xn(x)}n=1 of eigenfunctions is complete but not orthogonal [Citation55]. For the adjoint problem of the spectral problem (Equation7), we have cD0+,xαX(x),Y(x)=ddxJ0+,x2αddxX(x),Y(x). Integration by parts and taking Y(0)=0=Y(1), we have ddxJ0+,x2αddxX(x),Y(x)=J0+,x2αddxX(x),ddxY(x). By using Lemma 2.4 followed by integration by part cD0+,xαX(x),Y(x)=X(x),ddxJ1,x2αddxY(x). Hence, the adjoint problem of the spectral problem (Equation7) is cD1,xαY(x)=λY(x),Y(0)=0=Y(1). The adjoint problem has eigenfunctions Yn(x) corresponding to the same eigenvalues as that of spectral problem, where (9) {Yn(x)}n=1={(1x)α1Eα,α(λn(1x)α)}n=1.(9) The sets {Xn(x)}n=1 and {Yn(x)}n=1 form a bi-orthogonal system of functions [Citation55]. Let us provide some properties of the eigenvalues of the spectral problem.

Lemma 2.11

[Citation55] The eigenvalues λn, that are the zeros of the function Eα,α(λ) with Im(λn)>0, satisfy the following relations:

  • |λk|<|λk+1|, for k1.

  • For n large enough and arg(λn)>απ/2, we have |eλnt|<1 and |λn|O(nα),1<α<2.

Before we proceed further, notice that due to the properties of eigenvalues and the fact that T>0, the Mittag–Leffler type function Eη,1(λnTη)1 (see [Citation52]). Hence we can find a positive constant C2 independent of n such that (10) 1|Eη,1(λnTη)1|C2.(10) Let us mention that Eγ,1(z)=1, only when z=0.

Lemma 2.12

For any hC2[0,1] such that h(0)=0=h(1), we have the following relation: |hn|C1|λn|(1α)(2α)|h(0)|+01|h(x)|(1x)2αdx, where C1 is a constant and hn=h(x),Yn(x).


Consider |hn|=|h(x),Yn(x)|01h(x)C1|λn|(1x)αdx, where we have used Lemma 2.7. Integration by parts twice leads to the required relation.

3. Inverse problem-I

In this section, we will deal with the inverse problem for (Equation1)–(Equation3) of recovering a space dependent source term, i.e. F(x,t)=f(x). We will construct the series solution by using eigenfunction expansion method. Moreover, it will be shown that u(x,t),cD0+,tγu(x,t) and cD0+,xαu(x,t) represent a continuous function by using Weierstrass M-test. Uniqueness and stability results are also presented.

3.1. Series representation of the solution of the IP-I

The solution of the inverse problem (Equation1)–(Equation4) can be written by using the Fourier method u(x,t)=n=1Xn(x)Tn(t),f(x)=n=1Xn(x)fn, where the unknowns Tn(t) and fn are related by the following fractional differential equation: (11) cD0+,tγTn(t)=λnTn(t)+fn.(11) By using the Laplace transform and the initial condition (Equation3), the solution of (Equation11) is (12) Tn(t)=φnEγ,1(λntγ)+fntγEγ,γ+1(λntγ),(12) where φn=φ(x),Yn(x).

The over-specified condition (Equation4) is used to get the following expression: (13) fn=ψnφnEγ,1(λnTγ)TγEγ,γ+1(λnTγ),(13) where ψn=ψ(x),Yn(x).

Hence, the solution of the IP-I, i.e. {u(x,t),f(x)} is (14) u(x,t)=n=1φnEγ,1(λntγ)+fntγEγ,γ+1(λntγ)xα1Eα,α(λnxα),(14) where fn is given by (Equation13), and we have (15) f(x)=n=1ψnφnEγ,1(λnTγ)TγEγ,γ+1(λnTγ)xα1Eα,α(λnxα).(15)

3.2. Existence of the solution of the IP-I

The series solution of the IP-I given by (Equation14)–(Equation15) is proved to be regular solution in the following theorem.

Theorem 3.1

Let φ and ψ satisfy the following condition:

  1. φC2[0,1], such that φ(0)=0=φ(1),

  2. ψC2[0,1], such that ψ(0)=0=ψ(1).

Then, IP-I has a regular solution.


To prove that the solution of IP-I is regular, we will show that fC[0,1],u(x,t)C(Π¯),cD0+,tγu(x,t),cD0+,xαu(x,t)C(Π¯). Using Lemma 2.12 and the estimate (Equation10), we have the following relation: |f(x)|n=1C1C2|λn|x(1α)(2α)ψ(0)+01ψ(x)(1x)2αdx+C1φ(0)+01φ(x)(1x)2αdx.

By using Lemma 2.11 and the Cauchy's integral test for convergence of series, we can conclude that f(x) represents a continuous function.

Next, we will show that u(x,t) given by (Equation14) represents a continuous function.

Due to Lemma 2.7, Equation (Equation14) leads to the following inequality: (16) |u(x,t)|n=1C12(1+C1C2)|φn|+C2|ψn|.(16) Lemma 2.12 ensures the uniform convergence of the series involved in (Equation16). Hence, by Weierstrass M-test, u(x,t) represents a continuous function.

It remains to show that the series corresponding to cD0+,tγu(x,t) and cD0+,xαu(x,t) are uniformly convergent. For the convergence of cD0+,tγu(x,t), from (Equation11) we have n=1cD0+,tγTn(t)Xn(x)=n=1λnTn(t)+fnXn(x)=n=1λnTn(t)Xn(x)+f(x). By using (Equation12) together with Lemmas 2.7 and 2.12, uniform convergence of n=1λnTn(t)Xn(x) can be proved. Moreover, f(x) has been proved to be uniformly convergent.

Hence, by Lemma 2.8, we have cD0+,tγu(x,t)=n=1cD0+,tγTn(t)Xn(x). Similarly, by using Lemma 2.9, cD0+,xαu(x,t) is given by (17) cD0+,xαu(x,t)=n=1λnTn(t)Xn(x).(17) The uniform convergence of (Equation17) follows from (Equation16) and Lemma 2.12.

3.3. Uniqueness of the source term

Theorem 3.2

Let {u(x,t),f(x)} and {u~(x,t),f~(x)} be two regular solution sets of the IP-I. If u(x0,t)=u~(x0,t) for some x0(0,1), then f(x)=f~(x) and u(x,t)=u~(x,t) for all x(0,1) and (x,t)Π, respectively.


Consider the functions (18) Tn(t)=01u(x,t)Yn(x)dxandT~n(t)=01u~(x,t)Yn(x)dx.(18)

Applying the Caputo time fractional derivative cD0+,tγ() to both sides of the second equation in (Equation18), we obtain (19) cD0+,tγT~n(t)=01cD0+,tγu~(x,t)Yn(x)dx.(19) Recall that u~(x,t) is a regular solution, interchange of fractional derivative and integral in the above steps is justified. By virtue of (Equation1), the following fractional differential equation is obtained from (Equation19): (20) cD0+,tγT~n(t)=λnT~n(t)+f¯n.(20) By using Laplace transform technique and initial condition (Equation3), the solution of (Equation20) is T~n(t)=01φ(x)Xn(x)dxEγ,1(λntγ)+f~ntγEγ,γ+1(λntγ). Similarly, the expression for Tn(t) is obtained as Tn(t)=01φ(x)Xn(x)dxEγ,1(λntγ)+fntγEγ,γ+1(λntγ). As u(x0,t)=u~(x0,t), i.e. Tn(t)=T~n(t) at x=x0, hence fntγEγ,γ+1(λntγ)=f~ntγEγ,γ+1(λntγ)fnf~ntγEγ,γ+1(λntγ)=0. Taking Laplace transform, we get (21) fnf~ns(sγλn)=0,Res>0,fnf~nη+λn=0,(21) where sγ=η. By taking a suitable disk D1 which includes only λ1 and does not include {λn}n>1. Using Cauchy Integral Theorem, integrating (Equation21) along the disk we have fn=f~nfor n=1. In a similar way by taking different disks, we can show that fn=f~n,for all nN, implies f(x)=f~(x) and hence u(x,t)=u~(x,t).

3.4. Stability of the solution of the IP-I

In this subsection, we will present the stability result of IP-I.

Theorem 3.3

Under the assumptions of Theorem 3.1, the solution of the IP-I depends continuously on the initial and final data, i.e. φ(x) and ψ(x).


From (Equation14), we have |u(x,t)u~(x,t)|n=1(φnφ~n)Eγ,1(λntγ)+ψnφnEγ,1(λnTγ)TγEγ,γ+1(λnTγ)tγEγ,γ+1(λntγ)ψ~nφ~nEγ,1(λnTγ)TγEγ,γ+1(λnTγ)tγEγ,γ+1(λntγ)xα1Eα,α(λnxα). By using Lemma 2.7, we get |u(x,t)u~(x,t)|n=1C12|λn|x(1+C1C2)|φnφ~n|+C2|ψnψ~n|. Using Cauchy Schwarz Inequality, we get |u(x,t)u~(x,t)|n=1C13|λn|x(1+C1C2)φφ~+C2ψψ~, where φ2:=01(φ(x))2dx. Similarly, stability of the space dependent source term f(x) can be proved.

4. Inverse problem-II

In this section, we will consider the second inverse problem, i.e. the recovery of a(t) and u(x,t) for the system (Equation1)–(Equation3) whenever over-specified condition (Equation5) is given.

4.1. Series representation of the solution of the IP-II

The solution of the IP-II can be written as u(x,t)=n=1Xn(x)Tn(t). Using (Equation1), with F(x,t)=a(t)f(x,t) and properties of bi-orthogonal system, we get (22) cD0+,tγTn(t)=λnTn(t)+a(t)fn(t).(22)

Solution of (Equation22) is obtained by using the Laplace transform and is given by Tn(t)=φnEγ,1(λntγ)+a(t)fn(t)tγ1Eγ,γ(λntγ), where ‘’ is the integral convolution, φn=φ(x),Yn(x) and fn(t)=f(x,t),Yn(x). Hence, solution of the IP-II can be written as (23) u(x,t)=n=1φnEγ,1(λntγ)+a(t)fn(t)tγ1Eγ,γ(λntγ)Xn(x),(23) where a(t) is to be determined.

4.2. Existence of the solution of the IP-II

For T<1/M1K1, where M1 and K1 are positive constants independent of n, we will prove the existence of the solution of the IP-II in the domain Π¯ under the assumption of the following theorem.

Theorem 4.1

Suppose the following conditions hold:

  • φC[0,1] be such that φ(0)=0=φ(1).

  • fC(Π¯) be such that f(0,t)=0=f(1,t). Furthermore 01f(x,t)dx0 and 0<1M101f(x,t)dxwhere M1>0.

  • EAC[0,T] and E(t) satisfies the consistency condition 01φ(x)dx=E(0).

Then, there exists a unique regular solution of the IP-II.


To prove the unique existence of the time dependent source term a(t), we will use the over-specified condition (Equation5), that leads to the relation 01cD0+,tγu(x,t)dx=cD0+,tγE(t). From (Equation1), we get 01cD0+,xαu(x,t)dx+a(t)01f(x,t)dx=cD0+,tγE(t), which implies (24) a(t)=01f(x,t)dx1cD0+,tγE(t)n=1Eγ,1(λntγ)φn+0tn=1a(τ)fn(τ)(tτ)γ1Eγ,γ(λn(tτ)γ)dτ(Eα,1(λn)1).(24) Setting T(t)=n=1Eγ,1(λntγ)φn(Eα,1(λn)1),K(t,τ)=n=1fn(τ)(tτ)γ1Eγ,γ(λn(tτ)γ)(Eα,1(λn)1). We have 01f(x,t)dx=n=1fn(t)(Eα,1(λn)1). Consequently, (Equation24) becomes (25) a(t)=01f(x,t)dx1cD0+,tγE(t)T(t)01K(t,τ)a(τ)dτ.(25) Let us consider the space of continuous functions C[0,T], with the Chebyshev norm fC[0,T]:=max0tT|f(t)|. Define the mapping B:C[0,T]C[0,T] by (26) B(a(t)):=a(t),(26) where a(t) is given by (Equation25).

First we will prove that for a(t)C[0,T],B(a(t)) represents a continuous function. Since, (27) |T(t)|n=1C12|λn||φn|,|K(t,τ)|n=1C12|λn||fn(τ)|.(27) Convergence of the series involved in (Equation27) are deduced using the continuity of φ(x) and f(x,t). Hence, B(a(t)) is well defined. Now, we will show that the mapping B(a(t)):=a(t) is a contraction: |B(a(t))B(b(t))|=01f(x,t)dx101K(t,τ)|a(τ)b(τ)|dτ. By assumptions of Theorem 4.1, we get |B(a(t))B(b(t))|M1K1Tmax0tT|a(τ)b(τ)|,|B(a(t))B(b(t))|M1K1TabC[0,T].

Hence, existence of unique a(t) is ensured by Banach fixed point theorem. Next, we will show that the solution u(x,t) given by (Equation23) is regular solution that is u(x,t),cD0+,tγu(x,t), and cD0+,xαu(x,t) represent continuous functions. By Lemma 2.7 and (Equation23), we have the following relation: (28) |u(x,t)|n=1C1|φn|+a(t)fn(t)tγ1Eγ,γ(λntγ)C1|λn|x.(28) Continuity of φ(x)a(t), Lemma 2.10, Lemma 2.11 and inequality (Equation28) established the uniform convergence of u(x,t).

Similarly, the series corresponding to cD0+,tγu(x,t) and cD0+,xαu(x,t) represents a continuous function.

To prove uniqueness of u(x,t), let u(x,t) and v(x,t) be two solutions and u¯(x,t)=u(x,t)v(x,t). Then u¯(x,t) satisfy the equation cD0+,tγu¯(x,t)=cD0+,xαu¯(x,t),(x,t)Π, with initial condition u¯(x,0)=0,x[0,1], and boundary conditions u¯(0,t)=0=u¯(1,t),t[0,T]. Consider the functions T¯n(t)=01u¯(x,t)Yn(x)dx. Following the same steps as in the proof of Theorem 3.2, we can show that T¯n(t)=0,t[0,T]. Consequently, the uniqueness of the solution follows from the completeness of the set of function {Yn(x)}, nN.

5. Special cases

In this section, we are going to discuss some special cases of IP-I and IP-II.

5.1. Case-I: γ=1

In this subsection, we are going to discuss special cases of IP-I and II by taking γ=1, i.e. by considering only space fractional differential equation. Consider the following equation which is obtained by substituting γ=1 in (Equation1): (29) ut=cD0+,xαu(x,t)+F(x,t),(x,t)Π,(29) subject to boundary conditions and initial condition (Equation2)–(Equation3).

The solution for the case F(x,t)=f(x) for (Equation29) can be obtained by substituting γ=1 in (Equation14) and is given by u(x,t)=n=1fnλn(eλnt1)+φneλntxα1Eα,α(λnxα),f(x)=n=1λn(ψnφneλnT)eλnT1xα1Eα,α(λnxα).

The solution in case of F(x,t)=a(t)f(x,t) in (Equation29) can be obtained by substituting γ=1 in (Equation23) and is given by u(x,t)=n=1φneλnt+a(t)fn(t)eλntxα1Eα,α(λnxα), where a(t) is still to be determined. To determine a(t), we use over-determination condition, i.e. 01u(x,t)dx=E(t). By virtue of (Equation23) and the relation 01xα1Eα,α(λnxα)dx=Eα,1(λn)1λn, we get the following integral equation: 0tn=1fn(τ)eλn(tτ)Eα,1(λn)1λna(τ)d(τ)=E(t)n=1φneλntEα,1(λn)1λn. Differentiating, we get a(t)=n=1fn(t)Eα,1(λn)1λn1E(t)T(t)0tK(t,τ)a(τ)dτ, where (30) T(t)=n=1λnφneλntEα,1(λn)1λn,(30) (31) K(t,τ)=n=1λnfn(τ)eλn(tτ)Eα,1(λn)1λn.(31) The series (Equation30) and (Equation31) are uniformly convergent, due to Lemmas 2.7 and 2.11. Hence, unique existence of a(t) is ensured by Banach fixed point theorem.

5.2. Case II: α=2

In this subsection, we are going to discuss special cases of IP-I and II by taking α=2, i.e. by considering only time fractional derivative in the differential equation.

Consider the following equation which is obtained by substituting α=2 in (Equation1): (32) cD0+,tγu(x,t)=2u(x,t)x2+F(x,t),(x,t)Π,(32) subject to boundary and initial conditions (Equation2)–(Equation3). In this case, corresponding to eigenvalues (nπ)2, we have following bi-orthogonal system: Xn(x)=xE2,2((nπx)2)=sin(nπx)nπ,nN and Yn(x)=xE2,2((nπx)2)=sin(nπx)nπ,nN. Solution for the case F(x,t)=f(x) can be obtained by substituting α=2 in (Equation14) and is given by u(x,t)=n=1φnEγ,1((nπ)2tγ)+fntγEγ,γ+1((nπ)2tγ)xE2,2((nπx)2),f(x)=n=1ψnφnEγ,1((nπ)2tγ)TγEγ,γ+1((nπ)2tγ)xE2,2((nπx)2). Similarly, solution of the IP-II is given by u(x,t)=n=1φnEγ,1((nπ)2tγ)+a(t)fntγ1Eγ,γ((nπ)2tγ)xE2,2((nπx)2). Unique existence of a(t) can be proved by using Banach fixed point theorem.

6. Examples

In this section, we are going to present some examples for the ISPs. For particular values of α,γ,φ(x),ψ(x),E(t) and f(x,t) the results obtained in this section can be deduced from the previous results.

Example 6.1

For particular example of IP-I, we consider α=2,φ(x)=x2x and ψ(x)=sin(πx). For given data φn and ψn are given by φn=8π3n3ifnis odd0otherwiseandψn=1if n=1,0otherwise. By using (Equation13), we get fn=18π3Eγ,1(π2Tγ)TγEγ,γ+1(π2Tγ)if n=1,0otherwise. Equation (Equation12) will lead us to the following equation: Tn(t)=φnEγ,1(n2π2tγ)+18π3Eγ,1(π2Tγ)TγEγ,1+γ(π2Tγ)tγEγ,1+γ(π2tγ)ifnis odd0otherwise. By using the expressions for Tn(t) and fn, we get the solution of ISP, i.e. u(x,t) and f(x), given by u(x,t)=18π3Eγ,1(π2Tγ)TγEγ,1+γ(π2Tγ)tγEγ,1+γ(π2tγ)sinπx+n=14Eγ,1((2n1)2π2tγ)(2n1)2π3sin(2n1)πx,f(x)=18π3Eγ,1(π2Tγ)TγEγ,1+γ(π2Tγ)sin(πx). For the numerical simulation, we take γ=0.5 and T=1000 (Figures  and ).

Figure 1. For Example 6.1, the graph of u(x,t) for γ=0.5 at t=0.5,0.75,5,900.

Figure 1. For Example 6.1, the graph of u(x,t) for γ=0.5 at t=0.5,0.75,5,900.

Figure 2. For Example 6.1, the graph of the source term f(x), for γ=0.5.

Figure 2. For Example 6.1, the graph of the source term f(x), for γ=0.5.

Example 6.2

For particular example of IP-II, we consider α=2,f(x,t)=Γ(3+γ)Γ(3)tγx37x+6sin(x)sin(1)6txsin(x)sin(1) and φ(x)=0,E(t)=0.0278t3. For the given data solution (Equation23) can be written as u(x,t)=n=1a(t)fn(t)tγ1Eγ,γ(nπtγ)Xn(x), where fn(t)=f(x,t),sin(nπx).

The expression for a(t) is obtained as follows (by using (Equation25)): a(t)=01f(x,t)dx1cD0+,tγ(0.0278t3)0tK(t,τ)a(τ)dτ, where K(t,τ)=n=1fn(τ)(tτ)γ1Eγ,γ(nπ(tτ)γ). In this case, we are able to find the explicit expression for a(t) as a(t)=t2, and the solution u(x,t) becomes u(x,t)=t3x37x+6sin(x)sin(1)sin(nπx). Let us mention that the eigenvalues of the spectral problem are not available explicitly. For particular examples in which the order of the space fractional derivative is some real number satisfying 1<α<2, an efficient numerical algorithm is needed.

7. Conclusions

For a space–time fractional differential equation, two inverse problems have been considered. The fractional derivatives involved in time and space are defined in Caputo's sense and are of order 0<γ<1 and 1<α<2, respectively. From the over-specified condition, i.e. the given data at some time T, the inverse problem of recovering a space dependent source term has been considered (the inverse problem IP-I). A bi-orthogonal system of functions obtained from the spectral problem and its adjoint problem has been utilized to implement the generalized Fourier method. The series solution obtained is proved to be a regular solution of the inverse problem under certain assumptions on the given data (see Theorem 3.1) and the solution of the IP-I is proved to be stable. The determination of a time dependent source term from over-specified condition of integral type is the second inverse problem considered for the space–time fractional differential equation (the inverse problem IP-II). The result about the unique determination of a continuous source term is obtained by applying Banach fixed point theorem. The completeness of the set of eigenfunctions has been used to prove the uniqueness of u(x,t). Some special cases of the inverse problems are discussed and particular numerical examples are provided. Let us mention that this analysis about the inverse problems can be extended to the problems involving the Hilfer fractional derivative [Citation20]. Some other important inverse problems related to the space–time fractional differential equation (Equation1) are worth to be considered. For example, the inverse problems of recovering the initial or boundary data and regularized algorithms for their reconstruction. Another interesting set of problems is related to the development of convergent numerical algorithms for solving direct and inverse problems related to Equation (Equation1) with local or non-local boundary conditions.


The authors would like to express their gratitude to the anonymous reviewers for insightful comments which ultimately improve the quality of the paper.

Disclosure statement

No potential conflict of interest was reported by the authors.


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