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A partial inverse problem for the Dirac system with an integral delay

Pages 513-523 | Received 26 Dec 2018, Accepted 27 Mar 2019, Published online: 01 Apr 2019


The Dirac system with an integral delay in the form of convolution is considered. We suppose that the convolution kernel, having four independent components, is known a priori on a part of the interval. A partial inverse problem is studied, which consists in recovering the kernel on the remaining part of the interval from some fractional parts of two spectra. Uniqueness theorems are proved, and a constructive algorithm is developed for solving this inverse problem.


1. Introduction and main results

The paper concerns the inverse spectral theory for integro-differential operators. Operators of this kind have many applications in science and engineering, in particular, in biological population models, in the theory of nuclear reactors, in the elasticity theory (see [Citation1,Citation2]). Integro-differential operators are nonlocal, and therefore they are often more adequate for description of physical processes, than differential operators. However, the spectral theory for integro-differential operators has not been completely constructed yet, and contains only a few fragmentary results.

Inverse problems of spectral analysis consist in recovering operators from their spectral characteristics. For differential operators, there exist powerful methods, that reduce nonlinear inverse spectral problems to some linear equations (e.g. Gelfand-Levitan method, the method of spectral mappings, see [Citation3–5]). For integro-differential operators, those methods do not work because of nonlocality. In recent years, the new method has been developed for solving inverse problems for integral operators [Citation6] and, later on, for integro-differential operators [Citation7–15]. This method reduces inverse spectral problems to uniquely solvable nonlinear integral equations, and allows to prove uniqueness theorems, obtain algorithms for solution together with necessary and sufficient conditions for solvability of inverse problems. In particular, this method yielded the results for the Sturm-Liouville (second order) integro-differential operators [Citation7,Citation8], Dirac integro-differential systems [Citation9–11], first-order operators with discontinuities [Citation12], integro-differential operators of arbitrary order [Citation13] and fractional order [Citation14,Citation15]. Some other issues of inverse problem theory for integro-differential operators were studied in [Citation16–21]. However, this topic still contains many open questions.

This paper is devoted to the Dirac system with the integral delay in the form of convolution: (1) By+0xM(xt)y(t)dt=λy,x(0,π),(1) where B=0110,M(x)=M1(x)M2(x)M3(x)M4(x),y(x)=y1(x)y2(x), the functions (πx)Mk(x), k=1,4¯, belong to L2(0,π) and are complex-valued. For j=1, 2, denote by Dj=Dj(M) the boundary value problems for the system (Equation1) with the boundary conditions (2) y1(0)=yj(π)=0.(2) The spectra of these boundary value problems are described by the following lemma.

Lemma 1.1


The spectra of Dj, j=1,2, are countable sets of complex eigenvalues, which can be numbered as {λnj}nZ (counting with their multiplicities), so that λn1=n+ϰn1,λn2=n+12+ϰn2,{ϰnj}l2.

In [Citation10] the inverse problem has been studied, that consists in recovering the kernel M(x) from two spectra {λnj}nZ, j=1, 2. In the earlier paper [Citation9], the special symmetric case was considered, when M1(x)=M4(x), M2(x)=M3(x). In that case, the only spectrum {λn1}nZ is sufficient for reconstruction of M(x).

In the present paper, we study the partial inverse problem, formulated below. Let a be a real number, π/2a<π, and let Ij, j=1, 2, be some subsets of Z.

Inverse Problem 1

Suppose that the matrix-function M(x) for x(0,a) is known a priori. Given the subspectra {λnj}nIj, j=1,2, construct M(x) on (a,π).

Inverse Problem 1 is an analogue of the famous Hochstadt-Lieberman problem, which consists in recovering the potential of the differential Sturm-Liouville operator from the spectrum, while the potential is known a priori on a half of the interval. The Hochstadt-Lieberman problem and its generalizations for differential operators were investigated in [Citation22–29,Citation30]. In the paper [Citation8], the first results has been obtained in this direction for integro-differential operators (namely, for the integro-differential Sturm-Liouville operator). The goals of the present paper are to prove uniqueness theorems and to develop a constructive algorithm for solving Inverse Problem 1 under some assumptions on the sets Ij, j=1, 2.

We proceed to the formulation of the main results. Along with Dj, j=1,2, we consider the boundary value problems D~j=Dj(M~), j=1, 2, of the same form (Equation1)–(Equation2), but with a different convolution kernel M~(x). We agree that if a certain symbol γ denotes an object related to Dj, then γ~ with tilde denotes an analogous object related to D~j. Define b:=πa. Denote by H the complex Hilbert space of vector functions L2(0,b)L2(0,b) with the scalar product (g,h)H=0b(g1(x)¯h1(x)+g2(x)¯h2(x))dx,g=g1g2,h=h1h2,gj,hjL2(0,b),j=1,2. Define the sequences of vector functions (3) Sj:=sinλnjxcosλnjxnIj,j=1,2.(3) The uniqueness theorem for Inverse Problem 1 is formulated as follows.

Theorem 1.1

Suppose that M(x)=M~(x) a.e. on (0,a), λnj=λ~nj, nIj, j=1, 2, and the sequences Sj, j=1, 2, are complete in H. Then M(x)=M~(x) a.e. on (a,π).

Remark 1.1

The numeration of eigenvalues in the sequences {λnj}nZ and {λ~nj}nZ, j=1, 2, is not uniquely fixed by Lemma 1.1. Therefore the formulation of Theorem 1.1 should be understood in the following sense: suppose that there exists such numeration of the eigenvalues, that the conditions of the theorem hold.

Remark 1.2

The completeness of the sequences Sj implies, that the eigenvalues in the subspectra {λnj}nIj are distinct for each fixed j=1, 2. However, our results can be generalized for the case of multiple eigenvalues, by using the approach of [Citation11].

For the case when the sequences Sj, j=1, 2, are Riesz bases in H, we develop a constructive procedure for solving Inverse Problem 1 (see Algorithm 3.1). One can find more information about Riesz bases in [Citation5, Section 1.8.5].

We also prove the following theorem for the special case.

Theorem 1.2

Let a=ππ/k, kN, k2, and Ij={n=kl+sj:lZ}, sjR, j=1,2. Suppose that M(x)=M~(x) a.e. on (0,a), λnj=λ~nj, nIj, j=1, 2, and for j=1, 2, the subspectrum {λnj}nIj consists of distinct eigenvalues. Then M(x)=M~(x) a.e. on (a,π). Thus, in this case the solution of Inverse Problem 1 is unique and can be found by using Algorithm 3.1.

Roughly speaking, if the convolution kernel M(x) is unknown on the interval of length π/k, then we need a 1/kth part of each spectrum to solve the inverse problem.

Our approach is based on the so-called main equation, derived in [Citation10]. It is a nonlinear integral equation with respect to the unknown convolution kernels Mν(x), ν=1,4¯. We show that, if the matrix-function M(x) is known a priori on the interval (0,a), aπ/2, the main equation is linear on the remaining interval (a,π). Under the certain conditions on the subspectra {λnj}nIj, j=1, 2, this equation can be used for solving the partial Inverse Problem 1.

The paper is organized as follows. In Section 2, we provide the nonlinear main equation and other preliminaries. In Section 3, we prove the uniqueness Theorems 1.1, 1.2 and develop an algorithm for solving the partial inverse problem. In Section 4, we illustrate our method by a numerical example.

2. Preliminaries

In this section, we formulate some results of [Citation10], that will be important for investigation of the partial inverse problem.

Let S(x,λ)=(S1(x,λ),S2(x,λ))T be the solution of the system (Equation1), satisfying the initial conditions S1(0,λ)=0, S2(0,λ)=1. Here and below T is the transposition sign. Note that Sj(x,λ) are entire functions of λ for each fixed x[0,π], j=1, 2. For j=1, 2, the eigenvalues of the boundary value problem Dj coincide with the zeros of the characteristic function Δj(λ):=Sj(π,λ), counting with their multiplicities. The characteristic functions admit the representation (4) Δj(λ)=Δj0(λ)+0π(vj1(x)sinλx+vj2(x)cosλx)dx,j=1,2,(4) where Δ10(λ):=sinλπ, Δ20(λ):=cosλπ, and vlm, l, m=1, 2, are functions from L2(0,π).

Introduce the notations (fg)(x):=0xf(xt)g(t)dt,gn(x):=xnn!,n0,fg1:=f. Denote by Qnj[M], j=1,mn¯, all possible convolution monomials of the form (5) Qnj[M]=Mi1Mi2Min,1i1i2in4.(5)

In [Citation10] the following nonlinear integral main equation with respect to the convolution kernels Mν, ν=1,4¯, has been derived: (6) wν(x)=(πx)Mν(x)+n=2j=1mnk=1nbnjk(ν)gk(πx)(Qnj[M]gn1k)(x),ν=1,4¯.(6) Here bnjk(ν) are certain constant coefficients, independent of M and satisfying the estimate j=1mnk=1n|bnjk(ν)|Cn4n,n2,ν=1,4¯, where C is an absolute constant, and (7) w1(x)=v21(πx)(πx)(v12v21)(πx),w2(x)=v11(πx)(πx)(v11+v22)(πx),w3(x)=v11(πx)(πx)(v11+v22)(πx),w4(x)=v21(πx)+(πx)(v12v21)(πx).(7)

It has been shown in [Citation10], that, if (πx)Mν(x)L2(0,π), ν=1,4¯, then the functions (v12v21) and (v11+v22) are absolutely continuous on (0,π] and wνL2(0,π), ν=1,4¯. Furthermore, one can calculate the functions vlm, l, m=1, 2, by the following formulae: (8) v11(x)=x2(M2M3)(πx)+u11(x),v12(x)=x2(M1+M4)(πx)+120πx(M1M4)(t)dtu12(x),v21(x)=x2(M1+M4)(πx)+u21(x),v22(x)=x2(M2M3)(πx)+120πx(M2+M3)(t)dtu22(x),(8) where ulm(x)=n=2j=1mnk=0nanjklmgk(x)(Qnj[M]gn1k)(πx), the coefficients anjklm are certain constants and j=1mnk=0n|anjklm|C4n,nN,l,m=1,2.

3. Proofs of the main results

Suppose that the functions Mν(x), ν=1,4¯, are known on the subinterval (0,a), π/2a<π. First we modify the main equation (Equation6) for this case. Represent the functions Mν(x) in the following form: (9) Mν(x)=Mν,1(x)+Mν,2(x),(9) where Mν,1(x)0 on (a,π) and Mν,2(x)0 on (0,a), ν=1,4¯. Note that (10) Mi1,2Mi2,20,i1,i2{1,2,3,4}.(10) Substituting (Equation9) into (Equation5) and using (Equation10), we get the following representation for Qnj[M], n2, j=1,mn¯: Qnj[M]=Qnj[M(1)]+ν=14Mν,2s=1mn1βnjs(ν)Qn1,s[M(1)], where βnjs(ν) are certain integer coefficients from the interval [0,n] and Qnj[M(1)]=Mi1,1Mi2,1Min,1,1i1i2in4. Then the main equations (Equation6) for x[a,π] can be rewritten in the form wν(x)=(πx)Mν,2(x)+n=2j=1mnk=1nbnjk(ν)gk(πx)(Qnj[M(1)]gn1k)(x)+n=2j=1mnk=1nbnjk(ν)gk(πx)ξ=14Mξ,2s=1mn1βnjs(ξ)(Qn1,s[M(1)]gn1k)(x),ν=1,4¯. Thus, we obtain the Volterra integral equation of the second kind (11) μ(x)=z(x)+axH(x,t)z(t)dt,a<x<π,(11) where μ(x)=(μν(x))ν=14 and z(x)=(zν(x))ν=14 are column vector functions and H(x,t)=(Hνξ(x,t))ν,ξ=14 is the 4×4 matrix function with the elements defined as follows: (12) zν(x)=(πx)Mν,2(x),μν(x)=wν(x)n=2j=1mnk=1nbnjk(ν)gk(πx)(Qnj[M(1)]gn1k)(x),(12) (13) Hνξ(x,t)=1πtn=2j=1mnk=1nbnjk(ν)gk(πx)×s=1mn1βnjs(ξ)(Qn1,s[M(1)]gn1k)(xt).(13) One can easily show that μνL2(a,π) and HνξL2((a,π)×(a,π)), where we suppose that Hνξ(x,t)0 for t>ξ, ν,ξ=1,4¯. Consequently, Equation (Equation11) has the unique solution z, such that zνL2(a,π).

In order to solve Equation (Equation11), we have to construct the functions wν(x), ν=1,4¯, for x(a,π). Using the functions Mν(x), ν=1,4¯, on (0,a), we can find the functions vlm(x), l, m=1, 2, on (b,π), b=πa, by the formulae (Equation8). Note that vlmL2(b,π), l, m=1, 2. Using (Equation4), we get the relation Δj(λnj)=Δj0(λnj)+0b(vj1(x)sinλnjx+vj2(x)cosλnjx)dx+bπ(vj1(x)sinλnjx+vj2(x)cosλnjx)dx=0,nIj,j=1,2. Define (14) Enj:=Δj0(λnj)bπ(vj1(x)sinλnjx+vj2(x)cosλnjx)dx,nIj,j=1,2.(14) Then (15) Enj=0b(vj1(x)sinλnjx+vj2(x)cosλnjx)dx,nIj,j=1,2.(15) Therefore one can determine the numbers Enj, nIj, j=1,2, by (Equation14), and then use them to find the functions vlm(x), l, m=1, 2, on (0,b) from (Equation15). Now we are ready to prove the uniqueness theorem for Inverse Problem 1.

Proof of Theorem 1.1.

Let boundary value problems L and L~ satisfy the conditions of Theorem 1.1. In particular, Mν(x)=M~ν(x) a.e. on (0,a), ν=1,4¯. Then, in view of (Equation8), vlm(x)=v~lm(x) a.e. on (b,π) for l, m=1, 2. Since λnj=λ~nj, nIj, j=1, 2, by virtue of (Equation14), we have Enj=E~nj, nIj, j=1, 2. Then it follows from (Equation15), that 0b((vj1(x)v~j1(x))sinλnjx+(vj2(x)v~j2(x))cosλnjx)dx=0,nIj,j=1,2. Recall that the sequences Sj, j=1, 2, defined by (Equation3), are complete in H. Hence vlm(x)=v~lm(x) a.e. on (0,b), l, m=1, 2. Consequently, the relations (Equation7) imply wν(x)=w~ν(x) a.e. on (a,π) for ν=1,4¯. Thus, Equation (Equation11) for L coincides with the similar equation for L~. By virtue of the unique solvability of (Equation11), we conclude that Mν(x)=M~ν(x) a.e. on (a,π), ν=1,4¯.

Suppose that Sj, j=1, 2, are Riesz bases in H. Summarizing the above arguments, we arrive at the following algorithm for solving Inverse Problem 1.

Algorithm 3.1

Let the functions Mν(x), x(0,a), ν=1,4¯, and the eigenvalues {λnj}nIj, j=1, 2, be given.

  1. Construct the functions vlm(x), x(b,π), l,m=1,2, by formulae (Equation8).

  2. Find the numbers {Enj}nIj, j=1,2, using (Equation14).

  3. Construct the functions vlm(x) on (0,b) by the formula vj1(x)vj2(x)=nIjEnjsnj(x),j=1,2, where {snj}nIj are the biorthonormal bases to Sj, j=1, 2.

  4. Find the functions wν(x), x(a,π), ν=1,4¯, using (Equation7).

  5. Find μ(x)=(μν(x))ν=14 and H(x,t)=(Hνξ(x,t))ν,ξ=14, using (Equation12) and (Equation13).

  6. Solve the Volterra integral equation of the second kind (Equation11), and find Mν(x)=zν(x)/(πx), x(a,π), ν=1,4¯.

Further in this section we assume a=π/k, kN, k2, and Ij={n=kl+sj:lZ}, sjR, j=1, 2. The proof of Theorem 1.2 is based on the following lemma.

Lemma 3.1

Under the conditions of Theorem 1.2, the sequences Sj, j=1,2, are Riesz bases in H.

The assertion of Lemma 3.1 easily follows from Lemmas 3.2 and 3.3.

Lemma 3.2

Let {θn}nZ be a sequence of distinct complex numbers. Then the sequence of vector functions {(sinθnx,cosθnx)T}nZ is a Riesz basis in H if and only if {exp(iθnx)}nZ is a Riesz basis in L2(b,b).


The sequence {(sinθnx,cosθnx)T}nZ is transformed into {exp(iθnx)}nZ by the linear bounded transform A:HL2(b,b), acting as follows: (Ah)(x)=h2(x)+ih1(x),x(0,b),h2(x)ih1(x),x(b,0),h=h1h2H. The inverse transform is also bounded: (A1e)(x)=e(x)+e(x)2,e(x)e(x)2iT,eL2(b,b), so it preserves the Riesz basis property.

Lemma 3.3

Let kN, sR, {ϰn}nZl2, b=π/k. Then the system of exponents {exp(kn+s+ϰn)t}nZ is a Riesz basis in L2(b,b).


Note that the shift s does not influence the Riesz basis property, since the linear transform exptexp(t+s) is bounded and has a bounded inverse. Thus, it is sufficient to study the system {exp(kn+ϰn)t}nZ. This system is L2-close to the orthonormal system {expknt}nZ. Using the Theorem by Levin and Ljubarskiĭ [Citation31], one can easily show that the system {exp(kn+ϰn)t}nZ in complete in L2(b,b). Consequently, it is a Riesz basis.

Lemma 3.1 implies that the sequences Sj, j=1,2, are complete in H, so the uniqueness assertion of Theorem 1.2 immediately follows from Theorem 1.1. Since Sj, j=1, 2, are Riesz bases, one can apply Algorithm 3.1 to solve Inverse Problem 1 for the considered case.

4. Example

In this section, we apply Algorithm 3.1 to the following example. Suppose that (16) Mν(x)=0,x0,π2,ν=1,4¯,Ij={2n:nZ},j=1,2,λ2,1=γ,λ2,1=γ,λ2n,1=2n,n±1,λ2n,2=2n+12,nZ,(16) where γ(0,2) is a given number.

Using formulae (Equation8), we get vlm(x)=0 for x(π/2,π), l, m=1, 2. Therefore the relations (Equation14) and (Equation15) together with (Equation16) imply (17) 0π/2((1)jv11(x)sinγx+v12(x)cosγx)dx=(1)j+1sinγπ,j=1,2,(17) (18) 0π/2(v11(x)sin2nx+v12(x)cos2nx)dx=sin2nπ=0,(18) (19) 0π/2v21(x)sin2n+12x+v22(x)cos2n+12xdx=cos2n+12π=0.(19)

In view of (Equation18), the Fourier coefficients of the vector functions (v11,v12)T with respect to the orthogonal system {(sin2nx,cos2nx)T}nZ in H=L2(0,π2)L2(0,π2) equal zeros for all n±1, so we have v11(x)v12(x)=a1sin2xcos2x+a1sin(2x)cos(2x). Substituting the latter representation into (Equation17) and solving the linear system, we get a1=a1=θ, θ:=sinγπsin(2γ)π22γsin(2+γ)π22+γ, so v11(x)=2θsin2x, v12(x)=0, x(0,π/2). Similarly we obtain v2j(x)=0, x(0,π/2), j=1, 2, from (Equation19). Then one can easily calculate wν(x), x(π/2,π), ν=1,4¯, using (Equation7). Since M(1)(x)0, the main equation (Equation11) takes the form wν(x)=(πx)Mν(x), x(π/2,π), ν=1,4¯. Hence we get (20) M1(x)=M4(x)=0,M2(x)=2θsin2(πx)πx4θcos2(πx),M3(x)=2θsin2(πx)πx4θcos2(πx),(20) for x(π/2,π). Note that the functions M2 and M3 are continuous at x=π.

Now let us check for a particular value γ=0.5, that the boundary value problems Dj, j=1, 2, with M(x)0, x(0,π/2), and M(x), given by (Equation20) for x(π/2,π), have eigenvalues in the form (Equation16). For x(0,π/2), we have S1(x,λ)=sinλx, S2(x,λ)=cosλx. For x(π/2,π), the Dirac system (Equation1) for S(x,λ) takes the form S1(x,λ)=λS2(x,λ)+0xπ/2M3(xt)sinλtdt,S2(x,λ)=λS1+0xπ/2M2(xt)cosλtdt.

Solving the latter system by the Runge-Kutta method, using Simpson's formula for integration, we find the following real eigenvalues in the interval [10,10]:

Obviously, the spectra include subsequences in the form (Equation16).

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No potential conflict of interest was reported by the author.

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This work was supported by Grant 17-11-01193 of the Russian Science Foundation.


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