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Reconstructing flexural stiffness of symmetric simply supported beams using the high-order mode

, , &
Pages 238-255 | Received 06 Mar 2018, Accepted 09 Mar 2019, Published online: 12 May 2019


The simply supported beam is a commonly used structure in engineering practice, and often has geometric and physical parameters that are symmetric with respect to the middle cross-section. In this paper, we discuss a simple semi-inverse problem of the single mode for symmetric simply supported beams. The calculation scheme is given with high-order mode and a polynomial density function to construct the beam’s flexural stiffness. Two examples are elaborated in detail. The issue of ensuring the positive value property of the stiffness function for a symmetric simply supported beam is treated in detail. Additionally, it is demonstrated that the proposed solution is well-posed.

1. Introduction

Many functionally graded beams have important applications in engineering practice [Citation1–6]. In the literature, attention was initially concentrated on functional grading in the transverse direction. The vibrational problem with regard to the functionally graded materials along the longitudinal direction was first investigated by Elishakoff et al. [Citation7–12]. A beam with structural parameters that are symmetrical with respect to the middle cross-section is a common structure in engineering practice. Its displacement modes have two alternative forms: a symmetric mode and an anti-symmetric mode. A previous paper [Citation13] discussed methods associated with reconstruction of flexural rigidity based upon knowledge of the first-order mode (also known as the fundamental mode or symmetric mode, particularly without a node) or the second-order mode (or anti-symmetric mode with a single node) of a symmetric simply supported beam with a known symmetric polynomial type density function allowing for reconstruction of the symmetric polynomial flexural stiffness function r(ξ)=E(ξ)J(ξ). The positive value of the flexural stiffness has also been discussed in [Citation13]. Another study [Citation14] investigated the conditions and methods for the first-order mode (also known as a fundamental mode or symmetric mode without a node) of a symmetric rod with the boundary condition of two elastic supports, or the second-order mode (also known as an anti-symmetric mode with a single node) and a known symmetric polynomial type linear density function to construct the same symmetric polynomial type axial stiffness EA(x). The issue of a positive axial stiffness value is also discussed. Based on the above-mentioned findings, this paper investigates the conditions for stiffness reconstruction based upon knowledge of the third-order mode (also known as a symmetric mode with two nodes) or the fourth-order mode (or anti-symmetric mode with three nodes) of a symmetric simply supported beam.

This reconstruction process is in conjunction with known symmetric polynomial type density function, allowing to construct the symmetric polynomial type of the flexural stiffness r(x)=E(x)J(x). The positive value of the flexural stiffness of a symmetric simply supported beam is discussed for the different mass distribution functions. Two concrete examples are presented.

2. Problem description

Let us assume that there exists a beam with a length of 2L, where the cross-sectional area of A is uniform. The dimensionless coordinate ξ=x/L is introduced. The origin of the coordinate is located at the midpoint of the symmetric beam. Then, 1ξ1. The dimensionless dynamic equation of the beam’s transverse vibration is expressed as follows: (1) d2dξ2r(ξ)d2W(ξ)dξ2λρ(ξ)W(ξ)=0.(1) Here, r(ξ)=E(ξ)J(ξ) is a flexural stiffness function, ρ(ξ) is a linear density function, W(ξ) is the displacement mode and λ=ω2L4A is the eigenvalue of this problem (Figure ).

Figure 1. Symmetric simply supported beam about midpoint.

Figure 1. Symmetric simply supported beam about midpoint.

Unlike [Citation13,Citation14], if the coordinate origin is at the midpoint of the beam, the line density ρ(ξ) and the flexural stiffness r(ξ) of the symmetric beam are taken as polynomial functions containing an even power, as follows: (2) ρ(ξ)=i=0maiξ2i,r(ξ)=i=0nbiξ2i,(2) where m and n are positive integers. The first item on the left side of Equation (1) contains the four order derivative; therefore, n=m+2.

The boundary conditions of the simply supported beam can be expressed as follows: (3) W(±1)=0,W′′(±1)=0.(3) The dimensionless coordinates of the nodes for the third-order vibration mode of the symmetric simply supported beam are assumed to be ±c(0<c<1), and W(±c)=0 exists. Additionally, the dimensionless coordinates of the nodes of the fourth-order vibration mode of the symmetric simply supported beam are assumed to be (a) zero, (b) ±d(0<d<1), so that following conditions are satisfied: W(0)=0 and W(±d)=0. From the study [Citation15], one concludes that the nodes of the third-order vibration mode and the fourth-order vibration mode of the symmetric simply supported beam alternate with each other; therefore, 0<c<d<1. The third-order vibration mode satisfying the boundary conditions is expressed by Equation (3) and is denoted by the subscript T. The fourth-order vibration mode is denoted by subscript F. These modes read, respectively, (4) WT(ξ)=B(α0+α1ξ2+α2ξ4+ξ6),WF(ξ)=Cξ(β0+β1ξ2+β2ξ4+ξ6).(4) In the above equation, B and C are arbitrary non-zero constants. Additionally, the following relationships hold: (5) α0=5c49c25c2,α1=6c4+9c2+95c2,α2=c4+c2145c2.(5) (6) β0=7d411d273d2,β1=10d4+11d2+1173d2,β2=3d4+3d21873d2.(6) In this paper, we discuss a novel approach toward reconstructing the flexural stiffness r(ξ) of a symmetric simply supported beam when the line density distribution function ρ(ξ), displacement mode WT(ξ) or WF(ξ), and the corresponding natural circle frequency ω are known, and an approach toward ensuring the positive values of both ρ(ξ) and r(ξ).

3. Reconstructing flexural stiffness of symmetric simply supported beam from third-order mode and given linear density functions

3.1. Basic equations

For the first form of Equation (4), the second-order derivative is obtained as follows: (7) WT′′(ξ)=B(2α1+12α2ξ2+30ξ4).(7) Equations (2) and (7) are substituted into Equation (1) to result in (8) i=0m+2biξ2i(2α1+12α2ξ2+30ξ4)′′=λi=0maiξ2i(α0+α1ξ2+α2ξ4+ξ6).(8) Equation (8) can be rewritten as follows: (9) 2α1i=1m+22i(2i1)biξ2i2+12α2i=0m+2(2i+2)(2i+1)biξ2i+30i=0m+2(2i+4)(2i+3)biξ2i+2=λi=0maiξ2i(α0+α1ξ2+α2ξ4+ξ6).(9) Equation (9) is valid for an arbitrary ξ[1,1]. By using the coefficient comparison method, we obtain the following equations: (10) 24α2b0+4α1b1=λα0a0,(10) (11) 360b0+144α2b1+24α1b2=λ(α1a0+α0a1),(11) (12) 900b1+360α2b2+60α1b3=λ(α2a0+α1a1+α0a2),(12) (13) (2i+2)(2i+1)(30bi1+12α2bi+2α1bi+1)=λ(ai3+α2ai2+α1ai1+α0ai),(i=3,4,,m),(13) (14) (2m+4)(2m+3)(30bm+12α2bm+1+2α1bm+2)=λ(am2+α2am1+α1am),(14) (15) (2m+6)(2m+5)(30bm+1+12α2bm+2)=λ(am1+α2am),(15) (16) (2m+8)(2m+7)30bm+2=λam.(16)

Equations (11)–(16) can be expressed as the following matrix equation: (17) Db=λCa.(17) In Equation (17), a=(a0,a1,a2,,am1,am) is an m+1 dimensional column vector, b=(b0,b1,b2,,bm+1,bm+2) is an m+3 dimensional column vector; D is an m+3 order square matrix; C is an m+3 row and m+1 column matrix. D=360144α224α1900360α260α11680672α2112α130(2m+4)(2m+3)0012(2m+4)(2m+3)α22(2m+4)(2m+3)α130(2m+6)(2m+5)12(2m+6)(2m+5)α230(2m+8)(2m+7),C=α1α0α2α1α001α2α1α01α2α1α01α2α101α21.

Due to the fact that D is an upper triangular matrix, its inverse D1 obviously exists. Thus the following relationship holds: (18) b=λD1Ca.(18) In other words, there exists a formal solution to the inverse problem. Note that Equation (10) is a redundant equation and thus can be discarded. Substituting the obtained values of obtaining b0 and b1 into Equation (10), we arrive at f(a0,a1,,am;α0,α1,α2)=0. Since b0 and b1 constitute linear functions of a0,a1,,am, and α0,α1,α2 are the functions of the node position dimensionless coordinate c, the above equation can be put in the following form: (19) f0(c)a0+f1(c)a1++fm(c)am=0.(19) Equation (19) is hereinafter referred as the constraint equation. Only when a0,a1,,am satisfy this equation, the formal solution obtained above is the solution of the inverse problem. Below, will be shown that when c is taken from a certain interval, not only does a solution to the inverse problem exist but also the obtained r(ξ) constitutes a positive function.

3.2. Special cases

As special cases of Equation (17), m=0,1,2 are discussed separately in the following sections.

If m=0, n turns out to be n=2, ρ(ξ)=a0 and r(ξ)=b0+b1ξ2+b2ξ4.

In this case, Equation (17) becomes 360144α224α10900360α2001680b0b1b2=λa0α1α21. The solution is expressed as follows: b2=λa01680,b1=11λa0α212,600,b0=23α1840011α2231,500λa0. The corresponding constraint equation reads f0(c)a0=0. Here, the following relationship holds: (20) f0(c)=545α1α266α237875α07875.(20) One can easily check that function f0(c) monotonically increases in the interval of (0,1) and has only a zero point c0. The numerical solution is obtained as follows: c020.1231orc00.3508. If c=c0, we can just let a0>0. The inverse problem then has the following positive solution: r(ξ)=λa0(2.78572.4804ξ2+0.5952ξ4)/1000. If m=1, the value of n turns out to equal n=3; and ρ(ξ)=a0+a1ξ2 and r(ξ)=b0+b1ξ2+b2ξ4+b3ξ6.

In this case, Equation (17) becomes 360144α224α100900360α260α1001680672α20002700b0b1b2b3=λα1α0α2α11α201a0a1. The solution is expressed as follows: b3=λa12700,b2=λa01680+169α2λa1378000b1=11α2λa012600+11α110125169α22945000λa1,b0=23α1840011α2231500λa0+α03602633α1α25670000+169α232362500λa1. The corresponding constraint equation becomes f0(c)a0+f1(c)a1=0. Note that f0(c) has been given in Equation (20), while the following relationship holds: (21) f1(c)=118125α0α2+7700α1221015α1α22+3042α241771875.(21) The variation of the functions f0(c) and f1(c) with c in the interval of (0,1) is shown in .

Figure 2. Plan of two functions f0(c) and f1(c).

Figure 2. Plan of two functions f0(c) and f1(c).

The function f1(c) monotonically increases in the interval of (0,1) and has a unique zero point at c=c1; the numerical solution is given by c120.2898orc10.5384. Additionally, the unique solution to the equation f0(c)=f1(c) in the interval of (0,1) is given by c01 c0120.0994orc010.3153. Thus, by using the method proposed in [Citation12], we can draw the following conclusion. If c01<c<c1, 0.3153<c<0.5384, and positive solutions exist for the posed inverse problem.

In fact, if c01<c<c1, a0>0 is selected, in the present situation, the following relationship holds: a1=[f0(c)/f1(c)]a00. Thus we obtain the following relationships: ρ(ξ)>0, r(ξ)=a0F0(ξ,c)+a1F1(ξ,c), where F0(ξ,c)λ=23α1840011α2231500+11α212600ξ2+11680ξ4,F1(ξ,c)λ=α03602633α1α25670000+169α232362500+11α110125169α22945000ξ2+169α2378000ξ4+12700ξ6. From , one concludes that F0(ξ,c) and F1(ξ,c) are both positive functions in the two-dimensional region (ξ,c)[0,1]×(c0,c1); therefore, r(ξ)>0.

Figure 3. Variation of functions F0(ξ,c) and F1(ξ,c) in two-dimensional region (ξ,c)[0,1]×(c0,c1).

Figure 3. Variation of functions F0(ξ,c) and F1(ξ,c) in two-dimensional region (ξ,c)∈[0,1]×(c0,c1).

If c01<c<c0 and a0>0 are selected, then the following relationship holds: a1=[f0(c)/f1(c)]a0<0,but|a1|<a0. Thus ρ(ξ)>0 also exists. According to , it can be verified in a similar manner that the following relationship holds: r(ξ)=a0F0(ξ,c)+a1F1(ξ,c)>a0[F0(ξ,c)F1(ξ,c)]>0. Generally, as long as c01<c<c1, a positive solution exists for the inverse problem.

Figure 4. Variation of function F0(ξ,c)F1(ξ,c) in two-dimensional region (ξ,c)[0,1]×(c0,c1).

Figure 4. Variation of function F0(ξ,c)−F1(ξ,c) in two-dimensional region (ξ,c)∈[0,1]×(c0,c1).

Consider now the case m=2. One gets n=4. Moreover, ρ(ξ)=a0+a1ξ2+a2ξ4, r(ξ)=b0+b1ξ2+b2ξ4+b3ξ6+b4ξ8. In this case, Equation (17) becomes 360144α224α1000900360α260α10001680672α2112α100027001080α200003960b0b1b2b3b4=λα1α00α2α1α01α2α101α2001a0a1a2. The solution is obtained as follows: b4=λa23960, b3=λa12700+2α2λa27425, b2=λa01680+169α2λa1378000+481α18316004α2237125λa2,b1=11α2λa012600+11α110125169α22945000λa1+α0900311α1α21247400+8α23185625λa2,b0=23α1840011α2231500λa0+α03602633α1α25670000+169α232362500λa1+α0α22250481α1212474000+1667α1α2215592500+16α24928125λa2.

Thus the following relationship holds: r(ξ)=a0F0(ξ,c)+a1F1(ξ,c)+a2F2(ξ,c). Here, F0(ξ,c) and F1(ξ,c) have been given above, and the following relationship holds (): F2(ξ,c)λ=α0α22250481α1212474000+1667α1α221559250016α24928125+α0900311α1α21247400+8α23185625ξ2+481α18316004α2237125ξ4+2α27425ξ6+13960ξ8. The corresponding constraint equation is expressed as follows: f0(c)a0+f1(c)a1+f2(c)a2=0. Here, f0(c) and f1(c) have been given in Equations (20) and (21), respectively, and the following relationship holds: (22) f2(c)=86625α0α1207900α0α2237475α12α2+53370α1α238064α2519490625.(22) Function f2(c) has a unique zero point c2 in the interval of (0,1), and the numerical solution can be obtained as follows: c220.4043orc20.6359. According to the discussion presented in Section 2.2.2, if c1c<c2, a0>0 and a1>0 are selected, then, a2=[f0(c)a0+f1(c)a1]/f2(c)>0. If c01<c<c1, a0>0 is selected, a2 is selected as a positive number that is smaller than a0, and we select a1=[f0(c)a0+f2(c)a2]/f1(c)=a10+a12. Then, if c0c<c1, a1>0. Additionally, if c01<c<c0, |a10|<a0. Thus, a detailed conclusion can be drawn, according to which, if c01<c<c2, then, 0.3153<c<0.6359, approximately. Therefore, positive solutions exist for the inverse problems.

The above discussion can be extended to the situation of m3. Generally, the node is taken at c=1/3. Moreover, we can expect that special circumstances apply for m=0, and positive solutions exist for the inverse problems. An example is presented below.

Figure 5. Variation of function F2(ξ,c) in a two-dimensional region (ξ,c)[0,1]×(c01,c2).

Figure 5. Variation of function F2(ξ,c) in a two-dimensional region (ξ,c)∈[0,1]×(c01,c2).

Example 1. If coefficients ai are known and ρ(ξ) is given, one needs to calculate bi. This process allows one to obtain r(ξ). If, for example, c=1/3 is selected, then α0=19/99, α1=67/33, α2=281/99. If in Equations (11)–(16), m=4 is selected, one obtains λ=990. Thus we can obtain the following relationship: b0b1b2b3b4b5b6=2.71830.50210.22650.11930.06952.45320.75730.23560.11970.06950.58931.25630.30320.12310.069700.36670.75690.14800.0711000.25000.50370.08190000.18130.358500000.1375a0a1a2a3a4. The corresponding constraint equation is expressed as follows: 1494.588a0+2777.2932a1+1338.0936a2+708.3204a3+412.83a4=0. It can be seen that just by taking a0 as a positive number, a2, a3 and a4 are positive numbers and relatively smaller than a0. Now, if we select a1 as follows: a1=1494.588a0+1338.0936a2+708.3204a3+412.83a42777.2932, then ρ(ξ)=a011494.5882777.2932ξ2+a2ξ2ξ21338.09362777.2932+a3ξ2ξ4708.32042777.2932+a4ξ2ξ6412.832777.2932 constitutes a positive function. Additionally, under the selection method of ai (i=0,1,2,3,4), although a1 is negative, it still satisfies the inequality |a1|<a0; therefore, the following function is also positive: r(ξ)=a0F0(ξ,1/3)+a1F1(ξ,1/3)+a2F2(ξ,1/3)+a3F3(ξ,1/3)+a4F4(ξ,1/3). In above equation, Fi(ξ,1/3) (i=0,1,2,3,4) is the particular solution to column i of the coefficient matrix in the above solution. Thus it is easy to verify the positive values of these special solutions and the F0(ξ,1/3)F1(ξ,1/3) function.

3.3. Well-posedness of the solution

The solution is well-posed because it exists, is unique, and stable. The existence of the solution is discussed in Section 2.1. It is straightforward to see from Section 2.1 that the solution of the inverse problem is unique as long as the selected node location c is located within the interval satisfying the constraint Equation (19). In the following paragraph, the stability of the solution will be mainly illuminated.

In fact, the solution of the above inverse problem depends on three types of known quantities: the given mass distribution function ρ(ξ), the given mode of vibration WT(ξ) and the corresponding eigenvalue λ. Equation (18) shows that the coefficient vector b of the solution is obviously linearly dependent on the eigenvector λ and the coefficient vector a of the mass distribution function. Therefore, when these two types of quantities change slightly, the corresponding solution r(ξ) will only change slightly, i.e. the solution is stable to the changes of these two types of quantities. Moreover, we investigated the expressions of the WT(ξ) mode and found that their coefficients are only related to the dimensionless coordinate c of the node location. From Equation (5), because 0<c<1, the coefficients α0,α1,α2 of WT(ξ) are all continuously differentiable functions of c. In the expression of matrices C and D in the solution expressed by Equation (18), it can be seen that the matrix elements are also continuously differentiable functions of c. Moreover, it can be seen that D is an upper triangular matrix, and that the principal diagonal elements are independent constant coefficients of c. Hence, the elements of D1 are also continuously differentiable functions of c. Therefore, as a composite function of c, the coefficient vector b of the solution must be a continuously differentiable function of c, and the special case presented in Section 2.2 also verifies this conclusion. Therefore, the solution r(ξ) is stable to the change of the node position c.

In conclusion, the solution of the inverse problem obtained in this section is well-posed.

4. Reconstructing flexural stiffness of symmetric simply supported beam from fourth-order mode and given linear density functions

4.1. Basic equations

For the second form of Equation (4), the two order derivative can be obtained as follows: (23) WF′′(ξ)=C(6d1ξ+20d2ξ3+42ξ5).(23) Equations (2) and (23) are substituted into Equation (1) as follows: (24) i=0m+2biξ2i(6β1ξ+20β2ξ3+42ξ5)′′=λi=0maiξ2i(β0ξ+β1ξ3+β2ξ5+ξ7).(24) Equation (24) can be rewritten as follows: (25) 6β1i=1m+2(2i+1)2ibiξ2i1+20β2i=0m+2(2i+3)(2i+2)biξ2i+1+42i=0m+2(2i+5)(2i+4)biξ2i+3=λi=0maiξ2i(β0ξ+β1ξ3+β2ξ5+ξ7).(25) Equation (25) is established for an arbitrary ξ[1,1]. By using the comparison coefficient method, we can obtain the following relationships: (26) 120β2b0+36β1b1=λβ0a0,(26) (27) 840b0+400β2b1+120β1b2=λ(β1a0+β0a1),(27) (28) 1764b1+840β2b2+252β1b3=λ(β2a0+β1a1+β0a2),(28) (29) (2i+3)(2i+2)(42bi1+20β2bi+6β1bi+1)=λ(ai3+β2ai2+β1ai1+β0ai), (i=3,4,,m),(29) (30) (2m+5)(2m+4)(42bm+20β2bm+1+6β1bm+2)=λ(am2+β2am1+β1am),(30) (31) (2m+7)(2m+6)(42bm+1+20β2bm+2)=λ(am1+β2am),(31) (32) (2m+9)(2m+8)42bm+2=λam.(32)

Equations (27)–(32) can be written as a matrix equation, as follows: (33) Fb=λEa.(33) In Equation (33), a and b are column vectors that are still defined in the previous section; F is an m+3 order square matrix; E is an m+3 row and m+1 column matrix. F=840400β2120β11764840β2252β130241440β242(2m+5)(2m+4)00432β120(2m+5)(2m+4)β26(2m+5)(2m+4)β142(2m+7)(2m+6)20(2m+7)(2m+6)β242(2m+9)(2m+8),E=β1β0β2β1β001β2β1β01β2β1β01β2β101β21.

In the same way as in the previous section, matrix F has an inverse matrix Y. Then, Equation (33) can be rewritten as follows: (34) b=λYEa.(34) In other words, formal solutions to an inverse problem exist. Additionally, in the same way as in the previous section, Equation (26) is a redundant equation and is called the constraint equation corresponding to the fourth-order modes. This equation can eventually be written as follows: (35) g0(c)a0+g1(c)a1++gm(c)am=0.(35) Only when a0,a1,,am satisfy the above equation, the obtained formal solution is actually the solution of the inverse problem.

4.2. Special case

The establishment of Equation (33) requires m3; m=0,1,2 is discussed separately in the following sections.

If m=0, n turns to equal n=2; ρ(ξ)=a0 and r(ξ)=b0+b1ξ2+b2ξ4. [(b0+b1ξ2+b2ξ4)(6β1ξ+20β2ξ3+42ξ5)]′′=λa0(β0ξ+β1ξ3+β2ξ5+ξ7). By the comparison coefficient method, the following relationship is obtained: 840400β2120β101764840β2003024b0b1b2=λa0β1β21. The solution reads b2=λa03024, b1=13λβ2a031752, b0=121λβ1a010584065λβ22a0333396. The corresponding constraint equation is expressed as follows: (36) g0(d)a0=0,(36) where g0(d)=67β1β2441650β2327783β0. Equation (36) has a unique zero point d0 in the interval of (0,1). The numerical solution is obtained as follows: d020.2873ord00.5360. We take this value as a node; accordingly, the following functions both take positive values: ρ(ξ)=a0, r(ξ)=λa0(1.00741.1266ξ2+0.3307ξ4)/1000. For m=1, n=3; ρ(ξ)=a0+a1ξ2, r(ξ)=b0+b1ξ2+b2ξ4+b3ξ6 and [(b0+b1ξ2+b2ξ4+b3ξ6)(6β1ξ+20β2ξ3+42ξ5)]′′=λ(a0+a1ξ2)(β0ξ+β1ξ3+β2ξ5+ξ7). By the comparison coefficient method, the following relationship is derived: 840400β2120β1001764840β2252β10030241440β20004620b0b1b2b3=λβ1β0β2β11β201a0a1. The solution is expressed as follows: b3=λa14620, b2=λa03024+53λβ2a1232848, b1=13β231752λa0+13β124255265β222444904λa1,b0=121β110584065β22333396λa0+β0840+1325β232567149267β1β2232848λa1. Thus the solution of corresponding inverse problem is r(ξ)=a0G0(ξ,d)+a1G1(ξ,d), where G0(ξ,d)λ=121β110584065β22333396+13β231752ξ2+13024ξ4,G1(ξ,d)λ=β084067β1β2232848+1325β2325671492+13β124255265β222444904ξ2+53β2232848ξ4+14620ξ6. By substituting these relationships into the constraint equation (26), the following relationship is arrived at (37) g0(d)a0+g1(d)a1=0,(37) where g0(d) has been given in Equation (36). Moreover, g1(d)=β0β27+52β122695145β1β223773+13250β242139291. Equation (37) has a unique root d1 in the interval of (0,1), its numerical value being: d120.3810d10.6173. Additionally, the unique solution to equation g0(d)=g1(d) in the interval of (0,1) is d01: d0120.2436ord010.4936. Thus we can draw the following conclusion: if d01<d<d1, then 0.4936 < d < 0.6173. Moreover, positive solutions exist for the inverse problem at hand.

For m=2, n=4; ρ(ξ)=a0+a1ξ2+a2ξ4 and r(ξ)=b0+b1ξ2+b2ξ4+b3ξ6+b4ξ8. Substitution into governing differential equation yields [(b0+b1ξ2+b2ξ4+b3ξ6+b4ξ8)(6β1ξ+20β2ξ3+42ξ5)]′′=λ(a0+a1ξ2+a2ξ4)(β0ξ+β1ξ3+β2ξ5+ξ7).

By the comparison coefficient method, the following relationship is obtained as 840400β2120β10001764840β2252β100030241440β2432β100046202200β200006552b0b1b2b3b4=λβ1β00β2β1β01β2β101β2001a0a1a2. The solution reads b4=λa26552, b3=λa14620+136λβ2a2945945,b2=λa03024+53β2λa1232848+85β1275184272β223972969λa2,b1=13β21764λa0+52β124255265β222444904λa1+β01764+2720β238343234926639β1β2158918760λa2,b0=121β110584065β2218522λa0+β08401717β1β21629936+1325β2325671492λa1+5β0β21852285β121926288+29903β1β2233372939627200β241752079329λa2.

Thus the following relationship holds: r(ξ)=a0G0(ξ,d)+a1G1(ξ,d)+a2G2(ξ,d). Here, G0(ξ,d) and G1(ξ,d) have been given above, and the following relationship holds: G2(ξ,d)λ=5β0β21852285β121926288+29903β1β2233372939627200β241752079329+β0176426639β1β2158918760+2720β2383432349ξ2+85β1275184272β223972969ξ4+136β2945945ξ6+16552ξ8. By substituting b1 and b0 into the constraint equation (26), the following relationship exists: g0(d)a0+g1(d)a1+g2(d)a2=0. In the above equation, g0(d) and g1(d) have been given in Equations (36) and (37), respectively, and the following relationship holds: (38) g2(d)=β0β149100β0β22308725007β12β22207205+331670β1β23278107831088000β25584026443.(38) Function g2(d) has a unique zero point d2 in the interval of (0,1), and a numerical solution can be obtained as follows: d220.4747ord20.6890. According to the discussion presented in the previous section, we can conclude that, if d01<d<d2, 0.4936<d<0.6890, approximately, and positive solutions exist for the inverse problems.

The discussion above can be extended to the case of m3. Generally, the same can be observed in the node taken at d=1/2; we expect the special circumstances of m=0, and positive solutions exist for the inverse problems. Another example is given as follows.

Example 2. Similar to Example 1, if ai is known and ρ(ξ) is given, we want to calculate bi, and then r(ξ) is also obtained. If d=1/2 is selected, then β0=0.37, β1=2.1, β2=2.73. Additionally, if m=4 and λ=3000 are selected, from Equation (34), the following relationship exists: b0b1b2b3b4b5b6=2.84330.47700.21840.12620.07933.35320.95320.26380.13170.08010.99211.86420.41520.15010.082700.64941.17750.21140.0911000.45790.80780.11940000.34010.587200000.2626a0a1a2a3a4. The corresponding constraint equation is expressed as follows: 74.967a0+84.2032a1+51.60456a2+31.3866a3+19.92312a4=0. It can be seen that by just taking a0 as a positive number, then a2, a3 and a4 are positive numbers relatively smaller than a0, and a1 is selected as follows: a1=74.967a0+51.60456a2+31.3866a3+19.92312a484.20328. Then, in the same way as in Example 1 given in the previous section, ρ(ξ)=a0174.96784.20328ξ2+a2ξ2ξ251.6045684.20328+a3ξ2ξ431.386684.20328+a4ξ2ξ619.9231284.20328 and r(ξ)=a0G0(ξ,1/2)+a1G1(ξ,1/2)+a2G2(ξ,1/2)+a3G3(ξ,1/2)+a4G4(ξ,1/2) will both be positive functions. In the above equation, Gi(ξ,1/2) (i=0,1,2,3,4) is the particular solution to column i of the coefficient matrix in the above solution.

4.3. Well-posedness of solution

Similar to the discussion presented in Section 2.3, the existence and uniqueness of the solution of the inverse problem is straightforward. With regard to stability, as can be seen in Equation (6), because 0<d<1 exists, the coefficients β0,β1,β2 of WF(ξ) are all continuously differentiable functions of d. Because the inference process discussed in Section 3.1 is completely similar to that discussed in Section 2.1, the coefficient vector b of the solution in Equation (34) is also linearly dependent on the eigenvalues λ and coefficient vector a of the mass distribution function ρ(ξ). Additionally, this is a continuously differentiable function of d, and the special case presented in Section 3.2 also verifies this fact. Therefore, the solution r(ξ) is stable for three types of known quantities.

5. Discussion

Owing to the symmetric structure, beam possesses only two displacement modes: the symmetric mode and the anti-symmetric mode, which are equivalent to two associated half-length structures [Citation15]. The half-length structure corresponding to the symmetrical mode is a single-span beam with a sliding end on the left, and a pinned end on the right. Additionally, the half-length structure corresponding to the anti-symmetric mode is a single-span beam with two pinned ends. Therefore, the higher order modes mentioned in this paper are actually the second-order modes of two different half-length structures. Thus the discussion presented in this paper can also be extended to a beam with a sliding-pinned end and a beam with two pinned ends.

6. Conclusion

In this paper, we discuss the conditions required for constructing the flexural stiffness of a symmetric simply supported beam using the symmetric mode or anti-symmetric mode. Similarly, we also consider higher order modes, such as the fifth-order mode, sixth-order mode and symmetric polynomial type flexural stiffness to construct the linear density function of symmetric simply supported beams. It is shown that the calculation process becomes more complicated as the mode-order increases.


This study was supported by the Anhui Provincial Natural Science Foundation under Grant Nos. 1808085MA05, 1808085MA20 and 1708085MA10. We thank Liwen Bianji, Edanz Editing China (www.liwenbianji.cn/ac), for editing the English text of a draft of this manuscript.

Disclosure statement

No potential conflict of interest was reported by the authors.


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