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An improved generalized flexibility matrix approach for structural damage detection

Pages 877-893 | Received 10 Dec 2018, Accepted 14 Oct 2019, Published online: 30 Oct 2019


Structural damage detection is a key part of structural health monitoring. The generalized flexibility matrix approach is an effective method for damage detection. Compared with the flexibility matrix approach, it requires less number of natural frequencies and corresponding mode shapes. In this paper, the approach is improved by considering the nonnegativity of the damage extent. The error bound of two solutions calculated by the improved approach using natural frequencies and corresponding mode shapes without and with noises is derived. Numerical examples with different damage scenarios show that compared with the original generalized flexibility matrix approach, our proposed method works better.


1. Introduction

Many engineering structures such as bridges, tall buildings and offshore platforms are designed to have long life spans. During their service life-cycles, they may be subjected to the deterioration due to environmental influences, changes in load characteristics and some random actions [Citation1]. These factors often result in structural damages. Damages are main causes of structural failure in mechanical structures [Citation2]. If they cannot be found immediately, they will become more and more serious, and may lead to a disaster. Thus, detecting damages at the early stage is very important [Citation3]. It is a key part of structural health monitoring [Citation4].

Various detection methods have been proposed during the last few decades. Among these methods, a type of methods named vibration-based method has attracted much attention. Vibration-based method makes full use of the difference in dynamic features of the structure before and after the damage. Changes in natural frequencies, mode shapes and its curvatures, modal flexibility and its derivatives, modal strain energy and frequency response function can be utilized [Citation5]. This type of method can present a global damage assessment, and detect damages which are not on the surface of the structure.

Changes in the first lower natural frequencies are frequently used in damage detection, because frequencies can be measured more easily and exactly than corresponding mode shapes. For example, Li et al. detected damages by the generalized flexibility matrix (GFM) and changes in natural frequencies [Citation3]. Zhang et al. used changes in the first three natural frequencies to detect damages of continuum structures [Citation6]. They presented a level set model, which can perfectly describe the shape of damage regions and can deal with damage regions with complex shapes. Based on the measured natural frequencies of structures, Wang et al. identified damages by interval analysis technique [Citation7]. In addition, frequency response function has also been extensively used for damage detection [Citation8–12]. Yu et al. used frequency response function and fuzzy clustering to diagnose damages of a six bay truss bridge [Citation9]. Using frequency response function, Guo et al. transferred the identification problem to a nonlinear optimization problem whose objection function is the constitutive relation error [Citation10].

Besides natural frequency, the vibration mode is fundamental and important in damage detection. It provides more abundant information than frequency. For example, Pandey et al. proposed the mode shape curvature method and successfully applied the method to detect damage in cantilever and simply supported beam [Citation13]. The basic idea of their method is that changes in mode shape curvature at nodes related to damage elements are significant before and after the damage. Cao et al. utilized the improved form of the mode shape curvature to detect cracks in beams [Citation14]. Yan and Ren derived the close form of the sensitivity of modal flexibility, and used it to detect damage locations and extents [Citation15]. Seyedpoor and Montazer proposed a flexibility-based damage probability index and used it for damage identification [Citation16]. Lu and Wang proposed an enhanced response sensitivity approach for structural damage detection [Citation17]. Shahri and Ghorbani-Tanha used the closed-form sensitivity matrix of modal kinetic energy change ratio to detect the damage [Citation18]. Hosseinzadeh et al. employed Neumann series expansion-based model reduction technique for damage identification with sparse sensor measurements [Citation19]. Cui et al. proposed a damage detection method based on strain modes [Citation20]. Bernagozzi et al. gave a detection method for buildings, their approach is based on modal flexibility deflections [Citation21]. Dahak et al. presented a method for predicting the damage location and severity based on the frequency contour method [Citation22]. The contour lines are plotted by the values of changes in measured frequencies and the curvature mode shapes of the intact structure. Their method is simpler than other similar methods. In addition, Ghadimi and Kourehli detected cracks in beam structures under moving mass using extreme learning machine and the least square support vector machine [Citation23].

Besides above methods, some researchers presented two-stage method for damage detection [Citation24–27]. This kind of method first locates potential damage elements by a damage indicator. Then, the extent of damage elements is achieved by solving an optimization problem. The number of optimization variables is equal to that of damage elements that are determined by the first step. Therefore, such an optimization problem is usually small in scale, and its solution is relatively easy.

In 2010, Li et al. first presented the definition of GFM [Citation28]. The advantage of their method is that the effect of truncating higher-order modes can be reasonably reduced. Compared with the original flexibility matrix method [Citation29,Citation30], it requires less number of natural frequencies and corresponding mode shapes. Thus, the idea of the GFM has been extensively used for damage detection [Citation3,Citation28,Citation31–33]. However, their method does not take into account the nonnegativity of the damage extent. In this paper, the approach is improved by considering the boundedness of the damage extent.

The remainder of the paper is organized as follows. In Section 2, the problem is formulated. The GFM approach (GFMA) is reviewed and our method is presented in Section 3. The error bound of two solutions calculated by our proposed method using natural frequencies and corresponding mode shapes without and with noises is derived in Section 4. Numerical examples are employed to illustrate the effectiveness of the method in Section 5 and conclusions are drawn in Section 6.

2. Preliminaries

2.1. Problem formulation

In this paper, it is assumed that the structural damage only results in a reduction of structural stiffness, the structural mass and the number of degrees of freedom (DOFs) remains unchanged. Under this assumption, the structural damage detection problem can be stated as follows [Citation28]. Let Ku and Kd be the n×n global stiffness matrix of the undamaged and damaged structures, respectively. Kui is the n×n stiffness matrix corresponding to the ith element of the undamaged structure. Then, the matrix Kd can be expressed as follows (1) Kd=KuΔK(1) where ΔK is the change of the global stiffness matrix. By the finite element method, ΔK is the summation of changes of some elemental stiffness matrices, i.e. (2) ΔK=i=1mαiKui(2) where m is the number of total elements of the structure, 0αi1 stands for the damage extent of the ith element (i=1, 2, , m). αi=0 indicates that the ith element is undamaged. Due to the inevitable measurement noise, small αi may be produced even if the ith element is intact. Thus, small αi can not demonstrate that the ith element is damaged. In this paper, the ith element is regarded as a damaged one if αi0.05. The same limitation was also adopted in Ref. [Citation28]. The purpose of structural damage detection is to find all damage locations and extents, i.e. calculate αi (i=1, 2, , m) by using the measured data.

2.2. The definition of the vec operation

Definition 2.1

([Citation34,Citation35]): Let C be a matrix with size m×n. Its column partitioning is (3) C=[c1,c2,,cn](3) Then vec(C) is an mn-by-1 vector obtained by stacking columns of C, i.e. (4) vec(C)=[c1T,c2T,,cnT]T(4) It can be observed that the vec operation is linear. In addition, the vec operation has the following property (5) ||vec(C)||2=||C||F(5) The above equation can be easily verified by definition 1.

3. The improved GFMA

In this section, the existing GFMA is first reviewed [Citation28]. Then, our proposed method is given.

3.1. The GFMA

Substituting Equation (2) into Equation (1), and differentiating with respect to αi, we have (6) Kdαi=Kui(6) Let Fd be the n×n flexibility matrix for the damaged structure, i.e. (7) FdKd=I(7) where I is the n×n identity matrix. Differentiating Equation (7) with respect to αi yields (8) FdαiKd+FdKdαi=0(8) Post-multiplying Equation (8) by Fd and substituting Equation (6) into it, we can obtain (9) Fdαi=FdKuiFd(9) Based on the mode shape normalization with respect to the mass matrix, the GFM is introduced. It is defined as follows (10) fdg(α)=Fd(MFd)l=ΦdΛd1ΦdT(MΦdΛd1ΦdT)l=ΦdΛd1lΦdT(10) where M is the mass matrix, it remains unchanged before and after the damage, α=(α1, α2, , αm)T is a vector consisting of the damage extent of all elements, Φd and Λd are the mode shape matrix and diagonal matrix of natural frequency squared for the damaged structure, respectively. Equation (10) indicates that a larger l can cause a reduced contribution of higher-order modes. For l=0, Equation (10) reduces to the original flexibility matrix, i.e. Fd=ΦdΛd1ΦdT. For l=1, the GFM in Equation (10) becomes (11) fdg(α)=FdMFd=ΦdΛd1ΦdTMΦdΛd1ΦdT=ΦdΛd2ΦdT(11) In this paper, only l=1 is used. Differentiating Equation (11) with respect to αi yields (12) fdgαi=FdαiMFd+FdMFdαi(12) Substituting Equation (9) into Equation (12) and setting αi=0 (i=1, 2,, m), we get (13) fdgαiαi=0=FuKuiFuMFu+FuMFuKuiFu(13) where Fu is the n×n flexibility matrix corresponding to the undamaged structure. So far, sensitivity analysis of the GFM is achieved. In practice, the number of damaged elements is usually small compared with the number of structural elements, i.e. most components of α are zeros. Even for the damage elements, the damage extent can not be very large in most cases, i.e. nonzero components of α are not very large. Thus, fdg(α) in Equation (10) can be approximated by the first-order Taylor’s series expansion, i.e. (14) fdgfug+i=1mαifdgαiαi=0(14) Combining (13) and (14), we have (15) Δf=fdgfugi=1mαi(FuKuiFuMFu+FuMFuKuiFu)=i=1mαiCi(15) where fug=fdg(0)=FuMFu, Δf is the change of the GFM, and (16) Ci=FuKuiFuMFu+FuMFuKuiFu(i=1,2,,m).(16) Equation (11) indicates that the GFM can be approximated by only a few of lower frequency modes. Thus, (17) Δf=FdMFdFuMFuj=1p1ωdj4ΦdjΦdjTj=1p1ωuj4ΦujΦujT(17) where p is the number of measured modes, ωdj and Φdj are the jth smallest frequency and corresponding mode shape for the damaged structure, ωuj and Φuj are the jth smallest frequency and corresponding mode shape for the undamaged structure. Combining (15) and (17), and ignoring the error, we have (18) i=1mαiCi=Δf(18) By vec operation, the above equation can be transferred to be a linear system with n2 equations and m unknowns, that is (19) i=1mαivec(Ci)=vec(Δf)(19) Equation (19) can be written as (20) Aα=b(20) where A=[vec(C1), vec(C2),,vec(Cm)]Rn2×m, and b=vec(Δf)Rn2. Solving the linear system (20) by the least square method, both damage locations and extents can be achieved.

3.2. Our proposed method

As has been said in Section 2, the damage extent of the ith element should be nonnegative, i.e. 0αi1 (i=1,2,,m). However, the above GFMA does not consider this property of damage extents. In this paper, the following optimization model is employed for the damage detection (21) minα||bAα||22s.t. 0αi1(i=1,2,,m)(21) This is a bound-constrained least square (BLS) problem. As to the method of solving this problem, we refer readers to Refs. [Citation36–38].

4. The error bound of two solutions calculated by our proposed method using the measured data without and with noise

During the process of the structural dynamic test, measured natural frequencies and corresponding mode shapes are often contaminated. In this section, the error bound of two solutions calculated by our proposed method using the measured data without and with noise is presented. For this purpose, the linear complementarity problem (LCP) is first reviewed.

The LCP is to calculate a vector xRk such that (22) Bx+q0,x0andxT(Bx+q)=0(22) where BRk×k, qRk, and the notation ‘’ represents the componentwise defined partial ordering between two vectors. In the following, problem (22) and its solution are denoted by LCP (B,q) and x(B,q), respectively. Many problems in scientific computing and engineering applications need to solve the LCP. For example, the market equilibrium problem, the contact problem and the Nash equilibrium point problem of a bimatrix game are eventually transformed into LCPs [Citation39,Citation40]. In addition, the LCP also constitutes the Karush-Kuhn-Tucker optimality condition of the quadratic programming problem. Let’s consider the following the quadratic programming problem: (23) minf(x)=12xTDx+cTxs.t.Hxgx0(23) where HRs×k, DRk×k is a symmetric matrix. Then, we have the following result.

Lemma 4.1

([Citation39]): Let x~Rk be the solution of problem (23). Then, there exist vector y~Rs and slack vectors u~Rk, v~Rs such that x~, y~, u~, v~ together satisfy (24) u~v~DHTH0x~y~=cgu~v~0,x~y~0 and u~v~Tx~y~=0(24) i.e. x~y~ is the solution of LCPDHTH0,cg.

Some theoretical analyses and algorithms for the LCP have already been proposed [Citation39–41]. Several results related to our problem are given as follows.

Lemma 4.2

([Citation40]): If BRk×k is a symmetric positive definite (SPD) matrix, then for any qRk, the LCP (B,q) has a unique solution.

Lemma 4.3

([Citation41]): If BRk×k is a SPD matrix, p, qRk, then ||x(B,p)x(B,q)||2||B1||2||pq||2

Lemma 4.4:

Let xRm be the solution of the BLS problem (21). Then, there exists yRm such that xyR2m is the solution of LCP ATAII0,ATb1.


See the appendix.

Theorem 4.1:

Assume ARs×k, biRs. xi is the solution of the following BLS problems minx||biAx||2, s.t0x1, i=1, 2. Then, ||x1x2||2(1+||A||22)||A||2||b1b2||2


See the appendix.

The following theorem gives the error bound of two solutions calculated by natural frequencies and corresponding mode shapes without and with noise.

Theorem 4.2:

Assume ωdj and Φdj are the jth smallest frequency and the corresponding mode shape of the damaged structure without noise, ωdj+Δωdj and Φdj+ΔΦdj are the jth smallest frequency and the corresponding mode shape of the damaged structure with noise (j=1,2,,p). α and β are solutions of our proposed method calculated by the uncontaminated and contaminated measured data, respectively. Then, the following inequality holds ||αβ||2(1+||A||22)||A||2×j=1pcdj |Δωdj| ||Φdj||22+||ΔΦdj||2(ωdj+Δωdj)4(2||Φdj||2+||ΔΦdj||2) where cdj is a positive number given in the following. (25) cdj= |2ωdj+Δωdj| (2ωdj2+2ωdjΔωdj+Δωdj2)ωdj4(ωdj+Δωdj)4(25)


See the appendix.

Remark 4.1:

From the above theorem, it can be observed that for a given noise, the error bound of two solutions of our method is mainly determined by (1+||A||22) ||A||2.

5. Numerical examples

In this section, two examples are presented to show the effectiveness of the proposed method, each example includes four damage scenarios. Here, damage is simulated by reducing the stiffness of specified elements. All BLS problems in these examples are solved by the command lsqlin in Matlab (R2016b).

Example 1: A hollow beam bridge model is studied in this example. The length and width of the bridge are 44m and 4m, respectively. The size of the cross section is given in Figure . The bridge is simplified as a plane beam and is discretized into a finite element model with 22 elements and 23 nodes, as shown in Figure . Axial displacements of all nodes are ignored. Thus, every node has 2 DOFs except two constrained nodes. The total number of DOFs in the structure is 42. The material and geometric parameters are as follows: Young’s modulus E=2.3×1010Pa, Poisson’s ratio ν=0.167, density ρ=2300kg/m3, length l=2m, and second moment of area Iz=0.5922m4. Four damage cases are considered, as shown in Table .

Figure 1. The size of the cross section of the hollow beam bridge.

Figure 1. The size of the cross section of the hollow beam bridge.

Figure 2. The simplified plane beam.

Figure 2. The simplified plane beam.

Table 1. Damage cases in Example 1.

In this example, only the first frequency and the corresponding mode shape are employed to calculate damage locations and extents, i.e. solving the BLS problem (21) with p=1 to achieve αi(1i22). For comparison, damage locations and extents are also calculated by the GFMA with p=1, where GFMA is the abbreviation of generalized flexibility matrix approach. The results of two approaches are given in Figure . It can be observed that negative entries with larger absolute value are produced by the GFMA, which are opposed to the fact 0αi1 (1i22). This is because GFMA does not consider the nonnegativity of damage extent. Our method utilizes the nonnegativity of damage extent and avoids this deficiency of the GFMA. In addition, for the last two damage cases, misjudgements for elements 18 and 19 are made by the GFMA. Our method, i.e. improved GFMA (IGFMA), does not produce the misjudgement.

Figure 3. Calculated results for all damage cases in Table : (a) Case 1; (b) Case 2; (c) Case 3; (d) Case 4.

Figure 3. Calculated results for all damage cases in Table 1: (a) Case 1; (b) Case 2; (c) Case 3; (d) Case 4.

In addition, our method is compared with the mode shape curvature method. The mode shape curvature method detects damaged elements by changes in mode shape curvature of structural nodes before and after the damage. If the change in mode shape curvatures of a node is large, the element connected to this node is deemed as a damage one. The mode shape curvature in this paper is calculated by the central difference approximation. Figure  presents changes in mode shape curvatures of every node for all damage cases in Table . From Figure , it can be observed that the mode shape curvature method can exactly find damage locations for the last two damage cases. For the first two damage cases, it cannot give the right results. In addition, the method cannot provide damage extents.

Figure 4. Mode shape curvatures for all damage cases in Table : (a) Case 1; (b) Case 2; (c) Case 3; (d) Case 4.

Figure 4. Mode shape curvatures for all damage cases in Table 1: (a) Case 1; (b) Case 2; (c) Case 3; (d) Case 4.

Our method has been carried out in the noise environment. The noise level of the natural frequency is 0.5%, and the corresponding mode shape are contaminated with 3%, 5%, and 10% random noises. The assumed noise environment is produced by following formulas [Citation18,Citation42]: (26) ω¯d=ωd(1+rρ)(26) (27) Φ¯dj=Φdj(1+rjρ~ |ϕmax|)(27) where ωd and ω¯d are natural frequencies of the damaged structure without and with noise, r and rj are Gaussian random numbers with mean 0 and variance 1, ρ and ρ~ are noise levels of the natural frequency and the mode shape, respectively. Φdj and Φ¯dj are the jth components of mode shapes of the damaged structure without and with noise, and  |ϕmax| is the largest absolute value among mode shape components. For every noise level, the contaminated natural frequency and the corresponding mode shape are produced by Equations (26) and (27). Subsequently, our method is implemented using each group of contaminated data to achieve the damage extent vector α. The procedure is repeated 1000 times. The mean value vector α¯ is obtained by the above 1000 calculated damage extent vectors. Figure  presents the mean value vectors for all damage cases in Table . It can be seen that the IGFMA works well for these three noise levels.

Figure 5. Calculated results for all damage cases in Table  with three level noises: (a) Case 1; (b) Case 2; (c) Case 3; (d) Case 4.

Figure 5. Calculated results for all damage cases in Table 1 with three level noises: (a) Case 1; (b) Case 2; (c) Case 3; (d) Case 4.

Example 2: Consider a three-span beam structure as shown in Figure . The structure has 24 elements and 25 nodes and its length is 24m. The cross section of the beam is square, and its size is 0.1m×0.1m. Axial displacements of all nodes are ignored. Thus, every node has 2 DOFs except four constrained nodes. The two intermediate nodes are only constrained by the vertical direction, and each of them has 1 DOF. The total number of structural DOFs is 44. The material and geometric parameters of each element are as follows: Young’s modulus E=3×1010Pa, Poisson’s ratio ν=0.3, density ρ=2500kg/m3, length l=1m, and second moment of area Iz=8.33×106m4. Four damage cases are considered, as shown in Table .

Figure 6. A three-span beam structure.

Figure 6. A three-span beam structure.

Table 2. Damage cases in Example 2.

In this example, damage locations and extents are achieved by using first two frequencies and corresponding mode shapes. Calculated results of GFMA and IGFMA are listed in Figure . It can be observed that GFMA produces negative entries with larger absolute value. It also gives the misjudgement for element 23 for the first and last cases. These two shortcomings are overcome by the present method.

Figure 7. Calculated results for four damage cases in Table : (a) Case 1; (b) Case 2; (c) Case 3; (d) Case 4.

Figure 7. Calculated results for four damage cases in Table 2: (a) Case 1; (b) Case 2; (c) Case 3; (d) Case 4.

Our proposed method is also compared with the mode shape curvature method. Figure  gives changes in mode shape curvatures of every node for all damage cases in Table . It can be seen that the mode shape curvature method does not work well.

Figure 8. Mode shape curvatures for all damage cases in Table : (a) Case 1; (b) Case 2; (c) Case 3; (d) Case 4.

Figure 8. Mode shape curvatures for all damage cases in Table 1: (a) Case 1; (b) Case 2; (c) Case 3; (d) Case 4.

The IGFMA has been carried out in the noise environment. The method of imposing the noise and the noise level are the same as those in Example 1, see Equations (26) and (27). For every noise level, 1000 calculations have been done by the IGFMA. Then, the mean value vector for 1000 calculated damage extent vectors are computed. Figure  gives mean value vectors for all damage cases in Table . It can be seen that the IGFMA can also work for these three noise levels.

Figure 9. Calculated results for four damage cases in Table  with three level noises: (a) Case 1; (b) Case 2; (c) Case 3; (d) Case 4.

Figure 9. Calculated results for four damage cases in Table 2 with three level noises: (a) Case 1; (b) Case 2; (c) Case 3; (d) Case 4.

From these two examples, it can be observed that our proposed method can successfully identify the damaged locations, even in the presence of noise. In addition, the damage extent is simultaneously achieved. Our method is superior to the GFMA and mode shape curvature method.

6. Conclusions

The IGFMA is presented for structural damage detection problem. It is based on the GFM. The boundedness of the damage extent is considered and a BLS model is used. Thus, damage extents calculated by our method are all between 0 and 1. This is consistent with the fact. In addition, the perturbation theory of LCP is utilized to derive the error bound of two solutions calculated by the IGFMA using natural frequencies and corresponding mode shapes without and with noise. Part of our result (Theorem 4.1) can be applied to other detection approaches related to the BLS problem, so that the error bound of two solutions calculated by the corresponding approach using the measured data without and with noise can also be achieved.

The proposed method has been verified by numerical experiments with different damage scenarios. The calculated results show that the method can exactly find locations and extents of damage elements using only a few frequencies and mode shapes. This is an advantage of our method. When the data is with noise, our method also work. Compared with the GFMA and mode shape curvature method, our approach can achieve more accurate results and reduce the number of misjudgements. The future work is to generalize the proposed method to damage detection problem with incomplete mode shapes.

Disclosure statement

No potential conflict of interest was reported by the authors.

Additional information


The work was supported by the Natural Science Foundation of China [grant numbers 11672118 and 11401463].


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Proof of lemma 4.4

It is easy to verify that the BLS problem (21) is equivalent to following quadratic programming problem: minf(x)=12αTATAαbTAαs.t.0α1 In Lemma 4.1, let D=ATA, c=ATb, H=I, g=1, the conclusion is achieved.


Proof of theorem 4.1

By Lemma 4.1, there exit yiRk such that xiyiR2k is the solution of LCPATAII0,ATbi1, i=1, 2. From Lemma 4.3, we have ||x1x2||2x1y1x2y22ATAII012ATb11ATb212=0IIATA2||AT(b1b2)||20II02+000ATA2 ||AT||2||b1b2||2=(1+||ATA||2) ||A||2||b1b2||2=(1+||A||22) ||A||2||b1b2||2


Proof of theorem 4.2

For cases without and with noise, from (17), two right hands of our proposed method are related to following two matrices, respectively. Δg=j=1p1ωdj4ΦdjΦdjTj=1p1ωuj4ΦujΦujT Δg~=j=1p1(ωdj+Δωdj)4(Φdj+ΔΦdj)(Φdj+ΔΦdj)Tj=1p1ωuj4ΦujΦujT Thus,

||ΔgΔg~||Fj=1p1ωdj4ΦdjΦdjT1(ωdj+Δωdj)4(Φdj+ΔΦdj)(Φdj+ΔΦdj)TFj=1p|Δωdj| |2ωdj+Δωdj| (2ωdj2+2ωdjΔωdj+Δωdj2)ωdj4(ωdj+Δωdj)4||ΦdjΦdjT||F+j=1p1(ωdj+Δωdj)4(||ΦdjΔΦdjT||F+||ΔΦdjΦdjT||F+||ΔΦdjΔΦdjT||F)j=1pcdj |Δωdj| ||Φdj||F||ΦdjT||F+j=1p1(ωdj+Δωdj)4(||Φdj||F||ΔΦdjT||F+||ΔΦdj||F||ΦdjT||F+||ΔΦdj||F||ΔΦdjT||F)=j=1pcdj |Δωdj| ||Φdj||22+||ΔΦdj||2(ωdj+Δωdj)4(2||Φdj||2+||ΔΦdj||2)

where cdj is given in Equation (25).

By Equation (19), two right hands for cases without and with noise are b=vec(Δg) and c=vec(Δg~), respectively. By the property of vec operation, i.e. Equation (5), we have ||bc||2=||vec(Δg)vec(Δg~)||2=||vec(ΔgΔg~)||2=||ΔgΔg~||Fj=1pcdj |Δωdj| ||Φdj||22+||ΔΦdj||2(ωdj+Δωdj)4(2||Φdj||2+||ΔΦdj||2) By Theorem 4.1, we have ||αβ||2(1+||A||22) ||A||2||bc||2(1+||A||22) ||A||2j=1pcdj |Δωdj| ||Φdj||22+||ΔΦdj||2(ωdj+Δωdj)4(2||Φdj||2+||ΔΦdj||2)

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