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On the inverse eigenvalue problem for periodic Jacobi matrices

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Pages 1253-1264 | Received 02 Jun 2019, Accepted 08 Dec 2019, Published online: 23 Dec 2019


The problem of reconstructing a matrix with a specific structure from a partial or total spectral data is known as inverse eigenvalue problem which arises in a variety of applications. In this paper, we study a partially described inverse eigenvalue problem of periodic Jacobi matrices and prove some spectral properties of such matrices. The problem involves the reconstruction of the matrix by one eigenvalue of each of its leading principal submatrices and one eigenvector of the required matrix and one more additional piece of information. The conditions for solvability of the problem are presented and finally an algorithm and some numerical results are given.

2010 Mathematics Subject Classifications:

1. Introduction

An inverse eigenvalue problem (IEP) concerns the reconstruction of a matrix with a special structure from prescribed spectral data. By structure, we mean the pattern of entries that are either zero or nonzero. There are many different types of IEPs and the level of their difficulty depends on the structure of the matrices which are to be reconstructed and the available eigen information. M.T. Chu in [Citation1], gave an elaborate characterization of IEPs. Inverse eigenvalue problems have many practical applications such as control theory, mechanical system simulation, geophysics, molecular spectroscopy, structural analysis, mass spring vibrations, circuit theory and graph theory [Citation1–5].

A periodic Jacobi matrix is the following symmetric matrix: (1) An=a1b10000bnb1a2b200000b2a3b300000b3a4b400000b4a5b50000000000bn2an1bn1bn0000bn1an,(1)

where ais and bis are real numbers and bi0 and ais may be zero or nonzero, i=1,2,,n.

Periodic Jacobi matrices have many practical applications such as periodic Toda lattices [Citation6] and continued fractions [Citation7]. The application of this matrix also appears in Quantum and Schrodinger equation which is studied by Damanik et al. [Citation8].

Spectral properties of periodic Jacobi matrix were first investigated by Ferguson [Citation9] and further studies made by Boley and Golub [Citation10,Citation11]. They gave numerical algorithm for constructing periodic Jacobi matrix using the given eigendata and one more piece of data which is the parameter β, defined as product of nonzero off-diagonal entries. Ying-Hong Xu in 2006 [Citation12] investigated an IEP of this matrix and also proved some of its spectral properties.

In this paper, we solve the IEP stated below, denoted by IEPPJ, consisting in constructing a matrix of form An with partial eigendata. This problem was originally introduced by Peng [Citation4] for acyclic bordered-diagonal matrices and then Sharma in 2016 [Citation13] studied this problem for symmetric tridiagonal matrices with nonzero off-diagonal entries.

IEPPJ: Given n real numbers Λ={λ1,λ2,,λn}, a vector Xn=(x1,x2,,xn)T and a real nonzero number c, find an n×n periodic Jacobi matrix An such that λi is an eigenvalue of Ai, (λn,Xn) is an eigenpair of An and bn=c.

The paper is organized as follows: Section 2 describes the preliminary concepts and the notations used in this paper. Section 3 deals with the analysis of the IEPPJ and the main results. In Section 4, we present some numerical examples to illustrate the solutions of IEPPJ. In Section 5 we conclude the paper.

2. Preliminaries

Throughout the paper, let Aj be the jth leading principal submatrix of the matrix An. Let φj(λ)=det(λIjAj), j=1,2,,n, be the characteristic polynomial of the jth leading principal minor of An, where Ij is the identity matrix of order j. Let us define (2) Bj=a2b2000b2a3b3000b3a4b4000000bj2aj1bj1000bj1aj,j=2,3,,n,(2) hence the matrix Bj of order (j1)×(j1), is the matrix Aj after removing the first row and column. Thus as an example, the matrix B2 is a 1×1 matrix with entry a2. Let χj(λ)=det(λIj1Bj), j=2,,n1, and finally by a Jacobi matrix Jn we mean a periodic Jacobi matrix An so that bn=0.

In what follows, we give the necessary lemmas that are used in the paper.

Lemma 2.1


For a Jacobi matrix Jn, no two successive principal minors of Jn have a common eigenvalue.

Lemma 2.2


Let T be the following symmetric Jacobi matrix and assume that bi0 for i=1,,n1: T=a1b100000b1a2b200000b2a3b300000b3a4b400000b4a5b50000000000bn2an1bn100000bn1an, and let Ti,j denotes the entry at the ith row and jth column. Then (3) (T)i,j1=(1)i+jbibj1dj+1dnδiδnwhereij,(3) with the convention that empty product equals 1 such that dn=an,di=aibi2di+1,i=n1,,1,δ1=a1,δi=aibi12δi1,i=2,,n1.

Because inverse of a symmetric matrix is symmetric, thus in Lemma 2.2, (T)i,j1=(T)j,i1.

Lemma 2.3

Let A and B be the following matrices: A=a1b1000b1a2b2000b2a3b3000000bj2aj1bj1000bj1aj,B=100000a2b2000b2a3b3000000bj2aj1bj1000bj1aj, then matrix E=A1B has the following form: E=000000100010000001, such that entries shown by represent real value numbers.


We can represent the matrix B as follows: B=AD, where D=a11b1000b10000000000000000000, then E=A1B=IA1D. Since D has nonzero entries only at the first two columns, we have: A1D=000000000000000, and so E=1000001000001000001000001000000000000000=000000100010000001.

3. Solution of IEPPJ

In this section, we first obtain the recurrence relation of characteristic polynomials of the matrix An in Lemma 3.1. Then in Lemma 3.2, we show how to obtain the component xi of eigenvector Xn from entries Ai1, x1 and bnxn. This information enables us to compute the unknown entry bi1. In Lemma 3.4, we investigate the condition under which the component xiXn becomes zero. We close this section by giving the solution to IEPPJ in Theorem 3.5 and deriving an algorithm.

Lemma 3.1

The sequence {φj(λ)=det(λIjAj)}j=1n of characteristic polynomials of Aj satisfies the following recurrence relations:

  1. φ1(λ)=λa1.

  2. φj(λ)=(λaj)φj1(λ)bj12φj2(λ), 2jn1.

  3. φn(λ)=(λan)φn1(λ)bn12φn2(λ)2i=1nbibn2(det(λIn2Bn1)).

To write the recurrences we define φ0(λ)=1.


The recurrence relations can be verified by expanding the determinant.

The relation 2 of the Lemma 3.1 expresses the recurrence relation of characteristic polynomial of a Jacobi matrix.

Since (λn,Xn) is an eigenpair of An, so AnXn=λnXn, we get the following relation (4) bi1xi1+aixi+bixi+1=λnxifori=1,2,,n,(4) with the following conventions xn=x0,xn+1=x1,andb0=bn. In the following lemma, we show that every component xi of eigenvector Xn, i=2,3,,n1, is a linear combination of x1 and bnxn.

Lemma 3.2

If Y=(y1,y2,,yn)T and (λ,Y) is an eigenpair of An, then |y1|+|yn|>0 and entries of Y are given by: (5) yj=φj1(λ)y1χj1(λ)bnyni=1j1bi,j=2,,n1andχ1(λ)=1.(5)


We prove this by induction on the rows of matrix An. For the base cases we have: a1y1+b1y2+bnyn=λy1y2=(λa1)y1bnynb1=φ1(λ)y1χ1(λ)bnynb1, and b1y1+a2y2+b2y3=λy2y3=(λa2)y2b1y1b2=(λa2)b1y2b12y1b1b2=(λa2)[(λa1)y1bnyn]b12y1b1b2=((λa2)(λa1)b12)y1(λa2)bnynb1b2=φ2(λ)y1χ2(λ)bnynb1b2. Now suppose the lemma holds for y2,y3,,yj, we prove it for yj+1. From AnY=λY we obtain: yj+1=(λaj)yjbj1yj1bj=(λaj)bjφj1(λ)y1χj1(λ)bnyni=1j1bibj1bjφj2(λ)y1χj2(λ)bnyni=1j2bi=(λaj)φj1(λ)y1(λaj)χj1(λ)bnyni=1jbibj12φj2(λ)y1bj12χj2(λ)bnyni=1jbi=(λaj)φj1(λ)bj12φj2(λ)i=1jbiy1(λaj)χj1(λ)bj12χj2(λ)i=1jbibnyn=φj(λ)y1χj(λ)bnyni=1jbi. Since Y is an eigenvector thus Y0. If y1=yn=0, then from (Equation5), all other entries of Y become zero, hence |y1|+|yn|>0.

Corollary 3.3

Let xn0, if xj+1=0 then the matrix λnIjAj is invertible for j=1,2,,n2.


We prove this by contradiction. By taking λ=λn and Y=X in Lemma 3.2, we derive that if xj+1=0 then φj(λn)x1=χj(λn)bnxn. Suppose the matrix λnIjAj is not invertible, thus φj(λn)=det(λnIjAj)=0 then λj is an eigenvalue of Aj. It implies that χj(λn)bnxn=0. Since bnxn0, hence χj(λn)=det(λnIj1Bj)=0 then λn is an eigenvalue of Bj. Since Bj is a principal submatrix of the Jacobi matrix Aj by Lemma 2.1, we have a contradiction therefore the matrix λnIjAj is invertible.

The result of Corollary 3.3 is independent of the value of x1. If x1=0, then χj(λn)=0 which in turn by Lemma 2.1 implies that the determinant of λnIjAj is nonzero thus it is invertible and if x10, the equation φj(λn)x1=χj(λ)bnxn is true if either φj(λn)=χj(λn)=0 or φj(λn)0,χj(λn)0. By Lemma 2.1 the first one is impossible. Thus in this case λnIjAj is also invertible.

In the following lemma, we show the conditions that make an entry xj of eigenvector Xn=(x1,,xn)T, j=2,,n1, becomes zero.

Lemma 3.4

Let Xn=(x1,x2,,xn)T,(λn,Xn) be an eigenpair of An and xn0. The entry xj=0, j=2,3,,n1, if x1bnxn=e1,1e2,2e1,2e2,1, such that using notations of Lemma 2.2 for T=λnIj1Aj1, the e1,1,e1,2,e2,1 and e2,2 are as follow: e1,1=d2dj1δ1δj1,e1,2=b1(λna2)d3dj1δ1δj1,e2,1=b1d3dj1δ1δj1,e2,2=(λna2)d3dj1δ2δj1b22d4dj1δ2δj1.


By (Equation5), xj=0 implies that φj1(λn)x1=χj1(λn)bnxn. We can write this equation as follows: det(λnIj1Aj1)x1=det(λnIj2Bj1)bnxn=det(λnIj1Cj1)bnxn, such that Bj1 is the matrix defined in (Equation2) and Cj1=λn100Bj1. From Corollary 3.3, the matrix λnIj1Aj1 is invertible hence by multiplying the det((λnIj1Aj1)1) from the left side to both sides of the equation, we get the following: (6) x1=det((λnIj1Aj1)1(λnIj1Cj1))bnxn.(6) The matrix (λnIj1Aj1)1(λnIj1Cj1) has the form of matrix E given in Lemma 2.3. Let ei,j denotes its entry at the ith row and jth column, determinant of this matrix by expansion on the first row is e1,1e2,2e1,2e2,1, hence it implies x1bnxn=e1,1e2,2e1,2e2,1. Each ei,j, i,j=1,2, is computed as follows: e1,1=((λnIj1Aj1)1)1,1,e1,2=(λna2)((λnIj1Aj1)1)1,2,e2,1=((λnIj1Aj1)1)2,1,e2,2=(λna2)((λnIj1Aj1)1)2,2b2((λnIj1Aj1)1)2,3, which by Lemma 2.2 are: e1,1=d2dj1δ1δj1,e1,2=b1(λna2)d3dj1δ1δj1,e2,1=b1d3dj1δ1δj1,e2,2=(λna2)d3dj1δ2δj1b22d4dj1δ2δj1, and this completes the proof.

In the following theorem, the solution to the IEPPJ and the conditions under which the problem has a unique solution are given.

Theorem 3.5

The IEPPJ has a unique solution given by the following relations (7) a1=λ1,bn=c,aj=λjbj12φj2(λj)φj1(λj),j=2,3,,n1,bj1=φj1(λn)x1χj1(λn)bnxnxji=1j2bi,j=2,3,,n,an=λnφn1(λn)bn12φn2(λn)2i=1nbibn2det(λnIn2Bn1)φn1(λn),(7) if for j=2,3,,n, xj0, λjλj1 and λn not to be an eigenvalue of An1.


Let xj0 for all j=2,,n. As per conditions of IEPPJ, λj is an eigenvalue of Aj for all j=1,2,,n. Thus φ1(λ1)=0λ1=a1.

By Lemma 3.1, the relation φj(λj)=0 for j=2,,n1 implies (λjaj)φj1(λj)bj12φj2(λj)=0aj=λjbj12φj2(λj)φj1(λj), and from Lemma 2.1, the denominator of this expression is nonzero. By applying φn(λn)=0, it implies an=λnφn1(λn)bn12φn2(λn)2i=1nbibn2det(λIn2Bn1)φn1(λn), by the assumption of this theorem, λn is not an eigenvalue of An1 hence φn1(λn)0. By (Equation5), for j=2,3,,n1, we obtain bj1=φj1(λn)x1χj1(λn)bnxnxji=1j2bi. From (Equation4), we get bn2xn2+(an1λn)xn1+bn1xn=0, and by a proof similar to the proof of Lemma 3.2 it can be verified that (8) xn=φn1(λn)x1χn1(λn)bnxnj=1n1bj,(8) which implies bn1=φn1(λn)x1χn1(λn)bnxnxnj=1n2bj. Since xj0, j=2,3,,n, it follows φj1(λn)x1χj1(λn)bnxn0, hence the expression for bj1, j=2,3,,n, is valid and bj10.

It is necessary to enforce the condition λj1λj, j=2,3,,n, because the leading principal minors of a periodic Jacobi matrix form a Jacobi matrix and by Lemma 2.1, no two successive principal minors of a Jacobi matrix have common eigenvalues, therefore there is no λR that will be a root of φj1(λ) and φj(λ).

The Algorithm 1 solves the IEPPJ on the inputs Λ={λ1,λ2,,λn}, Xn={x1,x2,,xn} and a real nonzero value c.


The relations φj(λ),χj(λ) in Algorithm 1, compute determinant of a symmetric tridiagonal matrix. Ed S.Coakley et al. in [Citation15] presented an algorithm to compute this determinant in O(nlogn), therefore the time complexity of the Algorithm 1 is O(n2logn).

4. Numerical examples

In this section, some examples are given to demonstrate the correctness of the method. The numerical computations are performed by using MATLAB R-2014a.

Example 4.1

Given 7 real numbers λ1=3, λ2=5, λ3=4, λ4=1, λ5=13, λ6=6, λ7=5 and a real vector X7=(5,3,1,9,7,10,6)T, find a periodic Jacobi matrix A7 such that λj is an eigenvalue of Aj for each j=1,2,,7 and (λ7,X7) is an eigenpair of A7 and c=6.

Solution: Using Theorem 3.5, we obtain the following matrix as the solution: A7=3.000015.333300006.000015.3333112.5556276.000000000276.0000539.911631.45430000031.45433.682215.65630000015.65631.752311.81730000011.817313.24050.05266.000000000.05269.9123. The eigenvalues of all of the leading principal submatrices are σ(A1)={3.0000}σ(A2)={114.5556,5.0000}σ(A3)={675.3485,4.0000,29.8814}σ(A4)={676.5339,11.6891,1.0000,34.0736}σ(A5)={676.5345,19.6720,3.1896,13.0000,34.9991}σ(A6)={676.5345,21.0304,4.3346,6.0000,22.4873,35.2557}σ(A7)={676.5345,21.0636,5.8089,5.0000,12.1182,22.6154,35.4293} To verify A7X7=λ7X7, we compute both terms: A7X7=(25.0000,15.0000,5.0000,45.0000,35.0000,50.0000,30.0000)T, and λ7X7=(25.0000,15.0000,5.0000,45.0000,35.0000,50.0000,30.0000)T.

Example 4.2

The solution to the Example 4.1 for c = −2 and X7=(0,8,2,5,1,4,7)T is: A7=3.00001.750000002.00001.75003.46886.1250000006.12501.33568.3342000008.33420.750445.42060000045.4206434.677253.14350000053.14355.85211.39082.000000001.39085.7947. The eigenvalues of all of the leading principal submatrices are σ(A1)={3.0000}σ(A2)={1.4688,5.0000}σ(A3)={4.0000,2.8771,8.9272}σ(A4)={9.5241,1.0000,3.8896,11.6883}σ(A5)={439.3822,7.8691,1.8719,4.7560,13.0000}σ(A6)={445.7354,8.9183,1.2984,2.6047,6.0000,13.8720}σ(A7)={445.7355,8.9278,1.5992,2.1255,5.0000,7.5767,13.8796} To verify A7X7=λ7X7 we compute both terms: A7X7=(0,40.0000,10.0000,25.0000,5.0000,20.0000,35.0000)T, and λ7X7=(0,40.0000,10.0000,25.0000,5.0000,20.0000,35.0000)T.

5. Conclusions

In this work, we have considered a partially described inverse eigenvalue problem for periodic Jacobi matrices. The problem involves the reconstruction of this matrix by one eigenvalue of each of the leading principal submatrices and one eigenpair of the required matrix and one additional piece of information which is the entry bn. The recurrence relation of the leading principal minors and the relation of obtaining the component xi of the given eigenvector Xn from the entries of leading principal minor Ai1, are central in obtaining the solution. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first work studied this problem for a cyclic matrix. In other acyclic matrices such as Jacobi and bordered-diagonal matrices [Citation4,Citation13], the relation xiXn is a multiple of x1, while in this paper, due to the matrix structure, this relation is linear combination in x1 and bnxn that created distinct proofs from these papers. It also omits the condition x10 which is required in mentioned works. Finally the necessary conditions under which the problem has a unique solution and an algorithm are derived. Some illustrative examples were also given to test the efficiency of the algorithm. As a future work, it would be interesting to study application of this matrix in control theory. Ayatollahi [Citation16] studied an application of Jacobi matrices in control theory, her study is equivalent to an inverse problem of Jacobi matrices. The case of periodic Jacobi matrices is under investigation.

Disclosure statement

No potential conflict of interest was reported by the authors.


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