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The monotonicity method for the inverse crack scattering problem

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Pages 1570-1581 | Received 12 Apr 2019, Accepted 16 Feb 2020, Published online: 09 Mar 2020


The monotonicity method for the inverse acoustic scattering problem is to understand the inclusion relation between an unknown object and artificial one by comparing the far field operator with the artificial operator. This paper introduces the development of this method to the inverse crack scattering problem. Our aim is to give the following two indicators: One (Theorem 1.1) is to determine whether an artificial small arc is contained in the unknown arc. The other one (Theorem 1.2) is whether an artificial large domain contains the unknown one. Finally, numerical examples based on Theorem 1.1 are given.

2010 AMS Subject Classification:

1. Introduction

Let ΓR2 be a smooth non-intersecting open arc, and we assume that Γ can be extended to an arbitrary smooth, simply connected, closed curve Ω enclosing a bounded domain Ω in R2. Let k>0 be the wave number, and let θS1 be incident direction, where S1={xR2:|x|=1} denotes the unit sphere in R2. We consider the following direct scattering problem: For θS1 determine us such that (1) Δus+k2us=0inR2Γ,(1) (2) us=eikθxonΓ(2) (3) limrr(usrikus)=0,(3) where r=|x|, and (Equation3) is the Sommerfeld radiation condition. Precisely, this problem is understood in the variational form, that is, determine usHloc1(R2Γ¯) satisfying us|Γ=eikθx, the Sommerfeld radiation condition (Equation3), and (4) R2Γ[usφ¯k2usφ¯]dx=0,(4) for all φH1(R2Γ¯), φ|Γ=0, with compact support. Here, Hloc1(R2Γ¯)={u:R2Γ¯C:u|BΓ¯H1(BΓ¯)forallopenballsBincludingΓ} denotes the local Sobolev space of one order.

It is well known that there exists a unique solution us and it has the following asymptotic behaviour (see, e.g.[Citation1]): (5) us(x)=eikrr{u(x^,θ)+O(1/r)},r,x^:=x|x|.(5) The function u is called the far field pattern of us. With the far field pattern u, we define the far field operator F:L2(S1)L2(S1) by (6) Fg(x^):=S1u(x^,θ)g(θ)ds(θ),x^S1.(6) The inverse scattering problem we consider in this paper is to reconstruct the unknown arc Γ from the far field pattern u(x^,θ) for all x^S1, all x^S1 with one k>0. In other words, given the far field operator F, reconstruct Γ.

In order to solve such an inverse problem, we use the idea of the monotonicity method. The feature of this method is to understand the inclusion relation of an unknown object and artificial one by comparing the data operator with some operator corresponding to an artificial object. For electrical impedance tomography (EIT) we refer to [Citation2], for the inverse boundary value problem for the Helmholtz equation we refer to [Citation3 5], and for the inverse medium scattering problem we refer to [Citation6,Citation7].

Our aim in this paper is to provide the following two theorems.

Theorem 1.1

Let σR2 be a smooth non-intersecting open arc. Then, (7) σΓHσHσfinReF,(7) where the Herglotz operator Hσ:L2(S1)L2(σ) is given by (8) Hσg(x):=S1eikθxg(θ)ds(θ),xσ,(8) and the inequality on the right-hand side in (Equation7) denotes that ReFHσHσ has only finitely many negative eigenvalues, and the real part of an operator A is self-adjoint operators given by Re(A):=1/2(A+A).

Theorem 1.2

Let BR2 be a bounded open set. Then, (9) ΓBReFfinH~BH~B,(9) where H~B:L2(S1)H1/2(B) is given by (10) H~Bg(x):=S1eikθxg(θ)ds(θ),xB.(10)

Theorem 1.1 determines whether an artificial open arc σ is contained in Γ or not. While, Theorem 1.2 determines an artificial domain B contains Γ. In two theorems we can understand Γ from the inside and outside.

This paper is organized as follows. In Section 2, we give a rigorous definition of the above inequality. Furthermore, we recall the properties of the far field operator and technical lemmas which are useful to prove main results. In Sections 3 and 4, we prove Theorems 1.1 and 1.2, respectively. In Section 5, we give numerical examples based on Theorem 1.1.

2. Preliminary

First, we give a rigorous definition of the inequality in Theorems 1.1 and 1.2.

Definition 2.1

Let A,B:XX be self-adjoint compact linear operators on a Hilbert space X. We write (11) AfinB,(11) if BA has only finitely many negative eigenvalues.

The following lemma was shown in Corollary 3.3 of [Citation4].

Lemma 2.2

Let A,B:XX be self-adjoint compact linear operators on a Hilbert space X with an inner product ,. Then, the following statements are equivalent:

  1. AfinB

  2. There exists a finite dimensional subspace V in X such that (12) (BA)v,v0,(12) for all vV.

Secondly, we define several operators in order to mention properties of the far field operator F. The data-to-pattern operator G:H1/2(Γ)L2(S1) is defined by (13) Gf:=v,(13) where v is the far field pattern of a radiating solution v (that is, v satisfies the Sommerfeld radiation condition) such that (14) Δv+k2v=0inR2Γ,(14) (15) v=fonΓ.(15) The following lemma was given by the same argument in Lemma 1.13 of [Citation8].

Lemma 2.3

The data-to-pattern operator G is compact and injective.

We define the single layer boundary operator S:H~1/2(Γ)H1/2(Γ) by (16) Sφ(x):=Γφ(y)Φ(x,y)ds(y),xΓ,(16) where Φ(x,y) denotes the fundamental solution to Helmholtz equation in R2, i.e. (17) Φ(x,y):=i4H0(1)(k|xy|),xy.(17) Here, we denote by (18) H1/2(Γ):={u|Γ:uH1/2(Ω)},(18) (19) H~1/2(Γ):={uH1/2(Ω):supp(u)Γ¯},(19) and H1/2(Γ) and H~1/2(Γ) the dual spaces of H~1/2(Γ) and H1/2(Γ), respectively. Then, we have the following inclusion relation: (20) H~1/2(Γ)H1/2(Γ)L2(Γ)H~1/2(Γ)H1/2(Γ).(20) For these details, we refer to [Citation9]. The following two Lemmas was shown in Section 3 of [Citation10].

Lemma 2.4

  1. S is an isomorphism from H~1/2(Γ) onto H1/2(Γ).

  2. Let Si be the boundary integral operator (Equation16) corresponding to the wave number k = i. The operator Si is self-adjoint and coercive, i.e, there exists c0>0 such that (21) φ,Siφc0φH~1/2(Γ)2forallφH~1/2(Γ),(21) where , denotes the duality pairing in H~1/2(Γ),H1/2(Γ).

  3. SSi is compact.

  4. There exists a self-adjoint and positive square root Si1/2:L2(Γ)L2(Γ) of Si which can be extended such that Si1/2:H~1/2(Γ)L2(Γ) is an isomorphism and Si1/2Si1/2=Si.

Lemma 2.5

The far field operator F has the following factorization: (22) F=GSG.(22) where G:L2(S1)H~1/2(Γ) and S:H~1/2(Γ)H1/2(Γ) are the adjoints of G and S, respectively.

Thirdly, we recall the following technical lemmas which will be useful to prove Theorems 1.1 and 1.2. We refer to Lemma 4.6 and 4.7 in [Citation4].

Lemma 2.6

Let X, Y, and Z be Hilbert spaces, and let A:XY and B:XZ be bounded linear operators. Then, (23) C>0:Ax2CBx2forallxXRan(A)Ran(B).(23)

Lemma 2.7

Let X, Y, VZ be subspaces of a vector space Z. If (24) XY={0},andXY+V,(24) then dim(X)dim(V).

3. Proof of Theorem 1.1

In Section 3, we will show Theorem 1.1. Let σΓ. We denote by R:L2(Γ)L2(σ) the restriction operator, J:H1/2(Γ)L2(Γ) the compact embedding, and H:L2(S1)L2(Γ), H^:L2(S1)H1/2(Γ) the Herglotz operators, respectively. Since eikx^y is a far field pattern of Φ(x,y), we have by definitions of G and S (25) GSφ(x^)=Γeikx^yφ(y)ds(y).(25) The right-hand side is identical with H^φ(x^) (see the proof of Lemma 3.4 in [Citation10]). Then, we have H^=GS. By this equality we have (26) Hσ=RH=RJH^=RJSG.(26) Using (Equation26) and Lemmas 2.4 and 2.5, ReFHσHσ has the following factorization: (27) ReFHσHσ=G[ReSSJRRJS]G=G[Si+Re(SSi)SJRRJS]G=[GW]W1[Si+Re(SSi)SJRRJS]W1[GW]=[GW][IL2(Γ)+K][GW],(27) where W:=Si1/2:H~1/2(Γ)L2(Γ) is an extension of the square root of Si1/2, K:=W1[Re(SSi)SJRRJS]W1:L2(Γ)L2(Γ) is self-adjoint compact, and IL2(Γ) is the identity operator on L2(Γ). Let V be the sum of eigenspaces of K associated to eigenvalues less than 1/2. Then, V is a finite dimensional and (28) (IL2(Γ)+K)v,v0,(28) for all vV. Since for gL2(S1) (29) [GW]gVg[(GW)V],(29) and dim[(GW)V]dim(V)<, we have by (Equation28) and Lemma 2.2 that HσHσfinReF.

Let now σΓ and assume on the contrary HσHσfinReF, that is, by Lemma 2.2 there exists a finite dimensional subspace V in L2(S1) such that (30) (ReFHσHσ)v,v0,(30) for all vV. Since σΓ, we can take a small open arc σ0σ such that σ0Γ=, which implies that for all vV (31) Hσ0vL2(σ0)2HσvL2(σ)2(ReF)v,vL2(S1)=(ReS)Gv,GvReSGv2.(31) Before showing a contradiction with (Equation31), we will show the following lemma.

Lemma 3.1

  1. dim(Ran(Hσ0))=

  2. Ran(G)Ran(Hσ0)={0}.

Proof of Lemma 3.1.

  1. By the same argument in (Equation26) we have (32) Hσ0=Jσ0H^σ0=Jσ0Sσ0Gσ0,(32) where Gσ0:H1/2(σ0)L2(S1), Sσ0:H~1/2(σ0)H1/2(σ0), and Jσ0:H1/2(σ0)L2(σ0) are the data-to-pattern operator, the single layer boundary operator, and the compact embedding, respectively, corresponding to σ0. Since Hσ0=Gσ0Sσ0Jσ0, Ran(Jσ0) is dense, and Gσ0Sσ0 is injective (see Lemma 2.3 and (a) of Lemma 2.4.), we have dim(Ran(Hσ0))=dim(Ran(Jσ0))=.

  2. By (Equation32), we have Ran(Hσ0)Ran(Gσ0). Let hRan(G)Ran(Gσ0), i.e. h=vΓ=vσ0 where vΓ and vσ0 are far field patterns of the scattered field vΓ and vσ0 associated to scatterers Γ and σ0, respectively. Then by Rellich lemma and unique continuation we have vΓ=vσ0inR2(Γσ0). Hence, we can define vHloc1(R2) by (33) v:={vΓ=vσ0inR2(Γσ0)vΓonσ0vσ0onΓ(33) and v is a radiating solution to (34) Δv+k2v=0inR2.(34) Thus v=0inR2, which implies that h = 0.

By the above lemma we have =dim(Ran(Hσ0))dimV< and Ran(Hσ0)Ran(G)={0}. By a contraposition of Lemma 2.7, we have (35) Ran(Hσ0)Ran(G)+V=Ran(G,PV),(35) where PV:L2(S1)L2(S1) is the orthognal projection on V. Lemma 2.6 implies that for any C>0 there exists a vc such that (36) Hσ0vc2>C2(GPV)vc2=C2(Gvc2+PVvc2).(36) Hence, there exists a sequence (vm)mNL2(S1) such that Hσ0vm and Gvm2+PVvm0 as m. Setting v~m:=vmPVvmV we have as m, (37) Hσ0v~mHσ0vmHσ0PVvm,(37) (38) Gv~mGvm+GPVvm0.(38) This contradicts (Equation31). Therefore, we have HσHσfinReF. Theorem 1.1 has been shown.

4. Proof of Theorem 1.2

In Section 4, we will show Theorem 1.2. Let ΓB. We denote by GB:H1/2(B)L2(S1) and SB:H1/2(B)H1/2(B) are the data-to-pattern operator and the single layer boundary operator, respectively corresponding to closed curve B. They have the same properties like Lemmas 2.3 and 2.4 and we have H~B=GBSB. (See, e.g. Lemma 1.14, Theorem 1.15 in [Citation8].) We define T:H1/2(Γ)H1/2(B) by (39) Tf:=v|B,(39) where v is a radiating solution such that (40) Δv+k2v=0inR2Γ,(40) (41) v=fonΓ.(41) T is compact since its mapping is from H1/2(Γ) to C(B). Furthermore, by the definition of T we have that G=GBT. Thus, we have (42) H~BH~B+ReF=GBSBSBGB+GB[TRe(S)T]GB=GB[SB,iSB,i+K]GB=[GBW][W1SB,iSB,iW1+K][GBW],(42) where K and K are some self-adjoint compact operators, and W:=SB,i1/2:H1/2(B)L2(B) is an extension of the square root of SB,i where SB,i:H~1/2(B)H1/2(B) is the single layer boundary operator corresponding to B and the wave number k = i. Let V be the sum of eigenspaces of K associated to eigenvalues less than 12(SB,iW1)12. Then V is a finite dimensional, and for all g[(GBW)V] we have (43) (H~BH~B+ReF)g,g=(SB,iW1)[GBW]gH1/2(B)2+K[GBW]g,[GBW]gL2(B)(SB,iW1)12[GBW]g212(SB,iW1)12[GBW]g20.(43) Therefore, ReFfinH~BH~B.

Let now ΓB and assume on the contrary ReFfinH~BH~B, i.e. by Lemma 2.2 there exists a finite dimensional subspace V in L2(S1) such that (44) (H~BH~B+ReF)v,v0,(44) for all vV. Since ΓB, we can take a small open arc Γ0Γ such that Γ0B=. We define L:H1/2(Γ0)H1/2(Γ) by (45) Lf:=v|Γ,(45) where v is a radiating solution such that (46) Δv+k2v=0inR2Γ0,(46) (47) v=fonΓ0.(47) By the definition of L, we have GΓ0=GL where GΓ0:H1/2(Γ0)L2(S1) is the data-to-pattern operator corresponding to Γ0. We denote by SΓ0:H~1/2(Γ0)H1/2(Γ0) the single layer boundary operator corresponding to Γ0, and HΓ0:L2(S1)L2(Γ0), H^Γ0:L2(S1)H1/2(Γ0) the Herglotz operators corresponding to Γ0, respectively. By the same argument in (Equation25) we have H^Γ0=SΓ0GΓ0. Then, we have (48) HΓ0xL2(Γ0)2H^Γ0xH1/2(Γ0)2SΓ02GΓ0x2SΓ02L2Gx2,(48) for xL2(S1). Since ReS is of the form ReS=Si+Re(SSi), by the similar argument in (Equation27)–(Equation28) and (Equation42)–(Equation43), there exists a finite dimensional subspace W in L2(S1) such that for xW (49) Gx2C(ReS)Gx,Gx=C(ReF)x,x.(49) Collecting (Equation48), (Equation49), and H~B=GBSB, we have (50) HΓ0x2C(ReF)x,xCH~Bx2CSB2GBxH1/2(B)2.(50) for x(VW).

Lemma 4.1

  1. dim(Ran(HΓ0))=

  2. Ran(GB)Ran(HΓ0)={0}.

Proof of Lemma 4.1.

  1. is given by the same argument in Lemma 3.1.

  2. Since (Equation32) replacing σ0 by Γ0 holds, by taking a conjugation in (Equation32) we have Ran(HΓ0)Ran(GΓ0). Let hRan(GB)Ran(GΓ0), i.e. h=vB=vΓ0 where vB and vΓ0 are far field patterns of the scattered field vB and vΓ0 associated to scatterers B and Γ0, respectively. Then by Rellich lemma and unique continuation we have vB=vΓ0inR2(BΓ0). Hence, we can define vHloc1(R2) by (51) v:={vB=vΓ0inR2(BΓ0)vΓ0onBvBonΓ0(51) and v is a radiating solution to (52) Δv+k2v=0inR2.(52) Thus v=0inR2, which implies that h = 0.

By the above lemma we have =dim(Ran(HΓ0))dim(VW)< and Ran(HΓ0)Ran(GB)={0}. By a contraposition of Lemma 2.7, we have (53) Ran(HΓ0)Ran(GB)+(VW)=Ran(GB,PVW),(53) where PVW:L2(S1)L2(S1) is the orthognal projection on VW. Lemma 2.6 implies that for any C>0 there exists a xc such that (54) HΓ0xc2>C2(GBPVW)xc2=C2(GBxc2+PVWxc2).(54) Hence, there exists a sequence (xm)mNL2(S1) such that HΓ0xm and GBxm2+PVWxm0 as m. Setting x~m:=xmPVWxm(VW) we have as m, (55) HΓ0x~mHΓ0xmHΓ0PVWxm,(55) (56) GBx~mGBxm+GBPVWxm0.(56) This contradicts (Equation50). Therefore, we have ReFfinH~BH~B. Theorem 1.2 has been shown.

5. Numerical examples

In Section 5, we discuss the numerical examples based on Theorem 1.1. The following three open arcs Γj (j = 1, 2, 3) are considered. (see Figure )

Figure 1. The original open arc.

Figure 1. The original open arc.

  1. Γ1={(s,s)|1s1}

  2. Γ2={(2sin(π8+(1+s)3π8)23,sin(π4+(1+s)3π4)|1s1}

  3. Γ3={(s,sin(π4+(1+s)3π4)|1s1}

Based on Theorem 1.1, the indicator function in our examples is given by (57) I(σ):=#{negativeeigenvaluesofReFHσHσ}.(57) The idea to reconstruct Γj is to plot the value of I(σ) for many of small σ in the sampling region. Then, we expect from Theorem 1.1 that the value of the function I(σ) is low if σ is close to Γj.

Here, σ is chosen in two ways; One is the vertical line segment σi,jver:=zi,j+{0}×[R2M,R2M] where zi,j:=(RiM,RjM) (i,j=M,M+1,,M) denote the centre of σi,jver, and RM is the length of σi,jver, and R>0 is length of sampling square region [R,R]2, and MN is large to take a small segment. The other is horizontal one σi,jhor:=zi,j+[R2M,R2M]×{0}.

The far field operator F is approximated by the matrix (58) F2πN(u(x^l,θm))1l,mNCN×N,(58) where x^l=(cos(2πlN),sin(2πlN)) and θm=(cos(2πmN),sin(2πmN)). The far field pattern u of the problem (Equation1)–(Equation3) is computed by the Nyström method in [Citation11]. The operator HσHσ is approximated by (59) HσHσ2πN(σeiky(θmx^l)dy)1l,mNCN×N.(59) When σ is given by the vertical and horizontal line segment, we can compute the integrals (60) σi,jvereiky(θmx^l)dy=RMeik(θmx^l)zi,jsinc(kR2Mπ(sin(2πmN)sin(2πlN))),(60) (61) σi,jhoreiky(θmx^l)dy=RMeik(θmx^l)zi,jsinc(kR2Mπ(cos(2πmN)cos(2πlN))).(61)

In our examples we fix R = 1.5, M = 100, N = 60, and wavenumber k = 1. Figure  is given by plotting the values of the vertical indicator function (62) Iver(zi,j):=I(σi,jver),(62) for each i,j=100,99,,100. Figure  is given by plotting the values of the horizontal indicator function (63) Ihor(zi,j):=I(σi,jhor),(63) for each i,j=100,99,,100. We obverse that Γj seems to be reconstructed independently of the direction of linear segment.

Figure 2. Reconstruction by the vertical indicator function Iver.

Figure 2. Reconstruction by the vertical indicator function Iver.

Figure 3. Reconstruction by the horizontal indicator function Ihor.

Figure 3. Reconstruction by the horizontal indicator function Ihor.


Authors thank to Professor Bastian von Harrach, who gave us helpful comments in our study.

Disclosure statement

No potential conflict of interest was reported by the author(s).


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