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Recovering a time-dependent potential function in a time fractional diffusion equation by using a nonlinear condition

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Pages 174-195 | Received 15 Nov 2019, Accepted 07 Jun 2020, Published online: 22 Jun 2020


In this paper, we deal with a nonlinear inverse problem for recovering a time-dependent potential term in a time fractional diffusion equation from an additional measurement in the form of integral over the space domain. By using the fixed point theorem, the existence, uniqueness, regularity and stability of the direct problem are proved. The uniqueness of the inverse problem is proved by the property of Caputo fractional derivative. Numerically, we employ the Levenberg–Marquardt method to find the approximate potential function. Some different type examples are presented to show the feasibility and efficiency of the proposed method.

2010 Mathematics Subject Classification:

1. Introduction

Let Ω be a bounded domain in Rd with sufficiently smooth boundary Ω. Suppose d3, consider the following time-fractional diffusion problem (1) 0+αu(x,t)Δu(x,t)+m(t)n(x,t)u(x,t)=f(x,t),xΩ,0<tT,u(x,0)=0,xΩ,u(x,t)=0,xΩ,0<tT,(1) where 0+αu(x,t) for 0<α<1 denotes the Caputo fractional left-sided derivative of order α with respect to t 0+αu(x,t)=1Γ(1α)0t(ts)αus(x,s)ds, in which Γ() is the Gamma function and T>0 is a fixed final time.

If all function m(t),n(x,t) and f(x,t) are given appropriately, the problem (Equation1) is a direct problem. The inverse problem here is to determine the time-dependent potential term m(t) based on problem (Equation1) and an additional condition (2) R(t)=Ωu2(x,t)dx,0tT.(2) The physical motivation for such an observation is that we have the average information of u(x,t) in the spatial observation domain Ω, the readers are refereed to [Citation1] and the references therein.

There are some publications on the direct problem for time fractional diffusion equations. Kubica and Yamamoto proved the unique existence of weak solution for a fractional diffusion equation with coefficients depending on spatial and time variables by the Banach fixed point theorem in [Citation2]. Li and Yamamoto proved the unique continuation of solutions for a one dimensional anomalous diffusion equation in [Citation3]. McLean et al. established the well-posedness of an initial-boundary value problem for a general class of linear time fractional, advection–diffusion–reaction equations by using novel energy methods, a fractional Gronwall inequality and several properties of fractional integrals in [Citation4]. See also [Citation5–8] for other time fractional diffusion equation.

About recovering the time-dependent potential term in a fractional diffusion equation, there have been several literatures. In one-dimensional case and higher dimensional case, Zhang [Citation9, Citation10] has proved a uniqueness of the undetermined coefficient problem by introducing an operator and show its monotonicity. Fujishiro [Citation11] proved the stability of a source or a potential term by the generalized Gronwall inequality. Sun [Citation12] considered an inverse time-dependent potential term in a multi-terms time fractional diffusion equation from observations of the solution at an interior or an boundary point, and obtained the stability of inverse problems. About recovering the space-dependent potential term in a fractional diffusion equation, one can see [Citation13–19]. On the determination of coefficients in fractional partial differential equations, one can see the papers [Citation20–22] in handbook published recently. Other inverse problems, one can see [Citation23, Citation24].

To our knowledge, there are no literatures to give the uniqueness of the inverse time-dependent potential term m(t) by calculating of variations and the property of Caputo fractional derivative. In this study, we obtain the existence, uniqueness and some regularities of the solution for the direct problem. The uniqueness of the inverse problem is proved by the property of Caputo fractional derivative. Moreover, we use the Levenberg–Marquardt method to solve numerically the inverse problem. Four different type examples are presented to show the feasibility and efficiency of the proposed method.

The rest of this paper has the following structure. In Section 2, we present some preliminaries used in Section 3 and Section 4. In Section 3, we present the existence, uniqueness, regularity and stablity of the solution for the direct problem. We obtain the uniqueness result for the inverse time-dependent potential function problem in Section 4. In Section 5, we use the Levenberg–Marquardt method to find the approximate solution. Numerical results for four examples are provided in Section 6. Finally, we give a conclusion in Section 7.

2. Preliminary

Throughout this paper, we use the following definitions and propositions. The notation C is a generic constant which has a different value everywhere.

Definition 2.1


If yL1(0,T), then for α>0 the Riemann-Liouville fractional left-sided integral I0+αy(t) of order α are defined by I0+αy(t)=1Γ(α)0ty(s)ds(ts)1α,0<tT.

Lemma 2.2


If α,β>0, then the equation (I0+αI0+βf)(t)=(I0+α+βf)(t) is satisfied at almost every point t[0,T]forfL1(0,T).

Lemma 2.3


For any function vAC[0,T], i.e. v is absolutely continuous on [0,T], the following equality takes place: v(t)0+αv(t)=120+αv2(t)+α2Γ(1α)0tdξ(tξ)1α(0ξv(η)dη(tη)α)2, where 0<α<1.

Corollary 2.4

If uAC([0,T];L2(Ω)), we have 0+α(u(,t),u(,t))2(0+αu(,t),u(,t)), where (,) is the inner product in L2(Ω) space.

Definition 2.5


The Mittag–Leffler function is (3) Eα,β(z)=k=0zkΓ(αk+β),zC,(3) where α>0 and βR are arbitrary constants. The function Eα,β(z) is an entire function, and thus the function Eα,β(t) is real analytic for tR.

Lemma 2.6


Let 0<α<2 and βR be arbitrary. We suppose that μ is such that πα/2<μ<min{π,πα}. Then there exists a positive constant C=C(α,β,μ)>0 such that (4) Eα,β(z)∣≤C1+z,zC,μ≤∣arg(z)∣≤π.(4)

Lemma 2.7


Let fLp(0,T) and gLq(0,T) with 1p,q and 1/p+1/q=1. Then the function fg defined by (fg)(t)=0tf(ts)g(s)ds belong to C[0,T] and satisfies |(fg)(t)|fLp(0,t)gLq(0,t),t[0,T].

Lemma 2.8


Let u,vH2(Ω) and d3. Then uvH2(Ω) with the estimate uvH2(Ω)CvH2(Ω) with C>0 depending on uH2(Ω).

Lemma 2.9


Let C,α>0 and u,ςL1(0,T) be nonnegative functions satisfying u(t)Cς(t)+C0t(ts)α1u(s)ds,t(0,T). Then we have u(t)Cς(t)+C0t(ts)α1ς(s)ds,t(0,T).

Proposition 2.10


let 0<α<1 and λ>0, then we have ddtEα,1(λtα)=λtα1Eα,α(λtα),t>0.

Lemma 2.11

Suppose hC1[0,T],h(0)=0,0<α<1,λ>0, denote β(t)=0th(s)(ts)α1Eα,α(λ(ts)α)ds,t(0,T], and define β(0)=0, then βC1[0,T].


By Lemma 2.7, we know βC[0,T].

By h(0)=0 and β(t)=0th(s)(ts)α1Eα,α(λ(ts)α)ds, we have βt(t)=0ths(s)(ts)α1Eα,α(λ(ts)α)ds, since hC1[0,T], by Lemma 2.7, we know βtC[0,T], thus βC1[0,T].

3. Existence, uniqueness and regularity of solution for the direct problem

In this paper, we need the property of Caputo fractional derivative when we prove Theorem 4.1, so we need the regularity of solution uC1([0,T];H2(Ω)H01(Ω)). Based on the fixed point method, we give the existence, uniqueness and regularity of solution uC1([0,T];H2(Ω)H01(Ω)) for the direct problem (Equation1).

Theorem 3.1

Let mC1[0,T], nC1([0,T];H2(Ω)) and fC1([0,T];H2(Ω)H01(Ω)) such that f(x,0)=0. Then there exists a unique solution uC1([0,T];H2(Ω)H01(Ω)) to (Equation1) such that ΔuC1([0,T];H2γ(Ω))and0+αuC1([0,T];H2γ(Ω)), for 0γ<1(d/4),γ14,1d3. Moreover, we get (5) uC1([0,T];H2(Ω))+ΔuC1([0,T];H2γ(Ω))+0+αuC1([0,T];H2γ(Ω))CfC1([0,T];H2(Ω))(5) with C>0 depending on α,Ω,T,γ,mC1[0,T] and nC1([0,T];H2(Ω)).

In order to prove Theorem 3.1, we consider the time fractional diffusion equation with more general data. (6) 0+αv(x,t)Δv(x,t)+r(x,t)v(x,t)=H(x,t),xΩ,0<tT,v(x,0)=0,xΩ,v(x,t)=0,xΩ,0<tT.(6) We assume the following conditions hold (7) rC1([0,T];H2(Ω)).(7) (8) HC1([0,T];H2(Ω)H01(Ω)),H(x,0)=0.(8) Let us consider the following intermediate result.

Lemma 3.2

Let (Equation7) and (Equation8) hold. Then there exists a unique solution vC1([0,T];H2(Ω)H01(Ω)) to (Equation6) such that ΔvC1([0,T];H2γ(Ω))and0+αvC1([0,T];H2γ(Ω)), for 0γ<1(d/4),γ14,1d3. Moreover, we get (9) vC1([0,T];H2(Ω))+ΔvC1([0,T];H2γ(Ω))+0+αvC1([0,T];H2γ(Ω))CHC1([0,T];H2(Ω))(9) with C>0 depending on α,Ω,T,γ and rC1([0,T];H2(Ω)).

If we define r(x,t)=m(t)n(x,t), then under the conditions for m and n in Theorem 3.1, the condition (Equation7) is satisfied. Thus, we just have to verify Lemma 3.2.

Noting that Δ is a self-adjoint and positive operator in H2(Ω)H01(Ω). We denote the eigenvalues of Δ as λk and the corresponding eigenfunctions as {ϕk}k=1H2(Ω)H01(Ω), which means we have Δϕk=λkϕk. We set 0<λ1λ2λ3, limnλn= and {ϕk}k=1 is an orthonormal basis in L2(Ω). Define the Hilbert scale space D((Δ)γ) for γ0 (see [Citation30]) by D((Δ)γ)={ψL2(Ω);k=1λk2γ|(ψ,ϕk)|2<},(Δ)γψ=k=1λkγ(ψ,ϕk)ϕk,ψD((Δ)γ), where (,) is the inner product in L2(Ω) space. Define its norm ψD((Δ)γ)=(Δ)γψL2(Ω). According to [Citation31, Citation32], we have (10) D(Δ):=D((Δ)1)=H2(Ω)H01(Ω),D((Δ)γ)H2γ(Ω),0γ1,(10) (11) C1ψH2γψD((Δ)γ)C2ψH2γ,ψD((Δ)γ),0γ1,γ14,34.(11) We denote the operator valued function P(t) by P(t)ψ=k=1(ψ,ϕk)tα1Eα,α(λktα)ϕk,ψL2(Ω),t>0, with the Mittag–Leffler function given by Definition 2.5. We can get PL1(0,T;B(L2(Ω))), where B(L2(Ω)) denotes the bounded linear operator in L2(Ω).

From (Δ)γP(t)ψ=k=1λkγ(ψ,ϕk)tα1Eα,α(λktα)ϕk and Lemma 2.6, we can obtain (12) (Δ)γP(t)ψL2(Ω)=(k=1[λkγ(ψ,ϕk)tα1Eα,α(t)]2)1/2C(k=1((ψ,ϕk)λkγtα11+λktα)2)1/2Ctα(1γ)1ψL2(Ω).(12) Consider the following initial boundary value problem (13) 0+αw(x,t)Δw(x,t)=h(x,t),xΩ,0<tT,w(x,0)=0,xΩ,w(x,t)=0,xΩ,t(0,T].(13) By [Citation8], we know that (Equation13) exists a unique solution provided by (14) w(x,t)=0tP(ts)h(,s)ds=k=10t(h(,s),ϕk)(ts)α1Eα,α(λk(ts)α)dsϕk(x).(14) By Proposition 2.10, we have (15) w(,t)D(Δ)=ΔwL2(Ω)={k=1[0tλk(h(,s),ϕk)(ts)α1Eα,α(λk(ts)α)ds]2}1/2{k=1max0sT|λkhk(s)|2(0t(ts)α1Eα,α(λk(ts)α)ds)2}1/2{k=1max0sT|λkhk(s)|2Cλk2}1/2(15) where hk(s)=(h(,s),ϕk)L2(Ω). By λk=O(k2/d), it yiel ds k=11λk2< for 1d3. Since max0sT|λkhk(s)|2max0sTk=1λk2hk2(s)=hC([0,T];D(Δ))2, hence the series (Equation15) is uniformly convergent for t[0,T], by Lemma 2.11, we know each term in (Equation15) is continuous on [0,T], thus w(x,t)C([0,T];D(Δ)). It is easy to prove w(x,0)=0 and obtain the following estimate wC([0,T];D(Δ))ChC([0,T];D(Δ)).

Note that h(x,0)=0, by a simple calculate, we have wt(x,t)=k=10t(hs(,s),ϕk)(ts)α1Eα,α(λk(ts)α)dsϕk(x). Similar to the proof in (Equation15), we have wt(x,t)C([0,T];D(Δ)), thus w(x,t)C1([0,T];D(Δ)). And also get (16) wtC([0,T];D(Δ))ChtC([0,T];D(Δ)).(16) By the generalized Minkowski inequality, we have w(,t)D(Δ)0tP(ts)h(,s)D(Δ)ds0t(k=1λk2(h(,s),ϕk)2(ts)2α2Eα,α2(λk(ts)α))1/2dsC0t(ts)α1(k=1λk2(h(,s),ϕk)2)1/2dsCtααmaxs[0,T](k=1λk2(h(,s),ϕk)2)1/2=CtααhC([0,T];D(Δ)). Similarly, we can obtain wt(,t)D(Δ)CtααhtC([0,T];D(Δ)). Denote X={vC1([0,T];D(Δ)),v(x,0)=0}.

Here we define the map L:XX as (17) (Lh)(x,t)=0tP(ts)h(,s)ds,hX.(17) Therefore, we have (18) LhC1([0,T];D(Δ))ChC1([0,T];D(Δ)).(18) Next we give the proof of Lemma 3.2

Proof of Lemma 3.2.

The problem (Equation6) could be written as (19) 0+αv(x,t)Δv(x,t)=r(x,t)v(x,t)+H(x,t),xΩ,0<tT,v(x,0)=0,xΩ,v(x,t)=0,xΩ,t(0,T].(19) We see from (Equation14) that the solution v of (Equation19) can be written as (20) v(x,t)=0tP(ts)r(,s)v(,s)ds+0tP(ts)H(,s)ds=k=10t(r(,s)v(,s),ϕk)(ts)α1Eα,α(λk(ts)α)dsϕk(x)+k=10t(H(,s),ϕk(x))(ts)α1Eα,α(λk(ts)α)dsϕk(x)=I1+I2.(20) By Lemma 2.8 and (Equation7), we know that rvC1([0,T];D(Δ)) and (21) r(,t)v(,t)D(Δ)Cv(,t)D(Δ),(21) where C>0 is depending on rC1([0,T];D(Δ)).

In (Equation15), let h(x,t)=r(x,t)v(x,t)+H(x,t),H(x,0)=0,r(x,0)v(x,0)=0, we know hX, then v=LhX.

By Lemma 2.8 and (Equation7), we know that (rv)tC([0,T];D(Δ)) and (22) rt(,t)v(,t)D(Δ)C1v(,t)D(Δ),(22) (23) r(,t)vt(,t)D(Δ)C2vt(,t)D(Δ),(23) where C1,C2>0 are depending on rtC([0,T];D(Δ)),rC([0,T];D(Δ)), respectively.

Define an operator Y:XX, by (Y(v))(x,t)=Lrv(,t)+LH(,t),vX, in which we denote the map Lr:XX by (Lrv)(x,t)=0tP(ts)(r(,s)v(,s))ds,vX. Then we just need to prove there exists a unique fixed point of Y.

By induction, we have Ya(v)=(Lr)av+k=0a1(Lr)kLH, where we denote (Lr)0=I.

By (Equation12) and (Equation21), we obtain (24) Lrv(,t)D(Δ)=0tP(ts)(r(,s)v(,s))dsD(Δ)C0t(ts)α1(r(,s)v(,s))D(Δ)dsC0t(ts)α1v(,s)D(Δ)ds.(24) Note that (rv)|t=0=0, by the generalized Minkowski inequality and (Equation22), (Equation23), we have (25) (Lrv(,t))tD(Δ)=0tk=1(rs(,s)v(,s)+r(,s)vs(,s),ϕk)×k=1(ts)α1Eα,α(λk(ts)α)dsϕkD(Δ)C0t(k=1λk2(rs(,s)v(,s)+r(,s)vs(,s),ϕk)2×k=1(ts)2α2Eα,α2(λk(ts)α))1/2dsC0t(ts)α1((k=1λk2(rs(,s)v(,s),ϕk)2)1/2+(k=1λk2(r(,s)vs(,s),ϕk)2)1/2)dsC0t(ts)α1(C1v(,s)D(Δ)+C2vs(,s)D(Δ))dsC0t(ts)α1(v(,s)D(Δ)+vs(,s)D(Δ))ds.(25) Repeating the similar calculation, by (Equation24), we have (Lr)2v(,t)D(Δ)C0t(ts)α1Lrv(,s)D(Δ)dsC20t(ts)α1(0s(sτ)α1v(,τ)D(Δ)dτ)ds=C20tτt(ts)α1(sτ)α1dsv(,τ)D(Δ)dτ=C2Γ2(α)Γ(2α)0t(tτ)2α1v(,τ)D(Δ)dτ(CΓ(α)Tα)2Γ(2α+1)vC([0,T];D(Δ)). By (Equation24) and (Equation25), we have (Lr2v(,t))tD(Δ)C0t(ts)α1[Lrv(,s)D(Δ)+(Lrv(,s))sD(Δ)]dsC20t(ts)α1[0s(sτ)α1v(,τ)D(Δ)dτ+0s(sτ)α1(v(,τ)D(Δ)+vτ(,τ)D(Δ))dτ]ds2C20t(ts)α1(0t(sτ)α1(v(,τ)D(Δ)+0tvτ(,τ)D(Δ))dτ)ds=2C20tτt(ts)α1(sτ)α1ds×(v(,τ)D(Δ)+vτ(,τ)D(Δ))dτ=2(CΓ(α)Tα)2Γ(2α)0t(tτ)2α1(v(,τ)D(Δ)+vτ(,τ)D(Δ))dτ2(CΓ(α)Tα)2Γ(2α+1)vC1([0,T];D(Δ)). By induction, we have (Lr)av(,t)D(Δ)(CΓ(α)Tα)aΓ(aα+1)vC([0,T];D(Δ)),((Lr)av(,t))tD(Δ)a(CΓ(α)Tα)aΓ(aα+1)vC1([0,T];D(Δ)). Therefore, we have (26) (Lr)avC1([0,T];D(Δ)θavC1([0,T];D(Δ)),vX,(26) where θa=(a+1)(CΓ(α)Tα)aΓ(aα+1). Therefore, for v1,v2X, we obtain Ya(v1)Ya(v2)C1([0,T];D(Δ))=(Lr)a(v1v2)C1([0,T];D(Δ))θav1v2C1([0,T];D(Δ)). It is easy to verify θa0 as a. Therefore, we have |θa|<1 for sufficiently large aN. Therefore, the operator Ya is a contraction mapping from X into itself. Hence the mapping Ya has a unique fixed point still denoted by vX, that is, Ya(v)=v. Since Ya+1(v)=Ya(Y(v))=Y(v), the point Y(v) is also a fixed point of the mapping Ya. By the uniqueness of the fixed point of Ya, we have Lrv+LH=Y(v)=v, that is, the equation Lrv+LH=v has a unique solution v in X. Moreover, we have v=Y(v)=Ya(v)=(Lr)av+k=0a1(Lr)kLH. As LHC1([0,T];D(Δ)), by (Equation18) and (Equation26), we have vC1([0,T];D(Δ))(Lr)avC1([0,T];D(Δ))+k=0a1(Lr)kLHC1([0,T];D(Δ))θavC1([0,T];D(Δ))+k=0a1θkLHC1([0,T];D(Δ))θavC1([0,T];D(Δ))+Ck=0a1θkHC1([0,T];D(Δ)). By take sufficiently large aN such that θa<1, we have (27) vC1([0,T];D(Δ))CHC1([0,T];D(Δ)),(27) with C>0 depending on T,Ω,α and rC1([0,T];D(Δ)).

Now we fix 0γ<1(d/4). Similar to the treatment of (Equation24), we obtain (28) Δv=k=10tλk(r(,s)v(,s),ϕk)(ts)α1Eα,α(λk(ts)α)dsϕk(x)+k=10tλk(H(,s),ϕk)(ts)α1Eα,α(λk(ts)α)dsϕk(x)=J1+J2.(28) Since rC1([0,T];D(Δ)), further, by Proposition 2.10, we have (29) J1D((Δ)γ)=k=10tλkγλk(r(,s)v(,s),ϕk)(ts)α1Eα,α(λk(ts)α)dsϕkL2(Ω)={k=1[0tλkγλk(r(,s)v(,s),ϕk)(ts)α1Eα,α(λk(ts)α)ds]2}1/2{k=1maxs[0,T]|λk(r(,s)v(,s),ϕk)|2Cλk22γ}1/2.(29) Since λkCk2/d,nN, see [Citation33], then we have 1λk22γ1k2(22γ)/dfork1. If we choose γ<1(d/4), then the series k=11/(λk22γ) is convergent. Combining maxs[0,T]|λk(r(,s)v(,s),ϕk)|2maxs[0,T]k=1λk2(r(,s)v(,s),ϕk)2=rvC([0,T];D(Δ))2CvC([0,T];D(Δ))2, we obtain the series (Equation29) is uniformly convergent. Thus J1C([0,T];D((Δ)γ)). Similarly, J2C([0,T];D((Δ)γ)), hence ΔvC([0,T];D((Δ)γ)) and from (Equation29), we have (30) ΔvC([0,T];D((Δ)γ))C(vC([0,T];D(Δ))+HC([0,T];D(Δ))).(30) It is not hard to know (Δv)t=0tk=1λk(rs(,s)v(,s)r(,s)vs(,s),ϕk)×(ts)α1Eα,α(λk(ts)α1)ϕkds+0tk=1λk(Hs(,s),ϕk)(ts)α1Eα,α(λk(ts)α)ϕkds. Since (rv)tC([0,T];D(Δ)),HtC([0,T];D(Δ)), by the same process we have (Δv)/tC([0,T];D((Δ)γ)), and (31) (Δv)tC([0,T];D((Δ)γ))C(vC1([0,T];D(Δ))+HtC([0,T];D(Δ))).(31) From (Equation27), (Equation30) and (Equation31), we have (32) ΔvC1([0,T];D((Δ)γ))CHC1([0,T];D(Δ)).(32) Therefore, we have ΔvC1([0,T];H2γ(Ω)) with 0γ<1(d/4),γ14, from (Equation10), we have (33) ΔvC1([0,T];H2γ(Ω))CHC1([0,T];H2(Ω)).(33) By the original equation 0+αv=Δvrv+H, combining (Equation21), (Equation27) and (Equation33), we see that 0+αvC1([0,T];H2γ(Ω)) with the estimate 0+αvC1([0,T];H2γ(Ω))CHC1([0,T];H2(Ω))+rvC1([0,T];H2γ(Ω))+HC1([0,T];H2γ(Ω))CHC1([0,T];H2(Ω)). Thus we complete the proof.

We can obtain the following stability result for the direct problem.

Theorem 3.3

Let nC1([0,T];H2(Ω)) and fC1([0,T];H2(Ω)H01(Ω)) such that f(x,0)=0. Let ui be the solution of (Equation1) for m=miC1[0,T] with miC1[0,T]G(i=1,2). Then there exists a constant C>0 depending on G,T,α,Ω, and nC1([0,T];H2(Ω)) such that (34) u1u2L2(0,T;H2(Ω))Cm1m2L2(0,T).(34)


We set u=u1u2 and m=m2m1. Then u solves (35) 0+αu(x,t)Δu(x,t)+m1(t)n(x,t)u(x,t)=m(t)n(x,t)u2(x,t),xΩ,0<tT,u(x,0)=0,xΩ,u(x,t)=0,xΩ,0<tT.(35) Denote c(x,t)=m1(t)n(x,t) and R(x,t)=n(x,t)u2(x,t), and u(x,t) is given by u(x,t)=0tP(ts)(c(,s)u(,s))ds+0tm(s)P(ts)R(,s)ds. First we estimate u(,t)D(Δ). By Lemma 2.8, we see that R=nu2C1([0,T];D(Δ)), and the estimate from (Equation27) (36) RC1([0,T];D(Δ))Cu2C1([0,T];D(Δ))CfC1([0,T];H2(Ω)),(36) with C>0 depending on α,Ω,T,G and nC1([0,T];H2(Ω)). Similar to the argument of (Equation24), we have from (Equation36) that u(,t)D(Δ)C0t(ts)α1u(,s)D(Δ)ds+C0t(ts)α1|m(s)|ds, with C>0 depending on α,Ω,T,G and nC1([0,T];H2(Ω)), fC1([0,T];H2(Ω)).

Denote d(t)=0t(ts)α1|m(s)|ds, then by Lemma 2.9, we obtain u(,t)D(Δ)Cd(t)+0t(ts)α1d(s)ds,t(0,T). Since 0t(ts)α1d(s)ds=0t(ts)α1(0s(sτ)α1|m(τ)|dτ)ds=0t(τt(ts)α1(sτ)α1ds)|m(τ)|dτ=B(α,α)0t(tτ)2α1|m(τ)|dτTαB(α,α)0t(tτ)α1|m(τ)|dτCd(t), thus we obtain u(,t)D(Δ)Cd(t),t(0,T). By the generalized Minkowski inequality for the convolution, we have 0Tu(,t)D(Δ)2dtC0T(0t(ts)α1|m(s)|ds)2dtCTαmL2(0,T)2. That means (Equation34) is true.

4. Uniqueness for the inverse problem

Assume mC1[0,T]. Let umX with 0+αumC1([0,T];D((Δ)γ)) be the solution of (Equation1) corresponding to m, then it is easy to know um satisfies the following variational formulation (37) (0+αum(,t),ζ())+(um(,t),ζ())+(m(t)n(,t)um(,t),ζ())=(f(,t),ζ()),(37) for any ζH01(Ω) and (,) is the inner product in L2(Ω).

Now, we will demonstrate the uniqueness result for the inverse potential coefficient problem.

Theorem 4.1

Let n1 and fC1([0,T];H2(Ω)H01(Ω)). Suppose m,m~C1[0,T] with m(t),m~(t)0, t[0,T] and um,um~X be the solution of (Equation1) corresponding to the potential m and m~, respectively.

If (38) um(,t)L2(Ω)2=R(t)=um~(,t)L2(Ω)2>0,(38) for all t[0,T], then we have um=um~andm=m~.


Instead of m,um by m~,um~ in (Equation37), then we have (39) (0+α(um~um),ζ)+((um~um),ζ)+m((um~um),ζ)+(m~m)(um~,ζ)=0.(39) The equivalent form of this relation written as (40) (0+α(um~um),ζ)+((um~um),ζ)+m~((um~um),ζ)+(m~m)(um,ζ)=0.(40) We sum up (Equation39) and (Equation40) and obtain (41) 2(0+α(um~um),ζ)+2((um~um),ζ)+(m+m~)((um~um),ζ)+(m~m)((um~+um),ζ)=0.(41) Take ζ=um~um and by (Equation38), we have (42) 2(0+α(um~um),um~um)+2(um~um)2+(m~+m)(um~um)2=0.(42) By Corollary 2.4, we have (43) 0+α(um~um)2+2(um~um)2+(m~+m)(um~um)20.(43) Operating both sides by I0+α, Lemma 2.2 and using um~(x,0)=um(x,0)=0, we get (44) (um~um)2+2I0+α(um~um)2+I0+α[(m~+m)(um~um)2]0,for0tT,(44) where we apply the facts that if hAC[0,T], then h2AC[0,T] (see [Citation34]), which makes the following computation meaningful: I0+α0+αh2(t)=I0+αI0+1α(h2)(t)=I0+(h2)(t)=h2(t)h2(0). From (Equation44) and m,m~0, we conclude that um~=um.

Inserting um~=um into (Equation39), we have (m~m)(um~,ζ)=0,ζH01(Ω). We set ζ=um~. According to the fact that R(t)=um~(t)2>0, we obtain m~(t)=m(t) for a. e. t(0,T).

The continuity of m~ yields m~=m on [0,T].

5. Levenberg–Marquardt regularization method

In the actual computations, we infer a numerical method for reconstructing the potential function m(t) of the problem (Equation1) by the additional observation data Ωu2(x,t)dx,t[0,T].

Based on Theorem 3.1, we can define a forward nonlinear operator (45) Q:mH2(0,T)Ωu2(x,t;m)dxL2(0,T),(45) where u(x,t;m) is the solution of (Equation1) corresponding to m. So we turn the problem of recovering a time-dependent potential term problem into solving the following abstract operator equation (46) Q(m)=Ωu2(x,t;m)dx=ΔR(t),0tT.(46) We consider the Levenberg–Marquardt method for solving nonlinear ill-posed inverse problem. We suppose that mj is an approximation of m at the jth step, then the linearization around mj instead of the nonlinear mapping Q(mj+1) in (Equation45) (47) Q(mj+1)Q(mj)+Q(mj)(mj+1mj).(47) Then we turn the nonlinear inverse problem Q(m)=Rδ into the following linear problem (48) Q(mj)(mj+1mj)=RδQ(mj).(48) Therefore, by Levenberg–Marquardt, the (j+1)th step is approximated by minimizing (49) minδmjH2(0,T)J(δmj)=12Q(mj)δmj(RδQ(mj))L2(0,T)2+μj2δmjH2(0,T)2,(49) and let mj+1=mj+δmj, Rδ is a noisy data of R satisfying RδRL2(0,T)δ, μj+1 is given by μj+1=r0rj,j=1,2,3,, for some r0>0 and 0<r<1.

Next, we are going to solve the problem (Equation49).

We firstly discrete the minimization problem. Assume that {ξl,l=1,2,3,,} is a set of basis functions in H2(0,T), let mj(t)mKj(t)=l=1Kcljξl(t), where KN and mKj(t) is the K-dimensional approximate solution to mj(t), and clj,l=1,2,3,,K are the expansion coefficients. We set ΦK=span{ξ1,ξ2,,ξK} and a K-dimensional vector cj=(c1j,c2j,,cKj)RK. We recover an approximation mKj(t)ΦK with a vector cjRK. From the above discussions, by defining Ωu2(x,t;cj)dx=Ωu2(x,t;mKj)dx. We are going to solve the following minimization problem (50) minδcjRK{cjTΩu2(x,t;cj)dxδcj(RδΩu2(x,t;cj)dx)L2(0,T)2+μj(δcj)A(δcj)T},(50) where A=((ξi,ξj)H2)K×K,cj=(c1j,c2j,,cKj), and (cj)T denotes the transpose of cj. Then the iterative algorithm is cj+1=cj+δcj,j=1,2,. We discretize the time domain [0,T] with 0=t0<t1<<tM=T, then the L2 norm can be reduced to the discrete Euclidean norm and the minimization problem (Equation50) at the jth step becomes (51) minδcjRK{TMδcj(Bj)T(EUj)22+μjδcjA(δcj)T},Bj=(bql)M×K,bql=Ωu2(x,tq;(c1j,,clj+τ,,cKj))dxΩu2(x,tq;cj)dxτ,q=1,2,,M,(51) τ denotes the numerical differential step, and Uj=(Ωu2(x,t1;cj)dx,,Ωu2(x,tM;cj)dx),E=(Rδ(t1),,Rδ(tM)). Based on the variational result, the problem (Equation51) is obtained by solving the linear system of equation (52) (μjMTA+(Bj)TBj)δcj=(Bj)T(EUj).(52) So δcj=(μjMTA+(Bj)TBj)1(Bj)T(EUj).

6. Numerical experiments

In this section, we provide four different type examples to verify the usefulness of the proposed methods.

The measurement data Rδ is generated by adding random noises uniformly distributed in (1,1) as Rδ=R+εR(2rand(size(R))1), the corresponding noise level is computed by δ=RδRL2(0,T) numerically.

To state the accuracy of numerical solution, we calculate the approximate L2 error denoted by rej=mKjmL2(0,T)mL2(0,T), where mKj(t) is the coefficient term reconstructed at the jth iteration, and m(t) is the exact solution.

Choose ΦK={1,2cos(πt),,2cos((K1)πt)}.

The residual Ej at the jth iteration is given by Ej=Ωu2(x,t;mKj)dxRδ(t)L2(0,T). In an iteration algorithm, the key work is to find an appropriate stopping rule. In this literature, we use the well-known Morozov's discrepancy principle [Citation35]. From [Citation36], we take η=1.01 and choose N satisfying the following inequality ENηδ<Ej1,jN. If δ=0, then we take N = 15 for the following examples.

For solving the direct problem, we use the finite difference method in [Citation37].

6.1. One-dimensional case

Example 6.1

Let d=1,Ω=(0,1),T=1. Take m(t)=cos(7πt)+et+2t+3 and n(x,t)1, f(x,t)=sin(πx)sin(4πt)et. We take a numerical differentiation step size τ=0.01. We choose the initial guess as m0=0. We set K = 11.

The numerical results for Example 6.1 with various noise levels ε=0,0.003,0.005,0.01 in the case of α=0.3,0.7 are shown in Figure . We can see that the numerical results for Example 1 match the exact ones quite well even up to 1% noise added in the exact data Ωu2(x,t)dx.

Figure 1. The numerical results and the exact solution for Example 6.1. (a) α=0.3. (b) α=0.7.

Figure 1. The numerical results and the exact solution for Example 6.1. (a) α=0.3. (b) α=0.7.

In Table , we show the numerical errors rek with different α and ϵ. It can be seen that the numerical results become a little worse when the relative noise levels increase and not sensitive to the fractional order α.

Table 1. The numerical relative errors rej of Example 1 for different α and ϵ.

Example 6.2

Let d=1,Ω=(0,1),T=1. Take m(t)=100t2(1t)2+1 and n(x,t)=1,f(x,t)=sin(πx)sin(4πt)et. We take a numerical differentiation step size τ=0.01. We choose the initial guess as m0=0. We set K = 9.

The numerical results for Example 6.2 with various noise levels ε=0,0.01,0.05,0.1 in the case of α=0.3,0.7 are shown in Figure . We can see that the numerical results for Example 6.2 match the exact ones quite well even up to 10% noise added in the exact data Ωu2(x,t)dx.

Figure 2. The numerical results and the exact solution for Example 6.2. (a) α=0.3. (b) α=0.7.

Figure 2. The numerical results and the exact solution for Example 6.2. (a) α=0.3. (b) α=0.7.

6.2. Two-dimensional case

Example 6.3

Let d=2,Ω=(0,1)×(0,1),T=1. Take m(t)=etcos(3πt)+t+2 and n(x,y,t)=1,f(x,y,t)=sin(πx)sin(πy)sin(2πt)et. We take a numerical differentiation step size τ=0.01. We choose the initial guess as m0=0. We set K = 5.

The numerical results for Example 6.3 with various noise levels ε=0,0.003,0.005,0.01 in the case of α=0.3,0.7 are shown in Figure . We can see that the numerical results for Example 6.3 match the exact ones quite well even up to 1% noise added in the exact data Ωu2(x,y,t)dx.

Figure 3. The numerical results and the exact solution for Example 6.3 (a) α=0.3. (b) α=0.7.

Figure 3. The numerical results and the exact solution for Example 6.3 (a) α=0.3. (b) α=0.7.

Example 6.4

Let d=2,Ω=(0,1)×(0,1),T=1. Take m(t)=cos(4πt)+et and n(x,y,t)=1,f(x,y,t)=sin(πx)sin(πy)sin(2πt)et. We take a numerical differentiation step size τ=0.01. We choose the initial guess as m0=0. We set K = 5.

The numerical results for Example 4 with various noise levels ε=0,0.003,0.005,0.01 in the case of α=0.3,0.7 are shown in Figure . We can see that the numerical results for Example 6.4 match the exact ones quite well even up to 1% noise added in the exact data Ωu2(x,y,t)dx.

Figure 4. The numerical results and the exact solution for Example 6.4. (a) α=0.3. (b) α=0.7.

Figure 4. The numerical results and the exact solution for Example 6.4. (a) α=0.3. (b) α=0.7.

7. Conclusions

In this paper, we investigate the time-dependent potential term in a time fractional diffusion equation. The existence, uniqueness and regularity of the solution for the direct problem are obtained by the fixed point theorem. Then the uniqueness of the solution for the inverse problem is provided by the property of Caputo fractional derivative. Finally, we employ the Levenberg–Marquardt method to find the approximation of the potential function.

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No potential conflict of interest was reported by the author(s).

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This paper was supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (NSF of China) [11771192,11371181,11601216].


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