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Research Article

A simple method of reconstructing a point-like scatterer according to time-dependent acoustic wave propagation

Pages 1895-1911 | Received 19 Dec 2019, Accepted 28 Jan 2021, Published online: 09 Feb 2021


This paper investigates the approximate solutions to the time-dependent acoustic scattering problem with a point-like scatterer under some basic assumptions and provides a simple method to reconstruct the location of the scatterer. The approximations of the solution to the forward scattering problem are analysed utilizing Green's function and the retarded single-layer potential. Then, based on the approximate solutions, a sampling method is proposed to solve the inverse scattering problem for the location of the scatterer. The proposed method is easy to implement since no equations or matrices have to be computed for the reconstruction. Numerical experiments are provided to show the effectiveness of the method.

2010 Mathematics Subject Classifications:

1. Introduction

Scattering and inverse scattering problems have been studied intensively in recent decades due to their extensive applications in physics and engineering [Citation1,Citation2]. Various methods have been proposed to solve inverse scattering problems. Among them, qualitative methods, such as the sampling method [Citation3–5], multiple signal classification (MUSIC) type methods [Citation6,Citation7], the probe method [Citation8,Citation9] and other relevant methods [Citation10–12], have been widely considered.

This paper proposes a simple sampling method to reconstruct the location of a point-like scatterer using the time-dependent data of acoustic waves. In the time domain, by a point-like scatterer, we mean that the diameter of the scatterer is far less than the central wavelength [Citation4]. MUSIC type methods have been frequently used to reconstruct point-like scatterers, such as the reconstruction of a finite number of point-like scatterers with time-harmonic acoustic, electromagnetic or elastic waves [Citation6,Citation13,Citation14] and the reconstruction of point-like scatterers embedded in an inhomogeneous background medium with time-harmonic electromagnetic waves [Citation15]. The scattering of point-like scatterers together with extended scatterers have also been studied using image-based direct methods [Citation16–18].

Time-harmonic problems are independent of the time variable. The absence of the time variable makes the theoretical analysis easier and the numerical computation less intensive, e.g. the potentials of time-harmonic problems involve only the integration of spatial variables, while the retarded potentials in the time domain involve the integrations of both time variable and space variables. Therefore, in recent decades, most researchers have focused on the time-harmonic scattering problems. Nevertheless, time-dependent problems are more closely linked to practical applications since dynamic impulsive data are usually easier to obtain in reality, and the information content of the temporal signal is usually much greater than that of the frequency data with only one or a few discrete frequencies. Hence, since computational complexity is no longer a large problem with the advancement of computer technology, time domain problems have received increasing attention in recent years. Various studies have been published on topics such as the retarded potential boundary integral equation method for the forward scattering problem [Citation2,Citation19], the convolution quadrature method for time-dependent numerical calculation [Citation20–22] and sampling methods for time-dependent inverse scattering problems [Citation4,Citation23–26].

In this paper, we are concerned with time-domain analysis. The analysis is mainly based on Green's function and the retarded layer potentials, which have been widely used in mathematical physics [Citation2,Citation27–29]. To reconstruct the location of a point-like scatterer, approximate solutions to the forward scattering problem are proposed. Then, utilizing the approximate solutions, a simple sampling method is provided to solve the inverse scattering problem for the location of the point-like scatterer. Note that Green's function is an invaluable tool to analyse time-dependent scattering problems, which makes our analysis significant in the theory of the time-dependent analysis. Moreover, only a single source is needed for the reconstruction when using the proposed method, and the method is easy to implement since no equations or matrices have to be computed for the reconstruction.

The outline of this paper is as follows: In Section 2, the forward scattering problem is analysed, and approximate solutions to the problem are provided. In Section 3, a reconstruction scheme based on the approximate solutions is proposed to solve the inverse scattering problem. Numerical experiments are provided in the last section to show the effectiveness of the proposed method.

2. Approximate solutions

Consider the acoustic incident wave (1) ui(x,t)=λ(tc1|xx0|)4π|xx0|,xR3{x0},tR,(1) where x0 is the source point, c is the speed of sound in the homogeneous background medium, and λ(t) is a nontrivial signal function. Assume that λ(t) is causal, namely, λ(t)=0 for t<0.

Consider a sound-soft scatterer DR3. Assume that D¯ is separated from the source point x0R3D¯. Denote by utot the total field and by u=utotui the scattered field. The scattered field u satisfies (2) c2ttu(x,t)Δu(x,t)=0,xR3D¯,tR,(2) (3) u(x,t)=ui(x,t),xD,tR,(3) where ttu=2ut2 and Δ is the Laplacian in R3. Note that the initial condition (4) u(x,0)=tu(x,0)=0,xR3D¯(4) follows from causality (refer to [Citation2, Chapter 1]).

Denote by Γm the measurement surface. Assume that ΓmR3D¯ is a closed Lipschitz surface surrounding D and that ΓmD¯=. The forward scattering problem is to solve u(x,t),xΓm,t[0,T]from (Equation1) to (Equation4), where T is the terminal time.

Green's function for the operator c2ttΔ in R3 is G(x,t;y)=δ(tc1|xy|)4π|xy|,x,yR3,xy,tR,where δ(t) is the Dirac delta function. Then the retarded single layer potential is (SDϕ)(x,t)=D(Gϕ)(x,t;y)dsy,xR3D,tR,where (Gϕ)(x,t;y)=ϕ(tc1|xy|;y)4π|xy|is the time convolution of G(x,t;y) and ϕ(t;y). Additionally, an important component is the retarded single layer operator (VDϕ)(x,t)=D(Gϕ)(x,t;y)dsy,xD,tR.Since the exterior problem only considers the scattered field outside the scatterer D, the interior field can be defined artificially. Therefore, the scattered field can be assumed to be continuous across the boundary D. Kirchhoff's formula (refer to [Citation2, Chapter 1]) implies that the solution to the wave Equation (Equation2) is (5) u(x,t)=(SDφ)(x,t),xR3D,tR,(5) where φ(t;y) is the solution of the boundary integral equation (6) (VDφ)(x,t)=ui(x,t),xD,tR.(6) In the frequency domain, a scatterer is called point-like if the diameter of the scatterer is far less than the wavelength. However, the wavelength in the time domain is not defined. Therefore, we recall the definition of the centre wavelength (refer to [Citation4]). For a Gaussian-modulated sinusoidal pulse λ(t)=sin(ω0t)eσ(tt0)2 with a centre frequency ω0, a frequency bandwidth parameter σ>0 and a time-shift parameter t0>0, the centre wavelength is defined by 2πc/ω0. Usually, in the time domain, a scatterer is called point-like if its diameter is far less than the centre wavelength.

Denote by diam(D)=maxx1,x2D¯|x1x2| the diameter of D. An approximate solution of the forward scattering problem is provided by the proposition below.

Proposition 2.1

Let u(x,t) be the solution to the forward scattering problem (Equation1)(Equation4) and φ(t;y) be the solution to the boundary integral Equation (Equation6). Assume that φ(t;y) is Lipschitz continuous with respect to both tR and yD. Moreover, assume that diam(D)=ε(x)d(x) for xΓm, where 0<ε(x)1 and d(x)=minyD|xy|. For any y0D and y1D, we have u(x,t)=(Gζ)(x,t;y0)+O(ε(x)),xΓm,tR,where ζ(t)=Aφ(t;y1) and A is the area of D.


For xΓm and yD, note that d(x)<|xy|<d(x)+diam(D)=(1+ε(x))d(x).Similarly, we have d(x)<|xy0|<(1+ε(x))d(x). Thus 14π|xy0|=14π|xy|+O(ε(x)).For any points y,y1D and any y0D, we have |yy1|diam(D)=ε(x)d(x)and |(tc1|xy0|)(tc1|xy|)|c1diam(D)=c1ε(x)d(x).Thus, the fact that φ(t;y) is Lipschitz continuous for both tR and yD implies |φ(tc1|xy|;y)φ(tc1|xy0|;y1)||φ(tc1|xy|;y)φ(tc1|xy0|;y)|+|φ(tc1|xy0|;y)φ(tc1|xy0|;y1)|c1K1ε(x)d(x)+K2ε(x)d(x)for some K1,K2>0. Then, we obtain φ(tc1|xy|;y)=φ(tc1|xy0|;y1)+O(ε(x)).Given the above, we have φ(tc1|xy|;y)4π|xy|=φ(tc1|xy0|;y1)4π|xy0|+O(ε(x)).Then, a direct calculation implies u(x,t)=(SDφ)(x,t)=Aφ(tc1|xy0|;y1)4π|xy0|+O(ε(x)),where A is the area of D. Denoting ζ(t):=Aφ(t;y1), we obtain u(x,t)=(Gζ)(x,t;y0)+O(ε(x)).This completes the proof.

Remark 2.2

The assumption that diam(D)=ε(x)d(x) with 0<ε(x)1 is reasonable when the scatterer is point-like. Note that the diameter of a point-like scatterer is far less than the centre wavelength. It is reasonable to assume that the diameter of the scatterer is also far less than the distance between Γm and D.

We use the notation Br(x) to represent the sphere centred at xR3 with radius r>0. The approximate solution Gζ(x,t;y0) can be taken as a special wave field emitted from y0. However, the density function ζ(t) is difficult to acquire, and we want to find another approximate solution that is easy to compute. First, assuming that the scatterer is a sphere, we have the theorem below.

Theorem 2.3

Let u(x,t) be the solution to the forward scattering problem (Equation2)(Equation4) and φ(t;y) be the solution to the boundary integral Equation (Equation6). The incident wave is chosen as that in (Equation1) with the source point x0Γm. Assume that D=Br(y0), diam(D)=ε(x)minyD|xy| for any xΓm with 0<ε(x)1, λ(t) is Lipschitz continuous, and φ(t;y) is Lipschitz continuous with respect to both t and y. Then, we have u(x,t)=(Gξ1)(x,t;y0)+O(ε(x)),xΓm,tR,where ξ1(t)=rλ(tc1|y0x0|)|y0x0| and ε(x)=max{ε(x),ε(x0)}.


For any y0D and y1D, Proposition 2.1 implies u(x,t)=(Gζ)(x,t;y0)+O(ε(x)),xΓm,tR,where ζ(t)=Aφ(t;y1), A is the area of D, and φ(t;y) is the solution of the boundary integral equation (7) Dφ(tc1|yy|;y)4π|yy|dsy=ui(y,t).(7) For any y,y,y1D, a similar analysis as that in the proof of Proposition 2.1 implies φ(tc1|yy|;y)=φ(t;y1)+O(ε(x0))and ui(y,t)=λ(tc1|yx0|)4π|yx0|=λ(tc1|y0x0|)4π|y0x0|+O(ε(x0)).Then, the boundary integral Equation (Equation7) implies φ(t;y1)E=λ(tc1|y0x0|)4π|y0x0|+O(ε(x0)),where E=D14π|yy|dsy.If D is a sphere with radius r, a direct computation implies E = r and A=4πr2. Then, we have φ(t;y1)=λ(tc1|y0x0|)4πr|y0x0|+1rO(ε(x0))and ζ(t)=Aφ(t;y1)=rλ(tc1|y0x0|)|y0x0|+O(ε(x0)).Denote ξ(t):=rλ(tc1|y0x0|)|y0x0|. Then, we obtain u(x,t)=(Gξ)(x,t;y0)+O(ε(x)),xΓm,tR,where ε(x)=max{ε(x),ε(x0)}. This completes the proof.

The theorem shows a more appropriate approximation of the solution to the scattering problem when the scatterer is a sphere. Nevertheless, we hope to obtain a similar conclusion for more general cases, for instance, when D is an arbitrary Lipschitz domain. The lemma below is needed to reach a conclusion.

Lemma 2.4

Assume that D is a bounded Lipschitz domain in R3 and the superficial area of D is A. For any point yD, there exists a constant E0 depending only on y and D such that D14π|yy|dsy=E0.


If D is a Lipschitz domain in R3, then, for the point yD, there exists a radius α and a map Hy:Bα(y)B1(0) such that Hy is a bijection. Moreover, Hy and Hy1 are both Lipschitz continuous functions and Hy(DBα(y))=Q0,where Q0:={(x1,x2,x3)B1(0)|x3=0}.

Since Hy and Hy1 are both Lipschitz continuous functions, for any y,yD, we have K1|xx||yy|K2|xx|,where x=Hy(y), x=Hy(y) and K1,K2>0 are constants. Then, we obtain D14π|yy|dsy=DBα(y)14π|yy|dsy+DBα(y)14π|yy|dsyQ014πK1|xx|K22dsx+A14πα=K224πK1Q01|xx|dsx+A4παK222K1K22+A4πα,which implies the convergence of the generalized integral. Then, there exists a constant E0 depending only on y and D such that D14π|yy|dsy=E0.This completes the proof.

Then, we have the following theorem on the approximate solution to the scattering problem when D is a Lipschitz domain.

Theorem 2.5

Let u(x,t) be the solution to the forward scattering problem (Equation2)(Equation4) and φ(t;y) be the solution to the boundary integral Equation (Equation6). The incident wave is chosen as that in (Equation1) with the source point x0Γm. Assume that D is a Lipschitz domain in R3, the superficial area of D is A, diam(D)=ε(x)minyD|xy| for any xΓm with 0<ε(x)1, λ(t) is Lipschitz continuous, and φ(t;y) is Lipschitz continuous with respect to both t and y. Then, it holds that u(x,t)=(Gξ2)(x,t;y0)+O(ε(x)),xΓm,tR,where y0 is the geometric centre of the region D, ξ2(t)=Cλ(tc1|y0x0|)4π|y0x0|, C is a constant depending only on y and D, and ε(x)=max{ε(x),ε(x0)}.


The proof is similar to that of Theorem 2.3 except that when D is a Lipschitz domain, Lemma 2.4 implies E=D14π|yy|dsy=E0,where E0 is a constant depending only on y and D. Denote C=AE0 and the proof is completed.

3. The reconstruction scheme

The inverse problem is as follows: given the scattered data (8) {u(x,t)|xΓm,tR}(8) and Equations (Equation1)(Equation4), reconstruct the location of the point-like scatterer.

We propose a numerical scheme to reconstruct a scatterer located in a Lipschitz domain based on Theorem 2.5. Note that ξ2(t)=Cλ(tc1|y0x0|)4π|y0x0| involves an unknown constant C. Fortunately, the constant C does not affect our calculation. Define (9) U(x,t;y0):=λ(tc1|y0x0|c1|xy0|))4π|y0x0||xy0|,(9) where x0 is the source point and y0 is the geometric centre of the scatterer. Clearly, CU(x,t;y0)=(Gξ)(x,t;y0) is the approximation of the solution u(x,t) of the scattering problem.

Denote by φ(x,t),ψ(x,t):=0TΓmφ(x,t)ψ(x,t)dsxdtthe L2(Γm×[0,T]) inner product and by φ(x,t):=φ(x,t),φ(x,t)1/2the L2(Γm×[0,T]) norm.

Define the indicator function as (10) I(z):=U(x,t;z),u(x,t)U(x,t;z)u(x,t),zR3{x0}.(10) Let u(x,t) be the solution to the forward scattering problem (Equation1)(Equation4) when the scatterer is located in the Lipschitz region DR3 with the geometric centre y0. Let u(x,t;z) be the solution to (Equation1)(Equation4) when the scatterer is shifted to a region with the geometric centre z. Define (11) I0(z):=u(x,t;z),u(x,t)u(x,t;z)u(x,t),zR3Bdiam(D)(x0)¯.(11) According to the proposition below, I(z) is approximately equal to I0(z). Moreover, I0(z) reaches its maximum when z=y0.

Proposition 3.1

Under the assumption of Theorem 2.5 about the region D and the density function φ(t;y), assume that λ(t) is non-trivial and Lipschitz continuous. The indicator functions I(z) and I0(z) are defined by (Equation10) and (Equation11), respectively. Then, we have I0(z)=I(z)+O(ε),zR3Bdiam(D)(x0)¯,where ε=supxΓm{x0}ε(x). Moreover, I0(z) reaches its maximum value only when z=y0 with I0(y0)=1.


According to Theorem 2.5, there exists a constant C depending only on y and D such that u(x,t;z)=CU(x,t;z)+O(ε(x)),xΓm,tR,where ε(x)=max{ε(x),ε(x0)}.

Note that λ(t) is non-trivial. Thus, the unique solvability of the inverse scattering problem (refer to [Citation2,Citation25]) implies u(x,t;z)u0>0. Define ε:=supxΓm{x0}ε(x). Then, u(x,t;z)u0>0 and 0<ε(x)1 imply 1u(x,t;z)=1CU(x,t;z)+O(ε).Then, we have I0(z)=CU(x,t;z)+O(ε(x)),u(x,t)CU(x,t;z)u(x,t)+O(ε)=CU(x,t;z),u(x,t)CU(x,t;z)|u(x,t)+O(ε(x),u(x,t)CU(x,t;z)u(x,t))+O(ε)=I(z)+O(ε).Moreover, we have u(x,t)=u(x,t;y0) according to the definition. Then, the definitions of the inner product and the norm imply I0(y0)=1 and I0(z)1, zR3Bdiam(D)(x0)¯. Moreover, the unique solvability of the inverse scattering problem implies I0(z)<1 when zy0. This completes the proof.

Remark 3.2

The indicator function I0(z) is convenient for theoretical analysis but difficult to calculate. Nevertheless, according to Proposition 3.1, the indicator function I(z) is also relatively large when z=y0. Therefore, the numerical algorithm used to reconstruct the point-like scatterer can be established based on I(z).

We use the algorithm below to solve the inverse scattering problem.

Note that the algorithm can locate small targets but not reconstruct their shapes. The numerical experiments in Section 4 show the effectiveness of the algorithm in reconstructing a point-like scatterer.

4. Numerical examples

In this section, we provide numerical experiments for both two-dimensional and three-dimensional cases to show the effectiveness of the proposed algorithm. Note that the computation of the time domain forward scattering problem is very expensive, especially for the three-dimensional case. Some tools, such as asymptotic models [Citation30] and the k-Wave software, which is based on a k-space pseudospectral method [Citation31], are used for the numerical simulation of the three-dimensional case.

First, several examples are provided in R2. The Green's function of the operator c2ttΔ2d in R2 is (12) G2(x,t;y)=H(tc1|xy|)2πt2c2|xy|2,x,yR2,xy,tR,(12) where H(t) is the Heaviside function. To obtain the scattered data, the forward scattering problems are solved utilizing the retarded potential boundary integral equation method. For details of the numerical calculation of the boundary integral equation and the convolution quadrature method dealing with the singularity, refer to [Citation19,Citation20,Citation24].

The incident wave is assumed to be emitted from the point x0=(0,3). We choose c = 1, Nx=64 and Nt=257 in this subsection. The measurement curve is a circle centred at the origin with radius 3. The measurement points are chosen as xi=3(cosθi,sinθi), where θi=2(i1)Nxπ for i=1,,Nx. The terminal time is chosen as T = 15, and the discrete time steps are tk=k1Nt1 for k=1,,Nt. The sampling points are chosen as 61×61 equidistant points in [1,1]×[1,1]. The spherical point-like scatterer and the kite-shaped point-like scatterer centred at (a1,a2) are assumed to have the boundaries Γ1={x|x=(a1,a2)+0.001(cosθ,sinθ),θ[0,2π)}and Γ2={x|x=(a1,a2)+0.001(cosθ+0.65cos2θ0.65,1.5sinθ),θ[0,2π)},respectively. In all the reconstructions, the centre (a1,a2) is marked with a star.

Random noise is added to the discrete scattered data by uδ=u(1+δR),where δ is the noise level and R are uniformly distributed random numbers ranging from 1 to 1. In all the experiments, the noise level is chosen as δ=1%.

Note that time domain scattering problems usually involve a time shift (refer to [Citation24,Citation25]). In this paper, we also provide a time shift μ, trying to improve the algorithm for the numerical computation. Denote (13) U(x,t;y0,μ):=λ(tμc1|y0x0|c1|xy0|))4π|y0x0||xy0|.(13) We use U(x,t;y0,μ) instead of U(x,t;y0) in the numerical computation.

Example 4.1

In the first experiment, the influence of the time shift μ is shown. The signal function is chosen as λ1(t)=sin(4t)e1.6(t3)2.The function λ1(t) and its Fourier spectrum are shown in Figure .

Figure 1. (a) The pulse function λ1(t)=sin(4t)e1.6(t3)2. (b) The Fourier spectrum |λ^1(ω)|.

Figure 1. (a) The pulse function λ1(t)=sin⁡(4t)e−1.6(t−3)2. (b) The Fourier spectrum |λ^1(ω)|.

The scatterers are chosen as spherical scatterers centred at (0,0) and (0.3,0.6), respectively. The time shifts are chosen as μ=0 (no time shift) and μ=0.12, respectively for the two cases. The reconstructions can be seen in Figure . As is shown in the figure, with the time shift μ=0.12, the reconstructions of the spherical scatterers are more accurate. The choice of μ mainly depends on the signal function λ(t) and is independent of the location of the scatterer.

Figure 2. (a) The reconstruction of the spherical scatterer centred at (0,0), δ=1%, μ=0. (b) The reconstruction of the spherical scatterer centred at (0.3,0.6), δ=1%, μ=0. (c) The reconstruction of the spherical scatterer centred at (0,0), δ=1%, μ=0.12. (d) The reconstruction of the spherical scatterer centred at (0.3,0.6), δ=1%, μ=0.12.

Figure 2. (a) The reconstruction of the spherical scatterer centred at (0,0), δ=1%, μ=0. (b) The reconstruction of the spherical scatterer centred at (0.3,0.6), δ=1%, μ=0. (c) The reconstruction of the spherical scatterer centred at (0,0), δ=1%, μ=0.12. (d) The reconstruction of the spherical scatterer centred at (0.3,0.6), δ=1%, μ=0.12.

Moreover, for the spherical scatterer centred at (0.3,0.6), we investigate the scattered data u(xi,tk) given by the forward solver and the approximate solution U(xi,tk;y0). The wave data are shown in Figure , in which tk[0,15] and xi=3(cosθi,sinθi) for θi[0,2π). As shown in the figure, the intensity of the scattered data u(xi,tk) greatly depends on θ while the approximate solution does not. However, the proposed method is feasible since the overall structures of the fields are similar.

Figure 3. (a) The scattered data u(xi,tk) given by the forward solver. (b) The scattered data U(xi,tk;y0) given by the approximate solution.

Figure 3. (a) The scattered data u(xi,tk) given by the forward solver. (b) The scattered data U(xi,tk;y0) given by the approximate solution.

Remark 4.1

Since the forward solver depends on the forward and inverse Fourier transforms, part of the calculation error is reflected in the frequency domain data. Thus the frequency of the scattered data u(xi,tk) is slightly different from that of the incident field.

Example 4.2

In this example, the scatterers are chosen as kite-shaped point-like scatterers centred at (0,0) and (0.3,0.6). The time shift is chosen as μ=0.12. The reconstructions can be seen in Figure . As shown in the figure, the algorithm can reconstruct kite-shaped scatterers.

Figure 4. (a) The reconstruction of the kite-shaped scatterer centred at (0,0), δ=1%, μ=0.12. (b) The reconstruction of the kite-shaped scatterer centred at (0.3,0.6), δ=1%, μ=0.12.

Figure 4. (a) The reconstruction of the kite-shaped scatterer centred at (0,0), δ=1%, μ=0.12. (b) The reconstruction of the kite-shaped scatterer centred at (0.3,0.6), δ=1%, μ=0.12.

Example 4.3

As shown in Figures and , the contour lines are sparse near the local maximum point. In this example, we give an optimization with the choice of a new signal function.

Consider the artificial signal function λ2(t)=sin(t2.5)e1.6(t3)2.The signal function λ2(t) and its Fourier spectrum are shown in Figure . Clearly, the spectrum of the signal function λ2(t) is wider than that of λ1(t).

Figure 5. (a) The pulse function λ2(t)=sin(t2.5)e1.6(t3)2. (b) The Fourier spectrum |λ^2(ω)|.

Figure 5. (a) The pulse function λ2(t)=sin⁡(t2.5)e−1.6(t−3)2. (b) The Fourier spectrum |λ^2(ω)|.

The scatterers are chosen as spherical scatterers centred at (a1,a2). The time shift is chosen as μ=0.21. The reconstructions with different choices of (a1,a2) and δ can be seen in Figure . As shown in the figure, the contour lines are denser for the artificial signal function λ2(t), and the algorithm is robust to noise.

Figure 6. The reconstruction of the spherical scatterer centred at (a1,a2) with the signal function λ2(t), μ=0.21. (a) (a1,a2)=(0,0), δ=1%. (b) (a1,a2)=(0,0), δ=5%. (c) (a1,a2)=(0,0), δ=10%. (d)(a1,a2)=(0.3,0.6), δ=1%.

Figure 6. The reconstruction of the spherical scatterer centred at (a1,a2) with the signal function λ2(t), μ=0.21. (a) (a1,a2)=(0,0), δ=1%. (b) (a1,a2)=(0,0), δ=5%. (c) (a1,a2)=(0,0), δ=10%. (d)(a1,a2)=(0.3,0.6), δ=1%.

Example 4.4

We concern about the three-dimensional case in this example. The forward scattering problem is approximately calculated utilizing the k-Wave software. We choose c = 1, Nx=50, T = 19 and Nt=255 in this example. The incident wave is assumed to be emitted from the point x0=(4,4,0.4). The scatterer is chosen as spherical scatterers centred at (0.6,0.6,0.6) with radius 0.1. The measurement surface is a spherical surface centred at the origin with radius 4. The measurement points and the signal function λ3(t) are automatically generated by the k-Wave software. The sketch of λ3(t) and its Fourier spectrum are shown in Figure .

Figure 7. (a) The pulse function λ3(t). (b) The Fourier spectrum |λ^3(ω)|.

Figure 7. (a) The pulse function λ3(t). (b) The Fourier spectrum |λ^3(ω)|.

The approximate solution (Equation13) is used for the reconstruction. The time shift is chosen as μ=0.15. The sampling points are chosen as 21×21×21 equidistant points in [2,2]×[2,2]×[2,2]. Random noise is added with δ=5%. The reconstructions can be seen in Figure  with slices through the centre of the scatterer along x1x2-plane and x1x3-plane.

Figure 8. The reconstruction of the spherical scatterer centred at (0.6,0.6,0.6). (a) The reconstruction of the scatterer, μ=0.15, δ=5%. (b) The slice through the centre of the scatterer along x1x2-plane.

Figure 8. The reconstruction of the spherical scatterer centred at (−0.6,−0.6,−0.6). (a) The reconstruction of the scatterer, μ=0.15, δ=5%. (b) The slice through the centre of the scatterer along x1x2-plane.

5. Conclusion

In this paper, approximate solutions based on Green's function are provided, and a simple sampling method to reconstruct the location of a point-like scatterer is proposed. The algorithm is simple to compute, and numerical experiments are provided to show the effectiveness of the proposed method.


The work of Bo Chen was supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (NSFC) [grant number 11671170] and the Scientific Research Foundation of Civil Aviation University of China [grant number 2017QD04S]. The work of Yao Sun was supported by the NSFC [grant number 11501566].

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No potential conflict of interest was reported by the author(s).

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The work of Bo Chen was supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (NSFC) [grant number 11671170] and the Scientific Research Foundation of Civil Aviation University of China [grant number 2017QD04S]. The work of Yao Sun was supported by the NSFC [grant number 11501566].


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