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Research Article

Identification of deformable droplets from boundary measurements: the case of non-stationary Stokes problem

, , &
Pages 3451-3474 | Received 09 Dec 2020, Accepted 17 Nov 2021, Published online: 09 Dec 2021


In this paper, we use asymptotic expansion of the velocity field to reconstruct small deformable droplets (i.e. their forms and locations) immersed in an incompressible Newtonian fluid. Here the fluid motion is assumed to be governed by the non-stationary linear Stokes system. Taking advantage of the smallness of the droplets, our asymptotic formula and identification methods extend those already derived for rigid inhomogeneity and for stationary Stokes system. Our derivations, based on dynamical boundary measurements, are rigorous and proved by involving the notion of viscous moment tensor VMT. The viability of our reconstruction approach is documented by numerical results.

2010 Mathematics Subject Classifications:

1. Introduction

In this paper, we derive an asymptotic expansion of a weighted boundary measurements, expressed in term of velocity field, in the presence of multiple small deformable droplets (modelled by deformable inhomogeneities) immersed in an incompressible Newtonian fluid. This asymptotic expansion, through a convenable application system, will allow us to identify these droplets having kinematic viscosities different from the background medium. The system is modeled as a non-stationary Stokes flow, in an open bounded domain ΩRd that contains deformable inhomogeneities (droplets) of small size, say α. The non-stationary Stokes equations are a standard system of PDE's governing the flow of continuum matter in fluid form, such as liquid or gas, occupying the domain Ω. These equations describe the change with respect to time t[0,T] of the velocity and pressure of the fluid.

The detection and the reconstruction of an object immersed in a fluid is a source of many investigations [Citation1–7]. This kind of inverse problems arises, for example, in moulds filling during which small gas bubbles can be created and trapped inside the material (as it is mentioned in [Citation5,Citation7]) or in the detection of mines.

In this paper, we consider a dilute suspension of deformable droplets in a matrix fluid. We assume that the droplets and matrix fluid to be Newtonian and neglect inertia and body forces. As it is mentioned in [Citation6], the evolution of droplet shape only depends on the viscosity difference between the fluids and on surface tension. Then, we make the assumption of small size of these inhomogeneities to use asymptotic formula which allows us to solve a given inverse problem. This assumption was used before, for different kinds of problems, in [Citation3,Citation7–11] and in others. We further assume that the small droplets are at a distance α away from each other, and are also away from the boundary, to be able to neglect droplet interactions and their interaction with the boundary Ω.

The goal of this work is to expand, in a mathematically rigorous way, a numerical approach to identify the locations of the droplets from boundary measurements of the velocity field. We get an asymptotic expansion of solutions to the transmission problem for the non-stationary Stokes equations in terms of the geometry of the droplets. This procedure describes the perturbation of the solution caused by the presence of deformable obstacles with small diameters. Based on this results, we derive an asymptotic expansion for a weighted boundary measurements Λα(T) (as α0) in terms of viscous moment tensor VMT. This is partially inspired from the general idea developed, for a heat equation, in [Citation8] to locate multiple inclusions and from the fact that the Stokes system can be viewed as the incompressible limit (the compression modulus is infinite) [Citation3].

The formula that is developed is considerably different from the topological sensitivity analysis method and allows us to find the locations of the inhomogeneities with significant accuracy. It is explicit and can be easily performed numerically. The results and the general approach that we will adopt here extend more those for rigid inclusions [Citation2,Citation4,Citation5,Citation12–14] and for stationary stokes cases [Citation3,Citation6,Citation7,Citation11,Citation15] among others. However, they remain a little close to the common ideas of that developed for reconstructing small conductivity inclusions from boundary measurements, see [Citation9,Citation10,Citation12,Citation16,Citation17] and the references therein. In addition, readers are recommended to consult important works on other types of inverse problems [Citation18–21], and do not forget that we can refer to the books (for example, [Citation22–24]) to get acquainted with the main notations, the calculation techniques and the most well-known theorems used naturally for Stokes system.

The paper is organized as follows. In the next section, we formulate our model problem for droplets in a non-stationary Stokes flow. We state our main results in Section 3. The rigorous derivation of the asymptotic expansion, for the pattern Λα(T), is detailed in Section 4 in terms of the notion of viscous moment tensor VMT. In Section 5, we use our asymptotic expansion to make up a reconstruction method by introducing a so-called identifier of interest which, by some T>0, recover the discrete locations zj;j=1,,m of the droplets. We then perform numerical experiments to test the viability of the method.

2. Problem formulation

Let Ω be a bounded, open connected subdomain of Rd, d = 2, 3 with C1,1- boundary Ω. Let ν denote the outward unit normal to Ω. We suppose that Ω contains a finite number of droplets, each of the form zj+αBj, where BjRd is a bounded, smooth domain containing the origin. The total collection of deformable inhomogeneities thus takes the form Bα=j=1m(zj+αBj). The points zjΩ,j=1,,m, that determine the location of the droplets are assumed to satisfy (1) |zjzl|d0>0,jl and  dist(zj,Ω)d0>0.(1) We also assume that α>0, the common order of magnitude of the diameters of the inhomogeneities, is sufficiently small that these are disjoint and their distance to RdΩ¯ is large than d0/2. Let μ0 denote the viscosity of the background medium, for simplicity we shall assume in this paper that it is constant. Let μj denote the constant viscosity of the jth inhomogeneity zj+αBj. Using this notation, we introduce the piecewise constant kinematic viscosity μα(x)={μ0xΩBα¯,μjxzj+αBj,j=1,,m. Before formulating the model problem in the presence of droplets and via a non-stationary Stokes flow, we introduce the following notations.

Notation: Id denotes the unit matrix in Rd×d, and I denotes the identity fourth-order tensor. The scalar product on Rd×d is defined by A:B=trace(AtrB) where the superscript tr denotes the transpose of a matrix. L02(Ω) denotes the space of the functions of L2(Ω) which differ by a constant and throughout this paper, the inner product between two vectors u and w is denoted by uw. The strain rate tensor e for the flow is defined as follows: (2) e(u):=12(u+(u)tr)=(12(ukxl+ulxk))1k,ld;u=(u1,,ud)Rd.(2) The divergence of a matrix-valued function A is denoted Div(A), while the divergence of a vector-valued function u is denoted div(u). From now we denote by L2(Ω)d the space of vector-valued functions whose components of its elements belong to the space L2(Ω) of square integrable functions. Likewise, we denote by Hs(Ω)d the space of vector-valued functions where the notation Hs is used to denote those functions who along with all their derivatives of order less than or equal to s are in L2(Ω). We denote by Hs(Ω)d the trace space.

Let (vα,pα)L2(0,T;H1(Ω)d)×L2(0,T;H1(Ω)) be the solution to the following non-stationary linearized Navier–Stokes system: (3) {vαtDiv(2μαe(vα))+pα=0inΩ×(0,T),div(vα)=0inΩ,vα|t=0=φinΩ,vα=gonΩ×(0,T).(3) Here T>0 is a final observation time, the initial condition φC(Ω¯)d and, gL2(0,T;H1/2(Ω)d) is a non-homogeneous Dirichlet boundary data satisfying the standard flux compatibility condition: (4) Ωg(x,t)νds(x)=0,a.e. t(0,T).(4)

We denote by (v,p)L2(0,T;H1(Ω)d)×L2(0,T;H1(Ω)) the solution of the non-stationary incompressible Stokes problem in the absence of any deformable inhomogeneities (the background solution): (5) {vtDiv(2μ0e(v))+p=0inΩ×(0,T),div(v)=0inΩ,v|t=0=φinΩ,v=gonΩ×(0,T),(5) where φ and g are given in (Equation3).

Let us now recall the notion of viscous moment tensor (VMT) which appears naturally as a limit of the elastic moment tensor (EMT) corresponds to the Lamé system and introduced firstly in [Citation9]. We still denote by μ the viscosity in the whole space containing a rescaled inhomogeneity, i.e. μ(x):={μ0,xRdBj¯,μ~0,xBj, for j=1,,m.

According to [Citation3,Citation9] we define the symmetric, fourth-order, viscous moment tensor (VMT) denoted by V(j)=(Vklpq(j))k,l,p,q=1,,d as follows: (6) Vklpq(j)=(μ~0μ0)Bjvˆpq(j):((ζkel)+(ζkel)tr)dζfor j=1,,m,(6) where, for p,q=1,,d, vˆpq(j)H1(Ω)d is the solution to (7) {llμ0Δvˆpq(j)+pˆ(j)=0in RdB¯j,μ~0Δvˆpq(j)+pˆ(j)=0in Bj,vˆpq(j)=vˆpq(j)+on Bj,(pˆ(j)ν+μ~0vˆpq(j)ν)=(pˆ(j)ν+μ0vˆpq(j)ν)+on Bj,div(vˆpq(j))=0in Rd,vˆpq(j)(ζ)ζpeq+δpqd~(ζ)=O(|ζ|1d)as |ζ|,pˆ(j)(ζ)=O(|ζ|d)as |ζ|.(7)

The subscripts + and − indicate the limits from outside and inside of Bj, respectively, and throughout this paper (e1,,ed) denotes the standard basis for Rd. Moreover, for ζRd we denote d~(ζ):=1/dk=1dζkek, Kronecker's index is denoted by δpq.

3. The main results

The main objective of this article is to find several small deformable droplets modelled by (8) Bαj:=zj+αBj,(8) included in Ω and located at points zjΩ, j=1,,m.

Let v be the solution to (Equation5), then it is convenient to define the conormal derivative vν(x,t) on Ω×(0,T) by: vν|Ω×(0,T):=(2μ0e(v)pId)ν. Similarly, for the solution vα of (Equation3), we may introduce the conormal derivative; vαν|Ω×(0,T):=(2μαe(vα)pαId)ν=(2μ0e(vα)pαId)ν because μα=μ0 on Ω (outside of Bαj, j=1,,m). Consequently, (vαv)ν|Ω×(0,T)=(2μ0e(vαv)(pαp)Id)ν. Then we have, (9) (vαv)ν=σ(vαv,pαp)ν on Ω×(0,T),(9) where generally σ(w,π):=2μ0e(w)πId denotes the stress tensor, and σ(w,π)ν the Cauchy force on the boundary Ω×(0,T).

To give the main results of this paper, we need firstly to define in terms of the Cauchy force σ(vαv,pαp)ν, given by (Equation9), the following weighted boundary measurements: (10) Λα(T):=0TΩψσ(vαv,pαp)νxds(x)dt,(10) where vα, v are the solutions to (Equation3) and (Equation5), respectively, and the vector-valued function ψC2(Ω×[0,T]¯)d satisfies tψDiv(2μ0e(ψ))+p=0 in Ω×[0,T] with ψ(x,T)=0 for xΩ, div(ψ)=0.

According to (Equation10), we propose a resolution of the inverse problem of reconstructing Bαj based on the following main result.

Theorem 3.1

Let T>0 and ΩRd, d = 2 or d = 3, be a bounded domain with C1,1 -boundary. Suppose that we have all hypothesis (Equation1) and (Equation4). Let vα, v be solutions to (Equation3) and (Equation5) respectively. Then, the following asymptotic expansion for Λα(T) holds as α0: (11) Λα(T)=αdj=1m(μjμ0)0Te(v)(zj,t):V(j)e(ψ)(zj,t)dt+O(αd+1|logα|3d).(11)

The proof of the above theorem will be given later. On the other hand, by making appropriate choice of test function ψ and background solution v, we will develop from the asymptotic formula given by Theorem 3.1 an efficient location search algorithm for detecting the droplets Bαj,j=1,,m. This problem of reconstruction will be based on finite measurements of the Cauchy force σ(vαv,pαp)ν defined by (Equation9) on Ω×(0,T).

Before proving Theorem 3.1, we suggest the following estimate of vαv as follows.

Theorem 3.2

Let T>0 and ΩRd, d = 2 or d = 3, be a bounded domain with C1,1 -boundary. Suppose that we have all hypothesis (Equation1) and (Equation4). Let vα, v be solutions to (Equation3) and (Equation5), respectively. Then, there exist a constant C such that (12) vαvL2(Ω×[0,T])dCαd2.(12) Here C can be given explicitly and dependant on T, v, Bj, μ0 and μj.


Let vα be the solution to (Equation5) and v the solution to (Equation3), respectively. Expanding the following (13) 0TΩ2μαe(v):e(vαv)dxdt=0TΩ2μ0e(v):e(vαv)dxdt0TΩ2(μ0μα)e(v):e(vαv)dxdt.(13) Choosing vαv as a test function in (Equation3), integration by parts over Ω yields 0TΩvt(vαv)dxdt+0TΩ2μ0e(v):e(vαv)dxdt0TΩ(2μ0e(v)pId)νx(vαv)ds(x)dt=0TΩ(vtDiv(2μ0e(v))+p)(vαv)dxdt=0, where we have used div(v)=0. Then by considering the Dirichelet conditions on Ω, for both vector-valued functions v and vα, the following holds (14) 0TΩ2μ0e(v):e(vαv)dxdt=0TΩvt(vαv)dxdt.(14) Inserting (Equation14) into relation (Equation13), we obtain that, (15) 0TΩ2μαe(v):e(vαv)dxdt=0TΩvt(vαv)dxdt0TΩ2(μ0μα)e(v):e(vαv)dxdt=0TΩvt(vαv)dxdt+2j=1m0TBαj(μjμ0)e(v):e(vαv)dxdt,(15) where Bαj is given by (Equation8). On the other hand, choosing vαv as a test function in (Equation5), then by integrating by parts over Ω and as done for (Equation14), we may obtain that (16) 0TΩ2μαe(vα):e(vαv)dxdt=0TΩvαt(vαv)dxdt.(16) Subtracting relation (Equation15) from (Equation16), we immediately obtain 0TΩ2μα|e(vαv)|2dxdt=0TΩ2μαe(v):e(vαv)dxdt+0TΩ2μαe(vα):e(vαv)dxdt=0TΩvt(vαv)dxdt0TΩvαt(vαv)dxdt+2j=1m0TBαj(μ0μj)e(v):e(vαv)dxdt. That is, (17) 0TΩvαt(vαv)dxdt0TΩvt(vαv)dxdt+0TΩ2μα|e(vαv)|2dxdt=2j=1m0TBαj(μ0μj)e(v):e(vαv)dxdt.(17) Now inserting (Equation16) and (Equation14) into (Equation17), the following holds (18) 0TΩ2μαe(vα):e(vαv)dxdt+0TΩ2μ0e(v):e(vαv)dxdt+0TΩ2μα|e(vαv)|2dxdt=2j=1m0TBαj(μ0μj)e(v):e(vαv)dxdt.(18) Let μ_:=infxΩμα(x), then by definition of μα, we have μ_>0 and μ0μ_. Moreover, the following holds, 2μ_0TΩ|e(vαv)|2dxdt0TΩ2μαe(vα):e(vαv)dxdt+0TΩ2μ0e(v):e(vαv)dxdt. Therefore relation (Equation18) becomes, 0TΩ(μαμ_)|e(vαv)|2dxdtj=1m0TBαj(μ0μj)e(v):e(vαv)dxdt, and this together with Cauchy–Schwarz inequality and the fact that e(v) is bounded in Ω×(0,T) (by assumption of regularity of v) enables one to get the following estimates: 0TΩ(μαμ_)|e(vαv)|2dxdtj=1m0T|μ0μj|e(v)(,t)L2(Bαj)d2e(vαv)(,t)L2(Bαj)d2dtj=1m|μ0μj||Bαj|d2T12sup(x,t)Ω×(0,T)|e(v)(x,t)|e(vαv)L2(Ω×(0,T))d2=Cαd2e(vαv)L2(Ω×(0,T))d2. Thus, e(vαv)L2(Ω×(0,T))d2Cαd2, and the desired result follows immediately by invoking the Korn inequality.

4. Proof of the asymptotic formula

In this section, we focus our attention on proving rigorously Theorem 3.1. Let us, firstly, introducing the following vector-valued function (19) V(x,t)=vα(x,t)v(x,t)+αj=1mk,l=1dlv(zj;t)kvˆkl(j)(xzjα),(19) where vα, v and vˆkl(j) are solutions to (Equation3), (Equation5) and (Equation7), respectively. It is clearly that VL2(0,T;H1(Ω)d) since v,vαL2(0,T;H1(Ω)d), the function lv(zj;t)k does not depend on space variable x and the solution vˆkl(j) of (2.7) belongs to H1(Ω)d.

The following estimate holds.

Proposition 4.1

Let d = 2, 3. Suppose that we have all hypothesis (Equation1) and (Equation4) and let V be given by (Equation19). Then, there exist a constant C such that, (20) e(V)L2(Ω×(0,T))d2Cα1+d2|logα|3d2.(20) Here the constant C is independent of α.


We set, (21) Ω~:={xzα;xΩ};z=z1,,zm(21) and we observe that e(V) satisfies: (22) e(V)L2(Ω×(0,T))d2=(α2+d0T/α2e(V~)(,t)L2(Ω~)d22dt)1/2;for xΩ~,0tT/α2,(22) where V~(x,t):=V(αx,α2t).

Hence to prove (Equation20), it suffices to estimate the term 0T/α2e(V~)(,t)L2(Ω~)d22dt. To do this we may find out, firstly, the equations that the vector-valued function V~ can satisfy in the rescaled domain Ω~.

Let P:=pαp where pα, p are introduced in (Equation3) and (Equation5), respectively. One may use (Equation19) to observe that V satisfies: VtDiv(2μ0e(V))+P=αj=1mk,l=1dtlv(z;t)kvˆkl(j)(xzα):=F1(x,t)in(ΩB¯α)×(0,T), VtDiv(2μαe(V))+P=(μαμ0)χBαDiv(2e(v))+αj=1mk,l=1dtlv(z;t)kvˆkl(j)(xzα) :=F1(x,t)inBα×(0,T), div(V)=0inΩ. Moreover, we have V|+=V|on(z+αB)×(0,T), μ0Vν|+μαVν|=(μαμ0)vν:=F2(x,t)on(z+αB)×(0,T) and V|t=0=αj=1mk,l=1dlφ(0)kvˆkl(j)(xzα)inΩ, μ0V=αμ0j=1mk,l=1dlv(z;t)kvˆkl(j)(xzα):=F3(x,t)onΩ×(0,T). Now let f1(x,t):=α2F1(αx,α2t) and fi(x,t):=αFi(αx,α2t) for i = 2, 3. Then it is easily seen that V~ satisfies: (23) {V~tDiv(2μ0e(V~))+P~=f1in(Ω~B¯α)×(0,T/α2),V~tDiv(2μαe(V~))+P~=f1inBα×(0,T/α2),div(V~)=0inΩ~,V~|+=V~|on(z+αB)×(0,T/α2),μ0V~ν|+μαV~ν|=f2on(z+αB)×(0,T/α2),V~|t=0=αj=1mk,l=1dlφ(0)kvˆkl(j)(xz)inΩ~,μ0V~=f3onΩ~×(0,T/α2).(23)

Now, using the trace estimate and integrations by parts over Ω×(0,t) for 0tT, straightforward calculations give (24) sup0tTV~(,t)L2(Ω~)d+e(V~)L2(Ω~×(0,T))d2CV~|t=0L2(Ω~)d+C(f1L2(0,T;L2(Ω~)d)+f2L2(0,T;L2(B)d)+f3L2(0,T;L2(Ω~)d)),(24) where the constants C, C depend only on the domains Ω, Bj, j=1,,m, and the constants μj, j=0,,m.

Now we need to estimate the following terms: 0T/α2f1(,t)L2(Ω~)d2dt,0T/α2f2(,t)L2(B)d2dt,and 0T/α2f3(,t)L2(Ω~)d2dt. Before doing this we recall from (Equation7) that, (25) vˆpq(x)xpeq+δpqd~(x)=O(|x|1d)as |x|,(25) where for xRd, d~(x):=1dk=1dxkek. Since diam(Ω~)=O(1/α), we have (26) Ω~|vˆpq(x)xpeq+δpqd~(x)|2dx={O(log(1/α),if d=2,O(1),if d=3.(26) Therefore, (27) Ω~|V~(x,0)|2dxC{α2|log(α)|,if d=2,α2,if d=3.(27) Moreover, by definition of f1 we get that 0T/α2f1(,t)L2(Ω~)d2dtCα40T/α2B|Div(2e(v))(αx,α2t)|2dxdt+Cα6j=1mk,l=1d0T/α2|tlv(z;t)k|2dtΩ~|vˆpq(x)xpeq+δpqd~(x)|2dx. From (Equation26) and the fact that v is a smooth vector-valued function, we obtain: (28) 0T/α2f1(,t)L2(Ω~)d2dtCα2.(28) On the other hand, we have (μαμ0)vν(x,t)=O(|x|)for all (x,t)(z+αB)×(0,T). Consequently, f2(x,t)=αF2(αx,α2t)=O(α2), and hence (29) 0T/α2f2(,t)L2(B)d2dtCα2.(29) Regarding (Equation25) and (Equation21), we can write |vˆpq(x)xpeq+δpqd~(x)|=O(αd1) for all xΩ~. Thus, (30) 0T/α2f3(,t)L2(Ω~)d2dtμ0α2j=1mk,l=1d0T/α2|lv(z;t)k|2dtΩ~|vˆkl(x)xkel+δkld~(x)|2dxCα2.(30) Now from (Equation24) we have, (31) e(V~)L2(Ω~×(0,T))d2CV~|t=0L2(Ω~)d+C(f1L2(0,T;L2(Ω~)d)+f2L2(0,T;L2(B)d)+f3L2(0,T;L2(Ω~)d)),(31) Therefore by using (Equation27)–(Equation30) the inequality (Equation31) becomes: (32) e(V~)L2(Ω~×(0,T))d2C{α|log(α)|1/2,if d=2,α,if d=3.(32) On the other hand, by change of variable at t, we have: 0T/α2e(V~)(,t)L2(Ω~)d22dt=1/α2e(V~)L2(Ω~×(0,T))d22, which by (Equation32) becomes: (33) 0T/α2e(V~)(,t)L2(Ω~)d22dtC{|log(α)|,if d=2,1,if d=3.(33) To achieve the proof, we may insert (Equation33) into relation (Equation22).

We now proceed to prove Theorem 3.1.

Proof of Theorem 3.1.

Proof of Theorem 3.1.

Let us start by simplifying the definition (Equation10). So let setting u=vαv where vα, v are solutions to (Equation3) and (Equation5), respectively. Then integrating by parts over Ω×(0,T), and using both conditions u(x,0)=vα(x,0)v(x,0)=0 and ψ(x,t=T)=0, we obtain that 0TΩ(ψtuμ0e(u):e(ψ))dxdt=Ω(u(x,T)ψ(x,T)u(x,0)ψ(x,0))dx0TΩ(utψ+μ0e(u):e(ψ))dxdt=0TΩ((vαv)tψ+μ0e(vαv):e(ψ))dxdt=0TΩψ(2μ0e(vαv)(pαp)Id)νxds(x)dt. Taking (Equation9) into consideration, the following holds: (34) 0TΩ(ψtuμ0e(u):e(ψ))dxdt=0TΩψσ(vαv,pαp)νxds(x)dt.(34) On the other hand, by integrating by parts over (0,T), we have (35) 0TΩ(ψtuμ0e(u):e(ψ))dxdt=Ω(u(x,T)ψ(x,T)u(x,0)ψ(x,0))dx0TΩutψdxdt0TΩμ0e(u):e(ψ)dxdt=0TΩ(utψ+μ0e(u):e(ψ))dxdt(35)

Replacing u=vαv in the right-hand side of (Equation35) and integrating by parts over Ω, we obtain that 0TΩ(utψ+μ0e(u):e(ψ))dxdt=0TΩ(vtψ+μ0e(v):e(ψ))dxdt+0TΩ(vαtψ+μ0e(vα):e(ψ))dxdt=0TΩψ(2μ0e(v)pId)νxds(x)dt+0TΩ(μ0μα)e(vα):e(ψ)dxdt+0TΩ(vαtψ+μαe(vα):e(ψ))dxdt. Therefore, by integrating by parts again, we obtain 0TΩ(utψ+μ0e(u):e(ψ))dxdt=0TΩψ(2μ0e(v)pId)νxds(x)dt+0T(ΩBα)ψ(2μ0e(vα)pαId)νxds(x)dt+0Tj=1mBαjψ(2μje(vα)pαId)|νxds(x)dt+0Tj=1mBαj(μ0μj)e(vα):e(ψ)dxdt=j=1m0TBαj(μ0μj)e(vα):e(ψ)dxdt, where from Sections 2 and (Equation8) we have Bα:=j=1mBαj.

Further, returning up to relation (Equation35) and using the above relation, the following holds: 0TΩ(ψtuμ0e(u):e(ψ))dxdt=j=1m0TBαj(μ0μj)e(vα):e(ψ)dxdt. Now one may compare relations (Equation34) and (Equation10) to find that, (36) Λα(T):=j=1m(μ0μj)0TBαje(vα)(x,t):e(ψ)(x,t)dxdt.(36) Moreover, since e(vˆpq(x)xpeq+δpqd~(x))=O(|x|d) as |x| and the fact that the inclusions are well separated, it follows from (3.1) and (Equation36) that |Λα(T)j=1m(μjμ0)0TBαj[e(v)(x,t)k,l=1dlv(zj;t)ke(vˆkl(j))(xzjα)]:e(ψ)(x,t)dxdt|=|j=1m(μjμ0)0TBαj|e(V)(x,t):e(ψ)(x,t)dxdt|Cαd/2e(V)L2(Ω×(0,T))d2, and hence, by using Proposition 4.1, the following inequality holds (37) |Λα(T)j=1m(μjμ0)0TBαj[e(v)(x,t)k,l=1dlv(zj;t)ke(vˆkl(j))(xzjα)]:e(ψ)(x,t)dxdt|Cα1+d|logα|3d.(37) On the other hand, since both v and ψ are divergence free, we have for all ζRd: (38) e(v)(x,t)ζ=k,l=1dlv(zj;t)k(ζkelδkld~(ζ))+O(α)and e(ψ)(x,t)ζ=p,q=1dqψ(zj;t)q(ζqepδpqd~(ζ))+O(α) for all xBj.(38) Now inserting (Equation38) into the left-hand side of (Equation37), we obtain that Λα(T)=αdj=1m(μjμ0)0Tk,l=1dp,q=1dlv(zj;t)kqψ(zj;t)qBjvˆpq(j):((ζkel)+(ζkel)tr)dζdt+O(α1+d|logα|3d), which by definition (Equation6) gives that, Λα(T)=αdj=1m(μjμ0)0Te(v)(zj;t):p,q=1de(ψ)pq(zj;t)×Bje(vˆpq(j))(x)dxdt+O(α1+d|logα|3d). Thus, Λα(T)=αdj=1m(μjμ0)0Te(v)(zj;t):V(j)e(ψ)(zj;t)dt+O(α1+d|logα|3d) which achieves the proof of Theorem 3.1.

5. Reconstruction of the inhomogeneities

In this section, we use Theorem 3.1 (with a suitable choice of test functions ψ and background solutions v) in order to identify the location zj of the inhomogeneities Bαj=zj+αBj which are immersed in an incompressible Newtonian fluid. Then we utilise the asymptotic perturbation formula (Equation11) to design a non-iterative MUSIC (multiple signal classification) type reconstruction method to recover the positions, of these well-separated diametrically small inhomogeneities, from the given boundary data. Our method is similar to the reconstruction method which was developed for an inverse heat conduction problem in [Citation8] and is somewhat related, for example, to the real-time location search algorithm developed in [Citation17], to the reconstruction method in a two-dimensional open waveguide [Citation25] and to the linear sampling method [Citation26,Citation27]. We restrict our development, in this section, to the two-dimensional case while the three-dimensional case can be done in the same way.

Let ψ be the function introduced in Section 3 satisfying tDiv(2μ0e(ψ))+p=0 in Ω×[0,T] with ψ(x,T)=0 for xΩ. For yR2Ω¯, we choose the test function (39) ψ(x,t)=ψy(x,t):=ψ~(1erf(ηy(x,Tt)))(39) where ψ~ is a constant vector (can be given explicitly) and ηy(x,t)=|xy|/4μ0t.

More precisely, (40) ψ(x,t)=ψy(x,t):=(12e|xy|24μ0(Tt)4μ0π(Tt))ψ~.(40) Therefore, by using (Equation2) we get exactly (41) e(ψy)(zj,t)=(12(i(ψy)k(zj,t)+k(ψy)i(zj,t)))1i,k2=e|zjy|24μ0(Tt)2μ0(Tt)4μ0π(Tt)(((zj)kyk)ψ~i+((zj)iyi)ψ~k)1i,k2=(ψ~(zjy)+(ψ~(zjy))tr)2μ0(Tt)4μ0π(Tt)e|zjy|24μ0(Tt)=e|zjy|24μ0(Tt)2μ0(Tt)4μ0π(Tt)Ψ~,(41) where ψ~=(ψ~1,ψ~2), zj=((zj)1,(zj)2), uw means the tensor product given by (uw)ik=uiwk, the matrix Ψ~=ψ~(zjy)+(ψ~(zjy))tr and tr denotes the transpose.

On the other hand, for yR2Ω¯, we choose one of background solution as follows (42) v(x,t)=vy(x,t):=e|xy|24μ0t4μ0πtv~,(42) and similarly to (Equation41), we have (43) e(vy)(zj,t)=(v~(zjy)+(v~(zjy))tr)4μ0t4μ0πte|zjy|24μ0t=e|zjy|24μ0t4μ0t4μ0πtV~,(43) where v~ is a known constant vector and the matrix V~ is given by V~=v~(zjy)+(v~(zjy))tr. Here the Dirichlet condition g corresponds to the point source y with initial condition φ(x)=0 in Ω. Consequently, in the presence of the deformable inhomogeneities zj+αBj, j=1,,m and by using Theorem 3.1, we can obtain by considering (Equation41) and (Equation43) that (44) Λα(T)=α2j=1mμ0μj32πμ03(V~:V(j)Ψ~)0T1t(Tt)t(Tt)×exp(|zjy|24μ0(Tt)|zjy|24μ0t)dt+O(α3|log(α)|).(44)

Let P be the orthogonal projection from the space of symmetric matrices onto the space of symmetric matrices with trace zero, and let Id, I be defined as in Section 2. Then, according to [Citation9] we define the orthogonal projection P=(Pklpq)1k,l,p,qd as follows P=I1dIdId, or, (45) Pklpq=12(δkpδlq+δkqδlp)1dδklδpq.(45) Now we recall that the (4-tensor) viscous moment tensor V(j) can be considered as a linear transformation on the space of symmetric matrices due to its symmetry. Then, as the Stokes system appears as a limiting case of the Lamé system, all coefficients of V(j) can be determined explicitly by using P and the (4-tensor) elasticity moment tensor (EMT). For more details, one can refer to [Citation3,Citation9].

5.1. Location search algorithm

Next, suppose for the sake of simplicity that all the domains Bj are disks. Then it follows from [Citation3] that V(j)=a(j)P, where P is given by (Equation45) and a(j)=4μ0μ0μjμ0+μj|Bj|. Let the source points ylR2Ω¯ (for lN) having the property that any analytic function which vanishes in yl vanishes identically. Then the proposed location method for detecting the droplets Bαj is as follows. For nN and according to (Equation44), define the matrix A=(All)1l,ln by All:=α2j=1mμ0μj32πμ03a(j)(V~:PΨ~)0T1t(Tt)t(Tt)×exp(|zjyl|24μ0(Tt)|zjyl|24μ0t)dt, where Ψ~,V~ are given in (Equation41) and (Equation43), respectively. On the other hand, we can define the symmetric real matrix C=(Cll)1l,ln by Cll:=0T1t(Tt)t(Tt)exp(|zyl|24μ0(Tt)|zyl|24μ0t)dt,for all zΩ. One can remark that the matrix C may be decomposed as follows C=l=1pwl(z)wl(z) for some pn, where wlRn and wl denotes the transpose of wl. Let wl1,,wln be the components of the vector wl, for l=1,,p.

Then, for l=1,,p and for zΩ we define the vector h(l)(z)Rn×2 by h(l)(z)=[ψ~1wl1(z),,ψ~nwln(z)]. We now show how to apply the MUSIC-type algorithm for recovering the location zj of the inhomogeneities from the matrix A. Let yl=(y1l,y2l) for l=1,,n, z=(z1,z2), and zj=((zj)1,(zj)2). For l=1,,p, we also introduce hx(l)(z)=[ψ~1xwl1(z),,ψ~nxwln(z)]and hy(l)(z)=[ψ~1ywl1(z),,ψ~nywln(z)]. Then we can now characterize the location of the droplets in terms of the range of the matrix A through the following lemma. The proof is somewhat close to those of [Citation8, Lemma 5.2] and [Citation25, Lemma 4.1].

Lemma 5.1

We characterize the location of the inhomogeneities in terms of the range of the matrix A as follows: (46) For all l=1,,p:hx(l)(z)and hy(l)(z)Range(A) iff z{z1,,zm}.(46)


Let zΩ and suppose that hx(l)(z) and hy(l)(z)Range(A). Then, for l{1,2,,p}, h(l)(z) is written as a linear combination of [ψ~1wl1(zj),,ψ~nwln(zj)] for j=1,,m. So, h(l)(z)=j=1mcj[ψ~1wl1(zj),,ψ~nwln(zj)], where cj are constants. Consequently, 0T1t(Tt)t(Tt)exp(|zyl|24μ0(Tt)|zyl|24μ0t)dt=j=1mβj0T1t(Tt)t(Tt)exp(|zjyl|24μ0(Tt)|zjyl|24μ0t)dt, for all l=1,,n and where βj are given constants. Keeping in mind that the countable set of sources {yl,lN} has the property that any analytic function which vanishes in yl vanishes identically, we then obtain (47) 0T1t(Tt)t(Tt)exp(|zy|24μ0(Tt)|zy|24μ0t)dt=j=1mβj0T1t(Tt)t(Tt)exp(|zjy|24μ0(Tt)|zjy|24μ0t)dt,(47) for all yz and yzj; j=1,m. Returning up to (Equation40)–(Equation42), then by (Equation47) and for yz, yzj, we obtain that (48) 0Te(v)(z,t):e(ψ)(z,t)dt=j=1mβj0Te(v)(zj,t):e(ψ)(zj,t)dt,(48) and by following the idea in [Citation8], one may take the Laplacian in y for the above relation to get, for yz,yzj, that (49) Δy0Te(v)(z,t):e(ψ)(z,t)dt=j=1mβjΔy0Te(v)(zj,t):e(ψ)(zj,t)dt.(49) Now integrating (Equation48) over Ω, we obtain that (50) Ω0Te(v)(z,t):e(ψ)(z,t)dtdz=|Ω|j=1mβj0Te(v)(zj,t):e(ψ)(zj,t)dt.(50) So, ΔyΩ0Te(v)(z,t):e(ψ)(z,t)dtdz=|Ω|j=1mβjΔy0Te(v)(zj,t):e(ψ)(zj,t)dt. Let us focus on the left side of the above relation. Recall that v solves (Equation3), then integration by parts over Ω yields 0TΩvtψdzdt+0TΩ2μ0e(v):e(ψ)dzdt0TΩ(2μ0e(v)pId)νxψds(z)dt=0TΩ(vtDiv(2μ0e(v))+p)ψdzdt=0. Then, the left side of (Equation50) can be written as follows: Ω0Te(v)(z,t):e(ψ)(z,t)dtdz=12μ0Ω0Tvtψdtdz+12μ0Ω0T(2μ0e(v)pId)νxψdtds(z). Thus, (51) ΔyΩ0Te(v)(z,t):e(ψ)(z,t)dtdz=ΩΔy0Te(v)(z,t):e(ψ)(z,t)dtdz=12μ0ΩΔy0Tvtψdtdz+12μ0ΔyΩ0T(2μ0e(v)pId)νxψdtds(z).(51) Since v=(v1,v2), ψ=(ψ1,ψ2) and for any smooth scalar functions f and g we have Δ(fg)=2fg+Δfg+fΔg, then the following holds Δy(vtψ)=Δy(i=12vitψi)=2i=12(vit)ψi+i=12(Δy(vit)ψi+vitΔy(vi)). Therefore, Δy0Tvtψdt=2i=120T(vit)ψidt+Sy(z) where Sy(z)=2i=120T(Δy(vit)ψi+vitΔy(vi))dt is a smooth function. After that, integration by parts over (0,T) yields (52) Δy0Tvtψdt=2i=12(vi(z,T)ψi(z,T)vi(z,t)|t0ψi|t00Tvi(ψit)dt)+Sy(z),for yz.(52) Consider now the components of the fundamental Stokes tensor Γ=(Γis)1i,s2 and those of the associated pressure vector P=(Pis)1i,s2, which determine the fundamental solution (Γ,P) of the Stokes system in R2. Knowing that the functions vi(z,t) are expressed in terms of integral operators having kernels Γis(y,z;t) and that limt0Γis(y,z;t)=δy(z) which means by considering (Equation52) that Δy0Tvtψdt is singular at the point z. Consequently, by (Equation51), Δy0Te(v)(z,t):e(ψ)(z,t)dt is singular at the point z which leads to a contradiction if zzj according to (Equation49). Then z{z1,,zm} and the proof is achieved.

The reconstruction algorithm is as follows.

  • Define the singular value decomposition (SVD) of the matrix A by A=UΣV.

  • Assume that for l=1,,p, the vectors {h1(l),h2(l)} are chosen to be linearly independent.

  • Deduce that, the rank of A is equal to 2p; the first 2p columns of U, {w1,,w2p}, make a basis for column space of A, denoted by US; and the rest of the matrix U, {w2p+1,w2p+2,,wn}, provides a basis for the left null space of A, denoted by UN.

  • Denote by P=I(USUS) the orthogonal projection onto the left null space of A.

  • Using Lemma 5.1 to see that a test point z coincides with one of the positions zj if and only if P(h(l)u0)=0, for any u0R2{0}.

  • We can form an image of the locations {zj;j=1,,m} by plotting, at each point zΩ, the quantity Iu0(l)(z):=h(l)u0P(h(l)u0) for l=1,,p. The obtained plot will have sharp peaks at the discrete points zj;j=1,,m which determine the locations of the inhomogeneities.

To better explain the above algorithm, we take into account the observation time interval [0,T] and the finite number of equidistantly distributed source points yl,l=1,,n to perform the calculation of the (SVD) of the matrix A (defined by the pattern Λα(T)) and the decomposition of the matrix C. We then fix the arbitrary vector u0 to an element of the canonical basis {e1=(1,0),e2=(0,1)} in Rd or equal to a linear combination between its elements. Therefore, the plots of the identifier of interest zIu0(l)(z) are expected to illustrate the result indicating that sharp peaks should occur at the inhomogeneities locations.

5.2. Numerical results

We present some numerical results for locating two or three inhomogeneities, but our procedure remains valid to locate any finite number m of inhomogeneities. Our results are inspired from the series of numerical experiments for a heat equation found in [Citation8]. We suppose that Ω is a unit disk in R2 centred at the origin, and we assume that we know the values All of the pattern Λα(T) for some positive T and for a small finite number of equidistantly distributed source points yl. Let δ:=minllylyl. Then, for l=1,,n we may set yl=δ(cos(2πln),sin(2πln)). We assume that the viscosity of the background medium is μ0=1, while the viscosities μj of the inhomogeneities Bj, are equated to 3. All inhomogeneities are of common diameter α=0.1. Notice that the retrieval of the inhomogeneities involves the calculation of the (SVD) (with A=UΣV) of the matrix A=[All]R2×2 and the decomposition of the matrix C. For a sampling step h = 0.03 and according to different discrete locations zΩ, we subsequently calculate the identifier of interest Iu0(l=1)(z), where u0{e1,e2,e1+e2}.

5.2.1. Two inhomogeneities

In the first numerical experiment, we take two homogeneous disks B1 and B2, respectively, centred at z1=(0.21,0.32) and z2=(0.43,0.35), to be retrieved using n = 10 source points. Let u0=e1+e2, and Iu0(z):=Iu0(1)(z). Then the plots of zIu0(z) illustrate the results, where sharp peaks are expected to occur at the locations zj (j = 1, 2) of the inhomogeneities. We notice that there are two cases of interest: δ>T and δT.

For the case δ>T we choose δ=2.5 and T = 1. The singular values are displayed in Figure (a) while the identifier of interest Iu0(z) is displayed in Figure (b). The image is obtained by using the first 4 largest singular vectors associated, of course, with the 4 largest singular values of the matrix A, respectively. The gaps in the representation of the singular values of A are not as distinct as in [Citation4], however the two inhomogeneities are clearly discriminated from the background in 5.1(b). Their exact visual aspect depends on the choice of u0.

Figure 1. T = 1, δ=2.5: (a) distribution of the singular values of A for n = 10 source points; (b) gloss level map of Iu0(z), u0=e1+e2, for zΩ.

Figure 1. T = 1, δ=2.5: (a) distribution of the singular values of A for n = 10 source points; (b) gloss level map of Iu0(z), u0=e1+e2, for z∈Ω.

For the case δT we choose δ=2.5 and T = 3. In Figure (a), we see the distribution of the singular values of the matrix A. Figure (b) shows the identifier of interest Iu0(z), where the image is again obtained by using the first 4 largest singular vectors associated.

Figure 2. T = 3, δ=2.5: (a) distribution of the singular values of A for n = 10 source points; (b) gloss level map of Iu0(z), u0=e1+e2, for zΩ.

Figure 2. T = 3, δ=2.5: (a) distribution of the singular values of A for n = 10 source points; (b) gloss level map of Iu0(z), u0=e1+e2, for z∈Ω.

5.2.2. Three inhomogeneities

In the last numerical example, we add one more homogeneous disk B3 with the same diameter α=0.1, centred at z3=(0.4,0.51) and having the viscosity μ3=3. For δ=4, T = 1, the results are shown in Figure  where we get the distribution of the singular values of matrix A for 14 source points and the identifier of interest Iu0(z) for u0=e1. The image is obtained by using the first 6 largest singular vectors associated. The inhomogeneities are clearly discriminated from the background.

Figure 3. T = 1, δ=4: (a) distribution of the singular values of A for n = 14 source points; (b) gloss level map of Iu0(z), u0=e1, for zΩ.

Figure 3. T = 1, δ=4: (a) distribution of the singular values of A for n = 14 source points; (b) gloss level map of Iu0(z), u0=e1, for z∈Ω.

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No potential conflict of interest was reported by the authors.

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This work is partially supported by Institute for Advanced Studies and AGM Research Center in Mathematics (UMR CNRS 8088), CY Cergy Paris University, F-95302 France.


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