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Research Article

Construction of H-Symmetric pentadiagonal matrices by three spectra

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Pages 61-74 | Received 10 Nov 2020, Accepted 16 Dec 2021, Published online: 03 Feb 2022


The set of eigenvalues of a square matrix P is denoted by σ(P), and the set of eigenvalues of the submatrix obtained from P by deleting its first i rows and columns of P is denoted by σi(P). It is known that a symmetric pentadiagonal matrix may be constructed from σ,σ1 and σ2. The pairs σ,σ1 and σ1,σ2 must interlace; the construction is not unique. In this paper we solve the inverse eigenvalue problem for H-Symmetric pentadiagonal matrices, not necessarily symmetric. Using σ,σ1,σ2, not necessarily interlacing, and σ(P) may contain complex eigenvalues, we construct the solution by modified Lanczos algorithm.

1. Introduction

Let H=diag(δ1,δ2,,δn) be a diagonal matrix such that H2=I, where I is identity matrix. In Cn we define the inner product [x,y]H=yHx. A square real matrix P is said to be H-Symmetric if HPTH=P. The matrix HPTH is called Hadjoint of P and it is denoted by P. Let ϵ1,ϵ2,,ϵn1 be real numbers such that ϵi2=1, for i=1,,n1. It can be easily proved that any pentadiagonal real matrix P of the form (1) P=(a1ϵ1b1ϵ1ϵ2c1b1a2ϵ2b2ϵ2ϵ3c2c1b2a3ϵn2ϵn1cn2ϵn1bn1cn2bn1an),(1) is a H-Symmetric matrix, where H=diag(1,ϵ1,ϵ1ϵ2,,i=1n1ϵi). It is proved that [Citation1–3], if P is H-Symmetric and σ(P) is real and distinct, then the eigenvectors are H-Orthonormal, i.e. there are eigenvectors u1,u2,,un of P such that HUTHU=I,whereU=[u1,u2,,un]. If H = I then P is pentadiagonal symmetric matrix. Pentadiagonal symmetric matrices arise in discrete vibrating beams, see [Citation4,Citation5,Citation8,Citation9] for more details. Inverse eigenvalue problems for symmetric pentadiagonal matrices are studied by many authors, for example see [Citation4–7,Citation9,Citation14]. In most cases the reconstruction procedure requires three interlacing real spectra. Using a finite difference method for discretizing non-smooth beams may lead to a nonsymmetric stiffness matrix, see [Citation12]. H-Symmetric pentadiagonal matrices of the form (Equation1) appear in non-hermitian quantum mechanics [Citation11,Citation15]. Other inverse eigenvalue problems for H-symmetric matrices are studied in [Citation13,Citation16–18]. The objective of this paper is to study the inverse eigenvalue problem for H-Symmetric pentadiagonal matrices. Indeed using three given spectra that may or may not have interlacing property, we construct H-Symmetric pentadiagonal matrices of the form (Equation1) such that σ(P),σ1(P) and σ2(P) are the prescribed spectra. We use the modified form of Lanczos algorithm to construct the solution and we show that the solution is not unique. The solution obtained by this algorithm produces eigenvectors that for large size matrices may not be H-Orthonormal. To resolve this case we use a modified Gram–Schmidt orthogonalization procedure to make eigenvectors to be H-Orthonormal.

2. Construction of the solution

In this section, we state the main inverse eigenvalue problem and construct the solution. We consider conditions on the given data such that this problem has solution.

Inverse Problem.

Given three spectra {λi}i=1n,{μi}i=1n1,{νi}i=1n2, construct a H-Symmetric pentadiagonal matrix P of the form (Equation1) such that σ(P)={λi}i=1n,σ1(P)={μi}i=1n1,σ2(P)={νi}i=1n2. We give three theorems that lead to the solution of this inverse problem. During the proof we give the conditions on the data for solvability of the inverse problem.

2.1. Real eigendata

In this subsection, we consider the case that the three given spectra are real. We denote the column vector consisting of ith components of the eigenvectors with qi=[q1i,q2i,,qni]T. Indeed qki=uik where {ui}1n are the eigenvectors. In the following lemma, we prove that the vectors {qi}1n are also H-Orthonormal.

Lemma 2.1.

Let {ui}1n be H-Orthonormal eigenvectors of the matrix P then, the vectors {qi}1n are also H-Orthonormal.


Suppose U=[u1,u2,,un] and Q=[q1,q2,,qn], then we have UT=Q. The H-Orthonormality of the eigenvectors ui implies that HUTHU=I. This implies that HU is invertible (HU is a square matrix), therefore HUHUT=I. Thus HQTHQ=I. This means that the vectors qi are H-Orthonormal which completes the proof.

In the following theorem, we construct H-Symmetric pentadiagonal matrix and H-Orthonormal eigenvectors by using eigenvalues and the first and second components of the eigenvectors. The proposed algorithm is called the modified Lanczos algorithm.

Theorem 2.2.

Let P be a H-Symmetric matrix with H=diag(δ1,δ2,,δn). Let σ(P)={λi}i=1n and q1=[q11,q21,,qn1]T,q2=[q12,q22,,qn2]T, are the vectors of first and second components of the eigenvectors of P, respectively, such that [q1,q2]H=0,[q1,q1]H=δ1,[q2,q2]H=δ2. Then the entries of P and other components of the eigenvectors can be constructed as follows: ai=δij=1nλjδjqji2,bi=εiδi+1j=1nλjδjqjiqj,i+1,ci=Di,Di=δi+2j=1nδj[(λjai)qjici2qj,i2bi1qj,i1ϵibiqj,i+1]2,qj,i+2=1ϵiϵi+1ci[(λjai)qjici2qj,i2bi1qj,i1ϵibiqj,i+1], where c0=c1=b0=0.


Suppose that U=[u1,u2,,un] is a matrix such that its columns are eigenvectors of P and Λ=diag(λ1,λ2,,λn) then, PU=UΛ. On transposing we find UTPT=ΛUT, where UT=Q=(q11q12q1nq21q22q2nqn1qn2qnn). Thus the eigenvalue equation is as follows (2) QPT=ΛQ.(2) Equating the first column on both sides of Equation (Equation2) implies that (3) a1qj1+ϵ1b1qj2+ϵ1ϵ2c1qj3=λjqj1.(3) Multiplying both sides of (Equation3) by δjqj1 and summing up from j = 1 to j = n and using H-Orthonormal property of the vectors q1 and q2 we find a1=δ1j=1nλjδjqj12. Similarly, multiplying both sides of (Equation3) by δjqj2 and summing up from j = 1 to j = n we find ϵ1b1δ2=j=1nλjδjqj1qj2, which implies that b1=ϵ1δ2j=1nλjδjqj1qj2. Using Equation (Equation3) implies that ϵ1ϵ2c1qj3=(λja1)qj1ϵ1b1qj2. Taking to the power 2 and multiplying the last equation by δj and summing up implies that c12δ3=j=1nδj[(λja1)qj1ϵ1b1qj2]2, which concludes c1=D1 with D1=δ3j=1nδj[(λja1)qj1ϵ1b1qj2]2.Again using Equation (Equation3) we find qj3=1ϵ1ϵ2c1[(λja1)qj1ϵ1b1qj2]. Now consider the second column of Equation (Equation2) which is (4) b1qj1+a2qj2+ϵ2b2qj3+ϵ2ϵ3c2qj4=λjqj2.(4) Multiplying both sides by δjqj2 and taking sigma, we find a2=δ2j=1nλjδjqj22. Multiplying (Equation4) by δjqj3 and taking sigma we find b2=ϵ2δ3j=1nλjδjqj2qj3. We can rewrite (Equation4) as follows ϵ2ϵ3c2qj4=(λja2)qj2b1qj1ϵ2b2qj3. Squaring both sides of the last equation and multiplying by δj and summing up implies that c2=D2 with D2=δ4j=1nδj[(λja2)qj2b1qj1ϵ2b2qj3]2, and qj4=1ϵ2ϵ3c2[(λja2)qj2b1qj1ϵ2b2qj3]. In general for i=3,,n equating ith column in Equation (Equation2) we obtain (5) ci2qj,i2+bi1qj,i1+aiqji+ϵibiqj,i+1+ϵiϵi+1ciqj,i+2=λjqji,(5) where qi2, qi1, qi, qi+1, bi1 and ci2 are computed previously and we suppose that bn=cn1=cn=0. Multiplying both sides of (Equation5) by δjqji and taking sum over j we find ai=δij=1nλjδjqji2. Again multiplying both sides of (Equation5) by δjqj,i+1 and taking sum over j we find bi=ϵiδi+1j=1nλjδjqjiqj,i+1. Equation (Equation5) can be written as follows: ϵiϵi+1ciqj,i+2=(λjai)qjici2qj,i2bi1qj,i1ϵibiqj,i+1. Squaring both sides of the last equation, multiplying by δj, summing up over j and using H-Orthonormality we can find ci and qj,i+2. Thus all entries of the matrix P and the corresponding H-Orthonormal eigenvectors are constructed. Note that for solvability of the inverse problem by this Theorem the data λi, δi and q1,q2 must be chosen such that Di given by theorem to be nonnegative, otherwise the problem has no solution.

Now we are ready to construct the solution of the inverse problems by three given spectra. First, we compute the first entries of the eigenvectors of P by two given spectra.

Theorem 2.3.

Let P be H-Symmetric and σ(P)={λi}i=1n,σ1(P)={μi}i=1n1, are real and distinct such that there exists a permutation of σ(P) like {λki}i=1n such that δiΠj=1n1(μjλki)Πj=1,jin(λkjλki)>0,i=1,2,,n. Then, the first entries of the eigenvectors of P i.e. u1i is computed as follows: (6) u1i=δiΠj=1n1(μjλki)Πj=1,jin(λkjλki).(6)


We modify the proof in [Citation10] for H-symmetric case. Let P be H-Symmetric. By definition of the eigenvalues, we have uTHPu=λuTHu. That is to say that σ1(P) is the set of stationary points of the function uTHPu with condition uTHu=δ for δ=±1 and u11=0. Thus {μi}i=1n1 are stationary points of the function f(u)=uTHPuλuTHu2νuTe1, where ν is a lagrange multiplier. Thus the equation fu=0, implies HPu+PTHu2λHu2νe1=0, that is Puλuνe1=0. Setting u=i=1nαiuki, we find i=1n(λkiλ)αiuki=νe1. Multiplying both sides by ukjTH implies that i=1n(λkiλ)αiukjTHuki=νukjTHe1. Therefore αj=νδju1kj(λkjλ). Thus u=νj=1nδju1kj(λkjλ)ukj. Equalizing the first components implies that u11=νj=1nδju1kj2(λkjλ). Imposing the condition u11=0, implies that j=1nδju1kj2(λλkj)=0. Since σ1(P) are the roots of the last equation, thus j=1nδju1kj2(λλkj)=Πj=1n1(λμj)Πi=1n(λλki). Multiplying both sides of the last equation by (λλki) then taking limit λλki we find the required result.

Example 2.4.

Consider the matrix P as follows P=(32240002292224004221440044944004494000445). The matrix P is H-Symmetric with H=diag(1,1,1,1,1,1) and we have σ(P)={0.0179,80.2501,2.0163,4.3221,6.5181,19.3656},σ1(P)={0.0630,4.8283,6.0585,19.1020,85.9482}. Conditions of Theorem 2.2 hold and using (Equation6) we obtain, the first components of the eigenvectors of P as follows q1=[0.1488,0.2712,0.9623,0.0319,0.3275,0.1310]T.

Let P1 be a matrix obtained from P by deleting the first row and column. The following theorem finds the relation between the eigenvalues of matrices P and P1.

Theorem 2.5.

Let H1=diag(δ11,δ21,,δn11)=diag(1,ϵ2,ϵ2ϵ3,,Πi=2n1ϵi) and P1 be H1Symmetric matrix. Suppose V=[v1,v2,,vn1] is the matrix with columns consisting the eigenvectors of P1. Then the eigenvalues of P are the roots of the following equation: (7) (a1λ)i=1n1δi1ϵ1(b1v1i+ϵ2c1v2i)2μiλ=0.(7)


Let X=[x1,x2,,xn] be an arbitrary eigenvector of P, then this vector can be written as follows: (8) X=x1e1+p1[0v11v21vn1,1]++pn1[0v1,n1v2,n1vn1,n1]=[1V][x1p1pn1],(8) where VV=I and VP1V=diag(μ1,μ2,,μn1). The equation PX=λX can be written as follows: (9) [a1bbP1][1V][x1p1pn1]=λ[1V][x1p1pn1],(9) where b=[b1,c1,0,,0]T and b=[ϵ1b1,ϵ1ϵ2c1,0,,0]. Multiplying both sides by [1V] and simple calculation shows that (10) {(a1λ)x1+i=1n1(ϵ1b1v1i+ϵ1ϵ2c1v2i)pi=0,(δi1δ11b1v1i+δ21δi1c1v2i)x1+(μiλ)pi=0,i=1,2,,n1.(10) Combining the last equations together we find [(a1λ)i=1n1δi1ϵ1(b1v1i+ϵ2c1v2i)2μiλ]x1=0. According to Theorem 2.3 and Equation (Equation6), if the matrices P and P1 have distinct eigenvalues then the first entry of the eigenvectors is not zero, i.e. x10, thus a1λi=1n1δi1ϵ1(b1v1i+ϵ2c1v2i)2μiλ=0.

Remark 2.6.

Suppose that P and P1 have a common eigenvalue λj=μk, then Equation (Equation6) implies that the first entry of the eigenvector corresponding to λ=λj is zero. Substituting λ=λj and x1=0 in the system (Equation10), we obtain {i=1n1(b1v1i+ϵ2c1v2i)pi=0,pi=0,i=1,2,,n1,ik,(b1v1k+ϵ2c1v2k)pk=0. Note that pk is different from zero otherwise the eigenvector X in (Equation8) corresponding to the eigenvalue λ=λj will be zero which is not true, thus b1v1k+ϵ2c1v2k=0. Therefore, if P and P1 have the set of common eigenvalues S={μi1,μi2,,μik} then other eigenvalues of P are the roots of the following equation: a1λi=1,μiSn1δi1ϵ1(b1v1i+ϵ2c1v2i)2μiλ=0.

Note that since {λi} are the eigenvalues of Equation (Equation7) thus a1λi=1n1δi1ϵ1(b1v1i+ϵ2c1v2i)2μiλ=Πi=1n(λiλ)Πi=1n1(μiλ). Multiplying both sides by (μjλ) then replacing λ=μj, we find (11) (b1v1j+ϵ2c1v2j)2=δj1ϵ1Πi=1n(λiμj)Πi=1,ijn1(μiμj),j=1,2,,n1.(11) For existence of the solution the right-hand side of the last equations must be nonnegative. Thus, there must be a permutation {μk1,μk2,,μkn1} of σ1(P) such that the following fractions to be negative: δj1ϵ1Πi=1n(λiμkj)Πi=1,ijn1(μkiμkj)<0,j=1,2,,n1. Now given three spectra, we find the second entries of the eigenvectors in the following theorem.

Theorem 2.7.

Let P be H-Symmetric and P1 be H1-Symmetric such that σ2(P)={νi}i=1n2. Then u2i=u1ij=1n1δj1(b1v1j+ϵ2c1v2j)(λiμj)v1j,i=1,2,,n, where b1v1j+ϵ2c1v2j is computed using (Equation11).


According to Theorem 2.3, we have u1i=δiΠj=1n1(μjλi)Πj=1,jin(λjλi),i=1,2,,n,v1j=δi1Πj=1n2(νjμi)Πj=1,jin1(μjμi),j=1,2,,n1. Now let uj=[u1jyj], where yjRn1and uj is eigenvector of P corresponding to the λj. Thus we have [a1bbP1][u1jyj]=λj[u1jyj], therefore a1u1j+byj=λju1j, and (12) bu1j+P1yj=λjyj.(12) Since P1 is H1-Symmetric and its eigenvalues are distinct, thus (13) VP1V=M=diag(μ1,μ2,,μn1).(13) Multiplying both sides of Equation (Equation12) by V=H1VTH1 implies that Vbu1j+VP1yj=λjVyj. Thus (λjIM)Vyj=Vbu1j. Therefore yj can be computed as follows: yj=V(λjIM)1[δ11δ11b1v11+δ11δ21c1v21δ11δ21b1v12+δ21δ21c1v22δ11δn11b1v1,n1+δ21δn11c1v2,n1]u1j. Equalizing the first components of both sides in the last equation and simple calculation completes the proof.

Now given the spectrum {λi}i=1n and having the first and second components of eigenvectors, i.e. u1i and u2i we can construct the matrix P using modified Lanczos algorithm (Theorem 2.2).

Remark 2.8.

Lanczos algorithm constructs pentadiagonal matrix P and H-Orthonormal eigenvectors. For large scale matrices the constructed eigenvectors might not be H-Orthonormal. To overcome this difficulty we use the modified Gram–Schmidt orthogonalization. This algorithm transforms the vectors u1,u2,,un into H-Orthonormal vectors as follows:

  1. Put u1=u1u1THu1, for i=2,3,,n do the steps (2) and (3),

  2. Define Si=uij=1i1δj[ui,uj]uj,

  3. Set ui=Si[Si,Si]H.

Remark 2.9.

Due to the fact that the components of u1i and v1i have signs +, −, moreover b1v1j+c1v2j have signs +, −, therefore the solution matrix is not unique. Therefore, in order to show the efficiency of the modified algorithm in the numerical examples, we compare the prescribed eigenvalues with the eigenvalues of the constructed matrix.

2.2. Complex eigenvalues in spectrum

In this section, we consider an inverse eigenvalues problem for pentadiagonal H-Symmetric matrix P using three spectra consisting of complex eigenvalues. That is we want to construct pentadiagonal matrix P such that σ(P) may have some complex numbers. Indeed, we construct a pentadiagonal matrix P by prescribed eigendata σ(P),σ1(P),σ2(P) such that σ1(P),σ2(P) are real and distinct, but σ(P) has some complex eigenvalues. Since P has complex eigenvalues, thus the corresponding eigenvectors do not make a H-Orthonormal matrix. Therefore, we can not use the Lanczos algorithm to construct matrix P. Using (Equation11) we compute zi, where (14) zi=b1v1i+ϵ2c1v2i,i=1,2,,n1,(14) On the other hand, the eigenvectors of P1 are H1-Orthonormal, thus simple calculation shows that (15) b1=δ11v1TH1z,v1=[v11,v12,,v1n1],z=[z1,z2,,zn1](15) From (Equation14), we find (16) c12v2i2=(zib1v1i)2,i=1,2,,n1.(16) Multiplying both sides of (Equation16) by δi1 and taking sum in i and considering the condition i=1n1δi1v2i2=δ21, we obtain (17) c1=δ21i=1n1δi1(zib1v1i)2,(17) therefore, we find v2i=zib1v1iϵ2c1,i=1,2,,n1. Now using the first and the second components of P1, i.e. v1i,v2i, and the spectrum σ1(P) we may use the Lanczos algorithm to construct P1. The entries b1 and c1 are found by (Equation15) and (Equation17). Using trace formula we find a1 as follows: (18) a1=i=1nλii=1n1μi.(18) Therefore, P is constructed completely.

3. Numerical examples

In this section, to display the efficiency of the proposed method, some numerical experiments are considered. The numerical computations are performed using MATLAB R2015a on an Intel(R) Core(TM) i5 system. In order to test and evaluate the obtained numerical results, first we consider P as a known matrix and compute the eigendata σ(P), σ1(P), σ2(P) using eig function in Matlab. Then by using these eigendata and proposed method we reconstruct the matrix and call it P(c). Finally, we compare the spectral data of P and P(c).

Example 3.1.

Consider the H-symmetric pentadiagonal matrix of the form (Equation1) with entries ai={20,i=1,6,i=2,,n1,5,i=n,bi=4,ci=1,ϵi={1,i=1,1,i=2,,n1. In Tables  and , for different values of n, we compared the spectra of computed matrix P(c) with the initial given matrix P.

Table 1. Numerical results for Example 3.1 without modified Gram–Schmidt method.

Table 2. Numerical results for Example 3.1 with applying modified Gram–Schmidt method.

We consider the following numerical examples where the given matrix P has some complex eigenvalues.

Example 3.2.

Consider the H-symmetric pentadiagonal matrix of the form (Equation1) with entries ai={1,i=1,20,i=2,9,i=3,,n1,5,i=n,bi=ci=4,ϵi={1,i=1,1,i=2,,n1. In Tables  and , for different values of n, we compared the spectra of computed matrix P(c) with the initial given matrix P.

Table 3. Numerical results for Example 3.2 without Modified Gram–Schmidt method.

Table 4. Numerical results for Example 3.2 with applying Modified Gram–Schmidt method.

Example 3.3.

Consider the H-symmetric pentadiagonal matrix of the form (Equation1) with entries ai={1,i=1,20,i=2,19,i=3,,n1,18,i=n,bi={12,i=1,n16,i=2,,n2,ci=9,ϵi={1,i=1,1,i=2,,n1. In Tables  and , for different values of n, we compared the spectra of computed matrix P(c) with the initial given matrix P.

Table 5. Numerical results for Example 3.3 without Modified Gram–Schmidt method.

Table 6. Numerical results for Example 3.3 with applying Modified Gram–Schmidt method.

4. Conclusions

In this paper, given three spectra {λi}i=1n,{μi}i=1n1,{νi}i=1n2, not necessarily interlacing, we construct H-Symmetric pentadiagonal matrix P that admits the spectrum, i.e. σ(P)={λi}i=1n,σ1(P)={μi}i=1n1,σ2(P)={νi}i=1n2. The construction procedure shows that the solution is not unique. The significance of this paper is to consider the cases where σ(P) may contain complex eigenvalues. Moreover, in general the eigenvalues do not need to satisfy interlacing properties.


The authors would like to thank three anonymous reviewers for their grateful comments on earlier version of the paper.

Disclosure statement

No potential conflict of interest was reported by the author(s).


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