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Biodiversity in concert: Common, uncommon, and new species

Pages 1-5 | Published online: 09 Dec 2009

As Marine Biology Research enters its sixth year, we can proudly look back at 229 articles published in 30 issues featuring high-quality basic and applied science communicated to a growing readership worldwide. From its start, this merger of two widely respected journals, Sarsia and Ophelia, was intended as a Scandinavian-based, strongly international vehicle for propagating peer-reviewed research from all fields of marine biology, with special focus on biodiversity-related problems.

In the year 2010, two crucial events will pave the way towards future initiatives to coordinate biodiversity research. This is the year of the ‘2010 Biodiversity Target’, aiming at significantly reducing biodiversity loss from global to national levels (www.cbd.int/2010-target/) and this is the terminal year of the Census of Marine Life initiative, with the goal to ‘assess and explain the diversity, distribution, and abundance of life in the oceans’ (www.coml.org/). An important goal for Marine Biology Research has been to contribute to these initiatives and to stimulate ‘concerted’ biodiversity research that treats all species as significant ecosystem components, the common and the uncommon as well as the newly described and the still undescribed ones.

Species regarded as common have received enhanced attention in biodiversity studies only recently, simply because of their high abundance, wide-ranging occurrence, and assumed insensitivity to threats. Common species contribute much to ecosystem function and are – as a consequence of their omnipresence – particularly exposed to human-induced impacts, directly or indirectly, through resource exploitation, habitat destruction, or global warming. Hence, common species lie at the heart of major threats on biodiversity (Gaston & Fuller Citation2007). In Marine Biology Research, several articles have dealt with recently observed abundance fluctuations in commercially important fish species viewed from ecosystem-, fisheries- and/or climate change-oriented perspectives (e.g. Tsikliras Citation2008; Gjøsæter et al. Citation2009a; Klyashtorin et al. Citation2009). One preliminary conclusion from these studies is that in marine habitats human impacts on common species may still be reversible. However, there is a pressing need to better understand long-term demographic trends and interactions among natural and human-induced factors towards securing sustainable management (e.g. Husa et al. Citation2008; Klyashtorin et al. Citation2009; Norderhaug & Christie Citation2009).

Uncommon species in the sense of ‘rare species’ (Grassle & Smith Citation1976) have been receiving high interest in biodiversity research ever since. Most species have relatively few individuals and rather narrow distributions, being characteristic constituents of distinct habitat types and assemblages. Uncommon species appear to be more often under threat of extinction than common ones, requiring proper assessment against ‘Red List’ criteria established by the International Union for the Conservation of Nature (IUCN, www.iucn.org/). There have been debates arising, however, concerning whether terrestrial and marine species should be assessed using the same criteria set and definitions, because species extinctions in marine habitats may occur at much lower rates than may be inferred from the assessment of individual populations (Gjøsæter et al. Citation2009b). Marine habitats are often widely interconnected allowing dispersal to take place over large distances. Also, sampling limitations (e.g. Abecasis et al. Citation2009; Pavithran et al. Citation2009; Vecchione et al. Citation2010) and/or lack of knowledge need to be taken into account when evaluating the rarity and extinction risk of distinct species (Flather & Sieg Citation2007).

Under the term ‘new species’, three different groups can be subsumed: those species which are new for a distinct area, including native, but previously undiscovered ones (‘new records’) and ‘invasive’ species; those new to science; and the still undescribed or unknown taxa. Invasive species are particularly interesting for ecologists, as they may affect native species or assemblages in often unpredictable ways (e.g. Thomsen et al. Citation2007; Sciberras & Schembri Citation2008) and/or indicate recent abiotic or biotic changes in favour of colonization. Descriptions of new species are essential for any biodiversity research from genes to ecosystems. The new species described in our journal are from considerably distinct systematic groups ranging from single-celled euglenids to fish.

In the first five volumes of Marine Biology Research, 41 articles presented descriptions of a total of 71 new species and seven new genera belonging to the following groups: Euglenida (Lee Citation2008), Porifera (Hexactinellida: Lopes et al. Citation2007; Tabachnick & Collins Citation2008; Demospongiae: Carvalho et al. Citation2007), Anthozoa (Hexacorallia: López-González et al. Citation2005; Zelnio et al. Citation2009), Gnathostomulida (Sterrer & Sørensen Citation2006), Mollusca (Caudofoveata: Schander et al. Citation2006; Gastropoda: Dayrat Citation2005; Cephalopoda: Allcock et al. Citation2006 (B); Bivalvia: Dijkstra et al. Citation2009), Entoprocta (Sánchez-Tocino & Tierno de Figueroa Citation2009), Echiura (Murina Citation2008), Annelida (Polychaeta: Aguirrezabalaga & Ceberio, Citation2005; Worsaae & Sterrer Citation2006; Nygren et al. Citation2009; Clitellata: Matamoros et al. Citation2007), Pycnogonida (Cano & López-González Citation2007), Crustacea (Facetotecta: Belmonte Citation2005; Copepoda: Ivanenko et al. Citation2005; Kršinic Citation2005, Kršinic Citation2008; Bandera et al. Citation2007; Fosshagen & Iliffe Citation2007; Brachyura: Naruse et al. Citation2008; Mysidacea: Abraham et al. Citation2006; Abraham & Panampunnayil Citation2006; Cumacea: Corbera et al. 2009; Isopoda: Brix Citation2007; Brandt & Andres Citation2008), Gastrotricha (Hummon & Guadiz Citation2009; Todaro et al. Citation2009), Loricifera (Gad & Martínez Arbizu Citation2005; Heiner et al. Citation2009), Chaetognatha (Nair et al. Citation2008), Echinodermata (Asteroidea: Dilman Citation2008; Ophiuroidea: Martynov & Litvinova Citation2008; Echinoidea: Mironov Citation2008; Holothuroidea: Rogacheva Citation2007; Gebruk Citation2008a), and Pisces (Chernova & Møller Citation2008).

Figure 1.  Deep-sea cephalopods from the northern Atlantic: (A) Teuthowenia megalops (Prosch, Citation1847), (B) Benthoctopus johnsoniana Allcock et al., Citation2006, (C) Histioteuthis corona (Voss & Voss, Citation1962), (D) Mastigoteuthis agassizii Verrill, Citation1881, (E) Stauroteuthis syrtensis Verrill, Citation1879, (F) Promachoteuthis sloani Young et al., Citation2006, (G) Helicocranchia pfefferi Massy, Citation1907, and (H) Opisthoteuthis grimaldii (Joubin, Citation1903); the photographed specimens were obtained during three expeditions to the northern Mid-Atlantic Ridge, the RV James Cook cruise, 2007 (www.oceanlab.abdn.ac.uk/ecomar/) (A, G), the RV Bigelow cruise, 2007 (http://www.vims.edu/blogs/mareco/) (B, F, H), and the RV G.O. Sars cruise, 2004 (www.mar-eco.no/) (C), and during the R.V. Seward Johnson and Johnson Sealink submersible cruise, 2004, in the Gulf of Maine (www.at-sea.org/missions/maineevent5/preview.html; Jacoby et al. Citation2009) (D, E); for distribution and abundance information on these eight and 48 other cephalopod species see Vecchione et al. (Citation2010); photographs: David Shale (www.deepseaimages.co.uk).

Figure 1.  Deep-sea cephalopods from the northern Atlantic: (A) Teuthowenia megalops (Prosch, Citation1847), (B) Benthoctopus johnsoniana Allcock et al., Citation2006, (C) Histioteuthis corona (Voss & Voss, Citation1962), (D) Mastigoteuthis agassizii Verrill, Citation1881, (E) Stauroteuthis syrtensis Verrill, Citation1879, (F) Promachoteuthis sloani Young et al., Citation2006, (G) Helicocranchia pfefferi Massy, Citation1907, and (H) Opisthoteuthis grimaldii (Joubin, Citation1903); the photographed specimens were obtained during three expeditions to the northern Mid-Atlantic Ridge, the RV James Cook cruise, 2007 (www.oceanlab.abdn.ac.uk/ecomar/) (A, G), the RV Bigelow cruise, 2007 (http://www.vims.edu/blogs/mareco/) (B, F, H), and the RV G.O. Sars cruise, 2004 (www.mar-eco.no/) (C), and during the R.V. Seward Johnson and Johnson Sealink submersible cruise, 2004, in the Gulf of Maine (www.at-sea.org/missions/maineevent5/preview.html; Jacoby et al. Citation2009) (D, E); for distribution and abundance information on these eight and 48 other cephalopod species see Vecchione et al. (Citation2010); photographs: David Shale (www.deepseaimages.co.uk).

Our blue planet is far from being fully explored, and in order to properly study and manage marine ecosystems, there are pressing needs for providing the most complete species inventories possible. There are still many species awaiting description and/or discovery, on museum shelves or in marine habitats from the littoral to the deep-sea trenches. Hence, initiatives enhancing coordinated taxonomic research and ocean exploration will certainly be required beyond 2010. Marine Biology Research wants to support biodiversity-related research initiatives and provides extra publication space for concerted actions in Thematic Issues (e.g. Gebruk Citation2008b; Haug et al. Citation2009; Serét Citationin press) and for discussing ‘hot’ topics in Invited Reviews (e.g. Bearzi Citation2005; Uiblein Citation2007; Glud Citation2008; Norderhaug & Christie Citation2009). To better serve these challenges and to efficiently publish high-quality research from all areas of marine biology, we increased the journal's page budget in 2009 and accelerated early online publishing (www.informaworld.com/ifirst).

Finally, some announcements of recent changes on our editorial board: we cordially thank Egil Karlsbakk, who left us as a subject editor, for serving Marine Biology Research so well from the very start. Two new subject editors, Gavin Gouws (phylogeography and population genetics) and David Thieltges (parasitology, invasive species, macroecology) have recently joined us. Welcome!


  • Abecasis , D , Cardigos , F , Almada , F and Santos Gonçalves , JM. 2009 . New records on the ichthyofauna of the Gorringe seamount (Northeastern Atlantic) . Marine Biology Research , 5 : 605 – 11 .
  • Abraham , B and Panampunnayil , SU. 2009 . Mysids (Crustacea) from the shallow waters off Maharashtra and south Gujarat, India, with description of a new species . Marine Biology Research , 5 : 345 – 62 .
  • Abraham , B , Panampunnayil , SU and Prabhakaran , MP. 2006 . Mysidacea (Crustacea) from the Minicoy lagoon (Lakshadweep, India) with description of a new species of Anisomysis . Marine Biology Research , 2 : 291 – 95 .
  • Aguirrezabalaga , F and Ceberio , A. 2005 . Spionidae (Annelida: Polychaeta) from the Capbreton Canyon (Bay of Biscay, NE Atlantic) with descriptions of a new genus and three new species . Marine Biology Research , 1 : 267 – 80 .
  • Allcock , AL , Strugnell , JM , Ruggiero , H and Collins , MA. 2006 . Redescription of the deep-sea octopod Benthoctopus normani (Massy 1907) and a description of a new species from the Northeast Atlantic . Marine Biology Research , 2 : 372 – 87 .
  • Bandera , ME , Conradi , M and López-González , PJ. 2007 . Two new asterocherid species (Siphonostomatoida: Asterocheridae) from Madeira and the Canary Islands (eastern Atlantic) . Marine Biology Research , 3 : 93 – 108 .
  • Bearzi , M. 2005 . Dolphin sympatric ecology . Marine Biology Research , 1 : 165 – 75 .
  • Belmonte , G. 2005 . Y-Nauplii (Crustacea, Thecostraca, Facetotecta) from coastal waters of the Salento Peninsula (south eastern Italy, Mediterranean Sea) with descriptions of four new species . Marine Biology Research , 1 : 254 – 66 .
  • Brandt , A and Andres , HG. 2008 . Description of Aega sarsae sp. nov. and redescription of Syscenus atlanticus Kononenko, 1988 (Crustacea, Isopoda, Aegidae) from the Mid-Atlantic Ridge . Marine Biology Research , 4 : 61 – 75 .
  • Brix , S. 2007 . Four new species of Desmosomatidae Sars, 1897 (Crustacea: Isopoda) from the deep sea of the Angola Basin . Marine Biology Research , 3 : 205 – 30 .
  • Cano , E and López-González , PJ. 2007 . Ammotheidae (Arthropoda: Pycnogonidae) collected during the Victoria Land Transect cruise 2004 (Ross Sea, Antarctica), with a description of a new species of Ammothea . Marine Biology Research , 3 : 438 – 45 .
  • Carvalho , MS , Desqueyroux-Faúndez , R and Hajdu , E. 2007 . Phakellia sur sp. nov. (Demospongiae, Halichondrida, Axinellidae) from the lower slope off Cape Horn (South America), with a revision of the genus . Marine Biology Research , 3 : 109 – 16 .
  • Chernova , NV and Møller , PR . 2008 . A new snailfish, Paraliparis nigellus sp. nov. (Scorpaeniformes, Liparidae), from the northern Mid-Atlantic Ridge – with notes on occurrence of Psednos in the area . Marine Biology Research , 4 : 369 – 75 .
  • Corbera , J , Segonzac , M and Cunha , MR. 2008 . A new deep-sea genus of Nannastacidae (Crustacea, Cumacea) from the Lucky Strike hydrothermal vent field (Azores Triple Junction, Mid-Atlantic Ridge) . Marine Biology Research , 4 : 180 – 92 .
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  • Dijkstra , HH , Warén , A and Gudmundsson , G. 2009 . Pectinoidea (Mollusca: Bivalvia) from Iceland . Marine Biology Research , 5 : 207 – 43 .
  • Dilman , AB. 2008 . Asteroid fauna of the northern Mid-Atlantic Ridge with description of a new species Hymenasterides mironovi sp. nov . Marine Biology Research , 4 : 131 – 51 .
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  • Fosshagen , A and Iliffe , TM. 2007 . New species of epacteriscids (Copepoda, Calanoida) from anchialine caves in the Caicos Islands and the Bahamas . Marine Biology Research , 3 : 73 – 92 .
  • Gad , G and Martínez Arbizu , P. 2005 . First description of an Arctic Loricifera – a new Rugiloricus species from the Laptev Sea . Marine Biology Research , 1 : 313 – 25 .
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  • Gebruk , AV. 2008a . Holothurians (Holothuroidea, Echinodermata) of the northern Mid-Atlantic Ridge collected by the G.O. Sars MAR-ECO expedition with descriptions of four new species . Marine Biology Research , 4 : 48 – 60 .
  • Gebruk AV (guest editor) . 2008b . Benthic Fauna of the Northern Mid-Atlantic Ridge: Results of the MAR-ECO expedition. Thematic Issue No. 1 , Marine Biology Research 4 : 1 163 .
  • Gjøsæter , H , Bogstad , B and Tjelmeland , S. 2009a . Ecosystem effects of the three capelin stock collapses in the Barents Sea . Marine Biology Research , 5 : 40 – 53 .
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  • Heiner , I , Boesgaard , TM and Kristensen , RM. 2009 . First time discovery of Loricifera from Australian waters and marine caves . Marine Biology Research , 5 : 529 – 46 .
  • Hummon , WD and Guadiz , CJ. 2009 . A new species of marine Gastrotricha from Maine, USA: Tetranchyroderma mainensis (Macrodasyida, Thaumastodermatidae) . Marine Biology Research , 5 : 385 – 90 .
  • Husa , V , Sjøtun , K , Brattenborg , N and Lein , TE. 2008 . Changes of macroalgal biodiversity in sublittoral sites in southwest Norway: Impact of an introduced species or higher temperature? . Marine Biology Research , 4 : 414 – 28 .
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  • Lee , WJ. 2008 . Free-living heterotrophic euglenids from marine sediments of the Gippsland Basin, southeastern Australia . Marine Biology Research , 4 : 333 – 49 .
  • Lopes , DA , Hajdu , E and Reiswig , HM. 2007 . Taxonomy of Euretidae (Porifera, Hexactinellida, Hexactinosida) of Campos Basin, southwestern Atlantic, with a description of a new species . Marine Biology Research , 3 : 243 – 55 .
  • López-González , PJ , Rodríguez , E and Segonzac , M. 2005 . A new species of sea anemone (Cnidaria: Anthozoa: Actiniaria) from Manus Basin hydrothermal vents, South-western Pacific . Marine Biology Research , 1 : 326 – 37 .
  • Martynov , AV and Litvinova , NM . 2008 . Deep-water Ophiuroidea of the northern Atlantic with descriptions of three new species and taxonomic remarks on certain genera and species . Marine Biology Research , 4 : 76 – 111 .
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  • Mironov , AN. 2008 . Pourtalesiid sea urchins (Echinodermata: Echinoidea) of the northern Mid-Atlantic Ridge . Marine Biology Research , 4 : 3 – 24 .
  • Murina , VV. 2008 . New records of Echiura and Sipuncula in the North Atlantic Ocean, with the description of a new species of Jacobia . Marine Biology Research , 4 : 152 – 56 .
  • Nair , VR , Panampunnayil , SU , Pillai , HUK and Gireesh , R. 2008 . Two new species of chaetognatha from the Andaman Sea, Indian Ocean . Marine Biology Research , 4 : 208 – 14 .
  • Naruse , T , Mendoza , JCE and Ng , PKL. 2008 . Descriptions of five new species of false spider crabs (Decapoda: Brachyura: Hymenosomatidae) from the Philippines . Marine Biology Research , 4 : 429 – 41 .
  • Norderhaug , KM and Christie , HC. 2009 . Sea urchin grazing and kelp re-vegetation in the NE Atlantic . Marine Biology Research , 5 : 515 – 28 .
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  • Rogacheva , AV. 2007 . Revision of the Arctic group of species of the family Elpidiidae (Elasipodida, Holothuroidea) . Marine Biology Research , 3 : 367 – 96 .
  • Sánchez-Tocino , L and Tierno de Figueroa , JM. 2009 . Contribution to the knowledge of the genus Loxosomella (Entoprocta) from the Spanish Mediterranean Sea, with the description of a new species, Loxosomella ameliae sp. nov . Marine Biology Research , 5 : 404 – 07 .
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  • Sciberras , M and Schembri , PJ. 2008 . Biology and interspecific interactions of the alien crab Percnon gibbesi in the Maltese Islands . Marine Biology Research , 4 : 321 – 32 .
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  • Sterrer , W and Sørensen , MV. 2006 . Chirognathia dracula gen. et spec. nov. (Gnathostomulida) from the west coast of North America . Marine Biology Research , 2 : 296 – 302 .
  • Tabachnick , KR and Collins , AG. 2008 . Glass sponges (Porifera, Hexactinellida) of the northern Mid-Atlantic Ridge . Marine Biology Research , 4 : 25 – 47 .
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