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Research Article

Holomorphic Lie group actions on Danielewski surfaces

Pages 1801-1811 | Received 31 Jan 2022, Accepted 09 May 2022, Published online: 13 Jul 2022


We prove that any Lie subgroup G (with finitely many connected components) of an infinite-dimensional topological group G which is an amalgamated product of two closed subgroups can be conjugated to one factor. We apply this result to classify Lie group actions on Danielewski surfaces by elements of the overshear group (up to conjugation).

AMS Subject ClassificationS:

1. Introduction

The motivation of this paper is the study of holomorphic automorphisms of Danielewski surfaces. These are affine algebraic surfaces defined by an equation Dp:={xyp(z)=0} in C3, where pC[z] is a polynomial with simple zeros. These surfaces are intensively studied in affine algebraic geometry, and their algebraic automorphism group has been determined by Makar-Limanov [Citation1, Citation2]. More results on algebraic automorphisms of Danielewski surfaces can be found in Refs. [Citation3–7].

From the holomorphic point of view, their study began in the paper of Kaliman and Kutzschebauch [Citation8] who proved that they have the density and volume density property, important features of the so called Andersén–Lempert theory. For definitions and an overview over Andersén–Lempert theory, we refer to Ref. [Citation9].

Another important study in the borderland between affine algebraic geometry and complex analysis is the classification of complete algebraic vector fields on Danielewski surfaces by Leuenberger [Citation10]. In fact we explain in Remark 4.1 how to use his results together with our Classification Theorem 1.3 to find holomorphic automorphisms of Danielewski surfaces which are not contained in the overshear group.

In Ref. [Citation11], we define the notion of an overshear and shear on Danielewski surfaces as follows:

Definition 1.1

A mapping Of,g:DpDp of the form Of,g(x,y,z)=(x,y+1x(p(zexf(x)+xg(x))p(z)),zexf(x)+xg(x)) (or with the role of first and second coordinates exchanged, IOf,gI) is called an overshear map, where f,g:CC are holomorphic functions (and the involution I of Dp is the map interchanging x and y). When f0, we say that Sg:=O0,g is a shear map on Dp.

These mappings are automorphisms of Dp. The maps of the form Of,g form a group, which we call O1. It can be equivalently described as the subgroup of Aut(Dp), leaving the function x invariant. It is therefore a closed subgroup of Aut(Dp) (endowed with compact-open topology). Analogously, the maps IOf,gI form a group, the closed subgroup of Aut(Dp) leaving y invariant, which we call O2.

The main result of Ref. [Citation11] says that the group generated by overshears, i.e. by O1 and O2 (we call it the overshear group OS(Dp)), is dense (with respect to the compact-open topology) in the component of the identity of the holomorphic automorphism group Aut(DP) of Dp. This fact generalizes the classical results of Andersén and Lempert  [Citation12] from Cn. It is worth to be mentioned at this point that Dp for p of degree 1 is isomorphic to C2.

In Ref. [Citation13], the authors together with Andrist proved a structure result of the overshear group.

Theorem 1.2

Theorem 5.1 in Ref. [Citation13]

Let Dp be a Danielewski surface and assume that deg(p)4, then the overshear group, OS(Dp), is a free amalgamated product of O1 and O2.

The main result of our paper is a classification result for Lie group actions on Danielewski surfaces by elements of the overshear group.

Theorem 1.3

Let Dp be a Danielewski surface and assume that deg(p)4. Let a real connected Lie group G act on Dp by automorphisms in OS(Dp). Then G is abelian, isomorphic to the additive group (Rn,+) and is conjugated (in OS(Dp)) to a subgroup of O1.

The exact formulas for such actions are described in Corollary 3.3.

For the overshear group of C2 (instead of Danielewski surfaces), many results in the same spirit have been proven by Ahern and Rudin [Citation14] for G finite cyclic group, by Kutzschebauch and Kraft [Citation15] for compact G and for one-parameter subgroups in the thesis of Andersén [Citation16] by de Fabritiis [Citation17], Ahern and Forstnerič [Citation18] and Ahern et al. [Citation19]. For Danielewski surfaces, our result is the first of that kind. The proof relies on our second main result, which seems to be of independent interest.

Theorem 1.4

Let G be a topological group which is a free amalgamated product OOLL of two closed subgroups O, L. Furthermore, let G be a Lie group with finitely many connected components and φ:GG be a continuous group homomorphisms. Then φ(G) is conjugate to a subgroup of O or L.

The outline of this paper is the following. In Section 2, we prove Theorem 1.4. In Section 3, we prove Theorem 1.3. In Section 4, we apply Theorem 1.2 to give new examples of holomorphic automorphisms of Dp not contained in the overshear group OS(Dp).

2. Lie subgroups of a free amalgamated product

The aim of this section is to prove the following theorem. For the notion of amalgamated product, we refer the reader to Ref. [Citation20].

Theorem 2.1

Let G be a topological group which is a free amalgamated product OOLL of two closed subgroups O, L. Furthermore, let G be a Lie group with finitely many connected components and φ:GG be a continuous group homomorphism. Then φ(G) is conjugate to a subgroup of O or L.

We need the following facts:

Proposition 2.2

Every element of a free amalgamated product OOLL is conjugate either to an element of O or L or to a cyclically reduced element. Every cyclically reduced element is of infinite order.


See Proposition 2 in Section 1.3 in Ref. [Citation20].

Lemma 2.3

A subgroup H of a free amalgamated product OOLL is conjugate to a subgroup of O or L if and only if H is of bounded length.


This is a direct consequence of Proposition 2.2.

Lemma 2.4

Let g1 and g2 be two commuting elements of OOLL with lengths 1, then l(g1) and l(g2) are both even or both odd.


Assume that g1=a1am and g2=b1bn are two commuting elements. Assume, for a contradiction, that l(g1) is even and l(g2) is odd. Since g1 has even length, the first and last element of the chain a1,,am have to alter between O and L. Similarly, the first and last element of the chain g2s has to be contained in either O or L.

Assume first that a1O and amL and that b1,bnO. Then, since am and b1 alter between L and O, l(g1g2)=m+n. The assumption that g1 and g2 are commuting yields that the corresponding length of g2g1 has to be the same as the length of g1g2. Clearly, b1bna1am=b1bn1ca2am, where c=bna1O. Hence, l(g2g1)=m+n1<m+n=l(g1g2), which contradicts our assumption.

If we assume that a1O and amL and that b1,bnL, a similar contradiction is obtained. In fact, l(g1g2)=m+n1<m+n=l(g2g1).

Similar calculations are obtained if a1L and amO, where we have to consider both of the cases b1,bnL and b1,bnO.

Lemma 2.5

If an element g of a free amalgamated product OOLL has roots of arbitrary order, then it is conjugate to an element in O or to an element in L.


Assume that g is not conjugate to an element in O or to an element in L. Then, by Proposition 2.2, g is conjugate to a cyclically reduced element, say h1gh, which has even length 2 by definition of a cyclically reduced element. For each n>0, we have that h1gh=h1(g1/n)nh, since g as roots of arbitrary order. Hence, h1g1/nh is not an element of O or L, since it equals h1gh. Furthermore, h1(g1/n)nhh1gh=h1(g1/n)ngh=h1ggh==h1g(g1/n)nh=h1ghh1(g1/n)nh. We conclude that h1gh and h1g1/nh commute. Whence, Lemma 2.4 implies that h1g1/nh has even length (since h1gh has even length) and is thus cyclically reduced. Hence, l(h1gh)=l(h1(g1/n)nh)=|n|l(h1g1/nh)|n|, for all n>0, contradicting the fact that all elements of OOLL have finite length.

First let us establish Theorem 2.1 in the case of a one-parameter subgroup:

Proposition 2.6

Let G be a topological group which is a free amalgamated product OOLL of two closed subgroups O and L. Let φ:RG be a continuous one-parameter subgroup. Then, φ(R) is conjugate to a subgroup of O or L.


Since φ is a group homomorphism, we know that φ(1) and φ(2) have roots of all orders. Hence, we can use Lemma 2.5 to conjugate both elements to O or L. Consider the dense subgroup H={m+n2:m,nZ} of R. Since l(φ(m+n2))=l(φ(m)φ(n2))l(φ(1)mφ(2)n), we conclude that φ(H) have bounded length. Therefore, Lemma 2.3 implies that φ(H) is conjugate to O or L. Let cOOLL be an element such that cφ(H)c1 is contained in O or L. Finally, as O and L are closed, we get that cφ(H¯)c1=cφ(R)c1cφ(H)c1¯ is contained in O or L.

The key ingredient in the Proof of Theorem 1.4 will rely on the following result which seems to be of independent interest. In the language of Ref. [Citation21], this means that every Lie group G is uniformly finitely generated by one-parameter subgroups.

Proposition 2.7

For any connected real Lie group G, there are finitely many elements ViLie(G), i=1,2,,N, for which the product map of the one-parameter subgroups ΦV1,V2,,VN:RNG defined by (t1,t2,,tN)exp(t1V1)exp(t2V2)exp(tNVN) is surjective.


By Levi-Malcev decomposition [Citation22] and Iwasawa decomposition [Citation23], we can write G=SR=KANR, where S is semisimple, R is solvable, A is abelian, N is nilpotent and K is compact.

If we can prove the claim of the proposition for each of the factors in the above decomposition, we will be done.

For abelian groups, the fact holds trivially.

Case 1: K a compact connected Lie group: Take any basis (k1,,kn) of the Lie algebra Lie(K). Then the product map Φk1,k2,,kn:RnK is a submersion at the unit element. Thus its image contains an open neighborhood U of the unit element. Since the powers of a neighborhood U of the unit element in any connected Lie group cover the whole group, for a compact Lie group K there is a finite number m such that Um=K. This means that for our purpose Φk1,k2,,knm:RnmK is surjective.

Case 2: Consider N, a nilpotent connected Lie group. Then NN~/Γ for the universal covering N~ and Γ a normal discrete subgroup of N~. Since the exponential map for N~ factors over π:N~N, it is enough to prove the claim for simply connected N.

Then, the following fact (due to Malcev [Citation24]) is true: If N is simply connected then for a certain (Malcev) basis (V1,,Vn) of Lie(N), the map (t1,t2,,tn)expt1V1+t2V2++tnVn is a diffeomorphism. We will now prove the claim by induction of the length of the lower central series of Lie(N). For length 1, the group is abelian and the fact holds trivially. Let g=exp(t1V1+t2V2+tnVn). By repeated use of Lemma 2.8, we write (1) g=exp(t1V1)exp(t2V2++tnVn)expK1=exp(t1V1)exp(t2V2)exp(t3V3++tnVn)expK2expK1=exp(t1V1)exp(t2V2)exp(tnVn)expKnexpK2expK1(1) with Ki[Lie(N),Lie(N)].

Since [Lie(N),Lie(N)] has shorter length of lower central series, by the induction hypothesis, each of the factors expKi is a product of one-parameter subgroup. This proves the claim.

Case 3: R is solvable: Let R denote the commutator subgroup of R. Then R is nilpotent and A:=R/R is abelian. If xR is any element, we can per definition write its image x¯ in A as x¯=exp(t1A1)exp(tnAn) for some Ai:s in Lie(A) which form a basis. Let π:Lie(R)Lie(A) denote the quotient map and let A~iLie(R) be elements with π(A~i)=Ai. Thus we get x=exp(t1A~1)exp(tnA~n)g for some gR. Since R is nilpotent this reduces our problem to case 2.

Lemma 2.8

For a nilpotent Lie group G with Lie algebra g=Lie(G) and x,yg, there is K(x,y)[g,g] with exp(x+y)=exp(x)exp(y)exp(K(x,y)).


The key fact is the Baker–Campbell–Hausdorff formula proven by Dynkin [Citation25]. In the nilpotent case, it says that it is a finite sum of iterated Lie brackets Z(x,y) (number of iterations of brackets bounded by the lower central series of g) such that for all x,yg exp(x)exp(y)=expZ(x,y). Moreover, Z(x,y)=x+y+[x,y]+higher brackets. Now (2) exp(x+y)=exp(x)exp(y)exp(Z(x,y)exp(x+y))=exp(x)exp(y)exp(Z(Z(x,y),x+y)).(2) Setting K(x,y):=Z(Z(x,y),x+y)) finishes the proof, since the terms without bracket cancel, i.e. K(x,y)[g,g].

Now we are ready to prove the main result of this section.


Proof of Theorem 1.4.

Let G0 denote a connected component of G containing the identity. By Proposition 2.7, there are finitely many one-parameter subgroups Ri such that the product map R1×R2××RNG0 is surjective. By Proposition 2.6 and Lemma 2.3, the elements of each of the φ(Ri) have bounded length, say a(i). Thus the length of the elements in φ(G0) is bounded by i=1Na(i). As G has only finitely many connected components, the lengths of elements of φ(G) are bounded. The assertion now follows from Lemma 2.3.

3. Classification of Lie group actions by overshears

In this section, we prove Theorem 1.3 from the introduction. We assume deg(p)4 and use Theorem 1.2 from the introduction stating that OS(Dp) is a free amalgamated product O1O2, where O1 is generated by Of,gx and O2 is generated by IOf,gxI. By Theorem 2.1, we can conjugate any Lie group G with finitely many components acting continuously on Dp by elements of OS(Dp) into O1 or O2. Without loss of generality, we can assume that we can conjugate any connected Lie subgroup G of OS(Dp), in particular any one-parameter subgroup, to O1. Now we have reduced our problem to classify Lie subgroups of O1. We start with one-parameter subgroups.

We recall the definitions of overshear fields and shear fields from Ref. [Citation11].





where f, g are entire functions on C. In the special case, f0 then OFf,gx is the shear field SFgx.

The set of overshear fields is a Lie algebra which consists of complete vector fields only. The formula for the bracket is given by Equation (Equation4).

Any one-parameter subgroup of Aut(Dp) which is contained in the overshear group O1 is the flow of an overshear field. Let us prove this. The connection between a vector field V(x,y,z) and the flow φ(x,y,z,t) is given by the ODE (3) ddt|t=t0φ(x,y,z,t)=V(φ(x,y,z,t0)),φ(x,y,z,0)=(x,y,z).(3) Since any action of a real Lie group on a complex space by holomorphic automorphisms is real analytic [Citation26, 1.6], we can write the flow φ(x,y,z,t)=(x,,zexp(xf(t,x))+xg(t,x)) contained in O1 as (x,,zexp(xi=0fi(x)ti)+xi=0gi(x)ti) for entire functions fi and gi. Using Equation (Equation3) for t0=0 leads to V(x,y,z,t)=p(z)(zf0(x)+g1(x))y+{xf1(x)exp(xf0(x))z+xg1(x)}/z, an overshear field.

Calculating the commutator, we find that for any f, g, h and k, entire functions on C, we have (4) [OFf,gx,OFh,kx]=xSFghkf.(4) In particular, shear fields commute and (5) [SFhx,OFf,gx]=xSFfhx=xf(x)SFhx.(5)

Proposition 3.1

Let f, g and h be fixed holomorphic functions with f,h0. Then the Lie algebra Lie(OFf,gx,SFhx) generated by OFf,gx and SFhx is of infinite dimension.


By expression (Equation5) and the fact that shear fields commute, we get that Lie(OFf,gx,SFhx)=span{OFf,gx,SFxnfnh;n=0,1,2}. Assume that the Lie algebra is of finite dimension. This means that there is an n and there are constants a0,,an,b such that bOFf,gx+j=0najxjfj(x)SFhx=xn+1fn+1(x)SFhx. It follows that b = 0, whence we get a functional equation of the form j=0najyj(x)=yn+1(x), where y is holomorphic and has a zero at x = 0. This is impossible for non-zero functions y, since the right-hand side has a higher order of vanishing at x = 0 than the left-hand side.

Proposition 3.2

Let g be a Lie algebra contained in OS1 and suppose that dim(g)<+. Then g is abelian.


Assume that g is not abelian. Let Θ1,Θ2g be two non-commuting vector fields. As explained above, they are overshear fields and since they do not commute, their bracket [Θ1,Θ2] is by Equation (Equation4) a nontrivial shear field. Now the result follows from Proposition 3.1.


Proof of Theorem 1.3.

As explained in the beginning of the section, the action of G on Dp by overshears can be conjugated into O1. The action of G by elements of O1 gives rise to a Lie algebra homomorphism of Lie(G) into the Lie algebra of vector fields on Dp fixing the variable x. This Lie algebra is exactly the set of overshear vector fields OFf,gx (which consists of complete fields only). By Proposition 3.2, the finite dimensional Lie algebra Lie(G) has to be abelian. Since all one-parameter subgroups of G give rise to an overshear vector field, they are isomorphic to (R,+) (not S1). Thus G is isomorphic to the additive group Rn generated by the flows of n linear independent commuting overshear vector fields OFfi,gix, i=1,2,,n which commute. By formula (Equation4), this is equivalent to figjfjgi=0  i,j. An equivalent way of expressing this is that the meromorphic functions hi:=gi/fi are the same for all i or that all fi are identically zero.

Corollary 3.3

Suppose deg(p)4. Every one-parameter subgroup of OS(Dp) is conjugate by elements of OS(Dp) to the flow of an overshear field OFf,gx which in turn is given by the formula (x,y,z,t)(x,y+p(exf(x)tz+(g(x)/f(x))(exf(x)t1))p(z)x,exf(x)tz+g(x)f(x)(exf(x)t1)). Here the expression (eab1)/a for a = 0 is interpreted as the limit of this expression for a0, i.e. as b.

Remark 3.1

It is directly seen from Theorem 1.3 that any action of a real Lie group G on Dp extends to a holomorphic action of the universal complexification GC, which in our case has just the additive group Cn as connected component. This is a general fact proven by the first author in Ref. [Citation27].

4. Examples of automorphisms of Dp not contained in OS(Dp)

In Ref. [Citation13], it is shown that the overshear group is a proper subset of the automorphism group. In fact, using Nevanlinna theory, it is shown that the hyperbolic mapping (x,y,z)(xez,yez,z) is not contained in the overshear group. This is analogous to the result by Andersén  [Citation28], who showed that the automorphism of C2 defined by (x,y)(xexy,yexy) is not finite compositions of shears. Hence, the shear group is a proper subgroup of the group of volume-preserving automorphisms. For another proof of this fact, see also Ref. [Citation15]. Note that our Classification Theorem 1.3 immediately implies that the elements of the C-action λ(λx,λ1y,z) cannot all be contained in OS(Dp), since there are no S1-actions in OS(Dp).

We will present yet another way of finding an automorphism of a Danielewski surface which is not a composition of overshears.

Theorem 4.1

Assume that deg(p)4. Then, the overshear group OS(Dp) is a proper subset of the component of the identity of Authol(Dp).


We look at complete algebraic vector fields on Danielewski surfaces. These are algebraic vectorfields which are globally integrable, however their flow maps are merely holomorphic maps. As shown in Ref. [Citation29], there is always a C- or a C-fibration adapted to these vector fields. That is, there is a map π:DpC such that the flow of the complete field θ maps fibers of π to fibers of π. These maps π have general fiber C or C. In case of at least two exceptional fibers, the vector field θ has to preserve each fiber, i.e. it is tangential to the fibers of π. For example, the overshear fields in OS1 have adapted fibration π0:(x,y,z)x. They are tangential to this C-fibration, the fibers outside x = 0 are parametrized by zC via z(x,p(z)/x,z). The exceptional fiber is π01(0) consisting of deg(p) copies of C, one for each zero zi of the polynomial p and parametrized by yC via y(0,y,zi). A typical example of a field with adapted C-fibration is the hyperbolic field x(/x)y(/y) with adapted fibration (x,y,z)z. There are deg(p) exceptional fibers at the zeros of the polynomial p, each of them isomorphic to the cross of axis xy = 0. The same C-fibration is adapted to the field f(z)(x(/x)y(/y)) for a nontrivial polynomial f.

Now take any complete algebraic vector field θ with an adapted C-fibration (and thus generic orbits C). Assume that the flow maps (or time-t maps) φtAuthol(Dp) of θ are all contained in the overshear group OS(Dp). Then by Theorem 1.3, this one-parameter subgroup tφt can be conjugated into O1. This would mean that the one-parameter subgroup would be conjugate to a one-parameter subgroup of an overshear field OFf,gx (since these are all complete fields respecting the fibration x). This would imply that the generic orbit of the overshear field is C, which is equivalent to f0. However, the generic orbits of these fields OFf,g (isomorphic to C) are not closed in Dp, they contain a fixed point in their closure. Thus our assumption that all φt are contained in OS(Dp) leads to a contradiction. In particular, we have shown that for any non-zero entire function f, there is a tR such that the time t-map of the hyperbolic field given by (x,y,z)(xef(z)t,yef(z)t,z) is not contained in OS(Dp).

Remark 4.1

More examples of complete algebraic vector fields on Dp with adapted C-fibration can be found in the work of Leuenberger [Citation10] who up to automorphism classifies all complete algebraic vector fields on Danielewski surfaces. Interesting examples (whose flow maps are not algebraic) are fields whose adapted C-fibration is given by (x,y,z)xm(xl(z+a)+Q(x))n for coprime numbers m,nN, aC and 0l<deg(Q). The exact formula for these fields can be found in the Main Theorem of loc.cit.

Remark 4.2

Without specifying a concrete automorphism which is not in the group generated by overshears, Andersén and Lempert use an abstract Baire category argument in Ref. [Citation12] to show that the group generated by overshears in Cn is a proper subgroup of the group of holomorphic automorphisms Authol(Cn) of Cn. We do believe that such a proof could work in the case of Danielewski surfaces as well.

Disclosure statement

No potential conflict of interest was reported by the author(s).


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