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Principles of dashboard adaptability to get insights into origin-destination data

Pages 28-48 | Received 19 Nov 2018, Accepted 28 Feb 2020, Published online: 17 Mar 2020


Nowadays large amounts of movement data is available. This makes it important not only to be aware of how to collect and store this data, but also how to visually represent the information to get insights and “read” the story behind data. When visualising origin-destination data, the traditional flow map is the solution most often selected. A single flow map, however, does not necessarily show all the available attribute variables and also tends too clutter quickly.A more appropriate solution is a dashboard. It provides users with summaries of the represented information. Despite the dashboard suitability to support getting insights, current dashboards have some limitations regarding the flexibility of the layout. To overcome these limitations, we introduce adaptability in dashboards. In our case adaptability ensures that users get insights into the component of interest (space, time, or attribute) on 3 levels of detail. Adaptability is initiated by user tasks to resulting in changes in the visualizations of represented information and dashboard interfaces. We illustrate the concept of an adaptable dashboard with two case studies.

1. Introduction

Location-based data can provide information which can be used for providing services to get insights. One of the methods to deliver the services based on the location is visualisations. A dashboard is one of the means of the visualisation. Our origin-destination data (OD-data) is a ‘high-level’ movement data and as such can be considered as abstract location based data. This data is visualised in a dashboard, which as a service we made adaptable to the users tasks.

Origin-destination data describes the characteristics of a moving entity between an origin and a destination. It has three components – space, time, and attribute – which may have several parameters. The space component is related to the location parameters, for example, the coordinates of the origin and the destination. The time component describes the temporal parameters such as the time when the movement started and ended and its duration. The attribute component describes the characteristics of the moving entity, for example, what and how much is moving.

For getting insights graphical representations are essential. A flow map is one of the most common graphical representations to visualise spatial patterns of OD-data. In addition, attribute information can be encoded in the flow’s width, height, or colour. Despite the advantages of a flow map to represent OD-data patterns, it has limitations regarding the representation for getting complete insights. First of all, flow maps are mainly meant for representing spatial patterns, and insights into other patterns are limited. For example, encoded attribute information can represent insights only from a spatial perspective. Secondly, when large amounts of data are represented, it may result in a spatial or a temporal clutter and becomes unreadable for users. Thirdly, a single flow map does not provide insights on different levels of details.

Existing solutions may help to overcome some of these limitations and improve getting insights. Firstly, to ensure users get insights from all perspectives, we can combine a flow map with other graphical representations in one visual environment to show not only spatial but temporal and attribute patterns as well. When users enter a visual environment, they would like to get a summary of the represented information to get overall insights and to define their interests for further interactions with the environment. Therefore, a dashboard can be used as a visual environment. A dashboard is significantly different from visual analytics environments for exploration and interactive drilling down. Instead of providing all the data for users to interact and look for trends, outliers, and patterns, a dashboard focuses on providing users summaries and the most important information at a glance. In addition, the characteristics of an analytical dashboard ensure interactivity and representation from various aspects. These characteristics allow users to make selections based on their questions. Secondly, to ensure that graphical representations are readable for users, we can apply existing methods and techniques to avoid clutter and ensure readability. For example, we can apply spatial and temporal aggregation algorithms (Andrienko and Andrienko Citation2011; Van den Elzen and Van Wijk Citation2014) or cartographic design principles suggested by Jenny et al. (Citation2016).

Despite the above-mentioned characteristics of an analytical dashboard, it has some limitations regarding the representation of data at different levels of detail. The represented information are summaries only, and the dashboard layout remains static. Therefore, user insights are limited to the overview level and to the perspective defined in a dashboard.

In this paper, we introduce a new approach to information representation for users to get insights. We will introduce adaptability as a novelty in a dashboard to overcome the limitations of a traditional dashboard and to ensure users get complete insights. To illustrate the approach of an adaptable dashboard, we introduce two case studies dealing with origin-destination data. The first case study is about airport connectivity (ACI EUROPE, and SEO Aviation Economics Citation2017). The second case study is about historical shipping data (the Prize Papers dataset) (Van Lottum and Van Zanden Citation2014). Both datasets have several parameters to be visualised in order to see spatial and temporal distributions and relations among these parameters.

In both case studies, the problem owners are researchers interested in spatio-temporal patterns. They are familiar with their datasets but they are not aware of all the patterns that might be hidden in the datasets. Therefore, they would like to have an interactive visual environment, where they can find and get insights into these patterns.

In order to ensure that our adaptable dashboard meets user requirements and allows to get complete insights, we applied User-Centred-Design (UCD) approach in our research (ISO Citation2010). In close cooperation with the case study owners, we started the research by defining the context of use and acquiring user requirements. It also means that we collected user objectives, interests (their potential spatio-temporal questions), and requirements for the dashboard.

Based on the user requirements and interests, adaptability is required in a dashboard. In our case adaptability focuses on levels of details, graphical representations, and the dashboard layout. In this case, potential user questions define the interface and the views in a dashboard. Furthermore, the functionality of the dashboard is defined by us and the users based on our discussions. A user can select the information, which will be displayed for further insights, and the dashboard views and interface will adapt based on it. Such an approach helps to access the most important information first and appear details gradually. It ensures that users are not overwhelmed with information, and the interaction process leads to insights.

The primary contributions of this paper are:

  • Introducing adaptability as a solution to the limited flexibility of the layout and level of details in traditional dashboards;

  • Conceptual framework of an adaptable dashboard in the context of getting insights in origin-destination data;

  • Implementation of adaptability in a dashboard in order to overcome the limitations of a traditional analytical dashboard and to improve the getting insights process;

  • The proposed framework can be applied to cases dealing with a representation of origin-destination data to support users to get insights. We illustrate it with two case studies.

This paper is organised as follows. In Section 2 we introduce dashboard adaptability – dashboard characteristics, adaptability concept, and the categorisation of user tasks. Next in Section 3, we explain the conceptual model of dashboard adaptability. It includes the motivation for the adaptability and explanation of how it will be applied in the context of a dashboard. In Section 4 we illustrate the dashboard adaptability with the examples from the case studies. Section 5 is a discussion on results. In Section 6 we summarise the benefits of the adaptability in a dashboard. Finally, we introduce the next planned steps in Section 7.

2. Dashboard adaptability

This section introduces dashboard adaptability. It starts with a sub-section describing the main characteristics and limitations of analytical dashboards, followed by the introduction in adaptability and context, and concludes with a sub-section introducing the categorisation of user tasks.

2.1. Dashboard – main characteristics and current limitations

The main advantages of a dashboard are its characteristics to provide overview, show summaries, trends, and outliers. When users look at a dashboard, they quite quickly get an idea of what is represented, and what the story behind the data could be.

Traditionally dashboard categorisation is based on their role. Few (Citation2006) and Pappas and Whitman (Citation2011) in their research into dashboards distinguish three categories – operational, strategic, and analytical. These categories differ from each other whether a dashboard is meant to attract a user’s attention and to obtain a response in the case of emergency, or to provide an overview for monitoring the development, or to support user interaction with data for what-if scenarios.

Later the categorisation of dashboards was extended by Sarikaya et al. (Citation2019). In their research, they reviewed existing dashboards and made the categorisation based on the similarities among them. The criteria for their categorisation were not only the goal of a dashboard and the practises around them but also levels of interactions. Based on the examples they reviewed and the selected criteria, they defined four main dashboard categories – dashboards for decision-making (support either strategic or operational decision-making and user interaction), static dashboards for awareness (meant for general awareness and no interactivity function supported), dashboards for motivation and learning (dashboard concentrating on individuals (for tactical and operational decision-making purposes and with supported interactivity and alerting) and the general public (for communication and education purposes with no alerting or benchmarks, allows users to make their own conclusions)), and dashboards evolved (dashboards that do not fit in the previous mentioned categories).

In our case of an adaptable dashboard, we selected a dashboard category based on the intended role. In addition, the supported interactivity level is also important. This research deals with analytical dashboards. Such a dashboard consists of several graphical representations and interface functions to encourage interaction. Graphical representations can show distribution, comparisons, and relations of involved parameters. Interface functions such as filters, highlighters and drilling up and down the data hierarchy levels are necessary to allow users to focus on patterns of interest. It ensures that user interaction leads to insights more successfully (Aigner et al. Citation2008; Sarikaya et al. Citation2019). Each dashboard view can represent a different aspect, for example, McKenna et al. (Citation2016) developed a cyber security dashboard ‘BubbleNet’, where they combined location, temporal, and attribute views. Each of the views allows users to select elements of interest, to identify patterns of interest and compare them. In addition, they have added records view as a details-on-demand view. In comparison to the other two dashboard categories, which are mainly meant for monitoring processes and act if necessary, analytical dashboards are meant for finding relations, comparisons, getting insight, and making sense out of these findings. In the case of origin-destination data, we define getting insight as the process of acquiring knowledge about the movements. This process involves defining the main problem (objective) and proposing spatio-temporal questions of interest to be executed as tasks, and defining the outcomes, and draw conclusions. The final outcomes, which are formulated as conclusions, are user insights of the represented information. The process of getting insights is illustrated in using examples from case studies introduced in Introduction. introduces both case studies, the main objective, and sample user spatio-temporal questions.

Figure 1. The process of getting insights illustrated by two case studies dealing with insights in origin-destination data.

Figure 1. The process of getting insights illustrated by two case studies dealing with insights in origin-destination data.

Despite the high interaction level and possibilities to make comparisons of involved parameters, an analytical dashboard has some limitations. It usually fits a single screen and holds a limited number of graphical representations in a fixed layout. It means that the represented information will remain at the overview level, and graphical representations will remain the same. Sarikaya et al. (Citation2019) confirmed this in their review of dashboards. They observed that most of the dashboards provide only drill down and search functions. Users, however, would like to have more automatic adaption to different users and an opportunity to reconfigure and customise views based on their needs.

To overcome the limitations of a traditional analytical dashboard, we introduce adaptability in a dashboard. Adaptability will support the users to get insights on all levels of details and with a focus on all three spatio-temporal data components.

2.2. Adaptability to enrich the getting insights process

Adaptability, in general, can be defined as a capability and an ability to be modified for a new purpose and to change and adjust to new conditions (Oxford University Press. Citation2017). According to Oppermann (Citation1994) ‘a system is called adaptable if it provides the end-user with tools that make it possible to change the system characteristics’. In our case, ‘the system’ is the dashboard. The users interact with the dashboard in order to make changes in it, so that it fits for their purpose. Reichenbacher (Citation2003) in his research into adaptive methods for mobile cartography has stated that adaptability is the process to fit the system for current usage situations. Adaptability is introduced in case of changes in context.

Context includes three components – a user component, an information component, and an environment component (see ) (ISO Citation2010). represents context components and elements of each component, and how they are related to each other for the case of data representation in a dashboard.

Figure 2. Context components and their elements.

Figure 2. Context components and their elements.

The user component includes three major elements: users, questions, and tasks. The first element refers to the characteristics of the potential users (for example, skills, experience, or education). The second element is about the user’s spatio-temporal questions related to the problem. The third element involves the tasks. They are formulated based on the user’s questions to be executed to achieve the proposed objective.

The information component includes the data and the dashboard, which contains the data’s graphic representation resulting from the tasks.

The environment component relates to the (physical) appearance of the use environment, for example, the devices (media) on which the information is displayed.

2.3. User tasks

To solve the problem, users have questions. These questions usually have different levels of complexity and involve spatio-temporal data characteristics. Users’ questions are translated into tasks that users need to execute in order to get answers to their questions. Tasks are composed by interaction primitives:

  • Objectives – identify, compare, relation-seeking.

  • Operators – pan, zoom, filter, search etc.

  • Operands (graphical representations based on the involved data characteristics – space, time, attribute) – space-alone, attribute-in-space, space-in-time (Andrienko et al. Citation2011; Roth Citation2013; Roth and MacEachren Citation2016).

Knowing the users’ questions (examples for both case studies can be found in ), we can predict the tasks, which users will execute. This helps to define the required graphical representations for both case studies. Users’ insights are generated during the interaction with the represented information and presented as summaries in the dashboard.

We can categorise the questions based on their levels of complexity. Bertin (Citation1967) organised these into three reading levels (question levels) – elementary, intermediate, and overall. Later these question levels were adapted for exploration of movement data by Andrienko and Andrienko (Citation2006). In their research, they suggest combining the intermediate and overall level into a synoptic level. The elementary level includes questions, which refer to individual data items, and their answers result in a value of the component at hand. Synoptic level questions refer to the whole or a subset of the data, and answers result in for instance descriptions of patterns. In the context of origin-destination flow maps the categorisation of questions was further developed by Koylu and Guo (Citation2016). They introduced a two-dimensional task-by-type taxonomy. The first dimension refers to the level of the tasks. They distinguish three levels – individual, group, and network level. These levels are based on the previously introduced question levels by Bertin (Citation1967). Individual level includes tasks referring to a single element, for example, a flow or a node. Group level includes tasks referring to a group of elements, for example, a group of flows. Network level includes tasks referring to all of the elements. The second dimension of this taxonomy is type-centric operands. It categorises whether the task refers to flows or nodes of a flow map. In addition to categorising user questions based on question levels, we can categorise them based on question types. Peuquet (Citation1994) in her research into spatio-temporal data introduced question types (when?, where?, and what?) based on the involved spatio-temporal data characteristics.

In this research, we apply the task categorisation introduced by Andrienko and Andrienko (Citation2006) and question types regarding the involved spatio-temporal data components introduced by Peuquet (Citation1994). This means that we will categorise users’ questions whether they refer to only one feature (elementary) or a group of features (synoptic). In addition to this, we categorise the questions whether they refer to spatial, temporal, or attribute components. Furthermore, we convert users’ questions into three main tasks based on the users’ objective – identify, compare and relation-seeking. In Section 4 we illustrate examples of such questions.

3. Conceptual model of the dashboard adaptability

This section explains the conceptual model of the dashboard adaptability. The section consists of two sub-sections – the first one explains the motivation for the adaptability, and the second one explains how the adaptability will be applied in the context of a dashboard.

3.1. Motivation for the adaptability

Adaptability is essential in order to ensure that the correct information is delivered to the right person in proper circumstances (Zipf and Matthias Citation2006). Furthermore, adaptability helps to achieve more user-focused services (Reichenbacher Citation2003).

Adaptability is required if the current dashboard and/or its use environment does not provide answers to the user questions. The reason for this could be:

  • too much information to represent – data consists of several levels of aggregation/LoD (levels of details) and several parameters that cannot be represented in one view

  • the need for more details (traditionally a dashboard provides summaries, but users may wish to get insights also at more detailed levels)

  • the need for substitution of graphical representations (users may need a different representation than default)

  • the selected use environment does not support getting insight.

We introduce adaptability based on the differences in user tasks. In this study, adaptability will affect the information and environment components.

3.2. Adaptability in the context of a dashboard

When representing information, adaptability consists of the adaptation target (context element that initiates adaptability), adapters (methods that will be applied), and the adaptee (the elements that will be adapted) (Reichenbacher Citation2003).

Adaptability of the information component is initiated by the character of the user tasks (target). For instance, a more detailed view of the data might require using a spatial or temporal zoom (adapter). The result can be a change in the aggregation level (adaptee), or a different perspective on the data via display (adapter), resulting in different maps or diagrams (adaptee), or a different emphasis on aspects of the data via transformations (adapter), resulting in a focus on space, attribute or time (adaptee) – see . shows how the context components (user, information and environment) and their elements from can be combined with adaptability components (adaptation target, adapter, and adaptee). This figure illustrates how we introduce adaptability in the context of origin-destination data representation in a dashboard. It summarises what and how will be adapted in a dashboard.

Figure 3. Context and adaptability components (based on the adaptable dashboard concept). User tasks (adaptation target) initiate adaptability via dashboard interface functions (adapter) to make changes in dashboard views (adaptee).

Figure 3. Context and adaptability components (based on the adaptable dashboard concept). User tasks (adaptation target) initiate adaptability via dashboard interface functions (adapter) to make changes in dashboard views (adaptee).

Adaptability of the environment component refers to a change of the use environment, such as a change of media, for instance, a switch between a traditional screen and the virtual reality environment. This kind of adaptations are most likely made before one starts with interacting with the dashboards.

4. Illustrating the dashboard adaptability

As mentioned in Section 2, an analytical dashboard consists of views with graphical representations and functions. These functions are to interact with the representations (views). The choice of a graphical representation is based on the spatio-temporal data components involved in the user’s question. The functions include interaction primitives (for example, zoom, select, and hover). The interaction also initiates adaptability.

We will show the adaptability following the visual information seeking mantra introduced by Shneiderman (Citation1996). It is a visualisation strategy suggesting the workflow of data representation and exploration. This strategy is based on the approach ‘overview first, zoom and filter, then details-on-demand’. It suggests first to introduce the users with an overview of the represented data and then provide a possibility to access details of the represented data. Following this strategy, at the beginning users start interacting with the dashboard at the overview level. It shows a basic summary of the spatio-temporal data components:

  • Space view (where?) – users gain insights into spatial distributions of movement locations and connections.

  • Time view (when?) – users gain insights into temporal distributions of movements.

  • Attribute view (what?) – users gain insights into thematic attributes of the moving entities.

At the overview level, all the data components are aggregated at a higher level, and users decide which spatio-temporal data component they would like to emphasise. Based on the selection, the dashboard views adapt itself to the focus level of the selected component. The selected view will be positioned in the most prominent section of the dashboard (top-left corner) to draw the user’s attention. Other components are represented in less prominent views.

At the focus level, more details of the selected component are visible because of spatial -, temporal zoom or attribute filtering. It is also possible to adapt the graphical representation and transform from one map type into another type or show multiple graphical presentations in additional views. Based on the insights gained at focus level users may want to explore features in even more detail. Therefore, they make another selection, and the dashboard views adapt to the detail level. shows a schematic overview of this approach. During the adaptability process the user is always able to restore to the previous situation. This will ensure that users are able to follow the story they are building.

Figure 4. Schematic dashboard interfaces on three levels (overview, focus, and detail) for gaining insights in space (where?) component with possible dashboard functions for adaptability. The number of views per interface and the size of each view may vary.

Figure 4. Schematic dashboard interfaces on three levels (overview, focus, and detail) for gaining insights in space (where?) component with possible dashboard functions for adaptability. The number of views per interface and the size of each view may vary.

To illustrate the above conceptual approach for each of the three levels, overview, focus, and detail (see respectively), the Prize Papers dataset has been used, focussing on the spatial component. User interests are summarised in , and we will use them as potential user questions later in this section. The data set is based on a collection of documents, from the period of 1652–1815 stored in the archives of the High Admiralty in London. The documents were collected during the interrogations by the British of the crew members from the captures captured ships. They collected information about ships, their crew members, the origin and planned destination, and the cargo (Van Lottum and Van Zanden Citation2014). For the implementation of the dashboard views, we used the software ‘Tableau’ (Tableau Software. Citation2019). presents the starting point, an overview of the spatial and temporal distribution, and attributes is presented. At this level, the user is interested in questions such as:

  • What is the spatial distribution of the involved locations? (Identify, Synoptic, Space ())

  • Over what time period are data available? (Identify, Synoptic, Time ())

  • What are the characteristics of the ships regarding the number of crew members and ship tonnage? (Relation-seeking, Synoptic, Attribute ())

Figure 5. Overview level dashboard interface for representing Prize Papers: (a) a map representing the spatial distribution, (b) a scatter plot representing attribute relation, (c) a line chart representing the temporal distribution.

Figure 5. Overview level dashboard interface for representing Prize Papers: (a) a map representing the spatial distribution, (b) a scatter plot representing attribute relation, (c) a line chart representing the temporal distribution.

Figure 6. Focus level dashboard interface for representing Prize Papers: (a) a flow map representing connections between the user’s selected subsets, (b) a line chart representing the selected time period, (c) a map representing spatial distribution of involved ports and countries based on the selection – legacy from overview mode, (d) a scatter plot representing attribute relation, (e) a bar chart representing comparison of the number of journeys from the origin ports.

Figure 6. Focus level dashboard interface for representing Prize Papers: (a) a flow map representing connections between the user’s selected subsets, (b) a line chart representing the selected time period, (c) a map representing spatial distribution of involved ports and countries based on the selection – legacy from overview mode, (d) a scatter plot representing attribute relation, (e) a bar chart representing comparison of the number of journeys from the origin ports.

Figure 7. Detail level dashboard interface for representing Prize Papers: (a) a flow map representing the connections between the ports of interest, (b) a proportional dot map representing the spatial distribution of ship capture places, (c) a line chart representing the temporal distribution and number of movements in each year between the selected ports, (d) a diagram representing attribute information.

Figure 7. Detail level dashboard interface for representing Prize Papers: (a) a flow map representing the connections between the ports of interest, (b) a proportional dot map representing the spatial distribution of ship capture places, (c) a line chart representing the temporal distribution and number of movements in each year between the selected ports, (d) a diagram representing attribute information.

In this case (a dashboard in ), a map shows spatial locations of the ports, where the journeys started and where intended to end, and countries where the ports are located. On the time line all movements over the total time period have been plotted. A scatter plot represents the relation between the ship tonnage and the number of crew members on ships. If users are interested in additional information of the represented elements, they can hover over the elements, and tool-tips will appear.

Based on the user interests we collected, in this case the users are interested in the connectivity patterns between Europe and North America in the 1st time period. For this, the user selects a subset of the represented information. Users can select subsets by using the available filters in the dashboard interface. They can filter the subset based on the region of the origin or destination and based on the time period. To get insights into the next level of details users ask the following questions:

  • What are the main connections between the selected subsets? (Identify, Synoptic, Space ())

  • Are there changes in the number of movements over time? (Compare, Synoptic, Time ())

  • What are the attribute patterns of ship characteristics for each of the involved countries? (Identify and compare, Synoptic, Attribute ())

  • Which ports in Europe had the greatest number of journeys to North America? (Identify and compare, Synoptic, Space and Attribute ())

Based on these questions, the views change (), and additional views are added to provide more information for users. To keep the storyline, the map from the overview mode showing the involved ports and locations remain, but it is moved to a less prominent position. The main map is zoomed to the locations of interest, and the line chart represents only the selected time period. In addition, the scatter plot represents only the ships that were involved in the journeys between Europe and North America during the 1st time period. At the overview level, the colour coding for the ship attributes was based on the time periods but when it is zoomed-in to a certain time period, the colour coding is based on the country from where the ship started the journey. This adds more thematic information regarding the ships and the journey origin country. The main map is a flow map showing the movement patterns, and a bar chart representing the number of journeys from each port. The flow map is placed in the most prominent position in the dashboard interface because in this case users are focused on Space (where?) component to get insights into connectivity patterns.

Finally, the user selects a port or several ports of interest to understand their role. To achieve this, there are filters available for users to interact and select the elements of the interest. The look of the dashboard will be based on the following questions:

  • Which ports in North America were the intended journey destinations from the selected origin ports? (Identify, Synoptic, Space ())

  • Where were these ships captured? (Identify, Synoptic, Space ())

  • What is the temporal distribution of the journeys from the selected ports? (Identify and compare, Synoptic, Time ())

  • What is the residence place of the owner, and what nationalities were the crew members working on the ship of interest? (Identify and relation-seeking, Synoptic, Attribute ())

In this case, the three ports with the largest number of journeys to North America were selected. shows the detail level. Again, to keep the storyline, the flow map from the previous interface remains also in this interface but with a focus on the selected connections. However, this time, it remains in the most prominent position because it represents connectivity patterns in which users are interested. Other views are rearranged or substituted with others to provide detailed information. Detail level interface consists of a flow map showing movements from the locations of interest (Saint-Malo, La Rochelle, and Le Havre), a map with locations were the ships were captured for interrogations, a line chart showing the temporal distribution, and a diagram representing the crew members nationalities, crew size, and a ship owner’s residence place.

Based on the above working sessions with the adaptable dashboard the user’s enriched insight tells that for the journeys from Europe to North America between 1702 and 1712 mainly small-size ships were used. Most of the journeys were from France, especially from the ports located in Saint-Malo, La Rochelle, and Le Havre, and the crew members and the ship owners were all French. The time lines revealed some peaks in the shipping traffic.

The dataset of the case study ‘Airport Connectivity’ contains various parameters related to space, time, and attributes of flights from European airports. The dataset has scheduled data of flights from European airports for the third week of June over several years. To illustrate spatio-temporal connectivity between Europe and Asia Pacific, which is one of the user interests. We will use the connectivity between Iceland (Keflavik (KEF) airport) and Asia Pacific as an example. shows the dashboard interface for the overview level. The interface consists of three views. Two maps representing the spatial information with encoded attribute information representing whether the represented airport or country refers to the origin, the hub or the destination. A stacked bar chart representing temporal information and encoded attribute information of the number of flights per hub airport. There are also available filters and a time slider for users to select subsets of interest.

Figure 8. Overview level dashboard interface for representing airport connectivity: (a) a map representing the location of the involved airports, (b) a map representing the involved countries, (c) a stacked bar chart representing the temporal distribution and encoded attribute information regarding the number of flights per hub airport.

Figure 8. Overview level dashboard interface for representing airport connectivity: (a) a map representing the location of the involved airports, (b) a map representing the involved countries, (c) a stacked bar chart representing the temporal distribution and encoded attribute information regarding the number of flights per hub airport.

Based on the user’s interest in connectivity patterns, at the overview level users ask following questions to get to know the represented overall patterns and select a subset of interest:

  • Where are the airports located, which have a direct or indirect connection with Keflavik? (Identify, Synoptic, Space)

  • Where are the hub airports located with a connection to Asia Pacific? (Identify, Synoptic, Space)

  • Which year shows the highest number of flights? (Identify and Compare, Elementary, Time and Attribute)

  • Which hub airport provides the highest number of flights to Asia Pacific? (Identify and Compare, Elementary, Space and Attribute)

To get to know further details of the connectivity patterns, a user selects Helsinki (HEL) airport as a subset of interest because it provides the highest number of flights. Based on the user’s selection, dashboard views change (). There are added a flow map representing the connections and a stacked bar chart representing the temporal pattern of flights to different destination countries via HEL airport. The dot map representing the locations and the bar chart representing temporal patterns of flights via hub airports remains, but they represent the information regarding the selected subset and are relocated to less prominent positions.

Figure 9. Focus level dashboard interface for representing airport connectivity: (a) a flow map representing the connections via the selected hub airport, (b) a stacked bar chart representing the temporal pattern of flights via the selected hub airport to different destination countries, (c) a dot map representing the spatial pattern of the involved airports based on the selection – legacy from the overview mode, (d) a bar chart representing the temporal distribution of flights via the selected hub airport.

Figure 9. Focus level dashboard interface for representing airport connectivity: (a) a flow map representing the connections via the selected hub airport, (b) a stacked bar chart representing the temporal pattern of flights via the selected hub airport to different destination countries, (c) a dot map representing the spatial pattern of the involved airports based on the selection – legacy from the overview mode, (d) a bar chart representing the temporal distribution of flights via the selected hub airport.

At the focus level a user asks following questions to select elements of interest for further details:

  • Which countries in Asia Pacific can be reached via HEL airport? (Identify, Synoptic, Space)

  • What is the temporal pattern of the flights from HEL airport? (Identify and Compare, Synoptic, Time and Attribute)

  • Which destination country has the highest number of flights? (Identify and Compare, Elementary, Space and Attribute)

For the next level of details, a user selects Japan as the subset of interest because it has the highest number of flights comparing to the other destination countries. Based on the user’s selection, the dashboard views for the detail level change (). There is added a line chart representing the number of flights per destination airport in the given time period.

Figure 10. Detail level dashboard interface: (a) a flow map representing the connections based on the selected destination country, (b) a line chart representing the temporal patterns of the flights to the airports in the selected destination country, (c) a dot map representing the spatial distribution of the involved airports based on the selection, (d) a bar chart representing the temporal pattern of the flights to the selected destination country.

Figure 10. Detail level dashboard interface: (a) a flow map representing the connections based on the selected destination country, (b) a line chart representing the temporal patterns of the flights to the airports in the selected destination country, (c) a dot map representing the spatial distribution of the involved airports based on the selection, (d) a bar chart representing the temporal pattern of the flights to the selected destination country.

At the detail level a user asks following questions:

  • Which airports in Japan can be reached from KEF via HEL? (Identify, Synoptic, Space)

  • What is the temporal pattern of the number of flights to each airport? (Identify and Compare, Synoptic, Time and Attribute)

  • Are there new routes established within the given time frame? (Identify, Elementary, Time and Attribute)

Based on the user’s interaction with the adaptable dashboard, the user’s enriched insight tells that Helsinki airport ensures the highest number of flights to Asia Pacific region. From there most of the fights are to the airports in Japan and China. The number of flights has a tendency to increase.

5. Discussion

Currently, users of both case studies prepare written publications with static graphical representations to represent the information for further insights. This limits the user experience and might result in incomplete insights. The purpose of this research was to use the datasets provided by the potential users (researchers) as a case study to illustrate the idea of an adaptable dashboard. Furthermore, the developed adaptable dashboard intends to improve the researchers’ work. When using an adaptable dashboard for getting insights, a user takes an active role in the process. They are able to select their focus of interest, for example, to get insights on the spatial patterns.

Users start the getting insight process with synoptic questions to identify the overall patterns and compare subsets of interest. In the next step, users identify and compare the subsets in more detail to select elements of interest as there is additional information displayed. Finally, in the last level of detail users get further insights of the selected elements.

User question types define which graphical representations answer their question. For example, spatial questions are usually answered with maps, temporal questions with a line graph, and attribute questions with other graphical representations or their values are encoded in spatial or temporal representations. The functionality of the graphical representation helps to answer user questions based on the objective. For example, a dot map helps to identify the involved locations, and a bar chart compares the involved values. Furthermore, users can acquire answers and further details by applying interaction operators, for example, hover (to acquire details displayed in tool-tips), select (to highlight the elements of interest), filter (to display only the information users are interested in). The conclusions that users get from graphical representations when interacting with are their insights into the represented information.

6. Conclusion

The approach of an adaptable dashboard allows users to take an active role in the getting insights process. Users make selections based on their questions of interest, and the dashboard interface and the represented information are adapted to it via functions.

The presented solution of the dashboard adaptability ensures that user questions will drive content and the environment. With adaptability, problems mentioned before are avoided, and users will be able to:

  • explore the data with a focus on one of the components or any combination of them

  • explore information, which is not available in the overview mode, and get more details about the subset and element of interest

  • substitute or supplement one graphical representation with another one

  • change the layout of the dashboard according to user preferences (level of detail and involved components)

  • get insights into data in different use environments

In comparison to other interactive environments that enable users to get insights, the adaptable dashboard will always provide users with a summary of the represented information on different levels of details and with the focus of the user’s selected component. Therefore, users will have the key facts and the overall insights of spatial, temporal, or attribute information at hand. In addition, users are always able to go back to the previous interface representing a lower level of details for a more general overview.

7. Future work

The next steps of adaptable dashboard research, in cooperation with the case study owners, is an extensive usability test based on mixed-methods approach to evaluate the introduced adaptability. Additional feedback from users and test results on effectiveness, efficiency, and user satisfaction will help to improve the dashboard design. In addition, we plan to implement the adaptability concept in a VR environment incorporating the specifics of such an environment.

Disclosure statement

No potential conflict of interest was reported by the author(s).


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