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Global behavior of solutions of a periodically forced Sigmoid Beverton–Holt model

, &
Pages 212-234 | Received 20 Jul 2010, Accepted 24 Dec 2010, Published online: 08 Apr 2011


Our aim in this paper is to investigate the boundedness, the extreme stability, and the periodicity of positive solutions of the periodically forced Sigmoid Beverton–Holt model:

where {a n } is a positive periodic sequence with period p and δ>0. In the special case when δ=1, the above equation reduces to the well-known periodic Pielou logistic equation which is known to be equivalent to the periodically forced Beverton–Holt model.

AMS Subject Classification :

1. Introduction and preliminaries

In this paper, we investigate the boundedness, the extreme stability, and the periodicity of solutions of the periodically forced Sigmoid Beverton–Holt model

with initial condition
and where {a n } is a positive p-periodic sequence such that

In the special case when δ=1, EquationEquation (1) reduces to the well-known periodically forced Pielou logistic equation

({a n } is a positive p-periodic sequence) which is also equivalent to the periodically forced Beverton–Holt equation
({K n } and {r n } are positive p-periodic sequences, r n >1). The dynamics and properties of both equations have been studied in great detail in recent literature (see, for example Citation3 Citation4 Citation5 Citation6 Citation9 Citation10 Citation11 Citation12 Citation13 Citation16 Citation17 Citation18 Citation19 Citation20 Citation21 Citation22 Citation23 Citation24 Citation25 Citation26 Citation30 Citation36 Citation39)

The autonomous case of EquationEquation (1)

where a, δ>0, has been introduced by Thompson Citation41 as a “depensatory generalization of the Beverton–Holt stock-recruitment relationship used to develop a set of constraints designed to safeguard against overfishing”. This model has been used in the study of fish population dynamics, particularly when overfishing is present Citation15 Citation33 Citation34 Citation35 Citation40. A very important feature of the Sigmoid Beverton–Holt model is that, in the case δ>1, it exhibits the so-called “Allee effect.”

The “Allee effect” is originally attributed to W.C. Allee Citation1 Citation8 Citation38, who broadly defined it as a “…\ positive relationship between any component of individual fitness and either numbers or density of conspecifics”. Practically speaking, the Allee effect causes, at low population densities, per capita birth rate decline. Under such a scenario, at low population densities, the population may slide into extinction. There are various scenarios in which the Allee effect appears in nature (see Citation7 Citation8 and references cited therein) and can be attributed, for example, to difficulties in finding mates when the population size is small, a higher mortality rate in juveniles when there are not enough adults to protect them from predation, or uncontrollable harvesting, as in overfishing. On the other hand, the Allee effect can be beneficial in some situations such as in controlling a population of fruit flies which are considered to be one of the worst insect pests in agriculture Citation7. The techniques used to control them is the release of sterile males to create an Allee effect.

Several discrete mathematical models exhibiting the Allee effect are known and studied in the literature (Citation2 Citation15 Citation33 Citation34 Citation35 Citation40 and references cited therein). They all have the following features in common: (i) the existence of three equilibrium points: 0, T – Allee threshold, and K – carrying capacity of the environment (0<T<K); (ii) equilibria 0 and K are stable, while T is unstable; (iii) if the population size drops below T, then the population slides into extinction, so it approaches 0.

Periodically forced population models exhibiting the Allee effect are relatively new in the literature Citation14 Citation32 Citation42. In Citation32 several periodically forced discrete models exhibiting the Allee effect are studied, while a class of general unimodal maps with such properties has been investigated in Citation14. The effects of harvesting in some periodically forced population models with the Allee effect are studied in Citation42.

The following proposition summarizes the known results about the dynamics of the autonomous Sigmoid Beverton–Holt model Equation(3). For easy reference in the sequel, we define

Proposition 1

Consider Equation Equation(3) with a, δ>0 and initial condition x 0>0. Then the following statements are true:

(i) If then Equation Equation(3) has two non-negative equilibria: an unstable equilibrium 0 and a stable positive equilibrium K.

(ii) If δ=1, then for a∈(0, 1] the only equilibrium of Equation Equation(3) is 0 and it is stable, while for Equation Equation(3) has two non-negative equilibria: an unstable equilibrium 0 and a stable positive equilibrium K=a−1, which attracts all positive solutions.

(iii) Let and a crit be defined by Equation(4). Then the following cases are possible:

(a) If then the only equilibrium of Equation Equation(3) is 0 and it is stable;

(b) If then Equation Equation(3) has two non-negative equilibria: the positive equilibrium with the basin of attraction [K, ∞), and the stable equilibrium 0 with the basin of attraction [0, K).

(c) If then Equation Equation(3) has three non-negative equilibria: 0, K, and T such that . The 0 equilibrium is stable with the basin of attraction [0, T); T is unstable (repellor), while K is stable with the basin of attraction (T, ∞).

The following graphs () of the function illustrate the above statements.

Figure 1. Graphs of the function ax δ/(1+x δ). (a) Case δ>1, a>a crit; (b) Case δ>1, a=a crit; (c) Case δ>1, a<a crit; (d) Case δ=1, a>1; (e) Case δ=1, a≤1; (f) Case δ>1.

Figure 1. Graphs of the function ax δ/(1+x δ). (a) Case δ>1, a>a crit; (b) Case δ>1, a=a crit; (c) Case δ>1, a<a crit; (d) Case δ=1, a>1; (e) Case δ=1, a≤1; (f) Case δ>1.

The study of stability properties and attractivity in non-autonomous systems is far more complex than autonomous systems because non-autonomous systems, in most cases, do not posses an equilibrium. One way to overcome this difficulty is to study the so-called “extreme stability,” the property of the system in which all of the solutions converge to each other. It is a powerful tool in the study of the long-term behavior of solutions that do not necessarily converge to a “nice” structure like an equilibrium or a periodic solution. In particular, in the case of periodic systems, extreme stability appears to provide a means for obtaining an attractivity result not otherwise readily obtained; namely, the extreme stability and existence of a periodic solution imply the uniqueness and the attractivity of that periodic solution. Extreme stability was originally introduced (for continuous systems) by LaSalle and Lefschetz Citation31. Other approaches include the so-called “convergent systems” – systems in which the solutions all tend to a particular bounded and asymptotically stable solution called a “limiting” solution (see, for example Citation37 and references cited therein) and “path stability” (see, for example Citation27 Citation28) which is equivalent to the notion of extreme stability.

A difference equation is said to be extremely stable if for any pair of (positive) solutions {x n } and {x̄ n }

Clearly, if {x n } and {x̄ n } are bounded from below and above by positive constants ( n=0, 1, …) condition Equation(5) is equivalent to

The following theorems will be useful in the sequel.

Theorem A

(Brouwer fixed point theorem Citation43) The continuous operator has at least one fixed point when M is a compact, convex, non-empty set in a finite dimensional normed space over .

In this paper, we will consider only the cases when δ≠1. Section 2 is devoted to the case δ>1, while in Section 3, we focus on the case δ<1. In the case δ=1, EquationEquation (1) becomes a well-known periodically forced Beverton–Holt model. The dynamics and properties of solutions of this equation when δ=1 are studied in detail in the literature so we will not consider this case in the sequel. However, for the sake of completeness we are summarizing here the properties of this equation when δ=1 Citation6 Citation9 Citation12 Citation13 Citation18 Citation19 Citation22.

Theorem B

Let {a n } be a positive periodic sequence with period p. Consider the equation

Then the following statements are true:

(i) If

then all solutions of Equation Equation(6) converge to 0.

(ii) All solutions of Equation Equation(6) are bounded from above by a positive constant.

(iii) If

then all solutions of Equation Equation(6) are bounded and persisting; that is, they are bounded from above and below by positive constants.

(iv) If condition Equation(7) is satisfied, then Equation Equation(6) is extremely stable.

(v) If condition Equation(7) is satisfied, then Equation Equation(6) has a unique positive p-periodic solution and {x̄ n } is a global attractor of all positive solutions.

2. Case δ∈(1, ∞)

In this section we study the global behavior of solutions of EquationEquation (1) in the case when δ>1. First, we introduce the following two technical lemmas:

Lemma 2


where a, δ>0. Then the following statements are true:

(i) Assume either δ∈(0, 1) or δ=1 and a>1. Let K be the unique positive fixed point of the function f. Then K is an increasing function of a.

(ii) Assume and a>a crit. Let T and be the only two positive fixed points of the function f. Then T is a decreasing function of a and K is an increasing function of a.


(i) Clearly K is the only positive solution of the equation

After differentiating the equation with respect to a we obtain
and the proof is complete. (ii) In this case both T and K ( are the only positive solutions of the equation . Since then similarly, as in case (i), we obtain
and the proof is complete.   ▪

Lemma 3

Assume that {a n } is a positive periodic sequence with period p, let . Let the sequence of functions {f n } be defined by

Then the following statements are true:

(i) If , then for all x>0

(ii) If , then the function f n has the unique positive fixed point K n . In addition,

(iii) If then the function f n has two positive fixed points T n and . In addition



The proof, except for Equation(10), follows directly from Proposition 1 and is omitted. From Lemma 2(ii) it follows that K n is an increasing function of a n and T n is a decreasing function of a n . Let . Then for i=1, …, p we have which implies K i K m and T i T m . Therefore,

which completes the proof of the lemma.   ▪

In the case when

we have
so for every n=0, 1, … functions f n have two positive fixed points T n and K n , respectively, such that . Each of the sequences {T n } and {K n } is p-periodic. The sequence {K n } represents the\ sequence of carrying capacities, while the sequence {T n } we will call the sequence of Allee thresholds.

The following lemma establishes the attractivity character of the 0 equilibrium in the case when EquationEquation (1) has no carrying capacities and Allee thresholds.

Lemma 4

Let {a n } be a positive periodic sequence with period p and . If

then for all positive solutions {x n } of Equation Equation(1)


Let {x n } be a positive solution of EquationEquation (1). From Equation(11) it follows that

% \noindent and by using Lemma 3(i) we obtain
So, {x n } is decreasing and bounded from below by 0 and it converges to a non-negative limit
Assume, for the sake of contradiction, L>0. Then, by letting in EquationEquation (1) we obtain that the sequence {a n } also converges, which is impossible since {a n } is p-periodic. Therefore, L=0 and the proof is complete.   ▪

The next theorem establishes the existence of invariant intervals for the given equation.

Theorem 5

Assume that {a n } is a positive periodic sequence with period p, and

Then the following statements are true:

(i) All positive solutions of Equation Equation(1) are bounded from above by a positive constant.

(ii) Equation Equation(1) has an invariant interval [A, B] where

and {K n } and {T n } are p -periodic sequences of carrying capacities and Allee thresholds of Equation Equation(1), respectively.

(iii) Equation Equation(1) has an invariant interval [0, C] where

and {T n } is the p -periodic sequence of Allee thresholds of Equation Equation(1).

(iv) If x 0>B, then for some positive integer k.


(i) Let {x n } be a positive solution of EquationEquation (1). Then for n=0, 1, …

so the sequence {x n } is bounded from above. (ii) Consider the sequence of functions {f n } defined by EquationEquation (9). Since f n is increasing and A<B we have
Also, since
from Lemma 3(iii) we obtain
and we get
so [A, B] is an invariant interval for EquationEquation (1); that is,
(iii) Since f n (0)=0 and
from Lemma 3(iii) we obtain
and [0, C] is an invariant interval for EquationEquation (1). (iv) It follows directly from Lemma 3(iii). The proof is complete.   ▪

The following technical lemma will be useful in the sequel.

Lemma 6

Let {a n } be a positive periodic sequence with period p, and let {K n } be the sequence of carrying capacities and let {T n } be the sequence of Allee thresholds of Equation Equation(1). If

then the following statements are true:

(i) If and then the function g n is increasing on (0, x c ) and decreasing on .

(ii)  .

(iii) Let {x n } be a solution of Equation Equation(1). If for some non-negative integer k, then there exists an integer l>k such that for all il.

(iv) Let α∈(0, 1). Then the function is increasing with respect to x on and decreasing on .

(v) There exists α∈(0, 1) such that

In addition for such α,

(vi) Let {x n } be a solution of Equation Equation(1) such that for n=0, 1, …. Then there exist α∈(0, 1) and a positive integer l such that for all il.


(i) The proof follows directly from

(ii) Since using inequality Equation(14) we obtain
From Lemma 3(iii) it follows that
which implies
Since f n (B)<B, then B>K n for all n and the remaining inequality follows. (iii) Let for some non-negative integer k. The following two cases are possible. Case 1. x c A. Then x k x c and we have, since the function f is increasing,
and by induction we conclude x i >x c for all i>k, which completes the proof. Case 2. A<x c <B. If for some k, x k x c then, as in case 1, we obtain x i >x c for all i>k. So assume for the sake of contradiction for all ik. Since for all i we have
and by induction we obtain that {x n } eventually increases. Since it is bounded it converges
This implies that {a n } also converges and that is a contradiction. (iv) Again, as in part (i) the proof follows directly from
(v) Let and consider the function for . Since then ϕ increases for and we have . Since , and then there exists such that . Taking we obtain from which Equation(15) follows. Since
from Lemma 3(iii) it follows that
which implies Equation(16) and completes the proof of part (v). (vi) The proof is similar to the proof of part (iii) where x c is replaced with . Using α∈(0, 1), the existence of which is established in part (v), and the fact that, for such α, the conclusion follows and the proof is complete.   ▪

The next theorem establishes the asymptotic behavior of solutions trapped in each of the invariant intervals.

Theorem 7

Assume that {a n } is a positive periodic sequence with period p, and let condition Equation(12) hold. Let {x n } and {y n } be two positive solutions of Equation Equation(1). Then the following statements are true:

(i) If for some non-negative integer k, where


(ii) If for some non-negative integer k, where



(i) Since we have x k <T k and from Lemma 3(iii) it follows that

Since [0, C] is an invariant interval, by induction, we obtain x n+1<x n , for nk, so {x n } converges to a non-negative limit:
Then each of the subsequences also converges to x:
By letting in
we obtain
This is true only for x=0 since, according to Lemma 3(iii) we have f p (x)<x, for 0<x<C<T p . (ii) Let {x n } and {y n } be two positive solutions of EquationEquation (1) such that
% \noindent where
Then, from Theorem 5(ii) it follows that
According to Lemma 6(iii), without loss of generality, we may assume
where . Assume that for some integer k≥0
The case when x k /y k <1 is similar and the proof will be omitted. Then, since the function is increasing, we have
Also, since the function for δ>1, is decreasing on the interval we obtain
By induction, it follows that the sequence {x n /y n } is bounded from below by 1 and non-increasing so it converges. Let
Assume, for the sake of contradiction, L>1. Let such that . Then there exists a positive integer such that
From Lemma 6(vi) it follows that there exist α∈(0, 1) and a positive integer l such that for all il. Furthermore, from Lemma 6(iv) it follows that the function is decreasing on , so we obtain, for
% \noindent and
Since is arbitrary, it follows
which is a contradiction. Therefore,
and the proof of the theorem is complete.   ▪

The existence of an attracting p-periodic solution is established in the following theorem.

Theorem 8

Assume that {a n } is a positive periodic sequence with period p and let and let condition Equation(14) hold. Let [A, B] be an invariant interval of Equation Equation(1) where

and where {K n } and {T n } are p -periodic sequences of carrying capacities of Allee thresholds of Equation Equation(1), respectively. Then, in the interval [A, B], there exists a unique p -periodic solution {x̄ n } of Equation Equation(1) \ for n=0, 1, …)\ which attracts all positive solutions of Equation Equation(1) with initial conditions in [A, ∞).


Proving the existence of a p-periodic solution of EquationEquation (1) is equivalent to showing that the following nonlinear system

has a positive solution . Define the function by
where the sequence of functions {f n } is defined by EquationEquation (9). To establish the existence of a positive solution of system Equation(17) it suffices to show that the function F has a positive fixed point. Since [A, B] is an invariant interval of EquationEquation (1), we have so
% \noindent where and . Then
Clearly, [A, B] p is a compact, non-empty and convex set in ℝ p , so by applying Theorem A we obtain that the function F has a fixed point . Defining the sequence {x̄ n } as
we obtain that {x̄ n } is a p-periodic solution of EquationEquation (1). Furthermore, from Theorem 7(ii) we obtain
for all positive solutions {x n } of EquationEquation (1) with initial conditions in [A, B]. Therefore, {x̄ n } attracts all such positive solutions. If then from Theorem 5(iv) it follows that for some positive integer k, x k B and such solution will be also attracted by {x̄ n }. So {x̄ n } attracts all positive solutions with initial conditions in [A, ∞). Furthermore, {x̄ n } is a unique positive p-periodic solution of EquationEquation (1) in the interval [A, B]. Otherwise, the existence of another p-periodic solution will contradict the attractivity of {x̄ n }. The proof is complete.   ▪

Our next step is to focus on the study of the character of solutions when initial conditions are near the Allee thresholds . We will examine preimages of the map f n , defined by Equation(9) in the case when . Namely, from EquationEquation (1) we get

Since the sequence {a n } is p-periodic it can be easily extended for negative values of n as
So, starting with and using Equation(18) we can evaluate inverse images and we can continue this process as long as terms remain in the interval .

Consider the difference equation

where the p-periodic sequence {b n } is defined as
The following technical lemma establishes the relationship between the periodic solutions of EquationEquations (1) and Equation(19).

Lemma 9

Assume that {a n } is a positive periodic sequence with period p, and let condition Equation(14) hold. Assume that is a positive p -periodic solution of Equation Equation(19) with Equation(20). Then Equation Equation(1) has a positive p -periodic solution defined by


Since is a positive p-periodic solution of EquationEquation (19) we have

which is equivalent to
Finally, using Equation(21) we obtain
so , defined by Equation(21) is a positive p-periodic solution of EquationEquation (1).   ▪

Next we define the p-periodic sequence of functions {p n } as

where {b n } is given by Equation(20). The following technical lemma summarizes the properties of functions p n and will be useful in the sequel.

Lemma 10

Assume that {a n } is a positive periodic sequence with period p, and conditions Equation(14) and Equation(20) hold. Let the sequence of functions {f n } and {p n } be given by Equation(9) and Equation(22), respectively, and let the positive p -periodic sequences {S n } and {L n } be defined by

Then the following statements are true:

(i) Functions f i and p p−1−i are inverse to each other and

(ii) Functions p n , for n=0, 1, … are increasing on (0, ∞).



(v) Functions n=0, 1, … are decreasing on the interval

(vi) For every the functions n=0, 1, … are decreasing on the interval .


(i) For from Equation(20) we obtain

We will only prove for n=0, 1, …. The proof of \ is similar and it is omitted. Since for we obtain
Using the periodicity of {p n } and {S n } we obtain for n=0, 1, …. (ii) It follows directly from the fact that f i and p p−1−i are inverse to each other and f i is increasing. (iii) Let where . From Lemma 3(iii) it follows that . Since p i is increasing and inverse to f p−1−i we have . Similarly, the other inequalities follow. (iv) It is trivial, so the proof is omitted. (v) Since
it follows that q n (x) decreases for . Therefore, all functions q n (x), n=0, 1, … decrease on . (vi) Similarly as in part (v) we obtain
so the functions are decreasing on .   ▪

Next we establish the existence of an invariant interval for EquationEquation (19) and study the asymptotic behavior of solutions which are trapped in it.

Theorem 11

Assume that {a n } is a positive periodic sequence with period p and let and let conditions Equation(14) and Equation(20) hold. Then the following statements are true:

(i) Equation Equation(19) has an invariant interval [D, E]where

and where {K n } and {T n } are p -periodic sequences of carrying capacities and of Allee thresholds of Equation Equation(1), respectively.

(ii) If for some non-negative integer k, where {u n } and {v n } are two solutions of Equation Equation(19), then


(i) Since

from Lemma 10(ii)–(iii) it follows that
so the interval [D, E] is invariant. (ii) Let {u n } and {v n } be two positive solutions of EquationEquation (19) such that
Then, from part (i) it follows that
Assume that for some integer k≥0
The case when u k /v k <1 is similar and the proof will be omitted. Then, since the function p n (x) is increasing, we have
Also, since the function is decreasing on the interval and we obtain
By induction, it follows that the sequence {u n /v n } is bounded from below by 1 and non-increasing so it converges. Let
Let such that . Then there exists a positive integer such that
Let satisfy the condition
is equivalent to
we obtain that such an α exists. Then the function is decreasing on . Then, for we obtain
Since is arbitrary, it follows
which is a contradiction. Therefore,
and the proof of the theorem is complete.   ▪

Next, we will prove the existence of a p-periodic solution of EquationEquation (19) and therefore of EquationEquation (1).

Theorem 12

Assume that {a n } is a positive periodic sequence with period p and let and conditions Equation(14) and Equation(20) hold.

(i) Let [D, E] be an invariant interval of Equation Equation(19) where

Then Equation Equation(19) has a unique p -periodic solution \ for n=0, 1, …\ which attracts all positive solutions of Equation Equation(19) with initial conditions in [D, E].

(ii) In the interval [D, E] there exists a unique p -periodic solution of Equation Equation(1), which is defined by


(i) Proving the existence of a p-periodic solution of EquationEquation (19) is equivalent to showing that the following nonlinear system:

has a positive solution . Define the function by
where the sequence of functions {p n } is defined by Equation(22). To establish the existence of a positive solution of the above system it suffices to show that the function G has a positive fixed point. Since [D, E] is an invariant interval for the functions p n , n=0, 1, …, we obtain
Clearly, [D, E] p is a compact, non-empty, and convex set in ℝ p , so by applying Theorem A we obtain that the function G has a fixed point . Defining the sequence as
we obtain that is a p-periodic solution of EquationEquation (19). From Theorem 11(ii) it follows that attracts all positive solutions of EquationEquation (19) with initial conditions in [D, E]. Then, clearly, is a unique positive p-periodic solution of EquationEquation (19) in the interval [D, E]. Otherwise, the existence of another p-periodic solution in the same interval contradicts Theorem 11(ii). (ii) It follows directly from part (i) and Lemma 9. The proof is complete.   ▪

3. Case δ∈(0, 1)

In this section we consider the remaining case when δ∈(0, 1). Most of the proofs are similar to the proofs from the previous section and so we will only provide outlines indicating some possible differences.

Lemma 13

Assume that {a n } is a positive periodic sequence with period p and let δ∈(0, 1). Then Equation Equation(1) has a unique positive p -periodic sequence of carrying capacities {K n } where K n is a unique positive fixed point of the function f n defined by

that is, it is a unique positive solution of


The existence of carrying capacities {K n } follows directly from Proposition 1(i) while its periodicity is the consequence of the periodicity of {a n }.   ▪

Theorem 14

Assume that {a n } is a positive periodic sequence with period p and let δ∈(0, 1). Then the following statements are true:

(i) All positive solutions of Equation Equation(1) are bounded from above and below by positive constants.

(ii) Equation Equation(1) has an invariant interval [A, B] where

and where {K n } is the p -periodic sequence of carrying capacities of Equation Equation(1). Also, all solutions {x n } of Equation Equation(1) become trapped in an invariant interval [A, B].


(i) Let {x n } be a positive solution of EquationEquation (1). Then, by applying the same arguments as in the proof of Theorem 5(i) we obtain so the sequence {x n } is bounded from above. Consider the sequence of functions {f n } defined by Equation(24). Clearly, the functions f n (n=0, 1, …) are increasing and from Proposition 1 satisfy the following condition:

Let A be a positive number which satisfies and let m be the smallest non-negative integer such that x m A. Clearly, such an integer exists. Otherwise, for all n=0, 1, …
Therefore, the sequence {x n } is increasing and bounded from above so it converges to a positive limit . By letting in EquationEquation (1) we obtain that {a n } converges and that is impossible since it is periodic with period p. Next we will show, by induction, that
So assume x n A. The following two cases are possible: Case 1: . Then
Case 2: . Then, since the function f n is increasing we get
Therefore, x n+1>A and by induction inequality Equation(25) follows. Therefore,
so {x n } is bounded from below and the proof of part (i) is complete. (ii) Consider the sequence of functions {f n } defined by Equation(24). Since f n is increasing and A<B we have . Also, since we have
Thus [A, B] is an invariant interval for EquationEquation (1), that is
Finally, from the proof of part (i) is follows that all solutions become eventually trapped in an invariant interval [A, B], which completes the proof.   ▪

Theorem 15

Let {a n } be a positive periodic sequence with period p and let δ∈(0, 1). Then the following statements are true:

(i) Equation Equation(1) is extremely stable.

(ii)  Equation Equation(1) has the unique p-periodic positive solution {x̄ n } which is a global attractor of all positive solutions of the same equation.


(i) Let {x n } and {y n } be two positive solutions of EquationEquation (1). Assume that for some integer k≥0

The case when x k /y k <1 is similar and the proof will be omitted. Then, since the function is increasing, we have
Also, since the function is decreasing for we obtain
By induction, it follows that the sequence {x n /y n } is bounded from below by 1 and non-increasing so it converges. Let
Assume, for the sake of contradiction L>1. Let such that . Then there exists a positive integer such that
Since is arbitrary it follows that
which is a contradiction. Therefore
and EquationEquation (1) is extremely stable. (ii) The proof is similar to the proof of Theorem 8 and it is omitted.   ▪

4. Concluding remarks

The dynamics in the case δ∈(0, 1) in many ways mimics the dynamics of the periodic Pielou difference equation, that is the case δ=1. Furthermore, some of our results obtained here also can be obtained from the recent results of Krause Citation29. The most interesting case is clearly the case δ>1. However, in such a case there are several open questions that need further investigation.

First, the condition

is sufficient for the existence of Allee thresholds {T n } and carrying capacities {K n } of EquationEquation (1). On the other hand, in the case
there are no Allee thresholds and carrying capacities and all positive solutions of EquationEquation (1) tend to 0. It is not clear what happens when neither of the above two conditions is satisfied; that is, when
or, equivalently, when there exists such that and .

Next, in the case when the existence of two attractors (0 and a p-periodic solution) and one repellor (another p-periodic solution) was established. The complete description of basins of attraction of attractors is an open question.

Both problems could be approached by focusing on the special cases p=2 and 3 before attempting to solve the general case.


Thanks are due to the anonymous referees for making valuable comments that were incorporated in the final version of the paper.


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