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Global stability analysis of humoral immunity virus dynamics model including latently infected cells

Pages 215-228 | Received 12 Oct 2014, Accepted 26 May 2015, Published online: 06 Jul 2015


In this paper, we propose and analyse a virus dynamics model with humoral immune response including latently infected cells. The incidence rate is given by Beddington–DeAngelis functional response. We have derived two threshold parameters, the basic infection reproduction number R0 and the humoral immune response activation number R1 which completely determined the basic and global properties of the virus dynamics model. By constructing suitable Lyapunov functions and applying LaSalle's invariance principle we have proven that if R01, then the infection-free equilibrium is globally asymptotically stable (GAS), if R11<R0, then the chronic-infection equilibrium without humoral immune response is GAS, and if R1>1, then the chronic-infection equilibrium with humoral immune response is globally asymptotically stable. These results are further illustrated by numerical simulations.

Mathematics Subject Classification:

1. Introduction

During the last decades, several dangerous viruses have appeared which attack the human body and some of them cause death. These prompt many researchers to study mathematical modelling and model analysis of the interaction between the host cells and viruses such as human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) (see e.g. [Citation3–7,Citation9,Citation15,Citation16,Citation18,Citation22,Citation24]), hepatitis B virus (HBV) [Citation2,Citation12], hepatitis C virus (HCV) [Citation14,Citation20,Citation21], human T cell leukemia [Citation11] and dengue virus [Citation23], etc. There are many benefits from mathematical models of viral infection including: (i) they provide important quantitative insights into viral dynamics in vivo, (ii) they can improve diagnosis and treatment strategies which raise hopes of patients infected with viruses, (iii) they can be used to estimate key parameter values that control the infection process.

The basic viral infection model which was proposed by Nowak and Bangham [Citation15] is a three-dimensional ordinary differential equations and contains three variables x, y and v representing the concentrations of the uninfected target cells, infected cells and free virus particles, respectively. To provide more accurate modelling for the viral infection, the effect of immune response has to be considered. The immune system has two main responses to viral infections, the cell mediated immunity and humoral immunity. The cell mediated immunity is based on the Cytotoxic T Lymphocyte cells which are responsible to attack and kill the infected cells. The humoral immunity is based on the antibodies that are produced by the B cells. The function of the antibodies is to attack the viruses [Citation16]. In some infections such as in malaria, the cell mediated immunity is less effective than the humoral immunity [Citation1]. In the literature, several mathematical models have been formulated to consider the humoral immune response into the viral infection models (see e.g. [Citation13,Citation17,Citation25]). The basic model of viral infection with humoral immune response has been introduced by Murase et al. [Citation13] and Wang and Zou [Citation25] as: (1) x˙=λdxβxv,(1) (2) y˙=βxvay,(2) (3) v˙=kyuvrzv,(3) (4) z˙=gzvμz,(4) where z denotes the concentration of the B cells. Uninfected cells are generated from sources within the body at a rate λ, die at rate dx and become infected at rate βxv, where β is the rate constant describing the infection process. Infected cells are produced at rate βxv and die at rate ay. Free virus particles are produced from infected cells at rate ky, die at rate uv and are removed from the body due to antibodies at rate rzv. B cells are activated at rate gzv and die at rate μz. Parameters λ, d, β, a, k, u, r, g and μ are positive. The model may describe the dynamics of several viruses such as HIV, HBV and HCV. In case of HIV, x will represent the concentration of the uninfected CD4+ T cells while in case of HBV or HCV it represents the hepatocyte cells.

Model (Equation1)–(Equation4), does not take into consideration the latently infected cells which are due to the delay between the moment of a virus contacts an uninfected target cell and the moment of producing infectious viruses. Latently infected cells have been incorporated into the basic viral infection model in [Citation18,Citation19]. The global stability of viral infection models with latently infected cells has been studied in several works (see e.g. [Citation6,Citation10]). However, in [Citation6,Citation10], the humoral immune response has been neglected.

We note that, the incidence rate of infection presented in model (Equation1)–(Equation4) is given by bilinear form. Recently, Huang et al. [Citation9] have proposed a viral infected model with Beddington–DeAngelis functional response, βxv/(1+γx+αv), where α,γ0. This form generalizes the Holling type II functional response βxv/(1+γx) by adding a term αv in the denominator which models mutual interference between viruses [Citation9]. When α>0 and γ=0, the Beddington–DeAngelis functional response is simplified to a saturation response [Citation22]. In [Citation9], both the humoral immune response and the latently infected cells were not modelled.

The aim of this paper is to propose a virus dynamics model with humoral immune response taking into consideration both latently and actively infected cells and investigate its basic and global properties. The incidence rate is given by Beddington–DeAngelis functional response. Using Lyapunov functions, we prove that the global dynamics of the model is determined by two threshold parameters, the basic infection reproduction number R0 and the humoral immune response activation number R1.

2. The model

In this section, we propose a virus dynamics model with humoral immunity and Beddington–DeAngelis functional response, taking into consideration the latently infected cells and the actively infected cells. (5) x˙=λdxβxv1+γx+αv,(5) (6) w˙=(1q)βxv1+γx+αv(e+δ)w,(6) (7) y˙=qβxv1+γx+αv+δway,(7) (8) v˙=kyuvrvz,(8) (9) z˙=gvzμz,(9) where γ and α are positive constants, w and y denote the concentrations of latently infected and actively infected cells, respectively. Equation (Equation6) describes the dynamics of the latently infected cells and show that they are die at rate ew and are converted to actively infected cells at rate δw. The fractions (1q) and q with 0<q<1 are the probabilities that upon infection, an uninfected cell will become either latently infected or actively infected. The other variables and parameters of the model have the same meanings as given in model (Equation1)–(Equation4).

2.1. Positive invariance

We note that model (Equation5)–(Equation9) is biologically acceptable in the sense that no population goes negative. It is straightforward to check the positive invariance of the non-negative orthant R05 by model (Equation5)–(Equation9) (see e.g. [Citation19]). In the following, we show the boundedness of the solutions of model (Equation5)–(Equation9).

Proposition 1.

There exist positive numbers Li, i=1,2,3 such that the compact set Ω={(x,w,y,v,z)R05:0x,w,yL1, 0vL2, 0zL3} is positively invariant.


Let X1(t)=x(t)+w(t)+y(t), then X˙1=λdxewayλs1X1, where s1=min{d,a,e}. Hence X1(t)L1, if X1(0)L1, where L1=λ/s1. Since x, w and y are non-negative, then 0x(t), w(t), y(t)L1 if 0x(0)+w(0)+y(0)L1. On the other hand, let X2(t)=v(t)+(r/g)z(t), then X˙2=kyuvrμgzkL1s2v+rgz=kL1s2X2, where s2=min{u,μ}. Hence X2(t)L2, if X2(0)L2, where L2=kL1/s2. Since v(t)0 and z(t)0, then 0v(t)L2 and 0z(t)L3 if 0v(0)+(r/g)z(0)L2, where L3=gL2/r.

2.2. Equilibria and biological thresholds

In the following we give a lemma which gives the existence of positive equilibria of the model.

Lemma 1.

For system (Equation5)–(Equation9) there exist two threshold parameters R0>0 and R1>0 with R1<R0 such that

  1. if R01, then there exists only one positive equilibrium E0Ω,

  2. if R11<R0, then there exist only two positive equilibria E0Ω and E1Ω, and

  3. if R1>1, then there exist three positive equilibria E0Ω, E1Ω and E2Ω.


Let the right-hand sides of Equations (Equation5)–(Equation9) equal zero, then we get that system (Equation5)–(Equation9) can admit three equilibria:

(i) Infection-free equilibrium E0=(x0,0,0,0,0), where x0=λ/d, which represents the state where there are no viruses in the body.

(ii) Chronic-infection equilibrium without humoral immune response E1=(x1,w1,y1,v1,0) where x1=x0[au(e+δ)+λkα(eq+δ)]dkx0α(eq+δ)+au(e+δ)[kβx0(eq+δ)/au(e+δ)(1+γx0)+γx0(kβx0(eq+δ)/au(e+δ)(1+γx0)1)]00,v1=dkx0(eq+δ)(1+γx0)(kβx0(eq+δ)/au(e+δ)(1+γx0)1)dkx0α(eq+δ)+au(e+δ)[kβx0(eq+δ)/au(e+δ)(1+γx0)+γx0(kβx0(eq+δ)/au(e+δ)(1+γx0)1)]00,w1=(1q)βx1v1(e+δ)(1+αv1+γx1),y1=uv1k.We note that, E1 exists when kβx0(eq+δ)/au(e+δ)(1+γx0)>1. Let us define the threshold parameter R0 as: R0=kβx0(eq+δ)au(e+δ)(1+γx0). (iii) Chronic-infection equilibrium with humoral immune response E2=(x2,w2,y2,v2,z2), where x2=12γ(γx0(1+ζv2)+[(1+ζv2)γx0]2+4γx0(1+αv2)),w2=(1q)βx2v2(e+δ)(1+αv2+γx2),y2=(eq+δ)βx2v2a(e+δ)(1+αv2+γx2),v2=μg,z2=urkβx2(eq+δ)au(e+δ)(1+γx2+αv2)1, where ζ=α+β/d. Clearly E2 exists when kβx2(eq+δ)/au(e+δ)(1+γx2+αv2)>1. Now we are ready to define the second threshold parameter R1 as: R1=kβx2(eq+δ)au(e+δ)(1+γx2+αv2). Now we show that E0Ω, E1Ω and E2Ω. Clearly E0Ω. From the equilibrium conditions of E1 we have dx1+(e+b)w11q=λ,dx1+a(e+b)eq+by1=λ,uv1=ky1, then 0<x1<λdL1,0<w1<(1q)λe+b<λeL1,0<y1<(eq+b)λa(e+b)<λaL1,0<v1=kuy1<kuL1kL1s2=L. Moreover, z1=0 and then, E1Ω.

Similarly, one can show that 0<x2,w2,y2<L1. Now we show that if R1>1, then 0<v2<L2 and 0<z2<L3. From the equilibrium conditions of E2, we have uv2+rv2z2=ky2. Then uv2<ky20<v2<kuL1L2,rv2z2<ky20<z2<gky2rμgkrs2L1=L3. It follows that, E2Ω. Finally, since 0<x2<λ/d=x0, then we get R1kβx2(eq+δ)au(e+δ)(1+γx2)kβx0(eq+δ)au(e+δ)(1+γx0)=R0.

2.3. Global stability

In this subsection, we prove the global stability of the three equilibria of system (Equation5)–(Equation9) employing the method of Lyapunov function. In the remaining parts of the paper we shall use the following function: H:(0,)[0,), H(s)=s1lns.

Theorem 1.

If R01, then E0 is globally asymptotically stable (GAS) in Ω.


Define a Lyapunov function W0 as follows: W0=x01+γx0Hxx0+δeq+δw+e+δeq+δy+a(e+δ)k(eq+δ)v+ar(e+δ)kg(eq+δ)z. The time derivative of W0 along the trajectories of (Equation5)–(Equation9) satisfies (10) dW0dt=11+γx01x0xλdxβxv1+γx+αv+δeq+δ(1q)βxv1+γx+αv(e+δ)w+e+δeq+δqβxv1+γx+αv+δway+a(e+δ)k(eq+δ)(kyuvrvz)+ar(e+δ)kg(eq+δ)(gvzμz)=d(xx0)2x(1+γx0)βxv(1+γx0)(1+γx+αv)+βx0v(1+γx0)(1+γx+αv)+βxv1+γx+αvau(e+δ)k(eq+δ)varμ(e+δ)kg(eq+δ)z=d(xx0)2x(1+γx0)+βx0v(1+γx)(1+γx0)(1+γx+αv)au(e+δ)k(eq+δ)varμ(e+δ)kg(eq+δ)z.=d(xx0)2x(1+γx0)au(e+δ)k(eq+δ)αv2R0(1+γx+αv)+au(e+δ)k(eq+δ)(R01)varμ(e+δ)kg(eq+δ)z.(10) Thus if R01 then dW0/dt0 for all x,v,z>0. Using [Citation8, Theorem 5.3.1], we find that the solutions of system (Equation5)–(Equation9) converge to a set Γ, where Γ is the largest invariant subset of {dW0/dt=0}. From Equation (Equation10) we have dW0/dt=0 if and only if x=x0, v=0 and z=0. We note that, for any element belongs to Γ we have v=z=0, then v˙=0. From Equation (Equation8) we get 0=v˙=ky, and thus y=0. Moreover, from Equation (Equation7) we get w=0. Hence, dW0/dt=0 if and only if x=x0, y=0, v=0 and z=0. The global stability of E0 follows from LaSalle's invariance principle.

Lemma 2.

Suppose that R0>1, then x1,w1,y1,x2,w2,y2 exist satisfying sgn(x2x1)=sgn(v1v2)=sgn(R11).


Let R0>1, then we have (11) βx2v11+γx2+αv1βx1v11+γx1+αv1(x2x1)=βv1(1+αv1)(x2x1)2(1+γx2+αv1)(1+γx1+αv1)>0,(11) (12) βx2v21+γx2+αv2βx2v11+γx2+αv1(v2v1)=βx2(1+γx2)(v2v1)2(1+γx2+αv2)(1+γx2+αv1)>0,(12) (13) ((λdx2)(λdx1))(x2x1)=d(x2x1)2<0,(13) (14) βx21+γx2+αv2βx21+γx2+αv1(v1v2)=βαx2(v2v1)2(1+γx2+αv2)(1+γx2+αv1)>0.(14) Suppose that, sgn(x2x1)=sgn(v2v1). Using the conditions of the equilibria E1 and E2 we have (λdx2)(λdx1)=βx2v21+γx2+αv2βx1v11+γx1+αv1=βx2v21+γx2+αv2βx2v11+γx2+αv1+βx2v11+γx2+αv1βx1v11+γx1+αv1, and from inequalities (Equation11) and (Equation12) we get: sgn(x1x2)=sgn(x2x1), which leads to contradiction. Thus, sgn(x2x1)=sgn(v1v2). Using the equilibrium conditions for E1 we have (k(eq+δ)/au(e+δ))(βx1/(1+γx1+αv1))=1, then R11=k(eq+δ)au(e+δ)βx21+γx2+αv2βx11+γx1+αv1=k(eq+δ)au(e+δ)βx21+γx2+αv2βx21+γx2+αv1+βx21+γx2+αv1βx11+γx1+αv1=k(eq+δ)au(e+δ)βx21+γx2+αv2βx21+γx2+αv1+1v1βx2v11+γx2+αv1βx1v11+γx1+αv1. From inequalities (Equation11) and (Equation14), we get sgn(R11)=sgn(v1v2).

Theorem 2.

If R11<R0, then E1 is GAS in Ω.


Define the following Lyapunov functional W1=xx1x1xx1(1+γθ+αv1)θ(1+γx1+αv1)dθ+δeq+δw1Hww1+e+δeq+δy1Hyy1+a(e+δ)k(eq+δ)v1Hvv1+ar(e+δ)kg(eq+δ)z, and calculate its time derivative along the trajectories of (Equation5)–(Equation9) we obtain dW1dt=1x1(1+γx+αv1)x(1+γx1+αv1)λdxβxv1+γx+αv+δeq+δ1w1w(1q)βxv1+γx+αv(e+δ)w+e+δeq+δ1y1yqβxv1+γx+αv+δway+a(e+δ)k(eq+δ)1v1v(kyuvrvz)+ar(e+δ)kg(eq+δ)(gvzμz). Applying λ=dx1+βx1v1/(1+γx1+αv1) we obtain (15) dW1dt=1x1(1+γx+αv1)x(1+γx1+αv1)(dx1dx)+βx1v11+γx1+αv11x1(1+γx+αv1)x(1+γx1+αv1)+βx1v1+γx+αv(1+γx+αv1)(1+γx1+αv1)δ(1q)eq+δβxv1+γx+αvw1w+δ(e+δ)eq+δw1(e+δ)qeq+δβxv1+γx+αvy1y(e+δ)δeq+δy1wy+e+δeq+δay1au(e+δ)k(eq+δ)va(e+δ)(eq+δ)yv1v+au(e+δ)k(eq+δ)v1+ar(e+δ)k(eq+δ)v1zarμ(e+δ)kg(eq+δ)z.(15) Using the equilibrium conditions for E1: (1q)βx1v11+γx1+αv1=(e+δ)w1,qβx1v11+γx1+αv1+δw1=ay1,uv1=ky1, we obtain e+δeq+δay1=βx1v11+γx1+αv1=δ(1q)eq+δβx1v11+γx1+αv1+(e+δ)qeq+δβx1v11+γx1+αv1,au(e+δ)k(eq+δ)v1=βx1v11+γx1+αv1=δ(1q)eq+δβx1v11+γx1+αv1+(e+δ)qeq+δβx1v11+γx1+αv1.Then Equation (Equation15) becomes dW1dt=d(xx1)2(1+αv1)x(1+γx1+αv1)+δ(1q)eq+δβx1v11+γx1+αv11x1(1+γx+αv1)x(1+γx1+αv1)+(e+δ)qeq+δβx1v11+γx1+αv11x1(1+γx+αv1)x(1+γx1+αv1)+βx1v11+γx1+αv1×v(1+γx+αv1)v1(1+γx+αv)vv1δ(1q)eq+δβx1v11+γx1+αv1w1xv(1+γx1+αv1)wx1v1(1+γx+αv)+δ(1q)eq+δβx1v11+γx1+αv1(e+δ)qeq+δβx1v11+γx1+αv1y1xv(1+γx1+αv1)yx1v1(1+γx+αv)δ(1q)eq+δβx1v11+γx1+αv1y1wyw1+δ(1q)eq+δβx1v11+γx1+αv1+(e+δ)qeq+δβx1v11+γx1+αv1δ(1q)eq+δβx1v11+γx1+αv1yv1y1v(e+δ)qeq+δβx1v11+γx1+αv1yv1y1v+δ(1q)eq+δ×βx1v11+γx1+αv1+(e+δ)qeq+δβx1v11+γx1+αv1+ar(e+δ)k(eq+δ)v1μgz=d(xx1)2(1+αv1)x(1+γx1+αv1)αβx1(1+γx)(vv1)2(1+γx1+αv1)(1+γx+αv)(1+γx+αv1)+δ(1q)βx1v1(eq+δ)(1+γx1+αv1)5x1(1+γx+αv1)x(1+γx1+αv1)w1xv(1+γx1+αv1)wx1v1(1+γx+αv)y1wyw1yv1y1v1+γx+αv1+γx+αv1+(e+δ)qβx1v1(eq+δ)(1+γx1+αv1)4x1(1+γx+αv1)x(1+γx1+αv1)y1xv(1+γx1+αv1)yx1v1(1+γx+αv)yv1y1v1+γx+αv1+γx+αv1+ar(e+δ)k(eq+δ)v1μgz. Since the geometrical mean is less than or equal to the arithmetical mean, then 5x1(1+γx+αv1)x(1+γx1+αv1)+w1xv(1+γx1+αv1)wx1v1(1+γx+αv)+y1wyw1+yv1y1v+1+γx+αv1+γx+αv1,4x1(1+γx+αv1)x(1+γx1+αv1)+y1xv(1+γx1+αv1)yx1v1(1+γx+αv)+yv1y1v+1+γx+αv1+γx+αv1. From Lemma 2 we have if R11, then v1μg=v2. It follows that, if R11, then dW1/dt0 for all x,w,y,v,z>0. It can be seen that, dW1/dt=0 if and only if x=x1, w=w1, y=y1, v=v1 and z=0. LaSalle's invariance principle implies the global stability of E1.

Theorem 3.

If R1>1, then E2 is GAS in Ω.


We construct the following Lyapunov functional W2=xx2x2xx2(1+γθ+αv2)θ(1+γx2+αv2)dθ+δeq+δw2Hww2+e+δeq+δy2Hyy2+a(e+δ)k(eq+δ)v2Hvv2+ar(e+δ)kg(eq+δ)z2Hzz2. The time derivative of W2 along the trajectories of (Equation5)–(Equation9) dW2dt=1x2(1+γx+αv2)x(1+γx2+αv2)λdxβxv1+γx+αv+δeq+δ1w2w×(1q)βxv1+γx+αv(e+δ)w+e+δeq+δ1y2yqβxv1+γx+αv+δway+a(e+δ)k(eq+δ)1v2v(kyuvrvz)+ar(e+δ)kg(eq+δ)1z2z(gvzμz). Applying λ=dx2+βx2v2/(1+γx2+αv2), we get dW2dt=1x2(1+γx+αv2)x(1+γx2+αv2)(dx2dx)+βx2v21+γx2+αv21x2(1+γx+αv2)x(1+γx2+αv2)+βx2v1+γx+αv(1+γx+αv2)(1+γx2+αv2)δ(1q)eq+δβxv1+γx+αvw2w+δ(e+δ)eq+δw2(e+δ)qeq+δβxv1+γx+αvy2y(e+δ)δeq+δy2wy+e+δeq+δay2au(e+δ)k(eq+δ)va(e+δ)(eq+δ)yv2v+au(e+δ)k(eq+δ)v2+ar(e+δ)k(eq+δ)v2zarμ(e+δ)kg(eq+δ)zar(e+δ)k(eq+δ)z2v+arμ(e+δ)kg(eq+δ)z2. Using the other equilibrium conditions for E2: (1q)βx2v21+γx2+αv2=(e+δ)w2,qβx2v21+γx2+αv2+δw2=ay2,ky2=uv2+rv2z2,μ=gv2, we get e+δeq+δay2=βx2v21+γx2+αv2=δ(1q)eq+δβx2v21+γx2+αv2+(e+δ)qeq+δβx2v21+γx2+αv2,au(e+δ)k(eq+δ)v2=βx2v21+γx2+αv2ar(e+δ)k(eq+δ)v2z2, and dW2dt=d(xx2)2(1+αv2)x(1+γx2+αv2)+δ(1q)eq+δβx2v21+γx2+αv21x2(1+γx+αv2)x(1+γx2+αv2)+(e+δ)qeq+δβx2v21+γx2+αv21x2(1+γx+αv2)x(1+γx2+αv2)+βx2v21+γx2+αv2×v(1+γx+αv2)v2(1+γx+αv)vv2δ(1q)eq+δβx2v21+γx2+αv2w2xv(1+γx2+αv2)wx2v2(1+γx+αv)+δ(1q)eq+δβx2v21+γx2+αv2(e+δ)qeq+δβx2v21+γx2+αv2y2xv(1+γx2+αv2)yx2v2(1+γx+αv)δ(1q)eq+δβx2v21+γx2+αv2y2wyw2+δ(1q)eq+δβx2v21+γx2+αv2+(e+δ)qeq+δβx2v21+γx2+αv2δ(1q)eq+δβx2v21+γx2+αv2yv2y2v(e+δ)qeq+δβx2v21+γx2+αv2yv2y2v+δ(1q)eq+δβx2v21+γx2+αv2+(e+δ)qeq+δβx2v21+γx2+αv2=d(xx2)2(1+αv2)x(1+γx2+αv2)αβx2(1+γx)(vv2)2(1+γx2+αv2)(1+γx+αv)(1+γx+αv2)+δ(1q)βx2v2(eq+δ)(1+γx2+αv2)5x2(1+γx+αv2)x(1+γx2+αv2)w2xv(1+γx2+αv2)wx2v2(1+γx+αv)y2wyw2yv2y2v1+γx+αv1+γx+αv2+(e+δ)qβx2v2(eq+δ)(1+γx2+αv2)4x2(1+γx+αv2)x(1+γx2+αv2)y2xv(1+γx2+αv2)yx2v2(1+γx+αv)yv2y2v1+γx+αv1+γx+αv2. Thus, if R1>1 then x2,w2,y2,v2 and z2>0. Since the geometrical mean is less than or equal to the arithmetical mean, then dW2/dt0. The solutions of system (Equation5)–(Equation9) converge to the largest invariant subset of {dW2/dt=0}. It can be seen that, dW2/dt=0 if and only if x=x2,w=w2, y=y2 and v=v2. If v=v2, then v˙=0 and from Equation (Equation8) we have 0=ky2uv2rv2z=0, which gives z=z2. Hence, dW2/dt=0 at E2. LaSalle's invariance principle implies the global stability of E2.

Remark 1.

The parameter R0 is the standard basic infection reproduction number in the literature of viral infection models. It measures the average number of newly infected cells produced from any one infected cell at the infection-free equilibrium [Citation16]. Thus, R0 is the threshold parameter that determines whether a chronic-infection can be established without humoral immune response. If R01, then the viruses will be cleared from the body. Therefore, using effective anitiviral drug therapy can control and prevent the infection by making R01. In case of R0>1, the infection become chronic. The parameter R1 represents the humoral immune response activation number and determines whether a persistent humoral immune response can be established. When R11<R0, the infection always becomes chronic, but no humoral response can be established. When R1>1, the infection always becomes chronic with humoral response.

3. Numerical simulations

In this section, we perform some numerical simulations for model (Equation5)–(Equation8) to confirm our theoretical results given in Theorems 1-3. The values of the model's parameters are given as: λ=10 cells mm3 day1, d=0.01 day1, k=10 virus cells1day1, δ=0.2 day1, α=0.1 virus1 mm3, γ=0.1 cells1 mm3, a=0.1 day1, e=0.1 day1, u=3 day1, q=0.5, r=0.01 cells1 mm3 day1, and μ=0.2 day1. The parameters β and g will be chosen below. All computations were carried out by MATLAB. We have the following cases:

Case (I) Stability of E0. We choose β=0.001 virus1 mm3 day1 and g=0.001 virus1 mm3 day1. Using these data we compute R0=0.275<1 and R1=0.222<1. Figures  show that the numerical results are consistent with Theorem 1. We can see that, the concentrations of uninfected cells is increasing and tends to it normal value λ/d=1000 cells mm3, while the concentrations of latently infected cells, actively infected cells, free viruses and B cells are decaying and tend to zero. In this case, the virus particles will be removed from the body.

Figure 1. The evolution of uninfected target cells.

Figure 1. The evolution of uninfected target cells.

Figure 2. The evolution of latently infected cells.

Figure 2. The evolution of latently infected cells.

Figure 3. The evolution of actively infected cells.

Figure 3. The evolution of actively infected cells.

Figure 4. The evolution of free virus particles.

Figure 4. The evolution of free virus particles.

Figure 5. The evolution of B cells.

Figure 5. The evolution of B cells.

Case (II) Stability of E1. We take β=0.005 virus1 mm3 day1 and g=0.001 virus1 mm3 day1. In this case, R0=1.375>1 and R1=0.882<1. Figures  show that the numerical results are consistent with Theorem 2. We can see that, the trajectory of the system will tend to the chronic-infection equilibrium without humoral immune response E1(431.67,9.47,47.36,157.87,0). In this case, the infection becomes chronic but without persistent humoral immune response.

Case (III) Stability of E2. We choose β=0.005 virus1 mm3 day1 and g=0.005 virus1 mm3 day1. Then we compute R0=1.375>1 and R1=1.308>1. From Figures we can see that, our simulation results are consistent with the theoretical results of Theorem 3. We observe that, the trajectory of the system will tend to the chronic-infection equilibrium with humoral immune response E2(811.61,3.14,15.7,40,92.49). In this case, the infection becomes chronic but with persistent humoral immune response.

4. Conclusion

In this paper, we have proposed and analysed a virus dynamics model with humoral immune response. The model describes the interaction between the uninfected target cells, latently infected cells, actively infected cells, free virus particles and B cells. The incidence rate has been given by Beddington–DeAngelis functional response. We have derived two threshold parameters, the basic infection reproduction number R0 and the humoral immune response activation number R1 which completely determine the basic and global properties of the virus dynamics model. Using Lyapunov method and applying LaSalle's invariance principle we have proven that if R01, then the infection-free equilibrium is GAS, if R11<R0, then the chronic-infection equilibrium without humoral immune response is GAS, and if R1>1, then the chronic-infection equilibrium with humoral immune response is GAS. Numerical simulations have been performed for the model. We have shown that both numerical and theoretical results are consistent.


The authors acknowledge with thanks DSR technical and financial support. The authors are also grateful to professor J. M. Cushing and to the anonymous reviewers for constructive suggestions and valuable comments, which improve the quality of the article.

Disclosure statement

No potential conflict of interest was reported by the authors.


This article was funded by the Deanship of Scientific Research (DSR), King Abdulaziz University, Jeddah.


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