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Asynchronous exponential growth for a two-phase size-structured population model and comparison with the corresponding one-phase model

Pages 683-699 | Received 31 Oct 2017, Accepted 05 Jul 2018, Published online: 01 Aug 2018


In this paper we study a two-phase size-structured population model with distributed delay in the birth process. This model distinguishes individuals by ‘active’ or ‘resting’ status. The individuals in the two life-stages have different growth rates. Only individuals in the ‘active’ stage give birth to the individuals in the ‘active’ stage or the ‘resting’ stage. The size of all the newborns is 0. By using the method of semigroups, we obtain that the model is globally well-posed and its solution possesses the property of asynchronous exponential growth. Moreover, we give a comparison between this two-phase model with the corresponding one-phase model and show that the asymptotic behaviours of the sum of the densities of individuals in the ‘active’ stage and the ‘resting’ stage and the solution of the corresponding one-phase model are different.


1. Introduction

In this paper, we study a two-phase size-structured population model with distributed delay in the birth process. The individuals in this model are distinguished by two distinct life-stages: the ‘active’ stage and the ‘resting’ stage. Only individuals in the ‘active’ stage give birth to the individuals in the ‘active’ stage or the ‘resting’ stage. The individuals in the two life-stages have different growth rates. The size of all the newborns is 0. The delay in this model is given by the time lag between conception and birth or laying and hatching of the parasite eggs (see [Citation2,Citation17]). Moreover, unlike the non-distributed delay case, the time lag considered here can change from 0 to the maximal value, i.e. it is distributed in an interval. We denote by m(t,x) and n(t,x) the densities of individuals in the ‘active’ stage and the ‘resting’ stage, respectively, of size x[0,a¯] at time t[0,), where a¯>0 represents the finite maximal size any individual may reach in its lifetime. Then the model reads as follows: (1) mt+(γ1(x)m)x=μ1(x)mρ1(x)m+ρ2(x)n,x[0,a¯], t0,nt+(γ2(x)n)x=μ2(x)nρ2(x)n+ρ1(x)m,x[0,a¯], t0,γ1(0)m(t,0)=ν0a¯τ0β(σ,x)m(t+σ,x)dσdx,t0,γ2(0)n(t,0)=(1ν)0a¯τ0β(σ,x)m(t+σ,x)dσdx,t0,m(σ,x)=mˆ(σ,x),σ[τ,0],x[0,a¯],n(0,x)=n0(x),x[0,a¯].(1) Here the vital rates γi(x) and μi(x) (i=1,2) are the size-dependent growth rates and mortality rates of individuals in the ‘active’ stage and the ‘resting’ stage, respectively, the functions ρ1(x) and ρ2(x) are the size-dependent rates of transition between the ‘active’ stage and the ‘resting’ stage, the function β(σ,x) represents the rate that an individual of size x in the ‘active’ stage reproduces after a time lag σ[0,τ] starting from conception, where τ is a constant denoting the maximal delay, and ν is a constant, 0ν1. In addition, mˆ and n0 are given functions defined in [τ,0]×[0,a¯] and [0,a¯], respectively. Later on we shall denote (2) mˆ0(x)=mˆ(0,x)for x[0,a¯].(2)

The one-phase model with delay in the birth process and the growth rate γ(x)=1 was studied in [Citation15]. The global well-posedness and the property of so called asynchronous exponential growth (see [Citation1,Citation7,Citation8–12,Citation15] for the definition) of its solution were obtained by using the method of semigroups. The author of [Citation11] gave a completely different proof for the property of asynchronous exponential growth which can generalize to more complicated one-phase size-structured models with the growth rate γ(x)1 by using the method of characteristics. Recently, hopf bifurcation was obtained in the similar one-phase model with two delays in [Citation13]. The model considered here distinguishes individuals by two different stages and the two stages may have different growth rates. In this paper, we shall prove that under suitable assumptions on γ1, γ2, μ1, μ2, ρ1, ρ2, β and (mˆ,n0), the model (Equation1) is globally well-posed and its solution possesses the property of asynchronous exponential growth. Moreover, we shall give a comparison between this two-phase model with the corresponding one-phase model by the method which is inspired by [Citation14]. More precisely, we shall consider the special case where γ1(x)=γ2(x)=γ(x) and shows that the asymptotic behaviours of the sum of the densities of individuals in the ‘active’ stage and the ‘resting’ stage and the solution of the corresponding one-phase model are different. This implies that the research on the model which distinguishes individuals by the ‘active’ stage and the ‘resting’ stage are meaningful. In fact, the asynchronous exponential growth of solutions of size-structured population models with two stages have been investigated by many authors including [Citation9], [Citation12], and [Citation3–5]. In contrast with those model, the model considered here is a non-local boundary condition problem which contains distributed delay. We use the methods of Hille–Yosida operators and isomorphic operators. The comparison between the two-phase model with the corresponding one-phase model has been also considered in [Citation3,Citation5]. The conjugate problem here is different because of the non-local boundary condition and the distributed delay.

Throughout this paper, γ1(x), γ2(x), μ1(x), μ2(x), ρ1(x), ρ2(x), and β(σ,x) are supposed to satisfy the following conditions:

  1. μ1, μ2, ρ1, and ρ2 are non-negative and continuous functions defined on [0,a¯].

  2. γ1, γ2C1[0,a¯], and γ1(x), γ2(x)>0 for all x[0,a¯]. γ¯1:=max0xa¯{γ1(x)} and γ¯2:=max0xa¯{γ2(x)}.

  3. βC([τ,0]×[0,a¯]) and β0.

    In order to prove the property of asynchronous exponential growth, we make the additional assumptions:

  4. β(σ,x)>0 for all σ[τ,0] and x[0,a¯].

  5. If 0ν<1, ρ2(x)>0 for all x[0,a¯]. If ν=1, ρ1(x),ρ2(x)>0 for all x[0,a¯].

We introduce the subspace E1 of W1,1((τ,0),L1[0,a¯]) and the subspace E2 of W1,1(0,a¯) as follows: E1:={mˆW1,1((τ,0),L1[0,a¯]):mˆ0W1,1(0,a¯),mˆ0(0)=νγ1(0)0a¯τ0β(σ,x)mˆ(σ,x)dσdx},E2:={n0W1,1(0,a¯):n0(0)=(1ν)γ2(0)0a¯τ0β(σ,x)mˆ(σ,x)dσdx}, where mˆ0 is defined in (Equation2).

Our first main result establishes the global well-posedness of the model (Equation1) and reads as follows:

Theorem 1.1

For any (mˆ,n0)E1×E2, the model (Equation1) has a unique solution (m,n)(C([τ,),L1[0,a¯])C([0,),W1,1(0,a¯))C1([0,),L1[0,a¯]))×(C([0,),W1,1 (0,a¯))C1([0,),L1[0,a¯])), and for any T>0, the mapping (mˆ,n0)(m,n) from E1×E2 to (C([τ,T),L1[0,a¯])C([0,T),W1,1(0,a¯))C1([0,T),L1[0,a¯]))×(C([0,T),W1,1(0,a¯)) C1([0,T),L1[0,a¯])) is continuous.

The proof of this result will be given in Section 2.

From the proof of Theorem 1.1, we shall have that for any (mˆ,n0)E1×E2, the solution of the model (Equation1) can be expressed as (m(t),n(t))=T(t)(mˆ,n0) (t0), where (T(t))t0 is a strongly continuous semigroup on the space E:=L1([τ,0],L1[0,a¯])×L1[0,a¯]. Our second main result studies the asymptotic behaviour of the solution of the model (Equation1) and reads as follows:

Theorem 1.2

There exist a rank projection Π on E and constants λ0R, ε>0, M0 such that eλ0tT(t)ΠMeεtfor all t0, where denotes the operator norm on E.

The proof of this result will be given in Section 3. The parameter λ0 is called intrinsic rate of natural increase or Malthusian parameter (see [Citation16]). This result shows that the solution of the model (Equation1) exhibits asynchronous exponential growth.

Next we consider the special case of the model (Equation1), where γ1(x)=γ2(x)=γ(x) and give a comparison between this two-phase model with the corresponding one-phase model. Note that the above result means that there exists a positive vector function (u~,vˆ)E, such that for any (mˆ,n0)E1×E2, the solution (m(t+,),n(t,)) of the model (Equation1) has the following asymptotic expression: (3) (m(t+,),n(t,))eλ0t=c1(u~(,),vˆ())+O(eεt)as t,(3) where c1 is a constant uniquely determined by the initial data (mˆ,n0). We denote (4) Uˆ(x)=u~(0,x)+vˆ(x),θ(x)=u~(0,x)Uˆ(x),(4) (5) μ(x)=θ(x)μ1(x)+(1θ(x))μ2(x),andβ¯(σ,x)=θ(x)β(σ,x).(5) We can see that θ(x) is the asymptotic proportion of the individuals in the ‘active’ stage in the population. Then we have the following problem which describes the evolution of the sum of the densities of individuals in the ‘active’ stage and the ‘resting’ stage in the asymptotic sense: (6) N¯t+(γ(x)N¯)x=μ(x)N¯,x[0,a¯], t0,γ(0)N¯(t,0)=0a¯τ0β¯(σ,x)N¯(t+σ,x)dσdx,t0,N¯(σ,x)=Nˆ(σ,x),σ[τ,0], x[0,a¯],(6) where Nˆ(σ,x)=mˆ(σ,x)+n0(x). By using the same method, we have that the solution N¯(t,x) of the model (Equation6) has the following asymptotic expression: N¯(t,x)eλ0t=c2Uˆ(x)+O(eεt)as t, where c2 is a constant uniquely determined by the initial data Nˆ(σ,x).

Let (7) N(t,x)=m(t,x)+n(t,x)for t>0,x[0,a¯],(7) and (8) N(σ,x)=mˆ(σ,x)+n0(x)for σ[τ,0],x[0,a¯].(8) We can see that N(t,x) is the sum of the densities of individuals in the ‘active’ stage and the ‘resting’ stage. From (Equation3), we have the following asymptotic expression: N(t,x)eλ0t=c1Uˆ(x)+O(eεt)ast, Then we want to compare N(t,x) and the solution of the model (Equation6). One might expect that N(t,x)eλ0tN¯(t,x)eλ0t0ast. But this is actually not the case. In fact, we have the following result:

Theorem 1.3

Let the notation be as above. We have the following relation: N(t,x)eλ0tN¯(t,x)eλ0t=cUˆ(x)+O(eεt)as t, where c is a constant which is generally non-vanishing.

The proof of this result will be given in Section 3. This result shows that the asymptotic behaviours of the sum of the densities of individuals in the ‘active’ stage and the ‘resting’ stage and the solution of the one-phase model are different and the research on the model with two stages is meaningful.

The layout of the rest of the paper is as follows. In Section 2, we reduce the model (Equation1) into an abstract Cauchy problem and establish the well-posedness of it by means of strongly continuous semigroups. In Section 3, we prove that the solution of the model (Equation1) exhibits asynchronous exponential growth. In Section 4, we compare this two-phase model with the corresponding one-phase model and give the proof of Theorem 1.3.

2. Reduction and well-posedness

In this section we reduce the model (Equation1) into an abstract Cauchy problem and establish the well-posedness of it. Since this model is a non-local boundary condition problem which contains distributed delay, we use the methods of Hille-Yosida operators and isomorphic operators(see [Citation15]).

First, we introduce the following operators on the Banach spaces X:=L1[0,a¯]×L1[0,a¯] and E:=L1([τ,0],L1[0,a¯]): A(u,v):=(γ1()u,γ2()v)with domain D(A):=W1,1(0,a¯)×W1,1(0,a¯),B1(u,v):=(γ1()u,γ2()v)for (u,v)X,B2(u,v):=((μ1()+ρ1())u+ρ2()v,(μ2()+ρ2())v+ρ1()u)for (u,v)X,B:=B1+B2,P:D(A)R2,P(u,v):=(u(0),v(0)),C(u~):=(νγ1(0)C1(u~),(1ν)γ2(0)C1(u~))for u~E, where C1(u~):=0a¯τ0β(σ,x)u~(t+σ,x)dσdx. We note that AL(D(A),X), BL(X) and CL(E,X). Using these notations, we rewrite the model (Equation1) into the following abstract initial value problem for a retarded differential equation on X: (9) d(u(t),v(t))dt=(A+B)(u(t),v(t)),t0P(u(t),v(t))=C(ut),(u(0),v(0))=(mˆ0,n0),u0=mˆ,(9) where u:[0,+)L1[0,a¯] and v:[0,+)L1[0,a¯] are defined as u(t):=m(t,) and v(t):=n(t,), respectively, and ut:[τ,0]L1[0,a¯] is defined as ut(σ):=m(t+σ),σ[τ,0].

Next, we introduce the following operators on E: (Gu~)(σ):=ddσu~with domainD(G):=W1,1([τ,0],L1[0,a¯]),Qu~:=u~(0)for u~D(G). We note that GL(D(G),E) and QL(D(G),X). We now let E:=E×X, and introduce operator A on E as follows: A(u~(u,v)):=(G00A+B)(u~(u,v))with domain D(A):={(u~(u,v))D(G)×D(A):Qu~=u,P(u,v)=C(u~)}. We note that AL(D(A),E). Using these notations, we see that problem (Equation9) can be equivalently rewrite into the following abstract initial value problem of an ordinary differential equation on E: (10) U(t)=AU(t),t>0,U(0)=U0,(10) where U(t)=(ut(u(t),v(t))) and U0=(u0(u(0),v(0))).

Remark 2.1

As usual, if the functions u:τ,)X and v:0,)X satisfy uC(τ,),W1,1(0,a¯))C(0,),W1,1(0,a¯))C1(0,),X) and vC(0,),W1,1(0,a¯))C1(0,),X), respectively, and problem ([Equation9]), we say that functions (u(t),v(t)) is a classical solution of problem ([Equation9]). It is evident that a necessary condition for problem ([Equation9]) to have a classical solution is that mˆW1,1(τ,0,X) and (mˆ0,n0)D(A).

Remark 2.2

As usual, we say that a function U:0,)E is a classical solution of problem ([Equation10]) if UC(0,),D(A))C1(0,),E) and it satisfies ([Equation10]) in usual sense.

To be rigorous, we write down the following preliminary result:

Lemma 2.1

Let the necessary condition mentioned in Remark 2.1 is satisfied. If (u(t),v(t)) (u:τ,)X, v:0,)X) is a classical solution of problem ([Equation9]), then U(t)=(ut(u(t),v(t))) is a classical solution of problem ([Equation10]). Conversely, if U is a classical solution of problem ([Equation10]), then U has the form U(t)=(ut(u(t),v(t))) for all t0, and by extending the first component of its second component u=u(t) to τ,) such that u(t)=u0 for tτ,0), we have that (u,v) is a classical solution of problem ([Equation9]).


See Lemma 2.2 of [Citation15] and Lemma 2.1 of [Citation6].

We consider the Banach space X:=E×L1[0,a¯]×X×R2 and the operator A:=(G000Q0π1Id0(0,0)(0,0)A+B(0,0)C(0,0)P(0,0)) with domain D(A):=D(G)×{0}×D(A)×{(0,0)}, where π1 is the projection onto the first coordinate.

Lemma 2.2

The operator (A,D(A)) is a Hille-Yosida operator on the Banach space X.


The operator A can be written as the sum of two operators on X as A=A1+B, where A1:=(G000Q000(0,0)(0,0)A(0,0)(0,0)(0,0)P(0,0))andB:=(000000π1Id0(0,0)(0,0)B(0,0)C(0,0)(0,0)(0,0)) with D(A1)=D(A) and D(B)=X. Since B is a bounded operator on X, by Lemma 3.1 of [Citation15], it suffices to prove that (A1,D(A)) is a Hille–Yosida operator on the Banach space X.

The restriction (G0,D(G0)) of G to the kernel of Q generates the nilpotent left shift semigroup (S0(t))t0 on E, given by (11) (S0(t)f)(σ,x)={f(t+σ,x),if σ+t0,0,if σ+t>0.(11) Similarly, the restriction (A0,D(A0)) of A to the kernel of P generates the strongly continuous semigroup (T0(t))t0 E, given by (12) (T0(t)(f1,f2))(x)=((T01(t)f1)(x),(T02(t)f2)(x)),(12) where (T01(t)f1)(x)={f1(Γ11(Γ1(x)t)),if Γ1(x)t,0,otherwise,(T02(t)f2)(x)={f2(Γ21(Γ2(x)t)),if Γ2(x)t,0,otherwise, where Γ1(x)=0x(1/γ1(s))ds and Γ2(x)=0x(1/γ2(s))ds. The resolvent of A1 is R(λ,A1)=(R(λ,G0)ελ000000(0,0)(0,0)R(λ,A0)ϕλ(0,0)(0,0)(0,0)(0,0)), where (ελ(σ))g:=eλσg for σ[τ,0], gL1[0,a¯] and (ϕλ(x))(x1,x2):=(e0x(λ/γ1(s))dsx1, e0x(λ/γ2(s))dsx2) for x[0,a¯], (x1,x2)R2. The resolvent set ρ(A1) of A1 contains R+. For (f~,g,(f1,f2),(x1,x2))X and λ>0, R(λ,A1)(f~,g,(f1,f2),(x1,x2))X=R(λ,G0)f~+ελgE+R(λ,A0)(f1,f2)+ϕλ(x1,x2)XR(λ,G0)f~E+ελgE+R(λ,A0)(f1,f2)X+ϕλ(x1,x2)X. From the proof of Proposition 3.2 of [Citation15], we have that R(λ,G0)f~E(1/λ)f~E. Since (A0,D(A0)) generates a contraction semigroup on X, by Theorem II.3.5 of [Citation10], we have that R(λ,A0)(f1,f2)X(1/λ)(f1,f2)X. A direct calculation shows that ελgE(1/λ)gL1[0,a¯] and ϕλ(x1,x2)X(1/λ)(x1,x2)R2, where (x1,x2)R2:=max{γ¯1,γ¯2}(|x1|+|x2|) for (x1,x2)R2.

Therefore, we have that λR(λ,A1)1 and (A1,D(A)) is a Hille–Yosida operator on the Banach space X. This completes the proof.

By Proposition 5.9 of [Citation15], we have the following result.

Lemma 2.3

The part (A0,D(A0)) of (A,D(A)) in the closure of its domain X0:=D(A)¯=E×{0}×X×{(0,0)} generates a strongly continuous semigroup.

Lemma 2.4

The operator (A,D(A)) is isomorphic to the part (A0,D(A0)) of the operator (A,D(A)) in the closure of its domain D(A)¯.


We have D(A0)={(f~,0,(f1,f2),(0,0)):f~D(G),(f1,f2)D(A),A(f~,0,(f1,f2),(0,0))tX0}={(f~,0,(f1,f2),(0,0)):f~D(G),(f1,f2)D(A),Qf~=f1,P(f1,f2)=C(f~)}.

Therefore, the operator (A,D(A)) is isomorphic to the part (A0,D(A0)) of the operator (A,D(A)) in the closure of its domain D(A)¯. We also refer the reader to see Theorem 3.3 of [Citation15] for the similar proof.

By Lemma 2.3, Lemma 2.4 and Theorem II.6.7 of [Citation10], we have the following result.

Theorem 2.5

The operator A generates a strongly continuous semigroup (T(t))t0 on E. For any given initial data U0=(u0(u(0),v(0)))D(A), problem (Equation10) has a unique solution UC(0,+);D(A))C1(0,+);E), given by (13) U(t)=T(t)(u0(u(0),v(0)))for t0.(13)

By Lemma 2.1 and Theorem 2.5, we see that Theorem 1.1 follows.

3. Asynchronous exponential growth

In this section we study the asymptotic behaviour of the solution ofproblem ([Equation1]). We shall prove that the semigroup (T(t))t0 has the property of asynchronous exponential growth on E by using Theorems 9.10 and 9.11 of [Citation8]. To this end, we will prove that the semigroup (T(t))t0 is an irreducible positive strongly continuous semigroup (see Definition II.1.7 and Theorem VI.1.2 of [Citation10] for the definitions) satisfying the inequality ωess(A)<ω0(A), where ωess(A) and ω0(A) are the essential growth bound and the growth bound of the semigroup (T(t))t0 generated by A (see Definition IV.2.1 and Definition IV.2.9 of [Citation10] for the definitions). In contrast with the semigroups in [Citation3–5,Citation9,Citation12], the generator A contains the non-local boundary condition and the distributed delay, we use the isomorphic operators in the proof of the property of asynchronous exponential growth.

We first deduce an useful expression of R(λ,A). For FE, let U=R(λ,A)F. Then U satisfies the equation (14) (λIA)U=F.(14) By writing U=(u~(σ,x),(u(x),v(x))) and F=(f~(σ,x),(f(x),g(x))), we see that Equation (Equation14) can be rewritten as follows: λu~(σ,x)σu~(σ,x)=f~(σ,x),τ<σ<0,0<x<a¯,λu(x)+ddx(γ1(x)u(x))=f(x)μ1(x)u(x)ρ1(x)u(x)+ρ2(x)v(x),0<x<a¯,λv(x)+ddx(γ2(x)v(x))=g(x)μ2(x)v(x)+ρ1(x)u(x)ρ2(x)v(x),0<x<a¯,u~(0,x)=u(x),0<x<a¯,γ1(0)u(0)=ν0a¯τ0β(σ,x)u~(σ,x)dσdx,γ2(0)v(0)=(1ν)0a¯τ0β(σ,x)u~(σ,x)dσdx. Then (15) u~(σ,x)=eλσu(x)+eλσσ0eλξf~(ξ,x)dξ,(15) (16) u(x)=νγ1(0)E1λ(x)0a¯τ0β(σ,x)eλσ(u(x)+σ0eλξf~(ξ,x)dξ)dσdx+E1λ(x)0xf(s)+ρ2(s)v(s)E1λ(s)γ1(s)ds,(16) (17) v(x)=(1ν)γ2(0)E2λ(x)0a¯τ0β(σ,x)eλσ(u(x)+σ0eλξf~(ξ,x)dξ)dσdx+E2λ(x)0xg(s)+ρ1(s)u(s)E2λ(s)γ2(s)ds,(17) where (18) E1λ(x)=exp(0xλ+μ1(s)+ρ1(s)+γ1(s)γ1(s)ds)(18) and (19) E2λ(x)=exp(0xλ+μ2(s)+ρ2(s)+γ2(s)γ2(s)ds).(19)

For each λC, we define two operators Mλ and Nλ on E as follows: (20) Mλ(f~(σ,x)(f1(x),f2(x)))=(eλσf1(x)(h1(x,λ),h2(x,λ))),(20) (21) Nλ(f~(σ,x)(f1(x),f2(x)))=(eλσσ0eλξf~(ξ,x)dξ(g1(x,λ),g2(x,λ))),(21) where h1(x,λ)=E1λ(x)(νγ1(0)0a¯τ0β(σ,x)eλσf1(x)dσdx+0xρ2(s)f2(s)E1λ(s)γ1(s)ds),h2(x,λ)=E2λ(x)((1ν)γ2(0)0a¯τ0β(σ,x)eλσf1(x)dσdx+0xρ1(s)f1(s)E2λ(s)γ2(s)ds),g1(x,λ)=E1λ(x)(νγ1(0)0a¯τ0β(σ,x)eλσσ0eλξf~(ξ,x)dξdσdx+0xf1(s)E1λ(s)γ1(s)ds),g2(x,λ)=E2λ(x)((1ν)γ2(0)0a¯τ0β(σ,x)eλσσ0eλξf~(ξ,x)dξdσdx+0xf2(s)E2λ(s)γ2(s)ds). Since Mλ(f~(σ,x)(f1(x),f2(x)))E0as λ+, there exists λ>0 such that Mλ<1 for λλ. This implies that the inverse (IMλ)1 exists and is a bounded operator for λλ. From (Equation15)–(Equation21) we see that the resolvent of A is given by (22) R(λ,A)=(IMλ)1Nλ=n=0MλnNλfor λλ.(22)

Lemma 3.1

The semigroup (T(t))t0 generated by A is positive.


From Theorem VI.1.8 of [Citation10], the desired assertion follows if we prove that the resolvent R(λ,A) of its generator A is positive for all sufficiently large λ. From (Equation20)–(Equation22), we have that R(λ,A)>0 for all sufficiently large λ. This completes the proof.

Lemma 3.2

The semigroup (T(t))t0 generated by A is irreducible.


By Lemma VI.1.9 of [Citation10], if we prove that R(λ,A)F,Ψ>0 for some λ>0 and all FE and ∀ΨE such that F>0 and Ψ>0, then the desired assertion then follows. Let π1 and π2 be the projections onto the first and the second coordinates, respectively. We use the expression (Equation22) to prove that π1(R(λ,A)F)(σ,x)>0 for almost all (σ,x)[τ,0]×[0,a¯], π1(π2(R(λ,A)F))(x)>0 and π2(π2(R(λ,A)F))(x)>0 for almost all x[0,a¯]. The process of this proof is similar to Lemma 3.4 in [Citation3] and Lemma 3.4 in [Citation5]. We omit it here.

Lemma 3.3



The operator A can be written as the sum of two operators on X as A=A2+C, where A2:=(G000Q0π1Id0(0,0)(0,0)A+B(0,0)(0,0)(0,0)P(0,0))andC:=(00000000(0,0)(0,0)(0,0)(0,0)C(0,0)(0,0)(0,0)) with D(A2)=D(A) and D(C)=X. Since A2 can be written as the sum of A1 and a bounded operator B1, where B1:=(000000π1Id0(0,0)(0,0)B(0,0)(0,0)(0,0)(0,0)(0,0)) with D(B1)=X, (A2,D(A)) is a Hille–Yosida operator on the Banach space X(see Lemma 3.1 of [Citation15]). By Proposition 4.4 of [Citation15], we have that (A20,D(A20)) of (A2,D(A)) in X0 generates a strongly continuous semigroup on X0 which is isomorphic to the semigroup (T0(t))t0 generated by A0:=(G00A+B) with domain D(A0):={(u~(u,v))D(G)×D(A):Qu~=u,P(u,v)=(0,0)}. By Proposition 4.4 of [Citation15], we have that T0(t):=(S0(t)Tt0T0(t)), where (S0(t))t0, (T0(t))t0 are defined in (Equation11) and (Equation12), and Tt:XE are linear operators defined as (TtF)(σ):={π1(T0(t+σ)F),if σ+t>0,0,if σ+t0, where π1 is the projection onto the first coordinate. By Lemma 3.6 of [Citation12], we have that T0(t)=0 for t>Γ+τ, where Γ=max{0a¯(dζ/γ1(ζ)),0a¯(dζ/γ2(ζ))}. From the definition ωess(A0):=limt(1/t)logT0(t)ess (see Definition IV.2.9 of [Citation10]), ωess(A20)=ωess(A0)=. Since C can be restricted to X0 and is a bounded and compact operator on X0, by Theorem 4.5 of [Citation15] and Lemma 2.3, we have that ωess(A)=ωess(A0)=ωess(A20)=. This completes the proof.

Lemma 3.4

ω0(A)=s(A)>, where s(A) is the spectral bound of A, i.e. s(A):=sup{Reλ:λσ(A)}.


Since the semigroup (T(t))t0 generated by A is positive, we have that ω0(A)=s(A)(see Theorem VI.1.15 of [Citation10]). We split the operator B2 into the sum of two operators: B2=B21+B22, where B21(u,v):=((μ1()+ρ1())u+ρ2()v,(μ2()+ρ2())v)for (u,v)X,B22(u,v):=(0,ρ1()u)for(u,v)X. Then we define the operator A1 as follows: A1(u~(u,v)):=(G00A+B1+B21)(u~(u,v))for (u~(u,v))D(A). By Corollary VI.1.11 of [Citation10], we have that s(A1)s(A). Then the desired assertion follows if we prove that s(A1)>. To this end, we consider the eigenvalue problem (23) (λIA1)U1=0.(23) By writing U1=(u~1(σ,x),(u1(x),v1(x))), we see that Equation (Equation23) can be rewritten as follows: λu~1(σ,x)σu~1(σ,x)=0,τ<σ<0, 0<x<a¯,λu1(x)+ddx(γ1(x)u1(x))=μ1(x)u1(x)ρ1(x)u1(x)+ρ2(x)v1(x),0<x<a¯,λv1(x)+ddx(γ2(x)v1(x))=μ2(x)v1(x)ρ2(x)v1(x),0<x<a¯,u~1(0,x)=u1(x),0<x<a¯,γ1(0)u1(0)=ν0a¯τ0β(σ,x)u~1(σ,x)dσdx,γ2(0)v1(0)=(1ν)0a¯τ0β(σ,x)u~1(σ,x)dσdx. Then (24) u~1(σ,x)=eλσu1(x),v1(x)=(1ν)γ2(0)E2λ(x)0a¯τ0β(σ,x)eλσu1(x)dσdx,u1(x)=νγ1(0)E1λ(x)0a¯τ0β(σ,x)eλσu1(x)dσdx+(1ν)γ2(0)E1λ(x)0a¯τ0β(σ,x)eλσu1(x)dσdx0xρ2(s)E2λ(s)E1λ(s)γ1(s)ds,(24) where E1λ(x) and E2λ(x) are defined in (Equation18) and (Equation19). Multiplying Equation (Equation24) by β(σ,x)eλσ and integrating from τ to 0 and 0 to a¯ with respect to σ and x, respectively, we have that the eigenvalue equation (Equation23) admits a non-trivial eigenvector if and only if K(λ)=1, where K(λ)=0a¯τ0β(σ,x)eλσE1λ(x)(νγ1(0)+(1ν)γ2(0)0xρ2(s)E2λ(s)E1λ(s)γ1(s)ds)dσdx. The function K(λ), restricted to R, is continuous, strictly decreasing, with limλ+K(λ)=0 and limλK(λ)=+. Therefore, the equation K(λ) has a unique real zero λ0, which implies that s(A1)>. This completes the proof.

By Lemmas 3.1–3.4, we conclude that s(A) is a strictly dominant eigenvalue of generator A (see Corollary V.3.2 of [Citation10]) and the fist-order pole of R(λ,A) with a one-dimensional residue P and there exist the constants ε>0 and M1 such that (25) es(A)tT(t)PMeεtfor all t>0,(25) where denotes the operator norm in E (see Theorem 4.1 of [Citation15], Theorems 9.10 and 9.11 of [Citation8], and Theorem C-IV.2.1 of [Citation1]). This completes the proof of Theorem 1.2.

4. Relation with the one-phase model

In this section we compare the two-phase model with the corresponding one-phase model and give the proof of Theorem 1.3 by the method which is inspired by [Citation14]. This kind of comparison has been also considered in [Citation3,Citation5]. The conjugate problem here is different because of the non-local boundary condition and the distributed delay.

From (Equation25), we have the following asymptotic expression: (26) es(A)t(m(t+σ,x),(m(t,x),n(t,x)))=c1(u~(σ,x),(uˆ(x),vˆ(x)))+O(eε1t)(26) as t, where c1 is a constant uniquely determined by the initial data (mˆ,n0), s(A) and (u~(σ,x),(uˆ(x),vˆ(x))) are the dominant eigenvalue and the corresponding eigenvector of the eigenvalue problem (27) λu~(σ,x)σu~(σ,x)=0,τ<σ<0, 0<x<a¯,λuˆ(x)+ddx(γ(x)uˆ(x))=μ1(x)uˆ(x)ρ1(x)uˆ(x)+ρ2(x)vˆ(x),0<x<a¯,λvˆ(x)+ddx(γ(x)vˆ(x))=μ2(x)vˆ(x)+ρ1(x)uˆ(x)ρ2(x)vˆ(x),0<x<a¯,u~(0,x)=uˆ(x),0<x<a¯,γ(0)uˆ(0)=ν0a¯τ0β(σ,x)u~(σ,x)dσdx,γ(0)vˆ(0)=(1ν)0a¯τ0β(σ,x)u~(σ,x)dσdx.(27) We can see that the corresponding eigenvector (u~(σ,x),(uˆ(x),vˆ(x))) is strictly positive, i.e. u~(σ,x)>0 for all (σ,x)[τ,0]×[0,a¯], uˆ(x)>0 and vˆ(x)>0 for all 0<x<a¯.

Let N¯(t,x) be the solution of the model (Equation6). Similarly, we have the following asymptotic expression: (28) eλ0t(N¯(t+σ,x),N¯(t,x))=c2(U~(σ,x),Uˆ(x))+O(eε2t)as t,(28) where c2 is a constant uniquely determined by the initial data Nˆ, λ0 and (U~(σ,x),Uˆ(x)) are the dominant eigenvalue and the corresponding eigenvector of the eigenvalue problem (29) λU~(σ,x)σU~(σ,x)=0,τ<σ<0, 0<x<a¯,λUˆ(x)+ddx(γ(x)Uˆ(x))=μ(x)Uˆ(x),0<x<a¯,U~(0,x)=Uˆ(x),0<x<a¯,γ(0)Uˆ(0)=0a¯τ0β¯(σ,x)U~(σ,x)dσdx,(29) where γ(x), μ(x) and β¯(σ,x) are defined in (Equation4) and (Equation5). The corresponding eigenvector (U~(σ,x),Uˆ(x)) is also strictly positive, i.e. U~(σ,x)>0 for all (σ,x)[τ,0]×[0,a¯], Uˆ(x)>0 for all 0<x<a¯. From (Equation4), (Equation5), (Equation27) and (Equation29), we have λ0=s(A) and Uˆ(x)=uˆ(x)+vˆ(x).

Next we want to compare N(t,x) and N¯(t,x), where N(t,x) is defined in (Equation7) and (Equation8). The asymptotic expression (Equation26) implies that (30) eλ0tN(t,x)=c1Uˆ(x)+O(eε1t)as t,(30) From (Equation28) and (Equation30), we have that eλ0tN(t,x)eλ0tN¯(t,x)=c3Uˆ(x)+O(eεt), where c3=c1c2 and ε=min{ε1,ε2}. Then we prove that c30.

Let (φ,(ϕ,ψ)) be the eigenvector of the conjugate problem of Equation (Equation27), i.e. (31) λφ(σ,x)+σφ(σ,x)=νϕ(0)β(σ,x)+(1ν)ψ(0)β(σ,x),τ<σ<0, 0<x<a¯,λϕ(x)γ(x)dϕ(x)dx=μ1(x)ϕ(x)ρ1(x)ϕ(x)+ρ1(x)ψ(x)+φ(0,x),0<x<a¯,ψ(x)γ(x)dψ(x)dx=μ2(x)ψ(x)ρ2(x)ψ(x)+ρ2(x)ϕ(x),0<x<a¯,φ(τ,x)=0,0<x<a¯,ϕ(a¯)=0,ψ(a¯)=0.(31) We normalize (φ,(ϕ,ψ)) such that (32) 0a¯τ0u~(σ,x)φ(σ,x)dσdx+0a¯(uˆ(x)ϕ(x)+vˆ(x)ψ(x))dx=1.(32) Due to a similar reason as that for (u~(σ,x),(uˆ(x),vˆ(x))), (φ(σ,x),(ϕ(x),ψ(x))) is strictly positive, i.e. φ(σ,x)>0 for all (σ,x)[τ,0]×[0,a¯], ϕ(x)>0 and ψ(x)>0 for all 0<x<a¯.

From (Equation1) and (Equation31), we easily obtain that ddt(0a¯τ0m(t+σ,x)φ(σ,x)eλ0tdσdx+0a¯(m(t,x)ϕ(x)+n(t,x)ψ(x))eλ0tdx)=0. Hence 0a¯τ0m(t+σ,x)φ(σ,x)eλ0tdσdx+0a¯(m(t,x)ϕ(x)+n(t,x)ψ(x))eλ0tdx=0a¯τ0mˆ(σ,x)φ(σ,x)dσdx+0a¯(mˆ0(x)ϕ(x)+n0(x)ψ(x))dx. for all t0. Letting t and using (Equation26), we have that c1(0a¯τ0u~(σ,x)φ(σ,x)dσdx+0a¯(uˆ(x)ϕ(x)+vˆ(x)ψ(x))dx)=0a¯τ0mˆ(σ,x)φ(σ,x)dσdx+0a¯(mˆ0(x)ϕ(x)+n0(x)ψ(x))dx. From (Equation32), we have that (33) c1=0a¯τ0mˆ(σ,x)φ(σ,x)dσdx+0a¯(mˆ0(x)ϕ(x)+n0(x)ψ(x))dx.(33)

Let (Φ,Ψ) be the eigenvector of the conjugate problem of Equation (Equation29), i.e. (34) λΦ(σ,x)+σΦ(σ,x)=Ψ(0)β¯(σ,x),τ<σ<0,0<x<a¯,λΨ(x)γ(x)dΨ(x)dx=μ(x)Ψ(x)+Φ(0,x),0<x<a¯,Φ(τ,x)=0,0<x<a¯,Ψ(a¯)=0.(34) We normalize (Φ,Ψ) such that (35) 0a¯τ0U~(σ,x)Φ(σ,x)dσdx+0a¯Uˆ(x)Ψ(x)dx=1.(35) (Φ,Ψ) is also strictly positive, i.e. Φ(σ,x)>0 for all (σ,x)[τ,0]×[0,a¯], Ψ(x)>0 for all 0<x<a¯. By a similar argument we have that c2=0a¯τ0Nˆ(σ,x)Φ(σ,x)dσdx+0a¯(mˆ0(x)+n0(x))Ψ(x)dx=0a¯τ0(mˆ(σ,x)+n0(x))Φ(σ,x)dσdx+0a¯(mˆ0(x)+n0(x))Ψ(x)dx, so that generally speaking we have c1c2 or c30. This proves Theorem 1.3.


The authors are glad to acknowledge their gratefulness to the anonymous reviewers for valuable comments and suggestions on modifying this manuscript.

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This work is supported by Foundation for Distinguished Young Teacher in Higher Education of Guangdong, China [YQ2015167], Foundation for Characteristic Innovation in Higher Education of Guangdong, China [2017KTSCX195] and National Natural Science Foundation of China [11301474].


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