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Bifurcation analysis for a delayed SEIR epidemic model with saturated incidence and saturated treatment function

Pages 461-480 | Received 18 Apr 2018, Accepted 06 Jun 2019, Published online: 25 Jun 2019


A delayed SEIR epidemic model with saturated incidence and saturated treatment function is considered in this paper. Sufficient conditions for the existence of local Hopf bifurcation are established by regarding the possible combination of the two delays as the bifurcation parameter. General formula for the direction, period and stability of the bifurcated periodic solutions are derived by using the normal form method and the centre manifold theory. Finally, some numerical simulations are given to illustrate the obtained results.

1. Introduction

In recent years, epidemic models have been studied by many scholars to study the dynamics of disease transmissions. Incidence rate plays an important role in the modelling of epidemic dynamics. Many epidemic models are proposed based on the bilinear incidence rate βSI and the standard incidence rate βSIN [Citation1, Citation8, Citation10, Citation11]. Capasso and Serio [Citation4] introduced the saturated incidence rate βSI1+αI which includes the behavioural change and crowding effect of the infective individuals and prevents the unboundedness of the contact rate by choosing suitable parameters. This makes the saturated incidence rate βSI1+αI seems more reasonable than the bilinear incidence rate. On the other hand, most of the present epidemic models assume that the treatment rate of the infection is proportional to the number of the infective individuals. Obviously, this assumption disregards the limitation of the medical resources. Based on this, Zhang et al. [Citation19] proposed the following SEIR epidemic model with saturated incidence and saturated treatment function: (1) dS(t)dt=AβS(t)I(t)1+αI(t)dS(t),dE(t)dt=βS(t)I(t)1+αI(t))(d+ε)E(t),dI(t)dt=εE(t)(d+γ+δ)I(t)rI(t)1+kI(t),dR(t)dt=δI(t)dR(t)+rI(t)1+kI(t),(1) where S(t), E(t), I(t), and R(t) represent the numbers of susceptible, exposed but not yet infectious, infective and recovered individuals at time t, respectively. A is the recruitment rate of the population, d is the natural death rate and γ is the death rate due to the disease. rI1+kI is the saturated treatment rate in which r is the maximal medical resources supplied per unit time and k is the saturation factor that measures the effect of the infected being delayed for treatment. βSI1+αI is the saturated incidence rate in which α is the saturation factor that measures the inhibitory effect and β is the transmission rate. ϵ is the rate of transformation from incubation period individuals to the infective ones. δ is the natural recovery rate of the infective individuals. Zhang et al. [Citation19] studied the stability and backward bifurcation of system (Equation1).

In fact, many diseases have different kinds of delays when they spread, such as latent period delay [Citation5, Citation6, Citation12, Citation14–16, Citation20] and immunity period delay [Citation13, Citation18, Citation21]. In [Citation12], Xue and Li analysed existence of Hopf bifurcation for a delayed SIR epidemic model with logistic growth by regarding the latent period delay of the disease as a bifurcation parameter and studied the properties of the Hopf bifurcation. In [Citation18], Zhang et al. obtained the sufficient conditions for the linear stability and existence of Hopf bifurcation of a delayed epidemic model with a nonlinear birth in population and vertical transmission by regarding the immunity period delay of the recovered individuals as a bifurcation parameter. They also derived the explicit formulas determining the direction and stability of the Hopf bifurcation. Motivated by the work above, we consider the Hopf bifurcation of the following epidemic model with two delays: (2) dS(t)dt=AβS(t)I(t)1+αI(t)dS(t),dE(t)dt=βS(t)I(t)1+αI(t)dE(t)εE(tτ1),dI(t)dt=εE(tτ1)(d+γ)I(t)δI(tτ2)rI(tτ2)1+kI(tτ2),dR(t)dt=δI(tτ2)dR(t)+rI(tτ2)1+kI(tτ2),(2) where τ1 is the time delay due to the latent period of the disease. τ2 is the time delay due to the period that the infected individuals use to move into the recovered class.

The reminder of the paper is organized as follows. In Section 2, we focus on the local stability of the endemic equilibrium and the existence of the Hopf bifurcation of system (Equation2). Then, we obtain explicit formulas that determine the stability and direction of the Hopf bifurcation by using the normal theory and the centre manifold theorem in Section 3. Numerical simulations are carried out in Section 4 to illustrate the main theoretical results and a brief discussion is given in the last part to conclude this work.

2. Local stability and local Hopf bifurcation

By a simple computation, we can get that if R0=Aβεd(d+ε)(d+r+γ+δ)>1 holds, then system (Equation2) has a unique positive equilibrium P(S,E,I,R), where S=(d+ε)(1+αI)EβI,E=1ε[(d+γ+δ)I+rI1+kI],R=1d[δI+rI1+kI],I=B¯+(B¯24A¯C¯)122A¯, where A¯=k(d+ε)(d+γ+δ)(β+αd);B¯=(d+ε)(d+γ+δ)(β+dα+dk)+r(d+ε)(β+dα)Akβε;C¯=d(d+ε)(d+r+γ+δ)Aβε. Let S¯(t)=S(t)S, E¯(t)=E(t)E, I¯(t)=I(t)I, R¯(t)=R(t)R. Dropping the bars, system (Equation2) becomes (3) dS(t)dt=a11S(t)+a13I(t)+f1,dE(t)dt=a21S(t)+a22E(t)+a23I(t)+b22E(tτ1)+f2,dI(t)dt=a33E(t)+b32E(tτ1)+b33I(tτ2)+f3,dR(t)dt=a44R(t)+b43I(tτ2)+f4,(3) where a11=(d+βI1+αI),a13=βS(1+αI)2,a21=βI1+αI,a22=d,a23=βS(1+αI)2,a33=(d+γ),a44=d,b22=ε,b32=ε,b33=(δ+R(1+kI)2),b43=δ+r(1+kI)2, and f1=a14S(t)I(t)+a15I2(t)+a16S(t)I2(t)+a17I3(t)+,f2=a24S(t)I(t)+a25I2(t)+a26S(t)I2(t)+a27I3(t)+,f3=b34I2(tτ2)+b35I3(tτ2)+,f4=b44I2(tτ2)+b45I3(tτ2)+, with a14=β(1+αI)2,a15=αβS(1+αI)3,a16=αβ(1+αI)3,a17=α2βS(1+αI)4,a24=β(1+αI)2,a25=αβS(1+αI)3,a26=αβ(1+αI)3,a27=α2βS(1+αI)4,b34=kr(1+kI)3,b35=k2r(1+kI)4,b44=kr(1+kI)3,b45=k2r(1+kI)4. Thus, the linear system of system (Equation3) is (4) dS(t)dt=a11S(t)+a13I(t),dE(t)dt=a21S(t)+a22E(t)+a23I(t)+b22E(tτ1),dI(t)dt=a33E(t)+b32E(tτ1)+b33I(tτ2),dR(t)dt=a44R(t)+b43I(tτ2).(4) The characteristic equation of system (Equation4) is (5) λ4+A3λ3+A2λ2+A1λ+A0+(B3λ3+B2λ2+B1λ+B0)eλτ1+(C3λ3+C2λ2+C1λ+C0)eλτ2+(D2λ2+D1λ+D0)eλ(τ1+τ2)=0,(5) where A0=a11a22a33a44,A1=[a11a22(a33+a44)+a33a44(a11+a22)],A2=a11a22+a33a44+(a11+a22)(a33+a44),A3=(a11+a22+a33+a44),B0=a44(a11a33b22+a13a21b32a11a23b32),B1=a23b32(a11+a44)a13a21b32b22(a11a33+a11a44+a33a44),B2=(a11+a33+a44)b22a23b32,B3=b22,B3=b22,C0=a11a22a44b33,C1=b33(a11a22+a11a44+a22a44),C2=(a11+a22+a44)b33,C3=b33,D0=a11a44b22b33,D1=b22b33(a11+a44),D2=b22b33. Case 1. τ1=τ2=0, Equation (Equation5) becomes (6) λ4+A13λ3+A12λ2+A11λ+A10=0,(6) where A10=A0+B0+C0+D0,A11=A1+B1+C1+D1,A12=A2+B2+C2+D2,A13=A3+B3+C3. Obviously, A13=βI1+αI+r(1+kI)2+γ+δ+ε+4d>0. Let Det1=A13>0. Thus, by the Routh–Hurwithz theorem, if the condition (H1) Equations (Equation7)–(Equation9) holds, then the positive equilibrium P(S,E,I,R) of system (Equation2) without time delay is locally asymptotically stable: (7) Det2=|A131A11A12|>0,(7) (8) Det3=|A1310A11A12A130A10A11|>0,(8) (9) Det4=|A13100A11A12A1310A10A11A12000A10|>0.(9) Case 2. τ1>0, τ2=0. When τ2=0, Equation (Equation5) becomes (10) λ4+A23λ3+A22λ2+A21λ+A20+(B23λ3+B22λ2+B21λ+B20)eλτ1=0,(10) where A20=A0+C0,A21=A1+C1,A22=A2+C2,A23=A3+C3,B20=B0+D0,B21=B1+D1,B22=B2+D2,B23=B3. Let λ=iω1(ω1>0) be the root of Equation (Equation10), then (11) (B21ω1B23ω13)sinτ1ω1+(B20B22ω12)cosτ1ω1=A22ω12ω14A20,(B21ω1B23ω13)cosτ1ω1(B20B22ω12)sinτ1ω1=A23ω13A21ω1,(11) from which one can get (12) ω18+e23ω16+e22ω14+e21ω12+e20=0,(12) with e20=A202B202,e21=A212B2122A20A22+2B20B22,e22=A222B222+2A202A21A23+2B21B23,e23=A232B2322A22. Let ω12=v1, then Equation (Equation12) becomes (13) v14+e23v13+e22v12+e21v1+e20=0.(13) Discussion about the roots of Equation (Equation13) is similar to that in [Citation9]. Thus, in order to obtain the main results in this paper, we make the following assumption.

(H21) Equation (Equation13) has at least one positive root.

Then, there exists a positive root of Equation (Equation13) v10 such that Equation (Equation10) has a pair of purely imaginary roots ±iω10=±iv10. Then, from Equation (Equation11), we can obtain the corresponding critical value of the delay for ω10 (14) τ10=1ω10arccosh26ω106+h24ω104+h22ω102+h20g26ω106+g24ω104+g22ω102+g20,(14) where g20=B202,g22=B2122B20B22,g24=B2222B21B23,g26=B232,h20=A20B20,h22=A20B22A21B21+A22B20,h24=A21B23A22B22+A23B21B20,h26=B22A23B23. Substituting λ(τ1) into Equation (Equation10) and taking the derivative with respect to τ1, we get [dλdτ1]1=4λ3+3A23λ2+2A22λ+A21λ(λ4+A23λ3+A22λ2+A21λ+A20)+3B23λ2+2B22λ+B21λ(B23λ3+B22λ2+B21λ+B20)τ1λ, which leads to Re[dλdτ1]τ1=τ101=f1(v1)(B21ω10B23ω103)2+(B20B22ω102)2, where f1(v1)=v14+e23v13+e22v12+e21v1+e20 and v1=ω102. Thus, if the condition (H22) f1(v1)0 holds, then Re[dλdτ1]τ1=τ1010. According to the Hopf bifurcation theorem in [18], we have the following for system (Equation2).

Theorem 2.1

If the conditions (H21)(H22) hold, then

  1. the positive equilibrium P(S,E,I,R) of system (Equation2) is asymptotically stable for τ1[0,τ10);

  2. system (Equation2) undergoes a Hopf bifurcation at the positive equilibrium P(S,E,I,R) when τ1=τ10.

τ10 is defined as in Equation (Equation14).

Case 3. τ1=0, τ2>0. When τ1=0, Equation (Equation5) becomes (15) λ4+A33λ3+A32λ2+A31λ+A30+(B33λ3+B32λ2+B31λ+B30)eλτ2=0,(15) where A30=A0+B0,A31=A1+B1,A32=A2+B2,A33=A3+B3,B30=C0+D0,B31=C1+D1,B32=C2+D2,B33=C3. Let λ=iω2(ω2>0) be the root of Equation (Equation15), then (16) (B31ω2B33ω23)sinτ2ω2+(B30B32ω22)cosτ2ω2=A32ω22ω24A30,(B31ω2B33ω23)cosτ2ω2(B30B32ω22)sinτ2ω2=A33ω23A31ω2,(16) from which one can get (17) ω28+e33ω26+e32ω24+e31ω22+e30=0,(17) with e30=A302B302,e31=A312B3122A30A32+2B30B32,e32=A322B322+2A302A31A33+2B31B33,e33=A332B3322A32. Let ω22=v2, then Equation (Equation17) becomes (18) v24+e33v23+e32v22+e31v2+e30=0.(18) Similar as in Case 2, we can make the following assumption.

(H31) Equation (Equation18) has at least one positive root.

Then there exists a positive root of Equation (Equation18) such that Equation (Equation15) has a pair of purely imaginary roots ±iω20=±iv20. Then, from Equation (Equation16), we can obtain the corresponding critical value of the delay for ω20 (19) τ20=1ω20arccosh36ω206+h34ω204+h32ω202+h30g36ω206+g34ω204+g32ω202+g30,(19) where g30=B302,g32=B3122B30B32,g34=B3222B31B33,g36=B332,h30=A30B30,h32=A30B32A31B31+A32B30,h34=A31B33A32B32+A33B31B30,h36=B32A33B33. Then, we can get [dλdτ2]1=4λ3+3A33λ2+2A32λ+A31λ(λ4+A33λ3+A32λ2+A31λ+A30)+3B33λ2+2B32λ+B31λ(B33λ3+B32λ2+B31λ+B30)τ2λ, which leads to Re[dλdτ2]τ2=τ201=f2(v2)(B31ω20B33ω203)2+(B30B32ω202)2, where f2(v2)=v24+e33v23+e32v22+e31v2+e30 and v2=ω202. Thus, if the condition (H32) f2(v2)0 holds, then Re[dλdτ2]τ2=τ2010. According to the Hopf bifurcation theorem in [18], we have the following for system (Equation2).

Theorem 2.2

If the conditions (H31)(H32) hold, then

  1. the positive equilibrium P(S,E,I,R) of system (Equation2) is asymptotically stable for τ2[0,τ20);

  2. system (Equation2) undergoes a Hopf bifurcation at the positive equilibrium P(S,E,I,R) when τ2=τ20.

τ20 is defined as in Equation (Equation19).

Case 4. τ1=τ2=τ>0. When τ1=τ2=τ, Equation (Equation5) becomes (20) λ4+A43λ3+A42λ2+A41λ+A40+(B43λ3+B42λ2+B41λ+B40)eλτ+(C42λ2+C41λ+C40)e2λτ=0,(20) where A40=A0,A41=A1,A42=A2,A43=A3,B40=B0+C0,B41=B1+C1,B42=B2+C2,B43=B3+C3,C40=D1,C41=D1,C42=D2. Multiplying eλτ on both sides of Equation (Equation20), we can get (21) B43λ3+B42λ2+B41λ+B40+(λ4+A43λ3+A42λ2+A41λ+A40)eλτ+(C42λ2+C41λ+C40)eλτ=0.(21) Let λ=iω(ω>0) be the root of Equation (Equation21), then (22) M41(ω)cosτωM42(ω)sinτω=M43(ω),M44(ω)sinτω+M45(ω)cosτω=M46(ω),(22) where M41(ω)=ω4(A42+C42)ω2+A40+C40,M42(ω)=(A41C41)ωA43ω3,M43(ω)=B42ω2B40,M44(ω)=ω4(A42C42)ω2+A40C40,M45(ω)=(A41+C41)ωA43ω3,M46(ω)=B43ω3B41ω. From Equation (Equation23), we get cosτω=p6ω6+p4ω4+p2ω2+p0ω8+q6ω6+q4ω4+q2ω2+q0,sinτω=p7ω7+p5ω5+p3ω3+p1ωω8+q6ω6+q4ω4+q2ω2+q0, with p0=B40(C40A40),p1=B40(A41+C41)B41(A40+C40),p2=B40(A42C42)B41(A41C41)+B42(A40C40),p3=B41(A42+C42)+B43(A40+C40)B42(A41+C41)A43B40,p4=A43B41B40B42(A42C42)+B43(A41C41),p5=A43B42B41B43(A42+C42),p6=B42A43B43,p7=B43,q0=A402C402,q2=A412C4122A40A42+2C40C42,q4=A422C422+2A402A41A43,q6=A4322A42. Thus, we have (23) ω16+e47ω14+e46ω12+e45ω10+e44ω8+e43ω6+e42ω4+e41ω2+e40=0,(23) where e40=q02p02,e41=2q0q22p0p2p12,e42=q22p22+2q0q42p0p42p1p3,e43=2q0q6+2q2q42p0p62p1p52p2p4p32,e44=q42p42+2q0+2q2q62p1p72p2p62p3p5,e45=2q2+2q4q62p4p6p522p3p7,e46=q62+2q4p622p5p7,e47=2q6p72. Let ω2=v, then Equation (Equation23) becomes (24) v8+e47v7+e46v6+e45v5+e44v4+e43v3+e42v2+e41v+e40=0.(24) Next, we make the following assumption.

(H42) Equation (Equation24) has at least one positive root.

Then, Equation (Equation24) has a positive root ω0 such that Equation (Equation20) has a pair of purely imaginary roots ±iω0=±iv0. Then, we can obtain the corresponding critical value of the delay for ω0 (25) τ0=1ω0arccosp6ω06+p4ω04+p2ω02+p0ω08+q6ω06+q4ω04+q2ω02+q0.(25) Differentiating both sides of Equation (Equation21) with respect to τ, we obtain [dλdτ]1=P41(λ)Q41(λ)τλ, where P41(λ)=3B43λ2+2B42λ+B41+(4λ3+3A43λ2+2A42λ+A41)eλτ+(2C42λ+C41)eλτ,Q41(λ)=(C42λ3+C41λ2+C40λ)eλτ(λ5+A43λ4+A42λ3+A41λ2+A40λ)eλτ. Define Re[dλdτ]τ=τ01=P4RQ4R+P4IQ4IQ4R2+Q4I2. Clearly, if (H42) P4RQ4R+P4IQ4I0 holds, then Re[dλdτ]τ=τ010. According to the discussion above and the Hopf bifurcation theorem in [18], we have the following results.

Theorem 2.3

If the conditions (H41)(H42) hold, then

  1. the positive equilibrium P(S,E,I,R) of system (Equation2) is asymptotically stable for τ[0,τ0);

  2. system (Equation2) undergoes a Hopf bifurcation at the positive equilibrium P(S,E,I,R) when τ=τ0.

τ0 is defined as in Equation (Equation25).

Case 5. τ1>0, τ2>0 and τ1(0,τ10).

Let λ=iω2(ω2>0) be the root of Equation (Equation5), then (26) M51(ω2)sinτ2ω2+M52(ω2)cosτ2ω2=M53(ω2),M51(ω2)cosτ2ω2M52(ω2)sinτ2ω2=M54(ω2),(26) where M51(ω2)=C1ω2C3ω23+D1ω2cosτ1ω2(D0D2ω22)sinτ1ω2,M52(ω2)=C0C2ω22+D1ω2sinτ1ω2+(D0D2ω22)cosτ1ω2,M53(ω2)=A2ω22ω24A0+(B3ω23B1ω2)sinτ1ω2+(B2ω22B0)cosτ1ω2,M54(ω2)=A3ω23A1ω2+(B3ω23B1ω2)cosτ1ω2+(B2ω22B0)sinτ1ω2. Thus, we get the equation with respect to ω2: (27) f50(ω2)+2f51(ω2)cosτ1ω2+2f52(ω2)sinτ1ω2=0,(27) where f50(ω2)=ω28+(B32C322A2)ω26+(A22+B22C22D22+2A02A1A32B1B3+2C1C3)ω24+(A12+B12C12D122A0A22B0B2+2C0C2+2D0D2)ω22+A02+B02C02D02,f51(ω2)=(A3B3B2)ω26+(A2B2A1B3A3B1C2D2+C3D1+B0)ω24+(A1B1A0B2A2B0+C0D2C1D1+C2D0)ω22+A0B0C0D0,f52(ω2)=B3ω27+(A2B3A3B2+C3D2+B1)ω25+(A1B2A0B3A2B1A3B0C1D2+C2D1C3D0)ω23+(A0B1A1B0C0D1+C1D0)ω2. Suppose that (H51) Equation (Equation27 ) has at least one positive root. Then there exists one positive root ω20 such that Equation (Equation5) has a pair of purely imaginary roots ±iω20. For ω20, (28) τ20=1ω20arccosM51(ω20)×M54(ω20)+M52(ω20)×M53(ω20)M512(ω20)+M522(ω20).(28) Furthermore, we have [dλdτ2]1=P51(λ)Q51(λ)τ2λ, with P51(λ)=4λ3+3A3λ2+2A2λ+A1+(3C3λ2+2C2λ+C1)eλτ2(τ1B3λ3(3B3τ1B2)λ2(2B2τ1B1)λB1+τ1B0)eλτ1(τ1D2λ2(2D2+τ1D0)λD1+τ1D0)eλ(τ1+τ2),Q51(λ)=(C3λ4+C2λ3+C1λ2+C0λ)eλτ2+(D2λ3+D1λ2+D0λ)eλ(τ1+τ2). Define Re[dλdτ2]τ2=τ201=P5RQ5R+P5IQ5IQ5R2+Q5I2. Clearly, if (H52) P5RQ5R+P5IQ5I0 holds, then Re[dλdτ2]τ2=τ2010. According to the discussion above and the Hopf bifurcation theorem in [18], we have the following results.

Theorem 2.4

If the conditions (H51)(H52) hold, then

  1. the positive equilibrium P(S,E,I,R) of system (Equation2) is asymptotically stable for τ2[0,τ20);

  2. system (Equation2) undergoes a Hopf bifurcation at the positive equilibrium P(S,E,I,R) when τ2=τ20.

τ20 is defined as in Equation (Equation28).

3. Direction and stability of the Hopf bifurcation

In this section, we consider the properties of the Hopf bifurcation under the case that τ1 is in its stable interval and τ2 is considered as the bifurcation parameter. We assume that τ10<τ20, where τ10(0,τ10) in this section. Let τ2=τ20+μ, μR, u1=S(τ2t), u2=E(τ2t), u3=I(τ2t), u4=R(τ2t). Then system (Equation2) is transformed into an functional differential equation in C([1,0],R4) as (29) u˙(t)=Lμut+F(μ,ut),(29) where Lμϕ=(τ20+μ)(Amaxϕ(0)+B1maxϕ(τ10τ20)+B2maxϕ(1)) and F(μ,ut)=(τ20+μ)(F1,F2,F3,F4)T, with ϕ(θ)=(ϕ1(θ),ϕ2(θ),ϕ3(θ),ϕ4(θ))TC([1,0],R4),Amax=(a110a130a21a22a23000a230000a44),B1max=(00000b22000b32000000),B2max=(0000000000b33000b430), and F1=a14ϕ1(0)ϕ3(0)+a15ϕ32(0)+a16ϕ1(0)ϕ32(0)+a17ϕ33(0)+,F2=a24ϕ1(0)ϕ3(0)+a25ϕ32(0)+a26ϕ1(0)ϕ32(0)+a27ϕ33(0)+,F3=b34ϕ32(1)+b35ϕ33(1)+,F4=b344ϕ32(1)+b45ϕ33(1)+. Thus, by the Riesz representation theorem, there exists a function η(θ,μ) of bounded variation for θ[1,0] such that Lμϕ=10dη(θ,μ)ϕ(θ),ϕC([1,0],R4). In fact, choosing η(θ,μ)={(τ20+μ)(Amax+B1max+B2max),θ=0,(τ20+μ)(B1max+B2max),θ[τ10τ20,0),(τ20+μ)B2max,θ(1,τ10τ20),0,θ=1. For ϕC([1,0],R4), we define A(μ)ϕ={dϕ(θ)dθ,1θ<0,10dη(θ,μ)ϕ(θ),θ=0, and R(μ)ϕ={0,1θ<0,F(μ,ϕ),θ=0. Then system (Equation29) is equivalent to the abstract differential equation u˙(t)=A(μ)ut+R(μ)ut. For φC([1,0],(R4)), the adjoint operator A of A is defined by A(φ)={dφ(s)ds,0<s1,10dηT(s,0)φ(s),s=0, associated with a bilinear form (30) φ(s),ϕ(θ)=φ¯(0)ϕ(0)θ=10ξ=0θφ¯(ξθ)dη(θ)ϕ(ξ)dξ,(30) where η(θ)=η(θ,0).

Next, we calculate the eigenvector q(θ) of A(0) belonging to the eigenvalue +iτ20ω20 and the eigenvector q(s) belonging to the eigenvalue iτ20ω20. By a simple computation, we can obtain q(θ)=(1,q2,q3,q4)Teiτ20ω20θ, q(θ)=V(1,q2,q3,q4)eiτ20ω20s, where q2=iω20+a13a21a11a13(iω20a22b22eiτ10ω20),q3=iω20a11a13,q4=b43(iω20a11)eiτ20ω20a13(iω20a44),q2=iω20+a11a21,q3=(iω20+a11)(iω20+a22+b22eiτ10ω20)a21b32eiτ10ω20,q4=a23q2+a13+(iω20+a33+b33eiτ20ω20)q3b43eiτ20ω20. From Equation (Equation30), one can get q(s),q(θ)=V¯[1+q2q¯2+q3q¯3+q4q¯4+τ10eiτ10ω20(b22q¯2+b32q¯3)q2+τ20eiτ20ω20(b33q¯3+b43q¯4)q3]. Let V¯=[1+q2q¯2+q3q¯3+q4q¯4+τ10eiτ10ω20(b22q¯2+b32q¯3)q2+τ20eiτ20ω20(b33q¯3+b43q¯4)q3]1. Then, q,q=1, q,q¯=0.

Next, we can get the following coefficients by the algorithms introduced in [Citation7] and using the similar computation process as that in [Citation2, Citation3, Citation17]: g20=2τ20V¯[a14q3+a15q32+q¯2(a24q3+a25q32)+b34q¯3q32e2iτ20ω20+b44q¯4q32e2iτ20ω20],g11=τ20V¯[a14(q3+q¯3)+2a15q3q¯3+q¯2(a24(q3+q¯3)+2a25q3q¯3)+2b34q¯3q3q¯3+2b44q¯4q3q¯3],g02=2τ20V¯[a14q¯3+a15q¯32+q¯2(a24q¯3+a25q¯32)+b34q¯3q¯32e2iτ20ω20+b44q¯4q¯32e2iτ20ω20],g21=2τ20V¯[a14(W11(1)(0)q3+12W20(1)(0)q¯3+W11(3)(0)+12W20(3)(0))+a15(2W11(3)(0)q3+W20(3)(0)q¯3)+a16(q32+2q3q¯32)+3a17q32q¯3+q¯2(a24(W11(1)(0)q3+12W20(1)(0)q¯3+W11(3)(0)+12W20(3)(0))+a25(2W11(3)(0)q3+W20(3)(0)q¯3)+a26(q32+2q3q¯3)+3a27q32q¯3)+q¯3(b34(2W11(3)(1)q3e2iτ20ω20+W20(3)(1)q¯3e2iτ20ω20)+3b35q32q¯3e2iτ20ω20)+q¯4(b44(2W11(3)(1)q3e2iτ20ω20+W20(3)(1)q¯3e2iτ20ω20)+3a45q32q¯3e2iτ20ω20)], with W20(θ)=ig20q(0)τ20ω20eiτ20ω20θ+ig¯02q¯(0)3τ20ω20eiτ20ω20θ+E1e2iτ20ω20θ,W11(θ)=ig11q(0)τ20ω20eiτ20ω20θ+ig¯11q¯(0)τ20ω20eiτ20ω20θ+E2, with the expressions of E1 and E2 are as follows: E1=2(2iω20a110a212iω20a22b22e2iτ10ω200b32e2iτ10ω2000a130a2302iω20a33b33e2iτ20ω200b43e2iτ20ω202iω20a44)1(E1(1)E1(2)E1(3)E1(4)),E2=(a110a130a21a22+b22a2300b32a33+b33000b43a44)1(E2(1)E2(2)E2(3)E2(4)), where E1(1)=a14q3+a15q32,E1(2)=a24q3+a25q32,E1(3)=b34q32e2iτ20ω20,E1(4)=b44q32e2iτ20ω20,E2(1)=a14(q3+q¯3)+2a15q3q¯3,E2(2)=a24(q3+q¯3)+2a25q3q¯3,E2(3)=2b34q3q¯3,E2(4)=2b44q3q¯3. Then, we can get the expression of C1(0): (31) C1(0)=i2τ20ω20(g11g202|g11|2|g02|23)+g212.(31) Further we have (32) μ2=Re{C1(0)}Re{λ(τ20)},β2=2Re{C1(0)},T2=Im{C1(0)}+μ2Im{λ(τ20)}τ20ω20,(32) where the sign μ2 determines the direction of the Hopf bifurcation; the sign β2 determines the stability of the bifurcating periodic solutions and the sign of T2 determines the period of the bifurcating periodic solutions. According to the analysis above, we have the following.

Theorem 3.1

For system (Equation2), if μ2>0(μ2<0), the Hopf bifurcation is supercritical(subcritical). If β2<0(β2>0), the bifurcating periodic solutions are stable (unstable). If T2>0(T2<0), the period of the bifurcating periodic solutions increases (decreases).

4. Numerical simulations

In this section, we use a numerical example to support the theoretical analysis above in this paper. By extracting some values from [Citation19] and considering the conditions under which the Hopf bifurcation can occur, we choose A=15, d=0.5, k=2, r=0.2, α=0.8, β=0.3, γ=0.2, δ=0.4 and ε=1.2. Then, we get a particular system of system (Equation2): (33) dS(t)dt=150.3S(t)I(t)1+0.8I(t)0.5S(t),dE(t)dt=0.3S(t)I(t)1+0.8I(t)0.5E(t)1.2E(tτ1),dI(t)dt=1.2E(tτ1)0.7I(t)0.4I(tτ2)0.2I(tτ2)1+2I(tτ2),dR(t)dt=0.4I(tτ2)0.5R(t)+0.2I(tτ2)1+2I(tτ2),(33) from which we can get R0=4.8869>1 and the positive equilibrium P(19.4224,3.1112,3.3150, 2.8258). By a direct computation, we obtain Det1=4.0757>0, Det2=18.2637>0, Det3=51.4220>0, Det4=30.5087>0. Obviously, the condition (H1) holds.

For τ1>0,τ2=0. Simple computations by the Matlab software package show that the condition (H21) and (H22) hold. Then, we obtain ω10=1.2290, τ10=2.7361. By Theorem 2.1, we can deduce that P(19.4224,3.1112,3.3150, 2.8258) is asymptotically stable when τ1[0,2.7361) and a Hopf bifurcation occurs at the critical value τ1=τ10=2.7361. This phenomenon can be described in Figure . Similarly, we have ω20=2.6088, τ20=17.7622 for τ1=0,τ2>0. The numerical simulation is as shown in Figure .

Figure 1. The bifurcation diagram with respect to τ1 when τ2=0.

Figure 1. The bifurcation diagram with respect to τ1 when τ2=0.

Figure 2. The bifurcation diagram with respect to τ2 when τ1=0.

Figure 2. The bifurcation diagram with respect to τ2 when τ1=0.

For τ1=τ2=τ>0, we obtain ω0=2.9544, τ0=3.0884 by some complex computations. As can be seen from the bifurcation diagram with respect to τ in Figure , when τ<τ0=3.0884, P(19.4224,3.1112,3.3150, 2.8258) is asymptotically stable and a Hopf bifurcation occurs at the critical value of τ. In this case, a family of periodic solutions bifurcate from P(19.4224,3.1112,3.3150, 2.8258).

Figure 3. The bifurcation diagram with respect to τ when τ1=τ2=τ.

Figure 3. The bifurcation diagram with respect to τ when τ1=τ2=τ.

We have ω20=0.2762, τ20=24.8926 when τ1=1.25(0,τ10) and τ2>0 is considered as a bifurcation parameter. The bifurcation diagram with respect to τ2 and τ1=1.25(0,τ10) can be shown in Figure . In addition, we obtain μ2=149.6526>0, β2=96.0988<0 and T2=264.0964>0. Thus, based on the results in Theorem 3.1, we can deduce that the Hopf bifurcation is supercritical, the bifurcating periodic solutions are stable and the period of the bifurcating periodic solutions increase.

Figure 4. The bifurcation diagram with respect to τ2 when τ1=1.25(0,τ10) and τ2>0.

Figure 4. The bifurcation diagram with respect to τ2 when τ1=1.25∈(0,τ10) and τ2>0.

5. Conclusions

This paper is concerned with a delayed SEIR epidemic model with saturated incidence and saturated treatment function. The effect of the two delays on the model is investigated and the main results are given in terms of local stability and local Hopf bifurcation. It has been shown that the model is stable when the value of the bifurcation parameter is below the critical value, which means that the disease can be controlled easily. However, when the value of the bifurcation parameter is above the critical value, a Hopf bifurcation will occur. In this condition, the disease is out of control. Accordingly, we should shorten the delays in the model as much as possible so that we can predict and control the disease propagation. For further investigation, the properties of the Hopf bifurcation are studied with the aim of the normal form method and centre manifold theorem. Finally, some numerical simulations are carried out to support our theoretical results.


The author is grateful to the editor and the anonymous referees for their valuable comments and suggestions on the paper.

Disclosure statement

The author declares that she has no competing interests.

Additional information


This work was supported by the University Top-notch Scholarship Program of Anhui Province (gxbjZD49) and Bengbu University National Research Fund Cultivation Project (2017GJPY03).


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