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Dynamics of interactive wild and sterile mosquitoes with time delay

Pages 606-620 | Received 15 Jul 2019, Accepted 17 Sep 2019, Published online: 25 Oct 2019


We develop a delay differential equation model for the interactive wild and sterile mosquitoes. Different from the existing modelling studies, we assume that only those sexually active sterile mosquitoes play a role for the interactive dynamics. We consider the cases where the release amount is either constant or described by a given function of time. For the constant releases, we establish a threshold of releases to determine whether the wild mosquito suppression succeeds or fails. We study the existence and stability of the model equilibria. When the releases are described by given functions, the trivial equilibrium is no longer globally but locally uniformly asymptotically stable if the amount of releases is below the threshold whereas it is still globally uniformly asymptotically stable if the release amount is above the threshold. Numerical examples demonstrating the model dynamical features and brief discussions of our findings are also provided.


1. Introduction

In the face of outbreaks of mosquito-borne diseases, such as dengue fever, malaria and Zika, plaguing the world, traditional prevention and control programs are to eradicate or suppress wild mosquitoes, involving the use of insecticides. The spraying insecticides bas been an effective method to control these disease outbreaks in the short term in some areas. However, the method of spraying insecticide does not typically last long enough to keep the mosquito population density low enough to avoid the risk of epidemic. Regular spraying of insecticides can also lead to serious environmental problems and insecticide resistance [Citation22]. These problems lead to the urgent need of finding environmentally-safe ways to control the outbreaks of the mosquito-borne diseases. Through the continuous efforts of scientists, effective biological control methods have been developed and used. These include the genetic approaches [Citation9,Citation15,Citation21,Citation24], the Wolbachia driven mosquito control technique [Citation4,Citation25,Citation27], and the sterile insect technique (SIT) [Citation26].

Mathematical models have been developed and analysed to investigate the effects of these biological control measures. Modelling of transgenesis and paratransgenesis has helped us to gain insight into better strategies in genetically engineering mosquitoes [Citation16,Citation17,Citation19,Citation20]. Models based on difference or differential equations to study the suppression effects on the control of mosquitoes by releasing Wolbachia-infected male mosquitoes have been formulated with the earliest difference equation model, incorporating laboratory data, by Caspari and Watson [Citation7] in 1959. The work then has been followed one after another in [Citation11–14,Citation29–33] and the references therein. To investigate the impacts of utilizing SIT on mosquito control, mathematical models have also been formulated and analysed in [Citation1–3,Citation6,Citation16–18]. Several strategies of releases of sterile mosquitoes are proposed, qualitatively analysed, and compared in these studies. Different from the methods of transgenesis and paratransgenesis, releasing sterile or Wolbachia-infected male mosquitoes has a common basis in mathematical modelling process.

For these biological control measures, the major difficulty is to estimate how many among the released engineered mosquitoes are sexually active. Existing models involving sterile mosquitoes assume the entire population of sterile mosquitoes is sexually active and its population dynamics are governed by a different differential equation coupled with an equation for the dynamics of the wild mosquitoes. However, many sterile mosquitoes have a short sexual lifespan and lose their ability to mate. As a result, their presence has no influence on the dynamics of wild mosquitoes after they lose their mating ability.

We, in this paper, focus on further developing models for the interactive wild and sterile mosquitoes with the idea that only sexually active mosquitoes are considered and their death is ignored. We describe our model formulation in detail in Section 2. We consider two different cases of releases of sterile mosquitoes. Model dynamics for the sterile mosquitoes staying at a constant level and varying as a given function are investigated in Sections 3 and  4, respectively. Numerical examples are also provided to confirm our analytic results. Brief discussions are given in Section 5.

2. Model formulation

To explore the interactive dynamics for mosquitoes after sterile mosquitoes are released into the field of wild mosquitoes, the following ordinary differential equations model was introduced in [Citation6]: (1) dwdt=(aww+g(μ1+ξ1(w+g)))w,dgdt=B(μ2+ξ2(w+g))g.(1) Here w and g are the numbers of wild and sterile mosquitoes at time t, respectively, a is the total number of offspring per wild mosquito, per unit of time, w/(w+g) is the fraction of mates with wild mosquitoes, μi and ξi(w+g), i = 1, 2, are the density-independent and density-dependent death rates of wild and sterile mosquitoes, respectively, and B is the rate of releases of sterile mosquitoes.

Since mosquitoes undergo complete metamorphosis, going through four distinct stages of development during a lifetime [Citation8], inclusion of the larvae maturation to adults makes more realistic models. Instead of explicitly formulating stage-structured models, by using time delay τ for the larvae maturation of wild mosquitoes, the following delay differential equations model was studied in [Citation5]: (2) dw(t)dt=aeμ0τw(tτ)w(tτ)+g(tτ)w(tτ)(μ1+ξ1(w(t)+g(t)))w(t),dg(t)dt=B(μ2+ξ2(w(t)+g(t)))g(t),(2) where eμ0τ is the survival rate of lava mosquitoes, and the initial conditions for the model system are w(t0+θ)=ϕ(θ)>0,g(t0+θ)=ψ(θ)>0,θ[τ,0], with t00, and ϕ(θ) and ψ(θ) both positive and continuous in [τ,0].

We note that in both of models (Equation1) and (Equation2), the sterile mosquitoes are assumed to have their own dynamic equation. However, among the sterile mosquitoes determined by the second equation of both (Equation1) and (Equation2), some are sexually active, which can play a role in the interactive dynamics, but some have lost their abilities to mate. The interactive dynamics of wild and sterile mosquitoes after sterile mosquitoes are released are mostly affected only by the mating between the two types of mosquitoes. Thus, the modelling focus should be only on those sexually active sterile mosquitoes. Recently the author in [Citation28] introduced a non-autonomous mosquito population suppression model, in which it is assumed that the number of Wolbachia-infected mosquitoes released is a given positive function. It is also assumed that the released mosquitoes have no offspring and their losses can only be supplemented by new releases.

Employing the modelling ideas in [Citation28] and assuming that the death and the dynamics of the sterile mosquitoes with respect to the time variable are negligible, we use the following model equation for the wild mosquitoes (3) dw(t)dt=aeμ0τw2(tτ)w(tτ)+g(tτ)(μ1+ξ1(w(t)+g(t)))w(t),(3) where g(t) is the number of sterile mosquitoes released. It is a non-negative valued function of t0 that satisfies g(t)0 for t<0.

Comparing (Equation3) with both (Equation1) and (Equation2), we see that g(t) is no longer a variable whose dynamics are governed by an independent equation, and Equation (Equation3) is no longer an autonomous, but a non-autonomous or a time-varying equation. Many classical methods and techniques, such as qualitative analysis and the characteristic root method, are then not applicable.

For given t00, with an initial function ϕC([t0τ,t0],(0,)), and a given non-negative function g(t) specified separately on [t0τ,t0], w(t)=w(t,g,t0,ϕ) is said to be a solution of (Equation3) through (t0,ϕ) if wC1([t0,),[0,)) satisfies (Equation3) on [t0,) and w(t)=ϕ(t) for t[t0τ,t0]. It is easy to see that, since ϕ(t)>0 for t0τtt0, we have w(t)>0 for all tt0. We assume that the release starts at time t = 0. Then g(t)=0 for t0 and g(0+) denotes the number of the released sterile mosquitoes for the first time.

Before we proceed with further analysis of model dynamics, a few definitions are given below.

Definition 2.1

[Citation28] A solution w0(t) of (Equation3) is said to be

  • Stable if for any t00 and ε>0, there exists δ>0 such that ϕC([t0τ,t0],(0,)) and |ϕ(t)w0(t)|<δ for t[t0τ,t0] implies |w(t)w0(t)|=|w(t,g,t0,ϕ)w0(t)|<ε,fortt0. If δ is independent of t0, then w0(t) is uniformly stable.

  • Stable from the right-side (or left-side) if for any t00 and ε>0, there exists δ>0 such that ϕC([t0τ,t0],(0,)) and 0<ϕ(t)w0(t)<δ (or 0>ϕ(t)w0(t)>δ) for t[t0τ,t0] implies w(t)w0(t)=w(t,g,t0,ϕ)w0(t)(0,ε)(or(ε,0)),fortt0.

  • Semi-stable if it is stable from the right-side (or left-side) but unstable from the left-side (or right-side).

  • Globally asymptotically stable if it is uniformly stable, and for any t00,ϕC([t0τ,t0],(0,)) limt(w(t,g,t0,ϕ)w0(t))=0.

3. Sterile mosquitoes staying at a constant level

In reality, sterile mosquitoes cannot be released continuously, but only at discrete times. We now assume that the sterile mosquitoes are released impulsively with a constant amount c at time kT, k=0,1,, where T>0.

The lifespan of male mosquitoes is relatively short, usually less than 10 days. While mating behaviour, one of the critical behaviours that characterize the mosquito life strategy, is the least understood and most understudied [Citation10,Citation23], it is well known that males can mate several times and their sexual lifespan is even much shorter than their ages. During the period when the sterile mosquitoes are sexually active, it is reasonable to neglect their death, and more importantly the efficacy of the releases of sterile mosquitoes is closely related to how often they are released and how the waiting time for the next release is correlated with the sexually active period of the sterile mosquitoes.

Let the sexual lifespan of sterile male mosquitoes be T¯. If the new sterile mosquitoes are released exactly at the end of the sexual lifespan of sterile mosquitoes such that T=T¯, then the sterile mosquitoes in the field are almost kept at a constant level. In this case, we let g(t)=c for all t0. Then model equation (Equation3) becomes (4) dw(t)dt=a0eμ0τw(tτ)w(tτ)+cw(tτ)(μ1+ξ1(w(t)+c))w(t).(4) An equilibrium of (Equation4) satisfies the following quadratic equation in w: (5) Q(w,c)=ξ1(w+c)2(a0eμ0τμ1)(w+c)+a0ceμ0τ=0.(5) Define the threshold value of releases for (Equation4) by (6) g=(a0eμ0τμ1)24a0ξ1eμ0τ.(6) We have the following existence results for the equilibria of Equation (Equation4).

Lemma 3.1

Equation (Equation4) has a trivial equilibrium E0:=0 and, in addition,

  • Two positive equilibria (7) E(c):=c+a0eμ0τμ12ξ1(11cg)(7) if and only if c(0,g).

  • A unique positive equilibrium E(c):=g+a0eμ0τμ12ξ1 if c=g.

  • No positive equilibrium if c>g.

For the case when c(0,g), Equation (Equation4) exhibits more complex dynamics such as the bistable dynamics. We give relatively complete stability results below.

Theorem 3.2

Let c(0,g). Then the following conclusions for (Equation4) hold.

  1. The origin E0 is uniformly asymptotically stable, and limtw(t)=0 for any ϕC([t0τ,t0],(0,E(c))).

  2. Positive equilibrium E(c) is unstable.

  3. Positive equilibrium E+(c) is uniformly asymptotically stable, and limtw(t)=E+(c) for any ϕC([t0τ,t0],(E(c),)).


(1) For any ε(0,E(c)) and t00, it suffices to show that the solution of (Equation4) with w(t0)=ϕ for given c satisfies (8) w(t)=w(t,c,t0,ϕ)<ε,tt0.(8) In fact, if (Equation8) is not true, then there exists t¯>t0 such that w(t¯)=ε and w(t)<ε for t[t0τ,t0). Hence w(t¯)0. However, it follows from (Equation4) that (μ1+ξ1(ε+c))εa0eμ0τw(t¯τ)w(t¯τ)+cw(t¯τ)<a0eμ0τε2ε+c which leads to Q(ε,c)<0 from Equation (Equation4), a contradiction to Q(w,c)>0 for w(0,E(c)) in (Equation5). Thus (Equation8) holds.

We next prove (9) limtw(t,c,t0,ϕ)=0fort00,ϕC([t0τ,t0],(0,E(c))).(9) From (Equation8), we have w¯=lim suptw(t,c,t0,ϕ)E(c). We now claim w¯=0. Otherwise, w¯>0, and we then can choose an infinite time sequence {tn} such that tn,w(tn)w¯ as n and w(tn)0.

On the other hand, from (Equation4), we have (10) (μ1+ξ1(w(tn)+c))w(tn)a0eμ0τw(tnτ)w(tnτ)+cw(tnτ).(10) Because {w(tnτ)} is bounded, it has a convergent subsequence. For convenience, we assume limnw(tnτ)=w1. Then w1w¯. Taking the limit on both sides of (Equation10) yields (μ1+ξ1(w¯+c))w¯a0eμ0τw12w1+ca0eμ0τw¯2w¯+c, and then Q(w¯,c)=ξ1(w¯+c)2(a0eμ0τμ1)(w¯+c)+a0ceμ0τ0, which indicates w¯E(c). Hence, w¯=E(c). This contradicts (Equation8), and as a result, we get w¯=0 and limtw(t)=0. Hence (Equation9) is proved.

(2) The instability of E(c) follows directly from (1).

(3) For each ε(0,E+(c)E(c)), similarly as showing (Equation8), we can show that |ϕ(t)E+(c)|<ε for t[t0τ,t0] implies (11) |w(t)E+(c)|=|w(t,c,t0,ϕ)E+(c)|<ε,fortt0.(11) In fact, if (Equation11) is not true, then there is s¯>t0 as the least time such that w(s¯)=E+(c)+ε or w(s¯)=E+(c)ε. If w(s¯)=E+(c)+ε, then w(s¯)0. It follows from (Equation4) that (μ1+ξ1(E+(c)+ε+c))(E+(c)+ε)a0eμ0τw2(s¯τ)w(s¯τ)+c<a0eμ0τ(E+(c)+ε)2E+(c)+ε+c, and consequently Q(E+(c)+ε,c)<0. It contradicts the fact that Q(w,c)>0 for x(E+(c),).

If w(s¯)=E+(c)ε, then by a similar argument, Q(E+(c)ε,c)>0. This is a contradiction to the fact that Q(w,c)<0 for x(E(c),E+(c)). This proves the uniform stability of E+(c).

Finally, we show limtw(t)=limtw(t,c,t0,ϕ)=E+(c),forϕC([t0τ,t0],(E(c),)). By using an argument similar to that in the proof of (Equation11), we can show w(t)>E(c) for tt0 and hence the lower limit w_=lim inftw(t)E(c). Let {sn} be a monotonic time sequence such that sn,w(sn)w_, as n, and w(sn)0. Then we have, from (Equation4), that (12) (μ1+ξ1(w(sn)+c))w(sn)a0eμ0τw(snτ)w(snτ)+cw(snτ).(12) Since {w(snτ)} is bounded, we let limnw(snτ)=w2. Then w2w_. Taking the limit on both sides of (Equation12) yields (μ1+ξ1(w_+c))w_a0eμ0τw22w2+ca0eμ0τw_2w_+c which leads to Q(w_,c)=ξ1(w_+c)2(a0eμ0τμ1)(w_+c)+a0ceμ0τ0. Thus w_E+(c), and further w¯E+(c). The proof will then be completed if we can prove w¯E+(c).

To this end, we let {tn} be an infinite divergent sequence along which w(tn)w¯, as n, and w(tn)0. Then from (Equation4), we obtain (Equation10). By using an argument similar to that in the proof above in (1), we have Q(w¯,c)=ξ1(w¯+c)2(a0eμ0τμ1)(w¯+c)+a0ceμ0τ0. This implies w¯[E(c),E+(c)], and hence the proof is complete.

If the number of sterile mosquitoes released is the same as the threshold value such that g(t)g, for all t0, then Equation (Equation3) is reduced to (Equation4) with c replaced by g where g is given in (Equation6); that is, Equation (Equation3) becomes (13) dw(t)dt=a0eμ0τw(tτ)w(tτ)+gw(tτ)(μ1+ξ1(w(t)+g))w(t),(13) with a unique positive equilibrium E:=g+a0eμ0τμ12ξ1=a0eμ0τμ14ξ1(1+μ1a0eμ0τ). The dynamics of (Equation13) can be summarized as follows.

Theorem 3.3

For model equation (Equation13), we have the following results.

  1. Equilibrium E0=0 is uniformly asymptotically stable and limtw(t,g,t0,ϕ)=0, if 0<ϕ(t)<E for t[t0τ,t0];

  2. Equilibrium E is globally uniformly asymptotically stable from the right-side that limtw(t,g,t0,ϕ)=E, if ϕ(t)>E for t[t0τ,t0].


(1) The proof is the same as that in Theorem 3.2 (1) and is omitted.

(2) To show the uniform stability of E from the right-side, it suffices to verify that 0<ϕ(t)E<ε on [t0τ,t0] for any ε>0 implies (14) 0<w(t)E=w(t,g,t0,ϕ)E<ε,tt0.(14) By an argument similar to that in the proof of Theorem 3.2, we can easily prove that w(t)=w(t,g,t0,ϕ)>E for tt0. Hence, if (Equation14) is not true, then there is t>t0 such that w(t)=E+ε, and w(t)<E+ε for t[t0τ,t) and w(t)0. From (Equation13), we get (μ1+ξ1(E+ε+g))(E+ε)=(μ1+ξ1(w(t)+g))w(t)a0eμ0τw2(tτ)w(tτ)+g<a0eμ0τ(E+ε)2E+ε+g, which yields Q(E+ε,g)<0, a contradiction to the non-negativity of Q(x,g). This shows that (Equation14) is true and hence E is uniformly stable from the right-side.

We then prove that limtw(t)=limtw(t,g,t0,ϕ)=E, if ϕ(t)>E for t[t0τ,t0]. To this end, we just need to prove w¯=lim suptw(t)=E. Otherwise, if w¯>E, then there must be an increasing sequence {tn} such that tn, w(tn)w¯, as n, and w(tn)0.

From (Equation13), we have (15) (μ1+ξ1(w(tn)+g))w(tn)a0eμ0τw2(tnτ)w(tnτ)+g.(15) Since {w(tnτ)} is bounded, it has a convergent subsequence. For simplicity, we let limnw(tnτ)=w1, and then w1w¯. Taking the limit on both sides of (Equation15), we have (μ1+ξ1(w¯+g))w¯a0eμ0τw12w1+ga0eμ0τw¯2w¯+g, which leads to Q(w¯,g)0, a contradiction to the fact that Q(w,g)>0 for all non-negative xE. This forces Q(w¯,g)=0 and hence w¯=E. The proof is complete.

Remark 3.1

Theorem 3.3 tells us that E is semi-stable, that is, stable from the right-side and unstable from the left-side. Such a phenomenon of semi-stability is due to the coincidence of unstable equilibrium E(c) and stable equilibrium E+(c) when c=g.

We give an example below to demonstrate the results from Theorems 3.2 and 3.3.

Example 3.1

Given t0=0 and parameters (16) a0=50,μ0=0.3,μ1=0.2,ξ1=0.1,τ=9,(16) we have threshold g=7.4304. With the release c=6.6874<g, there exist two positive equilibria E=4.1171 and E+=14.1108. The origin E0 is uniformly asymptotically stable, E is unstable, and E+ is uniformly asymptotically stable. Solutions with initial values ϕ(t)<4.1171, for t[9,0], approach E0 and solutions with initial values ϕ>4.1171, for t[9,0], approach the positive equilibrium E+, as shown in the left figure in Figure . If the amount of releases is the same as the threshold g, there exists a unique positive equilibrium E=8.3709 which is globally uniformly asymptotically stable from the right-side such that limtw(t,0,ϕ)=0, for ϕ(t)<E, t[9,0], and limtw(t,0,ϕ)=E, for ϕ(t)>E, t[9,0], as shown in the right figure in Figure .

Figure 1. With parameters given in (Equation16) and t0=0, the threshold of releases is g=7.4304. When the amount of releases is c = 6.6874 less than the threshold, there exist two positive equilibria E. The origin E0 is uniformly asymptotically stable, E is unstable, and E+ is uniformly asymptotically stable. Solutions approach either E0 or E+, depending on their initial values, as shown in the left figure. When the amount of releases is equal to the threshold g, there exists a unique positive equilibrium E=8.3709 which is globally uniformly asymptotically stable from the right-side such that limtw(t,g,0,ϕ)=0, for ϕ(t)<E, t[9,0], and limtw(t,g,0,ϕ)=E, for ϕ(t)>E, t[9,0], as shown in the right figure.

Figure 1. With parameters given in (Equation16(16) a0=50,μ0=0.3,μ1=0.2,ξ1=0.1,τ=9,(16) ) and t0=0, the threshold of releases is g∗=7.4304. When the amount of releases is c = 6.6874 less than the threshold, there exist two positive equilibria E∓. The origin E0 is uniformly asymptotically stable, E− is unstable, and E+ is uniformly asymptotically stable. Solutions approach either E0 or E+, depending on their initial values, as shown in the left figure. When the amount of releases is equal to the threshold g∗, there exists a unique positive equilibrium E∗=8.3709 which is globally uniformly asymptotically stable from the right-side such that limt→∞w(t,g∗,0,ϕ)=0, for ϕ(t)<E∗, t∈[−9,0], and limt→∞w(t,g∗,0,ϕ)=E∗, for ϕ(t)>E∗, t∈[−9,0], as shown in the right figure.

In the case of c>g, equilibrium E0=0 is the unique equilibrium. Its dynamics are described as follows.

Theorem 3.4

Assume that c>g. Then the origin E0 of (Equation13) is globally uniformly asymptotically stable.

The proof follows directly from that of Theorem 4.2 and is omitted.

From Theorems 3.2, 3.3, and 3.4, it is easy to obtain the following useful conclusion.

Corollary 3.5

The origin E0 of (Equation13) is globally uniformly asymptotically stable if and only if c>g.

Remark 3.2

Corollary 3.5 provides a necessary and sufficient condition for the global asymptotic stability of E0. In comparison, the conditions for the global asymptotic stability of E0 given in [Citation5] (for the case when the dynamics of g(t) is governed by a differential equation) are only sufficient but not necessary.

4. Sterile mosquitoes varying as a function of time

In this section we no longer assume T=T¯ and assume that g(t) is not a constant but a non-negative given function of time for all t>0. Then (Equation3) has no positive constant equilibrium, and we have the following results.

Theorem 4.1

Assume that there exist two positive constants g1<g2g such that g(t)[g1,g2] for all t>0. Then the trivial equilibrium E0 of (Equation3) is uniformly asymptotically stable. Moreover, limtw(t,g,t0,ϕ)=0, for any ϕC([t0τ,t0],(0,E(g1))) for t[t0τ,t0] and limtw(t,g,t0,ϕ)0 for any ϕ(t)>E(g2) for t[t0τ,t0]. Here E(gi), i=1,2, are given in (Equation7) with c replaced by gi.


We first show that E0 is locally uniformly stable.

Choose ε0>0 such that (17) μ1(ε+g1)+ξ(ε+g1)2>aeμ0τε,ε(0,ε0),(17) and let δ:=ε1+τaeμ0τ for each ε(0,ε0). Then to show that E0 is locally uniformly stable, it is equivalent to showing (18) w(t)=w(t,t0,ϕ)<ε,tt0,(18) whenever ϕC([t0τ,t0],(0,δ)).

Assume (Equation18) does not hold. Then there exists t¯>t0 such that (19) w(t)=ε,if t=t¯,w(t)<ε,t[t0,t¯).(19) Thus w(t¯)0, and a substitution of w(t) into (Equation3) yields (20) (μ1+ξ1(ε+g(t¯)))εaeμ0τw2(t¯τ)w(t¯τ)+g(t¯τ).(20) We claim t¯>τ. In fact, if t¯τ, then by (Equation3), we have, for t[0,t¯], w(t)=aeμ0τw(tτ)(μ1+ξ1(w(t)+g(t)))w(t)<δaeμ0τ and thus w(t¯)<δ(1+τaeμ0τ)=ε, which contradicts (Equation19). Hence t¯>τ.

Furthermore, it follows from (Equation20) that μ1+ξ1(ε+g1)<aeμ0τεε+g1, a contradiction to (Equation17). Therefore (Equation18) holds and thus E0 is uniformly stable.

We next show that (21) limtw(t)=limtw(t,t0,ϕ)=0,ϕC([t0τ,t0],(0,E(g1))).(21) It suffices to prove that w¯=lim suptw(t)=0. Assume, otherwise, w¯>0. It is easy to prove w¯<E(g1). Then we may choose a strictly monotone increasing sequence {t¯n} such that w(t¯n)0 and w(t¯n)w¯ as n. It follows from Equation (Equation3) that (22) (μ1+ξ1(w(t¯n)+g(t¯n)))w(t¯n)aeμ0τw2(t¯nτ)w(t¯nτ)+g(t¯nτ),(22) which yields, by substituting g(t)g1, for all t>0, into (Equation22), (23) (μ1+ξ1(w(t¯n)+g1)))w(t¯n)aeμ0τw2(t¯nτ)w(t¯nτ)+g1.(23) Since w(t¯nτ) is bounded, from (Equation18), sequence {w(t¯nτ)} contains a convergent subsequence, such that limnw(tnτ)=w1w¯ for the elements in the subsequence. Then, taking the limit on both sides of (Equation23) as n, we have (μ1+ξ1(w¯+g1)))w¯aeμ0τw12w1+g1aeμ0τw¯2w¯+g1, which leads to μ1(w¯+g1)+ξ1(w¯+g1)2aeμ0τw¯. This implies w¯[E(g1),E+(g1)], a contradiction to w¯<E(g1). Thus (Equation21) holds and therefore E0 is locally uniformly asymptotically stable.

Finally, we show that limtw(t)0,ϕ(t)>E(g2),t[t0τ,t0]. To this end, it suffices to show that if ϕ(t)>E(g2) for t[t0τ,t0], then w(t)=w(t,t0,ϕ)>E(g2) for all tt0. We prove this by contradiction again as follows.

Otherwise, we can choose t¯>t0 such that w(t¯)=E(g2) and w(t)>E(g2) for t0τ<t<t¯. Hence w(t¯)0 and it follows from (Equation3) that (μ1+ξ1(E(g2)+g(t¯))))E(g2)aeμ0τw2(t¯τ)w(t¯τ)+g(t¯τ), which leads to μ1+ξ1(E(g2)+g2))>aeμ0τE(g2)E(g2)+g2, a contradiction. The proof thus is complete.

For the case of g(t)c>g in Section 3, Equation (Equation3) becomes (Equation4) and has only the unique trivial equilibrium E0=0 and it is globally uniformly asymptotically stable. Now we show that the dynamics are similar to those for the case of variable releases as follows.

Theorem 4.2

Assume inft(0,)g(t)>g. Then the trivial equilibrium E0=0 of (Equation3) is globally uniformly asymptotically stable.


The uniform stability of E can be proved by an argument similar to that in the proof of Theorem 3.2. To complete the proof, it suffices to show that for any t00,ϕC([t0τ,t0],(0,)), we have (24) limtw(t)=limtw(t,g,t0,ϕ)=0.(24) In fact, if we set w¯=lim suptw(t), then we only need to prove w¯=0.

If the limit limtw(t) exists, it is easy to show that (Equation24) holds. Now, we assume that the limit limtw(t) does not exist. Then there is an increasing sequence {sn} such that w(sn)w¯ as n and w(sn)=0. From (Equation3), we have (25) (μ1+ξ1(w(sn)+g(sn)))w(sn)=aeμ0τw2(snτ)w(snτ)+g(snτ).(25) Given that {w(snτ)},{g(sn)}, and {g(snτ)} are bounded, they all have convergent subsequences. For convenience and without loss of generality, we let limnw(snτ)=w1, limnw(sn)=g1, and limng(snτ)=g2. Then g1,g2>g and by taking limit on both sides of (Equation25), we have (μ1+ξ1(w¯+g)))w¯<(μ1+ξ1(w¯+g1)))w¯=aeμ0τw12w1+g2<aeμ0τw¯2w¯+g which leads to Q(w¯,g)<0, a contradiction to the non-negativity of Q(w,g) for all non-negative w. The proof is complete.

We provide an example below to confirm the results from Theorems 4.1 and 4.2. The parameters are the same as in Example 3.1 but the release functions are no longer constant functions.

Example 4.1

Given t0=0 and parameters in (Equation16), we have the same release threshold g=7.4304. For the non-constant function g(t)=((6t+1)/(t+1)), t>0, we have g(1,6) for all t>0, and the trivial equilibrium E0 is the unique equilibrium. It is locally, but not globally uniformly asymptotically stable. Solutions with initial values ϕ(t)<E(1)=0.1017, t[9,0], approach E0. Solutions with initial values ϕ(t)>E(6)=2.8683, t[9,0], do not approach E0 but a different value, as shown in the left figure in Figure .

Figure 2. With parameters given in (Equation16) and t0=0, the threshold of releases is g=7.4304. When the release function is g(t)=((6t+1)/(t+1)) for t>0, the origin E0 is the unique equilibrium and E0 is locally, but not globally uniformly asymptotically stable. Solutions with initial values ϕ(t)<E(1)=0.1017, t[9,0], approach E0, and solutions with initial values ϕ(t)>E(6)=2.8683, t[9,0], approach a different value, as shown in the left figure. When we take g(t)=g(2+et), since inft(0,)g(t)=2g>g, the origin E0 is the unique equilibrium and is globally uniformly asymptotically stable, as shown in the right figure.

Figure 2. With parameters given in (Equation16(16) a0=50,μ0=0.3,μ1=0.2,ξ1=0.1,τ=9,(16) ) and t0=0, the threshold of releases is g∗=7.4304. When the release function is g(t)=((6t+1)/(t+1)) for t>0, the origin E0 is the unique equilibrium and E0 is locally, but not globally uniformly asymptotically stable. Solutions with initial values ϕ(t)<E−(1)=0.1017, t∈[−9,0], approach E0, and solutions with initial values ϕ(t)>E−(6)=2.8683, t∈[−9,0], approach a different value, as shown in the left figure. When we take g(t)=g∗(2+e−t), since inft∈(0,∞)g(t)=2g∗>g∗, the origin E0 is the unique equilibrium and is globally uniformly asymptotically stable, as shown in the right figure.

If the amount of releases is g(t)=g(2+et), for t>0, then inft(0,)g(t)=2g>g. The origin E0 is the unique equilibrium and is globally uniformly asymptotically stable. All solutions approach E0, as shown in the right figure in Figure .

5. Concluding remarks

We formulated a new model (Equation4) for the interactive dynamics between wild and sterile mosquito populations. This model includes a time delay due to the larval stage of the mosquito life cycle. Adopting modelling methods in [Citation28], which are based on the short sexual lifespan of male mosquitoes, we ignored the dynamics of the sterile mosquito population. In place of a dynamical equation for sterile mosquitoes, we introduced a function g(t) which is the amount of sterile mosquitoes released into the wild population. We then first assumed that the releases of sterile mosquitoes are kept as a constant so that g(t)=c, and gave complete mathematical analysis for the model dynamics in Section 3. We derived a threshold value g for the releases and showed that if the release amount exceeds the threshold with c>g, the origin E0 is globally uniformly asymptotically stable; that is, all wild mosquitoes are wiped out regardless of their initial sizes. If the release amount is below the threshold with 0<c<g, the origin E0 is locally uniformly asymptotically stable and there exist two positive equilibria E such that E is unstable and E+ is uniformly asymptotically stable. In this case, wild mosquito populations of high density will not be eliminated, whereas those of low density will be. Although it may rarely happen biologically, for mathematical completion, we also showed that at the critical situation where the release amount is exactly as g, for all t0, E0=0 is uniformly asymptotically stable, and there exists a unique positive equilibrium which is globally uniformly asymptotically stable from the right-side.

When the releases of the sterile mosquitoes are given as non-constant functions of time, the model equation becomes a non-autonomous equation with time delay, and its mathematical analysis is much more challenging. We showed, in Section 4, that if inft>0g(t) exceeds the threshold g, the origin E0 is globally uniformly asymptotically stable, whereas if g(t)(0,g) and inft>0g(t)>0, E0 is only locally but not globally uniformly asymptotically stable. Note that the release function g(t) can be any given function of t. The model equation opens a door for modelling other ecological situations such as periodic and impulsive release functions. Further studies and new investigations are to appear in the near future.


The authors thank Professor Jim Cushing for his careful reading and instructive and useful comments and suggestions.

Disclosure statement

No potential conflict of interest was reported by the authors.

Additional information


This work is supported by National Natural Science Foundation of China (11631005) and the Program for Changjiang Scholars and Innovative Research Team in University (No: IRT16R16).


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