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2019 Guangzhou Workshop

A stochastic predator–prey model with Holling II increasing function in the predator

, , &
Pages 1-18 | Received 11 Mar 2020, Accepted 26 Nov 2020, Published online: 24 Dec 2020


This paper is concerned with a stochastic predator–prey model with Holling II increasing function in the predator. By applying the Lyapunov analysis method, we demonstrate the existence and uniqueness of the global positive solution. Then we show there is a stationary distribution which implies the stochastic persistence of the predator and prey in the model. Moreover, we obtain respectively sufficient conditions for weak persistence in the mean and extinction of the prey and extinction of the predator. Finally, some numerical simulations are given to illustrate our main results and the discussion and conclusion are presented.

2010 AMS Subject Classifications:

This article is part of the following collections:
Mathematical Modeling and Analysis of Populations and Infectious Diseases

1. Introduction

The dynamical relationship between predators and preys is one of the most important and interesting topics in biomathematics [Citation20]. Some models have been presented, which study a two-dimension predator–prey model [Citation16, Citation29,Citation40], multi-predator model [Citation7,Citation35] or multi-prey model [Citation13,Citation33, Citation39]. The dynamic property of a predator–prey model with the disease spreading is also one of the dominant themes in biomathematics. To study the effects of disease on the population, these models with sick prey or sick predators have been studied [Citation10,Citation11, Citation18, Citation34,Citation45,Citation46]. In addition, some models with the functional responses have also been proposed [Citation8, Citation19, Citation29, Citation30]. Many conclusions have been drawn and are expected to become more substantial in the future.

The relationship between pests and their natural enemies is a typical predator–prey relationship. In agriculture, how to control pests is a key point. Among the pest control methods, biological control is a common approach. There has been a lot of research and some good results [Citation14,Citation37,Citation38, Citation44].

Tang [Citation37] proposed a pest management predator–prey model with the prey-dependent consumption and established the following ODE model with Holling II increasing function in the predator: (1) dxdt=x(rby),dydt=λbxy1+bhxd1y,(1) where x(t) and y(t) represented the densities of the prey and the predator at time t, respectively; r was the growth rate of x(t); the prey's contribution to the predator's growth rate was λbxy1+bhx, where b and h respectively denoted the searching rate and handling time, parameter λ was the rate at which ingested prey in excess of what was needed for maintenance was translated into predator population increase; d1 denoted the mortality of y(t); r, b, h, λ and d1 were positive constants.

It was assumed that predators may consume a progressively smaller proportion of prey when the prey density increased [Citation37]. And Tang proposed that this model had the same dynamical behaviour as the classical model.

To understand the effect of individual competition for a limited amount of food and living space, the environment capacity is taken into account in [Citation17, Citation21,Citation25,Citation41]. Sun et al. [Citation36] studied the following model with Holling II increasing function in the predator: (2) dxdt=xrrxKby,dydt=yλbx1+bhxd1.(2) where K was the environment capacity and other parameters were the same as the model (Equation1). If 0hλd1, system (Equation2) has three equilibrium points O(0,0),A(K,0),E(x,y)=d1b(λhd1),r[Kb(λhd1)d1]Kb2(λhd1).Furthermore, O(0,0), A(K,0) are saddle points and E(x,y) is a globally asymptotically stable focus [Citation36].

In fact, population dynamics is inevitably affected by environmental white noise which is an important component in an ecosystem [Citation12]. But in the deterministic model, all parameters are not disturbed by the environment. Hence the deterministic model has some limitations in mathematical modelling of ecological systems and is quite difficult to fitting data perfectly and to predict the future dynamics of the system accurately [Citation1]. May [Citation32] pointed out the fact that the birth rate, death rate, carrying capacity and other parameters in the system are affected by random fluctuations. To understand the impacts of randomness and fluctuations, it is convenient and effective to model population dynamics through a stochastic differential equation [Citation17,Citation22–24, Citation26–28,Citation42].

In order to study the influence of environmental disturbance on the population, we introduce the method of [Citation47]. For model (Equation2), given Δt>0 and time instant t=jΔt, introduce Xj=(xj,yj)=(x(jΔt),y(jΔt))T, j=0,1, with initial value X0=(x(0),y(0))TR+2, where R+2={X=(x1,x2)R2; xi>0,i=1,2}. Let normal distribution random variable sequence {Rij(m)}m=0 satisfy E[RiΔt(m)]=0, E[RiΔt(m)]2=σi2Δt, E[RiΔt(m)]4=o(Δt), where i = 1, 2 and m=0,1,2,, and σi2 denote the intensities of stochastic disturbance. In each interval [mΔt,(m+1)Δt), assume that X(j) increases according to model (Equation2) and is also affected by the random amount (xmR1Δt(m),ymR1Δt(m))T. Hence, for m=0,1, we get xm+1=xm+xmR1Δt(m)+xmrrxmKbymΔt,ym+1=ym+ymR2Δt(m)+ymλbxm1+bhxmd1Δt.According to Theorem 7.1 and Lemma 8.2 in [Citation6], as  Δt0, Xm converges weakly to the solution of the following equation: (3) dx=xrrxKbydt+σ1xdB1(t),dy=yλbx1+bhxd1dt+σ2ydB2(t),(3) where Bi(t), i=1,2 denote the standard independent Brownian motion.

The rest of this article is organized as follows. In Section 2, we give some definitions and lemmas to complete the structure of the article. In Section 3, the analytic results of dynamics of the stochastic predator–prey model are given which include the existence and uniqueness of the global positive solution, existence of the stationary distribution and the persistence and extinction of the prey and the extinction of the model (Equation3). We give some numerical simulations to verify our theoretical results in Section 4. Finally, we provide a brief discussion and the summary of the main results in Section 5.

2. Preliminaries

Throughout this paper, unless otherwise specified, we let (Ω,F,{Ft}t0,P) be a complete probability space with a filtration {Ft}t0 satisfying the usual conditions (i.e. it is right continuous and F0 contains all P-null sets).

As a matter of convenience, we define some concepts and introduce some base definitions and symbols. Let R+n={X(t)=(x1(t),x2(t),,xn(t))Rn; xi(t)>0, 1in} and |X(t)|=Σi=1nxi2(t). In addition, for a function z(t) for t(0,), define z(t)=lim supt1t0tz(s)ds,z(t)=lim inft1t0tz(s)ds. First, some definitions and useful lemmas of permanence and extinction will be given.

Definition 2.1

[Citation18, Citation25]

For the population x(t):

  1. If limtx(t)=0, then x(t) is said to go to extinction almost surely.

  2. If x(t)>0, then x(t) is weakly persistent in the mean almost surely.

Lemma 2.1


For M={Mt}t0 be a real-valued continuous local martingale vanishing at t = 0. Then


limtMtM,Mt=0 almost surely, if limtM,Mt= almost surely.


limtMtt=0 almost surely, if lim suptM,Mtt= almost surely.

Lemma 2.2

[Citation4, Citation43]

Let x(t)C[Ω×[0,),(0,)]. And there are FC[Ω×[0,),R] and limtF(t)t=0.


For all t0, if there exist constant λ and positive constants T, λ0 such that for all tT lnx(t)λtλ00tx(s)ds+F(t)almost surely,then x(t)λλ0almost surely, if λ0,limtx(t)=0almost surely, if λ<0.


For all t0, if there exist positive constants T, λ and λ0 such that for all tT lnx(t)λtλ00tx(s)ds+F(t)almost surely,then x(t)λλ0almost surely.

Next, the definition of stationary distribution and some assumptions and lemmas will be proved.

Denote El to be Euclidean l-space. Let X(t) be a homogeneous Markov process in El denoted by the following equation: (4) dX(t)=b(X)dt+r=1kσr(X)dBr(t).(4) The following diffusion matrix [Citation15] is A(x)=(aij(x)),aij(x)=r=1kσri(x)σrj(x).

Definition 2.2

[Citation2, Citation3]

The corresponding probability distribution of an initial distribution γ can be written as Pγ which shows the initial state of the system (Equation4) at t = 0. If the distribution of X(t) with initial distribution γ converges in some sense to a distribution π=πγ, satisfy limtPγ{X(t)G}=π(G),for all measurable G, where a priori π may depend on the initial distribution, then the system (Equation4) has a stationary distribution π().

Assumption 2.1


There exists a bounded domain UEl with regular boundary, which has the following properties:


The smallest eigenvalue of the diffusion matrix A(x) is bounded away from zero in the domain U and some neighbourhood thereof.


If xElU, the mean time τ is finite at which a path issuing from x reaches the set U and for every compact subset κEl it holds that supxκExτ<.

Lemma 2.3


Let f() be a functional integrable about the measure μ. If Assumption 2.1 holds, then the Markov process X(t) has a stationary distribution μ() and for all xEl. Moreover, if f() is a function integrable with respect to the measure μ, then PxT1T0Tf(X(t))dt=Elf(x)μ(dx)=1.

3. Dynamics of the SDE model

In this section, we will analyse the dynamics of model (Equation3). First, the existence and uniqueness of the global positive solution will be proved, which is a prerequisite for analysing the long-term behaviour of model (Equation3).

3.1. Existence and uniqueness of the global positive solution

Theorem 3.1

There is a unique positive solution (x(t),y(t)) of model (Equation3) on t[0,+) for any initial value (x(0),y(0))R+2, and the solution will remain in R+2 with probability 1.


Consider the following system: (5) du=rreuKbevσ122dt+σ1dB1(t),dv=λbeu1+bheud1σ222dt+σ2dB2(t),(5) where u(0)=lnx(0), v(0)=lny(0). There exists a unique local solution on t[0,τe) where τe is the explosion time since the coefficients of model (Equation5) satisfy the local Lipschitz condition. Consequently, by the application of Itoˆs formula, system (Equation3) has a unique local solution (x(t),y(t))R+2 for any initial value (x(0),y(0))R+2.

Next, we only need to prove that this solution is global, i.e. τe= almost surely. Let k0>0 be sufficiently large for (x(0),y(0))Dk0=[1k0,k0]×[1k0,k0]. For each integer k>k0, we define the stopping time as follows: τk=inft[0,τe):min{x(t),y(t)}1k or max{x(t),y(t)}k.Set inf= ( denotes the empty set). Let τ=limkτk, then ττe almost surely.

We assume τ= almost surely. Otherwise, there is T>0 and ϵ(0,1) such that P{τT}>ϵ. Therefore, there exists a constant k1>k0 which satisfies P{τkT}ϵ for kk1. At present, for (x(t),y(t))R+2, define V=(x+1lnx)+(y+1lny).Applying Itoˆs formula, it can be derived that dV=rxrKx2bxyr+rKx+by+λbxy1+bhxd1yλbx1+bhx+d1+σ122+σ222dt+σ1(x1)dB1(t)+σ2(y1)dB2(t)rxr+rKx+by+λhy+d1+σ122+σ222dt+σ1(x1)dB1(t)+σ2(y1)dB2(t)=r+rKx+b+λhy+d1r+σ122+σ222dt+σ1(x1)dB1(t)+σ2(y1)dB2(t).According to Lemma 4.1 of Dalal et al. [Citation5], for xiR+, xi2(xi+1lnxi)(42ln2)2(xi+1lnxi).Therefore, the following inequalities holds. r+rKx+b+λhy2r+rK(x+1lnx)+2b+λh(y+1lny).Let C3=max{C1,2C2}, where C1=d1r+σ122+σ222, C2=max{r+rK,b+λh}. Consequently, dVC3(V+1)dt+σ1(x1)dB1(t)+σ2(y1)dB2(t).Integrating from 0 to τkT and taking the expectation by applying Grownwall's inequality, EV(x(τkT),y(τkT))V(x(0),y(0))+E0τkTC3[V(x,y)+1]ds,V(x(0),y(0))+C3T+C30τkTEV(x,y)ds,[V(x(0),y(0))+C3T]eC3T=M0.So we get V(x(τkT),y(τkT))(k1lnk)(1k1ln1k). Then one can be derived that M0E[1Ωt(θ)V(x(τkT),y(τkT))]ϵ[k1lnk]1k1ln1k,where 1Ωt(θ) is an indicator function of Ωk. This contradicts the hypothesis. Consequently, the proof is complete.

3.2. Existence of the stationary distribution

The stationary solution means that it is a stationary Markov process, suggesting that the prey x and the predator y are persistent and cannot become extinct. In other words, if the stationary distribution of the solutions of the system exists, we can get the stability in stochastic sense. In this section, we prove the existence of the stationary distribution in model (Equation3).

Theorem 3.2

Assume 1+bhxλx0, 0hλd1. If ω<min{(rKbyσ12l1b2+bx2)(x)2,(l1bxl12σ22l1b2+bx2)(y)2}, where ω=σ122x+l1σ222y+σ12(x)2+l12σ22(y)2 and l1=1+bhxλ, system (Equation3) exists a stationary distribution and it is ergodic.


If 0hλd1 holds, the positive equilibrium E=(x,y) of the deterministic system (Equation2) exists, where x=db(λhd1), y=r[Kb(λhd1)d1]Kb2(λhd1).

Define V=xxxlogxx+l1yyylogyy+12[(xx)+l1(yy)]2=V1+V2,where V1=xxxlogxx+l1(yyylogyy), V2=12[(xx)+l1(yy)]2. By Itoˆs formula to V1, it can be derived that dV1=LV1dt+σ1(xx)dB1(t)+l1σ2(yy)dB2(t),where LV1=(xx)rrKxby+l1(yy)λbx1+bhxd1+σ122x+l1σ222y=(xx)rK(xx)b(yy)+l1λb(xx)(yy)(1+bhx)(1+λbx)+σ122x+l1σ222yrK(xx)2b(xx)(yy)+l1λb(xx)(yy)1+bhx+σ122x+l1σ222y=rK(xx)2+σ122x+l1σ222y.An application of Itoˆs formula to V2, it can be given that dV2=LV2dt+(σ1x+l1σ2y)(xx)dB1(t)+l1(σ1x+l1σ2y)(yy)dB2(t),where LV2=[(xx)+l1(yy)]rKx(xx)bx(yy)+l1λby(xx)(1+bhx)(1+bhx)+σ122x2+l12σ222y2[(xx)+l1(yy)]rKx(xx)bx(yy)+by(xx)+σ122x2+l12σ222y2(by+σ12)(xx)2(l1bxl12σ22)(yy)2+(l1bbx)(xx)(yy)+σ12(x)2+l12σ22(y)2by+σ12+l1b2bx2(xx)2l1bxl12σ22l1b2+bx2(yy)2+σ12(x)2+l12σ22(y)2.It is easy to prove that x22(xx)2+(x)2 and y22(yy)2+(y)2. Therefore, LVrKbyσ12l1b2+bx2(xx)2l1bxl12σ22l1b2+bx2(yy)2+σ122x+l1σ222y+σ12(x)2+l12σ22(y)2.When ω<min{(rKbyσ12l1b2+bx2)(x)2,(l1bxl12σ22l1b2+bx2)(y)2}, the ellipsoid (rKbyσ12l1b2+bx2)(xx)2(l1bxl12σ22l1b2+bx2)(yy)2+ω=0 lies entirely in R+2. Let U be a neighbourhood of the ellipsoid which satisfies U¯E2U, hence there is a positive constant K¯ such that LVK¯ for (x,y)E2U. In other words, condition (H2) in Assumption 2.1 is satisfied. Moreover, for all (x,y)U¯ and ξR2, there exists N=min{σ1x2,σ2y2,(x,y)U¯}>0 such that i,j=12aijξiξj=σ1x2ξ12+σ2y2ξ22Nξ2,which implies condition (H1) in Assumption 2.1 is satisfied.

Therefore, according to Lemma 2.3, the system (Equation3) has a stationary distribution which is ergodic.

Remark 3.1

Under the conditions of Theorem 3.2, the population x and y of the system (Equation3) are stochastically permanent.

3.3. Persistence and extinction

Different noise intensities may lead to different behaviours of the population x(t) and y(t) in studying the population long-term behaviour, either extinction or persistence. Therefore, we consider the persistence and extinction of x(t) and extinction of y(t) of this part.

Lemma 3.1

For any initial value x(0)R+, the population x(t) in the system (Equation3) has the following inequalities: lim supt1tlnx(t)0almostsurely.


According to the first equation of system (Equation3), by the application of Itoˆs formula, it can be obtained that dlnx=rrKxbyσ122dt+σ1dB1(t)rrKxσ122dt+σ1dB1(t).Construct a comparison system: dlnw=rrKwσ122dt+σ1dB1(t),w0=x(0).Define V1=etlnw. Applying Itoˆs formula, it is obtained that dV1=LV1dt+etσ1dB1(t),where LV1=etlnw+rrKwσ122.Integrating from 0 to t, we can get that etlnw(t)lnw0=0teslnw(s)+rrKw(s)σ122ds+0tesσ1dB1(s).Denote M1(t)=0tesσ1dB1(s), then quadratic variation is M1(t),M1(t)=0te2sσ12ds. On the basis of the exponential martingale inequality, for any positive constant T0, c1 and c2, one can know that (6) Psup0tT0M1(t)c12M1(t),M1(t)>c2ec1c2.(6) Applying the similar method as Zhu et al. [Citation48], we let T0=λ0v, c1=ϵeλ0v,c2=θeλ0vlnλ0ϵ, where λ0N, 0<ϵ<1, θ>1, v>0. Hence, Psup0tλ0vM1(t)ϵeλ0v2M1(t),M1(t)>θeλ0vlnλ0ϵλ0θ.Since λ0=1λ0θ<. Applying Borel–Cantalli Lemma, there is ΩiΩ such that for any constant ϖΩi, there exists a constant λi=λi(ϖ), then for all λ0>λi, we derive M1(t)ϵeλ0v2M1(t),M1(t)+θeλ0vlnλ0ϵ,0tλ0v.Choose Ω0=i=12Ωi. For any ϖΩ0, define λ0(ϖ)=max{λi(ϖ), i=1,2,,n}. Hence, i=1nM1(t)ϵeλ0v2M1(t),M1(t)+θeλ0vlnλ0ϵ,0tλ0v,holds. Consequently, for 0tλ0v, it holds that etlnw(t)lnw00teslnw(s)+rrKw(s)+12σ12(ϵesλ0v1)ds+θeλ0vlnλ0ϵ.Hence, lnw(t)+rrKw(t)+12σ12(ϵetλ0v1) has the supremum for all t[0,λ0v]. In other words, there exists M1 such that lnw(t)+rrKw(t)+12σ12(ϵetλ0v1)M1.For any 0tλ0v with λ0=λ0(ϖ), etlnw(t)lnw0M1(et1)+θeλ0vlnλ0ϵ.Therefore, lim supt1tlnw(t)0 almost surely (the rest of the proof is the same as Theorem 3.3 and Corollary 3.3 of Zhu et al. [Citation48]). According to the comparison theorem for stochastic differential equations, we get x(t)w(t). As a result, lim supt1tlnx(t)0.

Theorem 3.3

For the prey x(t) in the model (Equation3),


if rσ122<0, then the population x(t) will tend to extinct almost surely.


if rσ122>0, then the population x(t) is weakly persistent in the mean almost surely.


(i) Due to dx=xrrKxbydt+σ1xdB1(t)xrrKxdt+σ1xdB1(t),we structure a comparison system: dX=XrrKXdt+σ1XdB1(t),X0=x(0).By the Itoˆ's formula, it can be given that dlnX=rrKXσ122dt+σ1dB1(t).Integrating both sides from 0 to t, lnX(t)lnX0=0trrKX(s)σ122ds+0tσ1dB1(s)=0trrKX(s)σ122ds+M1(t),where M1(t)=0tσ1dB1(s). According to strong law of large numbers, we get lim suptM1(t)t=0.Consequently, lim supt1tlnX(t)rσ122<0 almost surely. According to the comparison theorem for stochastic differential equations, we get lim supt1tlnx(t)<0, then limtx(t)=0.

(ii) To prove that the population x(t) is weakly persistent in the mean almost surely, just prove that there is a constant u>0 that any solution of the system (Equation3) satisfies x(t)u>0. Assume the conclusion is false. Let ϵ1 be sufficiently small such that d1σ222+λbϵ1<0,rσ122rKϵ1>0.Then for all ϵ1>0, there exists the solution (x¯(t),y¯(t)) such that P{x¯(t)<ϵ1}>0. Consequently, dlny¯λbx¯d1σ222dt+σ2dB2,Integrating both sides from 0 to t and divide by t, (7) 1t(lny¯(t)lny¯(0))1t0td1σ222ds+1t0tλbx¯(s)ds+1t0tσ2dB2(s)=d1σ222+λb1t0tx¯(s)ds+M2(t)t,(7) where M2(t)=0tσ2dB2(s). According to strong law of large numbers, lim suptM2(t)t=0. Hence, lim supt1tlny¯(t)d1σ222+λbϵ1<0.As a consequence, limty¯(t)=0.

In addition, dlnx¯=rrKx¯by¯σ122dt+σ1dB1(t).Consequently, 1t[lnx¯(t)lnx¯(0)]=1t0trσ122ds1t0trKx¯(s)ds1t0tby¯(s)ds+M1(t)t=rσ1221t0trKx¯(s)ds1t0tby¯(s)ds+M1(t)t.Due to the strong law of large numbers, lim suptM1(t)t=0 holds. In consequence, lim supt1tlnx¯(t)=rσ122rKϵ1>0. This contradicts with Lemma 3.1. Then the hypothesis is false. Therefore, x(t)>0.

Theorem 3.4

For the model (Equation3), if λbK(rσ122)<r(d1+σ222), then the population y(t) will tend to extinct almost surely.


If rσ1220, then it is clear from the comments that x(t)<0. According to the same method as inequality (Equation7), we get 1t[lny(t)lny(0)]d1σ222+λbt0tx(s)ds+M2(t)t.Consequently, lim supt1tlny(t)d1σ222<0. So limty(t)=0.

Furthermore, if rσ122>0, there exists T2>0 for all ϵ2>0 such that M2(t)tϵ2 for t>T2. Then lnx(t)lnx(0)0trσ122dsrK0tx(s)ds+M1(t)trσ122+ϵ2trK0tx(s)ds.Applying Lemma 2.2, we derive that x(t)Krσ122+ϵ2r.Let ϵ20, then x(t)K(rσ12/2)r.

Therefore, (8) lim supt1tlny(t)d1σ222+λbx(t)d1σ222+λbK(rσ122)r=λbK(rσ122)r(d1+σ222)r.(8) Then lim supt1tlny(t)<0. As a result, limty(t)=0.

4. Numerical results

In order to make our conclusion more reasonable, we make numerical simulations in this part to verify our conclusion. By application of Milstein's higher order model [Citation9], we simulate the result of the model (Equation3) by giving the positive initial value and parameters. The corresponding discretization equations are (9) xk+1=xk+xkrrKxkbykΔt+σ1xkΔtξk+σ2xk2(ξk21)Δt,yk+1=yk+ykλbxk1+bhxkd1Δt+σ2ykΔtςk+σ22yk2(ςk21)Δt,(9) where Δt is time increment and ξk,ςk (i=1,2,,n) is independent Gaussian random variables.

For the model (Equation3), choose the initial value (x(0),y(0))=(0.9,0.8) and parameters are chosen as follows: (10) r=0.4,K=1.3,λ=1.3,b=0.25,h=0.5,d1=0.2.(10) Due to 0hλd1, the system (Equation2) exists the positive equilibrium E=(x,y), where x0.6667, y0.7795. In order to show the effect of white noise on population x(t) and y(t), we respectively take σ1=σ2=0 and σ1=0.05,σ2=0.05, as shown in Figure (a,b).

Figure 1. Numerical simulation of the deterministic model (Equation2) and stochastic system (Equation3) with σ1=σ2=0.05 respectively are shown in (a) and (b), where the initial value (x(0),y(0))=(0.9,0.8) and other parameters are taken as (Equation10).

Figure 1. Numerical simulation of the deterministic model (Equation2(2) dxdt=xr−rxK−by,dydt=yλbx1+bhx−d1.(2) ) and stochastic system (Equation3(3) dx=xr−rxK−bydt+σ1xdB1(t),dy=yλbx1+bhx−d1dt+σ2ydB2(t),(3) ) with σ1=σ2=0.05 respectively are shown in (a) and (b), where the initial value (x(0),y(0))=(0.9,0.8) and other parameters are taken as (Equation10(10) r=0.4,K=1.3,λ=1.3,b=0.25,h=0.5,d1=0.2.(10) ).

In addition, let σ1=σ2=0.1 and other values are the same as (Equation10). The calculation predicts that 1+bhxλx0.21670 and (rKbyσ12l1b2+bx2)(x)20.0364, (l1bxl12σ22l1b2+bx2)(y)20.0675, ω=σ122x+l1σ222y+σ12(x)2+l12σ22(y)20.0161. Therefore the condition of Theorem 3.2 is satisfied. So there exists a stationary distribution and it is ergodic in the model (Equation3) such as Figure . When σ1=0.1, rσ122=0.395>0. Thereby the condition of Theorem 3.3(ii) is established, then the population x(t) is weakly persistent in the mean almost surely. If the condition keeps unchanged, the population y(t) is also persistent by simulation. The figures about x(t) and y(t) are shown in Figure .

Figure 2. Numerical simulation of stationary distribution for the system (Equation3) with initial value (x(0),y(0))=(0.9,0.8). The parameters are taken as (Equation10) and σ1=0.1,σ2=0.1.

Figure 2. Numerical simulation of stationary distribution for the system (Equation3(3) dx=xr−rxK−bydt+σ1xdB1(t),dy=yλbx1+bhx−d1dt+σ2ydB2(t),(3) ) with initial value (x(0),y(0))=(0.9,0.8). The parameters are taken as (Equation10(10) r=0.4,K=1.3,λ=1.3,b=0.25,h=0.5,d1=0.2.(10) ) and σ1=0.1,σ2=0.1.

Figure 3. The conditions are exactly the same as the parameters and initial values of Figure . The population x(t) and y(t) are persistent, where σ1=0.1,σ2=0.1.

Figure 3. The conditions are exactly the same as the parameters and initial values of Figure 2. The population x(t) and y(t) are persistent, where σ1=0.1,σ2=0.1.

Let σ1=0.1, σ2=0.7 and all other parameters keep invariant. By computing, rσ1220.395>0 and λbK(rσ122)r(d1+σ222)=0.0111<0, which satisfies the condition of Theorems 3.3(ii) and 3.4. Therefore, the population x(t) is persistent and y(t) tent to extinct almost surely. The result is shown in Figure (a). By increasing the value of σ1 so that σ1=0.9, we give rσ122=0.005<0. So the condition of Theorem 3.3(i) holds. That is to say, the population x(t) will go to extinct almost surely. Therefore, we choose σ2=0.2 and other parameters keep consistent with (Equation10), then λbK(rσ122)r(d1+σ222)0.9011<0 where the population x(t) is extinct. Consequently, y(t) will go to extinct such as Figure (b).

Figure 4. In (a), when x(t) is persistent almost surely and parameters satisfy the condition of Theorem 3.4, the predator y(t) go to extinct almost surely, where σ1=0.1, σ2=0.7 and other values as (Equation10). In (b), when x(t) tend to extinct almost surely and parameters satisfy the condition of Theorem 3.4, the predator y(t) go to extinct almost surely, where σ1=0.9, σ2=0.2 and other values are the same as (Equation10).

Figure 4. In (a), when x(t) is persistent almost surely and parameters satisfy the condition of Theorem 3.4, the predator y(t) go to extinct almost surely, where σ1=0.1, σ2=0.7 and other values as (Equation10(10) r=0.4,K=1.3,λ=1.3,b=0.25,h=0.5,d1=0.2.(10) ). In (b), when x(t) tend to extinct almost surely and parameters satisfy the condition of Theorem 3.4, the predator y(t) go to extinct almost surely, where σ1=0.9, σ2=0.2 and other values are the same as (Equation10(10) r=0.4,K=1.3,λ=1.3,b=0.25,h=0.5,d1=0.2.(10) ).

5. Discussion and conclusion

We have considered the influence of the white noise on the model (Equation2) in this article. The innovation of the system (Equation2) is that it has taken into account the relationship between predation rate of the predator and the density of the prey and consider the effect of the environment capital of the population x(t). On this basis, due to the disturbance of the environment to the population, we have considered the effect of the noise on predators and prey, which has made our research model (Equation3) more consistent with the ecological significance.

We have first proved the existence and uniqueness of the global positive solution of the model (Equation3), which is the prerequisite for studying the long-term behaviour of predators and prey. Under the condition that the positive equilibrium point of system (Equation2) exists, we have proved the existence of the stationary distribution and its ergodic property which means the predator and the prey are both permanent.

By the comparison of Figures , and , we have access to the following conclusion:

  1. With the increase of σ1 and σ2, the dynamic properties of the system (Equation3) will also change.

  2. White noise has no effect on the system (Equation3) when σ1=σ2=0. But when the values of σ1 and σ2 become larger, the perturbation effect of white noise will be more obvious.

  3. The population x(t) will be persistent almost surely if rσ122>0. Under the premise, the population y(t) will tend to become extinct almost surely if σ2 is sufficiently large.

  4. When σ1 is sufficiently large, the population x(t) and y(t) tend to become extinct almost surely.

Therefore, we make the population extinct by controlling the size of σ1 and σ2. From the numerical simulation, under the same conditions, a small white noise will make the system persist. And the larger white noise will make species become extinct. It is also possible to control the size of the disturbance so that the prey lasts and the predator becomes extinct. From our model, when the prey is extinct and the predator has no other source of food, the predator must be extinct.


This work was supported by the National Natural Sciences Foundation of China (No. 11971405), Fujian provincial Natural science of China (No. 2018J01418) and National Natural Science Foundation Breeding Program of Jimei University (No. ZP2020064).

Disclosure statement

No potential conflict of interest was reported by the author(s).

Additional information


This work was supported by the National Natural Sciences Foundation of China [grant number 11971405], Fujian Provincial Natural Science of China [grant number 2018J01418] and National Natural Science Foundation Breeding Program of Jimei University [grant number ZP2020064].


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