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Research Article

Stability of a fear effect predator–prey model with mutual interference or group defense

Pages 480-498 | Received 28 Dec 2021, Accepted 03 Jun 2022, Published online: 27 Jun 2022


In this paper, we consider a fear effect predator–prey model with mutual interference or group defense. For the model with mutual interference, we show the interior equilibrium is globally stable, and the mutual interference can stabilize the predator–prey system. For the model with group defense, we discuss the singular dynamics around the origin and the occurrence of Hopf bifurcation, and find that there is a separatrix curve near the origin such that the orbits above which tend to the origin and the orbits below which tend to limit cycle or the interior equilibrium.

1. Introduction

Most of predator–prey systems take into account only the direct killing by predators [Citation2,Citation7,Citation11,Citation12,Citation19,Citation20,Citation22,Citation29,Citation30,Citation32,Citation34,Citation35,Citation38,Citation40], but not the cost of fear effect, which is considered to be more powerful than direct predation. Zanette et al. [Citation36] showed that the bird reduce 40% less offspring by predation fears. Therefore, Wang et al. [Citation25] investigated the following predator–prey system with fear effect (1) x(t)=axF(f,y)dxbx2mxy,y(t)=nmxyey.(1) They considered the cost of fear into prey reproduction. a is the birth rate of prey; d is the natural death rate of prey; f is the level of fear; F(f,y) is the cost of anti-predator defence due to fear. Here F(f,y) can be reasonably assumed (2) F(0,y)=1,F(f,0)=1,limf+F(f,y)=0,limy+F(f,y)=0,F(f,y)f<0,F(f,y)y<0.(2) They showed the fear effect has no impact on the stability of system (Equation1). But for the Holling type II of system (Equation1), they showed that the fear can make the system become stable. Cong et al. [Citation5] investigated a three-species food chain model with fear effect and showed that the fear effect can change the model from a chaotic state to a stable state. Based on system (Equation1), Pal et al. [Citation14] discussed the stability, Hopf-bifurcation and Bogdanov–Takens bifurcation of a predator–prey system with fear effect and hunting cooperation. Zhang et al. [Citation37] investigated the influence of fear effect and prey refuge on the stability of a predator–prey system and showed that the fear effect can stabilize the system. Tiwari et al. [Citation23] considered a predator–prey model with Beddington–DeAngelis functional response and the fear effect into prey, and discussed the stability and bifurcations of the system. By incorporating spatial memory and pregnancy period, Wang et al. [Citation27] performed the detailed bifurcation analysis, and their results indicated that the memory ability and pregnancy cycle of prey play significant roles in the spatiotemporal dynamics of prey–predator models in an intimidatory environment. Sasmal [Citation18] studied the following predator–prey model with fear effect and Allee effect (3) x(t)=rx(1xk)(xδ)11+fyaxy,y(t)=aαxymy,(3) where 0<δ<k expresses a strong Allee effect; 11+fv is one type of fear effect, which satisfies (Equation2). Due to the increase of the fear effect, the author showed the decrease of per-capita growth rate and the multistability of the system. From more results about fear effect, see [Citation16,Citation21,Citation26].

In 1975, Hassell's research of the capturing behaviour between larvae of Plodia interpunctella and Colorado potato beetles showed that the predators will leave each other when they encountered. Thus this mutual interference phenomenon can reduce the search efficiency of predators. This functional response is particularly applicable to systems in patchy environments where parasites tend to cluster in some patches rather than others. Hassell [Citation10] introduced a mutual interference constant θ(0<θ<1) into a Volterra model. Although models considering predator interference have different mathematical expressions, the same qualitative results are given [Citation3]. That is when predator interference is low, increasing predator interference has a positive effect on the asymptotic stability of system. Further, Freedman [Citation9] analysed the stability of the mutual interference system. Wang and Zhu [Citation28] considered the stability of a delayed impulsive prey-predator system with mutual interference. Xiao and Li [Citation31] considered a predator–prey model (Equation1) with mutual interference (4) x(t)=axF(f,y)dxbx2mxyθ,y(t)=nmxyθey,(4) where 0<θ<1. When θ=1, system (Equation4) is reduced to model (Equation1). Notice that the positive equilibrium of system (Equation1) is unstable, but when considering system (Equation1) with mutual interference, that is system (Equation4), this unstable positive equilibrium becomes stable. Hence, the mutual interference can stabilize the predator–prey system.

In nature, prey gathers together in herds to protect themselves from predator. That is prey allows the weakest individuals to occupy the inside of the herd for defensive purposes, leaving the healthier and stronger prey around it. Then in the predator–prey model, in which prey exhibits herd behaviour, predator interacts with prey along the outer corridor of the prey group. By assuming the prey individuals at the herd boundary is proportional to the square root of the area, Braza [Citation4] and Ajraldi et . al [Citation1] studied the models with square root of the prey population, which represent the predator interacts with the prey along the outer corridor of the herd of prey. Due to the square root term, Braza [Citation4] showed the origin is more subtle. That is, the first quadrant is divided into two parts by a separatrix curve near the origin. The orbits above the separatrix curve will tend to origin, but the orbits below the separatrix curve will leave the origin. This phenomenon also appears in the predator-prey with ratio-dependent functional responses [Citation7,Citation32]. Salman [Citation17] considered the stability of a discrete-time system with square root functional responses. When considering the interaction between the prey and the predator in both cases 2D and 3D herd shapes, a new functional response in the θ power of prey has been proposed. The authors [Citation24] and [Citation33] proposed a functional response in terms of the θ(0<θ<1) power of prey, which is more general than [Citation1,Citation4]. More precisely, they studied the following model: x=rx(1xK)axθy,y=aexθymy,where 0<θ<1. When θ=12, the functional responses of the above system are reduced to square root functional responses [Citation1,Citation4]. The authors [Citation24,Citation33] found that the solution behaviour near the origin is singularity and can occur Hopf bifurcation. Djilali [Citation8] extended the model in [Citation24,Citation33] to functional response with Holling-II.

In this paper, we study the following model: (5) x=rx(1xK)11+fypxy,y=hpxyey,(5) where all parameters of system (Equation5) are positive constants; r is the birth rate of prey; K is the carrying capacity; p is the capture rate; h is the conversion efficiency; e is the death rate of predator; 11+fy is the cost of anti-predator defence due to fear [Citation18,Citation25]; f is the level of fear; the fear effect can lead to the decrease of per-capita growth rate. Let x¯=xK,y¯=pyr,t¯=rt,f¯=frp,a=hpKr,d=er.Dropping the bar, system (Equation5) is reduced to (6) x=x(1x)1+fyxyP1(x,y),y=axydyQ1(x,y).(6) Based on the above discussion on mutual interference and group defense, we expect to discuss the effect of mutual interference and group defense on the dynamical behaviours of the system (Equation6). Therefore, we also respectively study (7) x=x(1x)1+fyxyθ1P2(x,y),y=axyθ1dyQ2(x,y),(7) where θ1 (0<θ1<1) is the mutual interference constant; and (8) x=x(1x)1+fyxθ2y,y=axθ2ydy,(8) where θ2 (0<θ2<1) is the group defense constant. The organization of this paper is as follows: In Section 2, the stability of system (Equation6) is investigated. In Sections 3 and 4, the dynamic behaviours of systems (Equation7) and (Equation8) are respectively investigated. In Section 5, the influences of fear effect, mutual interference and group defense on population density are respectively discussed. Finally, a brief discussion is given.

2. Fear effect predator–prey model (6)

The following lemma shows solutions of system (Equation6) are positive and uniformly bounded.

Lemma 2.1

Any solution of system (Equation6) satisfies 0<x(t)<1 and 0<x(t)+dy(t)<a(d+1)24d for all large t.

Proof. Obviously, solutions of system (Equation6) are positive. If x(t)1, it follows from the first equation of system (Equation6) that x(t)<0. Then 0<x(t)<1 for all large t.

Define a function V(x,y)=ax+y. Differentiating V along the solution of system (Equation6) for large t, we have V(x,y)=ax(1x)1+fydyax(1x)dy,that is V(x,y)+dV(x,y)ax(d+1x)a(d+1)24.Hence, V(x,y)a(d+1)24d for large t, i.e. 0<x(t)+dy(t)<a(d+1)24d for all large t. This completes the proof of Lemma 2.1.

Now, we consider the existence and stability of the equilibria of system (Equation6). There always exist a trivial equilibrium E01(0,0) and a boundary equilibria E11(1,0). By computation, system (Equation6) has a positive equilibrium E1(x1,y1) if a>d, where x1=da and y1=1+1+4f(1x1)2f.

Lemma 2.2


E01 is unstable.


If ad, then E11 is locally asymptotically stable. If a>d, E11 is unstable.


The eigenvalues of E01 are λ1=1 and λ2=d, so E01 is unstable. Note that the eigenvalues at E11 are λ1=1 and λ2=ad, then E11 is unstable if a>d and stable if a<d.

When a = d, i.e. λ2=0, translating E11 to the origin by letting x1=x1,y1=y, we obtain the Taylor expansions of system (Equation6) as follows: x1=x1y1x12+(f1)x1y1+O(|x1,y1|3),y1=dx1y1+O(|x1,y1|3).Further, letting x2=x1+y1,y2=y1, rewriting x2,y2 as x, y again, we have x=xx2+(1+f)xyfy2+O(|x,y|3),y=dy2+dxy+O(|x,y|3).It follows from Theorem 7.1 in Zhang et al. [Citation39] that E11 is a saddle-node, which includes a stable parabolic sector. Then E11 is stable if ad. This completes the proof of Lemma 2.2.

Theorem 2.1


If ad, then E11 is globally asymptotically stable.


If a>d, then E1 is globally asymptotically stable.


(1) From Lemma 2.2, if ad, E01 is unstable, E11 is locally asymptotically stable and E1 does not exist. Assume that system (Equation6) has a closed orbit, then there must exist an equilibrium in the interior of the closed orbit, which is impossible. Therefore, system (Equation6) does not exist a limit cycle. Hence, E11 is globally asymptotically stable.

(2) If a>d, E01 and E11 are unstable. The Jacobin matrix at E1 is calculated as J(E1)=[x11+fy1x1(1+f(1x1)(1+fy1)2)ay10].Noting that x1<1, the eigenvalues at E1 satisfies λ1λ2=ax1y1(1+f(1x1)(1+fy1)2)>0 and λ1+λ2=x11+fy1<0. Then E1 is stable if a>d. We consider a Dulac function B(x,y)=x1y1, then (BP1)x+(BQ1)y=1y(1+fy)<0,for all x>0 and y>0. It follows from the Dulac theorem that there is no closed orbit. Hence, E1 is globally asymptotically stable. This completes the proof of Theorem 2.1.

3. Fear effect predator–prey model with mutual interference

In this section, we consider the global asymptotic stability of system (Equation7). Obviously, system (Equation7) has a trivial equilibrium E02(0,0) and a boundary equilibria E12(1,0). Next we show that system (Equation7) has a unique positive equilibrium E2(x1,y1).

Lemma 3.1

System (Equation7) always has a unique positive equilibrium E2(x1,y1).


The prey isocline of system (Equation7) is l1: fyθ1+1+yθ1(1x)=0. Let x = 0, then H(y)=fyθ1+1+yθ11. Notice that H(0)=1,H(+)=+,H(y)>0, then there exists a unique y0>0 such that H(y0)=0. Since dydx=1f(θ1+1)yθ1+θ1yθ11<0, l1 decreases with respect to x, which passes through (1,0) and (0,y0).

The predator isocline of system (Equation7) is l2: y1θ1=axd. Hence, l2 increases with respect to x, which passes through (0,0).

It follows from the above discussion that l1 and l2 have a unique interior intersection point in the first quadrant. Therefore, system (Equation7) admits a unique positive equilibrium E2(x2,y2). This completes the proof of Lemma 3.1.

Theorem 3.1

E2 of system (Equation7) is globally asymptotically stable.


By calculation, we have P(0,0)x=limx0P(x,0)P(0,0)x=1,P(0,0)y=limy0P(0,y)P(0,0)y=0,Q(0,0)x=limx0Q(x,0)Q(0,0)x=0,Q(0,0)y=limy0Q(0,y)Q(0,0)y=d.Then, the eigenvalues corresponding to E02 are λ1=1 and λ2=d, then E02 is unstable.

Translating E12 to the origin by letting x1=x1,y1=y,dt1=11+fydt, we have (9) x1=(x1+1)(x1+(1+fy1)y1θ1),y1=(1+fy1)(a(x1+1)y1θ1dy1).(9) Denote α=1θ1, then α>1. Further, taking the following scalings x2=x1,y2=y11α,dt2=αy1dt1, and rewriting x2,y2,t2 as x, y, t respectively again, system (Equation9) becomes (10) x=αyα+1αxyα+O(|x,y|α+2),y=ay2dyα+1axy2+O(|x,y|α+2).(10) Define x=rcosφ and y=rsinφ, then system (Equation10) can be rewritten as rdφdr=F(φ)+o(1)G(φ)+o(1),where F(φ)=acosφsin2φ and G(φ)=asin3φ. Hence, φ1=π2 is a exceptional direction. Note that F(π2)<0 and G(π2)>0, i.e. F(π2)G(π2)<0. Therefore, the normal sector of φ1 is second type, and there is a unique orbit of system (Equation10) along the exceptional direction φ1=π2 starting from the origin. Hence, in the first quadrant, there exists a unique orbit of system (Equation7) along the line x = 1 starting from E12. Note that x|y=0=x(1x) and y|y=0=0, then the x-axis is an orbit of system (Equation7). Finally, it follows from the above analysis that E12 is unstable.

The Jacobin matrix at E2 is calculated as J(E2)=[x21+fy2x1(θ1(y2)θ11+f(1x2)(1+fy2)2)a(y2)θ1(1θ1)ax2(y2)θ11].Noting that x2<1, the eigenvalues at E2 satisfy λ1λ2>0 and λ1+λ2<0, that is E2 is stable. Define a Dulac function B(x,y)=x1y1, then (BP1)x+(BQ1)y=1y(1+fy)a(1θ1)yθ12<0,for all x>0 and y>0. Then there is no closed orbit in system (Equation7). Hence, E2 is globally asymptotically stable. This completes the proof of Theorem 3.1.

Remark 3.1

From the proof of Theorem 3.1, both E02 and E12 are unstable.

4. Fear effect predator–prey model with group defense

In this section, we consider system (Equation7). There always exist a trivial equilibrium E03(0,0) and a boundary equilibria E13(1,0). By simple computation, if a>d, system (Equation8) has a positive equilibrium E3(x3,y3), where x3=(da)1θ2 andy3=1+1+4f(x3)1θ2(1x3)2f.Stimulated by the works of [Citation4,Citation24,Citation33], we have the following theorem about the singular dynamics of system (Equation8) around the origin.

Theorem 4.1

Let (x(t),y(t)) be any positive solution of system (Equation8) with initial condition x(0)>0 and y(0)>0. Then there exists a separatrix curve L near the origin, which passes through the origin. If (x(0),y(0)) is above the L, then system (Equation8) is extinct.


Note that the solution of system (Equation8) is positive. By the second equation of system (Equation8), we have ydy.Consider an equation u=dusatisfying y0=y(0)=u(0), then u(t)=y0edt. By the comparison theorem, we have y(t)u(t) for t>0, that is y(t)y0edtforallt>0.From the first equation of system (Equation8), we have xxxθ2yxy0edtxθ2.Considering the following Bernoulli equation: v=vy0edtvθ2with x0=x(0)=v(0), we have x(t)v(t) for t>0. Solving the above Bernoulli equation, we have v1θ2(t)=(x01θ2y0(1θ2)d+1θ2)e(1θ2)t+y0(1θ2)d+1θ2edt.Hence, x1θ2(t)(x01θ2y0(1θ2)d+1θ2)e(1θ2)t+y0(1θ2)d+1θ2edtforallt>0.If y0=d+1θ21θ2x01θ2, then limt+x(t)=0. If y0>d+1θ21θ2x01θ2, then there exists a t>0 such that x(t)=0. Hence, when y0d+1θ21θ2x01θ2, the prey x is extinct.

There exists a positive ε such that aεθ2d<0. Since x is extinct, there exists a t1 such that x(t)ε for t>t1. Form the first equation of system (Equation8), we have y(aεθ2d)yforallt>t1.Similarly, we have y(t)y(t1)e(aεθ2d)(tt1).Then limt+y(t)=0.Hence, there exists a separatrix curve L below y=d+1θ21θ2x1θ2. If the initial condition (x(0),y(0)) of system (Equation8) is above the L, then system (Equation8) is extinct. This completes the proof of Theorem 4.1.

Remark 4.1

Since the singularity of the origin, then the origin cannot be linearized. If we use the method in the proof of Theorem 3.1, then the origin is a saddle which is incorrect. If the initial condition of system (Equation8) above the separatrix curve L, the orbits will intersect with y-axis, and tend to the origin along the y-axis.

Theorem 4.2


If ad, then E13 is locally asymptotically stable.


If a>d, then E13 is unstable.


The eigenvalues at E13 are λ1=1 and λ2=ad, then E11 is unstable if a>d and stable if a<d.

If a = d, then λ2=0. Translating E13 to the origin by X = x−1, Y = y, rewriting X and Y as x and y respectively, we obtain the Taylor expansions of system (Equation8) as follows: (11) x=xyx2+(fθ2)xy+O(|x,y|3),y=dθ2xy+O(|x,y|3).(11) Letting X = x + y, Y = y, rewriting X and Y as x and y respectively, system (Equation11) can be written as x=xx2+(2+fθ2)xy+(θ21f)y2+O(|x,y|3),y=dθ2y2+dθ2xy+O(|x,y|3).It follows from Theorem 7.1 in Zhang et al, [Citation39] that E13 is a saddle-node, which includes a stable parabolic sector. Then E13 is stable if ad. This completes the proof of Theorem 4.2.

Now, we show the stability of E3. The Jacobin matrix at E3 is calculated as J(E3)=[x3(11+fy3+(1θ2)(x3)θ22y3)(x3)θ2fx3(1x3)(1+fy3)2aθ2(x3)θ21y30].It is easy to obtain that det(J(E3))>0 and tr(J(E3))=(1θ2)(2θ2)x31+fy3.

Define d=d(2θ21θ2)θ2.Hence, if d<a<d, that is tr(J(E3))<0, then E3 is stable. If a>d, that is tr(J(E3))>0, then E3 is unstable.

Noting that tr(J(E3))|a=d=0, we can check the transversality condition d(tr(J(E3)))dt|a=d=(2θ2)x3aθ2(1+fy3)>0.Hence, system (Equation8) undergoes a Hopf bifurcation at a=d. With the increase of a, tr(J(E3)) changes sign from negative to positive, which implies E3 loses its stability and Hopf bifurcation occurs.

Now we determine the stability of the limit cycle by calculating the first Lyapunov coefficient. Since the group defense is defined by the θ2(0<θ2<1) power of prey and the expression of E3 is complicated, it is difficult to calculate the first Lyapunov coefficient. For simplicity, stimulated by the technique of [Citation6,Citation13], we make the following scaling for system (Equation8): x¯=xx3,y¯=yy3,t¯=x3t,b=1x3,f¯=fy3,p=y3(x3)2θ2,a¯=a(x3)θ21,d¯=dx3.Note that a(x3)θ2=d and x3<1, then a¯=d¯ and b>1, respectively. Dropping the bar, system (Equation8) is reduced to (12) x=x(bx)1+fypxθ2y,y=axθ2yay.(12) E3(x3,y3) of system (Equation8) is transformed to E(1,1) of system (Equation12). Hence, we have p=b11+f.Then system (Equation12) can be written as follows: (13) x=x(bx)1+fyb11+fxθ2y,y=axθ2yay.(13) Obviously system (Equation13) has the same topological structure as that of system (Equation8), then we calculate the first Lyapunov coefficient of system (Equation13) to determine the stability of the limit cycle. The Jacobian matrix of system (Equation13) at E(1,1) takes the form J(E)=[(1θ2)(b1)11+f(b1)(2f+1)1+faθ20].Then det(J(E))=aθ2(b1)(2f+1)1+f>0and tr(J(E))=(1θ2)(b1)11+f.Let b=1+11θ2, then we obtain tr(J(E))|b=b=0. We have the transversality condition as follows: d(tr(J(E)))dt|b=b=1θ21+f>0.Hence, system (Equation13) undergoes a Hopf bifurcation at b=b (i.e. a=d of system (Equation8)).

Letting X = x−1, Y = y−1, rewriting X and Y as x and y respectively, we obtain the Taylor expansions of system (Equation13) as follows: (14) {x˙=a10x+a01y+a20x2+a11xy+a02y2+a30x3+a21x2y+a12xy2+a03y3,y˙=b10x+b01y+b20x2+b11xy+b02y2+b30x3+b21x2y+b12xy2+b03y3,(14) where a10=0,a01=2f+1(1θ2)(1+f)2,a20=θ222(1+f),a11=(2f+1)θ2(1+f)2(1θ2), a02=f2(1θ2)(1+f)3,a30=(θ22)θ26(1+f),a12=f2θ2(1θ2)(1+f)3,a21=fθ2+2f+θ22(1+f)2, a03=f3(1+f)4(1θ2),b10=aθ2,b01=0,b20=12aθ2(θ21),b11=aθ2,b30=16aθ2(θ21)(θ22),b21=12aθ2(θ21),b02=b12=b03=0.

The first-order Lyapunov number (Perko [Citation15]) can be expressed as follows: l1=3π2a01Φ3/2{[a10b10(a112+a11b02+a02b11)+a10a01(b112+a20b11+a11b02)+b102(a11a02+2a02b02)2a10b10(b022a20a02)2a10a01(a202b20b02)a012(2a20b20+b11b20)+(a01b102a102)(b11b02a11a20)](a102+a01b10)[3(b10b03a01a30)+2a10(a21+b12)+(b10a12a01b21)]}=3πaθ2(2f+1)(2θ2)4Φ3/4(1+f)3,where Φ=det(J(E)).

Obviously l1<0, system (Equation13) undergoes a supercritical Hopf bifurcation at E(1,1) and exists a stable limit cycle around E.

From the above discussion, we have the following theorem.

Theorem 4.3

Let d=d(2θ21θ2)θ2, then the following conclusions hold.


If d<a<d, then E3 is locally asymptotically stable.


If a>d, then E3 is unstable.


If a=d, then system (4.1) undergoes a supercritical Hopf bifurcation at E3 and exists a stable limit cycle around E3.

Notice that f(θ2)=(2θ21θ2)θ2 is monotonically increasing when 0<θ2<1, hence a=d exists a unique positive solution θ2(0,1). From Theorem 4.1, we can easily obtain the following corollary.

Corollary 4.1

Assume that a>d, then the following conclusions hold.


If θ2<θ2<1, then E3 is locally asymptotically stable.


If 0<θ2<θ2, then E3 is unstable.


If θ2=θ2, then system (4.1) undergoes a supercritical Hopf bifurcation at E3 and exists a stable limit cycle around E3.

5. The influences of fear effect, mutual interference and group defense

5.1. The influence of fear effect on population density

Obviously, the fear effect has no impact on the stability of systems (Equation6) – (Equation8) and the prey density at the positive equilibrium of systems (Equation6) and (Equation8). Now we discuss the influence of the fear effect on the predator density at the positive equilibrium of systems (Equation6) and (Equation8). Let H1=(1x1)>0,Δ1=1+4fH1,H3=(x3)1θ2(1x3)>0 andΔ3=1+4fH3.By computation, we obtain yif=2Hi2Δi(Δi+1+2fHi)<0,i=1,3.Then the fear effect will change the density of predator population at the positive equilibrium of systems (Equation6) and (Equation8), which decreases with the increase of fear effect.

Next we study the influence of the fear effect on the positive equilibrium of system (Equation7). Denote F(x2,y2,f)=1x21+fy2(y2)θ1,G(x2,y2,f)=ax2(y2)θ11d.Then the positive equilibrium E2 satisfies F(x2,y2,f)=0 and G(x2,y2,f)=0. By simple computation, we have J=(F,G)(x2,y2)=a(y2)θ12((1θ1)x2+f(y2)θ1+1)1+fy2+aθ1(y2)2θ12>0,J1=(F,G)(f,y2)=a(1θ1)x2(y2)2θ111+fy2>0,J2=(F,G)(x2,f)=a(y2)2θ11+fy2>0,that is, dx2df=J1J<0,dy2df=J2J<0.Hence, with the increase of fear level f, the value of E2 decreases. Then we show that increasing the fear effect can decrease the predator and prey densities at the positive equilibrium, that is, fear effect can lead to the decrease of the predator and prey population (Figure ).

Figure 1. The positive equilibrium E2 of system (Equation7) with a=4,d=1,θ1=0.7. (a) x2 (b) y2

Figure 1. The positive equilibrium E2∗ of system (Equation7(7) x′=x(1−x)1+fy−xyθ1≜P2(x,y),y′=axyθ1−dy≜Q2(x,y),(7) ) with a=4,d=1,θ1=0.7. (a) x2∗ (b) y2∗

5.2. The influence of mutual interference on population density

Theorem 3.1 shows that the positive equilibrium of system (Equation7) is globally stable unconditionally, that is, the mutual interference strengthens the stability of the system. Next we discuss the influence of mutual interference on population density.

Similarly to the analysis of the above subsection, we can easily obtain J3=(F,G)(θ1,y2)=[(1θ1)(y2)θ11+dax2(fy21+fy2+θ1)]dlny2,J4=(F,G)(x2,θ1)=(12x2)dlny2x2(1+fy2).We can observe from 1x21+fy2(y2)θ1=0 that y2<1, that is lny2<0. This implies dx2dθ1=J3J>0,dy2dθ1=J4J,where J is given in Section 5.1. Obviously, x2 increases with the increase of θ1 (Figure  a); meanwhile, y2 increases with the increase of θ1 when x2<12, and y2 decreases with the increase of θ1 when x2>12 (Figure  b). Therefore when the prey density is relatively small, y2 increases as θ1 increases, that is the mutual interference constant θ1 has less influence on the capturing behaviour of the predator; but for the fact that the increase of θ1 can result in the increase of the prey density, when the prey density becomes relatively large, the effect of mutual interference on the capturing behaviour becomes stronger, which leads to the decrease of the predator density.

Figure 2. The positive equilibrium E2 of system (Equation7) with a=2,d=1.8,f=1. (a) x2 and (b) y2.

Figure 2. The positive equilibrium E2∗ of system (Equation7(7) x′=x(1−x)1+fy−xyθ1≜P2(x,y),y′=axyθ1−dy≜Q2(x,y),(7) ) with a=2,d=1.8,f=1. (a) x2∗ and (b) y2∗.

5.3. The influence of group defense on population density

Assume that a>d, then system (Equation8) has a positive equilibrium E3(x3,y3). Next we discuss the influence of group defense on population density under a>d. By calculation, we can easily obtain dx3dθ2=x3θ22ln(ad)>0,dy3dθ2=a(12x3)d3dx3dθ2,whena>d,where 3 is defined in Section 5.1. Obviously x3 is monotonically increasing with respective to θ2 (Figures  a and a), hence 12x3=0 exists a unique positive solution θ2=ln(ad)/ln2. This means when 0<θ2<θ2, 12x3>0, and when θ2<θ2<1, 12x3<0. Next we consider two cases.

Figure 3. The positive equilibrium E3 of system (Equation8) with a=2,d=0.7,f=1. (a) x3 and (b) y3.

Figure 3. The positive equilibrium E3∗ of system (Equation8(8) x′=x(1−x)1+fy−xθ2y,y′=axθ2y−dy,(8) ) with a=2,d=0.7,f=1. (a) x3∗ and (b) y3∗.

Figure 4. The positive equilibrium E3 of system (Equation8) with a=2,d=1.7,f=1, where θ2=0.2345. (a) x3 and (b) y3.

Figure 4. The positive equilibrium E3∗ of system (Equation8(8) x′=x(1−x)1+fy−xθ2y,y′=axθ2y−dy,(8) ) with a=2,d=1.7,f=1, where θ2∗=0.2345. (a) x3∗ and (b) y3∗.

Case 1: If a2d, that is θ21, which together with 0<θ2<1 implies 12x3>0, then dy3dθ2>0 (Figure  b).

Case 2: If d<a<2d, that is 0<θ2<1, then dy3dθ2>0 if 0<θ2<θ2; dy3dθ2<0 if θ2<θ2<1 (Figure  b).

The above analysis shows that the group defense is beneficial to the density of the prey at the positive equilibrium of system (Equation8). For the predator, when the capture rate is large enough which can result in a large enough a, or the group defense constant is relatively small, the group defense has less influence on the capturing behaviour of the predator; but if the capture rate is relatively small, the group defense plays an important role on the capturing behaviour of the predator, the density of the predator at the positive equilibrium decreases with the increase of θ2.

6. Conclusion

In this paper, we considered a fear effect predator–prey model with mutual interference or group defense and studied the stability and Hopf bifurcation of the system. The stability property of system (Equation6) is simple. If ad, E11 is globally asymptotically stable (Figure  a–b). If a>d, E1 is globally asymptotically stable (Figure  c). Considering the original coefficients of system (Equation5), ad is equivalent to Kehp. Form Figure , if ad, that is the carrying capacity K of prey is small enough, predator will be extinct, while prey will survive. If a>d, that is the carrying capacity K of prey is large enough, predator and prey can coexist. However, the cost of fear effect has no impact on the stability of system (Equation6), which is in accord with the predator–prey model with the linear functional response [Citation25]. However, the mutual interference or group defense can change the stability of system (Equation6).

Figure 5. Fear effect predator–prey model (Equation6) with f = 3, d = 0.15. (a) a = 0.1<d, (b) a = d = 0.15 and (c) a = 0.2>d.

Figure 5. Fear effect predator–prey model (Equation6(6) x′=x(1−x)1+fy−xy≜P1(x,y),y′=axy−dy≜Q1(x,y).(6) ) with f = 3, d = 0.15. (a) a = 0.1<d, (b) a = d = 0.15 and (c) a = 0.2>d.

Figure 6. Bifurcation diagrams of system (Equation6). In region D2, E1 is globally asymptotically stable. In region D1, E11 is globally asymptotically stable.

Figure 6. Bifurcation diagrams of system (Equation6(6) x′=x(1−x)1+fy−xy≜P1(x,y),y′=axy−dy≜Q1(x,y).(6) ). In region D2, E1∗ is globally asymptotically stable. In region D1, E11 is globally asymptotically stable.

By introducing the parameter θ1 (0<θ1<1), we considered system (Equation6) with mutual interference and proved that the positive equilibrium E2 of system (Equation7) is globally stable unconditionally. However we note that both the predator and prey of system (Equation6) are globally stable only when a>d, and when ad the predator is extinct. Hence the introduction of the mutual interference constant strengthens the stability of the system. Figure (a) –(c) show the global asymptotic stability of system (Equation7) when θ1=23 under the assumptions a<d, a = d and a>d respectively.

Figure 7. Fear effect and mutual interference predator-prey model (Equation7) with f=3,d=0.15,θ1=23. (a) a = 0.1<d, (b) a = d = 0.15 and (c) a = 0.2>d.

Figure 7. Fear effect and mutual interference predator-prey model (Equation7(7) x′=x(1−x)1+fy−xyθ1≜P2(x,y),y′=axyθ1−dy≜Q2(x,y),(7) ) with f=3,d=0.15,θ1=23. (a) a = 0.1<d, (b) a = d = 0.15 and (c) a = 0.2>d.

Incorporating system (Equation6) with group defense, the stability property of system (Equation8) is significantly different from that of systems (Equation6) and (Equation7). It follows from Theorem 4.1 that there exists a separatrix curve such that the first quadrant is divided into two parts. In one part, from Theorem 4.1, the orbits will tend to the origin. In the other part, it follows from Theorems 4.2 and 4.3 that the orbits maybe tend to the boundary equilibria E13 (Figures  a–b), the positive equilibrium E3 (Figure  c), or the limit cycle (Figure  d). Note that the stability of boundary equilibria or positive equilibrium of systems (Equation6) and (Equation7) is global. However, when considering system (Equation6) with group defense, the stability of boundary equilibria or positive equilibrium of system (Equation8) is just local due to the singularity of the origin. Considering the original coefficients of system (Equation5), a<d is equivalent to Kehp(2θ21θ2)θ2. Let the initial condition of system (Equation8) below the separatrix curve L. From Figure , if the carrying capacity K of prey is small enough (i.e. Kehp), predator will be extinct, while prey will survive (see Figures  a,b). If the carrying capacity K of prey is an appropriate value (i.e. ehp<K<ehp(2θ21θ2)θ2), predator and prey can coexist (see Figure  c). If the carrying capacity K of prey is large enough (i.e. K>ehp(2θ21θ2)θ2), predator and prey will oscillate periodically or be extinct (see Figures  d,e). System (Equation8) undergoes a supercritical Hopf bifurcation at positive equilibrium E3 and exists a stable limit cycle around E3. Compared with the global asymptotic stability of the positive equilibrium of system (Equation6) with a>d, when considering system (Equation6) with the group defense, by numerical simulation, we find that the limit cycle of system (Equation8) disappears when a is large enough, and the origin is globally stable, that is both prey and predator will be extinct (Figure  e), which means that the group defense can destabilize the system. Hence, the group defense makes the dynamics behaviour of system (Equation8) become more complicated.

Figure 8. Fear effect and group defense predator-prey model (Equation8) with f=3,d=0.15,θ2=23. (a) a = 0.1<d, (b) a = d = 0.15, (c) d<a=0.2<d, (d) a=0.39>d and (e)a=0.48>d.

Figure 8. Fear effect and group defense predator-prey model (Equation8(8) x′=x(1−x)1+fy−xθ2y,y′=axθ2y−dy,(8) ) with f=3,d=0.15,θ2=23. (a) a = 0.1<d, (b) a = d = 0.15, (c) d<a=0.2<d∗, (d) a=0.39>d∗ and (e)a=0.48>d∗.

Figure 9. Bifurcation diagrams of system (Equation8). In region D2, E1 is unstable. In region D1, E1 is locally asymptotically stable. In region D0, E11 is locally asymptotically stable.

Figure 9. Bifurcation diagrams of system (Equation8(8) x′=x(1−x)1+fy−xθ2y,y′=axθ2y−dy,(8) ). In region D2, E1∗ is unstable. In region D1, E1∗ is locally asymptotically stable. In region D0, E11 is locally asymptotically stable.

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No potential conflict of interest was reported by the author(s).

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This work was supported by the Natural Science Foundation of Fujian Province (2021J01613, 2021J011032).


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