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Research Article

Dynamics of a stochastic modified Leslie–Gower predator–prey system with hunting cooperation

Article: 2366495 | Received 27 Jan 2023, Accepted 04 Jun 2024, Published online: 20 Jun 2024


In this paper, we consider a stochastic two-species predator–prey system with modified Leslie–Gower. Meanwhile, we assume that hunting cooperation occurs in the predators. By using Itô formula and constructing a proper Lyapunov function, we first show that there is a unique global positive solution for any given positive initial value. Furthermore, based on Chebyshev inequality, the stochastic ultimate boundedness and stochastic permanence are discussed. Then, under some conditions, we prove the persistence in mean and extinction of system. Finally, we verify our results by numerical simulations.


1. Introduction

It is well known that the predator–prey relationship widely exists between two species. Therefore, predator–prey systems have been studied extensively, and the rich results have been achieved. Leslie  [Citation1] and Leslie et al. [Citation2] assumed that the carrying capacity of the predator's environment is proportional to the number of prey and introduced the following predator–prey system: (1) {x˙(t)=x(t)[abx(t)]p(x(t))y(t),y˙(t)=y(t)(rfy(t)x(t)).(1) Here x(t) and y(t) denote the population densities of prey and predator at time t. a, b, r, and f are all positive parameters. a and r are the intrinsic growth rate of the prey and predator, respectively. b means the competitive strength among individuals of the prey. f is the maximum value of the per capita reduction rate of predator. The term p(x(t)) is called the functional response function, which describes the number of prey successfully attacked by individual predators. The term fy(t)x(t) is called the Leslie–Gower term, and it implies that the carrying capacity of the predator's environment is proportional to the number of prey, and not a constant (Logistic form).

Aziz-Alaoui [Citation3] and Nindjin et al. [Citation4] explained that the predator may convert to catch other populations when the prey x is severely scarce. However, its growth will be limited even if its most favourite food x is not available in abundance. In order to solve such a problem, they thought it was necessary to add a positive constant m to the denominator. Thus, system (Equation1) becomes the following predator–prey system with modified Leslie–Gower: (2) {x˙(t)=x(t)[abx(t)]p(x(t))y(t),y˙(t)=y(t)(rfy(t)m+x(t)).(2) In general, the functional response function p(x(t)) represents the attack power of predator on prey. In the classical Lotka–Volterra system, p(x(t)) takes the form p(x(t))=px(t). This is reasonable since the number of prey hunted by the individual predator is naturally proportional to the number of the prey. Further, this function was revised by Holling, and three functional response functions were proposed to describe the predator behaviour on prey. One of Holling functional response functions is Holling II functional response, which takes the following form p(x(t))=ρx(t)1+hρx(t).ρ is the encounter rate between predators and their prey, and h is the handling time of predator on prey. In recent years, the Leslie–Gower predator–prey model with Holling II functional response has been widely studied by many scholars. Arancibia-Ibarra et al. [Citation5] considered a modified Leslie–Gower system with Holling-type II schemes and Allee effect. It was revealed that system with a strong Allee effect had two positive equilibrium points and system with a weak Allee effect had three positive equilibrium points. Abid et al. [Citation6] investigated a predator–prey model with modified Leslie–Gower and Holling-type II functional response. They discussed the existence and boundedness of solutions, then analysed the existence and local stability of the possible steady states. Moreover, the conditions of global stability of the interior equilibrium were established.

In nature, cooperative behaviour within populations is a very widespread phenomenon. Alves et al. [Citation7] advised that cooperative predators may benefit from their behaviour since the success of predator's attacks on prey increases. They added a cooperation term to describe the attack of a predator on a prey and studied a predator–prey system with hunting cooperation. The attack rate (or encounter rate) of the predator was assumed to be ρ=ρ(y)=λ+αy. Therefore, the corresponding Holling II functional response function with hunting cooperation is as follows: p(x(t),y(t))=(λ+αy(t))x(t)1+h(λ+αy(t))x(t),where λ(>0) is the attack rate of the per predator on the prey, α(>0) represents the intensity of the predator cooperation in hunting. Then, based on system (Equation2), we have the following system (3) {x˙(t)=x(t)[abx(t)](λ+αy(t))x(t)y(t)1+h(λ+αy(t))x(t),y˙(t)=y(t)(rfy(t)m+x(t)).(3) On the other hand, in the real world, environmental noise exists everywhere, which is bound to have an impact on the development of populations. Therefore, many scholars introduced white noise into predator–prey systems and studied the influence of white noise on predator–prey systems. Xu et al. [Citation8] considered a stochastic predator–prey system with modified Leslie–Gower and Holling-type IV schemes. They proved the stochastic boundedness and stochastic permanence, then they investigated the persistence in mean and extinction. Meanwhile, the existence of a ergodic stationary distribution was discussed. Zhou et al. [Citation9] studied a stochastic predator–prey model with modified Leslie–Gower and Holling-type II schemes. Especially, sufficient conditions of persistence in mean and extinction were given. The rich results for the stochastic population systems can also see [Citation10–12].

In this paper, we assume that in system (Equation3), the intrinsic growth rates a and r of the prey and predator are affected by white noise, that is, aa+σ1B˙1(t),rr+σ2B˙2(t).where B1(t), B2(t) are mutually independent Brownian motions, and σ12, σ22 represent the intensities of the white noises. Then, corresponding to system (Equation3), a stochastic two-species predator–prey system with modified Leslie–Gower and hunting cooperation among predators can be described as follows: (4) {dx(t)=x(t)[abx(t)(λ+αy(t))y(t)1+h(λ+αy(t))x(t)]dt+σ1x(t)dB1(t),dy(t)=y(t)(rfy(t)m+x(t))dt+σ2y(t)dB2(t).(4) The dynamic behaviours of the stochastic predator–prey system (Equation4) may provide effective ideas for population protection. From the biological sense, the first concern is that the solution of the system is non-negative, then the stochastic permanence and extinction are also very significant issues. Therefore, our paper is organized as follows. In Section 2, by Itô formula and proper Lyapunov function, it is shown that there is a unique global positive solution (x(t),y(t)) to system (Equation4) for any positive initial value (x(0),y(0))R+2. In Section 3, the stochastic ultimate boundedness of solution is studied. In Section 4, it is proved that system (Equation4) is stochastically permanent under Assumption A. In Section 5, some sufficient conditions for permanence in mean and extinction of system (Equation4) are obtained. Finally, we present numerical examples to verify our theoretical results.

In this paper, unless otherwise specified, we let (Ω,F,{Ft}t0,P) be a complete probability space with a filtration {Ft}t0 satisfying the usual conditions (i.e. it is increasing and right continuous all P-null sets). Also let R+2={(x(t),y(t)):x(t)>0,y(t)>0}, (x(t),y(t))=x2(t)+y2(t).

2. Positive and global solutions

It is necessary that proving the population density of prey and predator is non-negative. In general, in order to prove that there exists a unique global solution for any given initial value for a stochastic differential equation, the coefficients of the equation need to satisfy the linear growth condition and the local Lipschitz condition. However, the coefficients of system (Equation4) neither satisfy the linear growth condition, nor local Lipschitz condition. In this section, by making the change of variables and applying Itô formula, we will firstly show there is a unique positive local solution for system (Equation4).

Lemma 2.1

For any given initial value (x(0),y(0))R+2, there is a unique local positive solution (x(t),y(t)) to system (Equation4) for t[0,τe) a.s., where τe is the explosion time.


Letting u(t)=lnx(t),v(t)=lny(t), and applying Itô formula, we get the following system (5) {du(t)=[aσ122beu(t)(λ+αev(t))ev(t)1+h(λ+αev(t))eu(t)]dt+σ1dB1(t),dv(t)=(rσ222fev(t)m+eu(t))dt+σ2dB2(t),(5) and the initial value u(0)=lnx(0), v(0)=lny(0). Obviously, the coefficients of system (Equation5) are locally Lipschitz continuous, so there exists a unique local solution (u(t),v(t)) of system (Equation5) on t[0,τe), where τe is the explosion time. Therefore, there is also a unique local positive solution (x(t), y(t)) of system (Equation4) for any given initial value (x(0),y(0))R+2 on t[0,τe), here x(t)=eu(t), y(t)=ev(t).

Next, we will prove system (Equation4) has a global positive solution for any given initial value (x(0),y(0))R+2.

Theorem 2.2

For any given initial value (x(0),y(0))R+2, there is a unique solution (x(t),y(t)) for system (Equation4) on t0, and the solution will remain in R+2 with probability one, namely (x(t),y(t))R+2 for all t0 almost surely.


By Lemma 2.1, we know that there is a unique local positive solution for system (Equation4). Further, we show that this solution is global, i.e. τe=. Let n00, and n0 be sufficiently large such that x(0) and y(0) all lie within the interval [1n0,n0]. For each integer nn0, define the stopping time: τn=inf{t[0,τe):x(t)(1n,n) or y(t)(1n,n)},where inf= (∅ is the empty set). Obviously, τn is increasing as n. Let τ=limnτn. Easy to get ττe a.s. If we can show τ= a.s., then τe= a.s. Now, we only need to prove τ= a.s. If not, we assume τ a.s., there are two constants T>0 and ϵ(0,1), such that P{τT}ϵ. Therefore, there exists an integer n1(n0), such that when nn1, we have (6) P{τnT}ϵ.(6) In order to finish our proof, we will construct C2-function V1:R+2R+ under two different cases.

Case 1: If hλm1, we define a function V1(x(t),y(t)) as follows: V1(x(t),y(t))=fhλ[x(t)lnx(t)1]+α[y(t)lny(t)1].Since ulnu10 for all u>0, it is known that the function V1:R+2R+. Letting nn1, for 0tτn, and applying Itô formula to V1(x(t),y(t)), we obtain dV1(x(t),y(t))=LV1(x(t),y(t))dt+fhλσ1(x(t)1)dB1(t)+ασ2(y(t)1)dB2(t),here LV1(x(t),y(t))=fhλx(t)(abx(t)(λ+αy(t))y(t)1+h(λ+αy(t))x(t))fhλ(abx(t)(λ+αy(t))y(t)1+h(λ+αy(t))x(t))+fhλσ122+αy(t)(rfy(t)m+x(t))α(rfy(t)m+x(t))+ασ222fhλ[(a+b)x(t)bx2(t)]+fhλ2y(t)+fhλαy2(t)1+hλx(t)αfy2(t)m+x(t)+(afhλαr+fhλσ122+ασ222)+α(r+fm)y(t)K1+(fhλ2+αr+αfm)y(t)αf(1hλm)y2(t)[1+hλx(t)][m+x(t)]K1+K2y(t),where K1 and K2 are positive constants. Since y(t)2[y(t)1lny(t)]+ln42αV1(x(t),y(t))+ln4 for y(t)>0, we have LV1(x(t),y(t))K1+K2ln4+2αK2V1(x(t),y(t))K3(1+V1(x(t),y(t))),where K3=max{K1+K2ln4,2αK2}, consequently dV1(x(t),y(t))K3(1+V1(x(t),y(t)))dt+fhλσ1(x(t)1)dB1(t)+ασ2(y(t)1)dB2(t).Therefore, integrating sides of the above inequality from 0 to τnT and then taking expectation, we get EV1(x(τnT),y(τnT))V1(x(0),y(0))+K3E0τnT(1+V1(x(t),y(t)))dtV1(x(0),y(0))+K3T+K3E0τnTV1(x(t),y(t))dtV1(x(0),y(0))+K3T+K30TEV1(x(τnt),y(τnt))dt.Further, by Gronwall inequality, we get EV1(x(τnT),y(τnT))K4,where K4=(V1(x(0),y(0))+K3T))eK3T. The remainder of the proof is similar to Theorem 1 in [Citation8], we omit the details.

Case 2: If hλm1, we define a C2-function V1(x(t),y(t)) as follows: V1(x(t),y(t))=f[x(t)lnx(t)1]+αm[y(t)lny(t)1].Applying Itô formula to V1(x(t),y(t)), we obtain that dV1(x(t),y(t))=LV1(x(t),y(t))dt+fσ1(x(t)1)dB1(t)+αmσ2(y(t)1)dB2(t),where LV1(x(t),y(t))f[(a+b)x(t)bx2(t)]+fλy(t)1+h(λ+αy(t))x(t)+y2(t)1+hλx(t)αmfy2(t)m+x(t)+αmry(t)+(afαmr+fσ122+αmσ222)+αmfy(t)m+x(t).K1+(+αmr+αf)y(t)(hλm1)x(t)y2(t)[1+hλx(t)][m+x(t)]K1+K2y(t).Here K1 and K2 are positive constants. Similar to the proof under Case 1, we obtain the existence of a global and positive solution.

3. Stochastically ultimate boundedness

Definition 3.1


The solution (x(t),y(t)) of system (Equation4) is said to be stochastically ultimately bounded, if for any ϵ(0,1), there is a positive constant H=H(ϵ), such that for any given initial value (x(0),y(0))R+2, the solution (x(t),y(t)) of system (Equation4) has theproperty that (7) lim suptP{(x(t),y(t))>H}<ϵ.(7)

Before proving boundedness, we first prove the following lemma.

Lemma 3.2

There exists a constant C1>0 independent of the initial value (x(0),y(0))R+2, such that the solution (x(t),y(t)) of system (Equation4) has the following property (8) lim suptE(x(t),y(t))2C1.(8)


Define (9) V2(x(t),y(t))=x2(t)+y2(t)+(H1+x(t))y2(t),(9) where H1=max{0,m1}. Hence, for (x(t),y(t))R+2, by the Itô formula, we have (10) dV2(x(t),y(t))=LV2(x(t),y(t))dt+(2x(t)+y2(t))σ1x(t)dB1(t)+2(1+H1+x(t))σ2y2(t)dB2(t).(10) Here LV2(x(t),y(t))=2x2(t)(abx(t)(λ+αy(t))y(t)1+h(λ+αy(t))x(t))+σ12x2(t)+2y2(t)(rfy(t)m+x(t))+σ22y2(t)+(H1+x(t))2y2(t)(rfy(t)m+x(t))+x(t)y2(t)(abx(t)(λ+αy(t))y(t)1+h(λ+αy(t))x(t))+(H1+x(t))σ22y2(t)2ax2(t)2bx3(t)+σ12x2(t)+2ry2(t)+σ22y2(t)2fy3(t)(H1+1+x(t))m+x(t)+2r(H1+x(t))y2(t)+(H1+x(t))σ22y2(t)+ax(t)y2(t)bx2(t)y2(t).Noting that 2fy3(t)(H1+1+x(t))m+x(t)=2fy3(t)(1+x(t))m+x(t)2fy3(t)for m1,and 2fy3(t)(H1+1+x(t))m+x(t)=2fy3(t)for m>1,it is followed by LV2(x(t),y(t))(2a+σ12)x2(t)2bx3(t)+(2r+σ22)y22fy3(t)+2r(H1+x(t))y2(t)+(H1+x(t))σ22y2(t)+ax(t)y2(t)bx2(t)y2(t)=V2(x(t),y(t))+(2a+σ12+1)x2(t)2bx3(t)+(2r+σ22+1)y2(t)2fy3(t)+(2r+1)(H1+x(t))y2(t)+(H1+x(t))σ22y2(t)+ax(t)y2(t)bx2(t)y2(t)V2(x(t),y(t))+(2a+σ12+1)x2(t)2bx3(t)+(2r+σ22+1)y2(t)2fy3(t)+Ky2(t),where K=max{x0}{(2r+1+σ22)(H1+x(t))+ax(t)bx2(t)}. Further, there is a constant H2>0, such that LV2(x(t),y(t))H2V2(x(t),y(t)).Substituting the above inequality into (Equation10) gives dV2(x(t),y(t))[H2V2(x(t),y(t))]dt+(2x(t)+y2(t))σ1x(t)dB1(t)+2(1+H1+x(t))σ2y2(t)dB2(t).Once again by the Itô formula, we get d[etV2(x(t),y(t))]=et[V2(x(t),y(t))dt+dV2(x(t),y(t))]H2etdt+et(2x(t)+y2(t))σ1x(t)dB1(t)+2et(1+H1+x(t))σ2y2(t)dB2(t).Integrating both sides of the above inequality from 0 to t, and then taking expectations, we get etEV2(x(t),y(t))V2(x(0),y(0))+H2(et1),This implies that lim suptEV2(x(t),y(t))H2.On the other hand, we have (x(t),y(t))22max{x2(t),y2(t)}2V2(x(t),y(t)),Therefore, we can obtain lim suptE(x(t),y(t))22lim suptEV2(x(t),y(t))2H2:=C1.

Based on the above conclusion, we can obtain the stochastically ultimate boundedness of the solution (x(t),y(t)) of system (Equation4).

Theorem 3.3

The solution of system (Equation4) is stochastically ultimately bounded.


By Lemma 3.2, there is C1>0 such that lim suptE(x(t),y(t))2C1.Now, for any ϵ>0, let H=2C1ϵ, then by Chebyshev inequality, we have P{(x(t),y(t))>H}E(x(t),y(t))2H2,Hence lim suptP{(x(t),y(t))>H}C1ϵ2C1=ϵ2<ϵ.By Definition 3.1, the solution of system (Equation4) is stochastically ultimately bounded.

4. Stochastic permanence

Definition 4.1


The solution X(t)=(x(t),y(t)) of system (Equation4) is said to be stochastically permanent, if for any ϵ(0,1), there exists a pair of positive constants M1=M1(ϵ) and M2=M2(ϵ), such that for any initial value X(0)=(x(0),y(0))R+2, the solution X(t)=(x(t),y(t)) to system (Equation4) has the properties that lim inftP{X(t)M1}1ϵ,lim inftP{X(t)M2}1ϵ.

For convenient of discussion, we give the following assumption.

Assumption A


Theorem 4.2

If Assumption A holds, there exists a positive constant F(θ,p), which is independent of the initial value X(0)=(x(0),y(0))R+2, such that the solution X(t) of system (Equation4) has the property that (11) lim suptE(1X(t)θ)F,(11) where 0<θ<2 is an arbitrary positive constant satisfying (12) θ+12max{σ12,σ22}<min{a,r1h},(12) and p>0 satisfying (13) p+θ(θ+1)2max{σ12,σ22}<θmin{a,r1h}.(13)


Define U(X(t))=U(x(t),y(t))=1x(t)+y(t), by the Itô formula, we obtain dU(X(t))=U2(X(t))[x(t)(abx(t)(λ+αy(t))y(t)1+h(λ+αy(t))x(t))+y(t)(rfy(t)m+x(t))]dt+U3(X(t))[σ12x2(t)+σ22y2(t)]dtU2(X(t))[σ1x(t)dB1(t)+σ2y(t)dB2(t)]=LU(X(t))dtU2(X(t))(σ1x(t)dB1(t)+σ2y(t)dB2(t)),where LU(X(t))=U2(X(t))[x(t)(abx(t)(λ+αy(t))y(t)1+h(λ+αy(t))x(t))+y(t)(rfy(t)m+x(t))]+U3(X(t))[σ12x2(t)+σ22y2(t)].Under Assumption A, there certainly exists a constant θ such that it satisfies (Equation12). And denote W(X(t))=(1+U(X(t)))θ, then by the Itô formula, we get dW(X(t))=LW(X(t))dtθ(1+U(X(t)))θ1U2(X(t))[σ1x(t)dB1(t)+σ2y(t)dB2(t)],where LW(X(t))=θ(1+U(X(t)))θ1U2(X(t))x(t)(abx(t)(λ+αy(t))y(t)1+h(λ+αy(t))x(t))θ(1+U(X(t)))θ1U2(X(t))y(t)(rfy(t)m+x(t))+θ(1+U(X(t)))θ1U3(X(t))[σ12x2(t)+σ22y2(t)]+θ(θ1)2(1+U(X(t)))θ2U4(X(t))[σ12x2(t)+σ22y2(t)].By (Equation13), we can choose p>0 sufficiently small such that it satisfies p+θ(θ+1)2max{σ12,σ22}<θmin{a,r1h}. Thus by the Itô formula, we compute L(eptW(X(t)))=eptLW(X(t))+peptW(X(t))=eptθ(1+U(X(t)))θ1U2(X(t))x(t)(abx(t)(λ+αy(t))y(t)1+h(λ+αy(t))x(t))eptθ(1+U(X(t)))θ1U2(X(t))y(t)(rfy(t)m+x(t))+eptθ(1+U(X(t)))θ1U3(X(t))[σ12x2(t)+σ22y2(t)]+θ(θ1)2ept(1+U(X(t)))θ2U4(X(t))[σ12x2(t)+σ22y2(t)]+pept(1+U(X(t)))θ=ept(1+U(X(t)))θ2[p(1+U(X(t)))2+G(X(t))],where G(X(t))=θ(1+U(X(t)))U2(X(t))[x(t)(abx(t)(λ+αy(t))y(t)1+h(λ+αy(t))x(t))+y(t)(rfy(t)m+x(t))]+θ(θ+1)2U4(X(t))[σ12x2(t)+σ22y2(t)]+θU3(X(t))[σ12x2(t)+σ22y2(t)].It is easy to get that σ12x2(t)+σ22y2(t)max{σ12,σ22}(x2(t)+y2(t))max{σ12,σ22}1U2(X(t)),and x(t)(abx(t)(λ+αy(t))y(t)1+h(λ+αy(t))x(t))+y(t)(rfy(t)m+x(t))ax(t)bx2(t)x(t)y(t)hx(t)+ry(t)fmy2(t)=ax(t)+(r1h)y(t)bx2(t)fmy2(t)min{a,r1h}1U(X(t))max{b,fm}1U2(X(t)).Therefore G(X(t))θ(1+U(X(t)))U2(X(t))[min{a,r1h}1U(X(t))max{b,fm}1U2(X(t))]+θ(θ+1)2U2(X(t))max{σ12,σ22}+θU(X(t))max{σ12,σ22}.By θmin{a,r1h}θ(θ+1)2max{σ12,σ22}p>0, it is no difficult to see that there is a constant F1>0 such that L(eptW(X(t)))=ept(1+U(X(t)))θ2(p(1+U(X(t)))2+G(X(t)))ept(1+U(X(t)))θ2[p+θmax{b,fm}+U(X(t))(2pθmin{a,r1h}+θmax{b,fm}+θmax{σ12,σ22})U2(X(t))(θmin{a,r1h}θ(θ+1)2max{σ12,σ22}p)]ept(1+U(X(t)))θ2[p+θmax{b,fm}+U(X(t))(2p+θmax{b,fm}+θmax{σ12,σ22})U2(X(t))(θmin{a,r1h}θ(θ+1)2max{σ12,σ22}p)]F1ept.Then d(eptW(X(t)))=L(eptW(X(t)))eptθ(1+U(X(t)))θ1U2(X(t))(σ1x(t)dB1(t)+σ2y(t)dB2(t))F1eptdteptθ(1+U(X(t)))θ1U2(X(t))(σ1x(t)dB1(t)+σ2y(t)dB2(t)).Integrating both sides of the above inequality from 0 to t, and then taking the expectation, we obtain that eptE(1+U(X(t)))θ(1+U(X(0)))θ+F1(ept1)p(1+U(X(0)))θ+F2ept,where F2=F1p, so lim suptEUθ(X(t))lim suptE(1+U(X(t)))θF2.Note that (x(t)+y(t))θ2θ(x2(t)+y2(t))θ2=2θX(t)θ,Therefore lim suptE(1X(t)θ)2θlim suptEUθ(X(t))2θF2:=F.

Theorem 4.3

Under Assumption A, system (Equation4) is stochastically permanent.


By Theorem 4.2, there exists F>0 such that lim suptE(1X(t)θ)F.Thus, for any ϵ>0, let M1=(ϵ2F)1θ, then by Chebyshev inequality, we obtain P{X(t)<M1}=P{1X(t)θ>1M1θ}M1θE(1X(t)θ).It is straightforward to see that lim suptP{X(t)<M1}ϵ2FF=ϵ2<ϵ.In other words lim inftP{X(t)M1}1ϵ.On the other hand, by Theorem 3.3, we can see that there is a constant M2=H=2C1ϵ, such that lim suptP{X(t)>M2}<ϵ,that is lim inftP{X(t)M2}1ϵ.By Definition 4.1, the solution of system (Equation4) is stochastically permanent.

5. Persistent in mean and extinction

In this section, we discuss the persistence in mean and extinction for system (Equation4).

Definition 5.1



The population X(t) is said to be persistent in mean if lim inft1t0tX(s)ds>0,a.s.


The population X(t) is said to be extinct a.s. if limtX(t)=0,a.s.

Theorem 5.2

Suppose (x(t),y(t)) be a solution of system (Equation4) with the initial value (x(0),y(0))R+2, then:


If a>σ122 and r<σ222, then x is persistent in mean and y is extinct a.s.


If a<σ122 and r>σ222, then x is extinct a.s. and y is persistent in mean.


If a<σ122 and r<σ222, then both the populations x and y are extinct a.s.


(i) Applying Itô formula to lny(t), we have dlny(t)=(rσ222fy(t)m+x(t))dt+σ2dB2(t).Integrating both sides from 0 to t the above equation, it yields lny(t)=lny(0)+(rσ222)tf0ty(s)m+x(s)ds+σ2B2(t).Further, we have (14) lny(t)lny(0)+(rσ222)t+σ2B2(t).(14) Applying the strong law of large numbers of local martingales, we obtain limtσ2B2(t)t=0.Then dividing by t on both sides of (Equation14), and letting t, we can easily derive lim suptlny(t)trσ222<0,therefore limty(t)=0a.s.Hence for arbitrary ϵ1>0, there exist t1, such that (λ+αy(t))y(t)1+h(λ+αy(t))x(t)(λ+αy(t))y(t)ϵ1 for tt1. Thus, x(t)(abx(t)ϵ1)dt+σ1x(t)dB1(t)dx(t)x(t)(abx(t))dt+σ1x(t)dB1(t).Following Lemma A.1 of [Citation16], and by Comparison Theorem for the stochastic equation, we have lim inft1t0tx(s)dsaϵ1σ122b,lim supt1t0tx(s)dsaσ122b.For the arbitrary of ϵ1, we have limt1t0tx(s)ds=aσ122b>0.Similar to the proof of the above (i) and Theorem 3.4 of [Citation16], we may obtain conclusion (ii) and (iii). The details are omitted.

6. Numerical simulations

By using the Milstein method in [Citation17], we can get the discretization system corresponding to system (Equation4) as follows: (15) xk+1=xk+xk(abxk(λ+αyk)yk1+h(λ+αyk)xk)Δt+σ1xkΔtξk+σ122xk(ξk21)Δt,yk+1=yk+yk(rfykm+xk)Δt+σ2ykΔtηk+σ222yk(ηk21)Δt,(15) where Δt is time increment, ξk,ηk are two independent Gaussian random variables, and ξk,ηkN(0,1).

Example 6.1

For system (Equation4), we choose a=0.8, b=0.3, λ=0.5, α=0.25, h=1, r=0.5, f=0.8, m=1

By Theorem 3.3, we know that the solution of system (Equation4) is stochastically ultimately bounded. In order to verify this conclusion, we draw the solution curve ‘tx(t), y(t)’ with parameters (1) σ1=0,σ2=0, (2) σ1=0.15,σ2=0.15, and (3) σ1=0.3,σ2=0.3 respectively. In Figure , the figures of solution ‘tx(t), y(t)’ with the initial value (0.5,0.5) are drawn, which shows that the numerical result is identical to our theoretical result. Note that the solution of the deterministic system (4) (system (4) with σ1=0,σ2=0) is ultimately bounded since dx(t)x(t)[abx(t)]dt and dy(t)=y(t)[rfy(t)/(m+x(t))]dt, which leads to lim supt+x(t)a/b and lim supt+y(t)r[m+a/b]/f. Therefore, we conclude that noises do not influence the ultimate boundedness of the solution.

Figure 1. Solutions of system (Equation4) with a=0.8, b=0.3, λ=0.5, α=0.25, h=1, r=0.5, f=0.8, m=1. Green lines: σ1=σ2=0. Red lines: σ1=σ2=0.15. Blue lines: σ1=σ2=0.3.

Figure 1. Solutions of system (Equation4(4) {dx(t)=x(t)[a−bx(t)−(λ+αy(t))y(t)1+h(λ+αy(t))x(t)]dt+σ1x(t)dB1(t),dy(t)=y(t)(r−fy(t)m+x(t))dt+σ2y(t)dB2(t).(4) ) with a=0.8, b=0.3, λ=0.5, α=0.25, h=1, r=0.5, f=0.8, m=1. Green lines: σ1=σ2=0. Red lines: σ1=σ2=0.15. Blue lines: σ1=σ2=0.3.

Example 6.2

For system (Equation4), we choose a=1, b=0.6, λ=0.8, α=0.25, h=1, r=1.5, f=1, m=0.2.

Considering system (4) with σ1=σ2=0. It is easily know that the solution (x(t),y(t)) of the deterministic system (Equation4) with the initial value (x(0),y(0))R+2 is positive. Therefore, it is true, for r1h>0, that dx(t)+dy(t)[ax(t)bx2(t)1hy(t)+ry(t)fmy2(t)]dtmin{a,r1h}[x(t)+y(t)]max{b,fm}[x2(t)+y2(t)]min{a,r1h}[x(t)+y(t)]max{b,fm}[x(t)+y(t)]2.Further, we have lim inft+[x(t)+y(t)]min{a,r1h}/max{b,fm}. Let mx+y=min{a,r1h}/max{b,fm}. Then we have 2lim inft+(x(t),y(t))2lim inft+[x(t)+y(t)]2=mx+y2. Meanwhile, similar to Example 6.1, the ultimate boundedness of the solution for the deterministic system (4) is easily obtained. Hence, by Definition 4.1, we know that system (Equation4) with σ1=σ2=0 is permanent.

Next, the white noises are considered. Let σ1=0.2, σ2=0.2. By computing, we have 12max{σ12,σ22}min{a,r1h}=0.48<0,which implies that all the parameters satisfy ‘Assumption A’. Similarly, we choose σ1=0.5, σ2=0.5. It is obvious that ‘Assumption A’ is also true. By Theorem 4.3, system (Equation4) is stochastically permanent. In Figure , we draw figures of solution ‘tx(t),y(t)’ with the initial value (0.2,0.2), and the stochastical permanence of system (Equation4) is shown.

Figure 2. Solutions of system (Equation4) with a=1, b=0.6, λ=0.8, α=0.25, h=1, r=1.5, f=1, m=0.2. Green lines: σ1=σ2=0. Red lines: σ1=σ2=0.2. Blue lines: σ1=σ2=0.5.

Figure 2. Solutions of system (Equation4(4) {dx(t)=x(t)[a−bx(t)−(λ+αy(t))y(t)1+h(λ+αy(t))x(t)]dt+σ1x(t)dB1(t),dy(t)=y(t)(r−fy(t)m+x(t))dt+σ2y(t)dB2(t).(4) ) with a=1, b=0.6, λ=0.8, α=0.25, h=1, r=1.5, f=1, m=0.2. Green lines: σ1=σ2=0. Red lines: σ1=σ2=0.2. Blue lines: σ1=σ2=0.5.

It is revealed by Theorem 4.3 that white noises do not influence the permanence when the intensity of white noises is not too strong and satisfies ‘Assumption A’.

Example 6.3

For system (Equation4), we choose a=1, b=0.6, λ=0.8, α=0.25, h=1, r=1.5, f=1, m=0.2.

These parameters are the same as those in Example 6.2. In order to see the influence of white noises, in the following, we change the intensity of white noises.


Let σ1=0.2, σ2=1.8. Obviously, σ1 is also the same as that in Example 6.2 but σ2 becomes bigger than that in Example 6.2. Then, we get σ122=0.02<a,σ222=1.62>r.It implies that all the parameters satisfy the condition (i) of Theorem 5.2. In Figure , we draw the curve of solution ‘tx(t),y(t)’ with initial value (0.2,0.2). Meanwhile, the curve of solution ‘tx(t), y(t)’ with initial value (0.2,0.2) for the corresponding deterministic system are drawn. It is shown by this figure that conclusion (i) of Theorem 5.2 is true. Since the predator is influenced by the white noise with the strong intensity, its dynamic behaviour changes. The strong white noise influences the dynamic behaviour of the population while the weak white noise influences are weak. while influences of the weak white noise are tiny.


Let σ1=1.5, σ2=0.2. Obviously, σ2 is also the same as that in Example 6.2 but σ1 becomes bigger than that in Example 6.2. Then, we get σ122=1.125>a,σ222=0.02<r.It implies that all the parameters satisfies the condition (ii) of Theorem 5.2. In Figure , we draw the curve of solution ‘tx(t), y(t)’ with the initial value (0.2,0.2). Meanwhile, the curve of solution ‘tx(t), y(t)’ with the initial value (0.2,0.2) for the corresponding deterministic system is drawn. It is shown by this figure that conclusion (ii) of Theorem 5.2 is true. Since the prey is influenced by the white noise with the strong intensity, its dynamic behaviour changes. The strong white noise influences the dynamic behaviour of the population while the weak white noise influences is weak.


let σ1=1.5, σ2=1.8. Obviously, σ1 and σ1 become bigger than that in Example 6.2. Then, we get σ122=1.125>a,σ222=1.62>r.It implies that all the parameters satisfies the condition (iii) of Theorem 5.2. In Figure , we draw the curve of solution ‘tx(t), y(t)’ with initial value (0.2,0.2). Meanwhile the curve of solution ‘tx(t), y(t)’ with initial value (0.2,0.2) for the corresponding deterministic system are drawn. It shows that conclusion (iii) of Theorem 5.2 is true. Moreover, white noise can change the properties of system (Equation4) when the intensity of white noises is sufficiently large. The stochastic system (Equation4) will be extinct even if the corresponding deterministic system is persistent.

Figure 3. Solutions of system (Equation4) with a=1, b=0.6, λ=0.8, α=0.25, h=1, r=1.5, f=1, m=0.2. Red lines: σ1=0.2,σ2=1.8. Blue lines: σ1=σ2=0.

Figure 3. Solutions of system (Equation4(4) {dx(t)=x(t)[a−bx(t)−(λ+αy(t))y(t)1+h(λ+αy(t))x(t)]dt+σ1x(t)dB1(t),dy(t)=y(t)(r−fy(t)m+x(t))dt+σ2y(t)dB2(t).(4) ) with a=1, b=0.6, λ=0.8, α=0.25, h=1, r=1.5, f=1, m=0.2. Red lines: σ1=0.2,σ2=1.8. Blue lines: σ1=σ2=0.

Figure 4. Solutions of system (Equation4) with a=1, b=0.6, λ=0.8, α=0.25, h=1, r=1.5, f=1, m=0.2. Red lines: σ1=1.5,σ2=0.2. Blue lines: σ1=σ2=0.

Figure 4. Solutions of system (Equation4(4) {dx(t)=x(t)[a−bx(t)−(λ+αy(t))y(t)1+h(λ+αy(t))x(t)]dt+σ1x(t)dB1(t),dy(t)=y(t)(r−fy(t)m+x(t))dt+σ2y(t)dB2(t).(4) ) with a=1, b=0.6, λ=0.8, α=0.25, h=1, r=1.5, f=1, m=0.2. Red lines: σ1=1.5,σ2=0.2. Blue lines: σ1=σ2=0.

Figure 5. Solutions of system (Equation4) with a=1, b=0.6, λ=0.8, α=0.25, h=1, r=1.5, f=1, m=0.2. Red lines: σ1=1.5,σ2=1.8. Blue lines: σ1=σ2=0.

Figure 5. Solutions of system (Equation4(4) {dx(t)=x(t)[a−bx(t)−(λ+αy(t))y(t)1+h(λ+αy(t))x(t)]dt+σ1x(t)dB1(t),dy(t)=y(t)(r−fy(t)m+x(t))dt+σ2y(t)dB2(t).(4) ) with a=1, b=0.6, λ=0.8, α=0.25, h=1, r=1.5, f=1, m=0.2. Red lines: σ1=1.5,σ2=1.8. Blue lines: σ1=σ2=0.

7. Conclusion

In this paper, a stochastic predator–prey system with modified Leslie–Gower and hunting cooperation among predators is studied. We first prove the existence and uniqueness of a global positive solution, and we investigate the stochastically ultimate boundedness, and the stochastic permanence of the solution. Then several sufficient conditions are established for persistence in mean and extinction. In the end, using Matlab software, some numerical simulations are provided to verify our results.

Some interesting conclusions are obtained. First, the ultimate boundedness of solution is not influenced by noises no matter how strong the intensity of noises is. However, white noises may influence the persistence. Noting that all parameters are the same except the values of σ1 and σ2 in Example 6.2 and 6.3; therefore, the influence of white noise is revealed directly by comparing Figures  and . Figure  reveals a fact that the permanence do not influenced by white noises when the intensity of white noises is not too strong and satisfies ‘Assumption A’. But, when the intensity of white noises is strong enough, what will occur for the dynamic behaviours of system (4)? The changes of the solution for system (4) are clear in Figures . If the predator is influenced by strong noise, its persistence will be destroyed, and it may be go to extinct(see Figure ). It is the same for the prey (see Figure ). Further, If the predator and the prey are influenced by strong noises, their persistence will be destroyed, and they may be go to extinct(see Figure ). Therefore, in order to the persistence of system (4), system should avoid being affected by white noise.

In the future, we will study other properties further. For instance, we will investigate the existence of the stationary distribution for system (Equation4) and others.

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