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Aziz Yakubu

I first met Aziz at the MBI at Ohio State about 10 years ago. I liked him immediately because he was  open, friendly, positive, and enthusiastic, and we became friends. He was filled with ideas about mathematical biology and about how to make mathematics at Howard University better. For many years, he and I organized mathematical biology workshops at Howard that connected Medical School researchers and NIH scientists to the mathematics faculty. I know he is badly missed at Howard where he was Chair of Mathematics for a long time.

What I miss is his smile and his laughter. He had great good humour, trust in the goodness of others, and the ability to overcome difficulties with a calm, steady personality, and a good dose of irony. He would pick me up in the morning and we’d drive down Georgia Avenue to Howard, talking like mad and making plans, while Aziz drifted slowly from lane to lane. When I objected to the drifting, he’d smile, laugh, and reassure me that all would be well.

Well, all was not well. We lost him way too young, when he had so much more to give, to mathematical biology, to Howard, to his wife, Najat, and to his African roots. I have the deepest admiration for Aziz because, despite his success in America he never forgot about Africa, African mathematicians, and the fact that infectious diseases take such a high toll there. He can rest well knowing that mathematicians on two continents miss him dearly.