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The application of open standards to enhance the interoperability of geoscience information

Pages 14-30 | Received 17 Jul 2009, Published online: 14 Apr 2010


We can adequately study broad global issues and policies only by taking geosciences into account. Our research and decision-making must share and make effective use of interdisciplinary data sources, models, and processes. Non-interoperability impedes sharing of data and computing resources. Standards from the Open Geospatial Consortium (OGC) and other organizations are the basis for successfully deploying a seamless, distributed information infrastructure for the geosciences. Several specifications now adopted by the OGC consensus process are the result of OGC interoperability initiatives. The OGC standards, deployment architectures, and interoperability initiatives are described showing how the OGC standards baseline has been developed and applies to the geosciences.

Interoperability for geosciences based on open standards

Interoperability is essential for geosciences

We can adequately study broad global issues and policies only by utilizing interoperability in the geosciences. Research and decision-making must share and make effective and combined use of interdisciplinary data sources, models, and processes. Lack of interoperability impedes sharing of data and computing resources. The US Climate Change Science Program stated the overall challenge as ‘to provide seamless, platform-independent, timely, and open access to integrated data, products, information, and tools with sufficient accuracy and precision to address climate and associated global changes' (Climate Change Science Program and the Subcommitte on Global Change Research (CCSP) 2004).

Seamless discovery of relevant information from data providers around the world is achieved through standards-based protocols and metadata. Too much of researchers' time has traditionally been spent on locating data and many times there are datasets that satisfactorily fit the need that go undiscovered. Access to geoscience data in a fashion similar to the World Wide Web (WWW) dramatically reduces the time spent finding and evaluating data. This Internet-enabled access through web services is only possible through common implementations of interoperability agreements.

Accuracy and precision of scientific data and information are achieved only through agreements about the data itself and how it is stored. Definitions for observable phenomena, the method for measuring the phenomena and the accurate interpretation of the location of data all depend upon translating existing scientific understandings into the languages spoken by computers. In addition to the domain accuracy, conventions are needed to document how data is to be structured and encoded in digital file formats. Without these agreements, data that was previously acquired becomes unavailable. The International Council for Science (ICSU) has stated the challenge this way:

The assumption that future scientists will be able to use data collected over long time periods and to integrate data from disparate sources to create new datasets is dependent upon interoperability of the data, software (including both data base and analytic software), and hardware. Coordination in standards development and the use of commonly accepted standards are needed to promote data interoperability, so that data collected in different countries, in different time periods, using different software and hardware configurations, and across different disciplines can be integrated. (ICSU Citation2004)

Scalability of information systems becomes important as researchers face increasingly large repositories of geospatial data stored in different locations and in various formats. Economies of scale and scope are achieved through interoperability based upon open standards. In the context of e-Science, the National Science Foundation's Cyberinfrastructure Council argues that:

The use of standards creates economies of scale and scope for developing and deploying common resources, tools, software, and services that enhance the use of cyberinfrastructure in multiple science and engineering communities. This approach allows maximum interoperability and sharing of best practices. A standards-based approach will ensure that access to cyberinfrastructure will be independent of operating systems; ubiquitous, and open to large and small institutions. (National Science Foundation Cyberinfrastructure Council (NSF) Citation2007)

To achieve this vision of seamless access to geosciences data in a fashion similar to the WWW, requires a high degree of collaboration between scientists and engineers – the scientists with extensive knowledge of agreements about geosciences, and the engineers with knowledge in implementing the interoperable systems based on internet and web technologies. This collaboration is a challenge that can be seen in the assessment of the World Meteorological Organization (WMO) regarding implementing the Global Climate Observing System:

Currently, there are a number of independent data archives maintained for individual projects or specific scientific areas for individual agencies. The efficiency and effectiveness of the research community will be maximized by assuring that users can work simply with the widest possible set of data regardless of source. This can be facilitated through appropriate degrees of interoperability and establishment of common standards for data formats and comprehensive meta-data. (WMO Citation2004)

Standards are necessary for interoperability

As interoperability is necessary for seamless geoscience information systems, so too are standards necessary in order to achieve interoperability of information system implementations. Standards are the basis for the success of the Internet (or Net) and the WWW. The Net has reshaped how we view and share information. Standards are a fundamental enabling technology of the Net. These standards allow thousands of applications, vendor solutions, and technologies to be interoperable. The Net, via standards, is vendor- and content-neutral. A standard describes a set of rules that have been agreed to in some industry consensus forum, such as the Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF), the International Organization for Standardization (ISO), or Citationthe Open Geospatial Consortium (OGC).

As described in ‘The Importance of Going Open’ (OGC Citation2005), non-interoperability impedes the sharing of data and the sharing of computing resources, causing organizations to spend much more than necessary on geospatial information technology development. Organizations like the OGC, the WWW Consortium (W3C), the IETF, and others are open organizations in the sense that any individual or organization can participate, the topics of debate are largely public, decisions are democratic (usually by consensus), and specifications are free and readily available. An ‘open’ process is necessary to arrive at an ‘open’ standard. The openness that OGC promotes is part of this general progress.

The Open Geospatial Consortium (OGC)

The OGCFootnote1 is an international not-for-profit voluntary industry consensus standards organization that provides a forum and proven processes for the collaborative development of free and publicly available interface specifications (open standards). These open standards enable easier access to and use of geospatial information and improved interoperability of geospatial technologies (across any device, platform, system, network, or enterprise) to meet the needs of the global community. OGC open standards have been implemented broadly in the marketplace and are helping to foster distributed and component technology solutions that geo-enable web, wireless, and location based services as well as broader government and business IT enterprises worldwide.

To accomplish the mission of the Consortium, OGC conducts three programs:

  • OGC's Specification Program facilitates formal consensus-based committees, working groups and special interest groups that establish a forum for OGC's industry, academic/research and user community members to collaboratively identify, prioritize, and advance solutions to meet standards needs of the global community.

  • OGC's Interoperability Program promotes rapid prototyping, testing, and validation of emerging standards through fast-paced testbeds, experiments, pilot initiatives, and related feasibility studies.

  • OGC's Outreach and Community Adoption Program conducts programs (training, articles in publications, workshops, conferences, etc.) to promote awareness and implementation of OGC standards across the global community.

OGC works closely with standards organizations and consortia in the technology community. For example, OGC maintains alliances for coordination with these organizations:
  • IETF.

  • Organization for the Advancement of Structured Information Standards (OASIS).

  • International Organization for Standards (ISO).

  • Digital Geospatial Information Working Group (DGIWG).

  • WMO.

  • IEEE

  • Global Spatial Data Infrastructure Association (GSDI).

  • Object Management Group (OMG).

  • Web3D

  • W3C.

  • Simulation Interoperability Standards Organization.

  • Taxonomic Data Working Group (TDWG).

Deployment and operation of information systems is dependent upon the coordinated application of many standards. OGC works with the related standards-developing organizations so the coordination of standards happens long before an organization is deploying a system. The OGC role in the standards universe is displayed in . OGC coordinates with ISO and other de jure standards bodies, as many countries require use of de jure standards. OGC coordinates with many de facto standards organizations as they affect the deployment environment.

Figure 1.  Where does OGC fit in the ‘standards’ world?

Figure 1.  Where does OGC fit in the ‘standards’ world?

The Open Geospatial Consortium (OGC) standards for geosciences

The Open Geospatial Consortium (OGC) web services (OWS)

Multiple OGC standards have been established for geospatial data in a Web Services environment.Footnote2 OGC web services (OWS) are defined using open non-proprietary Internet standards; in particular the WWW standards of HTTP, Uniform Resource Locators (URLs), Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions (MIME) types and the Extensible Markup Language (XML).

  • The OpenGIS® Web Map Service (WMS) Implementation Specification provides three operations (GetCapabilities, GetMap, and GetFeatureInfo) in support of the creation and display of registered and superimposed map-like views of information that come simultaneously from multiple remote and heterogeneous sources.

  • The OpenGIS Web Feature Service (WFS) Implementation Specification allows a client to retrieve and update geospatial data encoded in Geography Markup Language (GML) from multiple WFSs. The specification defines interfaces for data access and manipulation operations on geographic features. Via these interfaces, a Web user or service can combine, use, and manage geodata from different sources. A Transactional WFS includes the optional Transaction operation to insert, update, or delete a feature.

  • The OpenGIS Web Coverage Service (WCS) Implementation Specification allows clients to access part of a grid coverage offered by a server. The data served by a WCS is grid data usually encoded in a binary image format. The output includes coverage metadata.

  • The Catalogue Service for the Web (CSW) is one binding defined in the OpenGIS Catalogue Services Specification. The Catalogue standard defines common interfaces to discover, browse, and query metadata about data, services, and other potential resources.

  • The OpenGIS® GML Encoding Implementation Standard is an XML grammar to express geographical features. GML serves as a modeling language for geographic systems as well as an open interchange format for geographic transactions on the Internet. The GML information model is based on the ISO 19100 series of International Standards and the OGC Abstract Specification. In addition, GML provides XML encodings for additional concepts not yet modeled in the ISO 19100 series of International Standards or the OpenGIS Abstract Specification, for example, dynamic features, simple observations, or value objects.

Sensor Web Enablement (SWE) standards

In much the same way that HTML and HTTP standards enable the exchange of any type of information on the Web, the Sensor Web Enablement (SWE) initiative is focused on developing standards to enable the discovery exchange, and processing of sensors and corresponding observations, as well as the tasking of sensors and sensor systems (OGC Citation2008a). The functionality that OGC has targeted within the Sensor Web includes:

  • Discovery of sensor systems, observations, and observation processes that meet our immediate needs.

  • Determination of a sensor's capabilities and quality of measurements.

  • Access to sensor parameters that automatically allow software to process and geo-locate observations.

  • Retrieval of real-time or time-series observations and coverages in standard encodings.

  • Tasking of sensors to acquire observations of interest.

  • Subscription to and publishing of alerts to be issued by sensors or sensor services based upon certain criteria.

Within the SWE initiative, the enablement of such a Sensor Web is being pursued through the establishment of several encodings for describing sensors and sensor observations, and through several standard interface definitions for web services. SWE standards that have been built and prototyped by members of the OGC include the following OpenGIS Specifications:
  • Sensor Model Language (SensorML) – standard models and XML Schema for describing the processes within sensor and observation processing systems; includes common data representation models valid for all SWE encodings and service interface standards; provides information needed for discovery, georeferencing, and processing of observations, as well as tasking sensors and simulations.

  • Observations & Measurements (O&M) – The general models and XML encodings for observations and measurements made using sensors.

  • Transducer Model Language (TML) – Conceptual approach and XML encoding for supporting real-time streaming observations and tasking commands from and to sensor systems.

  • Sensor Observation Service (SOS) – An open interface for a service by which a client can obtain observations and sensor and platform descriptions from one or more sensors.

  • Sensor Planning Service (SPS) – An open interface for a service by which a client can (1) determine the feasibility of collecting data from one or more sensors or models and (2) submit collection requests to these sensors and configurable processes.

  • Sensor Alert Service (SAS) – An open interface for a web service for publishing of and subscribing to deliverable alerts from sensor or simulation systems.

  • Web Notification Service (WNS) – An open interface for a service by which a client may conduct asynchronous dialogues (message interchanges) with one or more other services.

The sensor web standards infrastructure defined by these SWE specifications constitutes a revolution in the discovery, assessment and control of live data sources and archived sensor data.

Geoprocessing Workflow

Geoprocessing is the processing of spatially related data. Workflow is ‘automation of a business process, in whole or part, during which documents, information or tasks are passed from one participant to another for action, according to a set of procedural rules’ (OGC, forthcoming). Geoprocessing Workflow brings both terms together as an automation of a spatial process/model, in whole or part, during which information is passed from one distributed Geoprocessing Service to another according to a set of procedural rules using standardized interfaces.

The concept of a workflow can be realized as a web service chain in order to pass information from one workflow participant (web service) to another. In other words, Geoprocessing Workflows integrate data and services in an interoperable way, where each part of the workflow is responsible for only a specific task, without being aware of the general purpose of the workflow. Due to the distributed nature of geographic data, Geoprocessing Workflows provide flexible means of processing highly distributed and complex data for a wide variety of uses.

OGC has implemented several variations of Geoprocessing Workflows. The most robust approach has consistently used OGC WPS and OASIS BPEL:

  • OGC Web Processing Service (WPS) – Provides rules for standardizing inputs and outputs (requests and responses) for geospatial processing services. The standard also defines how a client can request the execution of a process, and how the output from the process is handled. It defines an interface that facilitates the publishing of geospatial processes and clients’ discovery of and binding to those processes. The data required by the WPS can be delivered across a network or it can be available at the server.

  • OASIS Business Process Execution Language for Web Services (BPEL4WS or BPEL for short) defines a notation for specifying business process behavior based on Web Services

An example deployment architecture

Previous sections discussed the OGC standards that serve as building blocks for deployments. The standards can be deployed in a variety of architectures. An example deployment architecture is shown in . The bottom tier of the figure shows components deploying OGC SWE standards in several possible configurations: sensor network; mission control centre; standalone sensor. These SWE services are available directly to end users, are registered in a catalogue and may be accessed by components in the access and processing Node. The access and processing Node contains several archive datastores made accessible via WCS and WFS with all services and datasets registered in the catalogue. Additionally the WPS along with a Geoprocessing Workflow environment processes the SWE-accessible observations into semantically richer and more specific information.

Figure 2.  Example deployment architecture using OGC standards.

Figure 2.  Example deployment architecture using OGC standards.

This example deployment shows a value chain lifecycle of sensor-produced observations, from raw unprocessed data granules to information products and services delivered to applications and consumers. Depending on the requirements, sensor data may be delivered to the user in its most elemental unprocessed form, processed into an observation object complete with the metadata and processes used to estimate a value describing a phenomenon, or processed further, for example, into single-valued geographic feature or multi-valued coverage representations. This architecture has been deployed in various geoscience applications.

The Open Geospatial Consortium (OGC) Reference Model (ORM)

For a full view of the OGC developments, the OGC Reference Model (ORM) (OGC Citation2008b) describes the OGC standards baseline focusing on relationships between the baseline documents. The OGC standards Baseline consists of the approved OpenGIS® Abstract and Implementation Standards (Interface, Encoding, Profile, Application Schema) and Best Practice documents.

By providing an overview of the OGC standards baseline, the ORM gives insight into the current state of the work of the OGC. The ORM is a basis for coordination and understanding of the OGC documents. And the ORM can be a resource for defining architectures for specific applications. The ORM is an excellent place to gain a summary understanding of OGC. Then the reader can proceed to review OGC specifications that contain detail on specific topics.

Geoscience applications using the Open Geospatial Consortium (OGC) standards

This section describes several projects that are applying OGC standards. The projects benefit from the use of adopted standards while also providing experience of using the standards back to the consensus process for refining the standards. The examples listed are only a subset of the many international projects embracing OGC standards.

Global Earth Observing System of Systems (GEOSS)

The Group on Earth Observations (GEO) is developing the Global Earth Observing System of Systems (GEOSS).Footnote3 GEOSS is simultaneously addressing nine areas of critical importance to people and society. It aims to empower the international community to protect itself against natural and human-induced disasters, understand the environmental sources of health hazards, manage energy resources, respond to climate change and its impacts, safeguard water resources, improve weather forecasts, manage ecosystems, promote sustainable agriculture, and conserve biodiversity.

Development of GEOSS includes use of OGC standards and support through several OGC interoperability initiatives: OGC standards are cited as GEOSS Interoperability Arrangements; OGC is a co-leader of the GEOSS Standards and Interoperability Forum (SIF); and OGC is leading the development of the GEOSS Architecture Implementation Pilot (AIP).

The success of GEOSS will depend on data and information providers accepting and implementing a set of ‘interoperability arrangements,’ including technical specifications for collecting, processing, storing, and disseminating shared data, metadata and products (GEO Citation2005). GEOSS interoperability is based on non-proprietary standards, with preference given to formal international standards. Interoperability is focused on interfaces, defining only how system components communicate with each other and thereby minimizing any impact on affected systems other than where such systems have interfaces to the shared architecture. GEO has established a process for reaching, maintaining, and upgrading GEOSS Interoperability Arrangements, informed by ongoing dialogue with major international programs and consortia.

OGC standards along with other standards have been registered as interoperability arrangements in GEOSS Standards Registry, which is managed by the GEO SIF.Footnote4 The SIF is a group of international volunteers that share the desire to help the development and support the efforts of GEOSS interoperability. This particular group focuses on the standards and services used to facilitate interoperability between the various GEOSS components and services.

The GEOSS AIP leads the incorporation of contributed components consistent with the GEOSS Architecture in support of the GEOSS Societal Benefit Areas (SBAs).Footnote5 AIP has completed two development phases. In 2007, AIP-1 contributed to the establishment of an Initial Operating Capability for the GEOSS Common Infrastructure consisting of the GEO Web Portal, Clearinghouse, and Registry components along with processes to register, discover and use services accessible via GEOSS Interoperability Arrangements. In 2009, AIP-2 augmented the GEOSS Common Infrastructure through development of capability for several SBAs; by promoting the concept of ‘persistent exemplar’ components; and by elaborating the GEOSS Architecture. AIP-2 defined a reusable process – consisting of geoscience scenarios and geoinformatics use cases – for use in further developing SBA applications using the GEOSS Architecture

Digital Earth for geosciences

In 1998, US Vice-President Al Gore put forth a vision of ‘Digital Earth’ as a multi-resolution, 3D representation of the planet that would make it possible to find, visualize, and make sense of vast amounts of geo-referenced information on the physical and social environment. A Digital Earth could provide a mechanism for users to navigate and search for geospatial information – and for producers to publish it. The Digital Earth would be composed of both the ‘user interface’ – a browsable, 3D version of the planet available at various levels of resolution, a rapidly growing universe of networked geospatial information, and the mechanisms for integrating and displaying information from multiple sources.

It was anticipated in Gore's speech that Digital Earth would be built on several key Web and Internet standards. In fact, a key portion of Digital Earth vision has been realized in the several 3D geobrowsers now available for accessing much geospatial data through standards like KML and WMS.

Although these advances have made a tremendous change in the way people access geospatial information, the full Digital Earth vision has yet to be achieved. Craglia, et al. (Citation2008), argue that the vision has not been achieved, ‘because in parallel to increased availability and access to information, our collective awareness of the need to understand interdependencies of environmental and social phenomena on a global scale has also increased.’ They point out that since Gore's speech a stronger emphasis on distributed data and processes, and the interoperability of services to discover, view, access, and integrate spatial information has emerged. The interoperability of systems through services has been achieved through standards like those of the OGC.

Geo-interface for Air, Land, Earth, Ocean NetCDF (GALEON) Web Coverage Service (WCS) Interoperability Experiment (IE)

The OGC Geo-interface for Air, Land, Earth, Ocean NetCDF (GALEON) WCS Interoperability Experiment (IE) was undertaken to implement a geo-interface to Network Common Data Form (NetCDF) datasets via the WCS 1.0 protocol specification (Domenico Citation2007). One specific gateway implements the WCS as a layer above a set of client/server protocols and catalogue protocols already widely in use in the atmospheric and oceanographic sciences communities. In particular, it leveraged the widespread base of Open-source Project for a Network Data Access Protocol (OPeNDAP) servers that provide access to NetCDF datasets and accompanying Thematic Realtime Environmental Distributed Data Services (THREDDS) servers providing ancillary information about the datasets.

Extensive testing of the WCS interface for ‘fluid Earth systems’ (FES, mainly oceanography and atmospheric science) data was done in GALEON Phase I which concluded in 2006. In addition to the results of WCS client/server interaction experiments, some of the most important outcomes of GALEON are recommendations to modify OGC interface specifications. Those change requests have been taken on board by the WCS Standards Working Group making the WCS even more suited to FES.

GALEON Phase 2 is underway addressing a number of issues suggested by participants. The issues can be divided into two broad categories. The first has to do with testing the new WCS 1.1 specification; the second has to do with relationships among WCS and other OGC and ISO specifications such as CSW, WFS, SWE, and a number of GML profiles that have been developed recently.

Ocean Science Interoperability Experiment (IE)

The OGC Ocean Science IE (Oceans IE)Footnote6 brings together the ocean-observing community to advance interoperability of ocean-observing systems by using OGC standards. The Oceans IE Phase I investigated the use of WFS and SOS for representing and exchanging point data records from fixed in-situ marine platforms. The Oceans IE Phase I produced an engineering best practices report about how to implement SOS services and the OOSTethys reference implementations were adjusted to follow these best practices. Oceans IE Phase II builds on Phase I and continues the improvement and use of OGC specifications in the marine community.

Results of the Oceans IE Phase I are indicative of the value of collaboration of geosciences and geoinformatics. The Oceans IE Phase I investigated the use of WFS and SOS for representing and exchanging point data records from fixed in-situ marine platforms. It concluded that the use of SOS was better suited than the use of WFS for this purpose. By publishing an SOS service instead of a WFS service communities are not required to create and maintain GML application schemas, and interoperability at the client side is achieved; however this requires marine communities put effort into creating and maintaining controlled vocabularies.

The Open Geospatial Consortium (OGC) web services testbeds

OGC has conducted a series of testbeds that have included geoscience requirements and use cases and have resulted in standards adopted in the OGC consensus program. Testbeds provide an environment for fast-paced, multi-participant collaborative efforts to define, design, develop, and test candidate interface and encoding specifications. The OGC testbeds began with the Web Mapping Testbed in 1999. Since 2001, the OGC has conducted a series of OWS testbeds, which have developed hundreds of engineering reports, component implementations, and demonstrations relevant to the geosciences. The seventh testbed in the series (OWS-7) will begin in 2009.

The OWS testbeds have addressed geoscience requirements and use cases as identified by the testbed sponsors. The architecture of OWS as shown in has been deployed using these data and use cases:

  • Access, processing, archiving, and discovery of remotely sensed data from satellites and ground-based instruments including visible, hyperspectral, and radar instruments.

  • Access, processing, archiving, and discovery of in-situ sensors for seismic, water, and air pollution monitoring networks.

  • Management of complex processing workflows to produce value-added products involving processing for coordinate transformation, geolocation, image classification, hot-spot identification, rain event analysis, landslide detection, hurricane tracking, smoke, and particulate plume tracking, etc.

  • Visualization of geoscience analysis products based upon the access and processing listed above.

Figure 3.  Geospatial interoperability from sensing to decision support.

Figure 3.  Geospatial interoperability from sensing to decision support.

The Open Geospatial Consortium (OGC) Specification Program and geosciences

The Open Geospatial Consortium (OGC) Specification Program

The OGC Specification Program is the consensus process for adoption of OGC standards. The Specification Program organization includes many Domain Working Groups (DWGs). Key functions of the DWGs include:

  • Provide a forum for discussion and documentation of interoperability requirements for a given information or user community.

  • Provide a forum to discuss and recommend document actions related to Interoperability Program Reports.

  • Develop Change Requests Proposals (CRPs) for existing OGC standards.

  • Develop engineering reports with the intent of seeking approval by the Technical Committee (TC) for release of these documents as OGC White Papers, Discussion Papers or Best Practices Papers.

  • Informational presentations and discussions about the market use of adopted OGC standards.

DWGs exist for many of the major OGC standards as well as for SWE, Decision Support, Workflow, Data Preservation, Data Quality, and Metadata. Of particular relevance to the geosciences are the Earth Systems Science DWG, the Hydrology DWG, and the Meteorology DWG.

Earth Systems Science Domain Working Groups (DWG)

The Earth Systems Science DWG engages in outreach and dialogue with the natural resources and environment (NRE) information community to demonstrate the value of OGC processes and standards, and to provide a point of input for new requirements. Current focus of the group includes enhanced collaboration between and among research and scientific communities; sustainable development; discussion and vetting of application schemas for NRE; and outreach to, and communication with, other individuals and organizations in the NRE information community.

Hydrology Domain Working Groups (DWG)

The Hydrology DWG focuses on the ability to easily exchange water information in a timely and useful fashion. Water information, in general, is both highly spatial and highly temporal in nature. Water information is also an example of the kind of environmental information that is required to be shared across organizational and jurisdictional boundaries, which is facilitated by OGC's interoperability standards. The Hydrology DWG brings together interested parties to develop and promote the technology for greatly improving the way in which water information is described and shared. This working group is to be hosted by the OGC and co-chaired by a representative from the WMO's Commission for Hydrology (CHy).

The Meteorology Domain Working Groups (DWG)

The ability to easily exchange atmospheric, meteorological, and climatological information in a timely and useful fashion is becoming increasingly important. Meteorological data, in general, is multidimensional, continually evolving, highly spatial, and highly temporal in nature. The Meteorology DWG brings together OGC members in an open forum to work on meteorological and climatological data, metadata, and web services interoperability, greatly improving the way in which this information is described, shared, and used. This working group is to be hosted by the OGC and co-chaired by a representative from the WMO's Commission for Basic Systems (CBS).

Future developments

When technology development reaches a stable platform, it is valuable to look not only in summary at what has been established but to use that vantage point to scan the horizon for ideas on future development.

The OGC has defined a substantial baseline of standards that enable geospatial interoperability. The OGC consensus process has resulted in the ratification of 27 interface and encoding specifications as international standards. Hundreds of implementations of these standards are registered on the OGC website. OGC standards are required by policy in multiple government organizations. Using the platform of OGC achievements, several propositions are offered relevant to the future of the use of open standards in the geosciences. Guesses about the future are always wrong; some are useful.

The OGC has established several principles that guide its development of standards:

  • Space and time are a basic framework for understanding our world: the geosciences provide knowledge of what exists and what we can anticipate of our world using this spatial-temporal framework. This scientific knowledge mingles with the boarder information that exists in our information systems. By using common standards for space and time across the science and casual information systems, our understanding of our world continues to improve.

  • Open and free standards: OGC standards are developed using a process with a strong commitment to the OGC Intellectual Property Rights Policy. This policy aims to produce standards unencumbered by patent claims, thus allowing the market to develop software – both proprietary and open source – that meets the OGC standards. The OGC standards are offered at no cost on the OGC public website.

  • Focus on interfaces: OGC standards focus on the point of interaction between separately developed software. Therefore, many OGC standards describe the interface between software components and/or applications without regard for internal implementation.

  • Single abstract model, multiple bindings: One thing about standards is that there are many to choose from. Multiple standards will continue to be needed to meet the needs of the distinct operating environments. Consistency of the concepts across the multiple bindings is achieved in the OGC through a single implementation-neutral model – The OGC Abstract Specification.

  • Build on general IT: geospatial interoperability is achieved in the context of the larger information technology domain. OGC's standards development aims to first consider if there is a general IT standard that can be extended or profiled to meet the geospatial requirements.

  • Running code wins: The history of standards development is littered with good ideas that were never implemented. OGC processes require the co-development of specifications and software that implements and informs the standard. Multiple approaches to a specification will always be defined and debated. In the OGC, the approach supported by running code will rule the day.

With these principles in mind a sample of strategic propositions relevant to the application of open standards for geoscience information follow. Each of the propositions is organized in a similar manner. First, a thesis is offered as the proposition followed by an antithesis disputing the proposition. To resolve the dialectic, a synthesis is attempted followed by several possible actions.

Service Oriented Architecture (SOA) is an effective model for interoperability

  • Service Oriented Architecture (SOA) is a useful paradigm for achieving interoperability among distributed systems.

  • Unfortunately, SOA is too constraining and serves most as a marketing theme for non-interoperable implementations. SOA does not adequately address Representational State Transfer (REST) or event-based architectures.

  • Conclusion: SOA principles, for example as defined in the OASIS SOA Reference Model, are effective and valuable. Vendors’ SOA claims need to be checked. SOAP is not synonymous with SOA. The SOA emphasis on interfaces is a key to its effectiveness.

Web mapping did not change geosciences

  • Web mapping has popularized but not transformed the geosciences.

  • However, the way in which we understand the geosciences will be changed because the concepts of Geoscience will now be conveyed by the new methods.

  • Conclusion: It is incumbent upon Geoscience practitioners to insure that the knowledge established using previous techniques is not lost, but rather becomes visible through the new methods.

All models are wrong, but some are useful

  • Thus, geospatial models play a key role in understanding our world.

  • No, ‘All models are wrong, and increasingly you can succeed without them’ (Peter Norvig, Google) (Anderson Citation2008). Models are being replaced by large databases of unstructured information that is processed and linked.

  • Conclusion: search technology will probably not produce knowledge that derives from inference. Models will continue to develop as important scientific tools for predicting in the spatial world.

Semantic technologies have yet to show their value

  • Semantic technologies aim to augment human intelligence, but their value has yet to be shown.

  • Nevertheless, semantic technologies have been adopted by W3C. Products are commercially available and in use. Development of ontologies is a critical step to encoding knowledge in a computable fashion.

  • Conclusion: We should consider near-term practical benefits and leap-forward applications. Simple techniques are valuable like adding annotations to existing metadata to enable semantic mediation.

Cyberinfrastructure should be based on spatial interoperability standards

  • Cyberinfrastructure aims to enhance the research environment using computing services over the Internet. It needs to be based on standards for spatial interoperability.

  • While spatial is an element of cyberinfrastructure, often industry standards are a solution to market needs, not research needs.

  • Conclusion: OGC standards have a sound scientific basis. For example, the OGC approach to coordinate reference systems is based upon geodesy, and the Observation & Measurements standard is based upon measurement science.

Use System-of-Systems to scale up The Open Geospatial Consortium (OGC) interoperability

  • A System-of-systems (SoS) development approach is suited to the federation of systems – military systems, GEOSS, SDI, etc. – that can be very different and operate independently.

  • But is SoS practical? How can a federated decision process for selecting interface standards provide dependable results? What about security and flexibility?

  • Conclusion: SoS is an advance over the top-down, requirements-driven processes of Systems Engineering. SoS based on OGC standards will scale to large-scale information processing networks.


Interoperability is vital to progress and application of the geosciences. Open standards are essential to achieving interoperability in science information systems. The OGC, as a leader in the development of open standards for geospatial interoperability, has developed and approved a set of standards that meet this need. Working with other standards developing organizations, the OGC has developed and deployed standards considering the needs of geoscience knowledge. Standards-based information infrastructures are necessary to enable the highest order of geoscience development and to support humanity's critical decisions.

Notes on contributor

George Percivall is an accomplished leader in the development of information systems and international standards for geospatial information. As OGC's Chief Architect, he is responsible for the overall vision for the OGC baseline and its evolution through developments by OGC members. As Executive Director of OGC's Interoperability Program, he is responsible for managing OGC's Interoperability Program, which involves planning and executing testbeds, pilot projects, interoperability experiments etc., and for OGC's compliance testing program.

Prior to joining OGC, Mr. Percivall had leadership roles on several NASA projects. He was Chief Engineer of the Earth Observing System Data and Information System (EOSDIS) for the Landsat/Terra release; Principal engineer for NASA's Geospatial Interoperability Office; and, represented NASA in OGC, ISO TC211, and CEOS. He was the Director of the Geospatial Interoperability Group of GST, Inc. Previously, he led developments in Intelligent Transportation Systems with the US Automated Highway Consortium and General Motors Systems Engineering. He holds a BS in Physics and an MS in Electrical Engineering from the University of Illinois - Urbana.



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