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Research Article

Grade R Teacher Expressions of Themselves as Teachers of Early Numeracy Participating in an Intervention Programme



This paper explores Grade R teacher expressions of themselves as teachers of numeracy, and as teachers working in the transition phase of schooling, after their participation in a research-informed numeracy-focused professional development (PD) intervention. The Early Number Fun (ENF) programme had 33 teachers from 17 Eastern Cape schools participating monthly over 18 months. Inclusion of Grade R to schooling is relatively new following policy changes in Early Childhood Development. In-service support tends to be subsumed within the Foundation Phase without attention to the specialised nature of Grade R that emphasises learning through play. ENF focused on the development of specialised teacher knowledge to support the development of early number sense through play, particularly with conceptual manipulatives. Data sources include three pre-, during, and post-PD questionnaires. Findings reveal that participation in ENF, and access to multiple research informed numeracy resources, supported teachers in their relationship with numeracy and the teaching thereof. Questionnaire responses indicate greater confidence in themselves as knowledgeable teachers of numeracy and that belonging to the ENF community supported navigation of positive professional identities within the mixed messages of policy. The findings contribute to the community-supported field of Grade R PD research and early numeracy teaching and learning. In concluding we discuss implications of this research for Grade R PD and for policy.


In this paper we share the findings of an analysis of Grade R teachers’ questionnaire responses to their experiences and sense of themselves as teachers of numeracy and as specialised teachers, working in the transition phase of schooling, after participating in a research-informed Early Number Fun (ENF) professional development programme. ENF was explicitly designed as a community of practice (CoP) meeting regularly over an 18 month period. The design was informed by Lave and Wenger (Citation1991) and Wenger’s (Citation1998) socio-cultural learning theory, that argues that such communities hold powerful learning opportunities involving changing ways of being, belonging, doing and changing experiences (discussed below) for all participants. These changes link respectively to the four components of Wenger’s learning theory, namely: practice, meaning, identity and community.

While there is increasing recognition in South Africa and elsewhere (Feza, Citation2014; Atweh et al., Citation2014; Wright et al., Citation2006) that Grade R is a critically important year in terms of laying foundations for student learning trajectories, there is little research on in-service professional development (PD) of Grade R teachers. While some South African research focuses on the policy shifts and results thereof (e.g. van den Berg et al., Citation2013; Samuels et al., Citation2015), Grade R teaching practices and beliefs (e.g. Aronstam & Braund, Citation2015; Shaik, Citation2016) or levels of qualification and teacher preparation (e.g. Alex & Roberts, Citation2019), there is a gap in research that focuses on Grade R teacher learning in the context of in-service professional development programmes.

The overarching research question we address in this paper is: What did Grade R teachers learn through their participation in ENF? The sub-questions include:

What stated changes did teachers note in terms of their:

  1. numeracy teaching practices and experiences;

  2. ways of being Grade R teachers of numeracy;

  3. sense of belonging to ENF and the broader Foundation Phase (FP) community?

In most schools, especially those in poorer quintiles, inclusion of Grade R is relatively new following recent policy changes in Early Childhood Development (ECD) (Department of Basic Education (DBE), Citation2011a). In-service support for Grade R tends to be subsumed within the FP, without attention to the specialised nature of Grade R that emphasises, among other aspects, learning through play (Long, Citation2020). The findings from this study contribute to the still developing field of Grade R specific PD research and early numeracy teaching and learning. We conclude with discussion of the implications of our findings for South African Grade R policy and practice.

The Theoretical Frame and the Empirical Field

Background and Empirical Field

The South African Numeracy Chair Project (SANCP) has worked with primary teachers in the broader Makhanda area on various mathematics-focused, CoP-informed PD programmes since 2011 (see Graven, Citation2019; Graven et al., Citation2022). The focus includes improving mathematical learning and teaching through creating research and development opportunities. Central to the SANCP are collaborative partnerships between teachers, researchers and teacher educators, particularly in disadvantaged contexts. One SANCP goal was the establishment of a Grade R teacher support network and PD programme (ENF).

ENF involved 33 participants from 17 Eastern Cape schools in the broader Makana area surrounding Rhodes University. This included district advisors, teacher assistants, a curriculum specialist and Grade R teachers, who were supported by several SANCP team members and researchers (including the authors). The second author designed and coordinated the programme with the first author participating alongside teachers and assisting in organisational aspects. ENF met monthly over 18 months (April 2016 to November 2017) in sessions focused primarily on the teaching of numeracy but integrated with literacy and life skills (see Graven & Coles, Citation2017).

ENF provided learning opportunities focused on the development of specialised Grade R teacher knowledge for supporting the development of number sense through play, particularly with manipulatives that support developing understanding of key concepts. Each ENF session was thus accompanied by a variety of research-informed resources and manipulatives that were provided to teachers for classroom use (for example, 10 frames for developing a structural understanding of number, dice for supporting subitising and counting on, mathematics story books for developing understanding of pattern, and numeral and word recognition skills, etc.). A wide range of local early grade specialists and researchers were invited to lead sessions that built on their own research with learners and teachers (for example, Feza, Citation2016; Roberts & Stylianides, Citation2013; Venkat & Askew, Citation2021). These specialists shared research informed ideas and demonstrated the use of a range of conceptual and physical resources for Grade R (such as using the part–part–whole diagram and structured bead strings).

Theoretical Framework

Lave and Wenger (Citation1991) emphasise that learning is about co-participation resulting from increased access to central participation. They note ‘(learning) implies becoming a full participant, a member, a kind of person’ (p. 53) and define a ‘community of practice’ as ‘a set of relations among persons, activity, and world, over time and in relation with other tangential and overlapping communities of practice’ (p. 98). In this respect, Graven (Citation2004, p. 182) notes ‘Lave and Wenger’s perspective on learning has implications for ways of enabling learning. That is, learning is maximised if one maximises learners’ access to participation in, and the resources of a community of practice in which the development of identities in relation to that community are supported.’ Thus, the design of ENF and the analysis of the data in this paper are informed by two key assumptions: (a) teacher learning would be enhanced by creating opportunities for Grade R teacher participation within ENF; and (b) learning for all ENF members would involve changes in teachers’ and researchers’ ‘ways of being, doing, belonging, and experience’.

The ENF CoP was thus designed with a focus on maximising opportunities for teacher participation and access to specialised quality resources (both physical and knowledge resources). Since the same Grade R teachers and other ENF members met regularly over 18 months and focused on the joint enterprise of strengthening Grade R teaching of numeracy, ENF was de facto a CoP. Each ENF session began with teachers discussing their experiences of using and adapting community of practice ideas and resources in their classrooms. Some sessions were led by ENF teachers showing a video of their practice or sharing a range of photos of their learners’ productions following a trialled activity. As a result, many innovative adaptations to resources and suggested resource use occurred.

Wenger’s (Citation1998, p. 5) learning framework comprises four ‘deeply interconnected and mutually defining’ components. Namely: Practice—learning as doing; Identity—learning as becoming; Meaning—learning as experience; and Community—learning as belonging. Diagrammatically, ‘learning’ is in the centre with the four components in a circle around it. In our analysis of the teacher data about their reported learning gathered through the post-programme questionnaire, different questions foreground different learning components. As a result, teacher responses focus on different aspects of learning depending on the component foregrounded. However, in line with the interlinked nature of the components, inevitably their responses connect across all components (see ).

Figure 1. Wenger’s (Citation1998) components of a social theory of learning

Figure 1. Wenger’s (Citation1998) components of a social theory of learning

Literature Review and the Policy Context

While South African literature tends to dominate research into early grade mathematics in the Southern African region (Morrison et al., Citation2023), it is an area that is growing regionally (especially in Malawi), as can be seen in the proceedings of the Southern African Association of Mathematics Science and Technology Education (SAARMSTE) (Graven & Venkat, Citation2023). See for example Mpalami’s (Citation2014) work on using concrete representations in Lesotho, and in Malawi, Gobede’s work on Grade 1 and 2 teachers’ use of artefacts (Citation2020, Citation2022), Chitera and Kufeine (Citation2012) on language use in primary teaching and learning in Malawi, and Mwadzaangati and Kazima’s (Citation2021) work on self-regulation strategies in primary mathematics teacher education. In this paper we focus on literature relating to teaching and learning of early number in the year prior to Grade 1.

South African Early Childhood Education (ECE) policy and the Foundation Phase (FP) of schooling have recently transitioned from an optional pre-Grade 1 year of learning (previously mostly catered for in the ECE sphere), to a mandated Grade R year as the first grade of the FP in schooling (i.e. FP is now Grade R, 1, 2, and 3) (DBE, Citation2011a). Socioeconomically, ‘the education gap [between rich and poor] begins in the Foundation Phase [Grades R–3] and continues unbroken’ (Fleisch, Citation2008, p. 30). Furthermore, ‘learning deficits that children acquire in their primary school career grow over time’ (Spaull, Citation2013, p. 18). Acknowledging the significant evidence that children who attended pre-Grade 1 schooling benefit greatly in their learning trajectories (Wright et al., Citation2006; Atweh, et al., Citation2014; Reddy et al., Citation2022), South Africa released in 2011 the Action Plan to 2014: Towards the realisation of schooling in 2025 (DBE, Citation2011a). This document laid the groundwork for the physical and policy shift of Grade R aged children and teaching, from the ECE sphere (governed by the Department of Social Development) into the FP of the formal school system (governed by the DBE). Commonly referred to as the Grade R ‘roll-out’, this saw the government supporting (through distributing resources, building structures and hiring teachers) the establishment of a Grade R classroom in primary schools across the country. This shift has seen a significant rise in access to pre-Grade 1 learning opportunities for children aged 5–6 years nationwide—enrolments in Grade R between 2000 and 2013 grew by 244% (van der Berg et al., Citation2016) and recent research indicates that over 90% of primary school children have attended Grade R (Reddy et al., Citation2022).

Research investigating the impact of this ‘earlier start’, however, shows a challenging picture. Feza (Citation2014) found that Grade R teachers and learners remain the ‘Cinderella’ (Feza, Citation2014) of the FP, with issues of what constitutes ‘good quality’ persisting (Excell & Linington, Citation2011; Reddy et al., Citation2022). Despite increased access to Grade R for learners, it must be noted that access to quality mathematical learning opportunities in these early years of learning is ‘loaded with many inequity factors’ (Feza, Citation2014, p. 888). Feza (Citation2014, p. 899) found that ‘ECD children from low socio-economic backgrounds continue to be excluded in quality mathematics stimulation regardless of the changes in education policy that promises to provide quality education for all’.

Inequity factors relate to teachers’ policy positioning, their positioning within schools, and access to specialised teaching support relevant to Grade R early number concepts and to supporting learners in their transition into schooling. Many teachers of Grade R are under- or unqualified (Spaull et al., Citation2016). The DBE (Citation2015, p. 29) acknowledges ‘the professionalisation of pre-school teachers needs to continue’ but with little support to upgrade their qualifications this is unlikely to change. With many earning minimum wage, funding further studies is not possible for many, despite their willingness (see Long, Citation2020). Furthermore the policy positioning of teachers is riddled with mixed messages as to whether Grade R teachers are positioned as child-minders, mothers or qualified professionals (see ).

Figure 2. Grade R Descriptor Statements in the Education White Paper No. 5 on ECD (DBE, Citation2001) from Long and Graven (Citation2022, p. 41)

Figure 2. Grade R Descriptor Statements in the Education White Paper No. 5 on ECD (DBE, Citation2001) from Long and Graven (Citation2022, p. 41)

Long’s (Citation2020) findings indicated that many teachers of Grade R learners did not have permanent positions, were earning much less than their FP colleagues and were sometimes not paid. They expressed high levels of vulnerability in terms of job security, and a sense of not fully belonging to the community of professional teachers. The study further found that mathematics-focused and tailor-made professional development opportunities for Grade R teachers were not available in the Eastern Cape.

Acknowledging that the teacher is an important resource in disrupting the cycle of inadequate learning opportunities, and the importance of continuing in-service PD, the second author designed and coordinated the ENF programme for Grade R teachers in the Makhanda region. For almost all the ENF partner schools, inclusion of Grade R was relatively new. Most teachers were at the time of the study under- or unqualified in terms of the policy requirements for teaching in the FP of schooling and several of their classrooms were physically separated from the other FP classrooms.

In the FP of schooling, Grade R teachers are considered generalists, teaching across the curriculum, and are encouraged to integrate literacy, mathematics and life skills with a pedagogy of play. Fischer et al. (Citation2011) describe playful learning as ‘a teaching approach that uses free play and guided play activities to promote academic, socio-emotional and cognitive development’ (p. 2). Jorgenson and Graven (Citation2022) assert that ‘play and playful learning are the touchstones of early learning’ (p. 47). Play-based pedagogy is also advocated by the Curriculum and Assessment Policy Statements for Grade R mathematics: ‘The approach to learning Mathematics should be based on the principles of integration and play-based learning’ (DBE, Citation2011b, p. 14). ENF worked to provide an integrated play-based approach to learning that built on powerful research-informed representations for the early learning of numbers.


The design of the study was informed by a socio-cultural framing. The data gathering method reported on in this paper is the post-programme teacher questionnaire provided to all participating teachers present at the end of the ENF programme. The post-programme questionnaires were adapted from similar questions included in teacher questionnaires in previous PD programmes (SANCP 2011–2016), which yielded useful data on both teacher experiences and the nature of teacher learning within the programme. Additional questions were tailored specifically to the Grade R context, and we also drew on previous experiences of the way in which teachers had responded to the pre-questionnaire, removing some items and adapting others for greater clarity and to enable data to speak to understanding the nature of learning. Although there were 33 participants, the data discussed in this paper refer to 25 participants’ completed questionnaires, as 8 of the participants were either absent/did not complete the questionnaire (5) or were not Grade R teachers (1 assistant teacher, 1 pre-Grade R teacher, 1 district official). All ethical protocols were followed, and research permission was obtained from the Rhodes University Education Higher Degrees Committee.

The Schools and Teachers: Infrastructure, Experience and Qualifications

ENF teachers had a range of qualifications, with the most qualified teachers in wealthier schools and under- or unqualified teachers tending to be in poorer schools. Eight of the 25 participants had a Level 4 (equivalent to matric), almost half (13) had a Level 5 National Professional Diploma in Education, and only four had a Level 6 Bachelor of Education qualification, which is the minimum qualification for application to a Grade R teaching post (i.e. to be considered fully qualified and paid accordingly; see Department of Higher Education and Training, Citation2015). The Level 5 qualification is defined as an undergraduate diploma or certificate. This level of qualification for teachers has as its main purpose to ‘Provide access to a recognised educator qualification at Level 6 for ECD educators who have a Level 4 or Level 5 certificate in ECD, providing a bridge between non-formal and formal learning programmes’ (SAQA, Citation2022). Thus 21 out of 25 teachers in our sample were underqualified, despite enacting the roles and responsibilities of full-time Grade R teachers. The years of teaching experience of the ENF participating teachers also differed greatly, ranging from only one to over 30 years.

Disparities were evident across the physical classroom contexts of the different schools of participating teachers. Of the 17 schools represented in ENF, four had classrooms housed in temporary structures and had almost no resources. These findings echo those published by Equal Education (Citation2016) that indicated ‘crisis conditions’ in Eastern Cape schools.

Although our sample is relatively small (25 teachers), it is representative of the reality across South Africa where over 20 000 teachers of Grade R are underqualified, yet ‘are enlisted into service to ensure that Grade R teaching can continue’ (Hannaway et al., Citation2019, p. 36). Although White Paper No. 5 (DBE, Citation2001) advocates for specialised teaching qualifications for all those teaching Grade R (DBE, Citation2001), the lack of opportunity and support for continued education is prohibitive of this goal (Green et al., Citation2014).

Data Collection and Analysis

While questionnaires were distributed to all participants at the beginning (April 2016), at the midway point (October 2016) and at the end (October 2017) of the programme, our research questions for this paper (focused on the nature of learning from participation in an intervention) led us to focus on the post-programme questionnaire. These questionnaires were developed collaboratively by the authors and were chosen as the most efficient way to gather information (Denscombe, Citation2007) with minimal demands on teachers’ time.

All questionnaires were transcribed for systematic coding. Thematic analysis was conducted on written responses. The first author transcribed all the data and summarised this data per question into multiple categories. This generated discussion among the authors as to which questions correspond most clearly to our research questions and discussion about further refinement of categories. Some questions were not particularly relevant to our research questions and thus were not coded. For example, a question about the disadvantages of participating in the programme yielded little information as most teachers stated ‘none’ or raised logistical concerns such as travel time for those traveling from out of town. gives the questions that became the focus of our analysis, which were then coded according to the four learning components (Meaning, Practice, Identity and Community) and thematic categories within these.

Table 1. Post-programme questions and the prevalent learning component addressed


We share data on the 25 Grade R teachers who participated in ENF and completed the post-programme questionnaire (October 2017). All four learning components emerged in responses to questions (i) and (ii), as these focus on general, open ended perceptions of participation in the CoP, while a narrower range of learning components dominated in other questions. Coding involved finding phrases that linked to one of the four learning component categories. After analysis of the nature of the responses, the following indicators were identified for coding:

  • changes in classroom practice (including increased enjoyment of learners) and the benefits of available resources (Practice/Doing);

  • increased numeracy knowledge and Mathematics Knowledge for Teaching (Meaning/Experience);

  • how the ENF CoP supported ways of engaging in the ENF community and other learning communities (Belonging);

  • descriptions of changed ways in which they described (identified) themselves, e.g. I am more confident; I am more knowledgeable, etc. (Being/Becoming).

outline the learning component, indicators of the component, the frequency of statements (given in parentheses next to the category heading in each row) across all 25 teachers, and exemplar statements across the question responses. In the second row of each table, we have included the total frequency of teacher responses in each learning component (and in each sub-category in the rows below). For each sub-category we provide the statements of the teachers. Utterances are referenced using a number symbol as a substitute for the name of the teacher responsible, and a letter symbol to represent his or her affiliate school (see teacher codes, e.g. B3 is the third teacher in school B). This shows the range of schools and teachers represented in each category of responses.

Table 2. Coded teacher responses for questions (i) and (ii) with exemplar statements

Table 2. Continued

Table 3. Coded teacher responses for questions (iii) and (iv), with exemplar statements

Table 4. Coded teacher responses for question (v), with exemplar statements

Table 5. Coded teacher responses for questions (vi) and (vii), with exemplar statements

Note that in (unlike in ) we do not distinguish utterances between expressions of changes in practice and expressions of changes in meaning. This is because for questions (i) and (ii) (focused on advantages of participating in ENF and the learning enabled), responses linking to the components practice and meaning overlapped to the extent that separating them would not be meaningful or useful. The learning components of ‘practice’ and ‘meaning’ are often too closely linked to separate, and often a knowledge statement is implicitly a practice statement, as is evident in many of the responses to questions (i) and (ii) shown in the table. See for example, in the third category below: ‘I have learned many different kind of numeracy activities to do with my children’ (S25).

From , it is evident that the learning component most referred to by respondents across questions i. and (ii) relates to ways of experiencing and doing/teaching (Meaning and/or Experience) (37). Statements within these combined components include references to the benefits of resources (15), in particular how access to numeracy focused and Grade R appropriate resources influenced changes in the teachers’ numeracy knowledge and Mathematics Knowledge for Teaching. As one teacher commented: ‘The resources made it easier to explain concepts in different ways so that all learners can understand and enjoy mathematics’ (B3). Reference is also made by these teachers to how their knowledge and experience of ‘how to teach’ has shifted, as they indicate integration/new methods/new assessment strategies (11), more or hands-on activities (4) and increased learner enjoyment and understanding (6).

The learning components of Identity and Community equally each have 11 statements relating to them. For Identity, changes in self were indicated by statements in which teachers referred to changing ways of being by sharing statements such as ‘I am’, ‘I have’ and ‘I feel’. The category emerging within this component related to increased confidence, motivation and positivity. Within the Community learning component, teachers referred to feeling a sense of belonging or feeling supported within and appreciated by the ENF community (6 of the 11 statements). They also referred to their sense of belonging in the broader Foundation Phase community as well as within the Grade R teacher community as they share the benefits of collaborating with other Grade R teachers, and share challenges unique to this grade (5), under the heading of ‘collegiality and engaging with others’.

Questions (iii) and (iv) asked questions specifically focused on teachers’ perceptions of changes in their practice (ways of teaching). As discussed above, Wenger (Citation1998) suggests that any of the four learning components can become the focus and be placed at the centre of the four components of learning diagram (). For the data emerging from questions (iii) and (iv), the learning component ‘Practice: Learning as doing’ is foregrounded. outlines the practice related categories (in italics), frequency, and exemplar statements that emerged from responses to questions (iii) and (iv)

Thus, the following categories emerged from teacher responses:

  • Practice as broader repertoire of strategies (11)—teacher responses included using different strategies for counting, and the benefits of the resources on their practice. The indicator is ‘better classroom management/easier organisation’.

  • Practice as changes in experience (7)—these responses related to Mathematics Knowledge for Teaching and referred to understanding how to assess and identify learner problems, knowledge of different methodologies to use, and increased understanding and knowledge of mathematics. Teachers also included in their responses reference to the inclusion of integration.

  • Practice as changes in ways of being and becoming (6)—although there are a few explicit statements regarding ways of becoming i.e. increased confidence (‘Makes me to be confidence … ’), most of the statements within this indicator show identity shifts, e.g. ‘I’m becoming a teacher who enjoys teaching’, ‘I am becoming/being someone who shares with colleagues’.

  • Practice as changes in belonging (1).

Question (v) explicitly asked teacher participants about their perceived changes in their own meaning-making/knowledge repertoire (particularly numeracy and mathematics knowledge). Whereas the previous questions and responses foregrounded the learning component ‘Practice: learning as doing’, these questions foreground ‘Meaning: learning as experience’. outlines the indicators, frequency, and exemplar statements related to Meaning, particularly Meaning as increased knowledge repertoire and changed teaching practice.

The categories within the ‘Meaning: learning as experience’ component outlined in , include:

  • meaning as numeracy/mathematics knowledge and experience (10);

  • meaning as changing practice (incl. new methods/activities/strategies) (12);

  • meaning as changes in ways of being/becoming (1);

  • meaning as changes in belonging (3).

Responses related to developing mathematical knowledge and knowledge of how to teach numeracy dominate, with 22 statements from teachers (as expected since the question asked explicitly about this). However, we see that some teachers further link this to their changing ways of being and the support they get through ‘belonging’ to communities aimed at providing support.

Questions (vi) and (vii) explicitly asked participants to share their experiences of changing ways of being and becoming – the participants were asked if the ‘way you see yourself has changed over the last 18 months? Explain’ and to complete the sentence: ‘Through participating in ENF I have become the kind of mathematics/numeracy teacher who … ’. As a result, the responses from these questions relate primarily to the learning component of ‘Identity: learning as becoming’.

The categories emerging from teacher statements include:

  • identity as changes in being and becoming—‘I am’ (9);

  • identity as changes in knowledge and experience—‘I know’ (6);

  • identity as changes in belonging -’I belong’ (2).

Question (viii) from the post-programme questionnaire asked participants to share their mathematics/numeracy learning and teaching story (see ). Although also related to Identity and Changes in being/becoming, we select only a few responses to share owing to the length of those responses. These lengthier responses, shared in full, provide more holistic insights into the teachers’ learning that integrate across the four learning components, although the greatest frequency of statements in these response ‘stories’ related to changes in self as a teacher of numeracy and as a learner of mathematics (24 and 3 utterances, respectively). Teachers also shared their experiences of change in relation to previous negative relationships with numeracy/mathematics to more positive and confident expressions arising after participation in the programme (10). Teachers also mentioned witnessing improvements in their learners’ understanding of numeracy (2), and experiences of crossing boundaries between communities (3).

Below is Edwina’s shared story:

I always use to like mathematics, but now I love it. Things were just done because we had to do it. You just take for granted that children should know certain concepts and skills, but through ENF it changed my whole view on things. Things get done a certain way for a reason. I managed to have more patience and understand that you might not get it right the first time. I started developing a ‘free me-time’ where I do reflections on my actual maths teaching. What went well and why. What did not go well and why. What can I do to improve. I definitely grew within the process and would like to continue with these workshops by taking it back to other schools in my area. [Edwina, October 2017]

Edwina shares a change in her affective relationship with mathematics (‘now I love it!’) and a change in how she approaches and understands the teaching of numeracy (‘changed my whole view on things’). She also describes changes in her ‘way of being a teacher’ as she says she now has more patience, and she has changed her teaching practice to include time for reflections. She also notes professional growth, and shares a desire for her future trajectory to involve sharing ENF workshops with ‘other schools in my area’.

Nikita echoed some of Edwina’s experiences in her response, in particular sharing her changing ways of being a numeracy teacher in practice, through an increased knowledge repertoire and as a more confident teacher:

Before I attended the session I did not have much confidence in teaching mathematics. I did not have much knowledge about presenting maths or how to help learners struggling with maths. I gained more knowledge and confidence during the ENF sessions. I can say that I don’t see teaching mathematics as a challenge now. I can use different methods to present lessons and I have a clearer understanding of teaching mathematics. [Nikita, October 2017]

Finally, questions (ix) and (x) asked teacher participants to reflect on their relationships with multiple members of various overlapping education communities and as such, statements predominantly linked with the learning component ‘Community: changes in ways of belonging’. shares the findings.

Table 6. Coded teacher responses for questions (ix) and (x), with exemplar statements

The categories emerging from teacher statements include:

  • belonging as changes in community membership/relationships with others (5);

  • belonging as changes in knowledge and experience (9);

  • belonging as changes in practice (3);

  • belonging as changes in being/becoming (3).


It is interesting from the data presented in this paper that all four of Wenger’s (Citation1998) learning components are clearly visible across teacher responses across questions. In response to questions (i) and (ii), this was anticipated, as the questions were designed to be ‘general’ and therefore illicit responses which touched on each of the components. This was somewhat expected as the ENF was explicitly designed as a CoP and the conceptualisation was therefore rooted in the theoretical framework. What was less expected was how in questions (iii)–(x), which were designed to illicit component-specific responses (i.e. questions (iii) and (iv) focused on changes in practice), responses relating to the focal component emerged alongside references to the other learning components. For example, in the context of practice, responses such as ‘When teaching, I have confidence’ (O20) is an example of how teachers spoke of their ways of ‘doing’ (teaching) in terms of their sense of ‘being’ (‘I have’ statements). These instances are echoed throughout the data, and these findings therefore point to the usefulness of Wenger’s (Citation1998) four-component theory for analysing teacher learning in a PD CoP. This framing has been used effectively across mathematics teacher learning research (see Graven, Citation2004; Essien & Adler, Citation2016; Graven & Pausigere, Citation2017), and is extended here to speaking to and understanding its relevance to specialist teacher learning in the pre-Grade 1 transition phase into schooling.

The dominance of the learning components of changes in Meaning (experience) and Practice (doing) across the data is interesting as it speaks to the effectiveness of the ENF as enabling improved Grade R-specific practice and pedagogical understanding. Furthermore, the consistent reference made by teachers to changes in belonging (to ENF and to the FP) and changes in being/becoming (particularly in being a more confident teacher) is important—these references, as framed within the four-component learning theory, bring to the fore affective issues of reported changes within teachers and in their participation and positioning within school communities. The latter is particularly important for sustainability of learning as these speak to greater confidence in ones’ being a life-long learner. It also points to the importance of systemic teacher support structures to create Grade R specific learning communities (vs. one-off ‘training’ sessions) to support desired professionalisation of this year (as acknowledged to be critically important in the literature review and policy overview section of the paper).

Also pertinent to mention is the prevalence of references made to the provision of quality and useful resources across teacher responses, and across the four components of learning. In particular, in response to questions (i) and (ii), a subcategory emerged under ‘changes in Practice and Meaning’ entitled ‘Benefits of Resources’, with almost half the responses in this category referring to such benefits. This points to the importance of systemic support for Grade R teachers that provides both quality resources that are specifically tailored to early learning of number and for learners transitioning into schooling, as well as opportunities for teachers to trial these in their classrooms and share their experiences and adaptations. Grade-appropriate resources have been established as integral to providing quality numeracy learning (Graven & Venkat, Citation2017). Key resources are recommended by the Department of Basic Education (DBE, Citation2011b) for Grade R specifically and for the FP generally. Such resources and particularly research informed resources are important in the professional development of teachers of mathematics (Adler, Citation2000). The reality of the allocation of resources in the Grade R classrooms of participating teachers (before ENF) was however very low. Although more than half of the teachers had been provided basic manipulatives (such as dice and counters), only seven of the 33 teachers had access to dominoes and flashcards, used to support the learning of key mathematical ideas (South African Numeracy Chair Project, Citation2013). Furthermore, while a range of physical resources (e.g. dice and cards) are suggested for use in the Grade R and FP mathematics curriculum, effective use of the resources provided should be supplemented with opportunities for learning about the power of each resource that resides in the nature of the activity and the specific learning goal for which it is used.

As noted in the literature review, access to Grade R is much less of an issue than access to quality Grade R. Former Model C schools and some fee-paying schools have had Grade R attached to their schools for decades (and have accumulated a rich range of resources and physical infrastructure over time). On the other hand, since the policy transition that made Grade R a compulsory year of schooling many poorer quintile schools have needed to build new classrooms, playgrounds and ablution facilities, stock these classrooms with appropriate resources and recruit new teachers with very limited resources. This has led to marked disparity amongst Grade R learning opportunity offerings nationwide. We have argued that Grade R is widely noted as a powerful opportunity for addressing inequity in education, yet if the issues of inequality in the quality of Grade R offerings are not addressed, the policy move to mandate Grade R as the first year of formal schooling will simply continue the status quo, where children from poorer communities will start school and progress through school on an unequal footing.

Concluding remarks

While long-term Grade R focused PD programmes like ENF support teachers to navigate a changing landscape of practice, and negotiate their professional identities, it will of course not solve the systemic challenges linked to the relatively recent introduction of this grade into formal schooling. The so-called ‘Cinderella’ status and treatment (Feza, Citation2014) of many of these teachers and the unequal quality of offerings owing to most Grade R teachers being poorly qualified (Spaull et al., Citation2016) —despite a willingness for further studies prevented by poor job remuneration and job insecurity (Long, Citation2020) —means that urgent policy intervention is needed to address these issues at a systemic level. However, the study and the data shared in this paper have shown that there is potential within long-term Grade R-specific PD programmes to support teachers, and their learning, in effective and appropriate ways. Focusing on the specialised nature of Grade R is paramount, as evidenced by the responses from the participants.

This paper further highlights that through access to regular participation in well-functioning PD CoPs that focus on access to powerful grade-specific resources (physical and conceptual and the resource of time and opportunity to engage with others), Grade R teachers can narrate positive expressions of themselves as teachers and as learning participants in a PD intervention. Through their participation and belonging, Grade R teachers became increasingly able to navigate the mixed messages of institutional identities inscribed in policies and practices of their employment and came to see themselves as professional ‘educators’ and ‘teachers’, able to embrace the roles and responsibilities associated with these with increased confidence, knowledge, and resources for teaching mathematics with Grade R learners.


This work is based on research supported by the South African Research Chairs Initiative of the National Research Foundation (grant no. 74658).

Disclosure Statement

No potential conflict of interest was reported by the author(s).


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