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Research Article

New Constitution in Nepal: Fundamental Freedoms and Educational Rights Provisions, and Implications for Dalits’ Schooling

Received 29 Jun 2023, Accepted 20 Jun 2024, Published online: 23 Jul 2024


When Nepal promulgated a new constitution in 2015, discourse around the ‘New Nepal’, post-monarchical rule, was powerful; the new constitution was perceived as a landmark text to provide a clear vision for New Nepal’s overall development. The poor state of Dalits’ human rights and educational realities were widely cited as critical issues requiring attention and expedited intervention during the constitution-writing process. Almost a decade later, however, no outstanding progress is evident regarding the overall development of the historically marginalized Dalits. This paper aims to interrogate the perpetuation of the dominant ideology, as the basis for the marginalization of people lacking power, in the new constitution’s fundamental and educational provisions by exploring its marginalizing semantic elements. We selected these semantic elements or linguistic categories through reading the new constitution. Our analyses expect to unfold the link between Dalits’ poor state of human rights and educational experiences and the provisions of the new constitution. This study helps expose the roots of inequality, exclusion, and social injustice by appraising policies of public interest in situations where human rights violations, illiteracy, and poverty have distressed the lives of marginalized people, as well as encouraging research on the problems faced by extremely vulnerable population like Dalits, who are not only marginalized in their place of birth but also in the diaspora.


We acknowledge that no other persons than authors were involved in preparing this article.

Declaration of interests

The authors have no conflict of interest in preparing and publishing this article.


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61 Norman Fairclough, Jane Mulderrig and R Wodak, ‘Critical Discourse Analysis’ in TAV Dijk (ed), Discourse Studies: A Multidisciplinary Introduction (2nd edn, Sage 2011)

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76 Nepal Statistics Office, Nepal Population and Housing Census: National Report (Government of Nepal, Vol 1, 2021)

77 Paul Baker and Sibonile Ellece, Key Terms in Discourse Analysis (1st edn, Continuum International 2011), 40

78 Kishor Atreya and others, ‘Dalit’s Livelihoods in Nepal: Income Sources and Determinants’ [2022] EDS <https://doi.org/10.1007/s10668-022-02582-2> accessed 28 April 2024

79 Central Bureau of Statistics, Nepal Population and Housing Census 2011 (Government of Nepal 2012)

80 Antonio Gramsci, Selections from Prison Notebooks (Quentin Hoare and Geoffery N Smith trs, 1st edn, Lawrence Wishart 1971)

81 Vern N Redekop and Shirley Paré (eds), Beyond Control: A Mutual Respect Approach to Protest Crowd–Police Relations (1st edn, Bloomsbury Academic 2010); Thomas J Roulet and Rasmus Pichler, ‘Blame Game Theory: Scapegoating, Whistleblowing and Discursive Struggles Following Accusations of Organisational Misconduct [2020] 1(4) OT <https://doi.org/10.1177/2631787720975192> accessed 28 April 2024

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83 Paul Baker and Sibonile Ellece, Key Terms in Discourse Analysis (1st edn, Continuum International 2011)

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85 Paul Baker and Sibonile Ellece, Key Terms in Discourse Analysis (1st edn, Continuum International 2011)

86 Nepal Law Society, The Constitution of Nepal 2015 (Government of Nepal 2015) 

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96 P Dahal, ‘Lawmakers’ Protest: Speaker Suspends Four Lawmakers for a Week’ The Kathmandu Post (Kathmandu 20 June 2011); Sudeep Khanal and Claire Charles, ‘Disrupting Power Through Reflexivity: New Possibilities for Researchers and Teachers Working with Dalits in Nepal’ [2022] 50(4) APJTE 372  

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101 Paul Baker and Sibonile Ellece, Key Terms in Discourse Analysis (1st edn, Continuum International 2011)

102 Norman Fairclough, Jane Mulderrig and Ruth Wodak, ‘Critical Discourse Analysis’ in Teun A van Dijk (ed), Discourse Studies: A Multidisciplinary Introduction (2nd edn, Sage 2011); Teun A van Dijk, ‘Ideology’ in G. Mazzoleni (ed), The International Encyclopaedia of Political Communication (Online edn, John Wiley 2015) <http://www.discourses.org/OldArticles/Ideology.pdf> assessed 28 April 2024

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104 Sabrina Singh, ‘Realizing Economic and Social Rights in Nepal: The Impact of a Progressive Constitution and an Experimental Supreme Court’ [2020] 33 HHR 275

105 P Dahal, ‘Lawmaker Loves Not His Chair’ The Kathmandu Post (Kathmandu 2 April 2011)

106 Antonio Gramsci, Selections from Prison Notebooks (Quentin Hoare and Geoffery N Smith trs, 1st edn, Lawrence Wishart 1971)

107 Ruth Wodak and Michael Meyer (eds), Methods of Critical Discourse Analysis (3rd edn, Sage 2016)

108 Vern N Redekop and Shirley Paré (eds), Beyond Control: A Mutual Respect Approach to Protest Crowd–Police Relations (1st edn, Bloomsbury Academic 2010); Thomas J Roulet and Rasmus Pichler, ‘Blame Game Theory: Scapegoating, Whistleblowing and Discursive Struggles Following Accusations of Organisational Misconduct [2020] 1(4) OT <https://doi.org/10.1177/2631787720975192> accessed 28 April 2024

109 Vern N Redekop and Shirley Paré (eds), Beyond Control: A Mutual Respect Approach to Protest Crowd–Police Relations (1st edn, Bloomsbury Academic 2010); Thomas J Roulet and Rasmus Pichler, ‘Blame Game Theory: Scapegoating, Whistleblowing and Discursive Struggles Following Accusations of Organisational Misconduct [2020] 1(4) OT <https://doi.org/10.1177/2631787720975192> accessed 28 April 2024

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111 Paul Baker and Sibonile Ellece, Key Terms in Discourse Analysis (1st edn, Continuum International 2011)

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113 Teun A van Dijk, ‘Aim of Critical Discourse Analysis’ [1995] 1 JD 17

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Additional information


The authors received no funding to conduct and publish this study.

Notes on contributors

Puskar R. Joshi

Puskar Joshi is a PhD Candidate in Curriculum and Instruction with Emphasis on Teaching and Teacher Education in the Department of Teaching, Leaning, and Culture at Texas A&M University. Puskar recently graduated from Teachers College of Columbia University. His research interests include education policy; international education; bilingual, multilingual, and multicultural education.

Zohreh R. Eslami

Zohreh R. Eslami (Ph.D.) is a Professor at Texas A&M University in Educational Psychology where she mentors master’s and doctoral students conducting research on Bilingual/ESL Education, applied linguistics, and multilingualism. She is the managing and co-editor of Applied Pragmatics journal and serves in several journal editorial boards.

Hector H. Rivera

Héctor H. Rivera (Ph.D.) is an Associate Professor at Texas A&M University, in the Department of Educational Psychology. Dr. Rivera is also the founder and former director of the Center for Child and Community Development at Southern Methodist University in Dallas. In 2019, he received the US Congressional Education Champion Award.

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