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Trans-inactivation: Repression in a wrong place

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Pages 96-103 | Received 01 Mar 2016, Accepted 09 Aug 2016, Published online: 09 Sep 2016


Trans-inactivation is the repression of genes on a normal chromosome under the influence of a rearranged homologous chromosome demonstrating the position effect variegation (PEV). This phenomenon was studied in detail on the example of brownDominant allele causing the repression of wild-type brown gene on the opposite chromosome. We have investigated another trans-inactivation-inducing chromosome rearrangement, In(2)A4 inversion. In both cases, brownDominant and In(2)A4, the repression seems to be the result of dragging of the euchromatic region of the normal chromosome into the heterochromatic environment. It was found that cis-inactivation (classical PEV) and trans-inactivation show different patterns of distribution along the chromosome and respond differently to PEV modifying genes. It appears that the causative mechanism of trans-inactivation is de novo heterochromatin assembly on euchromatic sequences dragged into the heterochromatic nuclear compartment. Trans-inactivation turns out to be the result of a combination of heterochromatin-induced position effect and the somatic interphase chromosome pairing that is widespread in Diptera.

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Position effect variegation (PEV) was first discovered by MullerCitation1 who observed patched pigmentation of the fly eye owing to the heritable repression of the white gene in a subset of the eye precursor cells. Further, it was established that PEV is an epigenetic phenomenon caused by the displacement of a gene from its normal chromosomal environment close to the heterochromatin by rearrangement or transposition.Citation2,3 The epigenetic nature of PEV means that DNA sequences of the affected genes are not disturbed. Instead, euchromatic genes are repressed by acquiring heterochromatic marks including specific histone modifications (mainly H3K9me and H3K27me), proteins like HP1a and condensed nucleosome package. It has been shown that this heterochromatin structure can spread from the new eu-heterochromatin border into the euchromatin by self-assembly and propagation of the multiprotein complex encompassing histone methyltransferase (HKMT) Su(var)3–9, H3K9me2/3-binding HP1a protein and Su(var)3–7 protein. The JIL-1 kinase and the H3S10 histone modification counteract heterochromatin spreading.Citation4-10

According to the current model of heterochromatin formation, Su(var)3–9 HKMT methylates the lysine 9 residue of histone H3. HP1a binds to H3K9me and then recruits another molecule of Su(var)3–9 for further methylation of H3 in the adjacent nucleosome.Citation10,11 This methylation/HP1a binding loop repeats until it reaches a boundary elementCitation12 or ceases due to the action of histone code modifiers like JIL-1 kinaseCitation9. This model of heterochromatin propagation assumes the assembly of protein complexes via the short-range interactions between protein domains along the chromatin fiber, thus providing a molecular basis for the classic concept of linear heterochromatin spreading.Citation13 This self-assembly model suggests cis-action of PEV – i.e. it can affect genes near the eu-heterochromatic border only in the rearranged chromosome. The model of linear heterochromatinization is applicable for heterochromatin extension at small distances,Citation10,14 but cannot adequately explain interrupted propagation of PEV, long range PEV spreading (hundreds of thousands of kilobases) and the repression of genes in a non-rearranged homologous chromosome (trans-inactivation).

Only a few cases of trans-inactivation have been described in detail. These include rearrangements with breakpoints near or inside the brown gene, such as the brownDominant (bwD ) allele,Citation15,16 mini-white-containing transgenes over the PEV-inducing rearrangementsCitation17 and the In(2)A4 inversion.Citation18-20 The best-studied trans-inactivation-inducing rearrangement is bwD allele, which emerged as a result of insertion of 1.6 Mb of AAGAG satellite into the coding region of the brown gene.Citation21 This allele can repress the wild-type brown gene on the opposite chromosome, as well as reporter genes inserted near the brown.Citation22 The results of bwD-induced trans-inactivation studies are presented in several papers, and the general scheme of the process was elucidated.Citation14,22-26

It was found that satellite DNA inserted into the brown locus promotes the dragging of the bwD and homologous regions of the wild-type chromosome toward the pericentromeric heterochromatic nuclear compartment.Citation26,27 Nuclear compartments are defined as distinct intranuclear volumes with specific molecular composition.Citation28,29 Examples of nuclear compartments are the nucleolus, the histone locus body (HLB) and the pericentromeric heterochromatin. The pericentromeric heterochromatin compartment assembles in the interphase and can be revealed by immunostaining for heterochromatin proteins like HP1a. Cell division disrupts the compartment, and it takes some time (hours) to reestablish it.

The dragging of bwD into heterochromatin occurs due to the sequence-independent stickiness of heterochromatin blocks.Citation30 The process of dragging lasts for at least 5 h during the G0/G1 phase of the cell cycle and the association disrupts during the S-phase.Citation31 Association of the bwD with the pericentromeric region appears to proceed by confinement of the allele in heterochromatin after an accidental contact in the course of random movements in the nucleoplasm. Normal euchromatic genes are excluded from the heterochromatic compartment and do not enter it.Citation32 However, since the normal and the bwD-bearing chromosome are somatically paired in a more than 75% of nuclei, the sticking of satellite block in bwD to the main bulk of the pericentromeric heterochromatin also causes the dragging of the homologous region of the normal chromosome into the heterochromatin. The dragging into the heterochromatic compartment leads to the repression of the wild-type brown gene and the reporter genes located near it (at a distance of up to 86 kb).Citation22,25,27 The repressed reporter genes acquire the specific chromatin composition including HP1a enrichment and compact nucleosome package, but not H3K9me2 histone modification.Citation14 The absence of the H3K9me2 mark at the trans-inactivated genes correlates with the insensitivity of trans-inactivation process to the loss of the Su(var)3–9 HKMT, which is responsible for the writing of this histone modification.

In(2)A4 is an inversion with breakpoints in the euchromatin at 39B and at h37 in the pericentromeric heterochromatin of 2L, encompassing approximately 1 Mb of euchromatin and heterochromatin blocks h35-h37. In(2)A4 induces robust and widespread trans-inactivation of mini-white reporter genes located on the homologous, non-rearranged chromosome as well as of genes in cis, located near the new eu-heterochromatin border.Citation18-20 Trans-inactivation effects in In(2)A4 and bwD are similar in many aspects, apparently reflecting common properties of trans-inactivation process in Drosophila. FISH data show that, like in the bwD case, the normal chromosome and the inversion are somatically paired, and the region of the inversion near the new eu-heterochromatin boundary and the homologous region of the normal chromosome are dragged into the heterochromatic nuclear compartment.Citation20 The dragging of a reporter gene into the heterochromatin correlates with its repression at the single-cell level, pointing to the dragging process as the direct cause of trans-inactivation.Citation19 The effects of genetic modifiers of PEV on In(2)A4–induced trans-inactivation resemble that at the bwD locus: Su(var)2–5 (HP1a) and Su(var)3–7 strongly suppress the inactivation while Su(var)3–9 HKMT mutations produce no effect. It appears that the HP1a participates in the repression independently of Su(var)3–9-mediated H3K9me2 modification.Citation18

In contrast to bwD transposition of satellite sequences into the otherwise unrearranged chromosome, In(2)A4 affects the linear order of genes in a region of more than one megabase. This indicates that somatic pairing between the In(2)A4 carrying chromosome and the normal chromosome proceeds via the formation of loop-like structure (). The loop formed by rearrangement and the normal chromosome is visible on polytene chromosome spreads (our unpublished observations) and FISH signals from the putatively paired regions in transheterozygous In(2)A4/+ individuals revealed a single spot in a majority of the cells, confirming strong somatic pairing.Citation18 We suppose that the pairing is preserved due to a relatively small size of the inverted euchromatin block (approximately 1 Mb of DNA) and a large size of the separated heterochromatin block (sections h35-h37 of 2Lh), sufficient to promote effective sticking to the main bulk of the pericentromeric heterochromatin. These peculiarities of the In(2)A4 structure should stabilize the loop formed by the paired chromosomes.

Figure 1. The possible configuration of the loop between In(2)A4 inversion and the wild type chromosome relative to the euchromatic and heterochromatic nuclear compartments in interphase nuclei. On the top of the drawing, the linear map of the trans-inactivation distribution in the wild-type chromosome (dodger blue) paired with In(2)A4 (red) is shown. Blue triangles mark the position of non-inactivated transgenes, orange ones – trans-inactivated, the position of the histone genes cluster is shown in green, and pericentromeric heterochromatin is gray boxes. The vertical dotted line represents the In(2)A4 breakpoint location (39B). Checked transgenes could be grouped into 7 areas marked A, B, C, D, E, F and G, where A and G represent the regions outside the trans-inactivation spreading zone, B and C are the regions of approximately 50 kb in size with complete repression, D is the region where some transgenes are inactivated while the others are not. E is the region near the histone genes cluster, no repression observed here, and F is the “island” of trans-inactivation after the histone genes cluster. Below the linear map, the putative organization of the loop of paired chromosomes in the nuclear space is shown according to a combination of FISH dataCitation18-20 and polytene chromosomes arrangement. The light green is euchromatin; the brown gradient zone is HP1a-stained pericentromeric heterochromatin compartment. The green area is the histone genes cluster (HLB – histones locus body), which was shown to locate on the border of HP1a-enriched volume Citation18. The positions of the areas of trans-inactivation spreading (A, B, C, D, E, F and G) correspond to those on the linear map. According to the model, the regions near the breakpoint (B and C) are dragged deepest into heterochromatin and fully repressed, while the region near the histone genes cluster (E) is transferred outside the heterochromatin due to the specific properties of HLB, and the transgenes in this region are not inactivated.

Figure 1. The possible configuration of the loop between In(2)A4 inversion and the wild type chromosome relative to the euchromatic and heterochromatic nuclear compartments in interphase nuclei. On the top of the drawing, the linear map of the trans-inactivation distribution in the wild-type chromosome (dodger blue) paired with In(2)A4 (red) is shown. Blue triangles mark the position of non-inactivated transgenes, orange ones – trans-inactivated, the position of the histone genes cluster is shown in green, and pericentromeric heterochromatin is gray boxes. The vertical dotted line represents the In(2)A4 breakpoint location (39B). Checked transgenes could be grouped into 7 areas marked A, B, C, D, E, F and G, where A and G represent the regions outside the trans-inactivation spreading zone, B and C are the regions of approximately 50 kb in size with complete repression, D is the region where some transgenes are inactivated while the others are not. E is the region near the histone genes cluster, no repression observed here, and F is the “island” of trans-inactivation after the histone genes cluster. Below the linear map, the putative organization of the loop of paired chromosomes in the nuclear space is shown according to a combination of FISH dataCitation18-20 and polytene chromosomes arrangement. The light green is euchromatin; the brown gradient zone is HP1a-stained pericentromeric heterochromatin compartment. The green area is the histone genes cluster (HLB – histones locus body), which was shown to locate on the border of HP1a-enriched volume Citation18. The positions of the areas of trans-inactivation spreading (A, B, C, D, E, F and G) correspond to those on the linear map. According to the model, the regions near the breakpoint (B and C) are dragged deepest into heterochromatin and fully repressed, while the region near the histone genes cluster (E) is transferred outside the heterochromatin due to the specific properties of HLB, and the transgenes in this region are not inactivated.

Inactivation caused by In(2)A4 is powerful and was detected at a distance of up to 470 kb from the position of the breakpoint in the rearranged chromosome. In contrast, the farthest repressed transgene in bwD is located at 86 kb from the satellite insertion, and no repression was detected at a distance of 200 kb.Citation22 We have checked more than 70 transgenic insertions of several types scattered in the region of 1.5 Mb in size around the position of the euchromatic breakpoint in In(2)A4 for the ability to be trans-inactivated. The repression of the transgenes was essentially continuous in an area of approximately 100 kb nearby the breakpoint position. Interrupted silencing was observed in more distant regions, where the repressed transgenes in some cases are located several hundred base pairs away from the active transgenes. Differences in the sensitivity of closely placed transgenes to trans-inactivation were also detected in the case of bwD.Citation22,25

Mechanisms responsible for the different sensitivity of transgenes to repression are still enigmatic. No obvious correlation between the sensitivity to repression and the transgene type or orientation was detected.Citation18 We propose that each transgene insertion event creates a specific and unique arrangement of regulatory elements. The closely located P[lacW] transgenes SH0764 and 11019 show different responses to inactivation, SH0764 is repressed while 11019 is not. Both transgenes are located in the 5′ UTR of the CG8671 gene but in regions with different chromatin composition. The SH0764 disrupts a potential insulator (BEAF-binding site, according to Modencode profile) while the 11019 is inserted between the BEAF-binding sites. In the second case of 2 transgenes (20102 and 12400) located only 1 kb from each other, but responding differently to transactivation, the reason for the insensitivity of the reporter to trans-silencing may be the location of the 20102 transgene in the strong GAGA factor binding site. It seems that no common rule or feature determines the sensitivity of the transgene insertion to trans-inactivation. Instead, there are different mechanisms in each case, and transgenes may react individually to potential modifiers of trans-repression, like mutations in genes of insulator proteins.

Interestingly, we found a gap in In(2)A4-induced trans-inactivation spreading in the region near the histone genes cluster. The transgenes in this region are resistant to repression. The cluster of histone genes is known to form a distinct nuclear subcompartment (histone locus body, HLB) in the early G1 phase of the cell cycle.Citation33,34 It is possible that specific properties of the HLB could override the heterochromatic compartment influence on the transgenes located nearby. Taking into account that trans-inactivation is a result of heterochromatic compartment dragging, we have checked whether the histones cluster is dragged into the heterochromatin in In(2)A4. Confocal imaging shows that the histone genes cluster tends to be excluded from the nuclear volume enriched in HP1a and usually locates at the border between heterochromatic and euchromatic compartments.Citation18 Thus, specific nuclear compartmentalization of the histones cluster appears to be the reason for the absence of trans-inactivation in its vicinity.

The bwD- and the In(2)A4-caused trans-inactivation examples are similar in their reaction to classical modifiers of PEV. A remarkable common feature is an insensitivity to mutations in Su(var)3–9. Su(var)3–9, which encodes a histone lysine methyltransferase (HKMT), is recruited to chromatin by HP1a and introduces H3K9me2 mark, which in turn, is recognized by HP1a. In this way, the self-assembly and cis-spreading of heterochromatin into the euchromatin occurs.Citation10,11,35,36 The dispensability of Su(var)3–9 for trans-inactivation points to the existence of a mechanism of heterochromatin formation different from the cis-spreading. Another HKMT, dSETDB1 (also known as eggless) could promote the heterochromatinization of transgenes since the eggless mutations suppress the trans-inactivation in In(2)A4. The Su(var)3–9 and the eggless have partially overlapping targets of activity, and eggless appears to act through the whole lifespan, while Su(var)3–9 is mainly active at the embryo stage.Citation37 The activity of eggless during the late larval and pupal stages (a period when the expression of the mini-white reporter occurs) could be the reason for the sensitivity of trans-inactivation caused by In(2)A4 to the eggless mutations.

Mutations in an e(y)3 (SAYP) gene cause a strong suppression of trans-inactivation caused by In(2)A4,Citation18 pointing to the role of e(y)3 product in transgene heterochromatinization. SAYP is a component of SWI/SNF-class chromatin remodeling complex PBAP, which is involved in transcriptional regulation of some Drosophila genes.Citation38,39 SAYP is also known as a factor associated with heterochromatin on the fourth chromosome and as a dominant suppressor of PEV.Citation38 The participation of SAYP in trans-inactivation points to a link between the heterochromatin establishment and chromatin remodeling processes. It appears that in the case of trans-inactivation, the heterochromatinization of the transgene occurs de novo upon its dragging into the nuclear volume enriched in protein components of heterochromatin, and some remodeling event may be necessary for the initiation of binding of HP1a protein to the target sequence. According to published data, HP1a is capable of binding to the open chromatin promoter regions in the absence of specific histone modifications,Citation40 and the chromatin remodeling process may be required to maintain an open chromatin state.

The trans-inactivation induced by both In(2)A4 and bwD is the result of dragging of a region of the normal chromosome, somatically paired with the rearrangement, into the heterochromatic nuclear compartment. Two roles of the rearranged chromosome in trans-inactivation establishment could be considered. It is possible that the rearranged chromosome only drags the euchromatic region into the heterochromatin environment, where the heterochromatin-specific structure is assembled on it de novo. Alternatively, the rearranged chromosome, which has a newly formed eu-heterochromatin boundary, may itself have a more active role in trans-inactivation and permits cis-spreading of heterochromatin into the euchromatin via self-assembly. Heterochromatinized euchromatin regions could, in turn, induce the same process on the paired normal chromosome, similarly to the transvection phenomenon. If the last assumption is true, a positive correlation between the cis-inactivation of genes on the rearranged chromosome and the trans-inactivation of transgenes on the normal homologous chromosome would be expected.

We have measured cis-effects of In(2)A4 rearrangement by ChIP and RNAseq and compared the distribution of cis- and trans-effects along the chromosome length. Only three out of 20 genes near the new eu-heterochromatin borders demonstrate the changes in transcription levels and HP1a occupancy in In(2)A4. Inactivation does not spread linearly; some genes immediately near the breakpoints are not repressed while distant genes show inactivation. In addition, we found non-inactivated genes flanked by inactivated ones. HP1a distribution was shown to be discontinuous, and HP1a tends to associate only with inactivated genes. Surprisingly, no correlation between cis- and trans-inactivation was revealed: some reporter transgenes demonstrate trans-inactivation while genes located at the same position on the inverted chromosome show no cis-repression. To directly check whether the region on the normal chromosome could acquire the heterochromatin configuration independently of the paired rearranged chromosome, we measured HP1a enrichment in trans-inactivated transgene on the normal chromosome and at the place of transgene insertion on the rearranged chromosome. It was found that the trans-inactivated transgene is enriched in HP1a while no accumulation of HP1a was detected on the homologous rearranged chromosome, thus demonstrating de novo formation of heterochromatin on the normal chromosome, dragged into the heterochromatic compartment. This observation points to the model that proposes a passive role of paired rearranged chromosome in trans-inactivation. It seems that dragging of the euchromatic region into the heterochromatic compartment per se is enough for its heterochromatinization and heterochromatin assembles de novo on euchromatic sequences without propagation from the neighbor heterochromatin block ().

Figure 2. Two models of trans-inactivation establishment. A. Heterochromatin proteins and the histone modifications form a self-assembled complex propagating in cis from the new eu-heterochromatin border deep into the euchromatin. Upon reaching the trans-inactivated reporter gene position, the heterochromatin complexes either jump to paired chromosome or interact with regulatory elements of a reporter gene (like in transvection), causing the repression. B. The reporter gene is dragged into the heterochromatin due to pairing with the rearranged chromosome. The high local concentration of heterochromatin components like HP1a facilitates de novo formation of the heterochromatin on the reporter gene sequence. The peculiarities of In(2)A4-caused trans-inactivation (a vast distance of spreading, the lack of correlation between cis- and trans-inactivation, HP1a binding to reporter transgene but not to the same region on the opposite rearranged chromosome) favor the model B of the trans-inactivation establishment.

Figure 2. Two models of trans-inactivation establishment. A. Heterochromatin proteins and the histone modifications form a self-assembled complex propagating in cis from the new eu-heterochromatin border deep into the euchromatin. Upon reaching the trans-inactivated reporter gene position, the heterochromatin complexes either jump to paired chromosome or interact with regulatory elements of a reporter gene (like in transvection), causing the repression. B. The reporter gene is dragged into the heterochromatin due to pairing with the rearranged chromosome. The high local concentration of heterochromatin components like HP1a facilitates de novo formation of the heterochromatin on the reporter gene sequence. The peculiarities of In(2)A4-caused trans-inactivation (a vast distance of spreading, the lack of correlation between cis- and trans-inactivation, HP1a binding to reporter transgene but not to the same region on the opposite rearranged chromosome) favor the model B of the trans-inactivation establishment.

In the In(2)A4 rearrangement, the trans-inactivation is observable in a region of over 500 kb in size and affects multiple transgenic insertions, while the cis-repression affects just several genes at a distance of up to 60 kb. The transgenic reporter constructs appear to be more sensitive to the influence of the heterochromatin environment compared to endogenous genes at their normal location. One reason for this might be the lack of a full set of regulatory elements (like insulators) in these transgenes. The reporter mini-white gene is quite sensitive to the position effects of different types, including trans-repression, since it lacks the tissue-specific enhancers and some upstream regulatory region. We note that SUPor-P transgene carrying mini-white under the control of eye enhancer and flanked by Su(Hw) binding sites is resistant to the In(2)A4-induced trans-inactivation (our unpublished obser-vations).

In summary, trans-inactivation seems to be a suitable model for studying the initial steps of heterochromatin formation since it allows monitoring de novo heterochromatin assembly using artificial transgenic constructions containing desired regulatory elements and reporters.

Disclosure of potential conflicts of interest

No potential conflicts of interest were disclosed.


The authors thank M. Logacheva (A. Kondrashov group in Moscow State University) for performing NGS runs. Stocks obtained from the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center (NIH P40OD018537) were used in this study.


This work was supported by the Council for Grants (under RF President) and State Aid of Leading Scientific Schools (grant NSh-7231.2016.4)


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