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Conceptually categorizing geographic features from text based on latent semantic analysis and ontologies

Pages 113-127 | Received 26 Feb 2015, Accepted 28 Dec 2015, Published online: 16 Feb 2016


Categorizing geographic features from text is a process of assigning a collection of text documents that describe geographic features to predefined categories. This paper presents a new approach to categorize geographic features from text that begins at the level of the individual document. Using latent semantic analysis, similar geographic features are grouped into predefined categories through capturing the semantic context of text. By incorporating ontologies into latent semantic analysis, the domain knowledge can be incorporated into the categorizing process. The proposed approach can allocate each geographic feature into more than one category and is able to identify a set of key concepts to represent each category. The results from an experimental evaluation using the proposed approach showed promise in categorizing geographic features from text.

1. Introduction

Categorizing geographic features from text is a process of assigning geographic features (e.g. mountains) from text to a set of predefined categories. This process plays an important role in geographic information retrieval and mining. However, to date, little attention has been paid to this research area. Most studies have focused on integration and formalization of existing geographic categorizations (Kavouras and Kokla Citation2002; Kuhn Citation2002; Comber, Lear, and Wadsworth Citation2010; Bian and Hu Citation2007).

Categorizing geographic features from text documents into predefined categories is a challenge (Smith and Mark Citation2001). Predefined categories are often available for geographic features, the results however tend to vary based on different applications. Moreover, humans usually carry out this task and their subjectivity in categorization presents a problem: for the same collection of text documents, different people might give different categorization results. In recent years, a number of methods for text document categorization have been developed. They might be directly applied to geographic features; however, there are some difficulties.

First, text document categorization approaches usually follow an approach that involves the division of a set of text documents into subcategories. The categories that result from this division are mutually exclusive, that is, there is no overlap between mutually exclusive categories, and each document belongs to one and only one category. Geographic features are spatial features on or near the surface of the earth, and they are typically complex. Overlapping categories are common to geographic features, and each feature may be assigned to multiple categories (Usery Citation1993, Citation1996; Mark, Smith, and Tversky Citation1999; Smith and Mark Citation2003). For example, mountains generally occupy particular regions of the earth’s surface, and they may be associated with more than one type of land cover. Thus, a mountain might be associated with more than one category if land cover is used to categorize mountains.

Second, synonymy and polysemy have been a challenge in handling text documents, including geographic feature documents (Baharudin, Lee, and Khan Citation2010). Synonymy refers to the existence of different words with almost identical or similar meanings, while polysemy refers to the fact that some words have multiple and unrelated meanings. A failure to account for synonymy can lead to many small and disjointed categories, while the failure to account for polysemy might lead to categorizing unrelated documents (Kobayashi and Aono Citation2006). Last but not least, text documents that describe geographic features often contain a great deal of domain knowledge such as domain-specific terminologies (Goldberg, Wilson, and Knoblock Citation2009). Capturing these terminologies and incorporating the prior domain knowledge will facilitate geographic feature categorization. Most existing methods, however, are based on invariant domain knowledge (Zheng, Borchert, and Jiang Citation2010).

To address these issues, this paper explores a novel approach to categorizing geographic features from text. This approach begins at the level of the individual documents. Similar documents that describe geographic features are assigned to the same category based on the semantic mapping of terms in two groups. One group consists of the terms extracted from the documents and they are used to present geographic features. The bag-of-words model, a simplifying representation that is commonly used in natural language processing and information retrieval, is adopted in this paper to process the documents. However, instead of using the frequency of occurrence of each word or term frequency, this paper used term frequency-inverse document frequency (TF-IDF), a most popular method to weight terms in both information retrieval and text classification. The other group consists of the terms that are used to present predefined categories. The semantic context of terms is captured using latent semantic analysis (LSA), a statistic method to extract and represent the contextual-usage meaning of words (Deerwester et al. Citation1990; Landauer and Dumais Citation1997). The categorizing process is driven by domain knowledge through ontologies to control extraction of terms from text and to specify terms to represent the predefined categories. By incorporating ontologies into LSA, the proposed approach allows to allocate each geographic feature into more than one category and to identify a set of key concepts for each category as well.

In this paper, the performance of the proposed approach was evaluated by assigning a set of mountains into one or more predefined categories from a collection of text documents. We have chosen an experimental evaluation approach because of the very nature of the task – automatic text categorization heavily relies on the collection of text documents (Sebastiani Citation2002). The results showed promise in categorizing geographic features from text.

This paper extends a previous study by incorporating domain knowledge into LSA for geographic feature categorization (Huang Citation2011). The remainder of the paper is organized as follows. First, in Section 2, we examine related work in text document categorization, followed by a brief introduction to LSA in Section 3. We then outline our proposed approach including a step-by-step walk-through example in Section 4. To our knowledge, LSA has not been thoroughly examined for the geographic information science (GIS) community. This detailed example can serve to introduce the community to a technique that they may not have encountered. In Section 5, we present an experimental evaluation on a particular region in New Mexico, USA. The evaluation and discussion focus on varying various parameters, which are the important aspects of the proposed approach. Finally, in Section 6, we conclude by highlighting some implications and limitations of the approach. In addition, we offer suggestions for future studies.

2. Related work

Text document categorization is an important area of text mining and information retrieval. In recent years, a number of methods have been discussed in the literature. Among them, K-means is a simple but effective method of assigning documents into k mutually exclusive categories by using an iterative algorithm. This method minimizes the sum of distances from each document to its category centroid. Other methods are based on advanced machine learning and information retrieval methods, such as support vector machines (Kumar and Gopal Citation2010), Bayesian probabilistic methods (Nunzio Citation2009), neural networks (Yu, Xu, and Li Citation2008), genetic algorithms (Uguz Citation2011) and latent semantic indexing (Wei, Yang, and Lin Citation2008). Most of these methods begin at the level of the entire set of documents (namely, at the level of the population) and then divide the documents into categories. This approach is often treated as a ‘black-box’ and easy to manipulate. Moreover, using this approach, each document is usually assigned to a single category. However, a document is often associated with more than one category (Hearst Citation1999). An alternative strategy is to begin at the level of individual documents (namely, at the level of the instances) and then group individual documents into categories. In this way, a document can be allocated to more than one category (Duckham and Worboys Citation2005; Odgers, McBratney, and Minasny Citation2011). Furthermore, most text document categorization methods assign documents into categories solely based on a numerical measure of similarities between documents. The obtained set of categories can be well defined mathematically. However, they may not have a meaningful conceptual interpretation if domain knowledge is not taken into account. To overcome this limitation, conceptual clustering was proposed to use a set of concepts to describe each category (Michalski Citation1980; Fisher Citation1987). The concepts can be obtained from a predefined set of concepts based on domain terminologies, or they can be automatically derived from text documents.

Last, ontology, an important resource for text document categorization, is often used to represent document knowledge. An ontology is a formal explicit specification of a shared conceptualization of a domain of interest (Gruber Citation1993). A set of concepts and the relationships between them are the two main components in an ontology (Guarino Citation1998). Recently, ontologies have been integrated into the process of categorizing text documents. For instance, Srinivasan (Citation2001) used medical subject heading (MeSH) terms to mine the metadata of MEDLINE documents in order to yield high-level summaries. Song and Park (Citation2009) proposed a genetic algorithm for text categorization using ontologies. Zheng, Borchert, and Jiang (Citation2010) developed a key concept induction algorithm to identify key concepts and classify medical documents based on ontologies. In most existing methods, however, the use of ontologies is limited to the extraction of terms from text documents. In other words, similar to a domain dictionary, ontologies are only served as a control group to extract terms from text documents based on the concepts specified in the ontologies. The use of ontologies has not been fully examined in text document categorization.

Text mining from geographic information is an active research topic in GIS and computer science. Existing research focuses on, for example, identifying patterns in spatial information (Wise et al. Citation1995), finding and extracting geographic references within text (Rauch, Bukatin, and Baker Citation2003; Lieberman et al. Citation2007) and integrating semantics of geographic categories (Kuhn Citation2002). However, categorizing geographic features from text documents has not yet been explored sufficiently.

3. Latent semantic analysis

LSA takes the input of an m × n term-document matrix X, where the matrix rows m correspond to terms, namely words that occur in a document, and the columns n to documents. The matrix X represents the importance (namely, the weights) of terms to documents. Although there are some variations, LSA involves three common processes, namely, constructing a term-document matrix, projecting both documents and terms onto a vector space and reducing the vector space. Based on singular value decomposition (SVD) and dimension reduction techniques, LSA produces three reduced matrices, namely, Uk, Sk, and Vk. The matrix Uk has a k-dimensional vector for each of the m terms, the matrix Vk has a k-dimensional vector for each of the n documents and the matrix Sk has the k singular values. Thus, the matrix X can be approximated as Xk = UkSkVkT, which is claimed as the best approximation to X of any rank-k matrix in the least squares sense.

The number of reduced dimensions (namely, the parameter k) also plays a critical role in LSA. The optimal k is determined empirically for each corpus. In general, smaller k values are preferred when using LSA due to the computational cost associated with the SVD algorithm (Zha and Simon Citation1998). A common way to determine the k value is through the Frobenius norm, which is defined as the square root of the sum of the absolute squares of its elements. This value is often used to measure the difference between two matrices. Given the matrix S and its Frobenius norm ||S||F, k is defined as the minimum value that satisfies the following condition: ||Sk||F/||S||F ≥ p, where p is an acceptable threshold of approximation between the original matrix and its reduced matrix. Based on the generated k, the two generated matrices, U and V, are truncated to two reduced vector spaces, Uk and Vk, respectively. These two matrices project terms and documents onto the reduced k-dimensional vector space Sk, respectively.

The use of the three derived matrices, Uk, Sk and Vk, from LSA depends on applications. For example, the similarity between any two documents can be computed based on their places in the matrix of Vk. The calculated similarity value can then be used to classify documents. The similarity value can also be used for document retrieval by specifying a query, where the query is represented as a set of terms. Because the query can be treated as a single document, the similarity between the query and each document can be calculated. The documents that receive high similarity values can be considered as the relevant documents to the query. Likewise, the similarity between any two terms can be computed based on their places in the matrix of Uk. The calculated similarity value can then be used to identify keywords. For more details about LSA, including theory and applications, see Deerwester et al. (Citation1990) and Landauer, Foltz and Laham (Citation1998, 51).

As an automatic and objective method to analyse text through statistic methods, LSA has proven to effectively overcome synonymy and polysemy problems by capturing the semantic content of text (Landauer, Foltz, and Laham Citation1998). In addition to information retrieval, LSA has also been applied to many applications, such as cognitive theory (Denhiere et al. Citation2006) and educational applications (Millis et al. Citation2006). However, little work has been done on LSA for geographic information. One exception is spatialization, which is the process of generating an information display of non-spatial data (Fabrikant et al. Citation2004).

4. The proposed method

As shown in , the proposed approach comprises five main phases: (1) geographic feature preparation, (2) constructing ‘property term–geographic feature’ matrix, (3) projecting property terms and geographic features onto a reduced vector space, (4) categorizing geographic features and (5) assigning key concepts to generated categories. Each phase is described in detail below.

Figure 1. Framework of the proposed method.

Figure 1. Framework of the proposed method.

4.1. Geographic feature preparation

In this phase, first common preprocesses in a typical text classification are performed, including, for example, case folding and stop words removal. Case folding is to convert texts to lower case to avoid case sensitivity. Stop words, which are common words but do not contain significant meaning, are removed to reduce computational burden. After that, the main task is to identify and extract the terms that are used to describe geographic features (hereafter, these terms are referred to as the property terms). This process is done with the support of the corresponding domain ontologies. More specifically, concepts in a corresponding ontology are used to control the identification of the property terms. Only those that appear in the set of concepts are considered as a property term and they are extracted for further processing.

4.2. Constructing ‘property term–geographic feature’ matrix

In this phase, a term-document matrix (hereafter referred to as a ‘property term–geographic feature’ matrix) for LSA analysis is constructed. The rows of the matrix correspond to the property terms extracted from the first phase (e.g. ‘Douglas fir’ in ), and columns correspond to the documents of geographic features (e.g. ‘g1’ in ). The cell values in the matrix represent the weights, or importance of the property terms in geographic features. The bag-of-words model is adopted to assign the cell values. However, instead of using term frequency, the importance is represented by TF-IDF, a most popular method to weight terms in both information retrieval and text classification. The TF-IDF values are the product of two statistics, term frequency and inverse document frequency. The TF-IDF values indicate the frequency of an individual property term for one geographic feature and relative to the geographic feature collection. The importance is increased by the number of times a property term appears in a geographic feature but is offset by the frequency of the property term in the collection of geographic features. Studies show that SVD can effectively capture the co-occurrence terms when TF-IDF values are used to represent the importance of the terms in documents (Robertson Citation2004; Chen, Liang, and Pan Citation2008).

Table 1. An example: property term–geographic feature matrix.

To illustrate the proposed method, we use a simple example to demonstrate its main processes. As shown in , there are 25 different extracted property terms in eight documents, one for each geographic feature. Nine out of 25 property terms appear in at least two geographic features. For the demonstration purpose, only these terms are used to construct a property term–geographic feature matrix. These nine property terms are Douglas fir, Gambel oak, alligator juniper, creosote bush, mesquite, mountain mahogany, oak, pinyon juniper and ponderosa pine. These terms are italicized in . The dimension of the constructed matrix is 9 × 8, where rows correspond to the nine property terms and columns correspond to the eight geographic features. The values in the matrix are the TF-IDF values of the property terms in the geographic features.

4.3. Projecting property terms and geographic features onto a reduced vector space

The main task of this phase is to project property terms and geographic features onto a reduced vector space using LSA technique. The Frobenius norm is adopted to determine the most significant k singular values to project property terms and geographic features onto the reduced k-dimensional vector space. shows the three constructed matrices, U, S and V, by performing SVD on the matrix in . According to the Frobenius norm, the value of k is calculated as 2 (for demonstration purposes, a threshold p = 0.8 is used). Therefore, the nine-dimensional vector space is reduced to a two-dimensional space.

Figure 2. An example: the produced three matrices, U, S and V, by SVD with dimension reduction (= 2).

Figure 2. An example: the produced three matrices, U, S and V, by SVD with dimension reduction (k = 2).

4.4. Categorizing geographic features

The main task in this phase is to assign geographic features to a set of predefined categories based on the reduced vector space generated from the previous phase. Similar to most studies in LSA-based information retrieval, this process is done by computing the similarity between geographic features against predefined categories. For that purpose, each category is represented as a query through a set of terms. These terms are specified with the support of ontologies, as detailed later in Section 5.

In LSA, a query can be treated just as another document because the query contains one or more terms. Given a query vector and a geographic feature vector, the similarity between them can be calculated by the cosine of the angle between these two vectors. In this way, the similarity values between the query and all geographic features can be obtained. More specifically, if the similarity value is greater than e, a similarity threshold, the geographic feature is considered to have a high similarity to the query. All these geographic features are assigned to the corresponding category. A geographic feature may be allocated to more than one category if the feature has high similarities to more than one query. Thus, overlapping group of geographic features, which is common in geographic feature categorization, can be obtained. For our example, assume that the term ‘Douglas fir’ is used to represent a query. The query vector, q, is then calculated as:

Subsequently, the cosine similarity between the vector query q and the vector d1(for the geographic feature g1) is calculated as:

Similarly, the cosine similarities between the query and the remaining seven geographic features are −0.2696, −0.1991, −0.6164, 0.7792, 0.9301, 0.9678 and −0.2696, respectively. Assuming the similarity threshold, e, is set as 0.85, three geographic features (g1, g6 and g7) are allocated to the same category that is associated with the property term ‘Douglas fir’. Although the geographic feature g6 does not contain the term ‘Douglas fir’ (), this feature is still selected. This is perhaps because the three property terms (namely, pinyon juniper, oak and ponderosa pine) in g6 also appear in g7. The results show that the LSA approach can capture not only the first-order co-occurrence (namely, two terms are co-occurring in one document) but also the second-order co-occurrence (namely, two terms not co-occurring in any of the documents while co-occurring with a third term).

Likewise, if the term ‘alligator juniper’ is used to represent a query, the cosine similarities between the query and the eight geographic features are −0.9824, −0.054, 0.0185, −0.4306, 0.8968, 0.9877, 0.9994 and −0.0540, respectively. Consequently, four geographic features (g1, g5, g6 and g7) are assigned to the same category associated with the term ‘alligator juniper’. Therefore, all three geographic features (g1, g6 and g7) are assigned to two different categories. In this way, overlapping categories are generated.

4.5. Assigning key concepts to geographic features

The cosine similarities, which were used earlier to categorize geographic features, are also used here to assign key words or key concepts to each generated category. In this context, each property term is treated as a query and the similarity values between the term and all geographic features that fall within the same category are calculated. The sum of all similarity values is then calculated to get the total similarity score for each term. After that, the scores for all property terms are normalized by dividing by the total number of property terms. The terms with scores greater than a predefined threshold, p2, are selected as the key concepts to represent this category.

In our example, assuming that all of the eight geographic features fall in one category, the total similarities for each of the nine property terms to these features are calculated as 2.3219, 3.6908, 3.3460, 3.4112, 3.2033, 3.6908, 3.0051, 5.4487 and 2.6393, respectively. The normalization values are 0.26, 0.41, 0.37, 0.38, 0.36, 0.41, 0.33, 0.61 and 0.29, respectively. If threshold p2 = 0.6 is used for key concepts, the property term ‘pinyon juniper’ is the only term that satisfies this threshold. Therefore, this term is selected as the key concept to represent the category that contains all the eight geographic features.

5. Empirical evaluation

In order to examine the effectiveness of the proposed method, an experiment was conducted to categorize a collection of text documents that describe mountains into categorizations. In the experiment, we chose mountains in the state of New Mexico in the United States. New Mexico is a mountainous state with diverse mountain groups that span an enormous range of geography and ecology.

5.1. Evaluation method

To evaluate the proposed method, a set of generated categories was evaluated against a set of predefined categories using precision, recall and F1 score. These three measurements are widely used in information retrieval (Salton Citation1989). Precision (P) is the proportion of received instances that are relevant, while recall (R) is the proportion of relevant instances that are received. The F1 score, the harmonic mean of the precision and recall, takes into account both P and R measures due to the trade-off between them. This is because greater precision decreases recall and greater recall leads to decreased precision. For a category i, these three measurements are defined as follows:



where TPi is the number of mountains in both predefined and generated category i, FPi is the number of mountains included in the generated but not in the predefined category i and FNi is the number of mountains included in the predefined category but not in the generated category i.

5.2. Experiment set-up

The state of New Mexico has more than 100 named mountains. We based on the following two sources to locate a mountain in New Mexico: (1) the book titled ‘The Mountains of New Mexico’ (Julyan Citation2006) and (2) Geographic Names Information System (GNIS) developed by the US Geological Survey (USGS). The first source provides comprehensive information for each mountain in New Mexico on several topics, including location, physiographic province, elevation, ecosystems, dimension, etc. This book, however, does not provide geographic coordinates of each mountain (e.g. altitude/longitude). Information on geographic coordinates is needed to generate a set of predefined categories, as detailed later. For that purpose, the second source, USGS GNIS, is used to obtain the geographic coordinates of mountains at the centre location. The data of USGS GNIS were downloaded from the New Mexico Resource Geographic Information System (NMRGIS, http://rgis.unm.edu/). All mountains that appeared in both Julyan (Citation2006) and GNIS were selected, and they formed the set of geographic features (hereafter referred to as mountains) in the experiment.

The text that describes these mountains in New Mexico was also collected from Julyan (Citation2006). Instead of considering all topics provided in the book, we only extracted terms related to ecosystems due to three reasons: (1) only one topic is selected in order to effectively analyse the association patterns between mountains and terms, (2) the ecosystem information for the majority of mountains in New Mexico (i.e. over 95% of mountains) is available in Julyan (Citation2006) and (3) ecosystems are highly related to vegetation, a main property of mountains. Vegetation and associated major plants in the state of New Mexico are well studied in Dick-Peddie (Citation1992).

A set of predefined categories along with the mountains belonging to each category is needed in order to calculate the three evaluation measurements (namely, precision, recall and F1). To our knowledge, this kind of information is not available. Therefore, we generated this set based on the associated vegetation information of mountains in order to be consistent with the collected text. If two mountains fell within the same vegetation community type, these two mountains were considered under the same category. With this regard, we first downloaded a general vegetation map of New Mexico (in a .shp file) from NMRGIS. This map contained vector data for vegetation in New Mexico at a 1:1,000,000 scale, resulting in 16 vegetation community types. Second, we generated a buffer zone for each mountain due to the fact that the locations (altitude/longitude) of the mountains provided in GNIS are the centre locations, while mountains cover certain areas. The buffer zone for a mountain is determined based on the boundaries of individual mountains provided in Julyan (Citation2006). Most commonly, the boundaries of individual mountains and mountain ranges are obvious, but not always. In Julyan (Citation2006), the author estimated mountain boundary relying on his best judgment. After that, we generated a map layer for each vegetation community type. Based on these layers, mountains belonging to each type were obtained. In total, there are five vegetation community types that contain more than 10 mountains. These five types are montane coniferous forest, coniferous and mixed woodland, desert grassland, Chihuahuan Desert scrub and subalpine coniferous forest. These five vegetation community types were considered as the main types associated with the mountains in New Mexico, and they formed the set of predefined categories. Each mountain was then assigned to a predefined category if the mountain is within the corresponding vegetation community type layer. lists the number of mountains in each predefined category. There are overlapping categories because a mountain might be within more than one vegetation community type map layer. Out of the 99 mountains, 19 mountains were only associated with one predefined category, 63 mountains were associated with two predefined categories and 9 mountains were associated with three predefined categories. There were no mountains associated with four or five predefined categories. The centre coordinates of these mountains and all 16 vegetation community types in the state of New Mexico are displayed in .

Table 2. The predefined categories generated based on vegetation community types in the state of New Mexico.

Figure 3. Mountains’ locations and vegetation community types in the state of New Mexico. Each point represents the centre location of a mountain.

Figure 3. Mountains’ locations and vegetation community types in the state of New Mexico. Each point represents the centre location of a mountain.

As stated in Section 4, both extraction of property terms from text documents and determination of query terms for predefined categories are based on ontologies. For that purpose, two ontologies are needed in the experiment. One is a plant ontology and the other is a vegetation-type ontology. The plant ontology served as a controlled vocabulary to extract property terms, while the vegetation-type ontology was used to determine query terms. We followed the book ‘New Mexico Vegetation’ (Dick-Peddie Citation1992) to implement these two ontologies using Protégé (Noy, Fergerson, and Musen Citation2000), a widely used ontology development software program by Medical Informatics of Stanford University. This book provides categories of plants vegetation community types in New Mexico. This book also provides a comprehensive study of New Mexico’s vegetation and includes a detailed account of plant distribution information in the state. Moreover, vegetation community types used in Dick-Peddie (Citation1992) are consistent with the downloaded vegetation map from NMRGIS.

The plant ontology contained common plants comprising vegetation in New Mexico, including four classes (trees, grasses, shrubs and forbs) and four relationships (has_common_name, has_scientific_name, has_definition and has_alternative_common_name). In addition, this ontology contained 384 instances, including 29 trees, 68 grasses, 114 shrubs and 173 forbs. Only terms that appeared in the common name or the alternative common name of these 384 instances were extracted from the collected documents to construct the ‘property term–geographic feature’ matrix for the further LSA process.

The vegetation-type ontology contained a hierarchy of classes, where each class represented a vegetation type in New Mexico and a subtype of a vegetation type was a subclass of the corresponding class. Each class/subclass might have the following six relationships: has_Dominant_Vegetation, has_CoDominant_Vegetation, has_Major_Trees, has_Major_Grasses, has_Major_Shrubs and has_Major_Forbs. The values of these six relationships were chosen based on the instances of the classes in the plant ontology. Therefore, the vegetation-type ontology was built upon the plant ontology. For example, subalpine coniferous forest is a class in the vegetation-type ontology. The value of its relationship ‘has_Dominant_Vegetation’ was assigned as Engelmann spruce, where Engelmann spruce is an instance of the class ‘tree’ in the plant ontology.

The query terms for each predefined category were obtained from the vegetation-type ontology. More specifically, the value of the relationship ‘has_Dominant_Vegetation’ of a vegetation type was chosen as the query term as this relationship presents the major plants comprising each type of vegetation type. As a result, the terms used to represent the five categories (subalpine coniferous forest, montane coniferous forest, coniferous and mixed woodland, desert grassland and Chihuahuan Desert scrub) are ‘Engelmann spruce’, ‘mixed coniferous forest’, ‘pinyon juniper’, ‘desert grasses’ and ‘Chihuahuan Desert scrub’, respectively.

To capture majority of ecosystem terms, all terms that appeared in at least two mountains but in less than 95% of all mountains were kept. In other words, given 100 mountains, if the term only appeared in one mountain, or the term appeared in over 95 documents, the term was removed. After removing these terms and the stop words, a total of 65 ecosystem terms remained and served as property terms in the LSA process. The TF-IDF value was calculated for each term in each mountain. These weights were the cell values in the ‘property term–geographic feature’ matrix. Following the steps stated in Section 4, the matrix was constructed and SVD and dimension reduction were then conducted on the matrix in MATLAB to project the ecosystem terms and mountains onto a reduced vector space, respectively. After that, a set of generated categories were obtained and key concepts were assigned to each category as discussed in Section 4.

5.3. Experiment results and discussion

As described in Section 4, the categorization results depend on two main parameters: threshold p (to determine the reduced dimension of the vector space) and threshold e (to determine the similar geographic features). A total of 200 categorizations were conducted based on all combinations of p and e, where p is from 0.5 to 0.9 and e is from 0.1 to 0.9. Both are in increments of 0.05. shows the F1 score with the combinations of p and e. The best categorizing result was found with F1 = 0.7465 when threshold p was 0.6 and threshold e was 0.8. Therefore, we applied such values of p and e to the further analysis.

Figure 4. F1 scores and threshold p.

Figure 4. F1 scores and threshold p.

The dimension of the vector space dropped with the decrease of the threshold p. As shown in , when p was 0.6, the dimension of the vector space reduced to 3 from the original 63, with a reduction rate of 95%. Each ecosystem term in the 63 words represents a dimension in the original vector space. By examining these 63 terms, synonymy is quite common, such as pinyon juniper and pinyon juniper forest, spruce and spruce fir, etc., although no polysemy was found in these 63 terms. By using SVD on the ‘property term–geographic feature’ matrix with the TF-IDF values and then applying the Frobenius norm, the best result was attained by reducing the transformed vector space from 63 to 3. In other words, this three-dimensional vector space can represent the contextual-usage meaning of these 63 ecosystem terms well, including those semantic similar terms.

Figure 5. Reduced dimension k and threshold p.

Figure 5. Reduced dimension k and threshold p.

Precision increased while the recall decreased with the increase of the threshold e. shows the precision, recall and F1 score for various e values when the threshold p was 0.6. When threshold e was 0.1, the precision value was 0.42, but the recall value reached 1, while when threshold e was increased to 0.9, the precision value increased to 0.81, but the recall value dropped to 0.50. F1 score, the trade-off between precision and recall, slowly increased with the increase of threshold e and reached the highest value when threshold e was 0.8. After that, the value dropped quickly with the increase of threshold e. The results demonstrate an inverse relationship between precision and recall. Based on the theory of precision and recall, the recall value could be increased by classifying more correct mountains, but this increase would come at the cost of increasing the number of irrelevant mountains (namely, decreasing precision). These experiments also show that usually a lower threshold e should be chosen if we hope to allocate as many mountains as possible in the predefined category to the corresponding generated category (namely, high recall value). In contrast, a higher threshold e should be chosen if we hope that the majority of allocated mountains in the generated category are actually in the predefined category (namely, high precision value).

Figure 6. Precision, recall and F1 score values with threshold e (= 0.6).

Figure 6. Precision, recall and F1 score values with threshold e (p = 0.6).

shows the confusion matrix of the categorization experiment when threshold p is 0.6 and threshold e is 0.8. As mentioned above, these values reached the best F1 score with 0.7465. For example, for the category ‘coniferous and mixed woodland’, 40 out of 99 mountains are not in either a predefined or a generated category (true negatives, TN), 32 mountains are in both predefined and generated category (true positives, TP), 14 mountains are in generated but not in predefined category (false positives, FP) and 13 mountains are in predefined but not in generated category (false negatives, FN). Among these five categories, the category ‘subalpine coniferous forest’ has the highest precision value with 1.0, while its recall value is quite low (0.6842). The category ‘Chihuahuan Desert scrub’ has the highest recall value with 0.9231, while its precision value is quite low (0.6316). This matrix also shows an inverse relationship between precision and recall, that is, a high recall value is often associated with a low precision value, while a high precision value is often associated with a low recall value.

Table 3. The categorization results (= 0.6, = 0.8).

In order to visually see the locations of those correctly or incorrectly allocated mountains, shows a map of the categorization results for the predefined and generated category ‘coniferous and mixed woodland’, the largest group in the predefined category (45 mountains). Results showed that 46 mountains were allocated to the corresponding generated category. Of these 46 mountains, 32 mountains (in the red circle) were also in the predefined category, while 14 mountains (in the green pentagon) were not. In other words, 32 out of 45 mountains in the predefined category were correctly grouped to a generated category, while 13 were not (in the blue square). By examining the locations and descriptions of mountains that were not correctly allocated to a corresponding category, their ecosystem descriptions and the associated vegetation types were not consistent. For example, the ecosystem description of mountain ‘Florida Mountains’, which is located in Luna County, is ‘evergreen oak, junipers, beargrass, mesquite, ocotillo, cacti, yucca’. In the predefined category, based on the spatial relationship between vegetation types and the location, this mountain was assigned to three categories: ‘woodland’, ‘Chihuahuan Desert grassland’ and ‘Chihuahuan Desert scrub.’ However, based on the description, this mountain was only allocated to two categories, ‘Chihuahuan Desert grassland’ and ‘Chihuahuan Desert scrub’, but not to ‘coniferous and mixed woodland’.

Figure 7. Categorization results: a map of mountains for the predefined and generated category ‘coniferous and mixed woodland’ (= 0.6, = 0.8).

Figure 7. Categorization results: a map of mountains for the predefined and generated category ‘coniferous and mixed woodland’ (p = 0.6, e = 0.8).

As for the overlapping categories, a total of 65 mountains were allocated to two generated categories. Of these 65 mountains, 45 were exactly matched to the corresponding predefined overlapping categories. As mentioned earlier, 63 mountains were allocated to two predefined categories. Similar to the predefined categories, there were no mountains assigned to four or five categories. Seven mountains were allocated to three generated categories, but none of them matched the nine mountains that were assigned to three predefined categories. The results show that this approach is effective in dealing with the majority overlapping categories (namely, assigning a mountain to two categories) and the less common overlapping categories (namely, assigning a mountain to four or five categories). In this experiment, the approach is difficult in dealing with mountains that fell into three categories. The main reason could be the completeness of the terms of ecosystems used to describe mountains in the documents collected from Julyan (Citation2006). Allocating a mountain to one or more categories heavily depends on these terms, but only main terms for each mountain are provided in Julyan (Citation2006).

The key concepts used to represent each generated category using the value of threshold (p2) 0.8 are listed in Appendix A. The numbers of key concepts for the five categories were 4, 5, 14, 20 and 10, respectively. Three categories (1, 2 and 5) generated a reasonable size of key concepts; however, categories 3 and 4 generated too many key concepts. Examining the ecosystem terms of the mountains in these two categories showed that most of these words appeared in each mountain. As for the generated key concepts, the query term used for each category was identified in the corresponding category. In addition, more key concepts were identified for each category. For example, besides the query term ‘mixed conifer’, three more words (‘Douglas fir’, ‘ponderosa pine’ and ‘spruce fir’) were identified as key concepts for the category ‘coniferous forest’. By examining the vegetation-type ontology, the term ‘Douglas fir’ is the co-dominant vegetation (namely, the relationship has_coDominant_Vegetation) of the coniferous forest. The other two concepts are among the major trees of the coniferous forest. The results showed that the proposed approach based on LSA and ontology can capture the main concepts that represent the categories.

Although TF-IDF is generally a better way than TF to construct the ‘property term–geographic feature’ matrix, this experiment also investigated the TF method. Results showed that for this data set, both TF and TF-IDF provided good results; TF reached a higher F1 score with 0.7465 but with different parameters (= 0.65, = 0.9). This is perhaps because most of the terms only appear once in one document. shows a comparison of TF and TF-IDF at different threshold e when = 0.7, where both TF and TF-IDF had the same reduced dimension (= 3). However, using TF methods, the numbers of key concepts for the five categories were 29, 25, 30, 30 and 25, respectively (see Appendix A). This method is not effective in capturing key concepts to present generated categories because too many key concepts were included in each category.

Figure 8. Comparison of TF and TF-IDF with threshold e.

Figure 8. Comparison of TF and TF-IDF with threshold e.

6. Conclusion and future work

This paper proposed a method to conceptually categorize geographic features from text based on LSA and ontologies. The experimental results indicate that the proposed method achieves satisfactory categorization effectiveness through capturing and extracting the semantic context of terms. The results also show that this method can efficiently deal with synonymy in the description of geographic features and can extract key concepts to represent categories. The type of a geographic feature, together with its name and footprint (e.g. latitude and longitude coordinates), is the core element for each feature in a gazetteer (Hill Citation2000), which in turn serves as a foundation for a wide variety of tools and applications, including geographic information mining and digital library (Larson Citation1996). Name and footprint of a geographic feature are usually well defined, and methods for extracting them from the text have been well developed (Goldberg, Wilson, and Knoblock Citation2009). Our method will be valuable for geographic feature categorization by providing a way to automatically assign a geographic feature to one or more categories from text, particularly the documents that contain many domain-specific terminologies.

The proposed method is driven by ontologies. In addition to using concepts in the ontologies to serve as a set of controlled terms, the relationships between these concepts specified in the ontologies are also used to incorporate domain knowledge in the process of categorizing geographic features from text. The method presented in this paper is expected to advance research in ontologies of geographic information. The experiments can be extended to categorizing other geographic features from text with the support of the appropriate domain ontologies.

Several limitations arise from this research. As reported, this method needs to select the appropriate corpus of texts. Similar to any corpus-based approach, this method relies on the collected text that describes geographic information. It is desirable to have a collection of text that provides accurate and complete description of geographic features. When the quality of the text is low or when the text cannot be trusted to be a representative of geographic features, the categorization results could not be trusted completely. In the literature, many efforts have been made to evaluate the quality of text for the performance of LSA (Kontostathis and Pottenger Citation2006). Although each application is different, common wisdom holds that the corpus should consist of texts that are relevant to the particular domain task (Wiemer-Hastings Citation1999). This is because a domain-specific corpus will usually have higher relevant words and will thus not waste its representational power on words that will not be seen by the applications.

Second, the performance of the proposed method depends on the ontologies. The method uses ontologies to control the terms extracted from the collected text and to determine the query terms to represent the predefined categories. The ontologies should be relevant to the collection and the concepts and their relationships present in the collections should be thoroughly represented in the ontology, otherwise this method might have a poor performance. In this experiment, we generated ontologies from a comprehensive study of mountains and vegetation types in New Mexico. The ontologies should be specified when this method is applied to other applications. Another limitation of the research is the scope of the evaluation. This paper mainly focuses on valuation and discussion of the two parameters involved in the method for one type of geographic feature data set. This provides new insight into the evaluation and analysis of the proposed method. One goal of future research is to apply the method to the description of other types of geographic features and to examine categorization accuracy and overlapping class rate.

The current research focuses on classifying geographic features into a set of predefined categories. Another opportunity for future research is to extend this method to a set of previously unseen categories. Query terms could be obtained from directly grouping terms, a main application of LSA, instead of using values from the relationships in ontologies. Furthermore, some other state-of-the-art topic models, such as latent Dirichlet allocation (Blei, Ng, and Jordan Citation2003), could be explored to categorize geographic features from text in the future.


The author would like to thank anonymous reviewers for their valuable comments and suggestions.

Disclosure statement

No potential conflict of interest was reported by the author.


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Appendix A. Comparison of the TF-IDF and TF in terms of key concept identification (p2 = 0.8).

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