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Distributing Risks: Allocation Principles for Distributing Reversible and Irreversible Losses



This paper aims to develop a framework for distributing risks. Based on a distinction between risks with reversible losses and risks with irreversible losses, I defend the following composite allocation principle: first, irreversible risks should be allocated on the basis of needs and only after some threshold level has been achieved can the remaining risks distributed in such a way that the total disvalue of these losses is minimized. An important advantage of this allocation framework is that it does not require the aggregation of incommensurable values into one measure.


This paper aims to develop a framework for distributing risks. Some types of risk may be evaluated on the basis of traditional risk criteria such as informed consent or the precautionary principle. For example, for hazards which involve potentially severe consequences and large uncertainties, the precautionary principle may provide the best approach for deciding on the acceptability of these hazards. For hazards which involve a small group of potential victims, informed consent may be the most suitable criterion. Yet, there are also risks in which these criteria cannot be applied straightforwardly. The informed consent principle may, for example, be less suitable in situations in which the group affected cannot be identified with sufficient precision (Hansson, Citation2006). Similarly, the precautionary principle seems especially suitable in situations which involve large uncertainties, but it provides little guidance when the reduction of one risk implies higher risks in some other domain (Sunstein, Citation2005).

It is widely accepted in risk management that risks often cannot simply be reduced but can only be transferred or redistributed (Shrader-Frechette, Citation2000), or that they introduce new risks (Morrow, Citation2014). For example, technological measures to prevent flooding may increase the risk of water scarcity or bring ecological damage. In those situations, the main question seems to be how to distribute risks to come to acceptable risk levels (Doorn, Citation2015).

Psychological studies of risk acceptance indicate irreversibility as an important criterion for acceptable risk levels (e.g. Covello & Sandman, Citation2001; Slovic, Citation2000). However, up to now this consideration has not been systematically included in the risk ethics literature (Hayenhjelm & Wolff, Citation2012; for an exception, see Murphy & Gardoni, Citation2008, Citation2012). The aim of this paper is to develop an allocation principle for risks that can account for the intuition that irreversibility should play a role when making decisions about acceptable risk levels. Based on a distinction between risks with reversible losses and risks with irreversible losses, I defend the following composite allocation principle: first, risks with irreversible losses should be addressed on the basis of needs and only after some threshold level has been achieved can the remaining risks be distributed in such a way that the total disvalue of these losses is minimized.

My argument proceeds in four steps. After discussing two senses of irreversibility in the context of risks, I argue that existing ethical theories cannot be straightforwardly applied to the context of risks. Based on a demarcation between reversible and irreversible losses, I substantiate allocation principles for risks with reversible and irreversible losses, respectively. In the fourth and final step, I argue for a lexicographical ordering of allocation principles for irreversible losses and any other remaining losses.

Two Senses of Irreversibility

Psychological studies identify irreversibility as one of the aspects of public risk assessment. Although these psychological studies do not offer more substantive support other than claiming that this criterion is important in the public evaluation of risks, irreversibility also seems to be at the core of some environmentalist principles, most notably the precautionary principle. Principle 15 of the Rio Declaration on Environment and Development, for example, speaks of ‘serious or irreversible damage’: ‘(…) Where there are threats of serious or irreversible damage, lack of full scientific certainty shall not be used as a reason for postponing cost-effective measures to prevent environmental degradation’ (UNCED, Citation1992). In the literature, the notion of irreversibility is often invoked to explain and justify precautionary measures (Manson, Citation2007).

Irreversibility is not a well-defined concept. Some people say that hardly anything is reversible in a literal sense. My time spent writing this paper cannot be spent on anything else and therefore my decision to spend time writing is irreversible. Yet, the document produced can be easily deleted from my computer. This suggests that the concept of ‘irreversibility’ has different ontologies, that is, different realms of application.

In the context of this paper, I cannot provide a full review of how the term is used in different literatures, but it is good to elaborate two senses of irreversibility that have been invoked in the context of the precautionary principle, in order to gain a better understanding of what the moral concern is when talking about irreversibility.Footnote1

The first sense of irreversibility concerns irreversibility in relation to the notion of option value (or better: quasi option value) in the economics literature.Footnote2 Arrow and Fisher (Citation1974) linked the term option value to situations characterized by both irreversibility, uncertainty, and the prospect of resolving or reducing uncertainty with the passage of time. They showed that it may sometimes be better to postpone a decision in view of the prospect of getting additional information, for example, a more accurate view on the advantages and disadvantages of particular decisions. In order to avoid bias towards irreversible investment costs, Arrow and Fisher argued that ‘the expected benefits of an irreversible decision should be adjusted to reflect the loss of options it entails’ (p. 319). Phrased differently, the option to postpone an irreversible investment decision has a value, viz. ‘option value’, which should be included in the calculation of expected benefits. In a later paper, Fisher generalized the option value argument (OVA) into the following principle

[w]here a decision problem is characterized by (1) uncertainty about future costs and benefits of the alternatives, (2) prospects for resolving or reducing the uncertainty with the passage of time, and (3) irreversibility of one or more of the alternatives, an extra value, an option value, properly attaches to the reversible alternative(s). (Fisher, Citation2001, p. 9)

Hence, the option value is a price worth spending on keeping options open. This price needs to be taken into account in a sensible cost-benefit analysis (CBA) (Sunstein, Citation2010).

The basic rationale of the OVA is that if there is a prospect for resolving or reducing uncertainty, it may be better to maintain flexibility in one’s choices. Hence, the ontology of irreversibility in the OVA is decisions. Although the OVA is sometimes used to justify the precautionary principle (Gollier, Jullien, & Treich, Citation2000; Gollier & Treich, Citation2003), on closer inspection it provides little support for precautionary measures. Aldred (Citation2012) provides a critique of how the OVA is used by economists to explain and justify the precautionary principle. He shows that the OVA misrepresents both uncertainty and irreversibility. For the purpose of this paper, his discussion of the misrepresentation of irreversibility is most relevant. The idea behind the OVA is to account for uncertainty so that it can be included in the economic rationale of optimization. By adding an additional cost to the irreversible decision, precaution may stand out as the rational choice (Gollier et al., Citation2000). However, the environmentalist concern captured by the precautionary principle is precisely the rejection of CBA as a suitable method for decision-making (Gardiner, Citation2006; Stirling, Citation2009). Manson, for example, explains that environmentalists who refer to the precautionary principle are not just saying that certain aspects are not adequately included in the valuation of costs and benefits, but that the procedure of CBA itself is defective because ‘it neglects important features of decisions—for example, that the consequences of the decision are irreversible’ (Manson, Citation2007, p. 10).

Admittedly, this point will likely be less persuasive for those who are more sympathetic to CBA and who think that in the end all relevant considerations can be translated into corresponding costs or benefits; but also some prominent proponents of CBA recognize that the environmentalist concern for irreversible loss is not well captured by the OVA (Sunstein, Citation2010). For this reason I will look in more detail at a second sense of irreversibility, a sense that is mostly discussed in the context of environmental loss and that does capture the environmentalist concern. It should be emphasized, though, that this sense of irreversibility may very well apply to other forms of irreversible loss as well.

In the second approach, irreversibility refers to the loss of a unique, qualitatively distinctive good and it is precisely this characteristic that underlies the desire to prevent it:

When people say that the loss of a pristine area or of a species is irreversible, they do not merely mean that the loss is grave and that it takes a great deal to provide adequate compensation. They mean that what is lost is incommensurable—that it is qualitatively distinctive, and that when we lose it, we may lose something that is unique. (Sunstein, Citation2010)

The term ‘severe or irreversible loss’ in the Rio formulation of the precautionary principle should therefore be seen as two different types of loss. Irreversible loss is not just an amplifier of severe loss but really of a different type (Aldred, Citation2012). The crucial difference between the economist’s interpretation of irreversibility and the environmentalist’s concern with irreversibility is in the end one of incommensurability of values. Whereas most neoclassical economists adopt a monist conception of value, be it ‘utility’, ‘welfare’ or ‘well-being’, the distinctiveness of irreversible loss according to environmentalists is precisely about the impossibility of capturing the different losses in one all-encompassing value. For that reason, one type of irreversible loss cannot simply be replaced by adding some other good or preventing some other loss, so the environmentalist arguments runs.

In the philosophical literature, incommensurability is a formal feature of values: two values are considered to be incommensurable if they cannot be measured on a common scale (Chang, Citation1997). The fact that two values cannot be measured on a common scale does in itself not seem sufficient reason to treat these values differently than values that can be measured on a commons scale. It may therefore be good to take a closer look at how incommensurability is elaborated in the literature on irreversible loss. Manson starts from a functional interpretation of irreversibility. He uses the medical metaphor of an organism being in good health. Irreversible loss, in this view, is damage that prevents the organism from functioning. In this interpretation, a scar on the skin will not count as irreversible damage as long as the organism can still fulfil its functions (Manson, Citation2007, p. 7). In the context of sustainable development, Pearce et al. further distinguish between irreversible losses that can be compensated and those losses that can be characterized by ‘an extreme form of non-substitutability. Once lost, no man-made capital can recreate a species, for example’ (Pearce, Markandya, & Barbier, Citation1989/1990, p. 38; emphasis added). Pearce et al. firmly reject the substitution of natural capital with man-made capital, but they argue that definitions of sustainable development must ‘allow for (…) compensation for the loss (of irreversible natural assets) by other natural assets’ (Pearce et al., Citation1989/1990, p. 36). Although the idea of substitution is not shared by all environmentalists (see Dobson (Citation1998) for a discussion), I would propose to not exclude the possibility of substitution upfront and to leave this option open. I agree with Pearce et al., that in principle it may be possible that some irreversible losses can be compensated, but given the incommensurable nature of irreversible losses, this can only be done by adding the same good elsewhere.

In the remainder of this article, I will develop an allocation framework that can account for the intuition captured in this second interpretation of irreversibility: when there is an irreversible loss, something unique is lost. This loss cannot be made undone or compensated by adding some other good. Hence, this framework starts from the assumption that irreversible loss matters because something unique is lost and this loss is incommensurable with other values. The paper is not intended to provide a full rejection of value monism, but rather to take the incommensurability of irreversible loss as the starting point and to develop an allocation framework that is compatible with this view.

Risk in Existing Normative Theories

In developing and defending an allocation principle for risks, I am implicitly asserting that the distribution of risks is different from the distribution of goods. Incommensurability is not unique to risks, so why do we need to develop a separate framework or allocation principle particularly for the context of risks? In risk analysis and risk engineering, risk is usually conceived as the statistical expectation value of an unwanted state of affairs which may or may not occur (Hansson, Citation2004). One could argue that the distribution of risks, in the engineering sense, is not fundamentally different from the distribution of goods. We could leave it to decision theory to translate the moral assessment of well-determined situations into an assessment of rational behaviour in real-world indeterministic cases or situations in which there is a lack of knowledge. The valuation of the deterministic cases does not involve risk or uncertainty and can be performed using existing ethical theories. Decision theory can then determine, on the basis of the probabilities of occurrence of the respective options, the most rational choice or action (Hansson, Citation2003). In a situation of known probabilities, this seems to be the only approach consistent with the utilitarian injunction of maximizing the net balance of utility (Altham, Citation1983–1984). In the context of risks, it would be most rational for a utilitarian to maximize expected utility.Footnote3 Utilitarianism therefore leaves no place for an allocation framework for risks with principles of its own. However, as explained in Section 2, the very aim of this paper is to develop an allocation framework that does not require all outcomes to be expressed in the same unit of measurement. Hence, following this route of maximizing expected utility is not compatible with the conception of irreversibility that underlies the current paper.

If we look at theories that are not committed to the basic claims of utilitarianism, natural rights theory may seem a promising candidate for thinking about risks. In Chapter 4 of Anarchy, State, and Utopia, Nozick (Citation1974) dedicates a full chapter to the problem of risk, compensation, and prohibition. However, the use of natural rights theory for the context of risks is no trivial matter. First, if we want to derive something meaningful from natural rights theory, we first need to assume that there is a natural right not to be put at risk of being harmed. But this position is problematic, because it would probably be too prohibitive. The natural right not to be put at harm of risk may make sense in theory but would not be feasible in practice, as it is impossible to eliminate all possible risks or their causes. After all, nothing in life is entirely risk-free. It may be possible to reduce to some sufficiently low level the probability of the outcomes of a particular hazard materializing, but this would not entirely eliminate the hazard itself. Suppose person A lives in an area in which the probability of a volcanic eruption is 0.01 (i.e. 1%). Person B lives in an area in which the probability of a volcanic eruption is 0.001 (i.e. 0.1%). Neither person A nor person B lives in the absence of a volcanic hazard, and yet their safety level is not the same. An adequate allocation principle should be able to distinguish between these two situations. Any discussion about the distribution of risks therefore somehow needs to be able to incorporate the probabilities of an unwanted state of affairs. Aware of the problem of the probabilistic nature of harmful acts, Nozick introduces the idea of threshold probabilities below which acts may be acceptable, even if they introduce the risk of harm. He argues that risk impositions should be seen in the light of the benefits they bring. Decision-making on risks requires us to determine which acts are valuable enough to permit, and which should be forbidden. He illustrates this with the example of mining or running trains:

For example, it might be decided that mining or running trains is sufficiently valuable to be allowed, even though each presents risks to the passer by no less than compulsory Russian roulette with one bullet and n chambers (with n set appropriately), which is prohibited because it is insufficiently valuable. (Nozick, Citation1974, p. 74)

With this quote, Nozick is far removed from the basic assumptions underlying natural rights theory. He seems to accept that risks require a trade-off between harms and benefits, but he leaves it open how this should be done. Hence, it seems that if natural rights theory is taken in its absolute form, it becomes unrealistic in the context of risks because it would forbid almost all activities. But if the prohibitions that follow from natural rights theory are loosened, natural rights theory has little to say on how to decide on acceptable risk levels (Altham, Citation1983–1984). Moreover, the very fact that harms need to be traded against benefits goes very much against the basic assumption of natural rights theory that people have the right not to be harmed for the sake of some public good.

A second candidate for thinking about risk distributions is contractualist theory. At first sight, Rawls’ maximin rule may provide a rational means to think about risk impositions as it is especially developed for a situation of choice under uncertainty. The original position can be characterized by the following three features or conditions: first, people do not have any knowledge of likelihoods and probabilities of the possible circumstances; second, it is not worthwhile to take a chance for the sake of a gain beyond some minimum threshold, especially when the person runs the risk of losing something that is of value to him or her; and third, the rejected alternatives have outcomes that one can hardly accept; these situations involve grave risks (Rawls, Citation1999/1971, p. 134). For Rawls, in situations that satisfy these three conditions, the maximin rule provides the most rational rule. On a superficial reading, the third condition seems to fit the idea that we want to avoid irreversible loss. Yet, when extending the maximin rule to the context of risk distributions, we face a similar problem as with extending natural rights theory to the context of risk distributions: risks cannot be eliminated altogether. The maximin rule is developed for the distribution of income, wealth and opportunity. For each of these goods, if a minimum threshold is set, each person can be sure of attaining at least that particular amount of goods. For risks, this is impossible. There will always be risks, which makes it impossible to find some minimum that can be secured for each person. So it seems that the most one can do is to strive for the lowest risk level possible. The first and second conditions together indeed suggest that one should choose for maximum protection against the worst outcome, i.e. one should reduce the probabilities that these outcomes materialize to the lowest level possible. However, it may sometimes be worthwhile accepting a higher risk for the sake of some additional goods above some minimum if the costs of a higher safety level are sufficiently high, as also formulated by Nozick in the quote above. The maximin rule provides little guidance on how and when to go for less than the most cautious actions. Especially if there is a situation where one risk has to be traded against some other risk, the maximin rule is too general to provide information on how much and what type of risk to accept. Hence, like natural rights theory, Rawls’ contractarian theory is in its absolutist form not practically feasible for real situations, or, in a more moderate reading, it leaves too many things open when dealing with real situations of risks. Especially when it comes to risk-risk trade-offs, the maximin rule does not seem to be able to provide an answer on how to weigh different risks.

Although this discussion of normative theories is not exhaustive, it does show that it is no trivial matter to apply existing theories to the context of risks. The main points seem to be that the distribution of risks requires not only the inclusion of probabilities, but also that these theories need to be able to say something about risk-risk trade-offs. For that, an allocation principle for distributing risks should be able to distinguish between different types of risks, which in turn means that risks should not be taken as an aggregated measure of likelihood and outcome (like, for example expected utility). I therefore propose to use a notion of the ‘good’ to be distributed that takes the form of a set of risk-functions, each risk-function taking into account a probability, the nature of the loss, and the disvalue of the loss. So instead of taking into account one overall outcome or loss, we have to account for each loss separately. This will allow us to avoid the problems related to incommensurability. Additionally, by also including the nature of the loss, we can distinguish between different types of losses. With this concept of risk as the ‘good’ to be distributed, we can now try to see how these risks should be distributed.

Substantiating the Allocation Principles for Reversible and Irreversible Loss

We now have a risk-function that takes three variables into account. One of these variables is the nature of the loss. In Section 3, I discussed that it is impossible to prevent all risks. Deciding on acceptable risk levels requires that the potential costs that come with the prevention of some loss be weighed against the loss itself, especially if reducing one risk implies the increase of some other risk. The point about irreversible loss is therefore not that it should be prevented at all costs, ‘but, rather, that the notion of irreversibility needs to be taken into account when calculations of this sort are made’ (Dobson, Citation1998: p.48). A first step in doing so is to look for suitable allocation principles for irreversible risks and reversible risks respectively. After having done this, we can see whether, and if so, how, the different allocation principles can be combined into one allocation framework. This requires first a precise demarcation between risks with reversible and risks with irreversible loss.

In Section 2, I explained that the claim about irreversibility that is of concern in the current paper is primarily one about incommensurability of values. For that reason, it may be convenient to define irreversibility also in terms of incommensurability in order to avoid confusion with physical irreversibility or economic irreversibility.

I propose the following definition of morally relevant irreversible losses for the context of distributions of risk.

A loss is irreversible in a morally relevant sense if:

all other things being equal, a person, or group of people, suffers the loss of an incommensurable good that cannot be substituted or compensated by an equivalent of the same good elsewhere.

As explained, the incommensurable nature of the loss refers to the unique character of the loss. It avoids including trivial irreversible losses for which a monetary equivalent or other compensation would be available. Spilling coffee may leave brown spots on a white shirt that cannot be removed, but we do not want that type of loss to be treated as reversible in the context of distributive justice. But as Pearce et al. (Citation1989/1990) emphasize, there is also a category of irreversible loss that can be substituted, for example, by an equivalent of the same good elsewhere. An ecosystem, for example, may in itself be of incommensurable value, but if the conditions can be created such that a similar ecosystem will develop elsewhere, one could argue that the loss of that ecosystem counts differently than the loss of a unique ecosystem that cannot be created elsewhere. I do not want to claim that non-unique ecosystems are not of value and it may very well be the case that in practice all ecosystems are unique, because it turns out to be impossible to create exactly the same conditions elsewhere. Yet, theoretically, it is not impossible that the loss of something of incommensurable value could be replaced by adding this same good elsewhere. This also suggests that loss to common buildings most of the times counts as reversible loss, but that loss of architectural heritage or ancient monuments count as irreversible loss, because the latter cannot be rebuilt.

Based on this definition of morally relevant irreversible outcomes, typical reversible outcomes in the context of risks include not only monetary loss but also environmental impact on resilient ecosystems. Irreversible outcomes typically refer to loss of life, destruction of unique ecosystems and loss of cultural heritage.Footnote4 This shows that irreversibility is not something unique to the environment, even though most of the theoretical discussions take place in that domain.

With this demarcation criterion between reversible and irreversible loss, let us now see how we can allocate the accompanying risks. Ever since Aristotle, philosophers have tried to give meaning to and justification of principles of distributive justice. Most of the various theories of justice base their allocation principles on considerations of needs, desert, responsibility, entitlement, equality and utility (Dobson, Citation1998).Footnote5 Which of these considerations are relevant for our purposes?

Let us first focus on the risks with reversible loss. A strong case can be made for considerations of efficiency being the guiding factor here and for losses to be distributed according to some optimization principle. In terms of taking preventive measures against risks with only reversible losses, there is an optimum risk level below which it is no longer efficient to invest in reducing the risk level. The main argument for favouring efficiency at the expense of principles such as equality or need is the fact that risks do not always materialize and that the losses can be compensated for without any loss to individual people. This also argues for an approach that reduces the risks only to such a level that any further reduction of the risk would be more costly than the benefits associated with a higher safety level. This principle allows for—but does not necessitate—compensation in the event the risk materializes. But what if people freely choose to expose themselves to risks, would it then not be fairer to apply considerations of desert or responsibility? In theory, this may well be possible, but in practice it may be difficult to implement. In those situations, it may also be more appropriate to treat these risks under other risks principles. As explained in the introduction, this paper is explicitly focused on those risks to which risk principles such as informed consent and the precautionary principle do not apply. In situations where people deliberately expose themselves to risks, it may make more sense to treat the risks under the informed consent principle. Hence, these are better not treated as a risk distribution situation. The applicability of the informed consent principle is limited in situations in which the group affected cannot be identified with sufficient precision. But in those situations, it is also unlikely that all people are equally responsible for the fact that they are exposed to a particular risk, which makes distribution according to desert or responsibility problematic. Responsibility and desert is then difficult to implement as all people possibly affected will probably benefit from risk reducing measures. In those situations, it may be better to distribute the risks according to efficiency, but to leave the possibility open to account for responsibility and desert in the payment of the risk-reducing measures.

The more difficult question is what the guiding considerations should be for allocating the irreversible outcomes of risks. What is it that makes irreversible outcomes so important to avoid? As stated in Section 2, the underlying concern with irreversible outcomes is that something qualitatively unique, without real substitutes will be gone permanently (Sunstein, Citation2010).

There are two separate lines of argumentation that both point to some threshold level of protection against irreversible outcomes. The first line emphasizes the fact that irreversibility results in a reduction in people’s options for action — and with that their freedom to choose between different courses of action. Following this line of argumentation, the main question becomes: how can we allocate risks with irreversible outcomes in such a way that people are not deprived of this freedom? As people value different things, it is impossible to create a comprehensive hierarchy or ordering of the various irreversible outcomes. The only way to safeguard people’s freedom of choice would be to protect against each type of irreversible loss up to some threshold level. Otherwise, further protection against one type of irreversible loss may come at the expense of protection against some other type, which in turn may deprive individuals of their freedom to pursue their lives as they see fit. For this reason, value pluralists, who believe that some values are non-fungible, often apply a threshold approach to justice (Galston, Citation2002). Martha Nussbaum, for example, argues that justice requires that citizens be placed above a specified threshold level for all central capabilities. In Nussbaum’s account of justice, the threshold levels are grounded on needs. People are able to live a meaningful life only insofar as they have the opportunities associated with the central capabilities at least up to some threshold level (Nussbaum, Citation2011, pp. 35–36).

The second line of argumentation emphasizes the very aim of allocating risk reducing measures. Since the aim is to avoid irreversible outcomes, the only appropriate principles are those that actually contribute to that aim (Dobson, Citation1998, pp. 212–213). Hence, a comparative notion such as equality does not seem appropriate because it is not consistent with the aim of avoiding irreversible outcomes (cf. the levelling-down objection). In other words, absolute, objective-driven allocation principles are the only principles consistent with the aim of risk management. However, instead of equal risk levels or equal outcomes, equality could also be interpreted in terms of equal concern for each person, for example, by paying a same amount on risk reducing measures for each person (cf. Scanlon, Citation2000). Everyone could, for example, have their baseline risk reduced as much as possible consistent with everyone else enjoying the same degree of risk reduction, which would seem to make this interpretation of equality less vulnerable to the levelling-down objection. This may work for individual safety but it is less applicable to other irreversible losses. Beyond the context of individual people’s safety, the equal concern for people may still compete with concern for other irreversible losses. There will probably be a point where further reduction of the baseline risk for individual people will come at the expense of environmental or other types of irreversible harm. Hence, in order to account for the full range of irreversible losses, we need to have a limit below which further protection is not necessary or at least less urgent. When considering the full range of traditional allocation principles, need is the only objective-driven principle that contributes to the aim of avoiding irreversible outcomes.Footnote6 Following this reasoning, also according to the second line of argumentation, irreversible risks should be reduced to a sufficiently low threshold level based on needs.

In the light of uncertainty, the operationalization of the notion of need is far from simple. Addressing irreversible risks according to needs boils down to attempting to prevent the outcomes from materializing and offering protection according to needs. It is one thing to offer this protection, but such protection provides no guarantee that no harm will be done at all. Where allocation according to needs in welfare schemes may be secured by providing all people the elementary goods up to some sufficiency level, for some irreversible outcomes it is only the probability of irreversible loss or harm that can be reduced to a sufficiently low level. Once disaster strikes, people may experience irreversible loss even if protection has been put into place. As such, protection against irreversible loss may be offered up to some sufficiency level, but it cannot be guaranteed that the protection measures do indeed suffice to avoid loss once these risks materialize. Granted that it cannot be guaranteed that the protection measures suffice to avoid loss, the protection can also be aimed at turning irreversible loss into reversible loss or at reducing the scale of the loss. Taking the example of flooding: the probability that a person will die during a flood event, a loss that counts as irreversible in the sense of this paper, may be reduced by strengthening the dykes along the river, which reduces the probability of flooding and thus also the chance of dying from a flood event. Alternatively or additionally, the probability that a person will die may also be reduced to a sufficiently low level by investing in good emergency plans so that not so much the probability of the flood event itself is reduced, but that the likelihood of dying from the event is reduced by making sure that needs are still met even if flooding occurs.

Further work is needed to operationalize the notion of need in the context of risk. It should probably be tailored to the specific type of irreversible outcome. Different threshold levels may be set for different values to be protected, for example, ecosystems or cultural heritage. In the case of harm to natural objects or species, the threshold could be linked to the uniqueness of the area and the possibility of extinction of some species. In the context of ecosystems, tipping points have been identified beyond which an ecosystem can no longer restore itself. Beyond these tipping points, the outcomes will become irreversible. So here the goal will primarily be to ensure that reversible losses do not turn into irreversible ones. The notion of resilience, roughly defined as a system’s ability to adapt to external disturbances, may play a role here (cf. Folke, Citation2006).

The exact thresholds will probably also depend on the specific context. In a situation of limited resources or specific geographic circumstances, it may be impossible to reduce all irreversible risks to a sufficiently low level. The framework proposed in this paper is not intended to prioritize between different irreversible risks, as this would conflict with the underlying assumption of incommensurability. In those situations in which not all irreversible risks can be reduced to a sufficiently low level, the threshold levels can probably not be set at a level based on needs.

A final open question is how to combine the two allocation principles. As explained in the discussion of the irreversible risks, it may be difficult to meet the needs once the risks materialize. For that reason, I propose that the different types of outcomes be addressed successively, with the allocation of irreversible risks receiving priority over the allocation of reversible risks. By addressing the risks, I mean reducing the risks to the level that corresponds to the threshold level. Of course, some measures to reduce irreversible losses may also lead to an increase or decrease in the probability of reversible losses materializing or to an increase or decrease in the severity of the loss itself. But the fact that these losses can be compensated justifies our conclusion that these losses should be considered only after the irreversible losses have been adequately addressed.

One could object that it may sometimes be counterintuitive to give priority to irreversible losses over reversible losses, for example in a situation in which one person runs the risk of experiencing some irreversible loss and millions of other people run the risk of experiencing reversible loss. Why should we give priority to the one person? Or one could object that it may still be worthwhile to try to avoid some reversible outcomes even if maximum effort has not yet been put into avoiding irreversible outcomes.

My response to these objections would be to point out that the lexicographical ordering described above does not stipulate that irreversible losses should be avoided at all costs or be reduced to the lowest level possible at the expense of reversible losses. The lexicographical ordering of allocation principles only stipulates that the irreversible risks should be addressed first (according to needs) before reversible outcomes are addressed. It does not stipulate reducing to the lowest level possible the probability that irreversible losses materialize or using all available resources to do so. After reducing the irreversible risks to a sufficiently low level, protective measures against reversible measures can still be implemented if the expected benefits for doing so justify the expected costs that need to be made. Accordingly, in the situation in which millions of people run the risk of large reversible loss, the severity of the impact will probably justify taking protective measures so that these risks do not materialize. There will be an optimum risk level below which the costs of further safety measures are no longer justified. As long as the risk level is above that optimum, it may be rational to implement these measures and the current allocation framework allows for that most of the time. The only situation in which this is not possible is a situation in which the reversible losses can only be prevented by implementing measures that unavoidably entail irreversible loss. In those situations, the lexicographical ordering may indeed prevent the implementation of these measures against the reversible losses, but only insofar the probabilities of irreversible losses are not yet sufficiently low. In practice, it is questionable whether such extreme situations actually exist. It is doubtful whether protection against irreversible harm for one person would make protection against reversible harm for millions of other people impossible. Terrorism may be such a context, but one could also say that the traumatic experience of terrorism in itself counts as an irreversible loss to those affected by terrorism. In other words, this may not be a situation where the irreversible loss to one person’s need to be weighed against the reversible loss for millions of people. To account for these extreme situations as well, the exact demarcation between reversible and irreversible losses may require further elaboration.

We thus end up with the following lexicographical procedure for distributing risks: first, irreversible outcomes should be distributed according to needs. After that, the remaining reversible risks should be distributed according to efficiency.

With protection against irreversible losses up to some threshold level and protection against reversible losses according to optimization, the following lexicographical set of allocation principles emerges:

[1] For each risk function with irreversible loss, ensure that the probability of the irreversible loss is reduced to some threshold level corresponding to the respective loss.

[2] Reduce and redistribute the remaining losses so that the net costs of the protective measures and the expected harm is minimized.

The threshold level in [1] can be understood as a maximum probability that the respective losses materialize. One could conceive of these different thresholds as the boundaries spanning an area with acceptable solutions, comparable to the idea of output filters (Goodin, Citation1986, p. 78).

These two propositions together provide the basic scheme for the allocation of risks. At first glance, the framework shows some similarities with the idea of truncated utilitarianism developed by Jon Elster in the context of welfare schemes. Truncated utilitarianism is also formulated in terms of a lexicographical ordering of allocation principles: individual wealth is distributed up to some threshold level, and it is only after fully reaching this floor level that utilitarian principles become guiding.Footnote7 However, an important difference between Elster’s idea of truncated utilitarianism and the allocation scheme developed in this paper is that Elster’s allocation principles are all directed at the same good to be allocated, viz. welfare systems. In the framework, I have developed in this paper, the two allocation principles developed for risks are targeted at irreversible losses and the remaining outcomes, respectively.


In this paper, I have sought to develop a framework for distributing risks that can account for the intuition that the irreversible nature of some losses should be taken into account when distributing risks.

Since not all risks materialize, the distribution of risks is distinctly different from the distribution of certain goods. By distinguishing between reversible and irreversible outcomes, the allocation framework consists of a lexicographical ordering of different allocation principles whereby the probability that irreversible outcomes occur is reduced to a sufficiently low threshold level first. After that, the remaining outcomes are addressed on the basis of optimization. This allows for a different treatment of reversible and irreversible outcomes, including both considerations of needs and efficiency.

An important advantage of this allocation framework is that it does not require the aggregation of incommensurable values into one measure. One open question that needs further research is how to operationalize the notion of need in the context of uncertain irreversible outcomes and, accordingly, how to set the threshold levels for the different irreversible outcomes. The threshold levels will depend on the type of irreversible outcome and probably also the context at hand. The set of allocation principles developed in this paper can provide the basic rationale for determining how to distribute and implement measures to reduce and redistribute risks.

Disclosure statement

No potential conflict of interest was reported by the author.


This research is supported by the Netherlands Organization for Scientific Research (NWO) under [grant number 016-144-071].


1. Other contexts include physics, in which the concept of irreversibility is applied to processes being reversible or not, and the medical domain, in which irreversible characterizes a state of an organism from which recovery is impossible, with recovery defined in terms of being capable of fulfilling a function (Manson, Citation2007).

2. In the ecological economics literature, the term ‘option value’ was originally used to refer to the willingness to pay for maintaining or preserving a public asset or service in the future even if there is no certainty that people will exercise the option at any time (Weisbrod, Citation1964). Arrow and Fisher (Citation1974) introduced the term ‘quasi option value’, which they linked to situations characterized by both irreversibility and the prospect of resolving or reducing uncertainty with the passage of time. In the more recent literature, the term ‘option value’ is also used to refer to ‘quasi option-value’. For reasons of readability, I use the term ‘option value’ to refer to ‘quasi option value’.

3. Also in situations of Keynesian/Knightian uncertainty (Keynes, Citation1921; Knight, Citation1935/1921), in which the probabilities of the outcomes are not known, a utilitarian could in principle resort to subjective probabilities to maximize expected utility on that basis (Altham, Citation1983–1984).

4. Depending on one’s position in the anthropocentrism-ecocentrism debate, one may take irreversible loss to include harm to individual tokens or only focus on the extinction of species or ecosystems.

5. Less fine-grained classifications also speak about roughly three rationales: equality, efficiency and responsibility; cf. (Schwettmann, Citation2012).

6. See (Dobson, Citation1998, pp. 212–213) for a detailed analysis of these principles in the context of irreversibility and environmental justice.

7. Elster’s overall conception of welfare can be stated in terms of four propositions, each of which modifies the proposition preceding it (Elster, Citation1995, p. 97):

[1] maximize total welfare;

[2] deviate from that goal if necessary to ensure that all achieve a minimum level of welfare;

[3] deviate from the requirement of a minimal level of welfare in the case of persons who fall below it because of their own choices;

[4] deviate from that principle of not supporting the persons identified in (3) if their failure to plan ahead and react to incentives is due to severe poverty and deprivation.

The third and fourth propositions refer to desert. Taking into account desert in the case of risks is difficult, especially in the case of collective risks. A full account of desert would not only include one’s contribution to a risk but also one’s role in living in a risk-prone area and the reason for choosing to live there. For example, it may make quite a difference whether one needs to live in an area with volcanic activity for work or whether one chooses to live there to enjoy the thermal baths and the beautiful surroundings. These considerations need to be taken into account when further developing and operationalizing the aspect of desert in the present allocation framework.


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