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The National Association of Specialty Pharmacy Abstract Program


The National Association of Specialty Pharmacy (NASP) Annual Meeting & Expo is being held from September 9–12 at the Marriott Wardman in Washington, DC. More than 1,200 specialty pharmacy stakeholders are expected to attend. The agenda includes 36 educational sessions organized into four CORE tracks: C = Clinical; O = Operational; R = Regulatory; and E = Experience. The conference also includes keynote speakers, a large exhibit hall, post-conference workshops, continuing education satellite symposia, and poster presentations.

The poster presentations allow NASP members to showcase the results of their research. Blinded abstracts were reviewed by NASP members and over 40 abstracts were accepted for presentation at the conference. The abstracts represent a diverse array of topics, including specialty pharmacy management, interventions, medication adherence, and access. Many of the abstracts focus on specialty conditions, including oncology, transplant therapy, hepatitis C virus, multiple sclerosis, and autoimmune conditions.

During the conference, authors will present their posters that further demonstrate their innovation, commitment to quality care, and service excellence, as well as specialty pharmacy’s positive impact on the patient journey and the total cost of care. Conference attendees will vote to select the top poster(s), and the author(s) will be presented with an award on Wednesday morning at 8 AM.

NASP has partnered with the Journal of Drug Assessment to make the abstracts available to a larger worldwide audience in this open-access supplement. Copies of abstracts and posters from 2019 and prior years can be accessed at www.naspnet.org/abstractsposters. Additionally, as of September, the Journal of Drug Assessment will serve as an official journal of NASP.

As a 501(c)(6) non-profit trade organization, NASP is the only non-profit national association representing all stakeholders in the specialty pharmacy industry. The mission of NASP is to elevate the practice of specialty pharmacy by developing and promoting continuing professional education and certification of specialty pharmacists, while advocating for public policies that ensure patients have appropriate access to specialty medications in tandem with critical services.

NASP members include the nation’s leading independent specialty pharmacies, pharmaceutical and biotechnology manufacturers, group purchasing organizations, patient advocacy groups, integrated delivery systems and health plans, technology and data management vendors, wholesalers/distributors, and practicing pharmacists. With over 110 corporate members and 1,600 individual members, NASP is the unified voice of specialty pharmacy in the United States.

The association was founded in 2013 and hosts this annual meeting each September that offers education sessions, continuing education credits, and a certification program for specialty pharmacists. The NASP website is located at www.naspnet.org.