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Session Subject Index

Session Subject Index

18FDG-PET imaging, 43

AAC, 27

AAV, 59


accelerometry, 26

adaptive, 16

advance care planning (ACP), 8

age, 62

angiogenin, 14

apoptosis, 71

assisted suicide, 74

astrocyte, 50, 60

autonomy, 75

axon degeneration, 22

axonal transport, 22, 23

BAC, 57

BMAA, 73

BaseScope, 36

behaviour, 31, 51

behavioural changes, 51

Betz cells, 19

biomarkers, 11, 12, 14, 17, 45, 46, 66, 67, 68, 69

blood biomarkers, 46

blood-brain barrier, 4

bulbar function, 25

C9ORF72, 57

C9ORF72, 5, 6, 35, 43, 44, 50, 71, 72

C9orf72 ALS/FTD, 57

C9orf72 repeat expansion, 29

CSMN, 19

calcium buffering, 6

care management, 8

caregiver burden, 41

caregiver, 40

case-control study, 29

case-control, 31

causality, 29

cell type specificity, 13

clinical care, 39

clinical management, 82

clinical trials, 1, 3, 16, 26

clusterin, 21

cognition, 21, 31, 51, 53, 55

cognitive change, 52

cognitive decline, 13

comorbidity, 29

composite endpoint, 17

consensus guidelines, 1

coping styles, 40

copper, 60

copy number variation, 33

corpus callosum, 12

correlation of early treatment clinical response with extended survival, 17

corticospinal tract, 23

cyanobacteria, 73

demographics, 30

dextromethorphan/quinidine, 25

diagnostic issues, 51

diffusion, 12

dimensional apathy scale, 41

dipeptide, 71

discharge properties, 54

disease model, 4

disease progression, 26, 54

disease subtypes, 3, 11

drosophila model, 71

eating and drinking, 74

electroencephalography, 55

end-of-life, 75

episodic memory, 52

ethical issues, 7

excitotoxicity, 5

exercise intensity, 84

exercise, 82

expression, 35

extracellular vesicles, 67


FM19G11, 4

FUS, 76

ferroptosis, 69

functional outcome, 81

gastrostomy, 80

gene testing, 7

gene therapy, 7

gene-environment interaction, 29, 84

genetic association, 33

genetics, 7, 30, 33, 35, 63

genome sequencing, 34

glia, 59

glial activation, 10

guidelines, 7

hastened death, 74, 75

heterogeneity, 3

homeostasis, 54

human vs mouse, 78

human, 48, 54

hypothalamus, 84

imaging, 10, 11

immune response, 46

immunotherapy, 57

induced pluripotent stem cells, 6

interactome, 14

inverse probability weighting, 80

lifestyle risk factor, 84

liquid-liquid phase separation, 76

long survival, 63

longitudinal assessment, 52

longitudinal, 51

loss of function, 35

MRI, 43


mGlu5, 59

machine learning, 33

Markov model, 65

media analysis, 74

medical assistance in dying, 74

mesenchymal stem cells, 49

metabolic, 66

metabolism, 50

miRNA, 49, 67

microbiome, 2

microcircuits, 54

microglia, 48, 73

mindfulness, 40

model, 35

modelling, 64

modified Delphi method, 1

morphology, 20

motoneurons, 54

motor phenotypes, 30

mouse model, 14

multidisciplinary care, 8

multidisciplinary, 39

mutation, 22

NEAT1, 77

NP001, 17

Nrf2, 60

network dysfunction, 55

neurodegeneration, 13, 48

neurodegenerative disorders, 46

neuroendocine, 66

neurofilament, 45

neuroinflammation, 2, 17

neuronal apoptosis inhibitory protein, 69

neuropathology, 36

neuroprotection, 71

neurotrophic factors, 22, 23

non-coding RNA, 68

non-coding genome, 33

non-invasive ventilation, 80, 82, 83

nucleocytoplasmic transport, 76

nutrition, 84

optogenetics, 78, 79

outcome measures, 27, 38

p38 MAPK, 22


PROMs, 38

pNfH, 46

palliative care, 74

paraspeckle, 77

pathological signalling, 71

pathology, 19, 20

perfusion imaging, 44

person-centred care, 8

pharmacogenetic interactions, 16

pharmacoresistance, 4

phase separation, 76

physical activity, 10

pre-symptomatic ALS, 43

pre-symptomatic spinal cords, 48

pre-symptomatic, 43, 44, 45

prediagnostic, 46

prediction, 69

primary lateral sclerosis, 62

primary motor cortex, 19

prognosis, 62, 80

prognostic marker, 69

progression rate, 81

progression, 64

pseudotemporal ordering, 13

psychiatric disorders, 31

psychological distress, 40

psychological stress, 31

psychological well-being, 40

psychosis, 53

pulmonary function testing, 25, 80

quality control, 55

quality of life, 38, 40, 41

RAN proteins, 57

RNA-seq, 68

RNAi, 59

randomised, 16

real world experience, 55

remote monitoring, 25

respiratory strength training, 82

responder analysis, 17

riluzole, 65

risk factor, 31, 69

SOD1, 59, 63, 72

SOD1/G93A mouse astrocytes, 49

selective vulnerability, 19

single cell RNA-seq, 13

single chain antibody, 58

single neuron, 34

size-dependent axon loss, 23

skeletal muscle, 23

slow vital capacity, 81

somatic mutation, 34

spatial transcriptomics, 36

Speak:Unique, 27

speech, 25, 27

spinal cord, 10

spinal motor neuron, 78

splicing, 78

staging, 65

stem cell, 4

stereopure antisense oligonucleotides, 57

stress granule, 76, 79

stress, 2

supportive care, 39

survival, 16, 53

synapse, 13

systematic review, 82

TDP-43, 5, 14, 20, 21, 58, 67, 77, 78, 79

tRNA, 14

telemedicine, 25

tracheostomy ventilation, 83

transgenic mouse model, 57

transportin (TNPO1), 76

treatment, 82

trial design, 27

TREM2, 48

TONiC study, 38

upper motor neuron, 19, 23

voicebank, 27

VUS, 7

weight loss, 84

Wilson and Cleary model, 38

withholding/withdrawing therapy, 8

zebrafish, 72